Apr 9, 2016
eclipxe �
Apr 9, 2016
jerry505 They said P85D with Ludicrous in video.
I would think Tesla would want to do the announcing on such an upgrade.�
Apr 9, 2016
eclipxe No, they said P85D with Ludicrous AND AN ADDITIONAL UPDATE not yet public. An upgrade ON TOP of Ludicrous. It says this in the first 20 seconds of the video! And in the description!:
"My good friend Adam (aka. Kevlar Condom) recently had Tesla upgrade his car from Model S P85D_ Ludicrous edition (762hp) to an option that is not publicly available referred to as 'Secret Sauce'. I can't give you the figures on it since they haven't been made public yet under NDA but I can say it's a HUGE step over Ludicrous edition especially on the big end. I can't imagine how this car could get any faster!"�
Apr 9, 2016
BluestarE3 Maximum Plaid?
Apr 9, 2016
eclipxe Can't confirm or deny�
Apr 9, 2016
ohmman Man, I hope not. I was hoping they'd reserve Maximum Plaid for the new Roadster (anticipated). Interesting, anyway. Maybe this is part of the refresh.�
Apr 9, 2016
Canuck "Insane"... I get
"Ludicrous"... I get
"Secret Sauce".... ewwwwww!!!!
I don't believe it just because of the name.�
Apr 9, 2016
eclipxe I think that was just the name they were using in the video - he wouldn't reveal what Tesla is calling it internally. It's probably Plaid.�
Apr 9, 2016
Canuck Fair enough but someone has to explain "Plaid" to me. I've seen that term used here a lot and I had to look up the definition (even though I majored in English!) and sure enough it means what I thought it did which still makes me wonder what everyone is talking about. Now, if it was called "Preposterous" mode I'd get it. "Plaid" mode... goes right over my head?
Edit: Okay I googled "Maximum Plaid" and I see it refers to something in the "Spaceballs" movie. That's pretty cheesy if you ask me.�
Apr 9, 2016
SCDrJ That's where they got "Ludicrous Speed"... Because light speed was too slow!�
Apr 9, 2016
Ludicrous speed is a Spaceball's reference. Plaid is after Ludicrous
Apr 9, 2016
Johan 1st: he said "special sauce" (not secret)
2nd: why would mr. Kevlar Condom get this upgrade? Who is he? It found his name to be Adam Scmidt, a Seattle venture capitalist. Anyone heard of him being an early investor or owning a Founder's car or something?
3rd: I'd think the upgrade would be done on P90DL, but on P85DL..? Hmm...
4th: If it's true that he has Maximum Plaid upgrade on his P85D he just severely violated his NDA.�
Apr 9, 2016
eclipxe I think we'll find out more next week.�
Apr 9, 2016
BluestarE3 Elon apparently is a big "Spaceballs" fan. Search YouTube for "Spaceballs" and "plaid". You'll see where "Ludicrous" mode comes from as well.
Apr 9, 2016
Skotty The mistake Tesla made was in going straight to Ludicrous Speed (pun intended!). Since you have to be knowledgeable of Spaceballs the movie to understand the Plaid reference, it's not such a great idea to use it. However, the other speed references in the movie make sense to people who are not familiar with the movie, so it's fine to use those. Now, assuming Tesla wanted to do something after Ludicrous, the name for Ludicrous should have probably been Ridiculous, leaving Ludicrous for the step after that.
Apr 9, 2016
GoTslaGo Minimum Plaid? (to keep room for Maximum.. gotta start somewhere)
PS--love how the background just zips by on the video when he floors it�
Apr 9, 2016
commasign If real, this would likely be the promised "performance at high speed" firmware upgrade and the firmware that Motortrend had for their 10.9 second quarter mile P90DL run.�
Apr 10, 2016
commasign I dug through the owner's (Adam Schmidt) old tweets, and there's one from April 1st where he claims his 0-60mph is 2.4 seconds which is a number we've never seen before. From the video, he's clearly a Model S expert (Ludicrous Upgrade for P85D, knows the Ludicrous Mode easter egg, knows how to do Launch Control) so it's unlikely to be a typo or fib. Maybe he's a Tesla insider or beta firmware tester? Adam Schmidt on Twitter�
Apr 10, 2016
Drumheller When he holds down the Ludicrous button and gets the star field animation, I thought that was in every Ludicrous enabled Tesla? I'm not sure there is anything new in this video.�
Apr 10, 2016
commasign That wasn't the new thing. In the video, they talked about a new secret firmware as well as having to enter a special code (not shown on the video), and it is "...not the same as other P85D or P85D Ludicrous".�
Apr 10, 2016
Johan I just have a hard time reconciling someone being a beta tester for this and at the same to so bluntly violating his [very probable] non disclosure agreement.�
Apr 10, 2016
GoTslaGo I don't have a P85/90D L, but I've never seen that extra button below the ludicrous button. The blue one they held and then told them that the battery was heating... part of the "secret sauce"? Please inform me if I am wrong.�
Apr 10, 2016
commasign That's just the max battery setting. Nothing new, it's been there for months and is on every P85D and P90D (even those without Ludicrous).�
Apr 10, 2016
andrewket Subscribing...
