Aug 22, 2015
Pete90D Today is my 33rd birthday, and Tesla was kind enough to deliver my beautiful car to me at 11am this morning. Weighing in at 4647 lb and 4 oz, she is healthy, but has yet to be named.
P90D, midnight silver, pano, 21" grey turbines, black next-gen seats, CF d�cor and spoiler, black alcantara headliner, red calipers, autopilot, SAS, UHFS, and premium interior
Horrible lighting. Didn't realize it until I looked at it on my laptop.
I've seen some questions about what the range will be. This was a range charge that I let sit to balance batteries. 273 miles
I've spent some time driving a P85D and when I first launched in this I was a bit disappointed. It didn't feel any more significant than insane mode. I did notice some additional pull, but nothing mind blowing. I haven't had a chance to really play around with it yet, but I did find this
When the battery is ready it will say "Ready", which when I first found it was ready immediately. The "Preparing..." was when I was charging again tonight so the battery needs to warm up a bit first. My initial test with this enabled I did feel it more, but it wasn't the best test with luggage and people in the car. I'll test it and try to get a video of at least the dash during day time.�
Aug 22, 2015
HHHH Very cool. Welcome, congrats, and do post that video when you get a chance.�
Aug 22, 2015
ModelX Congrats! Happy Birthday!�
Aug 22, 2015
Pete90D Here's a 90% charge.
To compare with a P85D after balancing the batteries
254 vs 273 @ 100%
228 vs 246 @ 90%
So 18-19 extra miles
Aug 22, 2015
Panoz The real congrats is being your age and being able to afford a Tesla!�
Aug 22, 2015
S'toon Ah, 273 miles range. P85D is 253 range, isn't it?�
Aug 22, 2015
jsm Congrats - Happy Birthday! Nice present.�
Aug 22, 2015
Pete90D Also, the P90D does come with staggered Michelins�
Aug 22, 2015
digitalonion Happy Birthday to you. and congratulations ... I ordered mine. 85 blue metallic paint/ Tech Package with autopilot/ dual charger/ Piano black Decore/ Black Lather seats. Schedule delivery before my birthday on Sept 5th.�
Aug 22, 2015
Ames @Pete90D. Thanks for info on battery preparation; something newAny impressions on ride quality, noise levels, high speed passing power, supercharging speed?
Aug 22, 2015
Pete90D I tried to post another shot of the charge at 90%, but it's waiting for mod approval
A P85D vs P90D, both with balanced batteries is
254 vs 273 @ 100%
228 vs 246 @ 90%
So 18-19 extra miles�
Aug 22, 2015
TEG Drool.�
Aug 22, 2015
Pete90D Ride quality and noise level is roughly the same from what I remember.
Passing power seems to be a bit stronger, but I haven't tested it with the max power option turned on. There were a couple times it felt kind of weak, but still faster than a lot of cars.
The applique curves slightly different and the letters stand out more.
I don't think I remember the charger port door automatically opening when I pulled up to a supercharger, but unless I did something without realizing it like the keyfob being pressed while in my pocket, the door opened automatically.�
Aug 22, 2015
LargeHamCollider When you get a chance let us know what the supercharging curve looks like and what the actual energy consumed is when going from 100% to 0% charge.
And huge thanks for posting all the info!�
Aug 22, 2015
Robert. Those photos you posted about "Max battery power" are very interesting. I believe that is something new.�
Aug 22, 2015
gg_got_a_tesla Awesome! Happy Birthday and Congrats! Looking forward to a video of Ludicrous.�
Aug 22, 2015
Pete90D Driving from Mountain View to San Francisco, around the city, back down, to the airport, and back to Mountain View... 100% down to 28%
53.2 kWh
383 Wh/mi
Remote S says I added 52.48 kWh to get back to 90%�
Aug 22, 2015
Spacela So I'm guessing Max Battery Power is similar to the Roadster's Performance Mode in that it allows the battery to operate at a higher temperature? Awesome car by the way. And happy birthday! :smile:�
Aug 22, 2015
Pete90D I'm going to go try to capture something on the GoPro... haven't tried that at night so we'll see what I can capture.�
Aug 22, 2015
Robert. I agree. The new setting is very interesting. I started a new topic. Pete I hope you don't mind me reusing those photos about that new setting.
