May 23, 2014
Kraken service center installed 5.11 today. Says it's a maintenance release.�
May 23, 2014
NigelM Release notes? Pics please.
May 23, 2014
Kraken Driving home now. Noticed this looks different but can't figure out what. Release notes were the same as 5.9.
May 23, 2014
Benjamin Brooks 5.9 (v1.51.xx) to 5.11 (v1.59.44) with the same release notes... really Tesla?
May 23, 2014
ZBB Nostalgia for Windows 3.11 perhaps?�
May 23, 2014
pgiralt Got it today as well from the service center. Haven't noticed anything different and release notes are identical to 5.9.�
May 23, 2014
May 23, 2014
Zextraterrestrial does it get rid of the multple charge locations remembered do to wandering gps for a single charge spot? I just noticed that my home has a lot of charge markers that I don't think used to show up�
May 23, 2014
TurboFroggy I am seeing the exact same bug. It is like I have been "charging around the neighborhood"...�
May 23, 2014
cwave1 Does anyone that has this installed notice whether Slacker has been fixed or improved? I also had more need for reboots and problems with Bluetooth on 5.9 so would be interested whether these are fixed as well.�
May 23, 2014
mibaro2 I received it yesterday, and today Slacker was still spinning searching for a song. Will have to give it more time to see if reboots and bluetooth are fixed.�
May 23, 2014
Kalud Just got it too, 5.11 (v1.59.44).
Never had bluetooth, Slacker or reboot issue on both versions.�
May 23, 2014
pgiralt One thing I have noticed is that Rated Range on a 90% charge seems to have increased again. I just charged up to 234 while I was getting 231 or 232 with 5.9.�
May 23, 2014
Kraken I've never had multiple charging location or slacker issues, so I won't be able to help with those questions�
May 23, 2014
FlasherZ Seems to be a few fixes here/there for minor bugs.�
May 23, 2014
Bugeater Bluetooth is way better on 5.9 than it was before. What changed? I got a new HTC One M8. Slacked is not doing as well...�
May 24, 2014
ChriZ I thought they removed the auto leveling of the car when you step out but its still thereNo slacker or BT issues here.
May 24, 2014
paco3791 The one change I notice after the Service center brought the car back yesterday with 5.11 was that the sunroof detent between open and vent had changed from 80% to 75%. I never really had any wind noise issues at 80 but presumambly someone did. Unless there is some small aerodynamic difference between the two.
Also seeing some formatting changes on the dash display. Specifically the location and format of the scheduled charging time notification. Others may also have changed.�
May 24, 2014
youlikeadajuice Did a shuffle option for USB media finally get added?
May 24, 2014
N4HHE Knew it! I just got from 5.8.4 to 5.9 on Friday morning! And Saturday morning 5.11 is out!
- - - Updated - - -
I was set to charge to 202 miles with 5.8.4 which drops to 200 an hour or two later. When 5.9 arrived Thursday night I found 210, drops to 208 on Friday morning. A bit surprised that it only dropped to 203 10 miles later but was at 199 by noon.�
May 24, 2014
Mayhemm Seems to me that this wasn't really worthy of its own version number.
Perhaps 5.9.11?�
May 24, 2014
tnawara Like a few other posters in the thread, I've had significant Bluetooth issues, a lagging display, and reboot problems since the 5.9 update. I had *never* (in 7+ months of ownership) had to reboot the screens before 5.9, and now I've done it three times. Attempting to pair my phone now is an exercise in frustration and, on the chance that I get it to work, my Bluetooth connection will randomly drop - even in the middle of calls. I haven't received 5.11 yet, but I am *really* hoping it helps.�
May 24, 2014
Kraken Interesting happenings tonight. I had been navigating and using everything just fine. Then, I dropped someone off at a hotel, and when I went to navigate home, it said "navigator is initializing" and my blinker on the dash stopped flashing (i was waiting to turn out of the parking lot) and just had the green background shape with no arrow.
Cancelled the navigator, and it said initializing again the second time, but it eventually went and my blinker didn't act funny�
May 25, 2014
SCW-Greg Odd how others, like myself, have had no issues with the any version of OS since 5.x... using Bluetooth, wifi, driving 60+ miles a day, etc. etc.
