Feb 14, 2013
ahimberg While we wait for the official Tesla app, I've written one which can be found here:
Tesla Connect | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)
Tesla Connect app for Windows in the Windows Store
View your full VIN, battery state & other vehicle information
Car controls: open/close roof, honk horn, flash lights, lock/unlock doors
Climate control: turn on / off, set temp
Charging control: turn on / off, open charge port door, change between standard and range charging mode
Charging status: shows remaining charge, charge timer setting (at current location)
Location: Car's GPS location is reversed to the closest address via Bing Maps API. A map control shows the current location of the car, will live update like the official app, optionally you can show your (the phone's) location on the map.
Remote Start
Calendar integration (Phone only, manual - when pressed it sends 2 days of calendar data to the car)
The app is free, and ad-free.
Feel free to post suggestions/requests here or PM me for problems or things missing supported by the official Tesla apps.�
Feb 14, 2013
Designtime My new hero! Installing now.�
Feb 14, 2013
mcornwell I'm an Android user, but I'd love to see screen shots of what was done...�
Feb 14, 2013
ahimberg If you follow the link above, there are a few screenshots.�
Feb 14, 2013
markwj Tesla Connect | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)
Screenshots are there.�
Feb 14, 2013
mcornwell Oops, my bad.
Nicely done!�
Feb 14, 2013
aviators99 Hopefully, this will show TM that transparency is a GOOD thing. Nice job.�
Feb 14, 2013
PureAmps Nice work! It is amazing the value that can be created by a community of passionate owners.
Feb 14, 2013
Jason S Nicely done sir!�
Feb 14, 2013
EchoDelta Nicely done.
Source in GitHub?
X1188. Sorry if this is terse, sent from my phone.�
Feb 15, 2013
yobigd20 hahaha. I love being a software engineer. The things we can do...nothing is impossible! Nice job man. I'm surprised no-one's use the Model S REST API through a web page yet. Then any phone with a browser can use it.�
Feb 15, 2013
johngray Thanks! Installed & working.�
Feb 15, 2013
ElSupreme I have had it a while. Works great. Thanks for all the work.�
Feb 15, 2013
NielsChr I know it might not be so important, but it looks more nice to look at in own language - does this app support multiply langues ?
if so, I would be happy to make at translation into danish - Im shure there would be some german, dutch, Norwegians ect. who would like to do aswell�
Feb 15, 2013
ahimberg It does not yet -- That would not be a large thing to add except there are some graphics with text on them for a few of the buttons -- that could be changed though.
If there doesn't end up being an official Tesla app soon -- or there is still demand, I will add it to my todo list.�
Feb 17, 2013
NielsChr ok, fair
english will do fine.
now I just have to wait for the model S to come to europe
Feb 25, 2013
olanmills I've been using this for a week or so now. I found just after I started trying to make one myself (I didn't get very far). I went through a bunch of steps installing all the right SDKs and creating a Dev account etc. I should have searched the app store first lol.
It works pretty well overall. Andrew, is there a place where we can report potential bugs? This thread maybe? Or is there a site you have with documents, known issues, todo list, etc? I think probably the issues I see are known, as you can also see them in the screenshots in the app store (it always says that the roof status is unknown and the vehicle status is always blank). The only other thing I run into is that occassionally, the app reports that my car does not have the mobile connection enabled, which is not true.
Anyways, great work!�
Feb 28, 2013
olanmills So does anyone know? Is there any more official/appropriate place to talk about this?�
Feb 28, 2013
ahimberg Here or pm me. There is an update coming that fixes a bunch of little issues like those you mentioned and adds setting of climate temp, but I don't have access to the machine with all that right now. The new version also includes a contact email address. Me @hotmail.com. When it was first published I didn't have a car yet so it wasn't fully tested, just functional.
Also, as of today there is a second Tesla app in the store, Tesla commander.
Sent from my Lumia 800 using Board Express�
Mar 1, 2013
ElSupreme Weird. I still have everything working right now.
I was signing into Tesla Connect with my 'MyTesla' username "ElSupreme". But last night I started getting log in errors. Now I have to use my email address to log in.