Max Battery Power setting in P90DL�
Aug 22, 2015
stopcrazypp Beat me to it about a similar mode to Roadster.
Happy birthday to OP too! Remember to stay safe while having fun though.�
Aug 22, 2015
danni Now that is one lovely car! Congratulations on both the birthday and the car! My 33rd birthday is coming up on Nov 2nd, and I have preliminary delivery of my Tesla in October, so in a way I'll beat you to it (but I'm poor, so I'll have to make do with an 85D for now).
Aug 22, 2015
luca only 4676lbs?!!
Are you sure???
- - - Updated - - -
Is this math correct?
Aug 22, 2015
Hybris Did you also get the sport suspension?
- - - Updated - - -
We need a "no regen" mode also. Assume it would add longer performance due to the added heat when regen.�
Aug 23, 2015
Pete90D No worries
Weight was something I saw noted somewhere. I didn't look at the exact weight of mine... it was more for the sake of the joke than being exact.
As for the math, it was the "Since Last Charge" data. I took the picture of the 100% charge just before I left on that drive, and charged when I got back.
Suspension didn't change.�
Aug 23, 2015
spentan Happy Birthday and congratulations!
If you don't mind me asking, what firmware version are you running? Trying to figure out if the Max Battery Power will be available for P85Ds or L-retrofitted P85Ds.
(Click the Tesla T, and it should say 6.2 (x.xx.xx).
Also, I recommend signing up to this site to keep your firmware in the knowledgebase Tesla Firmware Upgrade Tracker Web App�
Aug 23, 2015
WarpedOne 4676 lb would be awsome but is probably wrong. Goold old S85 weighed in ~4,647 lb and P85D is 4936 lb.
And we are really interested in exact weight of P90D. If would say much about new battery chemistry.
If your number was correct and they did shave off 250 pounds I'd say it explains a lot about why there is only 5kWh more capacity. There is probably less cells in the pack, reducing the weight and added cost and improving performance by another 5%.�
Aug 23, 2015
Pete90D 6.2 (2.5.36)
GVWR = 2670kg/5887lb
GAWR FRT = 1250kg/2756lb
GAWR RR = 1420kg/3131lb
That's all I've got right now
- - - Updated - - -
An extra note on the weight. The manual doesn't have the curb weight for the P90D yet, but the GVWR for the P85D is 5710, curb weight of 4963. The GVWR has increased by 177lb, but I don't know what you can say based on that.�
Aug 23, 2015
WarpedOne P85D:
GVWR =2640kg/5820lb
P90D has a bit higher maximum allowed weight, it could still be lighter, or heavier.�
Aug 23, 2015
Pete90D Ah, yeah the GVWR in the manual is generic. It's late... I'm tired... waiting for this charge to finish so I can video this launch while onramps are empty.�
Aug 23, 2015
WarpedOne Oh yeah, baby!
Aug 23, 2015
Pete90D Remote S at 100% charge. So it's almost 274, but here's the ideal and estimated numbers as well.
Aug 23, 2015
Hybris Could you set the car to very high and check if ypu have the sportsuspension that was removed in Aprilmfrom all new P85D...�
Aug 23, 2015
emir-t Hey Pete. Happy birthday! Great present indeed.
Could you give us info on voltage while supercharging? Because my gut feeling tells me (or I want to hope so) this new 90kwh battery with new chemistry has the 70kwh pack config. (As in 74cells in parallel, series of 6 for a module and 14 modules)
85kwh packs have 16 modules so if 90kwh voltage is somewhere between 310-370V (assuming new cells have increased mAh capacity, same voltage levels) it means it is 14 modules. So with the 16 module config there could be a 110kWh pack waiting to make a debut with the Model X. If it is still ~402V when top SoC supercharging, it means just a tiny tiny increase in battery capacity.