If this is true, I sure hope it's just software. I just got my Lud upgrade two weeks ago!�
Apr 10, 2016
Johan If it's just software it will be good PR wise. Since if so they are delivering one their promises... better late than never. (quarter mile 10.9 seconds among other hard metrics).�
Apr 10, 2016
GoTslaGo Thanks! Learn something new everyday here!
Apr 10, 2016
P85DEE I thought the same thing when he held the Ludicrous selection down and went to max battery. This is what we see with current Ludicrous, the hyperspace effect.
But the video appears to have been edited at that point to seque into the next shot.
In it;
1. The driver then goes on to say that they have "pushed all of the liability buttons" which implies that it may be a beta release, much the same as was autopilot.
That part right there; "we've pushed the liability buttons" is key, and should be familiar to all of us in here. We know what that means.
2. He then goes on to say; "And the special code that you have to put in to unlock this mode".
This, if authentic, indicates to me that there is an update, or upgrade to the current version of Ludicrous. What it's called, I don't know, but "minimum plaid" could likely be the appropriate description of it.�
Apr 10, 2016
weak_pig What comes after maximum plaid. I would imagine the EV engines would improve over the next 10-20 yrs.
0-60 in 0.3 sec?�
Apr 10, 2016
commasign I originally thought he was just mistakenly talking about the plain old P85D Ludicrous retrofit, but he's not a Model S newbie and clearly knows his stuff. Multiple times they emphasized this isn't the Ludicrous that everyone else has. And we know that MotorTrend got a special firmware when they tested the P90D Ludicrous since it had launch control weeks before anyone else got it.�
Apr 10, 2016
commasign Or... this is simply delivering what was originally promised.
Apr 10, 2016
P85DEE Yes.�
Apr 10, 2016
commasign One last piece of evidence that there is still some unlocked performance in the Model S P85DL/P90DL. The Model X P90DL and Model S P90DL should have the exact same powertrain and power output potential. Yet, when tested head to head, the Model X power output is unexpectedly higher and the performance much closer to the S than should be expected.
Brooks from Dragtimes even speculates "Given the weight/aero differences and how close these races were, especially at higher speeds after the initial launch, we have to consider that the Model X could be making more power than the Model S. Maybe an upcoming software update for the Model S will increase power and performance, enabling the elusive 10.9 second 1/4 mile run that Tesla specifies for the Model S P90D Ludicrous."
Tesla Model X vs Model S P90D Ludicrous � World Record Set During Husband vs Wife Drag Racing 1/4 Mile Showdown
All signs point to a nice surprise coming for P85D/P90D owners, and finally some closure to the dozens of threads about misleading horsepower ratings, 0-60 times, quarter mile times, etc.,�
Apr 10, 2016
Johan We also have the somewhat concerning reports that 90 owners are not seeing the expected 6% increase to range that is expected. Maybe with a software unlock all these things will fall into place?�
Apr 10, 2016
P85DEE Assuming he had an agreement, it is possible that it might not have been as extensively restrictive as one might think that it should have, or would have been.
They may actually have wanted it leaked. After all, that video is still up. As is this thread. If they wanted either gone, then one or both would probably be gone by now. He also draws the line at releasing the actual "name" of this "upgrade".
The stuff they really don't want leaked, doesn't get leaked. Notice how we knew virtually nothing about the Model 3 until last week. No spy shots, no specs, no nothing.
There are good rumors and then there are bad rumors. I don't see this as being anything other than a good rumor for them.
Strategically leaking such information does exactly what you are seeing happening here. This is just kindling, same as the "leaked" shots of the new dash interface in the last update.
