Jun 25, 2012
Todd Burch I'm now thinking of getting either the black or gray with 19" wheels...but I really like the look of the dark wheels.
Has anyone given a thought to having your 19s powder coated? I think it only costs a few hundred dollars....much cheaper than upgrading to performance.
Any comments? Has anyone powder coated their wheels before, and were you happy with it?�
Jun 25, 2012
kevincwelch Have a friend who did this to his Acura.
It could be the dealer, but the coat was uneven or the wheels aligned improperly. Could be his experience alone.
I would hesitate to do it on such a novel car.�
Jun 25, 2012
onlinespending I had the same thought. Even if I go with the Performance S, I still would prefer the 19" wheels for a number of reasons. But I too like the dark wheels. Would be great if Tesla offered the 19" wheels in the dark finish.�
Jun 26, 2012
teslasguy I'm planning on ordering the Performance version with carbon gray wheels. However, this is just not a viable option for those of us in snow country winters, so I plan to buy an extra set of 19" wheels/tires for winter driving. Has anyone asked Tesla yet what it would cost to order an extra set of 19" wheels/tires? Anyone on this board interested in selling their standard 19" wheels/tires?�
Jun 26, 2012
NigelM Tesla arranged powder coated white wheels on a Roadster for one of our local club members. I'm traveling and can't do links right now but if you search for "white wheels roadster" in the forum I know there is a pic available.�
Jun 26, 2012
smoove7410 Powder coating is extremely sturdy and very good for wheels. I have modified cars for my whole life, so I am no stranger to powder coating wheels. It should run you $50 to $150 per wheel depending upon where you live.�
Jun 29, 2012
MikeK I had exactly this thought after seeing the Dolphin Grey with the Carbon Grey wheels at the Fremont event. WOW. What a knockout. But, I don't want to do the 21" rims. So, I made a quick and dirty Photoshop mockup based on one of the thumbnails in the design studio, to see how the 19" might look with a powder coat. I think it's a nice look, and if you could get a good approximation of the Carbon Grey in a powder coat finish, I'd sure be tempted.
Jun 29, 2012
Todd Burch Here are my mockups.
Right now I'm trying to decide between:
Black, black wheels.
Black, gray wheels.
Gray, black wheels.
Gray, gray wheels.�
Jun 29, 2012
gg_got_a_tesla Thumbs up for Gray, Gray!�
Jun 29, 2012
spatterso911 #1 Gray,Black
#2 Gray, Gray
#3 Black, Gray
Man those 19's look great with that color!!!�
Jun 29, 2012
MikeK Gray, Gray gets my vote.
If you go for a black car, I think Black looks awesome with the silver wheels (and so, apparently does Elon). It needs that "pop".�
Jun 29, 2012
hcsharp There's a local shop that charges $100 per wheel and all the wheels Ive seen them do look really nice. I'm having them do 2 of my Roadster wheels after a tire shop scratched them. The tire shop is paying for it.�
Jun 29, 2012
MikeK Not bad at all. Is it an autobody shop, an industrial powdercoat/paint shop, or...? Just wondering what to look for!�
Jun 30, 2012
kevincwelch Wow!
The grey-grey is really making me reconsider my blue car option.�
Jun 30, 2012
tdelta1000 The painted 19 inch wheels look pretty cool and would add a nice custom touch.�
Jun 30, 2012
gg_got_a_tesla Does powder coating offer any protection by any chance from alloy wheel pitting owing to brake dust? Does the Model S have a brake dust problem to begin with?!�
Jun 30, 2012
FlasherZ To answer an earlier question: I asked this week about pricing for an extra set of 19" wheels yet - TM has not set pricing yet, or that's what they tell me.�
Jun 30, 2012
hcsharp It's a machine shop. If I remember the process as they described it, they first soak it in a solution that removes any existing finish and impurities. Then apply a primer chemical that helps bond the paint to the metal. Then apply the powder. Then bake it. I saw some nice 2-color wheels they had done.