I'm new to battery technicalities and calculations so I hope I wasn't wrong with my assumptions. Also would be great to know the usable kWh of the pack. p85ds use about 75kwh of the 85kwh pack. I'd assume new one is ~80kwh, which would explain the 19-20mile extra range.
Thanks in advance!�
Aug 23, 2015
Pete90D I can tomorrow, but I did ask when I picked it up and they said that the suspension was not changed.
I saw 405v�
Aug 23, 2015
Robert. Pete,
The difference between P90DL and P85D is after 30mph. They are identical until 30mph. There is no additional G force with the P90DL. However the duration of the G force is longer. Listen from 19:34 to 21:17. Tesla Motors Ludicrous Mode Press Conference (Audio) 2015-07-17 - YouTube
In this race the Ferrari catches up with P85D after 30mph. Now that wont be so easy.
Aug 23, 2015
Pete90D I'm aware of that. My comment was based on that I didn't notice a difference between the 0-60 in insane vs 0-60 in ludicrous. However after turning on the max power option I do notice a difference. I did try to capture a few launches tonight, but had issues with the GoPro, finding a good place to do it, and ended up just using my iPhone, which was acceptable, but not great.
Anyway, here's 0-65 with the max power turned on and loss of range from trying to use my GoPro too many times. It's sorta near 3.2s at under 90% SOC.
- - - Updated - - -
Also, when the Max Battery Power mode is "Preparing..." you hear a whine almost like when you floor it, but slightly different. I'm not sure exactly what's going on there, but stopped at a light, no cars around, with music and A/C off, it is very clear something is kicking in.�
Aug 23, 2015
FlatSix911 Congrats!�
Aug 23, 2015
Pete90D Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes and the congrats. It's been a good day, and I'm happy I was able to share new information with everyone. That's definitely been a great addition to the day!�
Aug 23, 2015
Niclas The question is whether the suspension is unchanged from what? From firmer or softer dampers?�
Aug 23, 2015
Pete90D I asked him specifically if they updated the suspension to return to the firmer dampers and he said no. My DS also told me that when I emailed her about the staggered wheels.
If there is something specific you want me to look for or take a picture of let me know.
- - - Updated - - -
Sorry for yet another reply, but I thought I'd offer.
If you live in the Bay Area and want to meet up today (Sunday 8/23) after noon let me know. I've got nothing to do today other than drive around... it's an op to record reactions.�
Aug 23, 2015
ArtInCT Hi Pete!
Wow, congrats on the P90D and THANK YOU SO MUCH for being the first poster to do a reveal.
I am especially intrigued by the concept of preparing the battery for MAX.
Can you kind of walk us thru that step by step.
I heard you say you can actually hear it doing the prep work?
How long does it typically take and what does the display say when it finally is at MAX?
Again thanks for sharing with us. Much appreciated.
Aug 23, 2015
Niclas If you raise the suspension to very high you can identify the parts number on the dampers. If it ends with A or C.
If it ends with C you have the softer dampers that all PD have since end of april.�
Aug 23, 2015
Pete90D So I'll explain the discovery process and what I've kind of learned from it. I didn't really notice the text when I first checked that L was turned on. On my way to SF I was in heavy traffic and noticed the text, pressed the button and it said "Ready" right away and I later turned it off and on and it remained at "Ready" right away. Here a photo of that I forgot to post.
I did notice a little more kick after doing so. I then returned from SF, went to the SC, and sat for a long time while it charged to 90%. When I was done, I hit the button and it went into "Preparing...". So charging and the heat generated from that will not prepare the car. When I was going out to record, I sat at the SC for maybe 50 minutes to top it off, turned it on at the light when it was quiet and there was a whine while it was "Preparing...". I gave it a few throttle kicks here and there, drove maybe 1-2mi doing that and it changed to "Ready".
Later today I can let it just sit and see how long it takes.
- - - Updated - - -
Aug 23, 2015
Niclas Thanks for the pic, so it does indeed have the softer dampers.�
Aug 23, 2015
brewster Does the damper reference the C at the end of the number for (P) or the A at the start of the (S) number?�
Aug 23, 2015
mgboyes PS2s or Pilot Super Sports ?
