May 4, 2014
DaveT I'm going to be flying up for the Tesla annual shareholding meeting (held at 11am on June 3, 2014), and I was thinking it would be fun to get together for lunch afterward with any of you that are planning to attend. If you're interested, just reply to this thread. Also, if you have a suggestion of restaurant location, please share that as well.
Update: lunch gathering will be after the shareholder meeting and requires rsvp here:
Anyvite | Lunch after TSLA's annual shareholder meeting�
May 4, 2014
mershaw2001 I live in palo alto, and I have a car. I am 90% sure i'm taking the day off and going to go to the shareholder meeting, so if I'm there I can drive us to lunch.
ps. we should pick different places for whether they have a good quarter or a bad quarter. If it's a bad quarter, i'll be suggesting mcdonalds based on my long position.�
May 4, 2014
DaveT Alright, if the stock is at 190 or below we'll eat at In-N-Out.�
May 4, 2014
tander Have any of you guys gone to it in past years? Is there much to it or is it just a quick presentation/voting/q&a?�
May 4, 2014
lorih I was thinking the same thing, that would be nice to go out to lunch after the meeting. I live in Mountain View, and will be catching a ride with someone local. I'm game for lunch if others are.
As far as the meeting goes, last year voting took about 5 minutes total (was superfluous, as there enough votes pre-meeting that paper votes would have no affect on outcome), Elon had a very brief presentation (a few slides, he talked for maybe 10-15 minutes), then he just opened it up for questions for about another 45 minutes. As usual, Elon is most comfortable just answering questions and talking off the cuff for the bulk of the meeting, and he's always fun to see/hear.�
May 5, 2014
tander I'm not sure if I will go to the meeting or not, so if someone thinks these questions are worthwhile, please ask them for me, I think most would be best directed at Musk:
1. It seems like whenever big auto starts making truly mass production cars (100k-millions per year) they start to have major quality control issues that are responsible for consumer deaths (not just slight design tweaks like the titanium battery plate), how can Tesla start planning to do things differently now to avoid this problem when they cross that bridge?
2. Obviously Tesla needs to focus on cars for the time being, but it seems like aviation and watercraft could fit in with "Tesla Motors" too (even just dropping MS components into an old Cessna is conceivable right now), is this a consideration or would that be for a seperate entity or side projects if collaborators come knocking?
3. Tesla already has a great venture pitch/mission statement: "to accelerate the advent of sustainable transport by bringing compelling mass market electric cars to market as soon as possible" , but is it time to flesh it out a little into a more mature description or is simpler better in this case?�
May 5, 2014
Ugliest1 My wife and I will be on a road trip, coincidentally near the area and are very much looking forward to attending the shareholder meeting - not something we would normally be able to do. It would also be great to have lunch after and meet some of the TMC folks.
We've already voted electronically.
May 5, 2014
Add me to the lunch list. Here's to hoping we decide on the French Laundry�
May 5, 2014
TSLAopt I wish I could go to the meeting but unlikely as I am on the East Coast and would be a long trip.
my advice to anyone on here making a trip out of it is to get to the museum extra extra early because my guess is there will be a huge amount of people traveling from all over to go and there won't be close to enough room in the computer museum.
I have no idea of the capacity of the venue but i would not be surprised if 10 times more people try to go this year than last would suck to fly out to the meeting and not get in because a bunch of people camped out overnight and filled all the possible spots.
Goodluck to all going.�
May 5, 2014
bonnie I'd love to join you all, but will be in China. Have fun!�
May 5, 2014
uselesslogin I watched the stream last year and was surprised to hear they are keeping the same venue this year. It looks really small.�
May 5, 2014
lorih The French Laundry is 2 hours drive from where the shareholders meeting is. Regardless of price or menu, I think it prudent to keep it local, Mountain View, Palo Alto have every kind of cuisine you could want (except Ethiopian, for that you have to go to San Jose).