Makes me wonder if there are different components on one motherboard to the next.�
May 25, 2014
Vger I guess the most significant thing about 5.11 going out is that 6.0 is NOT immanent. Oh well!
- - - Updated - - -
BTW, I have not gotten it yet...�
May 25, 2014
andrewket It's always possible 5.11 has some new features that haven't been "enabled" yet. I haven't seen Tesla so this, but it's not uncommon to push out client code before a new service release, wait for distribution, and then flip a bit to enable all the clients at the same time.�
May 25, 2014
scaesare The comments about console reboots are interesting. I've had the .94 flavor 5.9 for several months (as have most I suspect), and haven't had any real issues.
In the least couple of weeks I've had to reboot the console 3-4 times for either the navigation portions of the center console not working, or Slacker not responding...�
May 25, 2014
wk057 Only issues I've had so far at all with regard to the consoles (5.9, may or may not be 5.9-only issues):
- Every now and then while slacker is playing, it will start playing a song and then do the whole "broken record" stutter thing (technically where the sound hardware keeps repeating the last few KB of sound). Within 5 seconds or so it stops and resets, and restarts the same song (just Slacker, not the whole console). So, it's not a huge issue. (Only happened about 4 times total)
- When parked in my dark garage, sometimes when I pull out during the day the consoles do not auto brighten. I have to reboot the center screen to make it happen. Same happens sometimes at night after parking in a well lit area and heading to the street, screens don't darken without a reboot. (Only has happened ~3 times total)
- Center console was completely unresponsive one morning after sitting overnight (not plugged in). After hopping in and driving off, nothing from the center console after 5+ minutes (black). Reboot solved. (Happened once.)
This is over the course of ~3 months and ~8,000 miles. I consider all of it extremely minor, but figured I'd note here.�
May 25, 2014
Doug_G One thing to remember is that our cars are NOT identical. There are different hardware versions as Tesla has made many changes over time. They have to send different cars different firmware configurations.
The Signature cars in particular often have a mix of different generation hardware as changes were made more rapidly in the early days, and if service was performed they would get newer components. My car had its touchscreen replaced with a newer version, and it had its door handles replaced with the newer ones that extend 90%. So my car is probably unique in the fleet, as no doubt are many others.�
May 25, 2014
DrComputer I just visited the London Tesla store and sat in the new right hand drive cars and noticed that it had version 5.11 firmware too.�
May 25, 2014
Jgdixon FYI a service manager told me the car downloads every iteration and then automatically knows which one to apply for it's specific configuration.�
May 25, 2014
apacheguy This makes more sense. Think of an OS. They run on a multitude of configurations. The drivers are the only aspect that require reprogramming to get the setup to run on different boxes. Thus, I suspect that Tesla has different software drivers for A/B/C/D packs, revision 2 door handles, etc. It would make little sense for them to handcraft each firmware revision on an individual car by car basis.�
May 25, 2014
Doug_G Perhaps they've changed things. I was originally told that they had to generate a build for each unique configuration. Now maybe that was just in early days... it certainly sounds like a tedious way to do things.
Nevertheless, it's possible that there's a combination of hardware out there - various revisions of various modules - that has a problem they haven't figured out yet.�
May 26, 2014
Mayhemm Not sure if this will help, but what do the people having Bluetooth, Navigation, and/or Slacker trouble have set for their browser homepage?
A Tesla Ranger, who was out a couple days ago assessing my car's damage (sad topic for another day), advised me to leave the browser homepage set to "Google", "Tesla Motors" or other websites that do not constantly update/refresh. The example the Ranger gave as a site to avoid was a anything containing a Stock Ticker.
Apparently, a slow/unstable BT connection has been linked to overworking the car's cellular modem. It seems the car will refresh these pages even while powered off, and result in connection problems after a while.
Having never using the browser to any extent myself, I cannot comment on whether there is any truth to these claims. However, I do know that I have not experienced any issues with BT or phone connections, despite running FW5.9 from day-one.
May 26, 2014
jerry33 That's actually correct. The browser in the Tesla apparently stays live whether or not the browser is being displayed. A static page doesn't continually make connections.�
May 26, 2014
scaesare Interesting... I typically simply leave the browser on whatever page I was on last. Admittedly one of these is a weather forecast page that does indeed dynamically update.
