Mar 15, 2014
Ziggy Hello all. I tried looking through the original thread,, but couldn't find an answer. Has anyone received their new NEMA 14-50 adapters with embedded fuse?�
Mar 15, 2014
WeazL Nope. I have not received the new adapter mentioned in the announcement--none of our other club members have mentioned getting one either.�
Mar 15, 2014
PhilBa The annoyance of this is that the press reports say "and Tesla sent new adapters to all the owners" like it's a done deal.�
Mar 15, 2014
dsm363 None here either.�
Mar 15, 2014
apacheguy No, but it's not surprising. When Tesla says "a few weeks" they really mean several months. Same thing with every major software release. It's always delayed.�
Mar 15, 2014
roblab I had a tiny tiny bit of warped plastic on my adapter, and the service center swapped me out immediately with the "new" adapter. I can't see if there's an embedded fuse, but it is the new design.
This happened a couple months ago. I have used it to charge at 40 amps a couple days ago, to full range charge. No problems.�
Mar 15, 2014
JPP Doubt it is the new thermally protected one. Look at the flat face and see what the part number is. Does it end with anything other than -B or -A?�
Mar 15, 2014
roblab 1014324-00-B. So that's still unprotected, right?
Interesting. What should it end with? Or do we know yet?�
Mar 16, 2014
JPP Yup-old one.
Since no-one has the new thermally protected one, no idea. Best guess is -C, but who knows.�
Mar 17, 2014
gg_got_a_tesla Got this during a service visit (same old one as @roblab):
Mar 17, 2014
Alysashley79 I was at the service center today purchasing a 10-30 adapter and I asked about a the 14-50 adapter. The service manager said that they are still building them and none of the service centers have the new adapters yet. She said that they will be shipped to all of us when they have them perfected. My car has been dropping to 30 amps almost every night.�
Mar 17, 2014
FlasherZ I don't believe you will see the power fluctuation protection removed. Perhaps they will loosen it, but you should probably spend the time to figure out why your charge current is being throttled. It could be a misbehaving appliance, it could be an undersized service conductor, it could be an overloaded transformer or distribution network.�
Mar 18, 2014
Alysashley79 Everything has been checked out and is fine and working the way it should be. So not sure what is going on here. In the mean time I don't mind charging at 30 amps. I would just prefer 40 if possible. I've checked the UMC in the middle of a charge and it's barely even warm. So who knows.�
Mar 18, 2014
Btrflyl8e Mine charges at 40 amps. Just took it in for 12000 mile service and they asked to check my cable for signs of melting, but I hadn't thought to bring it. I told them I check it every month or so and it looks perfect. Mine also barely gets warm even after hours of charging.�
Mar 18, 2014
FlasherZ Unfortunately, many electricians and power company engineers are still stuck in the old world where all loads are resistance or motor loads (motors, incandescent light bulbs, and heat strips). The Tesla is backing a charge off because of a voltage fluctuation it is seeing. This could be caused by a loose connection at the receptacle/breaker (although sounds like it's checked) or misbehaving appliance (for example, a failing start capacitor that causes an A/C compressor or heat pump to draw a very heavy load for a longer period of time) or a loose/undersized service conductor (for example, prior to my upgrade I had a 2/0 service conductor good for ~130A feeding my home's 200A panel, and was regularly stretching the limits on that cable) or an overloaded transformer feeding your home (for example, prior to my upgrade my transformer was rated at only 15 kVA, or about 60 amps - and I was drawing nearly 2x that).
The car backing off from its maximum charge isn't just applicable to the branch circuit, it is indicative of some type of voltage drop that looks like a higher resistance than normal. I'm going to assume that your connections are tight on your 14-50's circuit and that the branch circuit is okay (you said it was checked out). To do a bit of troubleshooting, you can turn off all other circuits except the Tesla and see if it still backs off. If it does, you want to call the power company and have them do power quality measurements as the Tesla tries charging, and they should start looking at the power distribution to your home (transformer, distribution network). If that's the case, it's not something in your home causing it. If it hasn't backed off yet, you will want to turn on individual loads, one at a time, starting with the largest first - if the car backs off, try to isolate it to a bad appliance. If you can't isolate it to an appliance, it may be an aggregate loading problem (service conductors). It's a complex problem to troubleshoot, but it IS indicative of a problem with your electrical service somewhere.�
Mar 19, 2014
trils0n Safety Recall Notice -- NEMA 14-50 adapter
Not sure if this is the right forum for this, or if it has been posted already, but I don't remember seeing anything and a quick search showed nothing.
