Apr 13, 2013
Mnlevin We all know that the Model S is the most advanced sedan. How would you like to have a DashCam? I recently saw that people in Russia and Europe use their smartphones to record what is going on in front of your car while driving. It came in very handy a few months back when all the news agencies got video of the Meteors crashing into the Russian towns. Also you would have evidence of a crash if someone cuts you off or in some other ways causes an accident. Thinking about this the cost to add it to the car should be almost minimal, a small video camera, like already exists in the rear, and some cheap memory for a 15 minute loop in the computer system. If available I think it would be something many people would appreciate. Thoughts?�
Apr 13, 2013
Laumb Im getting the Blackvue DR-500. Look it up, there are threads about this, and some even installed it In their S.
Im am sure your topic is about a integrated dash cam - i would agree that would be cool too!�
Apr 13, 2013
jayfrost There is a great discussion over at Tesla forums.
Dashboard Camera Install | Forums | Tesla Motors
I installed mine using the method described in the post. I made and an adaptor that plugged into the extra jack that is located near the microphone in the ceiling console. Ran the power cord thru the liner and it preforms awesomely.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2�
Apr 14, 2013
Mnlevin Thanks Jason, this is exactly what I was looking for. BTW the guy that started the thread said the Tesla Service Center where I am located installed it for him, so that is what I will do. Here is the exact thread as it took awhile for me to find it on the TM website
Apr 14, 2013
markb1 How did you route it under the liner? I was looking under the mic cover, and I didn't see a way through.�
Apr 14, 2013
jayfrost If you have a snake you can enter the liner about 5 inches to the right of the mirror. Push gently till you see it in the microphone area. It can be done, just take ur time. Good luck.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2�
Apr 14, 2013
markb1 Thanks for the tip! I just now managed to fish it using a long cable tie. I couldn't get it through going up from the window, but it was quite easy going down from the mic area, aiming toward the location you mentioned.�
Apr 14, 2013
jayfrost Congrats on the install! Enjoy the Cam. Its a great add-on.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2�
Apr 14, 2013
blaz I also read that thread and called the LA Service Center to ask if they could install the dashcam for me (same camera here, BlackVue DR-500), but they said they couldn't really do it since it wasn't an official Tesla accessory, but they would gladly give me any information I'd need to do it. In the end I just did it myself and it was pretty simple. Without removing any panels you can route the cable pretty well and hide it for the most part, making the whole install inconspicuous.
I'm really happy with this camera.�
Apr 15, 2013
GasDoc I ordered mine yesterday. Looking forward to installing it.
Has anyone been able to find a source for the matching connector to the one found in the microphone grill? If not, how did you tap it, just put wires into the appropriate holes and wrap it up in electrical tape or heat shrink tubing?�
Apr 15, 2013
jayfrost GasDoc,
I build a lot of model Helicopters and Planes and found that I was able to use a servo extension cable and hack it to work.
There is a plastic cover surrounding the male side that you will need to remove. Simply cut the plastic off to expose the 3 male pins. You do not use the middle wire if you are using the jack next to the microphones. Next, I spliced the power adapter to the cable. Note that the cigarette adapter that comes with Black Vue cam has a 2amp fuse in it. I did pick up an inline fuse for this project from Radio Shack and built the cord that Alex K. created on the Tesla Forum.
You can pick up servo cables for a buck or two at any hobby shop.
I originally tried to build the part but Radio Shack was useless and the other computer part stores were closed. Hope this helps.
Apr 16, 2013
4sevens.com I'm thinking about putting a gopro camera in that same spot...�
Apr 18, 2013
PattyChuck I know this has been discussed on the teslamotors.com forums, but I thought I would add my experience here. I installed an iTronics ITB-100HD dash cam in my S, and it took all of about 30 minutes (plus an additional 30 minutes driving in the ICE to go to the auto parts store and buy a fuse holder :crying. I, as many have now done, also tapped in to the unused 12V connector under the microphone screen, but I also routed the cable under the headliner/rearview mirror plastic housing. Pictures and description of install follow thusly:
I didn't have any fancy male plug to use with the existing connector, but I found that if you pop the two small retaining clips on either side of the connector, it opens up to allow access to the metal leads. I simply laid my stripped wires on top of these leads and snapped the connector cover closed. A significant tug could not dislodge the wires from the connector, so I am confident this will suffice.
I routed the camera power cable thru the headliner and under the plastic housing for the rear view mirror. The plastic housing is held in place by the windshield moisture sensor. If you slide a plastic pry tool between the windshield and the housing, and bit of light pressure should get it to pop off the sensor. I ended up taking off the entire rear view mirror, but I think that was overkill.