(there's a rumour flying around that the reintroduction of staggered is because Michelin are making PSS in 265/35R21, not because they've managed to get stock of the PS2s)�
Aug 23, 2015
Pete90D ![]()
Aug 23, 2015
mgboyes Thanks!
And :-(�
Aug 23, 2015
ScepticMatt Quick side-by-side edit:
I've noticed that the P85D is ranged charged, I don't know how much difference that makes.
source videos:
dragtimes: Tesla Model S P85D Insane vs Sport Mode Testing 0-60 MPH in 3.17 Seconds
your run: Tesla P90D Ludicrous 0-65�
Aug 23, 2015
ArtInCT Pete90D:
I would like to ask you yet again for a favor?
Perhaps your new P90D has the new rear chrome facia.
Can you take a nice picture of it?
Apparently, the newest cars, since mid August have the new chrome facia which has the TESLA letters a bit more pronounced and it also lacks the integrated lens in the far left and right facia where it covers a bit of the tail lamps.
This new design is reported to reduce any water fogging in the rear tail lamps as the water cannot get caught behind the lens.
Also thanks for being so prompt with your replies to our queries.
BTW what color interior, trim and headliner did you decide upon? Mine will be the same exterior color as yours when I order it.
Aug 23, 2015
Tesla S1 Happy Birthday and that has to be one of the best presents you ever received!! When you went with 21"s...did you have the choice for staggered or not?�
Aug 23, 2015
Rafik Pete, congratulations on the car and happy birthday
Quick question for you. I have a P90D ordered and one of the first things I had planned to do was switch out the tires to Pilot Sports since hearing cars were now shipping with the Continental. Lo and behold yours actually came with them - that's great news. I would be curious to know if you had to specially order them with the car, if it was a matter of luck, or if Tesla has decided to go back to shipping cars with them from the factory by default.�
Aug 23, 2015
scottf200 Useful to use the setting gear and change the speed to 0.25.
Aug 23, 2015
gg_got_a_tesla Pete's probably getting some well-deserved sleep (looks like he was up until atleast 4 am!) but, did I notice the power draw max out at 480 kW in the video?!�
Aug 23, 2015
Pete90D Here ya go. Interior is black and CF. Good choice on exterior color, it hides dirt and dust well.
- - - Updated - - -
I will go out in a bit and do another speedo recording in a place I know I can get a better session, but unless someone from the forum wants to meet up I'm not going to be able to do more than just the dash by myself. GoPro with headband wasn't working.
- - - Updated - - -
I didn't have to ask for anything special for my wheels. I had a P85D on order and changed the option to P90DL a couple hours before cut off for confirmation (Friday of Elon's announcement). My DS knew I was originally disappointed with the lack of staggered and when I asked her if I would be getting she wasn't 100% clear on that yet. So it just showed up with staggered PS2s.�
Aug 23, 2015
AWDtsla 30? It's more like 80, 90, 100? mph in that video.�
Aug 23, 2015
joer00 Pete,
it is expected that we do not see a difference 0-30. I think all of us which are disapointed with the p85d power is at higher speeds. So it would be awesome if you can make some 60-100 videos.
Another issue I am very interested is if power drop based on SOC improved. My car is between 320 and 480kw already at 170 miles range. Meaning the p85d has better performance than the P85 for a VERY short time.�
Aug 23, 2015
Pete90D Years ago I probably would have posted videos of 60-100, but now I'd rather not post anything that far over the limit. My personal opinion is that the performance above 60 has improved.�
Aug 23, 2015
AWDtsla Do it on your "private track"
Aug 23, 2015
gg_got_a_tesla Is there a proper drag strip somewhere in the Bay Area? Pete, I'm up for going head-to-head with you in my P85D
Aug 23, 2015
Pete90D Maybe we can borrow Moffett
There was/is one in Fremont, but I don't know if it is still open. The next is Sonoma I think. At least Fremont is closer a supercharger.�
Aug 23, 2015
wws Sadly the one in Fremont closed years ago. Current choices seem to either be Sacramento or Sonoma.�
Aug 23, 2015
gg_got_a_tesla Indeed. Bah... Sonoma's a bit of a hike.