Not sure if anyone was seeing this problem. But switching to your email to log in should work, or at least worked for me.�
Mar 1, 2013
ahimberg I ran into the same problem, I never checked if the official apps enforced an email address
Sent from my Lumia 800 using Board Express�
Mar 4, 2013
olanmills Does anyone know more about the guys who made the other app, Tesla Commander?
I didn't feel like trying it out because the Tesla Connect app is already working, and also, when you think about it, you are trusting that the app will correctly report the car's state and send the right commands. Imagine if the climate control was on for hours by mistake or something. The API's very simple, and so that shouldn't really be a problem, but still, I'm a little more comfortable knowing that ahimberg is part of the TMC community versus some other developer that I have no experience with. I'm not trying to say anything bad about them; they have several apps in the marketplace, but I have no experience with any of them.�
Mar 6, 2013
ahimberg The author of Tesla commander has an existing popular app, leaf commander, but he does not own a Tesla. We both work at the same company, how I heard of it from our internal Tesla discussion alias.
I'm still traveling but in a few days will get an update submitted for phone and then get the win8 app ready for the appstore
Sent from my Lumia 800 using Board Express�
Mar 6, 2013
ElSupreme Awesome! Can't wait for the Win8 app too!
I want to thank you publicly for this app. Sunday I was playing soccer, and it was about 28F outside. Right at the end of the game I turned the heat to 86F and by the time I had my stuff packed and my boots off my car was an oven. It was magically decadent.�
Mar 6, 2013
olanmills ^lol
Also, I realized that I work at the same company too, which I guess, isn't really that surprising.�
Mar 6, 2013
alset Keep in mind that if you're using someone's web page, you must provide your Tesla authentication details (username/password) to that web site for it to pass on to Tesla. Not something I would recommend doing unless you have full trust in the web site administrators. I would wait for a Tesla version - surprised they didn't start with a web app.�
Mar 14, 2013
ahimberg Back from 3 weeks in Costa Rica..
The update to the Tesla Connect windows phone app is now available in the windows phone store. (Took awhile due to an issue with certification of phone7 devices with the fake creds I had the certifiers use or it would have shown up while I was out of town).
Compared to the original release:
> You can now set climate temp
> Improvements to reporting of status in numerous places (climate control status, charging/voltage, roof status)
> Improvements to error handling with server communications, changing the account creds used for login, app resume on low memory devices, etc
> updates to visuals
and an update on the Windows8 app -- I have the same functionality as the phone app working, but haven't had time to get it visually looking good.�
Apr 4, 2013
ahimberg For the Windows Phone users, an update will appear for you soon which:
1) Adds Charge Timer support, which will tell you when charging is scheduled to start if the start is pending
2) Adds support for showing range in ideal miles, km distance (set in car)
3) Drive status reporting (Parked, in reverse/neutral/drive, speed if moving)
(another update coming will improve chargetimer support -- I didn't have 4.3 yet when this update was submitted for certification)�
Apr 5, 2013
Thanks for all your work. App is great.�
Apr 17, 2013
clea +1000 - I appreciate all the work and with the latest update 0.4.0 adding the mapped location info it is almost on par with the official apps. Thanks once again ahimberg!�
Apr 19, 2013
ahimberg Thanks!
yes -- 0.4.0 is available as of a couple days ago -- which adds some location support: (1) lookup of closest address from GPS coordinates, (2) showing the car's location on a map.
Screenshot #5 shows the location page, with a simulated location of being parked at the Tesla Factory in Fremont
future improvements for location will be (a) showing where the phone is currently on the map (optionally - turning on phone GPS eats a lot of battery), (b) use of the streaming notifications for realtime updates on the car speed & location (c) directions to your car/will require separate WP8 specific release.
(a) is mostly done, tweaking the auto-zoom behavior there still since its a bit awkward when you're in the car and it zooms super far in. (b) is a little further out.
