Sep 24, 2012
dsm363 This truly is an amazing car. I've never owned a luxury car before so can't really compare it to the S class or 5 /7 Series BMW but the interior is well done.
These are just a few random thoughts and pictures since there are a number of more extensive owner reviews. I'll try and post more later when I've had more than 24 hours with the car. This won't exactly be organized in any reasonable manner, just a few quick thoughts over the first 24 hours of ownership.
Nav: There are some software updates coming that will address some issues I've had such as not being able to save favorites in the nav. I learned that you can also type in something in the address field (which I didn't realize at first) and do a Google search for a restaurant for example and have it direct you there instead of typing in an address. This has to be the best factory installed nav unit (that I've seen at least). Finally a manufacturer delivers a Nav unit that is as good or better than a $300 TomTom unit. I love how the route you selected appears also in the LCD display next to your speed so you don't have to take your eyes off of the road. It also plays the voice prompts out of the driver side speaker in the front and doesn't cut the music out that much. Some units completely cut the audio to give you a voice prompt which I find annoying.
WiFi is not yet activated, I confirmed that with Tesla today as others had pointed out before as well.
user interface: Very slick and responsive. If this is where they are starting from, I'm excited to see where they can go. It is already at production quality in terms of look and how quickly everything responds. I'm sure they have a lot of work to do though and other features to add.
driving: I do hear that odd sound when I give max acceleration but only briefly in the Performance model. Can't really hear it with music playing.
The car handles very well for such a large car. Acceleration is excellent and you'll be up to 80 before you know it.
The ride is also excellent. The Air suspension is very soft and absorbs bumps well.
delivery processThey do a good job dropping the car off and having a Tesla delivery person there to spend about an hour going over everything with you and answering questions.
Overall, I'm really happy with it. Very easy car to drive with tons of performance and great user interface.
Sep 24, 2012
Raffy.Roma Congratulations Dave. I am happy for you. Enjoy your Model S!�
Sep 24, 2012
NigelM Envious!! I think that's mine with the silver wheels right behind yours....slip the driver a $20 and tell him to hurry to FL please.�
Sep 24, 2012
kevincwelch Dave,
Thanks for the update. I was never big on the Signature red color, but this photo makes it look amazing! Looks great with the grey performance wheels as well.�
Sep 24, 2012
widodh You're going to wire that $20 to Dave aren't you?
Congrats Dave! Al these pictures make me so jealous, as a European I still have a long, very long wait and cold winter ahead. I wish I could spend that winter with my S
Sep 24, 2012
dsm363 Thanks. I've always loved the Sig Red (the white also looks amazing especially the performance version with the grey wheels) but wasn't sure about the grey wheels with the Sig Red. I think it looks nice too but looks equally amazing with the silver wheels if that was an issue for anyone. You can seem them side by side in one of the pictures above.
I spoke with someone at Tesla about how I think the performance version should have less chrome at least and he said that maybe one day, they could offer a darker trim/metal as part of the performance package or as an upgrade to older cars. This wasn't anything official though, just a thought. In the interim, you could wrap the chrome with something black or the fake CF wrap which might look ok.
- - - Updated - - -
Sadly, that's actually a local Model S that was delivered last week. He picked me up in his Model S and took me to the delivery spot which was a few blocks from my house due to the larger parking lot available for the delivery. I may be the first person that was driven to their own Model S delivery in another Model S:smile: The third Model S in the picture was another customer delivery later than day in Texas.�
Sep 24, 2012
NEWDL Congrats and enjoy!�
Sep 24, 2012
spatterso911 Congrats! The car looks spectacular. I am looking forward to more of your updates as you explore.�
Sep 24, 2012
scole04 Congratz on the delivery. Did she come charged up on delivery?�
Sep 24, 2012
efusco gorgeous car.�
Sep 24, 2012
spleen Congratulations, looks gorgeous!�
Sep 24, 2012
dsm363 I think it was charged in standard mode then sat on the truck for who knows how long. It arrived with about 180 ideal miles of range (new term is projected range I think according to the software update e-mail they sent out). I drove the 0.6 miles home and plugged it in for an hour while I went to lunch in another Model S. Then spent the rest of the day giving test rides. Great way to spend a day.�
Sep 24, 2012
PRJIM Nice looking car! I must admit, if the chrome was matte or the same color as the wheels it would look unbelievable�
Sep 24, 2012
AnOutsider Soo glad to hear this. Can't tell you the number of fights I've had with my nav system completely drowning out an audio book, then repeating the instructions once I finally got rewound to the point I missed. I bet it laughs at me
Sep 24, 2012
jimbakker666 Congrats DSM!�
Sep 24, 2012
perphilip Congrats! All be looking for y'all on the road while waiting patiently to join the fun.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD�
Sep 24, 2012
pguerra Congrats DSM! I'm happy that people are really getting their cars - especially after all this waiting. And man that is so beautiful looking!