Dragstrip Finder�
Aug 23, 2015
jasonjax Congrats! I'm waiting for my 85D to be delivered so I can only imagine how exciting a P90D would be!�
Aug 23, 2015
Pete90D See P90D reaction videos... volunteers needed for reaction videos. First one is up�
Aug 23, 2015
FlatSix911 Pete,
Congrats on the new ride and your birthday. We met at the supercharger in Mt. View yesterday.
Thanks for the Tesla tips - I hope you don't mind if I post a few photos of your beautiful P90D.
Aug 23, 2015
thegruf even better if you could get hold of a Vbox or similar as well to log the data so we could all see accurate acceleration data for comparison with other models.
(think someone on here said they could loan theirs?)�
Aug 23, 2015
Pete90D If someone in the Bay Area has one I can come to them. It'd be nice if there was a SC near by so I can charge to 100% before doing the test.
So far I have these items remaining:
- Better video of speedo since it was a crappy place to try
- Vbox
- More reactions
Are there any other requests? data, videos, etc�
Aug 23, 2015
LargeHamCollider It would take some time but video of a supercharger session from <20% to >80% [edit: on a 120kw SPc without the paired stall being in use] would answer a lot of questions about the characteristics of the new batteries. It's encouraging to note that you're seeing a ~7.5% increase in range rather than the advertised 6%.�
Aug 23, 2015
Pete90D Are there specific pieces I can share or would you need the whole thing? I can easily go run the battery down tonight and charge again, but the video would be quite large.
So I don't know if this means anything, but I've charged to 100% a few times, and I've seen some loss in rated mileage. I saw 273.9 last night and charging to 100% earlier today I saw 272.61�
Aug 23, 2015
Dutchie what is that knob left of the screen, underneath the vent? Haven't seen that before..�
Aug 23, 2015
Pete90D Magnetic phone holder #1 SMART Accessories
It's really really good. It will hold an iPhone with the leather case on in Ludicrous mode, and an iPad mini 3 without the case. I also put another one on the other side to hold the GoPro and the videos show it holds well. You can take the top disk off too to make it look a little cleaner when not being used.�
Aug 23, 2015
LargeHamCollider The whole thing would be needed but a time lapse would be ideal, the goal is to see how similar the taper looks to that of the existing 85kwh battery, if the 90kwh pack can support a 120kw rate all the way up to 50+% SoC this would be pretty big news and a significant reason to upgrade from a 85kwh pack (though that result is unlikely)�
Aug 23, 2015
Pete90D I'll give it a try then. I'm not sure what will happen, but as a backup would taking a photo every 1% or so provide useful information or does it need to be more frequent?�
Aug 23, 2015
LargeHamCollider Every 1% would be perfect�
Aug 23, 2015
fiksegts congrats on the P90D! take it somewhere safe a do a 0-120MPH blast, really curious to see how it performs above 60 MPH as that's where the P85D really struggles... I have many videos of my P85D that I can overlay to compare... send me a PM here or at [email�protected]
Aug 23, 2015
Pete90D Do you know of any tracks in California that could support that and doing variable speed accelerations? An oval or retired airport? A video of it off a track is less than ideal for legal reasons.�
Aug 23, 2015
TEG Maybe talk to Kleenspeed about use of Moffett field runway?
Contact Information | Kleenspeed�
Aug 23, 2015
peteyswift Pete, how does it feel to be the most popular guy on TMC! Congrats and thanks for being so willing to add to the knowledge base.�
Aug 23, 2015
CSFTN If I could pile on here .... Your side by side videos of instrument cluster P85D vs P90D-L ... The one of the left is grey, on he right is pure black. Is that merely a video white balance thing, or have they improved the instrument cluster such that black is black, rather than grey (which usually means OLED or local dimming)?�
Aug 23, 2015
Pete90D I'll give them a call, thanks
I'm thrilled I've been able to provide so much information. When I first posted the pictures of the max power option I thought someone probably knew about it and it'd be boring. I'm sure people are probably trying to make decisions so the faster the information gets to everyone the better.