If there is anything to this, and an official statement follows, well then the buzz/blaze just grows bigger.�
Apr 10, 2016
thegruf I so want all this to be true as it will be fantastic for Tesla.
That said, I will have to be counted as one of the disappointed current owners.
I purchased an 85D on the basis that the 90D only had 5KWH extra of battery (it now seems the 90KWH battery is just that, but the 85KHW is more like 80KWH, so the real difference is >10% ... that would have had me buy the 90D
I purchased the 85D instead of the P85/90D as it was clear that car was not making the claimed power and the performance difference >30mph was not massive in spite of Tesla promise that the ludicrous update would improve higher speed performance, which it did but not by much.
So I have an 85D and I am very happy with it, but had Tesla been more open about the further possibilities even if not fully quantified or exact timescales set, then I would now be in a Ludicrous upgraded P90D and excitedly awaiting this possible upgrade.
Difference to Tesla iro -$30K. Difference to me - disappointed vs excited owner
Conclusion Tesla marketing appears to remain its weakest facet.�
Apr 10, 2016
thegruf I wrote the above then wondered if this car also has the 100KWH battery (although the badge says 85) and that this battery is configured to sustain a higher draw?�
Apr 10, 2016
P85DEE I know that this is a sore spot for some, but a lot of those "it doesn't make the claimed horsepower" and the "there's not that big of a horsepower difference between the 85D and the P85D" , when the actual performance figures in the quarter mile and in 0-60 were so different, and the constant bleating that "they did this with rollout and that without rollout" , did a lot of people a disservice, and influenced their purchasing decisions, decisions which some may now lament.
At the end of the day, it's the actual performance numbers. Not the horsepower. To wit, at this point, it doesn't matter how much if any more horsepower this supposed "new mode" offers, if it improves performance.
And that was the difference before, no matter the horsepower, and why those arguments now, more than ever, seem moot.
Since I am a firm believer in that, I am now more hopeful than ever, that this is the missing piece of the puzzle and the explanation as to Tesla's representation that this car would do 10.9 seconds in the quarter.�
Apr 10, 2016
thebishop Thats a handy date to claim 2.4s....�
Apr 10, 2016
commasign @thegruf - Unlikely given that the only hint of a 100kwh pack is from code hidden in the firmware.�
Apr 10, 2016
commasign Good point.
Apr 10, 2016
Ames Did you notice in the comments section he mentions 1.67Gs...thats a lot more than Ludicrous. Also if he's not acting his secret sauce seems more violent.�
Apr 10, 2016
P85DEE Was reading through some of the comments beneath the video on YouTube:
LossVegas3 hours ago
What will it do in the 1/4 mile?
Barnacules Nerdgasm2 hours ago
+LossVegas < 10 seconds... I can't give the real time yet.
LossVegas2 hours ago
I'd love to see this up against an SRT Hellcat in the 1/4 mi on street tires. You have any other rich friends who's into Dodge's?
Hide replies
cvm1233 hours ago
I wonder how much you drain the battery when you play like that with the car.
Barnacules Nerdgasm2 hours ago
+cvm123 very fast. We killed 50 miles of range in 15 minutes of driving with maybe 5 launches?
cvm1232 hours ago
I see, thanks for the info. I think it was totally worth it!�
Apr 10, 2016
jayemcee Invoking max. battery power is a necessary prerequisite for 'launch mode' - check the manual or software release notes, or YouTube for launch mode explanations and demonstrations.�
Apr 10, 2016
commasign That is hard to believe, especially since MT only hit 10.9 seconds, and this is a P85D Ludicrous rather than a P90D Ludicrous (or P100D Ludicrous). But who knows. Guess we'll find out soon enough.�
Apr 10, 2016
Ames Holy sh!%, this is such a distraction! Could it be that I already own such a car that can do 0-60 in 2.4, pull 1.67Gs off the line, and do the 1/4 mile sprint in <10.9 with all the heavy options specified like 2nd charger, pano roof, air suspension...etc?
Maybe Elon was at the drag strip recently and noticed some annoying stock Porsche 911 Turbo S's routinely getting 10.5's...
Unlike many of you here I was more than satisfied with what I drove off with from the dealer. Ludicrous mode is physically painful. In my case you can still feel the residual effects of it for up to 15 minutes after use.
