Aug 29, 2014
LonghornDub As of sometime today (8/30), I'm in production. VIN 500xx, confirmed 5/24.
"In Production The Tesla Factory is building your Model S."
Side note: It actually updated first this morning to the "production queue" thing that lots of folks are seeing, but then switched to the above sometime later in the day.�
Aug 29, 2014
seanahan My vin 51073 has the following status as of right now: "Your Model S has entered the production queue at our Factory in Fremont, California." Today was the first day in a week I've been too busy at work to check during the day, and of course it's the day that it changes. All in all, good news all around, as things seem to be moving forward.�
Aug 30, 2014
iadbound Congrats! Sounds like you should be ready to go pretty soon.�
Aug 30, 2014
lsnetman My dashboard changed this morning to "In production: the factory is building your Model S". VIN is 50309 with delivery scheduled 9/13. However, they have told me they are prioritizing my order due to an upcoming extended trip lasting into Q4, so my change may not be representative of other. VIN's. I am, however, wishing all my fellow waiters a speedy delivery.�
Aug 30, 2014
seanahan Well after thinking about this thread, I find myself with a mild hope that I am delayed, just so chickensevil and Bonnie don't rub it in my face. (Just kidding, they're too nice to do that).�
Aug 30, 2014
chickensevil So mean!
Although, I think that would hurt you more than it would hurt me
Clearly from peoples reports it seems that might still be a possibility as some people are still getting shifted around. Hope yours comes on time!�
Aug 31, 2014
prg 501xx p85. Shows on dashboard "enterred production queue" for the last week. Original estimate late August changed to Sept 4, now showing Sept 12 delivery. DS has not given me a date yet though, so still on Tesla Time. I am actually grateful that I'm delayed a bit in the queue. I hope the inevitable snafus with the new production line are minimized by the time my car rolls down the line.�
Aug 31, 2014
bonnie No worries, I wouldn't do that. I'll just expect you to help out with the next thread that crops up with new owners experiencing a delay. Who knows, I may be the one that needs to be calmed down on the next delay. After all, I've been waiting on my X since Feb 2012. And I don't have a DS assigned yet. I can't even configure the vehicle. Heck, I don't even know what it's going to look like!
Though I admit, finding a Roadster in my garage every morning makes it soooo much easier to wait.
Aug 31, 2014
Madartist @bonnie. Thanks for the report from the factory floor. It's indispensable to have first hand account of what the new re-tooled factory floor looks like. Everything you've described points to a more efficient and higher production factory. That should be very good news for anyone waiting for delivery. Even though I know it's still too early for that, I only wish that you could have seen some signs of the new prototype Model X to share with us.
@chickensevil. Thank you as well for your always thoughtful input regarding TSLA. Reading your earlier post made me feel better about Tesla meeting its production goals for this quarter.�
Sep 1, 2014
chickensevil You are quite welcome, but in fairness that post and many others are for my benefit as much as anyone since my immediate concern was also that they would potentially miss production numbers. I had figured before in another post that they needed to average 825 from the time of restart. This just applied some kind of ramp into it to account for any delays in startup. Which to me feels pretty generous although it is possible that it was lower than even I giving credit we just don't have enough data.�
Sep 2, 2014
seanahan My co-worker went to a Tesla store in a Dallas mall today, and the guy there said they were able to produce 500 a week after the re-tooling. Clearly some misingofmration is being spread, even among Tesla employees.
And I said "store", not dealership. All you can buy there is shirts and hats and so on. You can look at a Model S, though, and people are liking what they see. I suspect a whole new crop of Texas buyers in the next few months, just from walking traffic in that mall. (Although to be fair, they have the worst spot in the corner of the mall).�
Sep 2, 2014
chickensevil 500 is possible, it just means they have to work harder to make it up. I doubt they were doing 500 for more than the first week though or it would be absolutely devastating to attempting to meet the numbers based on the other information we have already been given. Not saying they are right but it is possible.�
Sep 4, 2014
radrick Dashboard changed today to "Your Model S is being prepared for pickup or delivery." It will be delivery as I am in south FL. Hope everyone else is close on my heels!�
Sep 4, 2014
Based on your early May order and initial August delivery, I won't be getting mine until late October or early November.