I got a letter from Tesla today about the NEMA 14-50 recall. The envelope says "Safety Recall Notice" in bold letters and "Issued in Accordance With Federal Law".
It is dated March 11, 2014 and says the new adapters start mailing in two weeks. The letter has pictures of the old adapter, with black plastic face, and the new one, with a grey plastic face.�
Mar 19, 2014
gaswalla There's an old thread on this. But this is the first time I've heard official word of new adapters shipping soon.�
Mar 19, 2014
Discoducky Cool, hope the NHSTA clearance is soon as well! Thanks for the post trils0n!�
Mar 19, 2014
Lloyd I called Tesla today because I use the 6-50 adapter for 90% of my charging and there was no mention in the written recall of the other adapters. I got to the head electronics engineer and he verified that other adapters, and specifically the 6-50 will eventually be replaced also. They verified that 98% of customers are using the 14-50 and the recall will initially be aimed at replacing these first. He could not give a time frame for the others to be replaced.�
Mar 19, 2014
gaswalla Thanks for the info Lloyd ... Another 6-50 user here�
Mar 19, 2014
iffatall I just received a letter from Tesla regarding the NHSTA Recall.
It says the new adapter will be mailed within two weeks, and includes a picture so the new adapter can be clearly distinguished from the old one. The new adapters will have a grey connector face.�
Mar 19, 2014
Panacea So I'll start lol.:biggrin: I haven't received the letter yet....�
Mar 19, 2014
iffatall The letter's dated 11 March... FYI :biggrin:�
Mar 19, 2014
markb1 Ok, we know the letters are going out, now. Hoping this doesn't become long thread of "me too" replies.
Mar 19, 2014
iffatall Here is the letter.
View attachment NHTSA Recall 14V-006.pdf�
Mar 19, 2014
rlang59 Don't worry I'm sure there will be just as many "I didn't get the letter yet" posts. :wink:�
Mar 19, 2014
Cosmacelf Really Tesla? Their recall letter advises people to upgrade to 5.8.4 or later. However 5.8.4 has a very bad bug that can actually CAUSE an electrical fire under certain circumstances. The bug has been corrected in later releases, but 5.8.4 is a bad software version to be at. Here's what I emailed Tesla on January 12, 2014:
From what we can tell based on forum feedback (since Tesla won't tell us the actual algorithm being used), v5.8.4, during charging, if the car sees a voltage drop beyond a fixed level (5% or 6%) from nominal voltage (240V or 208V), then the car OVERRIDES the amperage draw level as set by the user. It overrides this to a FIXED value which is a 25% reduction from the rated value of the adapter being used.
As seen in the above post, this is a BUG since the correct behavior SHOULD BE to reduce amperage draw from 25% of the VALUE SET BY THE USER. So in the above example, the user is using the NEMA 14-50 adapter, but on a circuit that is protected by a smaller breaker, a 30A breaker instead of the usual 50A breaker. The user dials down current to 24A, which is the maximum safe level in this scenario. The car, upon seeing a voltage drop, resets this to a HIGHER CURRENT of 30A. This is unsafe and counter productive.
There are other cases where people use NEMA 14-50 and NEMA 6-50 adapters for plugs that are rated far less than the 50A ratings of these receptacles. People have made home made adapters for such receptacles as TT-30, Marine 30A, NEMA 6-30, NEMA 6-20, etc. These home made adapters terminate in a NEMA 14-50 or NEMA 6-50 plug that the user then plugs a Tesla adapter into. The user, mindful of the actual receptacle rating, dials back the charge level to a safe number, be it 16A or 24A. Your software could then override this value and set it to 30A, which would, in some cases, actually exceed the breaker rating.
Please update your charge reduction algorithm ASAP as it is dangerous.