I'll pay attention to that and see if I can correlate results...
Thanks Mayhemm...�
May 26, 2014
smd So this is NOT a good page to leave it on in the background?�
May 26, 2014
Steph_S Nor would any weather related websites, I guess. Most of them auto-refresh (for good reason).�
May 26, 2014
jacobp After reading this thread, I aimed my browser at the "dark" page: TeslaTap Dark Page�
May 26, 2014
scaesare Set the S browser to Google home page when I left home today. Drove for about an hour and a half with nav and slacker working correctly. Parked while I was at a baseball game.
Couldn't connect to car via mobile app after game, although when I got in the car it had good reported 3G connectivity. Slacker wouldn't play. Nav and browser did work correctly.
So in this case, despite a static web page loaded on the browser, it appears that something still covered a couple the apps that rely on connectivity...�
May 26, 2014
AlMc I believe that this is true. I understand they select beta testers by configurations of their vehicles as they experience different 'bugs' with different configurations when they produce a new generation of firmware. IMO (could be wrong), 5.11 probably fixes a problems with a certain configuration.�
May 27, 2014
pgiralt Just found a regression in 5.11. The ability to search Slacker for songs containing an apostrophe which was fixed in the last 5.9 release is broken again in 5.11.�
May 27, 2014
ChriZ First charge to 50% on 5.11 and it was showing 100miles of rated range where I was seeing 90 miles of range at 50% charge before.�
May 27, 2014
SUN-day Driver Mine was updated to 5.11 when I brought it in for its annual service. Before that I was on 5.9. I'm the type to wait to apply updates until I read here about the effects of them, both intended and unintended, so I would have not done the update if it had been my choice.
On 5.9 I told it to not ask me again about setting a Home location, but it kept asking me every day. Now on 5.11 it hasn't asked that again, so I guess that is one of the things they fixed. I wish it would stop asking me to set up Wifi, but it still asks me that every day with no option to say don't ask me again.
I haven't noticed anything else different. I wish they would tell us what's in these updates. The release notes are the same as for 5.9.�
May 27, 2014
dirkhh A recurring statement appears to be "... updated at the service center".
Anyone got 5.11 OTA?�
May 28, 2014
tomas OR... 6.0 imminent and 5.11 contains non-obvious prerequisites. Who ever really knows, it's like waiting for next season of Sherlock.�
May 28, 2014
GaryREM Passenger airbag icon looks different in 5.11 or is that just that the loaner is a newer build date?�
May 28, 2014
Muzzman1 OTA 2 days ago.�
May 29, 2014
mg012 Got my own car back with 5.11, confirmed the airbag icon is new.�
May 29, 2014
NigelM +1 OTA about 5 days ago.�
May 29, 2014
swegman I'm new to Model S. When do the software updates go to the cars OTA? I have not seen a notice for 5.11 for mine. Can you ask for the update or check for it like on my MAC or iPhone?
May 29, 2014
AmpedRealtor There's a seemingly random sequence that's generally spread over several weeks. Unless your car is in for service it's best just to sit back and wait, then the only time it gets stressful is when there's some new feature that you're dying to have but which others have received already.�
May 30, 2014
andrewket I had my car in the Rockville SC yesterday for the battery shield, and asked for the update. When I picked up the car, I did not notice on the work order that the update had been done, and asked about it. They told me that 5.11 is only for the new cars coming off the line. Based upon what I've read here, I don't think that is accurate. However, since I do not have any major issues with 5.9, I let it go.�
May 30, 2014
Lump 5.11 is for all vehicles. It is rolling out OTA and is also available through SC install. I have been having issues with my 5.9 install - freezing screen - and they are pushing out a 5.11 build specifically for me this weekend and at the request of my SC. My SC went straight to engineering and got the request approved. I just asked.�
May 30, 2014
islandbayy My car was in for service today and did not receive the update (I didn't ask for it, either). The loaner car had 5.11. Vin 23xxx.�
May 30, 2014
jerry33 I was in for the battery shield this past week & was told they would install 5.11, as I was leaving I was told it was installed but didn't check until I got home...still on 1.51.94I am not experiencing any issues so waiting for the OTA update is fine.
