You guys really pull into a Nissan dealer with your CHAdeMO adapter? part 1
Apr 9, 2015
I know people have mentioned pulling into a Nissan dealer to charge their S with their CHAdeMO adapter, but don't you feel awkward? Do the Nissan guys readily accept Model S's for charging? I just get this weird feeling that I'd be escorted from the premises!
It'd be nice to know they welcomed us with open arms, as these are great destination charging opportunities if they're not all ICE'd up.
Apr 9, 2015
Personally I have not, although I know a number of Tesla owners that have charged (lvl 2) at Nissan dealers and had great conversations. I've also heard of Nissan dealers not allowing Leafs that weren't bought at that dealership to charge, so, it all depends upon the individual dealer.
Apr 9, 2015
I believe it worked like this: Nissan forces dealer to install EV plug. Dealer hates EVs... for... 'reasons'. Dealer puts fence around charging station, or simply doesn't actually wire it to anything.
If you use PlugShare and read the reviews for many of the dealers (Nissan and Ford, and others)... basically anyone not Tesla... they block them, ask that you leave, fence them off, turn them off, etc.
I haven't tried it, as I just got my CHAdeMO adapter recently, and there are plenty of other places to do level 2 charging without the uncertainties you mention. Some Nissan dealers, like the one closest to me, Bayside Nissan in Annapolis, do not have any chargers at all, or only level 2 chargers. When I called Bayside to ask if they had a car charger, they basically claimed not to know what I was talking about, then said they don't sell LEAFs or deal with electric charging. Oh, well, the Whole Foods just up the street has a L2 charger, not that it is of much value to a Tesla driver.
Now that I have the CHAdeMO adapter, I'm a lot more interested in LEAF chargers, and pleasantly surprised to see that they are getting more common rapidly. SHEETZ gas stations in PA often have them, at least in the southern half of PA. And a large number of Nissan dealers are showing up on, so that must mean that they do not object to being seen as publicly available charging sites.
As always, your mileage may vary, but really, we do need to get beyond the current world of proprietary charging stations so that any EV driver can count on getting a charge wherever they need one.
Apr 9, 2015
As someone else said, it depends on the dealer. I've charged at a Toyota dealer down in VA while on vacation and a Nissan dealer while at a wedding. Call them ahead of time or use a site like plugshare to see the experiences past owners have had.
There is a CHAdeMO station at Nissan Canada's headquarters near Toronto. It's been there for a while. After the Model S CHAdeMO adapter came out, they posted a sign saying Leaf Only and chased away at least one Model S owner I know (before the sign was posted, I believe). I think the sentiment is "if we can't use your Superchargers, you can't use our CHAdeMOs".
Apr 9, 2015
I did a road trip in 2013 from Ottawa down to OBX hitting Nissan dealers along the way. I never once had a dealership that wasn't willing to lend a charge. I always called ahead, and always got the same response: "Of course!".
The best dealer I had was the one in Salisbury, MD. They let us take one of their Sentras out to the mall for a few hours while the car was charging!
Apr 9, 2015
The Nissan dealers I have used have been VERY accommodating. I normally call ahead and they have always been hospitable and their equipment has always worked. I have charged at 5 different dealers in three states on various road trips.
Apr 9, 2015
I have had mixed experience in Virginia with Nissan dealers and Level 2, some ok, some hostile. Personally, I just avoid them now because: 1) There are so many more choices than there were when I got the car 2 years ago. 2) I generally don't like to have to ask for or rely on "favors" to reach my destination on a road trip and 3) Tesla has not been treated very courteously by car dealers in Virginia (though I suppose taking their free electricity could be considered payback?)
I find the massive number of dealership sites listed on plugshare as "public" annoying because it makes it harder to find a hotel or restaurant that I would like to support with actual business instead of mooching electrons off a car dealer. They should be changed to restricted access instead unless they are truly public and available for use by all.
Apr 9, 2015
I've used a Nissan Level 2 charging station once shortly after I got my car in early 2013. This was at a dealer near Norfolk VA. I called ahead first and they were very nice and accommodating.