I would also point out that while it is normal practice to protect a NEMA 14-50 outlet with a 50A breaker, there are lots of older homes that have NEMA 14-50s with 30A or 40A breakers, and associated wire ratings. v5.8.4 is not a safe release.�
Mar 20, 2014
FlasherZ It just noted that 5.8.4 was where the current reduction started. Chances are that, unless you accepted 5.8.4 then refused to accept an upgrade afterwards, you have 5.8.8 or greater anyway. Not a big deal IMO.�
Mar 20, 2014
GlennAlanBerry Despite Tesla's instructions about mailing the old adapter back to them, I am planning on keeping it as a spare in the car, just in case I ever need it. I don't think there is really anything dangerous or wrong with the older adapter, especially after the latest software updates.�
Mar 20, 2014
Andrew I got the letter yesterday as well. In it, it says the new adapters will be gray on the side that connects to the UMC.
When I had the car in for our annual service last week, I asked about the new thermally-protected adapaters, and my service rep gave me a new adapter that he said included the thermal fuse. It has a green dot on the side that connects to the UMC -- but isn't gray. Is that not actually one of the new adapters then?�
Mar 20, 2014
markb1 Besides, it's not like someone receiving this letter has the option of installing 5.8.4.�
Mar 20, 2014
JPP Doubt that TM will allow you to keep the old ones...I would not if I were them (liability). I would track owners/VINs of all vehicles/adapters to try to get as many of the old adapters back as possible.
- - - Updated - - -
You do NOT have the new thermally protected adapter (and your part number probably ends with -B or less likely -A). You should still be getting a 'recall' letter and subsequently a new adapter (with the grey flat face).�
Mar 21, 2014
sefs Does anyone think they'll send replacements to people who bought them through the Tesla store? I use a UMC converted to J1772. Not really expecting it since my purchase isn't tied to a VIN, just wondering.�
Mar 21, 2014
FlasherZ You may have to initiate a request to Tesla as the letters seem tied to each VIN. I would think they'd replace it.�
Mar 21, 2014
Andrew Thanks. Will keep an eye out for the new one...�
Mar 21, 2014
AnOutsider Got my letter today. woo.�
Mar 22, 2014
Ven Rala I received my letter today as well. It states the new adapters will be mailed in 2 weeks (I wonder if this is real time 2 weeks or Tesla time 2 weeks).�
Mar 22, 2014
dsm363 Maybe Tesla time is one week equals 7 business days
Mar 23, 2014
Chipper Tesla does something (ANYthing) in "real time"??????�
Mar 23, 2014
Iz Got letter on Friday (3/21). For the past year most of my charging is done at home on 110v. In a few months will finally get 200-amp service and 40-amp charging. :smile:�
Mar 27, 2014
iffatall Just received my replacement adapter. Will add pics soon.�
Mar 27, 2014
Cosmacelf I still haven't even received my letter!�
Mar 27, 2014
DennisLevitt I framed my letter :-D�
Apr 3, 2014
swisscottg Mine came today but I can't remove the original from the UMC and install the new one. It won't separate. Anyone had similar issue? Suggestions?�
Apr 3, 2014
Lump Same issue with mine about 6 months ago prior to the garage incidents & adapter replacement news, service center replaced my UMC & adaptor.�
Apr 3, 2014
Cosmacelf Your service center will exchange it for free. I wouldn't continue to use it, it has been damaged by heat (melted).�
Apr 4, 2014
ecarfan Got my replacement yesterday. Easily removed the old one from my UMC (I had used it a few times last month for 240V/40A charging, never use it at home because I have an HPWC) and replaced it with the new one. No problems here.
I believe to remove the adaptor there is a small button you have to firmly press in.�
Apr 4, 2014
swisscottg Went to Sunnyvale SC and they swapped out the whole UMC. This is my third UMC since picking up the car in November '13. New UMC + new adapter - will report back if it melts again. I should point out that both times the SC swapped out same day and the UMC worked fine last night. Only a minor inconvenience of a side trip to the SC and sadly not have my "please update me to 5.10" request fulfilled
Tiny first world problem in the overall experience of a terrific car.�
Apr 4, 2014
Canuck Do you keep the old one or have to send it back to them?�
Apr 4, 2014
swisscottg Comes in a box with a label to return to Tesla in Palo Alto. I left mine which was melted to the UMC at the SC�
Apr 5, 2014
JST Not sure if anyone has posted pics yet, but here you go. Old one ends in B. New one in E.![]()
Apr 5, 2014
ZBB Thanks for posting.