Apr 10, 2016
commasign Mid-10's would be game changer. Sub-10's... wow, don't even know what to call it. But basically a family car/daily commuter can destroy multi-million dollar supercars at the dragstrip. Too hard to believe at this point.�
Apr 10, 2016
Cyberax Hate to rain on your parade, but... Getting more power out of the battery for a few transient bursts of speed is probably totally doable.
The hard part is avoiding thermal throttling later that makes Tesla behave just like a Camry carrying an elephant.�
Apr 10, 2016
DillyBop likely: a free software update that takes Ludicrous S's to the numbers Motor Trend got... 2.6 and 10.9 for the P90D, and probably 2.7 and 11.1 for the P85D.
unlikely: the crazy talk of 2.4 and 9.x.�
Apr 10, 2016
James Anders I wonder at what point the motors become the limiting factor?
How much more could the current motor design handle with increasing levels of battery performance?�
Apr 10, 2016
virGula Hi guy. New in the forum. Reserved online before unveil.
A YouTube video from France, about this new update, they call it, ROCKET MODE.
At the end of the video.
Apr 10, 2016
spottyq Their rocket mode (not Tesla's term, never appears on the screen) is simply the feet dance for launch mode.�
Apr 10, 2016
zambono They are all space balls references�
Apr 10, 2016
Laserbrain So the quartermile in less than 10 seconds.
0-60 mph in 2.4 seconds.
And the story originated with a twitter post from April 1st...
"Secret Sauce". Yeah. Sure.�
Apr 10, 2016
Not quite. Video was posted yesterday which is April 9th. No indication the video or the test drive has anything to do with April fools. If it's supposed to be an April fools joke, it's pretty dumb and a week late.
Text from the actual Youtube video:
Published on Apr 9, 2016
My good friend Adam (aka. Kevlar Condom) recently had Tesla upgrade his car from Model S P85D_ Ludicrous edition (762hp) to an option that is not publicly available referred to as 'Secret Sauce'. I can't give you the figures on it since they haven't been made public yet under NDA but I can say it's a HUGE step over Ludicrous edition especially on the big end. I can't imagine how this car could get any faster!�
Apr 10, 2016
ifung90 honestly I have a P85D and i want the ludacris update but its insanely expensive to upgrade at $10,000. (in hk, it's even more than that)
For 85D owners to go to a full P90DL, that's a huge difference in price so I don't see why anyone's complaining that "if tesla told me ..., i would have ..."
That's like buying a 535i m sport while being fully aware that there is a M5 available for $40k more but they may upgrade the engine over time to give it an extra 30-40 hp in mid cycle updates.
Even knowing that there is this upgrade, I still won't spend $10k on the upgrade to ludacris mode and possibly MORE for this plaid mode upgrade and I'm already an existing P85D owner.�
Apr 10, 2016
Ames One thing that gets me about the video...at time stamp 1:22 it shows 283 miles of range at around 90% charge. I thought the P85D was rated at 253 on a 100% charge. So perhaps there is a 100 kwh battery in there, or he's using ideal range.�
Apr 10, 2016
Todd Burch I'm not sure I believe any of this yet. The "launch mode" start in the OP's video looked awful slow to me.
Can those with Ludy compare the power meter around 5:45 in the video to what you see in your cars? Looks like it gets pegged and stays pegged. Do you see that on regular ludicrous mode?�
Apr 10, 2016
lolachampcar So for those that have looked at the data from P85Ds, DLs, P90Ds and P90DLs, where do you think the extra power is coming from?
Tesla maxes out torque of both motors for one second until the battery reaches it's current limit at which point the system is battery limited.
IF there is such a thing, the only wiggle room I can see is an increase of initial torque above what the motors are spec'd for. This would only be available for (less) than the first second as the battery limit would kick in sooner.
Apr 10, 2016
Ames Is it possible that the inconnel contactors can handle more than 1500 amps of current? Perhaps Tesla has had more time to test the system at higher current and they are happy with the results viz-a-viz maintaining the 8 year warranty.�
Apr 10, 2016
andrewket I was thinking the same thing. Is this just a very long April fools gag?�
Apr 10, 2016
commasign See my earlier post #32. I think Tesla is still holding something back on the S P90DL versus the X P90DL. So maybe it's not extra power, just that they've been holding it back for publicity/marketing/testing reasons.�
Apr 10, 2016
yak-55 Pure speculation follows ....
I see the current design running quite close to some significant hardware limits, making an upgrade that would "change the character of the driving experience" challenging.