I do not track usage or have any phone home to know how many active users there are of the app now, but there have been 500 downloads which is a pretty good percentage of Tesla's out there�
Apr 19, 2013
tonygod You are a lifesaver for us WP8 users, ahimberg! Thank you for getting this done. I love it and am looking forward to the improvements you have mentioned.�
May 17, 2013
stacyh3 This app is very cool! I did find that I was logging out accidentally the first few times. Maybe a confirm button on logout would help. I'd also like a Live Tile to show me my charging status. I was going to write this app when I saw that the API exists, but I'm glad to see that I don't have to!�
May 23, 2013
ahimberg A confirm log out is coming, beta users have had it for a few weeks... That and some live streaming support will be coming in a week or so, its ready I just haven't submitted the final stuff for certification yet
Sent from my RM-820_nam_att_100 using Board Express�
May 23, 2013
Discoducky Awesome!�
Jun 6, 2013
ahimberg An update should be rolling out today to users of the app:
> Adds streaming API support, a couple notes:
0. if you switch to the location tab really fast on startup, it might not start streaming since it doesn't have the token yet, switching away and back restarts streaming (you'll see status text if it is streaming)
1. if the car is not moving when you switch to the location tab, the stream session will timeout after a minute, and won't try to resume streaming unless you move away from location and go back to it
2. it defaults to keeping the map centered on the car location, if you touch the map that turns off, just tap the car on the top right to turn centering back on
your location 'me' can be turned on
Along with this update some other smaller changes:
> confirmation request when pressing signout
> fewer network requests to bing/GPS reverse lookup when the car hasn't moved or is moving and you're refreshing manually a lot (updates every 30sec now)
I'll be adding some support for the v4.5 tesla software update to report the car's charge limits, haven't seen if the official apps will be able to change those settings yet or just report what they're set to.�
Jun 24, 2013
Brandonm Has anybody else noticed weirdness when venting the pano roof using this app? Sometimes the roof will pop open, and then immediately reclose (or the reverse if already open). I've never experienced the issue actually in the car - it only seems to occur with the app. I need to test direct calls to the API to see if it repros there as well, but I haven't figured out the exact repro yet (it works fine sometimes, and sometimes not).�
Jul 4, 2013
huntjo Seen this. My guess is it happens if maybe a choppy 3G signal. Like maybe it's sending two half signals or something. Other theory is that in hot weather the rubber seal "sticks" a bit and a pressure sensor tells the roof: hold on- don't open now!
Edit: I just noticed this thread is in regards to the makeshift windows app. Note that I have noticed the pano venting issue on the iPhone app, so I don't think it is "app-specific"�
Jul 5, 2013
Brandonm Thanks for the confirmation huntjo. And to be fair to ahimberg, it's not makeshift
Jul 9, 2013
Patsax API's for the app
Jul 10, 2013
Brandonm It's all documented in the REST API thread in this forum�
Jul 10, 2013
ahimberg Search teslamotorsclub for the rest API thread and you'll find some links to info. Originally I looked at what the android app's network traffic was doing to start mine
Sent from my RM-820_nam_att_100 using Board Express�
Jul 17, 2013
brianman Quick note:
The thread title may be due for an update. While it's not "first party", this Windows Phone app is apparently "official". At the Bellevue Tech Talk last night Lance said that the phone app was available for the Windows Phone platform. It was confirmed with other employees that they are referring to this app.�
Jul 17, 2013
Brandonm That's quite amusing, I wonder if ahimberg knows
Jul 18, 2013
ahimberg another member here who was at the Bellevue talk had let me know that too.
Tesla apparently doesn't note such things in my file, I was just in for service and not a peep :tongue:�
Jul 18, 2013
Brandonm You should ask to use their graphics since you're official
Jul 18, 2013
ahimberg new graphics are in the works, but not theirs�
Jul 19, 2013
Luder94 Would you be able to include a graphics file editor? That way, as I modify my car, I can change the look of my actual car on the app? Also, would you be able to build a connector or 'update' routine to push the updated graphic to the car?![]()
What do you know about NFC and ability to activate communications between car and Windows phone? I'd really like to not carry around the Tesla key. I'm nervous about losing it and having to pay close to $400 to replace and program; whereas a Lumia 920 can be had for $300 or less.
Of course, like any end user, I'd like this priced close to 'free.99' and would like it bug-free by end of next week. Good?
Seriously though, I hope Tesla does adopt your app as the Official, Official Windows app for Tesla Connect. I sure hope that they pay your dues for it too....free tires for the next 8 years, 50% off a Model X, access to Tesla SDK so that you can attempt to build out more functionality, join the dev team for upcoming products, etc.
Big thank you for the Windows app�
Jul 27, 2013
Gear I'm really looking forward to using this app next month when I get my car! Thanks, Andy!�
Aug 4, 2013
ahimberg An update is coming soon-ish which shows the charge limit indicator and fixes a bug with the charge timer setting not always showing.