Now how did you get yours before mine? :wink:�
Apr 5, 2014
JST The box comes with a shipping label; the letter asks you to put your old one in the box and send it back.�
Apr 5, 2014
jamieb UPS, USPS, FedEx?�
Apr 5, 2014
JST FedEx Home Delivery.�
Apr 5, 2014
Vger Very interesting! It looks like they changed the material of the internal adapter-to-cord socket. I always imagine that this was the weak link. Maybe it is just a higher temperature polymer, along with the thermal fuse.�
Apr 5, 2014
zwede No adapter, nor letter. Strange?�
Apr 5, 2014
JST I am not sure whether the material is different. It's obviously a different color, but both are similar plastic, at least to the naked eye.�
Apr 5, 2014
markb1 Yeah, I suspect they changed the color to make it easy to distinguish from the old adapter, and the material is otherwise the same.�
Apr 5, 2014
ribsandbbqbeef Received my replacement adapter last week, though mine has a rattle when I shake it. Does anyone else have that? If not, I'm gonna take mine back to Tesla for an exchange.�
Apr 7, 2014
iffatall I have the rattle.�
Apr 7, 2014
scaesare Any chance this is the resettable thermal circuit breaker in there? Sometimes mechanisms like that can have a little rattle...�
Apr 7, 2014
darthvdr I received mine this morning then received a phone call from Tesla asking me to update to the latest firmware.�
Apr 7, 2014
ribsandbbqbeef Cool, thanks. Been using the new adapter for a week and hasn't burned my house down so must be okay =)�
Apr 7, 2014
Kalud Received my letter today, first mention outside US ?�
Apr 8, 2014
Peter_M Funny thing is that in Canada, the first heading in the letter is "REASON FOR THIS MAILING" instead of "REASON FOR THIS RECALL". I guess in Canada they don't have to use NHTSA terminology.�
Apr 16, 2014
Kraken Got mine today (I think... The delivery person hid it on the porch... It might have been there for a week). It only has a very slight noise that is a minimal rattle if I shake it hard.�
Apr 16, 2014
gnelson Received mine yesterday. I was already on 5.9 firmware. I didn't shake mine.�
Apr 16, 2014
AmpedRealtor Mine arrived today!�
Apr 17, 2014
GIdoc Anyone in the US who still hasn't received the letter (not the adapter) yet?�
Apr 17, 2014
zwede I haven't received the letter or the adapter. I emailed ownership about it. They called me and said something in their system was messed up but they'd send it out for sure. That was a week ago, nothing yet.�
Apr 17, 2014
Xenoilphobe Got mine last Friday�
Apr 20, 2014
PhilBa Hope someone knows the answer to this - what is the temperature at which the new NEMA 14-50 adapter fuse "blows"?�
Apr 20, 2014
Mayhemm So, is it safe to assume the new adapter will be included with all new vehicle builds?�
Apr 21, 2014
tennisman I would be interested in this answer also, as my delivery date is scheduled for 5/23/14.
Apr 22, 2014
arondaniel I would think yes. New cars getting the new adapter first might also explain why they are so slow making the rounds. No adapter here but I did get the letter a long time ago. I think its safe to say they missed the "couple weeks" estimate.
Apr 22, 2014
Longhorn92 Just received mine this past weekend. Is everyone really sending their old adapter back?�
Apr 22, 2014
SeminoleFSU ShockerYup still no adapter here, but I got the letter weeks ago
Apr 22, 2014
GDH Same here.�
Apr 22, 2014
100thMonkey I'm thinking not. I guess with the HPWC fuse fiasco and with fuses in general, unless it's a switch, I'm holding on to the old one so I have a back up for when/if it pops... Murphy's law.�
Apr 22, 2014
Brass Guy Same here too.
My guess for the return is they're going to want it back. The old ones may be some sort of liability. I'd expect a $45 charge if I keep both - the cost of the adapter on their site.�
Apr 22, 2014
iffatall I haven't returned mine yet. Just waiting to see what they plan to do when they don't receive the old one back.
If they charge $45, then I am sure everyone would rather return the old one and buy one with the fuse built in.�
Apr 22, 2014
100thMonkey is there a button to reset the adapter if it trips or is it truly a fuse and if so, can you tell if the fuse is user replaceable?�
Apr 22, 2014
rlang59 Thermal fuses self reset once the fault condition is removed. So when it cools down it will reset.�
Apr 22, 2014
Cottonwood I hope that Tesla has used ones that self reset, but not all do that. It is a reasonable question.
