Aug 30, 2012
GeorgeB Hi everyone.
I've been watching all the threads about having Model S "true colors" stand up. So yesterday, we photographed all 10 colors of Model S in the same place, in the same lighting, with the same camera, from the same angle. We have posted the images here:
Event Gallery | Tesla Motors
More to come...
Please enjoy!!!
Aug 30, 2012
Thread Summary Here's a direct link to the set on Flickr: Model S Shows Its True Colors - a set on Flickr
Member Generated Tesla Model S Photo Albums (Picasa)
----10 Production Colours Photo Albums ---------------------
These thumbs are sorted by popularity in the poll. Updated every 50 votes. The colour with most votes is first (white and pearl white is one colour, red and signature red is one colour). Votes after 50, 100.
Signature Red - View Slideshow
Red - 2013 View Slideshow
Blue - View Slideshow
Grey - View Slideshow
Pearl White - View Slideshow
White - View Slideshow
Black - View Slideshow
Silver - View Slideshow
Brown - View Slideshow
Green - View Slideshow
---- Other Photo Albums -----------------------------------
How to add photos to this album:
- post photos to this thread or to dedicated colour threads.
- become a contributor (anyone with Picasa account can contribute. post a request to this thread)
- photos are uploaded in original size
Signature code:
HTML:[URL=""][B]Tesla Model S Picasa Photo Albums:[/B][/URL] [URL=""]Grey[/URL] - [URL=""]Black[/URL] - [URL=""]Silver[/URL] - [URL=""]White[/URL] - [URL=""]Pearl White[/URL] - [URL=""]Red[/URL] - [URL=""]Signature Red[/URL] - [URL=""]Blue[/URL] - [URL=""]Brown[/URL] - [URL=""]Green[/URL] | [URL=""]Custom[/URL] - [URL=""]Interior[/URL] -[URL=""] WOW[/URL] - [URL=""]Contest[/URL] | [B]Poll:[/B] [URL=""]Select your colour[/URL].�
Aug 30, 2012
dsm363 Thank you George! That is very helpful and appreciated.�
Aug 30, 2012
PattyChuck Waiting for someone to start crying about the body gaps in 3... 2...�
Aug 30, 2012
Larry Chanin Very nice!�
Aug 30, 2012
Todd Burch Thanks George! Much Appreciated!�
Aug 30, 2012
JakeP Thank you GeorgeB!!!! These beautiful shots are *extremely* helpful to those of us struggling to Finalize our interior/exterior color selections, having seen only a handful of colors in person. Please repeat the series from every angle, with every possible permutation of wheel size and style, and interior leather selection. I am only halfway kidding, of course! One thing that can be definitively said here: Model S is stunning in every combination. Well done!�
Aug 30, 2012
KangarooAustralia Thanks, GeorgeB. Pretty darn close but near impossible task given that the sun doesn't like to stay still why u execute your great idea. Check out the shadow under tree on the left and shadows behind and to the side of the car. 10/10 for effort!
Disclosure: OCD again. Sorry. :tongue:�
Aug 30, 2012
PhatCat And with the same wheels! Very helpful. Thanks.�
Aug 30, 2012
joefee Cyndi could not have done it better ...�
Aug 30, 2012
NigelM OMG! I just moved GeorgeB's thread! :biggrin:�
Aug 30, 2012
grisnjam Here's hoping the more to come includes the interior combos ...�
Aug 30, 2012
Jason S Body gaps! Where's my body gaps?! :wink:�
Aug 30, 2012
gg_got_a_tesla No Model S for you!
Thanks, GeorgeB! The pic of the Green has morphed into my desktop wallpaper already!�
Aug 30, 2012
Discoducky Any chance of getting an official availability month for Sunset Red? My wife and I love it!�
Aug 30, 2012
Norbert Great reference, thanks!�
Aug 30, 2012
bonnie You've got the power now.�
Aug 30, 2012
NigelM As there's been discussions about communication recently and George is reaching out, I've taken the liberty of making this thread a sticky temporarily.
(And maybe I can use this magic power to get my Model S already!)
Aug 30, 2012
Lyon Excellent post, thanks George! We just finalized our order for a blue one and we couldn't be more excited!�
Aug 30, 2012
brianman I don't see a distracter in any of those pictures. No fun.�
Aug 30, 2012
MikeK 1... Nah.