Jun 1, 2014
Kalud Some more complaints about 5.11,
My Center Console crashes regularly now, never had a issue with that in any past firmwares. Charging stopped one night, and everything crashed, and barely got in the vehicle.
My 100% charges have INSTANTLY Changed with the firmware update. 5.9 I was getting 206-209 Rated miles on a charge. Instantly on 5.11 I am barely getting 200. And when it does go higher then 200, within 30 minutes of charging complete, I loose 1-2 % of my battery capacity.
With the advent of 5.9, and again with 5.11, I lost 5-7mph top speed. I was getting 125-127MPH top speeds, I'm now capped at exactly 120mph. Not happy with that either. Though, that one the only real down side I had with 5.9.�
Jun 1, 2014
Theshadows Yup, I'm never in a rush to install a new version.�
guest On 5.11 for more than one week, absolutely zero issue.�
guest Service center just installed 5.11 for us today.
Regen seems to be stronger to me.
Sunroof changes noted above.
The service center also told me there are some big fixes in the navigation system.�
Jun 2, 2014
islandbayy just discovered, the Bluetooth in my car is broken now too. Worked immediately day before update�
Jun 2, 2014
May I suggest: Delete phone from car. Delete Car from phone. Then pair them as if they have never been connected before. This fixed bluetooth issues for me the last time a Software update "broke" it.�
Jun 2, 2014
islandbayy Unfortunately, no go with that. Can't even access. When I hit the blue tooth icon, brings up prompt that says (without going to get exact wording) along the lines of "Bluetooth malfunction, Please Visit Service" or something along those lines
Jun 3, 2014
glhs272 I had that issue pop up for me once as well. Fortunately a simple reboot cleared the issue.�
Jun 3, 2014
Gizmotoy Same. I got that exactly one time. Rebooted and it never happened again.�
Jun 3, 2014
rawady Has anyone noticed that the homelink buttons are bigger with 5.11?�
Jun 3, 2014
apacheguy Two new undocumented features in 5.9/5.11 that I have noticed:
1. The web browser now supports HTTPS/SSL connections on a non-standard port (i.e. other than 443).
2. The browser now prompts when it encounters an untrusted certificate.
The browser does NOT, however, support HTTP Basic Auth, something that I find to be a rather serious shortcoming.�
Jun 4, 2014
Mr D my MS had 5.11 installed at the SC during a tire alignment this week. No noticeable issues so far. Noticed the the Nav screen now has a "powered by Tesla and Google" tag on the bottom of the screen (was that there previously?)�
Jun 4, 2014
steve841 Yeah, that's been there.�
Jun 4, 2014
ZBB Yes, that has been there since early on... Its only there when a route is displayed...�
Jun 5, 2014
araxara Problems with Mobileye
In case anyone who has Mobileye has missed this, V5.11 has some problems with Mobileye. It appears Tesla changed some of the CAN bus transmissions and now turn signal information is not present on the CAN bus (or at least not how it was before). This effects Lane Departure Warnings: Mobileye-update active cruise control now working.�
Jun 6, 2014
AmpedRealtor The short �-1 second delay between touching "controls" and seeing the screen pop up is now gone under 5.11. Under 5.9 I had center console crashes, freezes, slow downs and hiccups. On 5.11 and so far so good.�
Jun 6, 2014
Gizmotoy I doubt this was intentional, but it does provide an interesting way for Tesla to give any potential future modders headaches that I hadn't even considered. Change the protocol slightly, break all the mods!�
Jun 6, 2014
brianman Situation normal. App compat is a <bleep>.�
Jun 7, 2014
Kraken that delay is worse on mine with 5.11.... strange�
Jun 8, 2014
Theshadows We noticed with 5.11 that when shifting from reverse to drive done tines it takes a few feet of forward motion before the indicator switched to D. Never noticed this before.�
Jun 9, 2014
wk057 Just received 5.11 (from 5.9) after having 12000 mile service. No noticeable differences so far.�
Jun 9, 2014
detlefo Had some updates done today modifying the "seat firmware" making the seat more comfortable. Unfortunately, they also updated the car's firmware to 5.11 and now the turn signal input does not work on my Mobileye. Really annoying�
Jun 10, 2014
Danielk Got the update to 5.11 last week. Only noticable differences: new airbag icon in the top bar, and I lost about 7-8 miles of range on a daily charge (was 226 to 228 miles, now 219-220)�
Jun 10, 2014
tomas Just set up post software update checklist HERE
Contributions, corrections welcome.