Did your delivery come on time as stated in the lock-in contract? (the "PMVA" document ...I forget the exact name of the document).
Mine said delivery in Oct. I wonder if that means, Oct 1...or 31!�
Sep 24, 2012
Jaff Glad she arrived safe and sound Dave!
BTW, you have great taste in cars...(white Roadster & Red Model S)...:wink::smile:�
Sep 24, 2012
dsm363 I think my original one said August 15th but the e-mail with my delivery window was something like Sept. 11-24th so they were right at the end of that.
Thanks! Kind of the opposite of what I normally would have done (red sports car and white sedan) but I love it. The Sig Red is great.�
Sep 25, 2012
jcstp congrats with gorgeous car�
Sep 25, 2012
tdelta1000 Congratz dsm363...two thumbs up.�
Sep 25, 2012
dsm363 Thanks. Also noted that backup camera comes on instantly. It probably does this in all factory systems but in the Roadster it took about 7 seconds.�
Sep 25, 2012
AnOutsider In our a6 it's usually a second or two depending on what the software is currently doing. Nearly instant is great, and using it while driving is even cooler, see if you can find the secret screenshot feature
Sep 25, 2012
dsm363 I went back and double checked in case I was distracted for a second while it turned on. Since the Model S is already 'on' when you get in, it turns on instantly when you get into reverse.�
Sep 25, 2012
garry753 Congratulations on the new toy!�
Sep 25, 2012
stAtrill Awesome car, hope you have fun with it (and post the vids, etc so we can have fun too)!
Man, we have to get more S' up here in the Seattle areas, I would go nuts if I saw one in the wild in person.�
Sep 25, 2012
KenEE Congrats! Beautiful! I can imagine all of the surprised test riders
Sep 25, 2012
pguerra Okay, so I should expect mine in November which seems to be inline with TSLA's news today that they are running 4-5 wks behind schedule (and, uh, now need to sell more stock to raise money to meet capital ratio requirements per the DOE loan...).
Well we'll see. I'm forever skeptical until I see the car in my driveway.
DSM, does your car have the small shelf under the LCD display? It seems that the recent deliveries are not including this small shelf (yet another example to put the interior in the "spartan" category. Disappointing.).�
Sep 25, 2012
gg_got_a_tesla The "chin cubby" is going to be retrofitted into all these Sig deliveries later. Somewhere along the production timeline, it'll start making its way into the cars at the factory itself. This was confirmed by Tesla to one of the other Sig owners.�
Sep 26, 2012
dsm363 I was told the same thing at delivery. My car also didn't come with the 110V adapter (just left out I think) so that's being mailed.�
Sep 26, 2012
Todd Burch Also confirmed to me as well.�
Sep 26, 2012
pguerra Thanks. Very good. I was planning on throwing my phone in the "chin cubby" b/c I will need access to my phone often while bluetooth DJing, reading emails and texting while driving (written somewhat in jest). An open cubby hole is perfect. In my Prius, I put my iphone in the cup holder or in the door handle recess.
In order to pre-empt what others are going to say about my driving habits, I leave you with this photo to ponder upon and which also provides support for the allowance of a ginormous 17" LCD screen in a vehicle such as the Model S. It's a photo that I recently took of a police officer using his laptop built into his patrol car.
Sep 26, 2012
slindell Of course, "confirmed by Tesla to one of the other Sig owners" means absolutely nothing. We trust Tesla will do this, but if it's not on a contract, it's faith.�
Sep 26, 2012
W.Petefish Dr. Quinn Burchenal: Uh oh - we're going to talk about God now, aren't we? 'Cause if we are, I'm going to need another pop.
Chantilas: Not God... . faith.
Dr. Quinn Burchenal: Faith? Oh, I had a girlfriend named Faith. She cheated on me, with a girl named Chastity.
From the movie Red Planet.
(Ya'll know that I had to.)�
Sep 26, 2012
daniel I don't know what the chin cubby is like, but I'll tell you that there's a little cubby in the Roadster at the ideal spot to put a phone. And every time you step hard on the go pedal, anything in that cubby flies right out. It needs a very tall lip. Since the S apparently has acceleration similar to the Roadster, I'd be careful of the cubby until you know what happens.