1). Who knows where the next h/w current limit in the system is beyond the 1500A fuse (cabling I suspect). If there are no close limits, why did they not implement a fuse with even higher capability with ludicrous.
2). The L battery discharge rates above 5C are probably on the edge of causing battery degradation with consistent use , especially at elevated temps needed to minimize internal resistance. Higher capacity (100kWh ?) or more advanced chemistries (?) or more cooling (h/w) would seem to be needed.
3). A small boost in 0-X times seems possible by increasing the current/torque ramp rate in the first 2seconds, up to traction control limits, but I don't see this as "changing the character" enough to matter much. But worth a couple of tents in 1/4 perhaps.
4). Perhaps they could allow more voltage sag (hold batt current and torque up through higher speeds than we have seen). Conventional wisdom is the torque tail off we see is motor back EMF directly against the battery, but maybe there is a s/w limit in there (I would use voltage level if it were me). Again the question is long term impact on pack longevity.
5) maybe they can push the cooling system (pumps and fans) to allow higher current operation for longer.
My bet is the easy solution ... Bigger battery.�
Apr 10, 2016
Here's what doesn't make sense. If it's a joke, it's targeted at (or trolling) a very very very small subset of Tesla owners, just P85D/P90D Ludicrous owners on this very forum who follow the threads about P85D horsepower, ludicrous upgrade, 0-60 times, quarter mile times. No one else would notice, be amused, or take any interest in it other than "cool, another software upgrade coming from Tesla". If it's a joke, it has to be "one of us". I.e. I wonder if Adam Schmidt is a regular on these forums.�
Apr 10, 2016
Skotty It's possible Tesla would hold back a little to ensure durability first and also provide themselves with an easy model improvement at some point without having to change all the hardware.
That said, I find it questionable that the guy in this video would really have a test mule with such an upgrade, and that he would risk probably losing his job by letting it be posted on Youtube. Also, I tried to count the seconds on his launch and it seemed roughly equal to what regular P85DL would do. For these reasons, I would suspect this might be a fake video. There are many fake videos on Youtube and this one wouldn't even require any CGI or anything.�
Apr 10, 2016
eclipxe Not fake and maybe he checked with Tesla before posting. Maybe this is all part of a plan�
Apr 10, 2016
commasign Yeah, the video is from a well known Youtube video blogger. And the owner is an obvious Tesla fan AND venture capitalist. It's at least plausible the the video is real and Adam Schmidt does have insider access to new firmware, NDA or not.�
Apr 10, 2016
DillyBop has anyone tried tweeting (or DM'ing) him?
def not fake, it's a popular YouTube channel.
def not April fools joke, as this Kevlar Condom guy has been talking up his "2.4sec golf cart" for many weeks on Twitter. that's a lot of pre planning in effort to fool a couple hundred P85D owners who got the Ludicrous retrofit.
Apr 10, 2016
amallah I agree with this - If he has been sitting on this for a month or two and they're about to release it, this may be part of the social reveal and not an NDA violation. Elon hinted about Plaid just this week. This is marketing.�
Apr 10, 2016
P85DEE Though it is feasible that were it a prank, that the audience would be limited, one has to also consider that the audience just might "not" be limited too.
In other words, if it is a prank, well then yes, it may have been aimed solely at us. But if a prank, well then it may also have been meant to involve other auto enthusiasts, e.g. Hellcat owners, etc., in the collateral damage.
But you bring up another good point. If this was an April Fools prank, then why the video on April 9th?
It's tough to know what to make of this at this point.
There is also talk elsewhere of a body style and other refresh of the Model S. I recall the announcement of Ludicrous. It came with 2 other announcements and was referred to as "3 Dog Day" if I recall correctly.
Perhaps this announcement is meant to accompany the announcement of the changes planned for the Model S.
Finally, if this is a hoax, well then they dotted all of the i's and crossed all of the t's.
By that I mean even going to the trouble of using language indicating that whatever this is, requires the agreement to disclaimers.�
Apr 10, 2016
P85DEE Ludicrous is a $5,000.00 upgrade in the U.S.�
Apr 10, 2016
eclipxe That makes sense to me.�
Apr 10, 2016
CarlosSWeiner Thought it was $10,000?�
Apr 10, 2016
P85DEE Nope, 5 grand for the P85D.
Apr 10, 2016
brkaus The LUDICROUS speed option will only be available as a retrofit to customers who placed a P85D Model S order through Tesla before 11am PST Friday, 7/17/2015. These cars will receive updated badging to P85D where the underline denotes the ludicrous upgrade.