Sep 4, 2014
rpo I've got an early May order and my delivery ETA was moved up to 9/23. Hopefully that means you will get good news soon too!�
Sep 5, 2014
galangg One can hope.
Sep 5, 2014
Grayhawk My order has always been scheduled for delivery on September 18th. I emailed my DS yesterday and he confirmed that it was still on track. This morning the status changed to "The Tesla factory is building your model S"�
Sep 5, 2014
Ray Skillman Seems like a lot of queue's went to build overnight as mine did also with a September 16th projected delivery. My delivery location is still up in the air here in Indiana as Ohio apparently just cracked down on Tesla for out of state car transactions. I am hoping they will deliver it to me but it's sounding like Chicago right now.....yuk!�
Sep 5, 2014
appleblossom DS confirmed that my Sept 25 delivery (S85 52605 confirmed July 1) is still on track. He said my car is scheduled to be build next week. Delivery in Devon, Pa.�
Sep 5, 2014
franknesss Here's some information on units sold each month.
Monthly Plug-In Sales Scorecard
Sep 5, 2014
galangg Ray, I'm curious to know what type of crackdowns you are experiencing that might have you going to Chicago for delivery?�
Sep 5, 2014
R�B Just to add a data point to this conversation, I ordered my P85 the last week of August. I had to call my DS and get my delivery pushed back to late October from the end of September that it was shooting for to give myself time to work everything out. That's 30 days from order to delivery.�
Sep 5, 2014
bonnie Easy for people to misinterpret that data and conclude that Model S sales are faltering ... when most likely it's because they were shipping to other markets.�
Sep 5, 2014
CHGolferJim Will Tesla suddenly shift to filling domestic orders so the sales can be booked this quarter? [Upon delivery?]�
Sep 5, 2014
franknesss Yea, the numbers are misleading. I was hoping this information would help ease or at the least inform people about domestic deliveries and production.�
Sep 5, 2014
rpo My VIN is 4,000 below yours and has not gone into production (confirmed mid-May). In your case, I'd probably expect it to get pushed back. Just thought I'd give you a heads up.�
Sep 5, 2014
shelbri RPO - my VIN is 50406 with deliver to CT and my vehicle just moved into Production today. Pickup is scheduled for June 19th. If your Vin is 48xxx and still not in production, my guess is that they figured your transportation time is less than mine to the east coast so I went into production before you. I bet you get deliver before Sept 30th for obvious reasons.�
Sep 5, 2014
chickensevil Which is why everyone should always actually READ the information they post later in the page about August deliveries, since these notes are usually pretty spot on with the beat of Tesla. But alas, many people just see "600" and write their short articles about how demand is faltering, yada yada yada... sigh...
Sep 5, 2014
Ray Skillman My DS contacted me yesterday to say he wasn't sure if he could bend the rules and still make the delivery in Cincy or if the delivery would have to shift to another location because of Ohio laws regarding titling. And didn't ask for details but might be related to the temporary plates. I was supposed to hear back yesterday but still nothing.�
Sep 5, 2014
Kondo @R2B ... another white P85 in the West Valley. I am in Goodyear. Hope to have my P85 built next week. I ordered a P to get it a bit early, guess that didn't work out. Vin 49903. Your vin is 5000 after mine and you would have gotten it about the same time. Still in the Queue.�
Sep 5, 2014
R�B Sweet man, congrats. I don't seem many (it's been months) on our side of town. Perhaps we'll see each other around!
Sep 5, 2014
DavidN Another Arizona data point...
Order placed 6/25/14. Confirmed 6/30/14.