Tell them the guy with the Tesla Roadster sent you.�
Jun 30, 2012
brianman #30 ?�
Jul 1, 2012
MikeK Thanks for the info!�
Jul 2, 2012
strider For the SF Bay Area Folks I can recommend a shop on the peninsula (Belmont). They are the ones who did the grey coating for the "Final 5" roadsters for Tesla (and have done motorcycle wheels for me). I am planning to get my Roadster's wheels coated grey once our Model S arrives (so we'll have a 3rd car to take my Roadster out of commission). I need to check w/ my TM source to see if I can post publicly.�
Jul 3, 2012
kevincwelch If you're taking your Roadster out of commission, I'll pay for the shipping to Chicago so I can recommission it!�
Jul 3, 2012
VolkerP In accordance with previous posts: grey+grey is my favorite, I rate black+black lowest.�
Dec 15, 2012
sdfan 19" Grey Wheels?
I appreciate everyone's feedback on this site. Curious if anyone has customized their 19" rims either by painting, powder coating, or asking your configuration expert through Tesla? I like the look especially with the black, gray, and white exterior colors. I saw a thread a few months ago on this site but not sure if anyone has followed through with their initial intentions. My local sales rep at the UTC store mentioned that its possible to do this through the factory for an additional fee but I'm not sure how truthful she was being.
While I like the look of the 21" wheels, the 19" standard wheels are still good looking and more functional in general. Thanks for any advice or feedback.�
Dec 17, 2012
Todd Burch Hey sdfan, I started the thread regarding powder coating the wheels. I don't have my car yet (another week or so?!?)...after it arrives I'll see how I'm feeling (and how my bank account is feeling) and maybe spring for the powder coat in a few months. I've also tossed around the idea of just getting the 21s, but want to see how long the tires are lasting for people.�
Dec 17, 2012
mcornwell Welcome sdfan from a fellow Carlsbad-ian.
I'd be surprised if the factory wants to get involved in painting or powder coating wheels. Anything that deviates from the normal assembly line process doesn't seem to be anything Tesla wants to do (i.e., the custom paint colors that were only available for a very short time before Tesla eliminated that option).�
Dec 17, 2012
dsm363 Can you post the link? We'll merge them. Thanks.�
Dec 17, 2012
Todd Burch Here's the link Dave.
Dec 17, 2012
josh I powder coated Audi R8 oem wheels this summer. Came out great. I'm sure this is what makes gray tesla wheels gray.
I pad $400 for a set. People reported as cheap as $250 but Bay Area pricing, only fair.
There is vigorous web debate about the practice. Wheel manufacturers will tell you the heat lowers the structural integrity of the metal. People with science degrees say this is absurd and wheel manufacturers just want to sell you new wheels. My analysis led me to believe the latter. I've done a couple of very hard track days on them with no problems.�
Dec 18, 2012
dailydriver I had a set of stock Audi five-arm double-spoke aluminum wheels powder coated in a satin black finish. I have had them for over two years and they still look perfect. I track the car a bit and generate plenty of brake dust. The wheels get cleaned frequently and I have no issues. It is best to find an experienced local shop to do the work.
Dec 18, 2012
dsm363 Those look great. I may look into that as I think black sport wheels would go with the Sig Red better than gray.�
Dec 18, 2012
sdfan Thanks to everyone for their responses. I look forward to seeing mcornwell's S driving around Carlsbad. Todd, I also wanted to thank you for your mockups and starting the thread in the first place. I agree those Audi rims look amazing. As a someone who knows nothing about the powder coating process, it seems like it can be done with a matte, satin, or high gloss look? My personal preference would be a satin look much like the 21" performance greys with perhaps a white, grey, or black exterior. I don't believe that would void the warranty since you are still using the OEM wheels? Thanks again.
