Sep 13, 2012
dadaleus I told them not to mount the Tesla bracket. I was actually looking at the Skene myself. I may not get a chance to measure until Sunday but I'll see what I can do.
- - - Updated - - -
Re Sunday, when I answered last night I wasn't thinking about the fact that my sister is flying in this weekend to visit. So let me make this tentative for the moment until I find out if she's going to want to do something Sunday afternoon. Assuming it's okay, I'll probably just bring the car by for 30min or so, and leave it to all of you if you want to hang longer (maybe ggr will have his and maybe some Roadsters will join?).
I'll definitely update here since this is the only place it's been discussed.
BTW, I just looked and Claire's closes at 3:00. So if you all want to get together for lunch or something you should think about doing it first, or suggest a different location (I'm fine with anywhere nearby). There's Pizza Port across from the train station for example.�
Sep 13, 2012
dadaleus Nope.�
Sep 13, 2012
AnOutsider Ouch... Wonder how they plan to retrofit that, it seemed to integrated. Is that on a "due items" sheet they may have given you?�
Sep 13, 2012
dadaleus I had forgotten reading about that on here. It wasn't mentioned.�
Sep 13, 2012
DrComputer Jason, can you share with us what is on your official Due Bill?�
Sep 13, 2012
brianman Nice touch with the sunglasses in the pic. It doesn't even need a caption.�
Sep 13, 2012
markb1 I'm interested in the meetup, too. If Sunday @2:30 is a go, I'll probably be able to make it.�
Sep 13, 2012
pguerra ugh that sucks. I take my son to taekwondo and sometimes we have bottled water and sometimes just a plastic cup from home. I actually notice how many time we use the rear seat cup holders now that I'm preparing myself for not having any in the Model S.
Oh well.
Thank you so much for posting your detailed, real-life user review!�
Sep 13, 2012
dadaleus The wall charger.�
Sep 13, 2012
mitch672 Free charging station: Need An Electric Car Charging Station At Work? Here's One For Free�
Sep 13, 2012
dadaleus Okay, well, I was thinking I needed to post an update on this actually. I'm finding the cupholders not as bad as I originally thought. You have to really push down to make sure the cup goes all the way in, but then it really grips it. I've put in Large Carl's Jr cups, my Nissan coffee travel mugs, and water bottles with no problem. I suspect I just didn't push the Starbucks cups in all the way but I'll have to try. They are really close together though so if you cup flares out at the top you can have issues with the two cups rubbing against each other.
I am still looking forward to opportunity consoles, especially in the back. I find the center open space pretty useful though other than that it doesn't look great having all my stuff out. I'd love to hide my phone and stuff in a space with the cables and USB ports inside and out of view.
- - - Updated - - -
We're on! I'm not planning on spending all afternoon but I will be there at least from 2:30-3:00 with the S and will be happy to give people the tour. Not sure that's much more than anyone has already seen at the stores and Amp'd events, but happy to do it and would be great to meet you all. My only request (which I think people on here would know but better to say it): I'm pretty touchy about the paint. So I'd really appreciate no touching, leaning, rubbing fingers to feel the paint armor, etc... on the paint. You can touch the inside and the handles all you want.
See whoever wants then. If someone wants to suggest an alternate spot or organize a pre-lunch, please go for it! And if you want to turn this into an actual meet, feel free to publicize but I don't really have the bandwidth. Also, if any other Tesla owners are brining their cars, be sure to let everyone know as that would probably be of interest.�
Sep 13, 2012
Zextraterrestrial I'd love to come if I wasn't currently 30 minutes from the Oregon Border. It sure is pretty here though! 5 miles of brand new curvy highway through the redwoods if anyone cares to drive it. DN 101 PM 15-20 - fresh and clean (currently fixing 12-15 ,a little more windy and on the ocean cliffs)
can't wait to get my S for all of these playful roads up here�
Sep 13, 2012
ModelS1079 I'll be attending in spirit from Boston.�
Sep 13, 2012
Doug_G This thread is getting increasingly poorly-named by the hour...�
Sep 13, 2012
Grendal How about changing it to "dadaleus and his new Model S!" or "dadaleus and his experiences with his new Model S!"
"A new Model S for dadaleus!"
If we want to leave names out of it: "I received my new Model S!" or the blandly generic "Model S ownership experience"�
Sep 13, 2012
Discoducky all of the above? i like them all�
Sep 13, 2012
Grendal If you've got young kids and want to keep the time theme then "To Infinity and Beyond in my Model S!"