But we have the fancy organic, locally sourced artisan places, American (steakhouses, seafood restaurants, pub food) as well as assorted 'ethnic' foods, with restaurants that specialize in Indian, Pakistani, Thai, Japanese, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Nepalese, German, Italian, French, Turkish, Greek, Mexican, Brazilian, Salvadorian, Cuban, Morroccan, etc. I think we could find interesting food of any price range within a 15 minute ride of the computer history museum.�
May 5, 2014
DaveT Hi Lori, if it's okay with you I'd like to delegate finding the restaurant location to you. We'll use this thread to gather the # of people going to the lunch so you can make a reservation. I'm okay with whatever restaurant. Perhaps for those going, they're allowed a veto vote (ie., "I veto Greek").
We'll say preliminary deadline to let us know if you're attending lunch is going to be May 23. That way Lori can make a reservation. And then we'll have a final cutoff on May 30, so Lori can adjust the reservation if needed.�
May 5, 2014
Flight Risk I'm attending the shareholders' meeting but afterwards I'd rather enjoy a picnic with some nice wine, good bread etc. Anyone who'd care to join me feel free. Any nice parks around that area?�
May 5, 2014
lorih Ha, Ha! I am the volunteer organizer for the Silicon Valley TMC group, and we organize group meet ups about once every two months. Here are a few things I have learned from attempting to organize these events:
1) You can't please everyone
2) Asking people for feedback and then trying to accommodate even the majority doesn't work
3) Giving two or three choices to vote, doesn't work
The only thing I have found works is getting basic guidelines and approximate number of people, then posting details with time, location, description of activity or food and asking people to RSVP if they want to join that particular event.
I suspect that we might want to organize two lunches, one low key like the picnic in the park or inexpensive restaurant where food is fun, but main focus is socializing with other Tesla enthusiasts, and one in a fancy restaurant for those that want to meet and spend a portion of their earnings on good food and extravagance to celebrate. One focuses on celebration of wealth, one focuses on celebration of community.
Just my observation from forums and meetings of Tesla folks, but I think more people are interested in meeting each other than finding the best tasting delicacy around...
And, lastly, I am VERY willing to help with the organization, but my current health issues preclude me from driving, and in some cases it means I may not even attend an event that I have organized because on a given day I am not physically able, so there should be someone else at each event that decides, "ok! let's order now! whoever comes late has to fend for themselves."�
May 5, 2014
Flight Risk For those who might consider the picnic option.....
I'm a baker/cook and can easily provide: focaccia buns for sandwiches, salad and brownies/cookies for up to 12 people. As for various fillings for sandwiches each person can bring what suits them. And also BYOB -- preferably wine! ;o]]�
May 5, 2014
Student_Forever May I join you guys for lunch / get together after the meeting?
I am taking a vacation from work just to attend the meetings both at TSLA and SCTY. I will be in SF area both on Jun. 3rd and 4th.
I am agnostic on the food. I will be renting a car (an ICE unfortunately). So I can tag along but I am unfamiliar with the area.
Please let me know. Thanks!�
May 5, 2014
AlMc I am considering making the trip from the east coast but may defer to the 'X' event. Question: Is there a chance of a group factory tour that afternoon?�
May 5, 2014
DaveT I hope I'm not pumping up the shareholder meeting too much as I'm not sure it would be worth it for most people to fly in since there will be a video webcast of the event. The shareholder meeting, judging from previous years, is a low-key event with Elon making a few remarks and taking some questions.
No plans for a group factory tour but it's an interesting idea. I'd imagine it might be easier for people to arrange their own tours by calling the factory. If someone isn't a Model S (or Roadster) owner and wants to tag along with someone on a factory tour, they could post here and see if there are any takes.
- - - Updated - - -
Of course, the lunch meeting is open to everyone here.
- - - Updated - - -
A picnic is interesting and could be lots of fun. But I'm all for simplicity so it could be complicated for people to bring their own sandwich filling, etc. If you could provide everything for the picnic where people just show up, then I think it would be a great idea. We could charge people $10-20 each to cover expenses. Or a couple of us could split the cost (ie., I'd be willing to split the total cost of the picnic with one or two other people if there are volunteers).