Fast forward here nearly 2 years later, and I wonder how tired they may be of that sort of thing with many, many more Tesla's on the road. I also expect the "exclusive" supercharger build out that didn't exist back then may change the situation in some dealerships' opinion as well.
Apr 9, 2015
I'd think the dealers who put a moment's thought into it would come to the same conclusion as all the CVS store planners who put locations across the street from Walgreens, and vice versa... To wit, they would realize that the more people see cool electric cars, the more people will want an electric car and be interested in one that fits their budget and needs. C'mon, it's not rocket surgery.
Apr 9, 2015
Honestly, I wouldn't charge at a Nissan dealership out of principle. While I appreciate any goodwill granted by Nissan dealerships, I know they are not in the goodwill business. They are there to sell Nissan cars. And I'm not buying one. Perhaps if I could pay them for the charger use, then I would consider it.
Apr 9, 2015
Superchargers have opened up in so many locations that I don't feel the need to use as many Nissan chargers now as I have in the past. However, my experience has always been that the more polite I am, the more accommodating the Nissan dealership personnel are.
I've even had the New Vehicle Sales Manager of a Nissan dealership thank me for coming and charging at their location! He explained that Teslas make electric cars "sexy", and he is able to sell more Leafs as a result.
Apr 9, 2015
Nissan chargers are NOT public chargers, they are private chargers. If you find yourself in a situation where charging at one is necessary or ideal you should really call ahead and request permission.
Apr 9, 2015
Good advice. I'd call ahead, too. And have kind of a pleading tone in my voice. Offer to bring Starbucks for the person.
Apr 9, 2015
Some CHAdeMO chargers at Nissan dealers in San Diego are eVgo chargers, so there is no reason to feel guilty or strange when using those, since you are paying for the charge.
Then again CHAdeMO Chargers are getting pretty common in the San Diego Area (there are 28 now), so you can just stop by a car neutral location instead if that bothers you (7/11, various malls, hotels, park and ride locations, etc.)
Apr 9, 2015
Wow that's super lame and defeats the purpose. Some dealers are just total jerks. Wonder why Tesla didn't go with the dealership model?
Apr 9, 2015
David Noland
I have charged (non-CHAdeMO) at Nissan dealers a dozen times over the past two years, and have always been greeted in a friendly manner. Never a problem. Sometimes I've called ahead, sometimes not. But there's never been a problem.
I like Nissan dealers as a fallback option along Supercharger gaps because they are typically located close to freeway exits.
Apr 9, 2015
That's an interesting perspective. Most business are there to make profits. Otherwise they'd go out of business. Elon has stated such as a need for Tesla, obviously.
But is it impossible for a for-profit enterprise to also exhibit some good will?
I don't necessarily see them as mutually exclusive.
Apr 9, 2015
As others have said, always call ahead. It really depends on the dealer.
Boulder Nissan | Boulder, CO | PlugShare is very welcoming to all EV's, and sells more Leafs than most dealerships in America. They have even installed a very nice, combo, CHAdeMO/SAE, ABB, L3 charger. Unfortunately, to avoid demand charges, it is throttled to 20 kW, only a little more than you can get from an HPWC.
Apr 9, 2015
Didn't Musk encourage other EV car makers to provide access to superchargers for their cars. He freed up all of the patents for them, so there's no reason for any company to say things "Don't use our adapters because we can't use your superchargers" - because they can.
There is definitely a need for some consolidation of standards for connectors though. It seems dumb to have to pay $400 for a CHAdeMo adapter when a little unity in the provider network could solve this easily. Imagine how quickly a Leaf could be charged at a Tesla Supercharger.
Apr 9, 2015
True, but I guess we're just not at the point where there is agreement on the standard yet. Remember Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD or VHS vs. Beta? Took a while to sort that out too.
There could be limitations based on the Leaf's battery technology, but sure, even if they could only take power at CHAdeMO speeds, that would certainly open up a lot of new charging options for Leaf owners.
Apr 9, 2015
The leader of the WVa House owns a Nissan dealership, and he specifically referred to a Model S owner "consistently" (my words) using the dealer to charge his car as background for why he was opposed to the legislation allowing Tesla to sell in that state.