Pushing it? :wink:�
Sep 13, 2012
gg_got_a_tesla How about "Jason and the Electronauts" ?!
Oh, wait, that's BMW lingo...�
Sep 13, 2012
dadaleus Naming taken under advisement.Keep em coming.
Today my daughter figured out she could see everyone's swimming pools with the satellite view as we drove down the street. They have one. They don't. They do. Theirs is a rectangle. Theirs is an oval. Hours of fun and entertainment!�
Sep 14, 2012
efusco how old are your children dadaleus? I have 3, twin 13 year old boys and an 8 year old daughter. They were excited to hear your kids refer to the S as "ginormous" b/c they're beginning to be pretty cramped in the back of the Prius.�
Sep 14, 2012
STxTesla That would be similar to.... "Leafing everyone behind in the Model S"
Sep 14, 2012
Robert.Boston Proposed thread title: "Dadaleus takes wing"
Sep 14, 2012
Zythryn I don't like the way that ends though
Sep 14, 2012
Robert.Boston Daedalus does fine -- it's his cocky son Icarus that meets a watery end.�
Sep 14, 2012
dadaleus Ack, don't really like that implication since I have a son. Quickly picked that handle way back when because I liked the idea of the inventor. Of course I'm not Daedalus. I'm Dadaleus.So completely different thing. ;-)
I decided to throw up a post in the California section specifically about Sunday to make sure anyone interested doesn't miss it:
You can come see my S on Sunday at 2:30 in Solana Beach if you want
- - - Updated - - -
Yea, they'll be a lot happier. I'll PM you, not that I haven't already revealed pretty much all private information through my pics anyway.�
Sep 14, 2012
Zzzz... The only other then the wings invention I remember he have done... He created wooden cow for some king's wife or daughter, placed real cows hides on it, so that lady could get inside and feed her desire for the bull... Later on lady gave birth to Minotaur.
That invention impressed me way more then wings, probably cuz I was teenage:redface:�
Sep 14, 2012
dadaleus I don't really want to us to stay off topic on this... but see this section in Wikipedia for what maybe made me like the name. It was a long time ago now.
Daedalus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Okay, can we drop discussion of the relevance of my handle now?
- - - Updated - - -
Re title: How about "First experiences with our Model S"
I realize that could get out of date too, but I expect this will drop off as other people get their cars.
Not sure I can change myself so feel free mods.�
Sep 14, 2012
mikevbf For simplicity and humor how about:
"Our first 18 hours with the Model S and then some ..."�
Sep 14, 2012
NigelM Done. :smile:�
Sep 14, 2012
neroden Thanks very much for this. My fiancee took one look at this and said "I can make that no problem, I already have the materials".�
Sep 14, 2012
dadaleus One followup on this. Make sure you pick a keyring where the wire can't easily sip into the ring, or your key may come free by accident. The thin wire easily slips in between the loops of a regular keyring, where the loops have rounded ends. I have a ring (given to me by Tesla with a Tesla logo years ago actually) that has very square rather than round ends, and it seems to be harder for the wire to get under thankfully.
In my picture, you can see the ring also has a doohickey (don't know the name for it) that attaches to another set of keys. We're actually going to redo the wire to attach to that directly and do away with the loop. That way we'll make sure it can't ever come off accidentally.�
Sep 14, 2012
gg_got_a_tesla Dadaleus, how's the fit and finish looking after (just a few) days of wear and tear? Are your kids helping stress-test it? How about those door handles?
Have you also been using your frunk often? Is there any concern about how gentle you need to be to close the hood?
Thanks in advance!�
Sep 14, 2012
dadaleus It's cool having traffic on the map as you drive. It's standard Google maps, but I'm not used to having it in front of me as I drive around.
Yes, kids have definitely been stress testing! And I've popped the frunk a number of times.
The frunk opens and closes much like a traditional car, although there's no lever to pull when opening it--you just release from the remote or dash and then it lifts open. Closing it is similar though. I just press down near the front until it closes.