Thanks, George, these are super helpful.
One observation for folks looking at the two whites: The solid white lighting angle is just a tiny bit different -- you can see that the car is casting a little bit more of a shadow at the rear, while the pearl looks like it was closer to direct ahead/overhead. So, the highlights are a bit muted on the side of the solid white car, and I don't think that's all because of the paint. (The pearl probably does highlight a bit more, though.)
The same is true on the green -- the side towards the camera is a little bit in shadow, so it doesn't show the same highlights as some of the other colors.
No criticism intended here -- just pointing out a subtle difference that could influence perception if somebody isn't aware of it.�
Aug 31, 2012
doug I put a direct link to the Flickr set in the second post and embedded the pics, sorting them by similar colors. The post is a wiki, so someone else can put in the official color names if he or she wants.�
Aug 31, 2012
Adm Well as a matter of fact: The frunk lid fit at the nose cone is very different on the different cars. Fire engine red looks very good, but Sig red and blue are ... well... not so good. I suspect this can be adjusted with the locking mechanisms of the frunk, but it looks sloppy at best now.�
Aug 31, 2012
ddruz These photos are great! But it would also be very helpful if Tesla would post similar pictures of all the colors with the standard 19" wheels. After all that's what most people will be getting and the car colors do compare differently with different wheels.�
Aug 31, 2012
Right_Said_Fred I think pictures with all cars with the dark grey performance wheels would be an even better idea, because you can then see if that dark grey color matches with your preferred exterior color. The 19" wheels are silver, like the 21" in these pictures, so matching colors is less of an issue.
Thank you George and the Tesla-team for taking and posting these pictures. A great help, also for us in Europe (The Netherlands) who are anxiously waiting for news on pricing and delivery planning :wink:.�
Aug 31, 2012
sp4rk Thanks George, for really trying, but I feel, no criticism intended, (and having been, decades ago, a professional photographer), that the photos suffer from what is I think called, , "subject failure". (Not "S" failure.)
The problem is that it would be better if ...
1) All cars were placed next to each other, so a comparison could be made.
2) More importantly, the cars should have been photographed in a studio with "tent" lighting or just a neutral (white) background.
As it is, all colors are subject to influence of the GREEN grass.
Further, candidly, I was "waiting" for the red, and now that I have seen the current red, the gorgeous "wine" red, and now see the HOT red; to me it's far too bright. I like subtlety. And that red "screams" or is its tone overly influenced by the green?
Thanks for your time, effort, and I hope my observation is taken as constructive criticism as intended.�
Aug 31, 2012
J in MN NOOO!!! The automatic white balance and exposure settings on the camera completely ruined the pictures!�
Aug 31, 2012
JakeP I cannot stop looking through these images...a thousand words, indeed. Please add more, with the grey performance wheels and the 19" wheels! I have never seen what the grey wheel looks like on the green, apart from my own amateurish photoshop efforts.
I would also love to see shots of the interiors through an open door, though I realize that not every exterior/interior combination has even been manufactured yet, nor will they be until the Sig production completes.
And while I am no photographer and can certainly not comment on the picture quality and influence of surrounding light and shadow...I do feel that these images give a good "real life" impression of a car that will, in fact, always be surrounded by objects of other colors, and a different mix of light and shadow. Shots of all cars under tent lighting with a grey card would be excellent for comparative and monitor-calibration purposes, but this series shows me what they all look like in the real world, under reasonably similar conditions.
Once again, thank you GeorgeB...and keep 'em coming!�
Aug 31, 2012
Raffy.Roma Thank you George,
you helped me to work out a real dilemma that I had concerning the colour of the Model S of my dreams.�
Aug 31, 2012
contaygious Noticed this too. The pearl has bigger gaps on the frunk than the white. It actually looks partially open around the lights too. I hope this gets resolved!�
Aug 31, 2012
Raffy.Roma I think it's a problem of alignment. I heard that first Model S cars had problems of this kind. But I also read that Tesla has worked out the problem.�
Aug 31, 2012
contaygious Hope so it's just that these pictures I assume are of the latest cares right?�
Aug 31, 2012
Trnsl8r Is it just me or does Silver have its suspension on maximum height?�
Aug 31, 2012
mlascano Now that you mention it, they all look kind of high to me.