My personal plan is reserve by the end of the year. Like many of you I'm still somewhat worried about the long term viability after 2013 and I would like to see what the Model S 1.5 version upgrades might be. I'm also hoping I can make some money from my stock by then to justify the expense.�
Dec 18, 2012
AnOutsider Another R8 to Model S convert!�
Dec 18, 2012
Electric Machete That black is perfect. I don't know why Tesla didn't offer black as an option.�
Dec 18, 2012
dailydriver Audi didn't either so don't feel too bad!(they actually do now with the '014 R8 V10 Plus)
- - - Updated - - -
Yup - very different beasts, aren't they? One is very loud, obnoxious, and very fast. One is quiet, sexy, and very fast. My neighbors like the Tesla better. :wink::redface: Do you have enough room in your garage for both?�
Dec 20, 2012
highedu Whats the name of the shop and how much so they charge?
will be going for a fully blacked out look on my model s when it arrives (black car, black tint, black interior leather, black wheels�
Jan 9, 2013
mnx Has anyone done this yet to their set of 19's? Is there a plastic center cap on the 19" rims?
I got a quote from a local shop to powder coat them and it was going to be $350. They mentioned that they couldn't do the center caps if they were plastic...�
Jan 9, 2013
LagunaDallas For anyone in Texas, Wheel Technologies is absolutely fantastic. They refinished a set of Land Rover wheels for me in grey (similar to the Tesla 21" grey color) and the job was fast and flawless for about $350. They have locations in Dallas, Houston, Austin and San Antonio.
- - - Updated - - -
Regarding the company I just posted about above, Wheel Technologies refinished my plastic center caps in grey and they matched perfectly. Frankly I was surprised and expected them only to refinish the wheels themselves, but they asked for the caps and did everything.�
Feb 5, 2013
rekoh Just curious... anyone ??????�
Mar 23, 2013
Doogue I'm planning on having my 21" Gray Performance wheels done next week. Excited. Just completed install of 3M clear bra to front/rear ends/hood/mirrors, tints 45% - really clean looking. I wasn't planning on the full blacked out look, but I'm really not liking all the chrome. Many luxury cars do this, but just not my thing.
Anyway, I'll let you know how powder coating work is and drop some pictures on here. Would love to see what others have done too.�
Mar 24, 2013
Soflason Powder coating a matte black or grey would be striking on a Model S. The Audi photos in this thread give some indicator as to how it can enhance the look overall. A more extreme example - I was pretty amazed by how the basic Nissan Juke got transformed into the "Juke-R" - they did a lot here but I think they powder coated the wheels with a gun metal grey (matte), the whole thing looks a bit over the top (to say the least) but it does show how you're onto something, powder coating can really add some bite to the overall aesthetic...
Mar 24, 2013
josh Interesting -- I did my Audi too -- looks like I have the same setup! Had them powdercoated Satin black by Mass Bros in Livermore, looks killer. Actually bought a second set of OEM wheels for track tires, and those are now the black ones.
I still run the silver for my road tires and black for the track, but I kind of wish I'd mounted them in the reverse because I think the black looks better. Maybe I'll swap them next time I wear out a tire.
Mar 27, 2013
Doogue Hey All - thought I'd share some good news. I just spoke to Brent in Tesla service. He confirmed that, provided you use a legit tire shop, when you powdercoat your wheels the Wheel and Tire Protection Program remains in effect. Granted if you damage your factory Tesla wheel that you have aftermarket powder coated, they will only replace the OEM wheel (the powder coating is our responsibility again). I'm excited as I am picking up my PC'd wheels today!�
Mar 27, 2013
blc1017 Doogue, can you let us know where you got your wheels done, and whether you like the look?�
Mar 28, 2013
Soflason Post some more pix! :biggrin:�
Mar 28, 2013
Doogue Absolutely love how they came out. Just clean as hell. "Sinister" is how a co-worker described them, which feels right.
Mar 28, 2013
mdh Any recommended shops in the Bay Area (Silicon Valley)? Pricing?�
Mar 28, 2013
dsm363 That looks awesome. What coat or finish did you ask for, matte black?�
Mar 28, 2013
Soflason This Model S should be in the next Batman movie
Mar 28, 2013
olanmills Wow those black wheels are nice.