Once the housing is "loose", there should be enough wiggle room to worm the power cable from the power source thru the headliner and under the housing.
If there's not enough room and you need to remove the housing, you can "split" it by gently prying it open. Be very careful! Some of the clips really did not want to come free, and I nearly broke one of them off. There are five clips that hold the two halves together. The picture here is the right half of the housing. For orientation, the bit that's closest to my ring finger is the part where the mirror goes.
I then just snapped it all back in to place. There was enough play in the fit of the housing that after everything was put back in place, I was still able to tug on either side of the power cable and get it to slide back and forth, making the final fit very easy. From the outside, you can barely notice the camera. From the drive seat, you can't see it at all, and from the passenger seat, you can barely see it. Pretty happy with the results! Thanks to several people on the forums here who inspired me to do this myself instead of paying my local car hacker $350 to do it for me!
Driver side:
Pax Side:
May 19, 2013
Tifa Thank you all for the really nice descriptions and photos. I'm leaning towards @PattyChuck's method because I'm not very handy. I bought a Blackvue dash cam and would like to take advantage of the vacant 12V connector above, but I'm a complete noob when it comes to electrical mods.
I bought a 5x20mm inline fuse holder for my 2A fuse that was housed in the dash cam's cigarette lighter adaptor. Could someone detail the part about connecting the dash cam cable to the fuse holder?
May 19, 2013
araxara The pictures and descriptions here look pretty clear, but you could take a look at the discussion at Dashboard Camera Install | Forums | Tesla Motors, which may also help.�
May 19, 2013
Tifa Thanks araxara, I've been looking at that thread as well. I agree, everything that is shown is great. However, I was hoping someone could break down the fuse holder part since I've never used one before. I bought the suggested 5x20mm holder but the 2A fuse from the blackvue doesn't seem to fit in it. Do you have to push really hard, or hammer it in there? Clearly I'm doing something wrong![]()
Also, do you crimp, solder, twist connect the fuse holder wire ends to the dash cam and 12V connector?
Sorry for the seriously newbie questions! :redface:�
May 19, 2013
araxara The 5x20mm fuse holder should take a 5x20mm fuse. I'm not sure which BlackVue dashcam model you have, but the one I have did not have x 5x20mm fuse - it had a standard size one. That's probably why you can't get it to fit. You will need to get some 2A 5x20mm fuses (also available at Radio Shack). Since the the dashcam, draws allot less current you could go with a 1A fuse or less, but I decided to stick with what was in the 12V adapter. A 5x20mm fuse holder is used just because it's much smaller.
I ran the fuse holder inline with the dashcam power wire and soldered it in place and used heat shrinkable tubing. I suppose you could twist the wires and wrap them in electrical tape, but the dashcam power wire is rather thin. You can see the results of what I did in the above image (http://www.teslamotorsclub.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20160&d=1366053725). I also soldered and heat shrink wrapped the power wires to the pin header that plugs into the power receptacle. There are other ways to connect to the power as illustrated above.�
May 19, 2013
Tifa Your modified cable looks really good! You're right, I do need a smaller 2A fuse. Everything else seems pretty doable. Thank you and @PattyChuck as well for breaking it down. I think I'm ready to get started!�
May 24, 2013
Tifa I installed it via the vacant 12v connector yesterday and it works great! Thanks everyone for the idea and tips.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2�
May 26, 2013
dsm363 Saw this
Lukas LK-7900 Ace | Dash Cam Talk
Thinking about doing this as well. Had never thought about anything like this until getting this car and seeing what people posted about them. Would love a factory option down the road (built in and concealed better).�
Jan 7, 2015
aneusomy I'm having the same trouble with my BlackVue 650-- GPS was never working over the month I purchased it (December). Funny thing is all of a sudden yesterday and today the GPS works, I've done nothing differently.
I wonder if they have a bug that prevented the GPS working depending on the month, or something stupid like that? It seems a lot of people with BlackVue's are having this GPS problem. Can I enquire if your GPS works now?
Jan 7, 2015
LuckyLuke My blackvue 500 usually has gps, but sometimes it doesn't. Problem is the bad reception of the signal, when the cam is placed outside it locks the signal very quickly but inside the car it's not that good (windscreen is probably shielding it a bit).�
Jan 7, 2015
Rheazombi I read somewhere that the GPS will be spotty unless you place the camera in that special spot on the windshield that people have been using for their EZ Passes.�
Jan 7, 2015
HankLloydRight That's true. I have my LUKAS 5900 mounted just below that area, and it only receives a GPS signal is the car is outside for at least a full day. So I know at least a partial signal is getting through. I may mount my EZpass in the nose cone and move the dashcam up to that open area for better reception.