I wonder if they raised the supension to get them on the grass and didn't drop it to normal height prior to shooting the pics.�
Aug 31, 2012
MikeK The Silver definitely looks like it's raised on the air suspension.
I believe that most if not all of the cars in these photos are the familiar Get Amped fleet, so they are early build and have various issues with gap and flush.
At the August event in Palo Alto, three new, recently-produced cars made an appearance. There was a Pacific Blue Performance with a panoramic roof. There was a Black Performance with a panoramic roof, and there was a Silver car with a body color roof.
The Pacific Blue car in these photos has a solid roof, so it is probably the other blue Get Amped car that was at the very first event in Fremont and at many events since then. The silver car has the panoramic roof, so it is probably an earlier car. I think the black may well be the new one -- the interior is the same as the car I saw in Palo Alto. It's hard to tell from this angle but the trunk gap looks tighter and the hood also looks good, but there is a small alignment issue with the chrome trim at the back of the rear door, and the car in Palo Alto had an issue in the same location.
Hot damn the white looks nice with the 21" wheels. Anybody want to trade for 19's?�
Aug 31, 2012
Todd Burch The two best looks, in my opinion, are performance sig red (w/ spoiler and gray wheels) and performance white (spoiler and gray wheels).
Since I'm not getting the performance (anyone want to provide a $10,000 donation to my charitable cause?), I locked in standard dolphin gray. (My wife doesn't want a white car...)
But looking at these pics, I'm wondering if I should switch to white, and then have my 19s powder coated black or dark gray.�
Aug 31, 2012
Raffy.Roma I don't know. Anyway I hope that by next year these problems of alignment will be solved for EU deliveries. We are lucky that in the USA you are so careful for quality and have in this way a better car for EU deliveries.�
Aug 31, 2012
Jason S EU cars will be very refined. Delayed compared to US deliveries, but think of all the V1.0 issues that'll be solved!�
Sep 1, 2012
bonnie George, thank you for taking the time to arrange for the photos in response to forum members' requests. It IS appreciated.�
Sep 1, 2012
Jason S I'd mentioned in an event last year that it would be nice if the suspension stayed at highest level to ease getting in/out of the car. When at its lowest it is a bit larger drop into the seats, but higher is slightly easier.
So I kinda hope they implemented that. :smile:�
Sep 1, 2012
chmod a+wrx George......
Thank you! ! ! ! !
I'll take one of each! ! !
That blue is amazing! !�
Sep 1, 2012
NigelM Mod note - Posts regarding side mirrors went here: Is-the-lack-of-electrically-folding-mirrors-a-big-problem�
Sep 1, 2012
tray loader There�s one potential future color missing IMHO-
something in limecolor, something fresh and unseen, yet still premium:
Sep 1, 2012
Raffy.Roma Actually I would have liked to see also the white pearl with 19" wheels for comparing. I am very much undecided between 19" and 21"�
Sep 1, 2012
jerry33 That actually looks good!�
Sep 1, 2012
goyogi I like what you did with the wheels. A sort of graphite look.�
Sep 1, 2012
Todd Burch Guys, I need help. Thinking about modifying my order. Which would you pick...white with black wheels or gray with gray/black wheels?
Sep 1, 2012
Doug_G Hands down white with dark wheels. I've seen it in person and it is gorgeous. I almost changed my mind on Sig Red after seeing it.�
Sep 1, 2012
Discoducky if you tint the windows then white looks just a bit better�
Sep 1, 2012
ddruz Todd Burch, What have you got configured now?�
Sep 1, 2012
Todd Burch I currently have gray configured (non-perf, 19" wheels). Either approach will require powder coating (I expect to have 19s).�
Sep 1, 2012
MikeK Todd: Pano roof, or no?�
Sep 2, 2012
aviators99 What's with all of the extra and misplaced apostrophes in the stickies, including this one?�
Sep 2, 2012
NigelM Auto-correct. Blame Steve Jobs, not everything he did is perfect.�
Sep 2, 2012
johnnyS We went by the Newport store yesterday to help finalize our order. They have a sunset red S with the black roof, 21 wheels, and microfiber seats. It is a sharp sporty combination that we were not considering. Before going I had convinced myself we should pick silver with the gray leather. Now my wife says she may prefer white with the tan interior and I still like the blue. We just got the configure email this week, so we have a couple of weeks to decide. At the Amped event, I made the mistake of driving a performance model, so I am also debating the extra cost of a performance. In Southern California it seems we spend most of our time driving behind a 12 year old Camry 10 miles per hour below the speed limit or a big truck spewing toxic fumes, so is it worth it?�
Sep 2, 2012
tray loader ![]()
Thank You.