There are some parts that are pretty dark, but I don't think anything changed.
Note on the suspension. I drove down 17 tonight, which is pretty twisty. I drove a little faster than I've driven a 25xxx P85+ down 17 and I felt more comfortable in the P90D. It might not have the sport suspension, but it handles really well. I think I felt more planted than in the + and I can see how Elon would say you could pull one 1g laterally. One thing I have noticed on the P85D/P90D that is slightly more noticeable is the way the car reacts to bumps when cornering fast. As long as you are on a transition free curve it is planted... really really planted. However, if you hit a bump it seems to get a little floaty and you'll feel some body roll. I've never had air suspension on a non-Tesla so I can't compare and I don't know how everything works, but with springs you do have the coil keeping the axle closer to the car when the body raises up. That's my only guess because I did notice it on the plus too. Personally the air suspension is nice, I like lowering the car, and it handles really well at speed. Combined with the 265s in the rear I'm really happy with the suspension.�
Aug 23, 2015
Ingineer You could also drive to Alameda and use the old Naval base runways. Tesla even used it to test cars on, including the Model X recently. If you do, let me know and I'll come join!�
Aug 24, 2015
Pete90D Here's 16%-100%. I missed 87%... I know I know, it ruins everything�
Aug 24, 2015
Pete90D Here's a video of 29-65mph
and a better 0-70. We really need a vbox to get better numbers.
Aug 24, 2015
rns-e Hi Pete
Congrats, the car looks great!
Do you have any REST API numbers from your runs? It would be great to know the max kW pulled from the battery.�
Aug 24, 2015
tom66 Curious if anyone knows what the battery part number is or if they have a photo of the battery sticker?
P.S. Thanks for all the info so far.�
Aug 24, 2015
ScepticMatt I still see no meaningful difference in acceleration and power consumption (<480 kW) between insane and ludicrous mode at 0-65 mph.
Aug 24, 2015
thegruf Well done with that. Great effort.
There are definitely some here who can interpret much from this data.�
Aug 24, 2015
Dennis87 Video does not work.�
Aug 24, 2015
CleanPower I took your data and compared it to the data from KMan's Supercharging video. Tesla Motors Model S: 85kW Supercharge from Dead/CHARGE NOW - YouTube
I set the 16% SOC time for Pete's charging session to the same 16% SOC time from KMan's video.
What the data shows is that time to SOC for both cars was within 1/2 minute of each other up to about 60% state of charge.
After that, the90D's charging time is a bit slower, about 3 minutes slower to 80% state of charge and 5.5 minutes slower to 90% state of charge.
Aug 24, 2015
spottyq Nothing surprising then.
A 90kWh car will gain a couple of minutes at each supercharger versus an 85kWh if I understand it correctly.�
Aug 24, 2015
WarpedOne Replace those SOC % with kWh. As it is, it is apples and oranges.�
Aug 24, 2015
CleanPower It was surprising to me. It looks like it will take longer for a 90D to charge to 80% than a 85D.
It also looks like it will also take longer for a 90D to add an equivalent number of rated miles when you want to add more than 200 miles during a charge.
It does look a couple minutes faster if you are adding more like 100 rated miles per charge.
I had expected that the 90D would be consistently faster than the 85D for supercharging.
Of course, these are just two data points and YMMV.�
Aug 24, 2015
dhanson865 Seriously. The graph needs to use either kW and kWh to show objective charging rates not relative SOC % changes.
The maximum charge rate in is 116 kW
The maximum charge rate in the kman/islanbayy video is 120 kW
You'd expect the P90D to be able to charge at 120 kW so the supercharger wasn't putting out full rate for one or more of several reasons.
1. Car wasn't low enough on charge to accept full rate
2. Car was paired / sharing a supercharger with another car
3. Supercharger wasn't getting full input from power company or had a bad charger in the stack (only 11 of 12 putting out full power)
4. Temps weren't right for full charge speed
It'd be nice to get charge data from a lower SOC at a 135 kW supercharger to see if it ever exceeds 120 kW charging rate.�
Aug 24, 2015
apacheguy Something seems wrong. I downloaded the raw images and the taper is definitely worse. Not sure what explains it.