I feel like I've limited myself when it comes to customizing the color of the wheels or trim pieces since I chose the green paint job. Personally, I don't like to stand out with the really kind of "loud" color combinations (whichcan look quite good; they're just not for me), and with the dark green color, I feel like there aren't many choices for me.�
Mar 28, 2013
youlikeadajuice Doogue...that looks Sick!!! Could you post another shot a bit further back so we can take in the whole car? Thanks, and nicely done!�
Mar 28, 2013
gg_got_a_tesla I don't agreeIt's true that, so far, no one on here seems to have picked up a green P85 with dark wheels or considered powder-coating silver ones black to go with their green car.
But, it'd look very striking in my opinion. If Doogue responds with the price and the shop details and if the price is right, I may be tempted to do it to my 19" wheels!�
Mar 31, 2013
Kenne74 Great looking wheels!!! Can we get some more details on the powder coating finish as did they have to do anything special with your center caps? I will be powder coating my 19in wheels if I ever my car LOL.
Mar 31, 2013
Doogue Sure guys. I went with semi-gloss, also described as 40% - that's between complete Matte Black (10%) and High Gloss (90%). The look I'm going for is more mean than show-quality. I know I'm not going to be polishing the wheels enough to warrant high gloss - and brake dust build up is expected and does show; conversely, I felt matte looked too track-ready and muted for the look I like.
I left the caps the factory grey color, barely notice them, and figure it's a nice homage to where we came from, but I did do the bolts powder coated to match (be sure to have them hand tighten them so they don't strip).... I thought about doing caps at a paint shop, but didn't bother. Anyway, I could not be happier. Mean look, but not overly modified - I have added powder coating to stock wheels, vinyl wrap to existing chrome pieces and 40% tints. Who says EV's can't look mean!?
Any of you folks in the Bay Area, I highly recommend calling AJ from West Coast Powder Coating in San Bruno. Really good guy, gave me the full tour of his place and we spent a long time looking through finished pieces to determine the exact look I was going for. He works with Hanlon Tire and the beauty of the thing is they drive the car to the lift and that's it, no more car movement, they drive the rims to AJ who does the work, then drive the rims back - I loved that. Semi gloss is what I was after and AJ nailed it. Pricing was approx $200/wheel - I found cheaper places, but none that I wanted to leave my car for the day. (Note to Tesla: got to get that Valet feature in the next update!)
Extra bonus: I confirmed with Tesla that PC'ing the wheels doesn't void the Tire and Wheel warranty. That is sweet as I got the same insurance with my previous car (535i) and it paid itself off within the first 10 months!
- - - Updated - - -
Agree - do it up. I've seen green cars with black wheels - minis and bmws - and they look sweet!�
Mar 31, 2013
josh Mass Brothers in livermore did a really nice job for about half that price -- $400 for a set, but I brought them naked wheels to do.
They do many race teams, like Flying Lizard (a top bay area team) and super credible.�
Mar 31, 2013
Ranch13 Doogue- they did those in a single day? I didn't know powdercoating could be turned around that fast. If so, that's awesome and need a place like that in the Los Angeles area!�
Mar 31, 2013
Doogue Yep, same day. AJ wanted $125 per wheel; Tire shop charged $200 something to rent lift for day and take off/put on wheels.�
Apr 3, 2013
Doogue Sure, here is the full car with de-chroming (vinyl wrap) and powder coated wheels. Leaving the handles, emblems and rear diffuser piece (at bottom) alone felt like the right amount of chrome to me.
Apr 3, 2013
youlikeadajuice Awesome...very nice!�
Apr 4, 2013
A-E If anyone is interested we offer powder coating and painting of wheels services.�
Apr 4, 2013
mdh Would like to find someone up here in the Bay Area... any recommendations?