I'm totally happy with "fit and finish" but some people on here seem more expert than me so I may not be the best one to give a discriminating review. But everything feels very solid. The trunk opens and closes electronically very reliably. I felt like I had some trouble with the key and doors when I first got it, but now I don't--so I suspect it was just me getting the hang of it.�
Sep 14, 2012
vfx An owner showed me his fob and had used a small black zip tie. I wonder what Elon is doing since he's so picky about visors?�
Sep 14, 2012
dadaleus The homemade jewelry wire solution is much more elegant looking IMHO. :smile:�
Sep 15, 2012
dsm363 Like it as well, thanks.�
Sep 15, 2012
efusco Dadaleus,
A couple other questions occurred to me today.
1) What do you think of the window tint? I typically have my windows tinted with front windows just a tad darker than legal (but haven't had any issues with it so far--knock on wood. Just wondering how you think the window tinting compares to typical Big 3 window tint.
2)Did they give you any advice/instruction about car washes? I know the Roadster isn't supposed to go through a car wash, and ideally I'll wash the S myself initially. But the reality is that I'm lazy as hell and having a black car like that I'll probably need to use a car wash if there's not some horrible reason to avoid them.
3)Have you see the front plate thread? Any chance we could get you to post the measurements for the Skene bracket?
Thanks again for all the great's helping pass the next couple of months.�
Sep 15, 2012
dsm363 Yes. The measurements for the Skene design bracket would be great. I could order it this weekend and hopefully have it here in time for delivery.�
Sep 15, 2012
JRod0802 dadaleus,
First of all, thank you for the awesome review and for continuing to answer people's questions about your car. A couple of months ago we were talking about Opening the doors in the Model S if power fails. Here's what I was told by someone in a Tesla Store:
Now that you have the car, I must ask, were you given a physical key, and is there a hidden key hole?�
Sep 15, 2012
steve841 With the nav system....
Can you save favorites or address bookmarks?�
Sep 15, 2012
CapitalistOppressor Poor dadaleus. Takes delivery of his amazing Model S only to be cornered by 13,000 torch bearing and pitchfork wielding reservation holders . . .
Sep 16, 2012
dadaleus Ha! I love it. But I took my son and friends to Disneyland today (in the S!) so sorry for no input today. I'll try to answer some.
I owe measurement for the Skene bracket. I'll try to do that tomorrow or maybe someone will do at the meet up tomorrow?
I did not get a physical key. I will have to check the manual tomorrow, but I'm too exhausted to go get it right now.
I'm not sure on bookmarks for nav. You can with radio and songs so I'd expect so. Again, I'll try to figure this out in the morning. It does have quick access to past destinations which is what I've been using and is pretty easy.�
Sep 16, 2012
brianman I think you're spoiling them, dadaleus.
DadaleusJr: What'd you do this weekend?
Johnnie: Not much. Watched some football. How 'bout you?
DadaleusJr: Sounds fun. (smiling)
Johnnie: Ok, spill it.
DadaleusJr: I went riding in my dad's new Tesla Model S.
Johnnie: No way.
DadaleusJr: Yah, it's pretty sweet.
Johnnie: Where'd you go...
DadaleusJr: Um, well, ...
Johnnie: Where?!
DadaleusJr: Disneyland.
Johnnie: You suck.�
Sep 16, 2012
dadaleus efusco:
I was surprised that the tint seems fairly dark to me. I'm trying to decide if i want to tint it more, but i'm pretty sure its darker from the factory than other cars I've owned have been.
The only advice I got re car washes was that the paint is thin (which seems odd--so maybe I misunderstood and that was actually soft, not thin) and therefore I shouldn't let someone buff it too much.
One more thought on the Skene: I'm worried about the 1" lower clearance. I think this would have to attach to the bottom, and I suspect that will end up hitting the ground sometimes--which could be a real mess. But again, I'll try to be more specific tomorrow.
So had a lot of Tesla time today. I had no less than seven Disney emplyees, including a manager, getting a full tour of the car. And meanwhile I'm pretty sure there were several guests waiting for their cars. (Sorry to those people, but the valets had something more important to do at that particular moment!) I was surprised--a valet figured out how to unlock the car, unplug the charge cable, and start it going with no instruction. I had said he'd need me to go down with him and was sure he didn't have a chance. Suggests its more intuitive that I thought.
- - - Updated - - -
LOL and LOL...!
I just woke up my wife to read this to her!�
Sep 16, 2012
vfx You have a manual?