The legislation failed - and while it's probably unfair to burden that one Tesla owner for all the blame, I'd consider it as Evidence #1.
Apr 9, 2015
Keep in mind he didn't say they could use the Superchargers for free. He said they would have to contribute to the network cost to be allowed to use them.
Apr 9, 2015
In Japan Nissan invested most money into charging network. Recently they decided to install second CHAdeMO charger at dealers. Most dealers charge 540yen for 30 minutes (daytime), and at night (at least currently) only open to Leafs with auth card.
I personally use Nissan and "Nissan Rent a Car" a lot because half of the high power DCFCs are at Nissan dealers. Convenience Stores started installing low power CHAdeMOs, and while they don't make sense at all, people with gas cars started to realize 'electric car future' is coming
Apr 9, 2015
Polly Wog
I used my CHAdeMO adapter to charge my Model S at the Garcia Nissan Dealership in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I just showed up and started charging. I only charged for an hour, mainly because its power was limited to 20 kW (50A @ 400V). Some of the employees there admired the car, but never approached me. I admit that I was a little nervous when I first showed up, but quickly got over it. By the way, for now that is the only CHAdeMO charger in the entire state of New Mexico - sad.
Apr 9, 2015
Chris TX
I'll be traveling from Dallas to Nashville soon and will be utilizing CHAdeMO at a Nissan dealership in Memphis. I've called ahead and they were very nice about it.
Holy cow, do I wish Tesla would put a Supercharger in Little Rock, AR, though.
Apr 9, 2015
When CHAdeMO DC FCing was pretty much free at Nissan dealers, even some Nissan dealers weren't welcoming of other Leafs coming to charge, if the car wasn't purchased/leased from that dealer.
Many now charge money, indirectly via the above. A few dealers w/the above pay system have it so that if you bought/leased from them, you can charge for free. They'll check their sales records and make it so that your account can DC FC for free there.
Apr 9, 2015
Ive used the Local Nissan Dealers L2 a hand full of times. They don't have a CHAdeMO. I have no problems with using that one, as they already got a Crapload of business from me before I bought the Tesla. They would have Gotten my Leaf Business too if Nissan had a Leaf that got the range of a Model S. On top of that, I have no problems going in and getting a free coffee and a doughnut either. But, once again, I've already spent plenty of money with that dealership, and, I also feel, looking back on some service I had done on my truck before getting the Model S, that they really Hosed me. Hindsight...
As for using a other dealers station, I will usually, unless signage is posted, just plug right in as long as I'm not blocking anything. After plugging in, I will go inside, and speak with the manager. I usually say Thank You for providing this much needed service, and can I pay for my electric usage.
It's more along the lines of "easier to ask for Forgiveness, then to ask for permission".
Just for offering, I've never been asked to charge. In fact, usually, at that point, I'm invited in to relax in the customer service lounge, and use any of the customer amenities available.
I would like to point out a VERY kind BMW dealer in Erie, PA. When doing my niagara falls trip in 2014, I found myself, despite driving extra slow, and leaving the supercharger with a range charge, grossly short on range getting to Niagara. We stopped at the BMW dealer (Forgot exact name off the top of my head). On route TO Niagara, they actually thanked me, as they just had the Chargepoint installed the week before for upcoming I3's, and had no way to test the station. Invited us in etc... On the way home, they even offered to have the dealership shuttle drop us off (And pick us up) at a restaurant. We accepted. I offered to pay, they said no, just tip the driver. So that we did.
Apr 9, 2015
Free Chademo station at Mesa Riverview Nissan in AZ. I used it twice, without any issues. In fact, sales guys come out to take a closer look and tell me how much they'd love to get one.
I do also own a Leaf, though I bought it at another dealership around town. I mention that to them, just in case they might consider giving me a hard time. I have pics of it ready to show them in case (but haven't had to resort to it yet).