Apr 10, 2016
P85DEE Don't know who has tested this, but it was originally said that it would only be available for 6 months as well when it was announced back on 7/17/15.
Three Dog Day
They're still advertising it, and apparently it is still available much longer than 6 months following the initial announcement of it.�
Apr 10, 2016
jerry505 So maybe there is a Maximum Plaid, reserved for the upcoming Roadster, and a Plaid, which is a software upgrade to Ludicrous, or the Special Sauce we see on this video?
Nah, just pure speculation from an owner searching for more info.�
Apr 10, 2016
AZ Desert Driver Other than is being fun, what is the purpose of 700hp+ in a sedan?
or is "fun" sufficient reason for anything?�
Apr 10, 2016
commasign Agree, if this is real, it sounds like it'll be part of the upcoming Model S refresh announcement. They need to turn the public attention back to the Model S which is the halo car. What better way than announce new styling, significant performance upgrade, and maybe the rumored larger battery. And as a gesture of goodwill, and to remind the public that Tesla is an "outside the box" company, offer most or all of these upgrades to existing owners via software update and hardware retrofit.�
Apr 10, 2016
ohmman Marketing. Also reminding the public at large that EVs are real competitors to ICE vehicles across the board.
From a real utility standpoint, it's limited. I do launches in my P85 relatively rarely, but I have a slight obsession with keeping my lifetime Wh/mi under 300. Not sure why.. just.. I do.�
Apr 10, 2016
commasign Also safety. I can think of at least a half dozen times I got out of merging or road hazard trouble by instantly teleporting ahead several car lengths.�
Apr 10, 2016
Mark Z More kW provides increased power for faster speeds.
When can we get a 500 kW battery pack?
I would like Hyperloop speed for an entire road trip.�
Apr 10, 2016
eyespii This thread makes me wish I had sprung for the P85D instead of my 85D last year. Gah.�
Apr 10, 2016
BozieBeMe2 Did anyone notice his Twitter screenshots, that showed his battery's Ideal Range?
One picture was showing a nearly full battery and the second shot was showing his Ideal Range. BIG differences
(I would show the pics but I can't copy the pics)
Adam Schmidt on Twitter�
Apr 10, 2016
WestCoastP85D This would be an amazing update, if true. Wow.
Given this was a P85D in the video, the compatibility w/ the P85DL is more than implied here.�
Apr 10, 2016
Ames Yes, safety...with Ludicrous mode you can drive away from a rear-end collision < 1 second before it happens.�
Apr 10, 2016
BozieBeMe2 Got it�
Apr 10, 2016
P85DEE So he is using ideal range.�
Apr 10, 2016
lklundin Two possible reasons:
A) A current of 1500 A (at a voltage of 400V) is brutal, so the current inconel fuse may have been the best Tesla could do at that time, and now they may have gotten better.
B) Regradless of that, making more, incremental upgrades has a potential for more sales.
PS. I prefer to see a question mark ('?') after a question. Keyboards still have them.�
Apr 10, 2016
BozieBeMe2 Just thought it odd that his Ideal Range is 294 and he is below the battery's nearly Full point.
also, My 85kW battery's Ideal is only 277.
Maybe hinting at the notion that this isn't a 85kW??�
Apr 10, 2016
DillyBop maybe he did a battery swap and this is what a P100D is capable of?
i.e. - the "special sauce" is the new 100 pack. and he did not get a corresponding emblem on the back because it's still under wraps? that would explain both the performance increase and the crazy range he's showing...
because if he's at 294 ideal at 90%, then his 100% would be about 325mi. has ANY 85 owner showed an ideal range of 325? because if not, if not even close, then I think we may have solved this puzzle...�
Apr 10, 2016
Skotty 85D is still plenty quick. Quicker to 60 than most of the Detroit V8 muscle. But if you want more, Tesla would be happy to sell you a new car and take a trade in on your old. Plenty of folks would love to see your old 85D be added to the CPO inventory. :-D�
Apr 10, 2016
Joetnr1 Wait, some people didn't know these were all Spaceballs references?�
Apr 10, 2016
Andyw2100 Isn't that possibly it right there? The date of the tweet? This is all one big April Fool's joke?
Edit: Somehow thought I was at the end of the thread when I posted. I now realize this point had been made before I made it.�
Apr 10, 2016
P85DEE Yep.