Thought it might be useful given constantly expanding ownership group that "rediscovers" anomalies with each update.�
Jun 10, 2014
highfalutintodd Could be utterly coincidental, but after getting the latest firmware update unplugging the UMC from the car has gotten weird. The first time unplugging after the update, pressing the button on the UMC handle didn't "unlock and eject" (for lack of a better term) like it always has. It would click, the light ring would go to blue, then immediately re-lock and the light would return to green. There was never enough time for me to actually pull the handle out.
After futzing with it for a few minutes, I realized that if I HELD THE BUTTON DOWN, it would unlock and I could pull it out just fine. Same thing happened this morning (second day after the update).
Again, could totally be coincidence and have nothing at all to do with the update but the timing was interesting. Anyone else experiencing anything like this?�
Jun 10, 2014
Lump See the "Tug of War "thread UMC Tug-of-War; Could it be SW Release 5.9 (1.51.109)?)�
Jun 10, 2014
ken830 Got the update and version is 1.59.47. Haven't seen this version mentioned here or on the Wiki. Only seen this version mentioned on the official TM forums..�
Jun 11, 2014
ken830 One change I do notice on v5.11 is support for unicode/Asian characters for the first time. On v5.9, all I saw were boxes for each of the characters.
Unfortunately, the current time and total play time and seek-bar is no displayed on the dash or center screen:
v5.9 broke the seek-bar/play-time feature that was working before that. Also, nothing with Asian characters show up when browsing by album/genre/artist -- Only by folder. When it was just "blocks", it would show up in all views, but under the "#" section at the end of the list. One-step back. half-a-step forward.�
Jun 11, 2014
MarkR It may be coincidental, but I've encountered exactly the same behavior after the update. Aside from that, this update seems like a non-event.�
Jun 11, 2014
jerry33 About time. Did you lose your favourites?�
Jun 11, 2014
ken830 No. All of my favorites were intact as far as I can tell.�
Jun 12, 2014
Mayhemm I'm still on 1.51.56 on my car behaves this way, so it's not unique to v5.11.
Also, I believe the charge cover release may work this way as well (hold to open) since it sometimes takes me a dozen or so presses on my HPWC button to open the charge port (regardless of where the handle is positioned).�
Jun 13, 2014
xav1976 Yes!!! Homelink is finally working with my Ditec Garage door opener !
Thanks Tesla for fixing this with firmware 5.11 !�
Jun 14, 2014
shepali I still haven't gotten 5.11, but I did get an update to 5.9 earlier this week. I don't remember the release number prior to this update. But right now I have 1.51.101. The release notes were the same (as always), which definitely is frustrating. I sure wish they at least said - minor bug fixes, or something like that, similar to app updates on the iphone. No biggie I guess.
I have had the intermittent problems with bluetooth not connecting (a few times), the bluetooth error that required a reboot (once), the lack of connection from the phone app (several times), totally blank screens where the car just will not wake up (twice), the weirdness of unplugging (several times). But....all just minor inconveniences. I think all/most of these have been since getting 5.9, but can't swear to that.�
Jun 14, 2014
Only Trons Today I received 5.11 v1.59.56. Haven't seen anyone report on this version yet. The local SC tells me that I am "one of the first" to get this update. I have been experiencing a lot of connectivity problems that have been intermittent and frustrating. Maps would disappear on my screen. When maps were displayed, sometimes the street names and all traffic information would disappear. Internet radio would go in and out, usually at the same time the maps would disappear. When the maps were completely gone or the street names/traffic information were gone, the phone app would not connect --- neither iOS or Android versions. I noted that the 3G signal strength meter on the center screen would often indicate four or five bars, which implied that the signal was of sufficient strength. And of course, here in the Washington DC metro area, we experienced voice connectivity problems also.