I think graphite and some fresh color would look gorgeous.
Sort of like the Aston Martins have.
Green (literally) will come back big time, lime is already there, and the current official color option evokes too little value IMHO.
Daimler has a new color called "alubeam", which looks like a mixture of alu,chrome,graphite and duotone.Breathtaking.
Would fit a sleek design like the Model S too, and looks UPSCALE enough for Rodeo drive
Trying to appear conservative in this innovation field is one thing, but missing the right color language for getting that point across self confident another.
The current lineup is only 30% complete IMHO.They miss the special,characteristic colorpalette, except some 2-3 great choices.
Also, Teslas Brown is kinda weak and lame-
how about this one, deep, rich, expensive- oops it�s "just" a BMW X1:
If an X1 looks more expensive colorwise as a Model S, then something is wrong.
Heck, the Model S could even dare some matte black look:
The possibilities are there but what�s there looks a bit paralyzed, too generic and uninspired for being the new kid one the block, no?�
Sep 2, 2012
Todd Burch Yes on the pano. After watching the side-by-side video of gray and white in this subforum, I think I'm going to stick with the gray...but the black powder coat on the wheels will be mandatory for me
Sep 2, 2012
Robert.Boston I congratulate Tesla for having four "real" colors in the mix: blue, green, brown, and red. Premium car manufacturers have a lot of white/silver/gray/black options, although I have noticed more color creeping into the lineups. I agree with @tray loader's comment, though, that Tesla chose very safe variants of these colors. That's not surprising to me; the Model S design overall is very conservative. While this may disappoint some, I think the majority of buyers are already being asked to make a big leap with the technology; changing car shape or color radically would alienate too many customers.
Hopefully, as sales volumes rise and Tesla brings more manufacturing capabilities on-line, they can add a few more colors to the lineup that will be a bit more daring. There's a nice thread about that: Suggestion Box: What colors would you like Tesla to add?�
Sep 2, 2012
araxara I guess I wouldn't call the blue and green "real" colors. They are almost black.�
Sep 2, 2012
MikeK Okay, just asking because I think the white looks great with the pano roof. I'm not a big fan of the dark wheels with white, but with the pano I think it does work, since you're basically making a bit part of the car black with that roof.
Dark wheels with the grey + pano is a very sleek combination.�
Sep 2, 2012
contaygious Yup black and white contrast. Pretty sporty combo and mine as well.�
Sep 4, 2012
ElSupreme Ever since I saw one of these in real life I have wanted a car like this! Do it Tesla!
Talk about 'REAL' color!�
Sep 4, 2012
mulder1231 Google car?�
Sep 4, 2012
ElSupreme "Harlequin" Golf. VW made them from the factory for a little while.
Volkswagen Golf Mk3 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia�
Sep 4, 2012
NigelM ^^^ Can't decide if that's Mondrian, Kandinksy or L'Oreal.......:wink:�
Sep 4, 2012
Robert.Boston You certainly wouldn't have trouble finding that in the parking lot!�
Sep 4, 2012
PhatCat True, but would you want to be seen getting into it? I suppose if you were wearing a funny hat and shoes with bells it would be OK.�
Sep 4, 2012
Rifleman I saw the white / dark wheels at the Florida Get Amped event, and thought it was incredibly sharp in person.�
Sep 5, 2012
ElSupreme ^^ I personally vote white with black. That is what I plan on getting.�
Sep 5, 2012
HawaNY As one of the agitators for systematic pics like this, thanks very much GeorgeB!
My remaining suggestion: continue to work on innovative ways to integrate these photos right up front into the design studio.
My wife and I are convinced that it remains a major obstacle for prospective buyers, even before they become reservation holders, that they can't get a 'warm and fuzzy' feeling about making choices on the web.
We think that's probably still true in the awesome stores as well.
So when people are 'playing around' with the design studio, and getting to know Tesla and thinking about taking the plunge, they should be overwhelmed with options for seeing their chosen car outside in different light conditions.