Disneyland has a (official) place to plug in?�
Sep 16, 2012
DrDave They definitely need to provide a better answer than that - knowingly putting every car out there with thin paint (since every car is getting the same info on car washes) would mean major warranty claims. Soft would not be acceptable either.�
Sep 16, 2012
STxTesla I hope that the paint isn't too thin. I would hate to have a splotchy looking car after just a few years.�
Sep 16, 2012
ljbad4life Lexus has the "softest" paint of any car I've here seen. I mean wind with (fine)dust in it would scratch the paint. If Lexus can do it so can any other car company. I was hoping Tesla would go with the self healing paint (that means you can never wax or buff it)�
Sep 16, 2012
shokunin I've definitely decided to go with Optimum's Opti-Coat 2.0 to be applied to the car. couple of extra microns of super hard clear to protect the original clear and paint. Not only keeps the original clear free of swirls and light scratches, but also makes washing the car easier.�
Sep 16, 2012
Krugerrand Speak for yourself, I'm religiously against torch bearing.
But, I'm happy to carry two pitchforks should someone else be religiously against pitchforks. :biggrin:�
Sep 16, 2012
GHmagic6 I'd also be interested to hear where this would be. I love a good drive to Disney every now and then. The rides aren't half bad either...�
Sep 16, 2012
ChrisHenryOC According to the PlugShare app I have on my iPhone, there are outlets on the outer walls near the stairs in the Mickey & Friends parking structure. However, 2 of the 3 reviews mention that talking with the parking attendants about using the plugs is a less than happy experience. One review says to just find a plug and plug in without talking with the attendants.
There is also a ChargePoint station at the Anaheim Convention Center that is listed as free.
800 W. Katella Ave, Anaheim. "Enter Carport #1, Stations are on Level 2 Section 12G"
Really liking the PlugShare app. Here's the link.�
Sep 16, 2012
dadaleus Well, here are the 'manuals.' Really no manual--just a 'quick guide' of 30 pages. A fair amount seems firmware specific.
I'm feeling slightly uncomfortable taking pictures of the pages and posting online--feels like a copyright violation. I'm hoping Tesla will post PDFs.
Regarding bookmarking locations, it isn't mentioned and I can't find a way to do it. But the history list works as well for me and is quick access. Maybe a future firmware release.
Regarding paint, the quick guide only says that if you go to a car wash, you should use a touch less one.
Re Disneyland, the hotel valets are generally accommodating in finding a 110 outlet to plug in. If you eat at a hotel restaurant, get a validation. I don't think this is official and they are just the random plugs around. Tip well for this favor if you use it because I'll be unhappy with you if you turn the valets against this practice!�
Sep 16, 2012
Trnsl8r You're not profiting from it and you're stating the source, so I think you're fine. Of course IANAL.�
Sep 16, 2012
jerry33 Right. It's far safer to sneak up on them with just a pitchfork.�
Sep 16, 2012
efusco That's good to hear. Wouldn't mind saving the money on tinting considering the other costs.
Don't like the sound of that. Sounds like I'll need to look into this Optimum product or at least put a good polish on the car right away. I'd love to think I could just wash by hand, but this is going to be an every day car for me (as it will for most people) and since it's going to be black keeping it looking decent will be a challenge...meaning car washes. We have a few brushless washes around, perhaps I'll need to seek those out.
Usually the front bumper isn't as low as the bottom of the vehicle, but you're right if it is that low or close too it an extra inch could mean the plate gets ripped off when you pull up to a curb...and that would not be good at all. I'll probably keep the front plate displayed since that's the law in Missouri, but I'd rather have it mounted with holes out of site than right through the front.�
Sep 16, 2012
dadaleus Okay, took some measurements:
It doesn't have to go on the bottom. It should work on the bottom of the black plastic bubble-ish part on the front of the car, in the top of the upper "grill" area in this picture:
The upper grill is about 1-1/4th or 1-13rd inches high, so it looks like there is just enough clearance. It's about 2-1/4 inches deep.
All of these parts are rounded, hence the "about" disclaimers. That has me a little concerned about my measurements. but it sure seems like it should work.
I'm trying to decide if to get the Skene or wait for a fix it ticket or a more custom holder. But I'm in no hurry so someone else will probably have to test this before me.�
Sep 16, 2012
dadaleus Anticipating the next question, I'm not sure but I suspect attaching it at the top of the lower grill would be problematic, as the piece above it is rounded. That's why I gave measurements to attach it above the top grill.�
Sep 16, 2012
dsm363 I found out the factory bracket only drills through plastic and the plastic nose cone can be replaced. Not ideal but I may go this route since my car is shipping tomorow. Thanks for the measurements though. That will be very helpful for people ordering that.�
Sep 16, 2012
calsailor Thanks again to Dadaleus.