Original Delivery "Late September", later set as 9/25/14
VIN 526xx
On 9/3, delivery date rescheduled for 9/28/14. DS says this appears firm.
Current Status is still "...entered production queue..." on dashboard.�
Sep 5, 2014
karmamule June 19th? Did you mean Sept 19th? I just went into production today for an east coast delivery as well, VIN 50411, but last I heard was 26th for delivery date. But, I was also told it wouldn't go into production until next week so perhaps I'll be around the 19th too. We shall see! Either way I know within a month I'll be driving it, and that makes me very, very, happy.�
Sep 5, 2014
shelbri Whoops. Yeah - meant September.�
Sep 5, 2014
benemac We're being told that delivery can be anywhere between 9/16 - 20. I think our DS is being careful. No more promises and I respect that. It really wasn't a promise to start out with, but the factory was doing well before the shutdown. I guess we expected everything was built into the delivery date and thought it could start right back up as it was before. I'm confident that the production line is getting up to speed. We originally had a delivery date for tomorrow (oh well), but this gave us more time to look into for the car. We did adjust appointments for aftermarket paint protection and tint based on what is now expected. Opticoat can't be done prior to our trip on the 23rd. But we may get it done while in Anaheim during a Disneyland visit. We certainly won't need it that day. Good to hear that people are being scheduled for car deliveries.�
Sep 9, 2014
Cerie The delay is worse now. VIN 56xxx scheduled for November 1st is now looking at December.�
Sep 9, 2014
Vitaman Like Cerie I got bumped from November to December today too.
Probably best to recalibrate our expectations now.�
Sep 9, 2014
franknesss I was moved from Late Oct to Late Nov as well.�
Sep 9, 2014
Litho1 Placed order on 8-14-14
Confirmed order on 8-26-14
VIN: 57XXX (ASSIGNED 9-08-14)
Moved delivery date from November to December yesterday.�
Sep 9, 2014
Thud Me too, 569XX. Was estimated "Late October", then scheduled for November 1, and as of this morning it says December. :cursing:
Watch it get moved to January and I miss the tax window....
What's interesting is that if you go to the Design Studio, new builds still say November.�
Sep 9, 2014
Litho1 Don't EVEN go there!�
Sep 9, 2014
Cerie It looks like they are probably going to focus on overseas delivery for the first two months of Q4 and then do a mad dash in December to deliver domestic orders just like they are doing right now at the end of Q3. It would be nice however for them to give an honest estimated delivery date if they are going to only deliver cars in the US in the last month of each quarter.�
Sep 9, 2014
CHGolferJim Look at it this way, one year's money market interest on $7500 is like $30. :wink:�
Sep 9, 2014
Todd Burch My P85 (VIN 55228) was showing October delivery, now shows Late October.�
Sep 9, 2014
seanahan My guess is that these are different delays (or maybe different consequences of same delay). Why else would people in September be pushed back 1-2 weeks, and people in November get pushed back 4 weeks?�
Sep 9, 2014
Terapin I confirmed my order last night and the dashboard now shows December. If I push it to January will it be a 2015 model officially? Sorry if this is a dumb question.�
Sep 9, 2014
breser I'd say that the "official" model year for your car is whatever is encoded in the VIN. So if your VIN has an E for the 10th digit it's a 2014 and is a 2015 if you have an F. Given that Tesla is assigning VINs far before production it just reinforces the view on this forum that the model year is entirely pointless to consider on a Tesla. I wouldn't be surprised if quite a few E's are produced after some F's and if Tesla makes changes those E's might have improvements the F's won't.�
Sep 10, 2014
karmamule I suspect the September delays were due to slow ramp-up after factory re-tooling, whereas later delays are due to a decision to front-load international builds so they can deliver before quarter end.