37% - 90 kW
40% - 84 kW
45% - 76 kW
I've seen 90 kW held until 45%.�
Aug 24, 2015
Pete90D Does turning range mode on change the acceleration at all?
When I recorded the 0-70 I had suspension on low, regen on low, max battery power ready, 99% SOC, flat road, exterior temp @ 65F, A/C off, and nothing heavy (other than me) in the car. Is there anything else that might have made a difference when Tesla tested it?�
Aug 24, 2015
dhanson865 If the max power mode was used to heat up the battery it could be slowing down the supercharging rate.�
Aug 24, 2015
ScepticMatt does it work now? (it was set to public, but video said "private" for some reason)�
Aug 24, 2015
WestCoastP85D I have to agree. Looks like a tiny-tick faster.... but not meaningfully different. And requires "Battery warming.." What am I missing? Dropping from 3.1 - 2.8 secs is 10%. I would think we could see that better. Perhaps from 60-90 acceleration?�
Aug 24, 2015
Pete90D It wasn't turned on when I was charging�
Aug 24, 2015
tezzla Maybe Tesla had good results with a 1 foot rollout; so they upped it to a 2 foot rollout for better results?
Aug 24, 2015
Pete90D It does look like the left side starts briefly before the right. If you look at the power to the right shortly before, the line is wider. It's not going to make a huge difference, but we are talking fractions of a second difference to begin with.
- - - Updated - - -
I emailed people at work to try to get ahold of a VBOX this week. Hopefully someone will come through and we can get more information.�
Aug 24, 2015
dhanson865 But if you used it before charging it may not have cooled down sufficiently to not affect charge rates.
Did you drive around doing launches and then drive to the supercharger? Or did you let the car cool off for several hours and then gently drive to the supercharger?
There is a lot of thermal mass in that battery pack. Heating it up to max and then charging will limit your supercharging rate for some time to come.�
Aug 24, 2015
Pete90D I forget if it was on or not, it has stayed on during charging before... I think, so it being off I don't think I had it on. Just before I charged I did drove to kill off 170 rated miles so the car had been used a bit. Do we know if other data collected was after driving of if it was cold?�
Aug 24, 2015
dhanson865 The 85 doesn't have a max power mode so it keeps the battery at a lower temp even when driving. If you want to see maximum charging rate I'm saying you might have to avoid max power mode for several hours, maybe even a day depending on how hot it is outside. You've got the car so you'll have to experiment to see how long it takes to cool off.�
Aug 24, 2015
CleanPower It looks like both cars are adding kWh at almost the same rate.
Aug 24, 2015
Matias Maybe they haven't yet tuned charging taper for 90?�
Aug 24, 2015
Andyw2100 I have a couple of questions for everyone (not necessarily for Pete90D) related to the 0-70 launch, regen, and whether or not that may be being affected by this new "Max Battery Power" setting.
In the 0-70 launch video, before the launch regen is limited to 45 kW, presumably because of the high SOC. I'm wondering, though, if the Max Battery Power" could also have had an impact on that. In other words, would the regen limit have existed at the exact same SOC if Max Battery Power had not been enabled?
During the launch the regen limit disappeared, as power was used. But after hitting 70 MPH, and presumably then releasing the go pedal completely (I guess it is possible that's not what Pete90D did, but I think it is reasonable to assume he did, until he tells us otherwise) the regen only went up to a hair over 30 kW. I haven't paid that close attention to the regen bar in other launch videos, so perhaps that is normal, but just from what my P85D does in normal driving, that 30 kW seems awfully low. I could be wrong, but I expected to see the regen close to the max in that situation. So again, assuming that I'm correct about the release of the Go pedal, and the normal regen levels in that situation, the question is does Max Battery Power limit reduce regen without showing a limitation line?�
Aug 24, 2015
thegruf I'm starting to wonder if Tesla plan on upping the power of the P90D with a software update (as they did with the 85D.
Perhaps they're still testing the parameters of the drivetrain with the new fuses in place.