Apr 10, 2015
Before I bought my MS I did quite a lot of long (for the UK) journeys in my Peugeot iOn (i-MiEV). I used Nissan dealerships very regularly - including UKs Nissan HQ at Maple Cross just west of London - which also has the advantage of being available 24/7 and is right on the M25). I found all at least prepared to allow me to use their RC and in all but one case very happy to accommodate me - free coffee whilst waiting, friendly EV chat etc. I always rang ahead and told them which car I had and it never seemed to be an issue for them. I have also taken the trouble to email Nissan Customer Services on several occasions to thank them for their intelligent approach to this subject, particularly in these early years of the EV adoption movement.
Of course, Mr Musk has kindly blessed the South of England with enough SuCs to mean that even my MS 60 will very unlikely to ever need to use an RC but it's nice to know that I could if I needed to - even if it was only a 10 minute stint to get me to the next SuC.
So, in the interests of furthering the EV cause, I would strongly recommend calling ahead, being up-front about not having a Nissan and taking the trouble to ping a quick email to Nissan to thank them afterwards - better still, the LEAF specialist at the dealer you used - or both! MW
Apr 10, 2015
Simple.... Show up unannounced.
But bring a box of donuts.
Always works for me.
Apr 10, 2015
Apr 10, 2015
And because you go in and thank them, you probably keep the spot open for the next Model S owner who comes along. Stopping and charging without that important step could very likely result in the dealership deciding on a 'only our customers' policy for the future.
Good job.
Apr 10, 2015
Patents is one thing, but actually granting access to the supercharging system is another. No one else besides Tesla can currently use it, right? I think it requires VIN/authentication to enable a supercharging session, so Tesla is likely fully in control of who they let use it. Do the patents tell you how to make a working supercharger connection? I think there is a bit of one sided "in our own interests" approach going on. Can I get an adapter to charge my CHAdeMO LEAF at a SuperCharger right now? NO... Anecdotally I once heard of someone who said they tried to work with Tesla to get access for their car to charge at Superchargers but were told they wouldn't even consider it if the car couldn't charge as quickly as a Model S. So, most non Tesla EVs may not even have a battery pack suitable to charge at the rates Tesla would expect. The argument is that they never want Model S (and X) owners to be stuck waiting for someone else doing "slow charging" at a Supercharging station.
Apr 10, 2015
Tesla has however consistently said they'd love to share the SC network with other companies, as long as they contribute to it in proportion to their use. Tesla is willing to work with the other automakers, it's the others that are preventing SC access for their customers because they don't want to help Tesla in any way (and don't seem to really see charging as an important aspect of EV sales)
Apr 12, 2015
Look Teslaholics this isn't some secret society here. Drive up to the Nissan Dealer, walk inside and announce yourself and politely ask to use the charger, if no one else is ahead of you. I have done this about 5 times locally, with absolutely no problem with a handshake and a smile. Frankly, I have owned a Nissan Maxima and Altima in the past--have certainly contributed to the brand. Three times I got into a friendly EV in general conversation. One Guy asked to see the Tesla computer screen.
Really no different than asking to use the John in a private business.
Apr 12, 2015
Stopped by Nissan USA HQ in Nashville shortly after receiving my CHAdeMO adapter. Saw this and decided I wasn't welcome:
Apr 12, 2015
Chris TX
"Until they kick us out! Until they kick us out!"
If you can take a picture of it, you can use it.
Why wouldn't you be classified as a visitor? You're visiting the CHAdeMO, aren't you?
Apr 12, 2015
I have not charged at a Nissan dealer. But I might. At one within the range circle of my Leaf. As a set-up.
I would be super friendly. If they were rude or crossed the line in other ways... leave in the Model S. Come back in the Leaf. Plug the Leaf into the charger. Go find the person who was rude. Ask if they can accompany me to the senior person on-site at the moment. Rip into them...
Ah... fantasies... aren't they fun?
I'm sure I'll never actually do that.
Apr 12, 2015
I live in Memphis and am curious - which dealership? I may stop by just to say hello and thanks.
I recently stopped at 1 of the 3 which was in plugshare, but could find no ChaDemo (4 j1772). I was going to stop and ask but the sales guys were circling like vultures, so I just drove away.