The cool thing about a picnic is that it's more relaxing (ie., outdoors, nature) than a restaurant. But a restaurant provides everything, so there's convenience. But if you could give us the convenience of a restaurant where we can just show up, then a picnic would be ideal IMO.�
May 5, 2014
lorih I have started to think it might be good to get a private room in a restaurant that serves a buffet...easy, simple, no worries about who pays what.
I know a Chinese place, Indian, Thai or possibly Italian this might work for. And, I was thinking the same thing as DaveT, picnic is hard for people traveling far. Would probably require catering, and charging people, which is way beyond my organizing energy at the moment.
let me know what you think about reserving our own romm at a restaurant, say first 20-40 people to respond yes can come, and I will keep costs to $15-30$ each (depending on the place and what the options are)�
May 5, 2014
DaveT Lori, a private room at a restaurant with a buffet sounds good.
If Flight Risk is willing to volunteer to organize a full-service picnic w/everything provided, then we'll go with that. If not, then let's go with the private room in a restaurant.�
May 5, 2014
lorih FlightRisk, can you full picnic? Would be nicer�
May 5, 2014
GasDoc MacArthur Park in Palo Alto?
Decent American cuisine. Multiple private rooms that can accommodate 20, 50 or 80.
MacArthur Park - Fine Dining, Events and Catering in Palo Alto, CA�
May 5, 2014
lorih I just called them. There is no fee to rent the place because they are normally not open for lunch. I left my contact info, and event coordinator will call me tomorrow to give me a better idea of possibilities.�
May 5, 2014
Flight Risk Picnic?
I may be able to organize something.... how many people are we talking about? What I'd suggest is an Italian style potluck picnic comprised of antipasti, cheeses, bread and fresh fruit. The less cooking the better! Just buy really good quality stuff from a good deli / bakery.
So for instance if 3O people are coming 1O would bring antipasti/cheeses, 1O bring bread/fruit and the remaining 1O bring cookies/wine/plates napkins etc.....
I could help coordinate something like that. I can be e-mailed at [email�protected]
However, if most people end up going to MacArthur Park that's fine too. But I'd have to decline. I don't really eat out at restaurants that reminds me too much of work!�
May 5, 2014
DaveT I'd imagine 15-30 people. But since there will be out-of-town folks and it's a weekday, I think a potluck would add too much complexity. We need something very simple for folks just to show up and eat. I like the idea of a picnic but only if it can be done full service where people can just show up without bringing anything. We could charge a lunch fee or a few could pitch in to cover the entire expense. Let us know if you could organize a full service picnic for 15-30 people. If not, then we'd probably choose a restaurant.�
May 6, 2014
Flight Risk Yeah, Dave it sounds like the restaurant would be the more convenient option then. I really just want to relax and enjoy the day off, so no picnic....
May 7, 2014
lorih it turns out that since they are not open during lunch hours they would have a $1200 minimum just to open up and serve us, so I this we should look other places. I will have some more suggestions soon. I will make some calls first, then post options with costs�
May 8, 2014
lorih Ok. I've picked a restaurant, Cucini Venti and had them pencil-in June 3rd from 1-3 pm.
Here's the deal.
1) Directly across from computer history museum, so no need to worry about Silicon Valley traffic/parking issues, we just walk across the street.
2) If we have 15 people or less we order off the menu (appetizers run ~6-8$, entrees ~17-20$). If we have 15-50 people (or even more, we could probably do up to 150 people), they would do a buffet for us which would include lunch, coffee/cappuccino and dessert. I will post buffet menus for you tomorrow, but figure if we are doing the buffet, about $40-45 for lunch/coffee/dessert
3) They would either give us a portion of the restaurant, or we could have the patio outside to ourselves (nice tables, heaters and some couches outside, so easy to mingle)
4) They have a full bar, and the owner says that sometimes Elon hangs at the bar waiting for his private pilot/jet.