You clearly cant compare 0-60 times with vids such as these, but for sure the power meter is still sat on or about 480KW.
If the display is accurate I'm not seeing a quarter in the 10's ...yet.�
Aug 24, 2015
Pete90D I had regen set to low because I had seen something somewhere about doing that for the drag strip. I can't see how it would make a difference for acceleration, but I did it just incase.
Does turning on range mode help launches at all?�
Aug 24, 2015
DoubleDownOn9 That's so funny that it is "Preparing..." It means they've actually watched Spaceballs... I still haven't found an uncool person that references Spaceballs...�
Aug 24, 2015
Pete90D There should be an option that plays the audio "Ludicrous speed GO!" when you floor it
Watching the clip just now, there's a part where they say it is too dangerous to slow down. In the past 2 days I've had two cases on the interstate where that was pretty damn true. It accelerates fast enough that having a car move over can be more problematic. One time it took everything in my leg to get the car to slow down to not have to hit the shoulder or the car.
So yeah... this!
Gone In 60 Seconds, best scene - YouTube�
Aug 24, 2015
Andyw2100 That's actually funny.
Funny because I'm guessing what you may have seen was a video (or a related post elsewhere) from this thread and post:
World's Greatest Tesla Model S P85D Review Series Videos - Page 4
In the video the poster had set regen to low at the dragstrip. He was racing multiple times. The very next post in the thread is my asking why he'd set regen to low, when it wouldn't have an affect on the acceleration, and when it would have a negative affect on keeping his SOC as high as possible while at the strip, and running multiple times without the ability to charge. He, and others, agreed. Someone else pointed out that he may have been confused by what people do when track racing. In those situations they set regen to low to delay the heat limitation warnings.
I should have realized you just had regen set to low.�
Aug 24, 2015
Pete90D Yeah the heat part made sense. I did this a few miles from where I charged so I was trying to limit heat as much as possible beyond the max power option and thought it was worth a try even if it didn't do anything.�
Aug 24, 2015
Matias Groundhog Day?�
Aug 24, 2015
PV4EV ![]()
I've been analysing Pete's video with interest. Below is the result of doing a series of screen grabs and layering them with photoshop in order to work out the elapsed time between key changes in the indicated to speed and to obtain best approximations of the usual key performance figures. Obviously this isn't an exact science, or better than a VBOX, but the results are likely to be useful none the less. Luckily the battery was at near 100% too.
As you can see, I've divided the time bar up into 1/10 ths of a second and obtained the following approx figures along the elapsed time bar :-
0-30mph in 1.28 seconds
0-60mph in 3.05 seconds
0-70mph in 4.00 seconds
30-60mph in 1.77 seconds
30-70mph in 2.72 seconds.
Conclusion:- Its seriously damn quick, and fairly well matches recorded figures for a 458 Italia and a Mclaren F1.
*IF* 0.25 seconds were to be removed in a 1ft roll-out then the 0-60mph could be around 2.8 seconds �
( Sources:- McLaren F1 acceleration times - )
There's plenty of observations like the fact Pete conveniently stomps on the pedal at 1.0s, but that it takes nearly 2 seconds for the indicated power to hit 480kw. There's bound to be some lag in the displayed numbers but it should be a consistent lag across the range. I suspect the cars software is profiling the power delivery and possibly keeping traction in check also. The exact point the car starts moving is hard to precisely work out but I believe the error is quite a bit less than the 0.2 / 0.3 second loss of doing a 1ft roll-out. I also noticed that the youtube stream had a couple of dropped frames. And various other minor points. etc etc But until its vbox'ed, I believe this is a useful indication of performance.
Aug 24, 2015
okashira LOL, Cmon Elon/Tesla at least give me credit for the stolen idea. :-D
Tesla Model S 18650 Cell Test Data - Page 2
Tesla Model S 18650 Cell Test Data
Aug 24, 2015
Dennis87 This image is from 2014 so the Ludicrous mode was first in a old car :tongue:
Just a car guy : a bit of mechanic humor�
Aug 24, 2015
okashira Certainty not a new idea, though. ;-)�
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