I don't care for red. I love the color of my Roadster (orange) because it's a sports car. Red would be a deal breaker for me in a sedan. I probably won't buy an S unless it becomes available in blue. But then, any excuse to avoid buying another EV. I don't need two. For a while there, I had three. :scared: Now I'm down to two (one of which doesn't work) and I hope to soon be down to one.�
Sep 26, 2012
Zextraterrestrial It is, and the blue is a pretty one. Maybe you should test drive an S :wink: but then you will need an excuse�
Sep 27, 2012
sublimaze1 P188 will be blue ....�
Sep 27, 2012
steve841 Dave, I'd like to know the format / process regarding final payment as it related to your delivery email.
Did Tesla call and tell you that your Model S is ready for delivery and we need a check or wire? Or, was it more along the line of here's your delivery date as long as payment is received by xx?�
Sep 27, 2012
dsm363 I probably could have gotten the car earlier but wasn't contacted for final payment. If you're near your delivery window you could mail or check or probably better to wire it. They have a sheet they mail you which has bank routing number. Probably best to call them and ask about payment if you are close to the delivery window.�
Sep 27, 2012
daniel Well, that's good news. Now the only thing to keep me from driving one is if one does not come to Spokane.. If they bring one, or if AndyM comes through Spokane, I'll drive one. I still don't plan on buying one because, as I said, I love my Roadster and don't need another EV, especially such a big one, and I don't have the garage space for it. I have an outdoor parking space, but do not want to park a car there over winter. But if the S really matches the Roadster's performance, it will be tempting.
Sep 27, 2012
dsm363 Well, guess I'm not used to how wide this car is compared to the roadster. I've already barely bumped a curb (one of those 3 lane 60 degree turns where the middle lane often cuts into your lane so I was staying far to right) and just a small amount the dark outer rim on the tire is ruffed up. It's pretty minor but just got the car on Sunday. I know you can't totally make it look new but is there any kind of touch up?�
Sep 27, 2012
W.Petefish You didn't.
Go to auto parts store, look for touchup paint in that color.�
Sep 27, 2012
gg_got_a_tesla Bummer, Dave. But, don't worry about it; you car has 'character' now! And, you can heave a sigh of relief and get on with normal life
Easier said than done though; I'll probably fret over my first bit of curb rash for days!�
Sep 27, 2012
NEWDL Photo?�
Sep 27, 2012
dsm363 It happened. I promise:smile: I'll take a photo.�
Sep 27, 2012
steve841 Blame it on the wife~!
Man card revoked.�
Sep 27, 2012
dsm363 I wish but no, this was me. Oh well, car has character now like gg said. I can enjoy it now even more.
They do have touch-up paint from the service department too so hopefully it will be less noticeable.�
Sep 27, 2012
AnOutsider Well, with the first nick out the way, you can stop worrying about it.�
Sep 27, 2012
wiztecy Dave, touch up the rim with the same color paint. You can try using the coffee mixing sticks vs. the brush. Honestly the brush has always caused issues for me. Sticks work good on small areas, lots of detail. I don't use a brush for touching up dings on my roadster and prefer the mixing stick cut on an angle for the touch up tip. You can always wipe off the paint quickly before it dries if you don't like how its turning out. Once you've applied it you can do a finish on the touch up paint to rim paint border using a very fine wet (black) sand paper. Then use polishing compound followed by polish to complete.
Totally know how it feels but you grow out of the first scrapes and get to know your car better. The front right lower front corners I discovered are vulnerable to the V in the roads when coming out of a parking lot while making right / left hand turns. The first time I did this, it was slow, I was thinking... ok my first scrape... had to come sooner or later!�
Sep 27, 2012
dsm363 Thanks. One of those end of long day things and someone did as they always do and start to cut corner (middle lane drifting into right lane) so I try and stay right. The Roadster is so small I'm not used to the Model S I guess. Hopefully my car has enough character now.
Kind of bummed my low placement of the plate is supposedly blocking air flow but that's discussed in the front plate thread.�
Sep 27, 2012
Soflauthor I just went through it a few days ago, so I think I can explain:
1. I got an email from Tesla HQ asking that I call a Product Specialist in Palo Alto.
2. He asked me a number of questions about my delivery requirements, registration issues, double checked the configuration, and after all questions were answered, sent me a 12-page "purchase paperwork packet" (in pdf). It was also provided using the DocuSign system. The turnaround between phone conversation and paperwork arrival took about 18 hours because another department completes the paperwork.