Apr 5, 2013
Doogue AJ at West Coast Powder Coating in San Bruno - very solid work.�
Apr 5, 2013
Ranch13 Can you do them in a day like Doogue's guy? I would be interested in that. What would cost be for 19 inch and cost for 21 inch? Thanks!�
Apr 7, 2013
RodF It looks great and I'm planning to powder coat. One question. If you powder coat then get curb rash is it even worse because the underlying silver shows through? Do you then just cover it using a black Sharpie?�
Apr 7, 2013
kevincwelch No one's powder-coated the 19inch Tesla wheels yet, eh? Would love to see the grey look on the 19s.�
Apr 7, 2013
gg_got_a_tesla Am considering it. May go with fairly glossy black though. Slowly working on convincing the wife who'd rather upgrade something in the house instead
Apr 8, 2013
strider These guys are also good:
Precision Powder Coating - Belmont, CA�
Apr 8, 2013
mdh Great.. any idea on rough pricing?�
Apr 8, 2013
Ranch13 Also considering this right now, but black. Thinking this will hold me over until I really see something I love from aftermarket or from the awesome Tesla design center.�
Apr 22, 2013
Kenne74 Just got a quote for powder coating my 19" wheels. They are charging $150 per wheel, which includes tire removal/install and mount/balance. Meeting with them this evening to discuss colors. They will be keeping my car for 3 days and are familiar with Tesla.
Will post pics once finished.�
Apr 25, 2013
Kenne74 Pictures as promised.�
Apr 25, 2013
Ranch13 Very nice! Might have to this before biting the bullet for aftermarket wheels. What finish is that- flat or satin or what? They really look great!�
Apr 25, 2013
Kenne74 If I remember correctly they are 20% gloss finish 80% matte. I think he just called them 20% gloss and there are basically 3 types of powder coating (someone correct me if I'm wrong) matte, 20% gloss and high gloss.�
Apr 25, 2013
gg_got_a_tesla Beautiful, Kenne! The first powder-coated 19s! I'm so tempted now. Any reason you couldn't get the center caps done as well?!�
Apr 26, 2013
Soflason +1
.. love the powder-coated 19s! Much more sleek and aggressive, great mod indeed...�
Apr 26, 2013
Kenne74 I couldn't powder coat the center caps because they are plastic, so I will need to take them in to get painted black. I could probably do it myself but I think I want to have the T painted either red or gray. I just need to find time....Finishing up the clear bra and perhaps tinting the pano roof 60% 3m and the windshield 70% this weekend. I still need to decide on the tint....Ken�
Apr 26, 2013
gg_got_a_tesla I'm trying this out (thanks to rogbmw) on the silver wheels first; ordered black from him:
Center Cap Tesla T�
Apr 26, 2013
kevincwelch Nicely done!
I will probably powder coat mine a dark grey -- similar to the grey 21s. I have some curb rash on 2/4 wheels now, and I'll have to do something anyway!
Sent via Tapatalk.�
Apr 26, 2013
Kenne74 Thanks for the sticker link I'm going to try that out first.
As for powder coating if your prone to curb rash a lot you might want to look at painting them because they cannot touch them up like painted wheels.�
Apr 27, 2013
alluu Kenne74 - where did you end up going to have your wheels done? I have a dolphin grey Models S with 19" and am looking at doing the same thing.
edit - Didn't notice you were in Arizona. Thought you were in the Bay Area.�
Apr 27, 2013
RodF Thanks, Kenne74, I didn't know painting was an option. I am going to explore that. Makes sense if touch up is easier.�
May 4, 2013
kevincwelch OK. Opinions please. I feel as though if I do the darker grey powder coat that I would have to do something about the chrome on the car. What do people think about the grey and about the remaining chrome?