The service center referred all problems to Tesla engineering. After a couple of months of frustration, I contacted Jerome Guillen by email yesterday and received a response within 30 minutes. Several hours later, I received additional emails from the regional service director and Jerome. They informed me that a new version of firmware was being pushed to me that should solve the problems.
As of this post, I have had the new firmware installed for 8 hours and have had the car on the road to run numerous errands; I have not seen the problems reoccur. I realize eight hours is not a sufficient test period, but thought I would share this information with everyone. If you want to read the details of the problems I was experiencing, look for my post in the User Interface section of this forum.�
Jun 14, 2014
AmpedRealtor Same here. I had intermittent freezing under 5.9. SC foreman contacted engineering and had them push 5.11 to my car. It has solved my issues so far.�
Jun 14, 2014
Mayhemm It's nice to hear about 5.11 actually solving some problems. Up to this point all it seems to have done it create a few new ones.�
Jun 19, 2014
Todd Burch Just received v5.11 (1.59.56) this morning. I was on v5.9 (1.51.109), in which I've noticed just a few random issues here and there--occasional iPhone app connectivity issues (trying to wake the car but not connecting), and one issue where 3G connectivity would not come back. I'll see if this fixes either of those issues--although I was doing pretty well with my existing version.�
Jun 19, 2014
jacobp Model S owners in the DC Metro area have had a rather longstanding issue with Voice Control not working. Apparently the issue is focused only on the DC area and has something to do with problems on the AT&T/Google end. Tesla came up with a patch that they would send to your car to fix the issue, but as soon as you rebooted the screens or installed a new flavor of firmware, the patch was broken and you had to call your local SC to have the mothership resend the patch.
I am very happy to report that the SC informed that 5.11 (1.59.56) includes a permanent fix for the DC Voice Control issue. I had it installed two days ago and the problem seems to be fixed. I have rebooted the screens a few times and Voice Control still works. Yipee.�
Jun 19, 2014
Kraken just had my annual service done. The loaner had 5.9 still, but the 3G wouldn't connect every other time I used the car.
As for my car, they updated it from an older version of 5.11 to a newer version of 5.11 (1.59.56). Some notable things: The fan now only goes to 10 (the volume still goes to 11). They replaced a mount and all of my whining noises from the motor are gone. They added the A/C sound suppressing material, and it is way better now.
There were a couple of other notable things, but I can't think of them right now.�
Jun 20, 2014
ken830 Why would that area of the country be different from any other? Is the patch to compensate for the D.C. accent or something?�
Jun 20, 2014
jerry33 It's the politicians' veracity filter. It assumes everything said is incorrect.�
Jun 20, 2014
andrewket Wow, that's weird. I had given up on voice control long ago. I'm also having the app connect issue. C'mon 5.11..�
Jun 20, 2014
Chipper It's an NSA thing. The NSA monitors everyone else's voice commands and conversations but has blocked all possibility that others will be able to monitor theirs by placing jammers to block all communications within 40 miles of its facilities.�
Jun 20, 2014
Half Dollar Bill I received the 1.59.56 update last night and just noticed that the comfort setting for the pano roof has changed from 80% to 75%. You can't get to 80% from the scroll wheel any more but you can from the touchscreen. Not an issue for me; just an observation.�
Jun 20, 2014
dlt Same here, my Crawford door (with a rolling-code remote made by Abon) works now. With 5.9, I was not able to get it working despite of multiple learning attemps.�
Jun 20, 2014
Eeyago WOW! I had no idea it was a local issue. I can't wait to jump in the car to see if it's fixed since I just got updated too recently. Thanks for the info as I too have just about given up on it. :smile:�
Jun 21, 2014
FairFrank Thank you for reporting.
The same here in The Netherlands. Two days ago my P85 with dual loaders (but not with the 32A hardware fix yet, so still 26 Amp max) received 1.59.56 OTA.
I also noticed a change in charging :
I am charging from a privat dedicated 3 phase 230 Volt outlet with a 3x 25 Amp capacity. For safety reasons I always have the Tesla charge wheel on 3x 24A.
After starting charging the Tesla always increased in a couple of minutes to the max of 3x 24 Amp.