Tesla will do all they can to get as many orders done before end-of-year, so I don't think those of you seeing delays have to worry about missing 2014. They're pushing you to December as a worst case scenario and then will do their best to make you happy when they can move the dates earlier again. ( ::::knock on wood::: )
Just do NOT plan any significant events relying on exact dates for car delivery until you know it's actually heading on a car carrier to your local service center. (e.g. major vacations beginning immediately after delivery) Too many variables and I've seen several people posting "I planned X for my delivery date and now it has changed and I'm unhappy."�
Sep 10, 2014
bonaire In edition, would you add that we just don't know the run-rate of the new production line or if there are any glitches with OEM suppliers and their products arriving on-time (Panasonic batteries and all that). If the new line is up but running 50-100 per week slower than they thought - there is a chance it could whack the numbers a bit. What I wonder though is can we add up all the Vin #s given out during the last few months and figure out how many EU and Asia vin numbers are preparing to be built in October and how many more US orders can be taken before they slip to January deliveries? Seems pretty drastic to have this big shift of nearly a month almost overnight.�
Sep 10, 2014
franknesss My DS was able to get back to me last night. This is what he had to say.
Sep 10, 2014
DaveT +1.�
Sep 10, 2014
rpo Still sitting in the production queue. VIN 48xxx.�
Sep 10, 2014
shelbri 50406 Production complete. Model S is being prepared for pickup or delivery. 9/19 scheduled. @RPO - making room for you to enter production!!�
Sep 10, 2014
seanahan If they change so often that the DS doesn't consider them reliable, then why do they even update the website? Just put "TBD" and wait until they have something for sure.�
Sep 10, 2014
radrick Car arrived in South FL this afternoon! Hopefully pick up tomorrow: 09/11/14
Ordered: 5/10/14 # 48590 Original delivery date: 08/29/14 Therefore 4 month wait.
I thank everyone who has contributed to this thread and look forward to hearing about your deliveries!!
S85, Pearl white, 19", Gray leather, Obeche matte, Tech, Air, Sensors�
Sep 10, 2014
Thud I need to stop checking the web site every day. My DS scheduled me for Nov 1 and I haven't heard from him since (even after emailing him yesterday about the date change to December). So I'll just pretend I haven't checked the web site and still assume it's around my scheduled timeframe. :crying:�
Sep 10, 2014
galangg I'm doing the same thing. My delivery date is set for September 29.�
Sep 10, 2014
benemac Us too. We were hoping we would go into production by today. Still hoping for delivery by the 20th.�
Sep 10, 2014
CHG-ON VIN 50816. Original date of 9-12 has been pushed to 9-26. Not totally sure how firm that is. Worked well for me actually, though it's killing me. I live near the factory, so no shipping lead time. Getting the P85+, so I am supposedly a priority delivery, but I placed the order 6-26. Gone are the days of the 30 day turnaround for fancy models! But, as a stockholder, I'm THRILLED that they are so busy. That stock is paying for the beauty!�
Sep 11, 2014
CHGolferJim Would love to see pics of your new car, as your specs are right in line with what I'm thinking.�
Sep 12, 2014
Grayhawk Shelbri - hopefully yours and mine or on the same truck!�
Sep 12, 2014
SoTX_WestTX Just an update. Went into production today!
Confirmed: June 16
Original Delivery Date: Sept. 19
Current Delivery Date: Sept. 23 (but really not picking up until Sept. 26 so I think the DS built in some cushion to make sure it made it to Austin before I do)
In Production: Sept. 12�
Sep 15, 2014
shelbri So my status has remained at Production Complete - preparing for pickup or delivery. Being that I am in Connecticut and production is in California, shouldn't the status be In Transit by now given that my scheduled pickup date is this Friday at 4pm?�
Sep 15, 2014
seanahan It's not clear to me that the dashboard updates right away with your status, so it's possible that it's already on the way, and there is just a lag before getting the update to the website. Worst case scenario, you might have a bit of delay, but you won't know for certain until you're driving away from the SC.�
Sep 15, 2014
karmamule My status is still at that too, and has been since the 10th, yet in a conversation on Saturday my DS mentioned mine was indeed already in transit, so you can't judge based on that alone. I'm also due for Friday delivery, though no exact time set yet. Supposedly there's still a slim chance I could get it Thursday, but I'm assuming Friday at this point.�
Sep 15, 2014
shelbri Well just as seanahan indicated, my dashboard is not yet updated but my DS just sent a note indicating the vehicle is in fact in transit. He said I could keep my delivery date of Sept 19th.