I just ate there tonight to check this place out and talk to the owner. She was lovely.
May 8, 2014
Ugliest1 Perfect, Cucini Venti sounds great, my wife and I are in (Jeremey and Laura).
Thanks Lori for doing the groundwork.�
May 9, 2014
StapleGun lorih that sounds like a winner to me. Thanks for helping to set this up!�
May 9, 2014
DaveT Cucini Venti it is.
I've asked Lori to create an Evite so people can rsvp there.�
May 9, 2014
justdoit Any chance to get Elon to join the lunch?
May 9, 2014
Flight Risk Just in keeping with the food related vein.....
Last year the some shareholders brought Elon an appreciation gift [some wine]. I wouldn't mind chipping in this year for a really nice magnum of wine for Elon & Team Tesla.....�
May 11, 2014
lorih OK, here's the menu. For $35 we get the menu below, plus a soda. Coffee/tea/alcohol extra, as is the option to have ground lamb kabobs. Tax and tip are added at the end.
If we have 15 or less, we can just order off regular menu. 15-50 we can do buffet or similar menu but prix fix menu (i.e. they will service different courses instead of buffett. More formal, but tends to make lunch last longer). We can also do buffet for up to 150 people.
Please let me know if you'd prefer indoor or outdoor seating, so I know which portion of restaurant to reserve. You can bring one adult guest, but let's keep this to significant others, TMC folk and Tesla shareholders.
Cucina Venti Buffet
Bruschetta � toasted slices of bread topped with Roma tomato cubes marinated with olive oil, garlic and basil.
Strawberry Fields � Organic mixed greens, strawberries.
On the side, toasted pecans, gorgonzola cheese crumbles, and poppy seed dressing
Chicken Marsala �chicken breast saut�ed in Marsala wine.
Lamb Skewers � ground lamb skewers *
Served with mashed potatoes and vegeatbles as the sides.
Mushroom Ravioli � with Roma tomatoes and fresh spinach, in a light Marsala cream sauce.
Vegan Linguine � Vegan Linguine with fresh onions, bell peppers, mushrooms, and zucchini in a lemon garlic sauce.
Dessert: Tiramisu and Cannoli�s
Drink: soda
This menu is to be served buffet. It is set at $35.00 per person. It does not include tax, gratuity or other beverages.
Optional on request and let us know how many guests would prefer the Lamb. *�
May 11, 2014
DaveT Please rsvp for the lunch by May 30th at this link here:
Anyvite | Lunch after TSLA's annual shareholder meeting
*note: rsvp is required to attend as we need to let the restaurant know how many people are coming.�
May 11, 2014
lorih Perfect, thanks Dave. Please RSVP by May 30th, and bring cash the day of so we would have 15-50 credit cards.
May 12, 2014
FluxCap Can we rescind this caveat?
I am working on maybe coming out as well Dave. Will let you know soon.�
May 12, 2014
kenliles you mean In-N-Out regardless?
May 12, 2014
DaveT Yeah, I rescind it.
Lunch is at Cucina Venti.�
May 12, 2014
FluxCap Animal Style!�
May 12, 2014
kenliles Ha -
May 13, 2014
lorih I suspect that there is a lot of joking going on, but I had originally said I could find us a place in the $15-25 range. I chose Cucina Venti because of price range and food recommendations here that were posted here and the convenient location. But, if anyone was hoping to join us, and the buffet we are setting up is out of range, please PM me. if there is a group (even small one), I can organize a less expensive restaurant or picnic option for them.
My goal from the beginning is/was to contribute to community building. And for the locals that aren't attending this meeting and lunch, we organize local events around every other month, so please join us for one if those.�
May 13, 2014
austinEV Count me in, provided I can find hotel and air accommodations.
Simplicity is best. +1000 for the nice restaurant across the street. Anything more complex is a suicide mission. Never try to herd cats.