May 4, 2013
RodF If you didn't mention the silver, I would have said it looks fine. But since you mentioned it, I see your point. Did you do this on Photoshop? Could you do exactly the same thing with a Silver car with 19's? That is what I'm considering and it would be great to actually see how it would look.�
May 4, 2013
gg_got_a_tesla Kevin, I'd recommend getting the powder coating done first and then reevaluate the chrome masking. Unlike the photoshop job, the dark-wheels-with-chrome could still look quite good in real life.�
May 4, 2013
kevincwelch I did it in Photoshop. I think I will take gg's advice and take my renderings to a couple rim shops around town and elicit opinions. If I end up doing it, I'll try it on before I see if I need to deal with the chrome.
With chrome covered in grey (couldn't quite get the area around the mirror right -- ignore. Also, below door trim)
Here are the silver mock-ups (and green for gg).
May 4, 2013
RodF Much appreciated!�
May 4, 2013
gg_got_a_tesla Love it! Thanks!�
May 4, 2013
brianstorms As I surf around the TMC forums I am constantly impressed with the degree to which, shall we say, mileage varies, when it comes to wheel-color tastes. My own sentiments have been influenced greatly by my currently-owned car, an Audi, and my previous, a Mercedes, both of which had a tendency to produce so much black brake dust that the wheels would turn black in a month or so if I didn't clean them. So when I see all these photos of beautiful Teslas with shiny wheels and folks going oooh-ahh when said Tesla owners change to darkened wheels that look like my Audi or my old Benz I can't help but chuckle a bit.Different strokes....
May 4, 2013
gg_got_a_tesla You have a point there, brainstorms; my wife's Mini's silver wheels could pass off for dark alloys if the car doesn't get a wash for a few weeks. And, it's not pretty at all.
I think it's just this constant urge among the obsessed folks on here (including me, for sure!) to continue to do something to tweak the car now that we have it after a long and arduous wait
May 4, 2013
brianman @Kevin
Hopefully not stepping on your toes. I thought I'd explore this a bit with Paint.Net, and figured you might like the results.
I can pick other intermediate shades of darkness for the affected spots (battery tray, handles, window trim, and wheels) by just adjusting a slider for the layer. Let me know if you (or others) would like a slightly different rendering.�
May 4, 2013
kevincwelch Thanks, brianman! Photoshop is obviously not my strong suit, but I enjoy fiddling with it from time to time.
I'm digging the one in the middle. It's a nice shade of grey; the first (darkest) one IMHO goes better with the black MS. Anyway, I gave my MS a good bath today, cleaned the wheels and put some nice gloss on the tires. Not too shabby with the silver wheels...decisions, decisions...�
May 4, 2013
Kenne74 Here are some pics with the T sticker on my center caps. It's looks good, but I might end just painting them black...
May 4, 2013
brianman Ditto.
It's harder to use my current method with brighter tones, but with darker tones I can also do a little bit of blue flavoring as well:
May 6, 2013
Ranch13 View attachment 21509 View attachment 21510 [/QUOTE]
Have you considered Plasti-Dip for the centercaps? I'm powdercoating my 19's and plan on Plasti-Dipping the centercaps and the top of the lug nuts since those two items have the potential to get scrapped/used the most. In case of a ding or scrape you can just peel the rest off (since those items are so small) and re-spray them in a matter of minutes as opposed to taking paint off and repainting.�
May 6, 2013
Kenne74 I'm just going to leave them as is since its my wife's car i really don't have too much of a vested interest in changing them. She also told me that she perfers the style this way, I would of went the other way with them...I would also never buy myself a regular model S either LOL.
I just do what i'm told and figured once they get all the upgrades on either the model x or the s get incorporated that i want I might take the plunge, but for now I'm happy with my lexus that has the black center caps
May 7, 2013
Todd Burch Do you have any pics of your car from a distance, so we can see the whole car? I've got Dolphin Gray and have been (slowly) contemplating powder coating my 19s--want to see how they look.�
May 7, 2013
Kenne74 Todd did you see page 8 of this thread or do you want some additional photos as well?