For example, from NTE8181 - Thermal Cut-Off Fuse : Cut-Off Fuses |
Apr 22, 2014
Seven7 Got mine about 10 days ago and have already sent the old one back with the prepaid fed ex sticker that was in the box.�
Apr 22, 2014
Klaus Got a FedEx notification today that something was shipped from Tesla. There is hope
Apr 22, 2014
rlang59 I am aware that they exist but I find it extremely unlikely that they would use one.�
Apr 22, 2014
Mayhemm Especially after all the hassle with early HPWCs...�
Apr 23, 2014
Btrflyl8e I finally got mine today. Interestingly, with my old one I always got 29 miles an hour charge. With the new one, the phone app shows I'm getting 30. Not a huge deal but I thought it was interesting.�
Apr 23, 2014
Apoclyps got mine today. will see how it charges overnight.�
Apr 24, 2014
GDH Just came home to this!. Also, the letter that came with it clearly asks for the other adapter to be returned to Tesla.
Apr 24, 2014
ZBB Mine also arrived today. Looked just like yours, except the prongs were pointing left instead of right...�
Apr 24, 2014
GDH Picture or it didn't happen�
Apr 24, 2014
dsm363 I'd rather keep the old one too.
I bet if it is in your car when you take it in for service they'll swap it out though. They did that without asking with the new J1772 adapter.�
Apr 24, 2014
007 Just got mine in the mail too. After taking it out of the box I noticed a metallic rattling sound like something loose inside. Called Tesla and confirmed it's not normal and they'd ship another out. Glad I noticed it before plugging it in! Does anyone else with the new adapter have this sound? Perhaps it's the fuse?�
Apr 24, 2014
Mayhemm On a related note, I recently had a service centre refuse to sell me a NEMA 6-50 adapter because "Tesla are doing a product update on them so they're no longer available". This would have been bad news for me since I need it for the first leg of a roadtrip I plan to take. Fortunately, my begging and pleading convinced them to release an outgoing one to me. They're putting it in the car before they ship it out.
Big props to the guys in Vancouver! They saved me about 7 hours at a Nissan dealership.
Wonder when we'll start seeing the updated 6-50's in the wild? Do you think they will have the new grey face?�
May 6, 2014
Atebit Me. I took delivery on the third week in March, so I doubt the car came with the updated version. I don't use the UMC much but I guess I'll have to go have a look now and call the SC if necessary.
Interestingly, when I took delivery I did not receive a NEMA 5-15 adapter with the car as they were on "back order" at the time. It took them over three weeks to finally ship me one, during which time I took a road trip where getting those measly 24 or so miles overnight would've meant not having to search for a trailer park on the way home.
Anyway, this made me wonder if having to manufacture additional style adapters for the new theaters is stressing Tesla's (or their OEM's) ability to produce these in sufficient quantitiy?�
May 12, 2014
Cosmacelf BTW, just so people are aware, the new adapters do not have a thermal fuse. They are built with higher temperature materials and better weld joints. Full info here:�
May 12, 2014
siai47 After reading the last post (and reviewing the NHTSA document) I went out and took a look at the adapters for my car. It was built in the middle of March and delivered on March 31st. The 14-50 adapter has a green paint dot on it and a P/N of 1014324-00-B. I also purchased a 6-50 adapter from the online store just prior to the vehicle delivery. This adapter has both a yellow and a green dot on it and a P/N of 1016021-00-B. So my car might have been delivered with the "updated" adapter as it has the green dot. However, I haven't heard anything about a upgraded 6-50 being manufactured yet---so the dots might not mean anything on this adapter. BTW the 6-15 adapter also has a green dot on it!�
May 12, 2014
efusco Just got an email notification today of a pending FedEx shippment from Toyota...unless they're sending me a surprise P85+, I assume it's a replacement 14-50 adapter.�
May 12, 2014
gg_got_a_tesla Toyota?!
May 13, 2014
Lawsteve Fed Ex delivered mine today.�
May 13, 2014
ACDriveMotor I received mine a few days ago. When I went to swap it out I found that my old adapter was fused to the UMC. The local SC gave me a new UMC.�
May 13, 2014
astrotoy Got mine today also. Mine also came with the same letter to return the old one in the same box. However, it also came with a return Fedex sticker so Tesla is paying for the return shipping cost for mine.