(ugh, plus a rental car... those use gasoline don't they...)�
May 13, 2014
FluxCap OK, I'm in. RSVP'd. Booked my airfare and am planning to visit with some friends in the Bay Area while I'm there, in addition to Tesla-related activities. Can't wait!�
May 13, 2014
AlMc Get there early, get to a microphone and ask some questions! :wink:�
May 16, 2014
lorih We have 10 folks signed up so far, please be sure to RSVP here by May 30th. I was hoping to get 15-50 people signed up.
Anyvite | Lunch after TSLA's annual shareholder meeting�
May 20, 2014
lorih We are now at 12 people....�
May 22, 2014
lorih 14 and counting. 15 or more we have to do the buffet or fixed price menu, no option for a la carte ordering. Still one week to RSVP. I was hoping for about 25 people (or more), so let's get going folks....�
May 22, 2014
AlMc I am waiting for the west coast trip to coincide with 'x' unveiling....So, please ask lots of good questions at the meeting...NO asking for jobs, like in past years :biggrin:�
May 22, 2014
Maknyuzz What I'm really curious about is, when will supercharger be able to fill half the tank in 5-10 minutes? 250-300KwH rate? How difficult is it to get to that point? How far away are we to get to that point? I understand that a lot of you think that half a tank in 30 minutes are good enough. But for me and a lot of my friends, sometimes we just want to get to the destination ASAP, i.e. chasing for sunset/sunrise moment. For non-planners folks like me very great if supercharger can fill it that quickly
Also perhaps question about new tech about Carbon Battery that were buzzing a few days ago.. well, essentially would like to understand the process whenever there is a new concept of battery, how long will it take until it can be adopted and used for real life EV scenario..
If anyone kind enough to ask that..�
May 27, 2014
lorih We have 14 people right now, which means no buffet unless we get more people (we would still meet just order off menu). If you are interested in joining us, please RSVP by Friday May 30th midnight (pacific time).�
May 28, 2014
Ugliest1 By the way we would be quite happy with ordering off the menu as there will likely be a limited selection of what my wife and I can actually eat in the buffet. But we're there for the company (pun sort of intended, after I realized what I wrote!) anyway, not the meal per se.
May 28, 2014
StapleGun Looking at their selection I actually think I'd prefer the menu over a buffet. Everyone gets more choices, and with the entrees from $10-$20 it seems like that probably a better deal than the $35 buffet anyways.
Just my 2 cents, I'll be there either way!�
May 28, 2014
lorih We are limited by the restaurant. (They can't guarantee having everything in stock and/or getting people's food at the same time with too large a group) They can handle up to 15 people ordering off the menu.
We can have 15-50+ (I was hoping for like 50-75!) with buffet. Originally I thought more people would sign up, but if the group wants, I could cap lunch at 15 (Meaning only the lucky next person can join us) and we order a la carte.
oh, and reminder, the $35 isn't just entree, it is appetizer, entree, salad, dessert and soft drink. If people don't like the buffet style, I think we can use same basic choices as described in buffet menu but get price fixed meal (meaning the serve us 4 courses individually).�
May 28, 2014
GasDoc Should I bring the TMC SV banner?
May 28, 2014
lorih That would be fun!�
May 29, 2014
FluxCap Only if I can wear it like a cape.
May 29, 2014
Ugliest1 I'll vote for a 15 cap and menu, since that's better for us food-wise.�
May 29, 2014
GasDoc I was just looking at the online invite and it appears that they want to know ahead of time how many people would like Lamb. Is there a process for that signup?
Count me in for the lamb.�
May 29, 2014
lorih I am waiting for final numbers to confirm reservation on Saturday. It is ground lamb, not chunks. If this is still what you want, I will let them know.
oh, and only one more day. We are at 14, so if no one else signs up, we just order anything we want. I am going to call them and if they can handle 16 people "off-menu". That would mean if there is still someone out there with a sig other that had wanted to sign up they can.