Thanks again!�
Oct 25, 2012
tdelta1000 WOW!!!!! Gorgeous color.�
Oct 25, 2012
Babylonfive Copper anyone?
Oct 26, 2012
sublimaze1 Oh my�
Oct 26, 2012
MikeK Yes! But with silver wheels I think.�
Oct 26, 2012
kevincwelch That is awesome. I'm sure Justin Beiber would like that one.�
Oct 26, 2012
woof And when you drive thru a puddle in the winter (with salted roads) you can then charge the car from the resulting galvanic reaction. :biggrin:
The Cell Potential - ChemWiki�
Nov 23, 2012
tray loader
look again, fresh color as can be for the slim and elegant Model S:
Nov 23, 2012
darthy001 I would love to see a matte black finish. Could make the s really badass with the grey rims.�
Nov 23, 2012
Martini A reminder that there is an interesting discussion of car wrapping elsewhere on the forum, for those looking for a (reversible) custom colour�
Nov 23, 2012
darthy001 Hmm maybe my ipad but its very hard to see any details in that picture
Nov 23, 2012
Babylonfive Agreed. Something went wackadoo with that... will try again.
Nov 23, 2012
Babylonfive Trying again!
Nov 23, 2012
darthy001 Much better.. Made me even more curious.. Might consider wrapping my car like that.�
Dec 1, 2012
metafor The new multicoat red has me very interested. Is there going to be a model with it being shown off at one of the stores?�
Dec 1, 2012
brianman There is at least one Sunset Red vehicle that was used at some of the Get Amped events. I'm not sure if there are others.�
Dec 1, 2012
DrDave Only one so far. Anyone know why they call it multi-coat like the Sig Red and Pearl rather than the other colors?�
Dec 1, 2012
brianman Perhaps helpful:
What is the difference between paint jobs?�
Dec 1, 2012
Trnsl8r More on metallic vs. pearl here:
Dec 1, 2012
Larry Chanin Here's a Sunset Red Model S on display at the Miami Beach store.
Dec 2, 2012
metafor Ahh thanks! Now if only they'd bring it to one of the California stores...�
Dec 2, 2012
bmek Larry, did you happen to catch the VIN on the Sunset Red?
It would be interesting to know where in the production sequence this car was manufactured.�
Dec 2, 2012
brianman I don't know if it's the same one but the Get Amped one was:
5YJSA1AN4CFR00105 Get Amped @ New York, Sunset Red�
Dec 2, 2012
bmek I was wondering if it was a P series (vs R). If it was a P then I was curious if it was one of the 12xx cars.�
Dec 2, 2012
EarlyAdopter Seeing as how the 2013 red is listed in the design studio as a $1500 multi-coat paint option, any thoughts on whether it ends up looking different than the Sunset red seen earlier this year, which was a solid red paint?�
Dec 4, 2012
PhatCat I asked my configuration specialist about the new red. He said the "Sunset Red" at the Get Amped events was an initial attempt and that the red car in the photos in the Motor Trend Car of the Year gallery is an accurate representation of the 2013 Red (as he calls it). This color will go into production in Mar/Apr 2013.�
Dec 4, 2012
gg_got_a_tesla It's indeed a beautiful Red and looks darker and more refined than the bright red from the Get Amped events (I saw it twice back in June and August).
Gosh, but for the fact that I need my car badly in January, this beaut is worth waiting till March for!
Adding the full-res pics from MT here:
Dec 4, 2012
Robert.Boston Even though that's the red color that we've seen, I'm not at all convinced that that is what the final Sunset Red will be. The MT red appears to be a glossy, non-metallic paint, but the Sunset Red that's now being offered is a multi-layer paint.�
Dec 4, 2012
PhatCat I just spoke with the White Plains store and they expect to have a color sample board for 2013 Red by the end of the week. I will stop by this weekend and try to get some photos.�
Dec 4, 2012
dsm363 Thanks. If you have a gray car to hold next to the sample when you take the picture, that might help some people.�
Dec 4, 2012
PhatCat I only wish there was a grey car to place next to it since grey is the other color I am considering and I haven't seen it in person.:smile:
But I will see if I can get a grey card before I go.�
Dec 4, 2012
youlikeadajuice If it's any help, I test drove a grey Model S at the Garden State Plaza store in Northern NJ 2 weeks ago...maybe that's within your range to go take a look?�
Dec 4, 2012
PhatCat It certainly is. I'll see if the gray car will be there this weekend. Thanks.�
Dec 4, 2012
JakeP Definitely call around to all of your nearby stores. They are moving these cars around between stores at a fairly rapid (or at least unpredictable) pace.�
Dec 4, 2012
xhawk101 Changed my res p5810 from blue 60 kwh to red at cost of delivery est from jan/feb to mar/apr. but the 60 kw was probably making it march anyway I am told. Wow the delay hurts but I love the red!�
Dec 4, 2012
Larry Chanin Sorry, this photo was taken at the Miami Beach opening celebration. They had a little problem and they couldn't get an occupancy permit in time for the celebration so we weren't permited inside the store to take closeups.