Further updates coming but my laptop was destroyed last week, I was able to get the mini-ssd out of it though, in a week I should have an adapter to read its contents -- that had the latest version of TeslaConnect on it, if I am unable to recover that -- I just lost some of the windowsRT version of the app.�
Aug 5, 2013
wolfpet This is Awesome!!!! Installed it to my Lumia 920. Now it's even harder to wait for my dream car delivery ;-)
Where do I donate???�
Oct 24, 2013
ahimberg some updates, took a couple months for me to get all my data recovered and laptop stuff replaced and set back up -- mostly back online now.
I updated the start of this thread -
a Windows 8 app version of Tesla Connect is now in the windows store - http://apps.microsoft.com/windows/app/tesla-connect/683c9dad-a2eb-474b-b753-6b73580bb6ed. This has all the functionality of Tesla Connect for Windows Phone except for GPS location of yourself (only shows car).
I'll be updating it to 8.1 soon (main benefit will be allowing more flexibility in the small window size).�
Oct 24, 2013
brianman Good to hear from ya.�
Oct 25, 2013
ElSupreme Awesome. Downloading it twice tonight!�
Oct 25, 2013
CantaMia Ron is There a App for Windows 7??�
Oct 25, 2013
ahimberg Sorry, no. The app uses the new windows 8 platform so its specific to windows 8 / windows RT machines (surface)
Win7 you can probably use bluestacks or visibletesla ?�
Oct 28, 2013
ElSupreme Heated my car in the morning with the app. Works just like the phone app, but there is a picture of my car on the Win8 app.
Only comment is that the map 'window' seems small on my surface pro.�
Oct 28, 2013
ahimberg improved car graphics coming soon to phone - and other updates for both.
by small, do you mean the map isn't filling up like 80-90% of the overall view, or that its zoomed out too much by default or something? (if the former, does snapping and/or unsnapping help?)�
Oct 29, 2013
ElSupreme I'll screenshot it tonight. The zoom functions work fine. The map window seemed small (large margins) when I messed with it. Didn't try snapping and unsnapping. And it may have been because I rotated my Surface Pro, and changed the window aspect ratio as well.
I'll give you a better report.�
Nov 10, 2013
ahimberg An Update to Tesla Connect for WindowsPhone is now live (v0.5.4)
- this adds the improved car visual on the status screen (same as the windows8 version has - showing a car with your color / but not wheel type yet)
- improves wake from sleep for people with car's updated to v5.x firmware
Wake from sleep is a little slower than I'd like, and I think weak connections on WiFi are resulting in more failed requests from mobile apps, another update will be coming to further improve error handling, but I wanted to at least unblock wake from sleep which was almost 100% broken before this update.
FYI - If you do run into problems waiting for wakeup, usually if I wait 15 seconds and start the app again it will be able to connect to an awakened car and be OK.�
Nov 21, 2013
ahimberg Another update is now live (v0.5.5)
- This further improves the wake from sleep handling, and will now vibrate when its woken up (so you don't have to stare for 30s waiting)
- Adds amount of last charge(or current charge) to the Charge screen, if your car is on 5.x+ and supplying that data�
Nov 22, 2013
ElSupreme Thanks for all your work on this app. I use it regularly, it is very good!�
Dec 29, 2013
C Bretaud I get my car yesterday and I use your app every hour I am not in
Thank you so much for your fantastic job :love:�
Dec 29, 2013
NielsChr Fantastic app for my wp8 device. Use it every day to set charge limit, switch climate on/off and just to see if I have forgot to lock the car. Thanks for this great software.
The gui is so nice, looks realy good.
Dont know if it would be posible (rest api) but the only fearure I miss, is the abillity to dial up/down the charge current. Some times this could be handy.�
Dec 30, 2013
ahimberg I don't think Tesla's remote API has support for controlling that yet.