On the other hand, when using the dashcam video for evidence, I might not want my actual speed to be included in the video evidence, so I'm happy to have it not pick up a GPS signal.�
Jan 8, 2015
JPP This is a well understood problem with the heavily coated/shielded Model S windshield and the GPS receiver in the Blackvue dash cam. Mine will go on and off more or less randomly. Sometimes if I do an SD card reformat in the camera, it will come back for a while. No biggie--I lose the GPS mapping on my videos, and also the MPH recording (...maybe not so good if it records me going above posted speed limit).�
Jan 12, 2015
scottm My dashcam is mounted where the speed on the dash is also caught in the video lower left corner of the frame.. no need for gps inputs to a dashcam, can see the REAL speed. the lens is 154 degree wide angle. Camera is suction mounted so it sits directly in front of the right half of the mirror... so it can't be seen by the driver.�
Jan 12, 2015
Xenoilphobe The GPS in my new BV 650 still doesn't work -- wish they didn't advertise it unless it has a functional antenna.�
Feb 13, 2015
aaronw I installed my BV550 right at the top to the right of my mirror so it doesn't affect the extra tweeter I have installed behind the mirror and I have no problems getting the GPS to work. My biggest problem turned out to be running the cable for the rear camera. I chose to run it down the A pillar and up the C pillar. The C pillar was a nightmare to put back in (Tesla did it thankfully) and getting through the cable guide into the hatchback was another hasle. I ended up having to whack off the end of the connector and installing a new MCX connector after feeding it through. Blackvue was no help either. I got no response after repeated requests for info.�
Feb 14, 2015
andrewket My 550 (or is it a 650? US dual camera) is not able to obtain a GPS fix mounted just to the right of the rear view mirror on a 12/2014 build. I've decided I don't care. However, my ez-pass is intermittent mounted just above the dashcam. This is annoying.�
Feb 15, 2015
hiroshiy My 650 is having problems with GPS too. It's slightly left of the rearview mirror (RHD). @aaronw, where did tou place 550? Exactly behind the mirror?�
Feb 15, 2015
aaronw I put it all the way at the top to the right of the mirror. The left edge of the camera is about 3 inches to the right of the right-side of the top of the rear-view camera bracket with the left side of the camera bracket about six inches from the top of the plastic mirror bracket.�
Feb 15, 2015
hiroshiy Thanks, yours seems further from the mirror than my installation, where my 650's right edge is at the mirror's left edge (RHD). Maybe I try to move one out.�
Feb 16, 2015
hiroshiy A little bit different topic, I'm experiencing LED traffic lights flickering in Tokyo, as our lights are on 50Hz. In western Japan the lights are on 60Hz.
I don't know why they are flickering lights (save energy??) but it seems that with Blackvue at 30 fps the lights may become completely black in western Japan. I also wondered the US use 60Hz too, and if this problem happens in LED lights area.
50Hz LED traffic lights in Tokyo - YouTube�
Feb 16, 2015
LED's flicker because that's how they work, they don't emit constant light. They appear solid to the naked eye, but when recorded on video you can see the flicker, as the camera often takes a frame in the split second the LED is off. You can see this effect in the LED daytime running lights of other cars in the rear view camera of the Model S as well.�
Feb 17, 2015
hiroshiy So you don't have LED traffic lights?�
Jul 27, 2015
ks-man This thread has been a great read. Unfortunately the main thing I'm learning is that I'm just not technical/comfortable enough to do this on my own so I'm going to take my newly ordered Blackvue 650 2ch to a professional installer. It will certainly cost more but should look great and get done correctly. One thing I'm confused with is it sounds like most people here aren't using the male cigarette lighter end that comes with the unit. On the TeslaTap install instructions it makes note that there is voltage reduction circuitry and that you shouldn't cut off the cigarette lighter. Is this true? I haven't seen many people mention that they are using the male end of the cigarette lighter. I want to make sure I give all necessary instructions to the installer. Also, the one I ordered did come with the Power Magic Pro but it sounds like on Amazon a lot of people had problems with that box. Since this is a Tesla (huge battery available) am I correct that the Power Magic Pro isn't necessary and shouldn't be installed to avoid any issues with it?
Jul 27, 2015
HankLloydRight Yeah, you don't need the power magic pro.�
Jul 27, 2015
The power cord for the Blackvue delivers 12v. Straight from the power source. Use a test meter to see for yourself.
You don't need the cigarette lighter plug. Note that this contains a built-in fuse and there is also a 2nd in line fuse, which you should leave in line.