I just got back from seeing his Model S in person. It was great to see a real world Model S. Dirt and all! :biggrin:
He's been really great about letting us all share in the excitement around the arrival of his Model S.
Two things I noticed which I hope are helpful to people
1) You can definitely see the 'line' of the paint protection on the Signature Red. But I did not find it distracting at all. It's just that it catches wax, dust, and dirt which makes it slightly visible.
2) There is of course dirt and brake dust that collects on the wheels and the gray wheels definitely make a difference in that department. It wasn't until I looked closely that I realized how dirty they were.
In all a beautiful and amazing car. I can't wait until mine comes!�
Sep 16, 2012
Lyon Well neither of those things really matter when it comes to determining whether a copyright has been violated. Seems copyright holders will give limited rights to others to copy so long as it's not for profit and proper attribution is given. However, if something is simply copyrited, one may not make copies of the thing for any purpose.
That said, I seriously doubt that Tesla will mind but I don't thing he should do it if he's not comfortable with it. I am really excited for the .pdf version.�
Sep 16, 2012
mcornwell Thanks again for showing us your beautiful car Jason, and for going above and beyond and offering us the ride. To see the Tesla grin on my daughters face when you demonstrated the acceleration was awesome, you made her into a new Tesla fan today.�
Sep 16, 2012
dadaleus Yea!!�
Sep 16, 2012
jerry33 I'm not sure that's correct. There is a provision called fair use where you can use parts of the material without permission in reviews or for reference. I'd suggest that forum use is covered by that. So posting a page or two isn't likely to be in violation. If someone posted the manual in it's entirety or more than just a few pages that would be.�
Sep 16, 2012
clmason Jason,
Thanks for the ride today. Wow, that car is really special! It was a thrill to ride in. I'm still grinning.
Enjoy it!�
Sep 16, 2012
Lyon Welcome to a grey area. Otherwise known as the place where law firms make TONS of money.
Anywho, you're probably correct. Probably.�
Sep 16, 2012
EarlyAdopter As with all legal issues, the answer is "it's depends."
Sep 16, 2012
Lyon One thing that I'm certain of is that Dadaleus is out there somewhere enjoying the hell out of his Model S.... that'll be $450 please.
Sep 17, 2012
jcstp Could you not just stick a vinyl sticker of your numberplate on it?
No holes to drill then, and no waste of aero�
Sep 17, 2012
dsm363 I don't know of any states that allow that. At least here in Texas, it has to be a physical plate even though that's not written down anywhere. The fact that your plate has to be on the front bumper also isn't written down anywhere. I love the idea though.�
Sep 17, 2012
kevincwelch Wondering if you bought one of the Model S car covers, and if you did, what you think about it. My wife is suggesting I get one. I am not sure why I would use it though, since I would be parked in the garage and rarely outside.
Unless there is enough padding to lessen the effects of child-induced door dings. . ..�
Sep 17, 2012
dadaleus I didn't Kevin. I also park inside the garage, so I didn't see the need.
I am worried about door dings. I kinda doubt the padding would be enough, but I suppose it could help protect the paint in that event.
Once we get the garage cleared enough to put both cars in, I plan to put up something like this:
* DoorPal Door Ding Prevention
or this:
* Auto Care Products Inc 20020 Park Smart Hanging Door Guard,Yellow -
Of course that won't help if you park in public. I always try to park in corners and/or away from other cars. Better for my health too.�
Sep 17, 2012
sublimaze1 (I am in Texas)
The only time I have been asked by any type of official for my front plate has been when my daughter took her drivers test. My F150 and wife's Armada have the front plate. When she (my daughter) had her car inspected, they did not ask about the front plate (I had removed it). I am going to look into Skene Design License Plate Mount for possible mounting of a front plate.�
Sep 17, 2012
wycolo Dada_leus,
Have you gotten a space-saver spare yet, or info (make/year) on one that will fit front & rear hubs, also reside in frunk??
Could'ya pull into a big tire store, jack up one side & measure the center-bore on the hubs (60mm to 75mm)?? Then have them tryout some donuts they might have? 2005 Honda Odyssey seems to be 'bout the only popular car with similar hubs.