Hopefully they'll be adding ability to change current, charge timer start time, and turning on the front/rear defrost [de-ice mode]. Those I'd make use of too�
Feb 8, 2014
C Bretaud Hi,
Do you want some help to translate your app in French ?�
Feb 10, 2014
ACDriveMotor I agree. I've been working on a new W8 app and noted the lack of those settings. I would also like to see:
- ODO reporting
- WH/mi reporting
- SC count�
Feb 10, 2014
brianman Can you elaborate on what you mean here?�
Feb 10, 2014
Gear I assume he means odometer?�
Feb 10, 2014
brianman Right.But I wanted more specifics. The odometer is already part of the streaming API so I'm unclear what functionality is being requested of Tesla.
Feb 10, 2014
ACDriveMotor I haven't looked at the streaming API yet. If it is there I should have what I need. I will take a look.�
Feb 10, 2014
brianman After logging in, use the above URL with the underlined portion replaced by the value you get back for vehicle_id from:Code:https://streaming.vn.teslamotors.com/stream/[U]##########[/U]/?values=speed,odometer,soc,elevation,est_heading,est_lat,est_lng,power,shift_state,range,est_range
Feb 11, 2014
ACDriveMotor Thanks. I will explore this further. Is this interface documented somewhere? Would like to know the format of the request/response and available parameters.
I gave this a quick try and I get a 401 error, unauthorized. Do you need to log into the streaming API first/separately from the regular REST API?�
Feb 11, 2014
brianman The first post of the REST API thread had some links that were enough to get my C# app off the ground back in May/June last year.�
Mar 3, 2014
ACDriveMotor I have non-streaming working nicely. The issue is with the streaming version. I had previously found a post that talked about the token from the static REST call that needed to be passed to the streaming interface. But I can't locate that now and search has failed me. Anyone have a pointer?�
Mar 4, 2014
brianman Probably good idea to move this question to the REST API thread.�
Mar 27, 2014
Hybris would it be possible to write a function for geofencing? meaning warn if the car starts moving or moves outside a specific distanse from where it was parked?�
Mar 27, 2014
ACDriveMotor I've wanted such a feature and I believe that a few people are working on this one. Stating the obvious but this is challenging if your vehicle is parked in a parking garage without a 3G signal.�
Mar 27, 2014
castor Tesla Companion will include that functionality soon as part of the security and valet features, however it requires the new SDK 8.1 for Windows Phone which still is not released to the general public yet.�
Mar 27, 2014
ACDriveMotor That's great, I look forward to it. I've wanted valet features for some time.�
Mar 27, 2014
Discoducky Super sweet!�
Oct 7, 2014
ahimberg An update to Tesla Connect for Windows Phone was published this morning with some updates:
* Show car name instead of VIN
* Remote Start (keyless start)
* Calendar integration (--> in progress, doesn't automatically sync in the background, and requires the first time for you to enter in your Phone's Name as car's bluetooth sees it, but by pressing the send calendar option will send 2 days of data)
Tesla Connect still runs on Windows Phone 7.5 and newer�
Oct 7, 2014
invisik The name shows and starting works great! Thanks so much! (haven't tested calendar yet) Nokia Lumia 920 with Windows Phone 8.1 on AT&T.
Tried calendar sync this morning and it worked perfectly as well.
My car is 1.65.15 and phone is Windows Phone 8.10.12393.890.
Thanks again!�
Oct 24, 2014
invisik ...it would be REALLY COOL if Telsa Connect could integrate into Cortana. Giving her voice commands to do the Tesla functions ("Hey Cortana, turn on the climate control")...!
Apr 6, 2015
ahimberg Tesla Connect for Windows & Windows Phone were both recently updated (Windows last week, Phone today)
For Windows & Windows Phone
Support for multiple cars on a single account (switch via Options)
For Windows:
Moved to new owner-api servers�
Apr 7, 2015
brianman ... settings�
Apr 7, 2015
ahimberg It's both, on Windows you open settings, then choose options. On phone though yeah its just Settings
Apr 8, 2015
dvroegop Cool! Thanks a lot for this!�
Apr 14, 2015
brianman Perhaps I missed it...
Is the car firmware version shown in Tesla Connect UI anywhere? Thanks. If not, consider it a feature request.
Apr 14, 2015
ahimberg It's not currently, i've been meaning to add a place to list more of the data --�
Jan 6, 2016
invisik Hi... just wondering if you're planning to update to the new OAuth api? The old one seems to have went dark over the new year.
(If not, I need to return my Lumia 950 as I need a Tesla app!!)
Thanks for any info...
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