I cut off the cigarette lighter plug but left the in-line fuse.
I lucked out as both my and my wife's have the open connector with always on 12v in the headliner above the microphone grille.
I did not fool with pins or connectors, but just stripped and 'tinned' the red & black leads on the Blackvue power cable, then popped open the connector in the headliner, laid the bare wires onto the proper pins, then snapped the connector closed.
No PowerMagic Pro needed.
Please search these forums for other posts on installation.�
Jul 28, 2015
ks-man Thanks. So what should I tell the professional installer? Should I tell him that he can cut off the cigarette lighter but make sure to leave the in line fuse? I'm just trying to make sure we don't do something wrong in light of the comment on Tesla Tap regarding the voltage reduction circuitry. If I just mention that will the installer understand the issue and what needs to be done?�
Jul 28, 2015
JPP Sorry--thought I was clear. Cut off the cigarette lighter plug. Leave the in-line fuse holder and fuse. Grab always on 12V from the connector in the headliner.
If your installer is having some difficulty with the 12v hookup, maybe you need a different installer.
Not sure where the whole 'voltage reduction' idea came from....�
Jul 28, 2015
HankLloydRight Many dashcams operate on +5VDC and not 12, so they require a step-down transformer, usually inside the cigarette adapter. If you chop that off and apply +12v to a dashcam expecting 5vdc, it might work, or it might release the magic smoke.�
Jul 28, 2015
steph280 yeah for 5v devices you will need something like this http://www.ebay.com/itm/Waterproof-DC-DC-Converter-12V-Step-Down-to-5V-Power-Supply-Module-3A-15W-BLACK-/221667524607?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item339c69ffff�
Jul 29, 2015
ks-man Now I'm confused again. The comment from Tesla Tap about voltage reduction circuitry is below. So should I tell the installer not to cut off the cigarette lighter? Does the Blackvue 650 operate on +12v or 5vdc? Do I not have to worry about any of this as the installer (who is well recommended) will be very familiar with how to wire the whole thing without issue? Also I should note that my car does not have the 12v connector in the headliner so he will have to wire it to either the ODBII port or the fuse box. I haven't discussed with him the installation yet so I don't know which he would prefer. Sorry for the confusion but as you can see I'm not too knowledgeable about all of this which is why I'm going to a professional installer and just want to be prepared for whatever might come up. Thanks.
From TeslaTap
NOTE: If you�re using the Blackvue dashcam, the 12V power connector has voltage reduction circuitry, so can�t just clip it off and wire the dashcam directly to 12V. You need to keep the large cigarette connector. We used a receptacle with wire leads to solve this such as Female Car Cigarette Lighter Socket, If you got the Power Magic Pro option, it includes a socket.
Jul 29, 2015
tinm A full-fledged camera system should not have to be an aftermarket choice for Tesla owners.
I want Tesla to offer a 4-camera system, front, left, right, rear, all in HD, digital recording, easy access via smartphone app and desktop (using MyTesla account on Tesla's own site), all as an optional package on the Design Studio page. I think it's ridiculous that owners have to resort to having to research, buy, and then hire on their own an outfit to do custom installations, some of which may put the car's warranty at risk.
In a Tesla factory-installed Camera Package I'd like to see modes where all 4 cameras record at full 30fps while car is on, with speed, direction, gps data also logged in sync; and when car is off, owner can specify a slower frame rate like 1fps, or just have the cameras record whenever there's motion.
If Tesla had offered such a Camera Package when I bought my S, I'd have definitely bought it. I'm not keen on going the Blackvue route. I want a factory solution not an aftermarket solution.�
Jul 29, 2015
lucy Tinm, you are so right. The cameras/sensors are probably in place already for the long promised Autopilot, why not let the primary user take a peak into the feed? So much better than having us mess up the wiring or interior of our new toys...�
Jul 29, 2015
Jeff N Agreed. Does any car company offer a dash cam system? It's just such an obvious option.