3. I electronically signed the paperwork and also printed a copy, wrote out my check for the balance (a personal check is fine, but you can also use EFT if you'd like), and fedexed the paperwork and the check to Palo Alto (TM gives you their fedex number to use).
4. After receipt of the check, the Model S is loaded on a truck for cross country delivery (I'm in Sofla). I've been told that the truck will make a number of stops as it moves across the US. I have not gotten hard confirmation that my vehicle is currently in transit (my "delivery specialist" in Dania Beach is working on it).
That's it. Relatively simple, no hiccups ... now, on to delivery.�
Sep 27, 2012
steve841 Thanks Soflautor! I'm right down the street from you... Just may have to come visit!�
Sep 27, 2012
Soflauthor Like others, I was told the same thing by my delivery specialist. As I've mentioned elsewhere, I think that the reason that the cubbie is not included is that TM wants to sell an "opportunity console" add-on that is more substantial than the cubbie. I call it a VSO (vertical storage option) that will sit under the display and extend to the floor. By holding off on the cubbie, I think TM thinks it can sell more of the VSOs. As many of you know, I have another solution in the works, so you'll have options.
- - - Updated - - -
Anytime, Steve. I'll post when I get the car, hopefully late next week. Send me an internal message. Your invited for a ride whenever you'd like.�
Sep 29, 2012
dsm363 Just sold my Jetta TDI at CarMax where they really screw you on the price but I'm all electric now! Can't wait for more people to get their car and spread the joy around. It's an awesome car so far and waiting for its first software update.�
Sep 29, 2012
Soflauthor I agree. Carmax low-balled my Lexus SC430. Luckily, Craigslist came to the rescue, and I sold it in 4 days for a decent (but not great) price. I hope that TM gets better organized to handle trade-ins nationally.�
Sep 29, 2012
sublimaze1 A co-worker, whom I like very much and has always been a keen fan of my King Ranch Ford made a deal. It was a low ball for me, but He got the truck for a great price, and I did not have to pay anything on the loan (truck was almost new). I did not mind, as I know he is appreciative, taking good care of it, and it came when his daughter wrecked his vehicle. All things work as a master plan ....�
Sep 29, 2012
Brian H soflauthor;
I thought the cubby and CCI were completely separate and non-conflicting! ?�
Sep 29, 2012
dadaleus I did exactly the same thing, and got another wheel yesterday. It hurts.
Tesla service is doing a touch up for me on Monday. I suspect I'll eventually stop bothering if I keep doing this, but I can't stand to let it go unrepaired yet.�
Sep 30, 2012
sublimaze1 How to: Fix curb -
This technique does work, but I used it once, eight years ago, when I turned in my Saab 9-5 aero after its lease. I will say that It is a temporary fix and makes the wheel look okay/nice (e.g. it passes the five foot test 100%) but it is labor intensive and you must take your time with the taping.
Now, you do not have to take the tire off, or even take the wheel off the car. I did not. But I highly encourage you to tape around the tire well, and cover the entire side of the car when you do this.
Again, just an option from someone you know not. Research and decide for yourself.
I hate curb rash.
19" wheels !!!
Sep 30, 2012
dsm363 If this had happened next year sometime I'd probably just let it ride but since it's brand new, I feel obligated to fix it once.
How much is Tesla charging? I got a call back from a mobile wheel repair place that is charging $125 which seems high for such a minor cosmetic wheel rash.
Thanks. I'll check it out too.�
Sep 30, 2012
jerry33 Perhaps someone could come up with some beauty rings. Even though they look pretty ugly (hence they have to include beauty in the name) they do a great job of protecting the actual wheel. And if they were colour matched they might not even look too bad. I'm thinking they only need to be about 50 mm to cover just the rim flange. Once you've acquired your Model S skill set they can be removed.�
Sep 30, 2012
dadaleus I'll let you know tomorrow.�
Sep 30, 2012
Mycroft Sounds reasonable to me. The guy has to cover his truck, tools, time to and from the location, and last, but not least, his expertise.�
Sep 30, 2012
Soflauthor They are, Brian. But the best aesthetic for the CCI assumes the existence of the cubby, which was touted as "standard" for all Model S versions by TM. The CCI will be fine without the cubby, but it will look even better with the cubby because of driver sight lines and the geometry of that space. It remains my understanding the the cubby will be offered to all existing owners of the Model S.
The reason I'm disappointed that the cubby won't be delivered with my Model S (in my garage within 10 days, maybe less!), is that it will be difficult to do aesthetic tweaks related to the cubby as I run-test the alpha prototype in my car in mid/late October.