However I've seen at least 2 or 3 posts like his now since this subject has been discussed.
But if he traded in an 85D on a new P90D with Ludicrous, he's going to take a bath.
And for those thinking of perhaps trading a culture that 85D in on a CPO P85D, the problem there is that the upgrade to Ludicrous supposedly only applies to the owners of P85Ds ordered or bought prior to 7/17/2015.
Again if memory serves me, someone in here inquired about having Ludicrous added to their CPO, or it may have been non CPO but pre owned, P85D and was turned down.
That makes sense too.
People would simply buy used P85Ds and add Ludicrous to them and be done with it.
Why allow someone to go out and buy a used P85D and add Ludicrous to it, when you can make them have to buy a brand new P90D with Ludicrous for the 13k up charge over a P90D which is an up charge over a used P85D in itself ?
Unless you're trying to increase revenue from your CPO sales. You could then offer to add Ludicrous to an in inventory CPO car for the 5k. Perhaps some would jump on that but you'd risk cannibalizing P90D sales, both new and Certified used, if you did it.�
Apr 10, 2016
P85DEE While the whole thing could be, right now, I don't think that it is a joke.
We will know soon enough though.�
Apr 10, 2016
eclipxe I don't think it is a joke either.�
Apr 10, 2016
DillyBop dude... the guy has like 120 Twitter followers. probably zero of whom own a Tesla or care about cars in general.
he is clearly passionate about his Model S..... why would he prank his own hobby? then, the video is from the 9th!
enough paranoia about April Fool's day. god i hate it so much precisely because of things like this. this is not an April fools joke for the very reason that it would be a terribly UNFUNNY/OBSCURE/ILLOGICAL "joke"!�
Apr 10, 2016
LargeHamCollider You can't get 1.67g on street tires, that requires drag radials or some other tire that makes a temporary chemical bond with the road.�
Apr 10, 2016
Andyw2100 Just to clarify this, when it was announced, Musk did indeed say the offer would be made available to P85D owners for six months. But it was never clear if that meant "six months from today" or six months from when Tesla actually started selling or installing the upgrades.
I made sure to pay for the deposit on mine within six months of the announcement date, and advised others to do the same, just to be safe, but I would not go so far as to say that it is clear Tesla is making this available for "far longer than six months...", as I believe the first upgrades were performed in late November, 2015.�
Apr 10, 2016
DillyBop please tell me you are not serious.
yes yes... Tesla is one of the most secretive and highly disciplined companies on earth, led by a man who relishes breaking news and updates, including one coming up this week.
but instead of waiting for the Model S refresh announcement, they have decided on a different path. they will leak a significant new power capability of their halo car via a guy who calls himself "Kevlar Condom" on his buddy's YouTube channel, "Nerdgasm", hosted by a man-child named Barnacules.
um, no, this is nothing but this guy softly violating his NDA.�
Apr 10, 2016
J1mbo When he mentioned that he entered a code, it reminded me of the 007 easter egg. Maybe the code for this one is 762 instead.
Maybe with some additional combination of switching to Luda + battery Warming mode + triggering the hyperdrive display first, just for kicks
Interestingly, ideal Range is called "Rated" in the EU, and goes up to 310 miles @ 100% (new battery) because the EU test cycle is more generous than the US EPA. So the Ideal Miles could just be a bug where the EU number is shown instead of the US number.�
Apr 10, 2016
ohmman Ah, the old "there are more pages and I didn't realize" mistake. I do that one a lot more than I should!�
Apr 10, 2016
omarsultan I think Elon said something along those lines at the announcement--that the 1,500A rating was conservative.�
Apr 10, 2016
omarsultan Isn't it technically the ability to deliver "more volts" that will lead to higher speeds, not just the capacity of the pack? IIRC, its one of the reasons the S85 has a faster 0-60 time than the S60 400V vs 360V.�
Apr 10, 2016
P85DEE Well to be fair, you edited out a key portion of what I said in that sentence.
What I said was; "They're still advertising it, and apparently it is still available much longer than 6 months following the initial announcement of it."
I'm sure that it was an oversight, that portion "following the initial announcement of it" which caused you to edit it out of your quote of me above.
Yes, there were discussions about this. I believe that you and I may have had one. However if the following text from the Three Dog Day information is to be taken literally:
...... "In appreciation of our existing P85D owners, the pack electronics upgrade needed for Ludicrous Mode will be offered for the next six months at only $5k plus installation labor."