However after this recent OTA update it never increases beyond 3x 20A. So for me it is a downgrade from 3x 24A to 3x 20A (with 1.59.56).�
Jun 21, 2014
Theshadows I can't get it from the touch screen either. As soon as I lift my finger off the screen it jumps to 75%.�
Jun 21, 2014
hans Does the roof open to the same position as before? Those percentages were always suspect. Vent is not 12% open either.�
Jun 21, 2014
jcadman22 ^This! I don't know why it took two years to get support for unicode, but it's now my favorite 'feature' of 5.11. I've spent an inordinate amount of time tagging my music files. I gave up on waiting for v6.0 after a year of ownership and went back through my library to eliminate special characters.�
Jun 21, 2014
andrewket I was charging next to another model S this evening at a public EVSE. The car caught my eye because the dashboard was still lit up showing the charging status. Is this a 5.11 change? My car is still on 5.9 and the dashboard went off as soon as I locked the car.�
Jun 21, 2014
Duckjybe Perhaps the car was not locked?�
Jun 22, 2014
ken830 Still a long way to go. As I mentioned in my post, the characters show up nicely now, but categorizing (doesn't show up in album/artist/etc) and playback controls (no playtime and progress slider) are still lacking. Those were working in previous versions but is now broken.�
Jun 22, 2014
andrewket The handles were retracted, but you're right, I didn't check to see if the car was locked (and I wouldn't do that to someone else's car).�
Jun 23, 2014
Gizmotoy Ugh, that will be annoying. When it's hot the first thing I do when I get in is open the roof to 100% using the steering wheel, open the windows, and drive off. Messing with the main screen will anger me. They already took away the ability to open the windows with the key. If things follow on this course, all windows will remain permanently closed (joking, obviously).
The 80% (75%) "Comfort" setting only really applies if your windows are closed. If they're open, there's no uncomfortable buffeting that I've noticed at 100%.�
Jun 23, 2014
tomas How spoiled are we that pressing "controls" and sliding a sliding bar (vs. old school turning a crank, or new school holding a button on roof until desired %) is such a hassle?![]()
By "we", I mean me too, of course!
funny thing I noticed yesterday - my first experience at "comfort" 75% vs 80% - is that I now get buffeting and find it LESS comfortable than previously. Ach, can't please everybody, but I wonder who on earth is asking for these changes, since I certainly have not seen a clamor to change "comfort" setting on forum.�
Jun 23, 2014
RCH1708 I got the 5.11 update last night and that's exactly my experience with the sunroof, 75% gives more buffeting than 80%. I haven't been able to select anything in the range from 75-90% even using the slider - they seem to have created a dead zone.�
Jun 23, 2014
tomas I heard it was to protect us from road hazards larger than 75% of a pano roof falling from the sky!�
Jun 23, 2014
Gizmotoy It's a minor complaint. No doubt about that. It's certainly made worse by the fact that we *used* to have these great features that made things easier, and then one day they're just gone and to get the same functionality you have to do something more complicated. Losing them is more painful than never having them in the first place.�
Jun 23, 2014
Todd Burch Gizmo, not sure if this what part of your sarcasm above, but to be clear: you can still open/close the pano roof with the click wheel. It just goes to 75% instead of 80% (or so some say....I just haven't noticed the difference).
After 5 days of use, 5.11 (.56) has been solid for me so far.�
Jun 23, 2014
Mayhemm Indeed. There seems to be a trend of removing existing features in the last few updates (or at least making the same operation more complex).
Why is Tesla doing this? Was it just because all the features were shiny and new when the car was first released that we though they were so good, or is Tesla actually making the car worse while claiming to be making it better?�
Jun 23, 2014
jerry33 I'm still upset they took the 15% setting away. I don't have 5.11 yet, anyone check to see if the 15% setting came back?�
Jun 23, 2014
jcadman22 I've noticed another minor change in Media that affects name sorting. In prior firmware versions articles (A or The) were ignored in Artist names so they were alphabetized based on the next word. For example, The Black Keys was sorted right before Black Kids. Now it seems like all names prefixed with an article are sorted together before names without a prefix. I prefer that the articles be ignored so all of The Rolling Stone's songs group together whether I tagged them correctly with or without the article.�
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