Apr 12, 2015
Chris TX
I was planning on using Wolfchase. There were three CHAdeMO stations on PlugShare, but the central one doesn't have it up and running yet. When I called, they said "maybe in the summer but we do have the hardware onsite."
Apr 12, 2015
Great thread I just found. I have tried all the Nissan Dealers in DFW & Austin. The 2 in Austin were very nice and accommodating:
I have had problems with 3 of the DFW Nissan Dealers:
AutoNation Lewisville, completely ICE'd. Grubbs Nissan also completely ICE'd. Trophy Nissan would NOT let me charge! I called PlugShare, they said the problem is this location won't read cards?
The 4th DFW Nissan Dealer was interesting. PlugShare says "For Nissan LEAF's ONLY," and it has horrible reviews. I went anyway to try it. Not only was I able to charge, but the salesman said it just opened up 2 days earlier. I had to give good reviews on PlugShare here:
Apr 13, 2015
I think that's always good advice. Don't just assume... ask.
Some private businesses will let you, other won't, just like some businesses won't let non-customers use the John.
Apr 16, 2015
Chris TX
Jay and I had luck just pulling up to the Town North Nissan dealership, just north of Austin the evening after we testified at the capitol. The salespeople didn't seem to care, even though we arrived after they closed. Plug in adapter, swipe card, plug in, start charging. It was ~55KW, too.
Apr 16, 2015
You guys in the north just need to move to the south. I charged at two Nissan dealers today in Alabama. My experience in Decatur, AL was extraordinary. I had not planned to stop, but I got range anxiety and added a stop on the way. That location was a drop in and I was treated like a celebrity with no less than four employees checking out the Model S and helping me get the adapter connected to the charger. Southern hospitality at its best.
Apr 25, 2015
Chris TX
Tesla Model S, charging like a boss at Nissan Headquarters North America:
Apr 25, 2015
I was short on range this weekend down in LA and called Glendale Nissan. Spoke to a super nice sales associate who double checked that both their level 2 chargers were available. He didn't even hesitate! Sometimes, just need to ask for what you want nicely
Apr 25, 2015
Tell you what. I am in the market for a Rogue, or their larger one, fully loaded, for my wife. How about: First (Nissan) dealership in Texas to buy a CHAdeMO adapter for use by their Tesla friends - gets my business.
Apr 27, 2015
Someone should tell Nissan Canada near Toronto. They will only allow Leaf charging at the Canadian headquarters.
Apr 27, 2015
Chris TX
Do they have signs or is there someone chasing Teslas away? I think the trick is to say "Is this a public charging spot or not? If it isn't, I'll happily get it removed from Plugshare"
Apr 29, 2015
I'm told there is a sign posted saying "Nissan Leaf Only" and one Model S owner I'm aware of was asked to leave. As for pulling it off PlugShare, I don't think that's appropriate as it is still publicly available to Leafs. No different than Tesla HPWC Destination Chargers being on PlugShare when only Teslas can use them.
Mitsubishi Canada headquarters, with their own CHAdeMO, is also nearby, and both are not too far from where I live. I'll have to take a drive by and check them out. (I hope I'm not confusing the restrictions noted above between the Nissan and Mitsubishi headquarters, but I'm pretty sure I had heard it was Nissan).
Apr 29, 2015
In south O.C. - most (if not all) QC's are run by 3rd party companies - & the dealer doesn't give a rip now days, who used it. The 3rd party company makes their money ... they give a cut to the dealer for the inconvenience of loosing a parking spot, then often block the spot anyway, with one of their ICE cars. The less tacky dealership are strategic enough to use one of their Leaf's to (in essence) ICE the stall. .
Apr 29, 2015
Shawn Snider
...... How about, make an EV that can HANDLE the power of a SuperCharger and then you won't have to install CHAdeMOs everywhere..... Again, can't fix stupid.