Three Dog Day
It doesn't say 6 months after the initial installs.
Taken to the letter, "for the next six months" would indicate January 17, 2016 as the cutoff of the "offering", as "the next six months" would be on that date. However we are now into April and apparently it is still being offered for sale.
Hence I think that it is fair to say that this offering has continued for far longer, almost 3 months longer, than it was said that it would be available.
Best case scenario, Ludicrous was put up for sale on the Tesla site on September 25th, 2015, and even that was over 6 months ago and it is still being offered.
P85D Ludicrous Pre-Order Upgrade Available 9/25/15�
Apr 10, 2016
Laserbrain Just for comparison:
The fully electric Rimac claims to have a battery pack which is designed to deliver 1 MW for acceleration.
Further they claim 1088 horsepower and 1600 Nm torque.
It is supposed to go from 0-100 kmh (0-62 mph) in 2.6 seconds.�
Apr 10, 2016
mikeash The pack size matters too. Batteries don't like being drained too fast, and that discharge rate is relative to how big they are. Make a bigger battery, and the same relative discharge rate results in more power.�
Apr 10, 2016
Andyw2100 I'm definitely not trying to quibble over this.
I think we definitely both agree that anyone interested in this upgrade who hasn't paid the deposit yet is taking a huge gamble, and the offer could very reasonably be pulled now at any time, and without additional notice.�
Apr 10, 2016
AWDtsla I don't think they are maxing out the torque. Torque should be basically heat limited. I think they could make significant gains in 0-60 without any more battery power.�
Apr 10, 2016
Andyw2100 I have an excuse, though, this time. Really I do!
I had been doing a search to see if I could find details on the Ludicrous easter egg, after posting in the other thread about this video, and that search turned up a post in this thread, and somehow because I came to the thread in a weird way I completely missed the fact that I was not at the end of it.
OK, I didn't say it was a GOOD excuse.
Apr 10, 2016
P85DEE I would most certainly agree with that.
The offer could be pulled at any time, and in fact, to the letter of the original statement, it could have been pulled at any time after 1/17/2016, which was long before today's date. But it does not seem that it has been pulled even months following that date as it is still for sale on Tesla's site.
That was my point to the gentleman I responded to back at post #73.
But my advice to anyone thinking that they may be interested in the offering, it is best to act now as opposed to waiting any longer, as it could be removed at any time because the originally stated 6 months are up, no matter if one looks at statement release date, for sale offering date, or initial install date.�
Apr 10, 2016
EternalChampion Intriguing. But seems likely to be a modern-day Bigfoot sighting situation.�
Apr 10, 2016
AWDtsla I went frame by frame over the acceleration video. Could not see any discernable difference in power ramp over my car. i.e. Both cars get to right under the 4 in "400" at 34-35 mph.�
Apr 10, 2016
1208 Warp 2 and above are faster than speed of light.
Warp 10 is the fastest speed possible ever. Infinite velocity.
Maybe Warp will be used for updates faster than plaid.�
Apr 10, 2016
thebishop Come on, we all know the P120DMP is coming on Tuesday.
Apr 10, 2016
eclipxe In another thread, someone just figured out how to get to the "enter secret code" menu. Hold the Tesla logo for 5 seconds (after entering the Warp-mode easter egg)�
Apr 10, 2016
Andyw2100 Following is just one more reason I think this is an April Fool's hoax.
In the video, as one of the guys holds the Ludicrous button for a few seconds to initiate the Easter egg screen, they claim that doing so is part of the procedure for enabling the new "special sauce" mode. But we know that is just an Easter egg. The fact that they used that Easter egg to try to make it appear as if the car were changing modes is a pretty big tip off, at least to me, that this is not legitimate.�
Apr 10, 2016
eclipxe Hold the tesla T for 5 seconds after the Easter Egg...�
Apr 10, 2016
SageBrush Acceleration of ONE G is ~ 9.8 meters per second per second, right ?
I wondered about the claim of 1.67 G
The video show the car accelerating from 7 mph ( 3.57 m/s) to 77 mph (34.4 m/s) over about 5 seconds. So at one G, wouldn't the car be going over 50 meters per second ?
0.67G sounds ballpark to me, if my arithmetic is correct�
Apr 10, 2016
AWDtsla As I said above, the filmed acceleration does not seem to be significantly different than a ludicrous car.�
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