- - - Updated - - -
I personally think that you are going to be very happy with your decision despite the delay. That is a color that makes a statement and most larger sized cars might not be up to the task, but the Model S can handle that added attention.
Dec 4, 2012
xhawk101 Thanks Larry! Yea I saw the sunset red at get amped and fell in love.
from my Samsung galaxy s3�
Dec 4, 2012
vfx Here are few more I took for the Miami store opening.
cell ohone pics�
Dec 4, 2012
pete8314 Please take photos if you find the grey one, its the only color I've not seen in person, and, of course, is probably my favorite.�
Dec 5, 2012
PhatCat My configuration specialist has verified that the grey car will be at the Garden State Plaze store this weekend, so I will drop by and snap some pix. Will I still need a grey card with the grey car?:biggrin:�
Dec 5, 2012
jerry33 Yes, unless you can confirm that Tesla grey is 18% reflective. A colour chart would be nice too. That will let us be able to tell how "blue" the grey is.�
Dec 5, 2012
PhatCat I was making a funny.�
Dec 5, 2012
artsci A few days ago I called Tesla to inquire how much delivery would be delayed if I changed from blue to the new red, which I've been tempted to do. I also asked the same question at the Tesla store in DC when I was there last weekend. Even though I said that I was ok with delivery delays, both times the Tesla reps urged me to stay with the blue. I found that curious to say the least. Any idea why that might be the case? Might it just be the personal preferences of the people I spoke to?�
Dec 5, 2012
xhawk101 I was told it would increase delivery time from March until approximately May also I previously had blue and switched to the multi coat red. I would say personal preference is a possibility.�
Dec 5, 2012
JakeP I had a similar situation where I called a store guy to ask his opinion on whether I should switch from green to silver, just for ease of maintenance with how silver never looks as dirty. He definitely encouraged me to stick with green...but I know for a fact that green is his personal favorite Tesla color, as is mine!�
Dec 5, 2012
Sparky I drove this grey beauty at the Topanga Tesla store today (my first test drive, woohoo!).
Sorry my picture sucks. I really found it to be stunning. Very little metallic flake (not a gunmetal grey).
I had no interest in the grey before today.
Almost made me switch from the blue.
Dec 6, 2012
artsci I've now made an formal request to change my color to red, leaving all else the same. The rep I spoke to said that all production now is focused on 85KWH air suspension orders and since mine is already in the queue, it may not be possible to change. Will hear back this afternoon. Fingers crossed.�
Dec 6, 2012
Zextraterrestrial good luck, they are cranking them out right now. I think they should be pretty close to the 100 /day mark - they are piling up faster than they can get them out it seems�
Dec 10, 2012
PhatCat I took a friend's Canon DSLR to the White Plains store and took some shots of the 2013 Red color sample along side the Signature red sample and a grey card. Will post them tonight from home.�
Dec 11, 2012
100thMonkey that would be helpful. I hear the final version of the new red is darker than the version you see in the list of photos here, essentially closer to signature red.
Dec 11, 2012
PhatCat Two shots of a grey card with 2013 Red color board that had just come in to the White Plains store. First is with a Signature red board (yes, it looked that brown in person) and second is just with grey card to its right. These were taken under skylights in the atrium of the mall when there was a heavy overcast sky. In person the 2013 red was not quite as bright as it appears in the 2nd shot on my monitor, but I suspect it will be at least that bright in full sun.
I have reduced the resolution to 1/8 of original.�
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