Apr 29, 2015
you can always go inside & buy a 39� Nissan keyring for $8.95 .... each & every visit
May 3, 2015
^^ this
May 3, 2015
I think if a Nissan dealership allows you to charge, maybe you should take a box of donuts or some Starbucks for them as a way of saying thanks
May 3, 2015
Chris TX
I brought back a box of chocolates to the sales team in Memphis when we came back. I just told them that since I can't pay them for the electricity I used, I at least wanted to do something nice. I hope that goes a long way for other Tesla owners that want to charge.
May 3, 2015
Planning a trip to see family in Walla Walla, WA and the only charger there is at Nissan (or RV park) I think showing up with a couple dozen donuts for the sales team. How can they say no?
May 3, 2015
Took a swing by the Nissan Canada headquarters in Toronto today. Not only do they limit their CHAdeMO to Leafs...
...but they limit their public J1772 station to Leafs as well:
May 4, 2015
Chris TX
From the PlugShare reviews, I think even Leafs will have a hard time charging at these locations. It looks like there's a friendly Mitsubishi facility with CHAdeMO just a block or two away.
May 4, 2015
So Cal Mitsubishi corporate HQ are THE best example of supporting mulit-brand Plugins ... any & all. But lately they've had to implement some time frame restrictions, due to a few abusers. In particular, this one gal EVERY day - would throw her bike into her plugin Volt, leave the Volt plugged in at Mitsu HQ - ride her bike home, then not return until she needed to go somewhere. That became the catalyst for other abusers to the point where Mitsu employee / owners had limited access. Rather than shutout everyone on account of a few douchebags, Mitsu incorporated a few basic rules, subjecting violators to being towed. Still, they now have to police their L2's & their CHAdeMO ... Mitsu's attitude shows WAY more grace than any other Manufacturer I've ever seen ESPECIALLY considering they know other manufacturers / dealers won't let Mitsu vehicles charge at their locations. I've thanked them numerous times - and told them it's their corporate policy that has made us promise to get their Plugin Outlander as our 2nd car, once sales begin in the US. .
May 4, 2015
Well, last week I heard that the Nissan Dealership in Walla Walla doesn't even know if the charging station currently works. I used it last year with my Leaf, but they didn't really know much about it then, so maybe things haven't improved.
This was indeed, me and I did call and ask before I charged. The service person I talked to was fine with me charging my Tesla there. No idea why they padlocked it, though. They are incorrect about asking me to leave, as the charging session was on a Sunday when the dealership was closed. I have no idea where the author got that information.
This is my response "pending moderator approval" :
Your comment is awaiting moderation. May 6, 2015 at 9:47 am This story is a flat out lie. I am the Chris that posted that picture in Plugshare. 100% of my charging was done Sunday 4/26 when the dealership was closed. There were NO employees there to ask me to leave. I even called ahead weeks prior and spoke to Mike in the service department. I had one charging session on my way north to KY and one later that same day on my way back south. Either the author or the Newton employee�s story is ********.
My second Plugshare checking was done after midnight that Sunday. That�s why it shows it a day later. If there was another Tesla owner that caused this, blame them and not me.
Jun 3, 2015
Chris TX
It looks like that Nissan dealership has unbunched their panties and are open to letting Tesla owners use them as long as they ask permission. The next time I use a dealership's singular CHAdeMO charger, I will leave my phone number if I walk away from the car.
I was also told by two dealerships the introduction of the redesigned 2016 Leaf is getting Nissan to push ALL the dealerships to have at least one CHAdeMO charger.
Jun 3, 2015
that's the one thing they don't allow at Orange County / Irvine Nissan. You have to stay near by. Funny thing is, the manager often uses the spot as his own personal parking space and yet the fees /maintenance / control of the quick charger is all done by a third party business. I'll bet they wonder why it gets so little use. .
Jun 3, 2015
Nissan MUST have put out a memo. The 3 Nissan Dealers where I couldn't charge before here in DFW, now I can! The best story is from Memorial Day:
Raining, packed with people, free food and drinks - nowhere to park & charge. I asked the salesmen if they could move vehicles, they couldn't find the owners. The General Manager Josh came out and asked me to drive up on the concrete and park next to the building to charge! I had to give positive feedback on PlugShare:
Jun 3, 2015
Let's remember that Tesla doesn't allow other manufacturers to charge at their stations. Everybody just needs to play nice as we all work this out. Be a polite owner, and I find polite chargers most of the time. Ignore the bad apples, those will work their way out.