Has does anyone know if Elon has been asked about this in any public forums or in interviews?�
Jul 29, 2015
HankLloydRight Just talk to your installer -- if they're good, they'll know what to do. They'll know what voltage the device needs, and how to wire it in.�
Jul 29, 2015
mknox I connected mine to the 12v power up in the headliner over the weekend. Prior to that, I had been using the cigarette lighter adapter. When I cut the cord, the first thing I did was plug the cigarette lighter adapter back in and measure the voltage on the now exposed wires. I saw a full 12 volts (actually a bit more), exactly what I measured on the unused connector up in the microphone panel. So I just added a 1 amp in-line fuse and connected to the 12v up there. Seems to be working fine. I have the single camera Blackvue DR500GW-HD.�
Jul 29, 2015
mknox My Blackvue, as far as I could tell, didn't have any in-line fuse. It had the fuse in the lighter plug, though. I simply added my own 1-amp in line fuse when I wired it up in the microphone compartment. Where would this in-line fuse have been? I cut it off about 8" from the jack and threw the lighter socket and the rest of the wire in the trash.�
Jul 29, 2015
lagann I got mine installed for $150. They did amazing work and even the service center technician told me it looked really well done. Make sure to trash the Power Magic Pro, it's absolute garbage. I think they had it hooked up to the glovebox (but I could be wrong). If you have good installers they should get it all figured out correctly.�
Jul 29, 2015
JPP ...OK...1 more time....I have done 2 Blackvue installs personally, so have a bit of experience. But, just for fun, get out the power cable from the Blackvue, with the cigarette lighter plug. Insert it into your cigarette lighter 12V receptacle. Get out your trusty VOM and check the voltage at the right angle connector. Center pin +12v, metal shell ground. Got it?
Now, the power cord has a cigarette lighter plug attached. If you unscrew it, there is a fuse inside. Nothing more, nothing less. Cut off the cigarette lighter plug close to the end of the cable, and do NOT cut off or remove the 2nd black plastic bulge in-line along the power cord. This bulge, if you choose to snap it open, has a 2nd fuse--nothing more, nothing less.
Take the power cable where you cut it off. Strip back the black insulation, then strip the red and black wires. Hook these up to 12v (red to +12v, black to ground). Get your meter, and again test the right angle connector. Got 12V??
Blackvue is smart enough to give you 2 fuses, so that if you choose to hard wire, you still keep an in-line fuse. I personally would NOT hook up the camera without adding an in line fuse.
if your installer still does not understand the above, it's really hopeless......�
Jul 29, 2015
mknox I wonder if that's a regional thing. The power cord that came with my Blackvue DR500GW-HD absolutely did not have this bulge in the power cable. Only the fuse in the lighter plug.
- - - Updated - - -
Interestingly, my wires were red (+) and white (-).�
Jul 29, 2015
Mr X One of the first things im installing when I get mine.
Tesla should make them standard.�
Jul 30, 2015
JPP Hmmmmm...USA vs Canada....would be surprised that they would be different. FWIW I bought 2 units 2 years apart from US vendors, Blackvue 550 and 650, and both had the in-line fuse holder.�
Jul 30, 2015
brucet999 Maybe Canada version matches wire colors to the flag? Very bad luck if you need a three-wire circuit.
Jul 31, 2015
mknox LOL, yeah maybe that's it! What it did do was make me plug in the cigarette lighter end and verify with my multimeter that red was positive and white was negative. As an aside, I also was able to verify that it is 12v on the wires and not some stepped down voltage as speculated above. From there, I proceeded to wire in the piece with the jack in to the headliner circuit.�
Aug 1, 2015
ks-man I got my Blackvue 650 installed. It took a little longer than the installer thought it would be he eventually got everything working. I'm having two issues with the unit and was wondering if anybody here knew how to solve it. First I can't get the time to set correctly. I switched it to my timezone but it registers about 30 hours later than it really is. I'm guessing the issue is the spotty GPS coverage due to the Tesla shielding but I'm assuming other people have gotten the correct time to their Blackvues. Any idea how to do this?
Also, my phone (Galaxy Note 4) has an external sd card but whenever I try and save a video to my phone the only choice is the internal memory. Is anybody able to save videos to their external cards? The manual says when you hold the video you should get a choice for internal and external memory but I don't get that option.
Thanks for all the help.�
Aug 1, 2015
JPP The Tesla windshield is heavily shielded and a real problem with the GPS hardware/antenna in the Blackvue. In my 2013 S85, the Blackvue 550 locks onto GPS better than the 650 in my wife's 2015 S70D. You just basically need to be patient and eventually you will get a GPS lock (and see the blue LED on the back of the unit).�
Aug 1, 2015
ks-man I don't think the issue was the GPS. I guess the Blackvue uses the previously stored file to set the date and time. I formatted the card and it fixed the date and time issue. Still don't know how to save files to my external memory card. Also the glare when it is sunny is real bad.�
Aug 4, 2015
hiroshiy My installer said it's very difficult to find a good spot, both for GPS and for view angle. He said he placed the unit and let it lock on GPS, then sticked it to windshield. Also you can set the time with your smartphone app.�
Aug 4, 2015
seclinton Maybe you can add a polarizing filter?
Group Buy: Polarizer Filter(s) for Blackvue 650 Dashcam - 28% Off�
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