May 15, 2013
KeithE Ken, thanks for posting on this. I would also luv to see more pics of the grey with the powder coated wheels. I saw the pix on page 8 but would be great to see a few more in bright daylight and a few different angles. I can't tell if that's grey or black you coated them. I have the dolphin grey with 19's and regret not getting the 21" greys. I think they look wicked cool. My only issue is I still think the 19's look too small on the S. I wish the wheel well was a bit smaller. I had 19's on my Audi s4 prior and loved the way they looked but they were wider 19's. Are you happy you did it? Thx, Keith�
May 15, 2013
Kenne74 Keith,
I'm traveling this week so I will post some more photos this weekend. I will instead answer your questions. The color is black and I did look at several different shades, but found this one the most aggressive looking and my wife choose this color/shade. As for the rim size I'm glad we choose the 19 because I find the ride a lot more comfortable than the 21 and yes I have rode in both several times. I did consider upgrading to 20 and that would be the biggest wheel i would put on the car due to cost and ride comfort, however, I was tried of spending money and this was a much affordable route.
If it was my car perhaps I might of put on the 20s but its not so this made more sense to me
I'll post some photos this weekend.
May 17, 2013
Todd Burch Ah, thanks! Missed that. Looks great!�
May 17, 2013
eAdopter +1. I also don't understand why people do this on the Model S. I understand it makes some sense for cars with a lot of brake dust. However, I think wheels are part of the car "jewelry" and prefer plenty of shine and reflection. Otherwise the wheels look like they're covered with brake dust which is not much of an issue for the MS. That said, I think the MS wheels offer very little bling and can understand why people want to improve them.�
May 17, 2013
KeithE Cool! Thanks. I think a direct side view of the entire car, not at an angle, really shows off the wheels. It just seems to me they designed the MS for a 21 inch wheel. It's less for me about the size of the wheel, just performance and looks that matter. In my opinion there's too much empty space around the wheel vs other high performance sedans. Makes it look more like an Lexus or Infiniti than an Aston Martin or Jag. But I agree the ride of the 19's is fantastic!
May 19, 2013
Kenne74 Let me know if you want anymore.
May 21, 2013
bigsmooth125 Those black wheels are tight. Probably gonna get the same done for my grey model s.�
May 25, 2013
byt I wish a photoshop expert can show me Pearl White Turbines on a Pearl White Model S?
May 25, 2013
May 25, 2013
brianman @Kevin - While you're at it can you white out the pillar between the front and rear windows and the nose cone?�
May 25, 2013
ChadS What? No whitewall tires?�
May 25, 2013
brianman Just had to one-up me!
May 25, 2013
kevincwelch Sure. Not my best work...
May 25, 2013
brianman You missed a spot. Moment...
With non-fugly whitewalls, I think I'd like it.
Caveat though: I hate white on cars generally, so I still wouldn't like it.
Update 2:
Some quick and dirty whitewalls...
May 26, 2013
byt Thanks!
Jun 28, 2013
dezicartel Hey Kevin,
could you possible post a pic of pearl white with dark grey wheels?
Jun 30, 2013
jerry33 Just imagine the curb-rash possibilities. Tires and wheels
Jul 30, 2013
mpbruin108 So i thought you guys might want to see a satin black finish on a 19". While there I was inspired by the many exotic and tastefully modded cars there at the shop so I decided to do a little more. Redid the brakes, rear diffuser (painted matte black) and painted the window trim gloss black. I think the black matte diffuser looks way better than that chrome and grey plastic look....even on a grey model S.
Jul 31, 2013
kevincwelch Calipers look great, mpbruin108! I'm thinking of doing something similar.�
Aug 1, 2013
mpbruin108 Thanks! You should. I think the car should have come with a better looking braking system. I think it's a huge improvement in aesthetics.�
Aug 2, 2013
Did you paint the calipers or powder coat them?�
Aug 2, 2013
mpbruin108 I powdercoated them�
Aug 2, 2013
rdrcrmatt how was the tesla logo / lettering done then? I'm not super familiar with what can be done with powder coating these days.
Obviously you removed the calipers.. did you just plug the lines and then re-bleed the brakes when reinstalling?�
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