Jun 3, 2015
Tesla DOES allow other manufacturers to use their charging stations provided they help pay for the infrastructure. The other manufacturers decided they'd rather invest in their own infrastructure than use Tesla's for the time being.
Jun 3, 2015
Crossroad Nissan in Hickory, NC is a very friendly Tesla store.
Jun 3, 2015
Tesla does allow it, in fact they welcome it. If you can find a non-Tesla car that can hook up to Tesla Superchargers... you can use it, no problem.
Jun 3, 2015
We'll soon get to see if that's really true. There's at least one Tesla to J1772 adapter coming to market. Once it does, someone is bound to try and charge their non-Tesla EV at a Tesla store or service center...wonder what the answer will be.
Jun 3, 2015
Of course the local Nissan dealership's Chademo that I used previously no longer is out-of-order, indefinitely.
Jun 3, 2015
Hmmm, curious. What will happen if someone tries to connect a Volt or Leaf to a Supercharger? Or is this only for L2 Tesla stations?
Jun 3, 2015
Nothing would happen.
Jun 3, 2015
People would laugh and take a picture.
Jun 4, 2015
Strictly L2. That's why I specified a store or service center. It will be analogous to this situation where a Tesla owner drops in on a Nissan dealer to charge.
While you could physically plug in a Supercharger, nothing would happen.
Jun 4, 2015
That adapter is to allow use of a Tesla HPWC (or UMC), not a Supercharger. Attempting to use a Supercharger with an adapter to the J1772 plug would fail since Tesla has a mechanism to determine even which Model S's are "Supercharger-enabled" and thus allowed to use them.
Jun 4, 2015
Not to mention the adapters I've seen discussed aren't of the J1772-2009, aka CCS, aka "Frakendapter" variety needed for DC fast charging...
Jun 4, 2015
I don't think a supercharger plug would fit in a J1772 socket. So I don't think you can plug that in a Leaf.
Jun 4, 2015
Yes, yes, I already clarified that above. People should really read to the end of a thread before replying.
Jun 4, 2015
Of course it doesn't now. This was about using a Tesla female to J1772 male adapter that will be marketed soon (not by Tesla)-- the opposite of the J1772 adapter that Tesla supplies.
Jun 4, 2015
Well, you may want to read the question you responded to initially :wink:...
You actually quoted this question you were answering in your post:
So when you said "We will find out..." it appears you were answering that question. Thanks for your subsequent correction.
Jun 4, 2015
Bangor Bob
Well no, but on the Chademo connector... If Chademo -> Model S is possible, then the reverse is also possible. Has anyone ever done a CANBUS "monitor all" of both a Supercharger and Chademo charging session? My understanding is that the charger tells the car what it is capable of, and then the car tells the charger how much voltage and current to supply every 100ms or so.
Jun 4, 2015
Haven't seen it mentioned in this thread yet so I'll state it; if your charging on the Chademo with your Model S DON'T LEAVE YOU CAR. Someone in a Leaf who maybe almost out of juice and only needs 5 minutes on the Chademo to get home could be blocked by you plugging in, locking your car and disappearing for 2 hours. Also if a Leaf comes in out of juice and your blocking their only Chademo they are not going to be very happy with you. Either stay inside the car or stay within eye contact of the charger and your Model S.
Jun 4, 2015
The CHAdeMO Adapter locks to the car, the CHAdeMO Plug from the station, can be disconnected from the adapter, same as a J1772 can be disconnected from the adapter leaving the adapter locked to the car yet the plug from the station free to be "Reused" So that Leaf driver could disconnect you and juice up.
Jun 4, 2015
That's assuming that the the other driver (Leaf or otherwise) can even REACH the DC FC from that other spot, if any.