However, he also indicated that they were arranging a delivery event for Sunday the 21st and wanted to know if I'd like to wait and be a part of this. I've jokingly asked if Elon is coming to hand me the fob.�
Sep 15, 2014
Justinmd Thanks for posting this. I'm still "in production" since 9/5. It's reassuring to hear about the extra delivery event on 9/21 in CT as I am scheduled for 9/24. (I would gladly take 9/21)�
Sep 15, 2014
karmamule I wonder if a "delivery event" is a way to mass-tutor a bunch of new drivers together rather than sequentially? That would make a lot of sense as a way to handle the end-of-quarter delivery crunch.�
Sep 15, 2014
FredTMC since you live near the factory, curious to know if they are running production on Saturday and Sunday. Others have said Saturday.
If you or others have time, swing by the factory on sat and see how full the lot is. Bonus question, morning vs evening data points. Both implies 2 shifts.�
Sep 17, 2014
chickensevil I might have misspoke way back when I said that there is an in transit status... It has been a while since I went through all of this, your DS would certainly be a bit more trustworthy at this point than a status on a website.
Also Elon said today that they are on track for meeting the 7800 guidance for the quarter so everyone should be getting there cars very soon!�
Sep 18, 2014
iadbound I'm also showing Production Complete, but my DS says the car has been on a truck for a few days. Thus, I'm not sweating it.�
Sep 18, 2014
shelbri DS has confirmed that the car has arrived in Milford, CT and will be ready for pickup tomorrow. I'm in London now so I just have to fly home tomorrow morning to pick her up. So exciting!!�
Sep 18, 2014
LucM Shelbri,
I was supposed to pick mine up in Milford tomorrow but when I called my DS yesterday, he said it was on a truck in NV. I can't believe they would have multiple trucks coming into CT just days apart. I guess they could of dropped off cars along the way in and around the Northeast. Oh well.�
Sep 18, 2014
shelbri Interesting. Are you rescheduled for a Sunday pickup LucM? They did indicate they had a lot of cars arriving and wanted me to pick up Sunday for a delivery event but I opted out as I'd prefer to have the car all weekend. I've waited long enough.�
Sep 18, 2014
LucM No, right now scheduled date is up in the air. I am thinking Mon or Tuesday, don't really know. I do know that it seems like I have to be the one initiating contact with the DS though. Maybe I should call there again tomorrow to get an update.�
Sep 18, 2014
shadowinstallz Is this event at mount kisco? I'm scheduled for this Saturday hopefully if all paperwork is on order tomorrow.�
Sep 18, 2014
shelbri Not sure if they are planning one there too. To be honest it didn't sound like much of an event. I asked how long with start and end times and was told I'd be out in an hour. I think they are just trying to group deliveries to meet qtr end push. Good luck with the pick up.�
Sep 18, 2014
USCSD2260 Hi All,
Been following this forum for about a week and thought I'd chime in with my experience so far and seek some advice.
Confirmed 5/27/14.
VIN 50357.
S85/metallic gray/black textile seats/tech pack/air suspension/parking sensors
My original, tentative, delivery date was 9/4/14. That got delayed of course, and was tentatively pushed to the week of 9/15. And now it sits at the weekend of 9/26, possibly. My vehicle has been sitting in the production queue for about 2 weeks, probably longer. The fog of waiting has disrupted my sense of time. For the most part, 4 months is understandable, though agonizing. If everyone were going through the same thing, I got no issues.