You can be the first to transmit this info on the internet- think of the fame. Winter is coming; we in the Outback need this info!
Sep 17, 2012
spatterso911 @dadaleus Not to knock their product, but wouldn't a couple of $.50 pool noodles and simple prusik cord accomplish the same thing? Not nearly as elegant though.
In CA, as in many other states, the plates are highly reflective and must be flat to remain visible at a distance to law enforcement. I don't think a vinyl sticker on a rounded surface such as the TMS nose cone would be allowable.�
Sep 17, 2012
dadaleus I like it! Only worried about durability.
- - - Updated - - -
Ha! Fame... Fame... Fame...
Not sure I'm going to be your guy Wycolo. My to do list is very long I'm afraid. (Probably made worse by all the procrastination I do on this site!) I'm guessing someone else will get to this before me. Sorry I can't be more helpful.�
Sep 17, 2012
Electric Machete Maybe Tesla can make some plastic, wallet sized cards that give instructions for valets. One side in English the other in Spanish. I used to have a hidden kill switch in a '96 Accord (I know you are all jealous) that stopped six theft attempts and every valet. The Model S might need some instructions for the uninitiated.�
Sep 17, 2012
dadaleus I really like this idea. But if not I'd point out that the hardest part is plugging it in, and I can explain that to whoever takes my car from me. Unplugging it and brining it back seems to be fairly intuitive.�
Sep 17, 2012
Doug_G Actually, I'm pretty sure they use retroreflective paint, so the angle doesn't matter.�
Sep 17, 2012
Electric Machete I can explain it in English, but things get a bit dicey when I try to do it in Spanish.
Also, you mentioned FLAC files, specifically Boston, in your previous posts. Were you able to upload songs into the Model S, or did you stream that through the iPhone or USB port?
Sep 17, 2012
Arnold Panz I have a first model year Lexus 400h (2006), and it came with several little instruction cards for valets in English and Spanish. It had a hole to attach to a key chain, like a CVS card or something similar. Very helpful that first year or so until hybrids became more prevelant.�
Sep 17, 2012
dadaleus I loaded up a USB key with files and they appear beautifully in the UI. The UI grabs cover art and everything. I was told by Tesla that the onboard hard drive isn't accessible yet, but it will be enabled in a future update.
BTW, this song came up last night as I was looking at how gorgeous the display is at night so I recorded this video clip. Yes, it has been a long time (I reserved in 2009), but I don't mind now that this car is next to me!
And I'm now up to 1,277 miles. At this rate I'll drive something like 50,000 miles this year. I guess I better get a handle on my Model S addiction.
Sep 17, 2012
AnOutsider Thanks for those Jason. While I'm still excited for my car, the list of things not ready at launch seems to be growing and is a little concerning. Have they given you any idea when to expect the next update(s)? Since deliveries have been so delayed, I'm not sure if they've kept up with GeorgeB's previously discussed timetables�
Sep 17, 2012
vfx Things aren't delayed, they are future free upgrades!�
Sep 17, 2012
dadaleus That's my job. To make sure all these things are ready by the time you get your car!
Honestly, the things in question are very minor in my opinion and I couldn't be happier to have this car.�
Sep 17, 2012
AnOutsider Assuming you're paying for the maintenance (which, Jason might have to twice at his current driving rate)
Sep 17, 2012
dadaleus Really? No comment on the song that was playing? Anyone get the reference?�
Sep 17, 2012
pete8314 I've not had a plate on the front in the past few years, never been an issue. I recall there's some kind of statute slowly making its way through the process to officially say that front plates are not mandatory in TX, but I think that's been going on for years, and will carry on for a few more. Either way, if the police want to pull you over, they'll find a reason, front plate or not.�
Sep 17, 2012
Joel I apologize if this has been covered: what audio formats does the Model S recognize? Does it recognize the iTunes MP4 format? And can you sync your iPhone/iPod through bluetooth or USB?
Thanks for all of your updates/info!�
Sep 17, 2012
Beavis Yes, but would prefer Knights of Cydonia.�
Sep 17, 2012
Lloyd License plates are made for more than just identification by number.