May 13, 2014
artsci Mine was delivered today. Returning the old one tomorrow. Tesla makes it so easy!�
May 13, 2014
JPP The -A and -B versions of the NEMA 14-50 adapter are the old ones, not the new thermally protected one.�
May 13, 2014
Cosmacelf The new ones are not thermally protected in that they don't have a thermal fuse. All they have are higher temperature plastics and better welds.�
May 14, 2014
4SUPER9 I received 2 replacement adapters in the mail yesterday. Yes, 2, because I bought a spare UMC. I am really impressed that they got this right, and shipped them together. I was expecting to receive only 1, then I would have called to remind them about the 2nd. My expectations were too low. Love TM. Great company.�
May 14, 2014
FluxCap Got mine, hooked it up, reboxed the old one, easy-peasy lemon squeezy.�
May 14, 2014
Klaus I experienced the opposite. I got a new adapter about 3 weeks ago. I'm holding on to the old one to save them shipping on one.
I called customer service to remind them of my second one. The rep said that my record indicated that I was scheduled to receive a second one in a few weeks.�
May 14, 2014
Klaus I experienced the opposite. I got a new adapter about 3 weeks ago. I'm holding on to the old one to save them shipping on one.
I called customer service to remind them of my second UMC needing a 14-50 adapter. The rep said that my record indicated that I was scheduled to receive it in a few weeks. Haven't received the second one yet.�
May 14, 2014
tomas Sorry if others have noted this upthread... kind of rushed right now and didn't see on latest couple of pages: I got mine via fedex yesterday. Unplugged UMC, replaced adaptor, replugged in.
Next time I turned on car I got bright red banner across top of display: CAR NEEDS SERVICE. OH NO! I figured it might relate to the adapter change so I rebooted. It went away and has not recurred. However, I'm hanging on to old adapter for a few weeks just in case....�
May 14, 2014
purplewalt +1
Received mine.
Will hand deliver the old one to the local Service Center this Friday while I get my annual Service check-up done.�
May 14, 2014
Otmar I'm eager to see if they manage to send me one.
My car, having a salvage title is considered a "dead car" and is in some ways not supported. The factory warranties are void on salvage cars (in my experience) but other salvage cars I've owned were still eligible and processed for recalls. On the other hand, from what I read this may not be a "recall" in the normal sense.
Additionally I bought the UMC separately from the vehicle directly through the Tesla site.
I've rarely been one to take the more travelled so I'll be very impressed if I do automatically get an upgrade. :smile:�
May 14, 2014
andrewket I'm impressed. I'm in the same camp and only received one. The local SC said Tesla was not tracking second units purchased as accessories or at the SC and that they would try to get me one. Which begs the question, where and when did you buy your second UMC?�
May 15, 2014
4SUPER9 I could see them not bothering with the original UMC, but being Tesla, I am willing to bet all it would take is a request from you. However, in your case, the UMC itself is warrantied, since you purchased it separately. Whether or not your car is salvaged is not at issue. In fact, you don't even need to own a Model S.
I bought mine directly from TM online, and did so way back in August, when I purchased the car.�
May 15, 2014
JPP Another data point...just got my replacement yesterday (...and, BTW, the part number ends with -E). FWIW, I own a 2nd NEMA 14-50 adapter that I bought as a 'cash sale' @ Fremont (so no record of my name/VIN on the invoice). I did this so that I could leave the adapter plugged into my NEMA 14-50R and reduce the insert/removal cycles to hopefully keep the receptacle from failing (not sure if a 'standard' NEMA 14-50R is really rated for multiple insertions/removals?). Anyways, when I packed up my old adapter, I added a note and a copy of my invoice from the one I bought, and assume that whoever opens the box will see it and send me a 2nd one. I wonder how many owners have additional adapters that are not tracked in the TM system?�
May 15, 2014
andrewket I would be very surprised if anyone reads your note. The returned adapters are likely being recycled for raw materials by a 3rd party.�
May 15, 2014
efusco I got my new 14-50 adapter today. Was hoping it would have an improved/more secure locking connection than my original adapter, but it is, if anything, worse. While my other adapters snap right in and stay snuck, the NEMA 14-50 just pulls out with minimal effort. Wondering now if it's an issue more with my UMC side than the adapter side.�
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