But here's the kicker:
My friend confirmed his 6/18/14, and got assigned a VIN just shy of 53000. I don't know his exact package except for the details below:
S85/metallic gray/tech pack/normal suspension
And his vehicle entered production today. And we're both picking up in the same location at the Centinela service center here in West Los Angeles.
Does this seem peculiar to anyone else? He confirmed a full 3 weeks after me and has beat mine to production?
The going theory is that the air suspension may be delaying my production. My DS has no explanation when given these details, but has stated she will look into what is going on. What do you guys think?�
Sep 18, 2014
Ed Chan I'm the friend here, vin 52917... Only difference is i have tan leather and coils... Easiest explanation is the parts, whether they be the cloth seats or air suspension... Pretty strange, though... We're seeing vins all over the map getting built and some others still in queue...�
Sep 18, 2014
USCSD2260 I guess what I'm wondering is if anyone else with air suspension, ordering around my timeframe is experiencing this kind of production delay. Be nice to pin it down to one thing and quantify the excess amount of time a specific option might add to production. With nearly all things being equal, this is as good a case as any to use as point of reference for future buyers.�
Sep 18, 2014
breser My vehicle (VIN 56107) has air suspension and leather seats confirmed 8/10, started production on 9/16 scheduled for delivery 9/24 in Seattle. The more I read this forum the more sure I am that some configurations are delayed by parts for certain options but we simply don't have enough information to determine which options.�
Sep 19, 2014
My order confirmed May 24th, has air suspension, went into production 05 September, finished building 10 September (and delivered to east coast TODAY!), so air suspension alone wouldn't be the issue. (And I went through production faster than lots of people who took 7+ days!) Good luck with the last portion of your wait. In some ways it's the hardest! (At least it was for me.) But, once you get your car it'll all melt away and you'll know it was worth it. Fingers crossed for you!�
Sep 19, 2014
seanahan I have air suspension as well, and was delayed, although production only took 4 days, from the 14th-17th. I still have no idea when delivery will be.�
Sep 19, 2014
JBusch VIN 498xx 2-3 days to build, build completed Friday, Pickup in Dallas SC on the following Wednesday. First time I have driven a MS. Wow what a "rocket". No issues all is GREAT! Original delivery date 9/4. Actual date 9/17.
SC rocks they are receiving 23 cars before the end of the month. They took all time I needed to understand the MS.�
Sep 20, 2014
USCSD2260 Breser, that's an incredibly quick turnaround time for any kind of order it seems.
As as for me, it looks like I hit production on the 19th. Could be the cloth seats delayed me, everyone else seems to have leather. I blame the dog for that one, her nails would tear up the leather.�
Sep 20, 2014
Ed Chan There's always the trunk... or the frunk (!!) ...�
Sep 20, 2014
Perfect_Flaw Or the local pound.�
Sep 21, 2014
karmamule I got the cloth seats (and LOVE them btw, and also received compliments from some friends who say they're the best cloth seats they've ever seen). My car spent 5 days in production, was delivered to me on the east coast 9 days after finishing production.�
Sep 21, 2014
shadowinstallz Me too!!! Love the cloth seats.�
Sep 21, 2014
Perfect_Flaw Hey man can you post pics of the cloth seats?? Very curious about them because I was back and forth on the leather...�
Sep 22, 2014
radrick My Dashboard sequence was:
(1) Sourcing Parts (Ordered May 10)
(2) In Production (Aug 29) Original delivery date Aug 28.
(3) Production Complete (Sep 4)
(4) Then page showed the final pricing (Delivery Sep 11)
48590 - S85, pearl white, non-pano, gray seats, tech, air susp, park sensors
You get much better info/timing from your DS than the Dashboard. When I first saw (3) on-line, DS texted me later that day that car was actually in transit.