I intend to post a progress update on the CCI over at the Tesla Parts for Sale thread in the next few days.�
Sep 30, 2012
vfx Where are the pictures of your one night stand?�
Oct 1, 2012
CapitalistOppressor I totally agree. If you shop you might find a range of prices that bracket that, but $125 seems like a decent price to me. It's certainly not crazy talk, but it's worth shopping, especially to find customer references. If the man knows his business you are better paying $125 vs paying $90 for a hatchet job. But a higher price alone isn't enough to know its better service. Best to shop around and buy quality.�
Oct 1, 2012
Jaff One of my winter rims was damaged whilst stored in my garage (was knocked over, face down then pushed a little on the cement floor...had to have it reconditioned & the cost was about $175...came out looking like new...
Oct 1, 2012
dadaleus $175. Was a passthru to the mobile repair company they used.
I felt the same about the first time.�
Oct 1, 2012
dadaleus You mean the star wheels Al & Eds had me test for the Supercharger event? I'm waiting for nice pics from them, but I put a snapshot I took here:
Collision warning, radar detection, window film paint armor installed on my S - Page 2�
Oct 2, 2012
vfx That was it.
Oct 6, 2012
steve841 Dave ... aren't we due for an update?
Anything new to report ... good or bad??�
Oct 6, 2012
dsm363 I love it so far. My Roadster is feeling lonely though. It truly is an awesome car but I'm not the most objective person on this of course. I've never owned a luxury sedan before so don't have anything to compare it to as well.
There are software updates coming so many small things like not being able to save locations in the Nav and other things should be fixed. I'm missing the iPhone app for the Model S too to remotely turn on the AC. Other than than, I'm enjoying it.�
Oct 6, 2012
steve841 No luxury past ... good. We're in good company.
How is it driving at night? Xenons do a good job lighting up the way?
Panels in night mode ?�
Oct 6, 2012
dsm363 An old Volvo was the most luxurious car I had ever owned before but I've been in nice Mercedes and BMWs before.
Driving at night is fine. The Xenons are well worth it I think (I haven't seen what the Model S does with the standard bulbs though) but if the Roadster to Xenon upgrade is any indication, it's worth it from a safety standpoint I think. The display in night mode isn't distracting.�
Oct 7, 2012
dsm363 My car was delivered! (ok, in the My Tesla section). For the Roadster it took a lot longer for things up update. It now has the button to download the manuals. I think for future deliveries things will be more automated.�
Oct 7, 2012
Trnsl8r Thought I was in the wrong forum there for a moment...�
Oct 8, 2012
steve841 One more question....
Did you get only one charge cord at delivery? Or is there a home one and one for the road to speak?�
Oct 8, 2012
dsm363 You only get one charge cord but two adapters (J1772 and 110V). I just leave my charge cord (UMC) at home when I'm in town since I'll never need it around home. I just simply take it with me when I travel. If you travel away from home often and don't want to risk forgetting the cable, a second one costs $500 I believe. I just keep the 110V and J1772 adapters in the car so I have the ability to use public charing in town if I did need it.�
Oct 8, 2012
Lyon Have you downloaded the manual? If so, could you make it available for your fellow forumites to download as well? Pretty please?
Oct 8, 2012
dsm363 Someone posted this previously but it's now online�
Oct 8, 2012
Lyon Thanks!�
Oct 8, 2012
stephenpace You should have also received a NEMA 14-50 adapter. I did.�
Oct 8, 2012
dsm363 Ah yes, I left that out. That's actually the one I'm using and was already attached to the UMC so I forgot to mention it. Thanks. The 110V adapters wasn't in my car but they are sending it.�
Oct 26, 2012
jasonkelly Is there a way to get a sales tax credit for a private sale?
Oct 26, 2012
sublimaze1 I do not believe so; it has to be an "in-and-out" as they say in the business. Done by a dealer.�
Nov 1, 2012
dsm363 I would drive 500 miles and I would drive 500 more
Hit my first 1,000 miles this week. Have to say I'm loving it so far. The build quality is excellent. More than a few people (not interested in Tesla) have commented about the materials and finish and that was without me asking them about it. I know there are cars with better quality interiors but for most, I think they will be happy with what is provided. The 17" screen continues to impress me and everyone who sees it. There are many things that need to be updated but am confident they will be addressed over time with software updates. To all those still waiting for their car, I think you'll find the wait was worth it. It's a great car that will only improve with time and in future model years when they have time to add some of the missing hardware features people have been asking about.�
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