(As a Leafer w/CHAdeMO inlet) I've personally run into cases where the Leaf driver left their car, they were well below their L2 speed, the they left no contact info and either the cable definitely wouldn't reach to any nearby location (other areas blocked by other cars or other obstacles) OR, I didn't know about their actual need and didn't know if they'd be pissed if I stopped their charge.
Most of the time, I or another person in line ahead of me was totally blocked. Wouldn't have helped to disconnect the Leaf w/driver MIA.
In another case, I was at Walgreens | San Jose, CA | Electric Car Charging Station | PlugShare and there was a Leafer already charging. I parked right next to him and asked him to plug me in when he was done as I grabbed a (take out) bite to eat. Unfortunately, he finished and found the cable wouldn't reach. It worked out ok though. By the time I returned, he was on his way out... Probably lost 3 mins of charging, tops... but still.
I wouldn't say that the rule should be stay w/your or within sight of it.... if you're going to leave it on CHAdeMO, PLEASE leave contact info. And, if possible, also leave a sign w/criteria as to when it's ok to unplug.
I have a 2-sided sign that I leave on my dash that says this, depending on the DC FC type: Please feel free to call me if either my car has ramped/tapered down to power level of 17 A (amps) or below OR you urgently need to DC fast charge.
Please feel free to call me if either my car has ramped/tapered down to power level of 7.0 kW or below OR you urgently need to DC fast charge.
followed by my cell #.
Jun 4, 2015
Yes, but its terribly impolite to unplug another's vehicle which is charging. And a LEAF person might not have a clue as to whether a Model S is charging or not, even with the LCD display commonly found on the CHAdeMO pedestal.
The title of this thread is of using CHAdeMO at Nissan dealers and I suggest if one is the guest of a Nissan dealer then one should stick close to one's car so as to happily disconnect briefly if others need.
Jun 4, 2015
Actually, no that question came later. I quoted this statement in my initial post,...
... NOT a question, and the thrust of the statement was permission to use Tesla charging, NOT ability. He was being tongue-in-cheek since Superchargers are NOT accessible by other cars, and I thought everyone would understand that. Anyway, I thought it was far from a slam-dunk that Tesla would let other cars charge even at the facilities where it would be technically feasible.
In response to the jomo25 question you quoted, I said:
Meaning that the upcoming adapter wouldn't actually work with a Supercharger even though you could physically insert the connector.
Jun 9, 2015
Hey kids,
I'm a complete newbie. My P85 arrives in 2 weeks. I just bought a CHAdeMO adapter. Some locations say eVgo membership required. Can someone please explain what this is?
Jun 9, 2015
No worries, I was there not that long ago. Just go to NRG eVgo — Electric Vehicle Charging Solutions | TX, CA, Atlanta, D.C. and sign up for a plan. They have 3 plans available, depending on what your needs are. I went with the Flex plan since I don't get into DFW all the time (no monthly fee and the DC fast charge $4.95 + 20 cents a minute).
They will send you a card that you just keep in your wallet and you use it each time you need a charge.
Jun 9, 2015
I keep all my charging network access cards in the car. That way they are always with the car, even if I swap cars with my wife.
Jun 9, 2015
Chris TX
I've been working to copy the NFC chips into my phone, so I don't have to worry about losing them or breaking them. I haven't had much success in getting my phone to do NFC emulation.
Jun 9, 2015
Ah--yet another charging card I should get that I did not know about. Anyone: What charging cards do you know about?
Jun 9, 2015
Chris TX
GE WattStations use a Smartphone and a QR code on the station. Just open the app and point the camera at the QR code. You still need to create an account. No CHAdeMOs from them that I know of. Blink (shudder) does have CHAdeMO chargers, mostly at Cracker Barrels. You do need their card. ChargePoint usually requires a card, but I've been able to start a session with my phone. Just make sure your GPS is on. They use Eaton CHAdeMOs. VERY nice! GreenLots uses a card, but you might be able to call them. They have CHAdeMOs. AV AeroVironment is usually free without the need for a card, but there are some cities that have made it where you need the card. I haven't seen a CHAdeMO from them, yet. NRG evGo uses a card (like JMG said) and their CHAdeMO chargers are some of the fastest I've seen along with ChargePoint.
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