1. They reflect light properly over a large spectrum to make them easily photographed, ie red light cameras
2. They are reflective of radar to make an accurate measure of speed by law enforcement.�
Sep 17, 2012
Twiddler So out of curiosity, have you attempted to play a movie from your thumb drive? If so, do you at least get sound if no video? This was supposed to be disabled when driving, just wondering if they really did disable it, and if you can at least view videos while stationary (P.S. Cake is awesome).�
Sep 17, 2012
EarlyAdopter Yep, and they make super reflective targets for laser speed guns.�
Sep 17, 2012
SCW-Greg Ha Ha... I missed that, was distracted by the blurry pic instead.
Love it!!!�
Sep 18, 2012
jcstp finally found your video, did not know how to open it ;-)�
Sep 18, 2012
tdelta1000 The best looking driveway on your block.�
Sep 18, 2012
contaygious I have black foam strips in my garage along the wall. work great. I can swing my door into them and no worries. I often use them rather than opening up partially to get it as wide as possible.�
Sep 18, 2012
dadaleus I actually mean the Knight Rider song playing in the pictures. (Not the Cake song in the video.) Elon was playing Knight Rider the night of the first S announcement.�
Sep 18, 2012
Sorry habit of mine whenever I hear CAKE in public. If you go to their website you might be able to find where I stole my signature from. My favorite band.�
Sep 18, 2012
Electric Machete I hear Satan is their motor. If you're not a CAKE fan, that won't be funny. Sorry.�
Sep 18, 2012
Bound466 At that mileage rate, we should be seeing our first "Tesla ranger service" review fairly soon :wink:
Congrats dadaleus. Most of us who are still waiting for our own beauties to arrive are all living the dream through your writings in this thread. Awesome!! And Thanks!!�
Sep 18, 2012
dadaleus This thread has probably about run it's course.
One annoyance I would point out: I'm not very happy with the paint armor. The hood with the armor only halfway up is particularly unattractive. Pretty much everyone who sees the car immediately notices and comments. I've decided to pay a 3rd party to remove it and reapply it to the whole hood. In addition, other spots they applied it have a significant orange peel effect. I'm going to ask Tesla to redo those. Overall, I do not recommend doing it through Tesla. If you are taking home delivery, I'd suggest doing it through a local place, like Al & Eds here in California. In my case, maybe it was still worth it since I drove 500 miles home from the factory and by that time I'd probably have already damaged the paint. But it's definitely not what I expected.�
Sep 18, 2012
dadaleus Pretty sure this isn't possible. I haven't tried a lot of formats, but the thumb drive menu seems very audio specific. (I did have a .mov on there andit didn't appear.) Video definately doesn't work via the web: No Flash or H.264 player.�
Sep 18, 2012
dadaleus Hmm.. It definately plays .flac and .mp3. I haven't done a comprehensive test.
I'm not sure what you mean by sync. It plays audio from the iPhone and iPad beautifully via Bluetooth. It doesn't actually transfer the song files if that's what you mean (prett sure iOS doesn't allow that with anything). You can't navigate the music library on your iOS device from the touchscreen (but you can with USB thumb drives): Just play/pause, next and last. Cover art and song title also appear beautifully and reconnecting and switching between mutiple devices works great!
- - - Updated - - -
Well, I love Tesla (and have a vested interest as a car holder, X depositor, and stockholder), but hopefully my feedback, which I definately always give directly as well, can help improve the product and help others get the car they want. The paint armor is not a fatal flaw by any measure. It's the best car in the world, for sure! I just want everything to live up to that.�
Sep 19, 2012
NigelM Mod Note: Discussion on Paint Armor went here - Model-S-Exterior-Paint-Armor�
Sep 19, 2012
gg_got_a_tesla Jason, did you happen to figure this out? Any input from Tesla? Thanks.�
Sep 20, 2012
sublimaze1 Dadaleus - did you store the music on your thumb drive in files, or did they need to be singular in the root menu? Thanks ... WJ�
Sep 20, 2012
EdA Hey Mitch!
This should probably be emailed to everyone in the forums
That is unless most people don't have to work
Sep 20, 2012
dadaleus Future firmware release.
- - - Updated - - -
It seems to do a recursive search of all directories. (I haven't tried multiple levels though.) They all get organized by title, genre, album, and artist using the meta data.�
Sep 20, 2012
Discoducky In case anyone wants to do a comprehensive audio file format test: File Formats�
Sep 20, 2012
dadaleus Nice link! My car out of my hands until Sunday but I'll try to do this then unless someone beats me to it.�
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