(4) Don't click taking delivery until your DS says so!�
Sep 22, 2014
SoTX_WestTX Should I be getting nervous? I've been "In Production" for about a week now. I had a specific delivery date in my dashboard (a delayed date of tomorrow, but always told my DS I would be picking up this Friday), but a few days ago it reverted back to "Late September".
I emailed my DS last week and he said it was possible it would be completed by Sept. 18 and it was "very reasonable to expect delivery" by this Friday. Haven't heard from them since, but will call tomorrow morning before I leave for my trip.
I'm returning through Austin from a work trip so if it's not at the Austin SC ready for pick up by this Saturday, I'm out an expensive last minute plane ticket home (either a new ticket from Austin or a change fee on my Friday flight).
The dashboard changing to "Late September" has me really uneasy, but I'm hoping what others have said is true in my case and my car is actually on a truck bound for Austin already and my dashboard just hasn't been updated.�
Sep 22, 2014
SBR There's a truckful of Teslas headed to Austin SC, expected to arrive tomorrow (Tuesday). My car is one of them. I know they have deliveries scheduled for WED / THURS / FRI for those cars. I'm not sure how frequently Austin SC gets deliveries, but it's possible your car is on there. They were able to track the cars by GPS. As of this morning it was entering the Republic of Texas
Sep 22, 2014
breser Last week or so they went through and stripped everyone that had specific dates on the website and put them back to a general timeframe. If you DS says you date is still on schedule that should be the case still. THey're just trying to control expectations from the website.�
Sep 23, 2014
Brunton Yeah. They should have notified people they were doing that before they did it. Caught some of us off guard and led to a big "WTF?" moment.�
Sep 23, 2014
SoTX_WestTX Talked to my DS today, unfortunately my car is not on that truck. He said it hasn't actually come off the line yet (?!). He asked if Monday or Tuesday delivery might be possibilities just in case, at which point I gently reminded him of the reason I picked this date (crazy work travel next two months). He mentioned that the delivery trucks have two-man teams so they can drive straight through. Google says it is 28 hours from Fremont to Austin so I guess it is theoretically possible for a Saturday delivery if it leaves as late as Thursday afternoon.
I guess worse case scenario is I change to have it delivered to my house instead. I'll just be out airfare and change fees and the missed pomp and/or circumstance surrounding a service center delivery.
Keeping my fingers crossed, though!�
Sep 24, 2014
LucM Keep your fingers crossed. Mine has been on a truck for roughly 1.5 weeks (Milford, CT delivery). Heck, it was probably less than 150 miles away from me Monday morning but it isn't at the Service Center yet. Good luck!
Sep 24, 2014
karmamule Sorry, just saw this. I'll try to remember to post a couple tonight.�
Sep 25, 2014
seanahan There is no pomp or circumstance with a service center delivery. It was actually a bit anti-climactic, until I drove off and floored it for the first time.�
Sep 25, 2014
shelbri Completely agreed.�
Sep 25, 2014
jkliu47 FWIW my Service Advisor told me that they got 40 MS's in today for prep/delivery. Seems this is happening in SC's all over. Surprisingly upbeat, and yeah he admits they are slammed trying to beat end of Quarter delivery goals.�
Sep 26, 2014
shadowinstallz Actually looks real good in person....the pictures don't do them justice
Sep 26, 2014
shelbri I love my textile seats as well. Very comfortable and I hope they will wear better than the leather I've had in the past. Leather is easy to clean and great with small kids but I am hoping my teens won't drop ice cream and such anymore.�
Oct 3, 2014
Thud I also ordered the cloth... I think Scotchgard would be a no-brainer when you have kids (I have 2 small kids).�
Oct 4, 2014
CHGolferJim Shadows -- that's textile in the middle and vinyl or leather on the sides? Thanks.�
Oct 5, 2014
shadowinstallz Faux leather�
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