I have seen in the past events I have organized that more people sign up 3 days before, so we could see about extending deadline if we commit to buffet and let more people join.�
May 29, 2014
GasDoc ground lamb? Maybe I'll pass and go for the chicken marsala.�
May 29, 2014
lorih Sorry, it says "Silicon Valley" TMC and you aren't one of the locals. I guess GasDoc gets the cape.�
May 29, 2014
lorih Ok Folks! Executive decision time.
We are sticking to buffet for the following reasons:
1) if we order off the menu we would still have to give them the order in advance, and I don't want to try to get 14 different people to decide and send my different PM's to organize by Sunday (the reason is they want in advance to be sure they have all the ingredients and not be caught short, we are coming in right after their normal lunch rush)
2) it will be simpler for the check, we all pay the same, except those that get alcohol
3) I don't have to limit people. If someone else wants to join us they can
with that in mind, I am extending deadline to sign up to be Saturday at 8 PM pacific time.
Remember, the main goal is to have fun with other TMC folks. The food is secondary, we won't all get what we want (even me).�
May 29, 2014
DaveT Sounds good. Thanks Lori. Looking forward to seeing everyone next week.�
May 29, 2014
RoyP I would like to attend your lunch event. Buffet sounds good.�
May 29, 2014
Ugliest1 The executive decision was fine! And the reasons for it were good. See you all on Tue.�
May 29, 2014
DaveT Here's RSVP link for the lunch on Tues, June 3rd (following TSLA shareholder meeting).
Anyvite | Lunch after TSLA's annual shareholder meeting�
May 30, 2014
AlMc I am going to jump in for a post. I decided to make only one trip to the west coast this year and it will be for the 'X' reveal. However, this means I do not get a chance to ask questions at the shareholder's meeting.:wink: I am counting on all you to ask questions on all our behalves:wink: . Enjoy the meeting and lunch. Thanks for letting me hijack the thread briefly. Al�
Jun 1, 2014
lorih Latest update. We are at 14 people. I spoke to the restaurant again. They said they would be cool with us ordering off the menu whatever we want on the day of, we just have to keep it below 15, so I have vetoed my own decision. Everyone gets what they want.
thanks for for your patience, I hope everyone has fun.�
Jun 1, 2014
mulder1231 Just got back from a Europe trip yesterday, and didn't see this until just now. I've RSVP'ed but that brought the count to 15--hope that's still OK. If not, no worries and I will cancel my participation, just let me know.�
Jun 1, 2014
lorih No please keep it there. I forgot there are other reasons (besides the ones I listed to group) to keep it as buffet. And, the more the merrier.�
Jun 1, 2014
lorih Final count is 15 people, from all over, and we will do buffet. See you all soon�
Jun 2, 2014
EldestOyster Hate to be one of "those people", but we're driving up from San Diego at the last minute, and would love to join you if it's still practical. It would be fun to have lunch with other enthusiasts.�
Jun 2, 2014
DaveT You're free to join. Actually the more the merrier. Just go to the RSVP link and RSVP there.�
Jun 2, 2014
lorih Ok, I added you in, but I need to make this the cut off. Originally we promised final count to restaurant on Saturday, and I have been emailing them for three days to make changes. As some of the food is special order, they need advance notice. So final count will be 16.
welcome gang�
Jun 2, 2014
lorih So, I thought meeting started at 11:30 Last year it was about 1 hr 15, so reservations are at 1:00. I called restaurant, and we can mosey over there and sit on the patio or the bar until 1:00, or last year there were people congregating in the museum parking lot for about an hour after meeting.
We might be able to get seated earlier, but since we posted one time I am reluctant to change time last minute, and have some people miss out.
You cam let me know if you feel really strongly about this.�
Jun 2, 2014
Ugliest1 I feel really strongly that you have done a great job, and I appreciate you organizing this. Cheers!�
Jun 3, 2014
davecolene0606 Hey, can yuz guys livestream the lunch....
Jun 3, 2014
GasDoc Can't stream. Hope this will do...
Jun 3, 2014
davecolene0606 what was it the lady said?.... yum yum yum! Guess I'll hafta settle for the DaveT mega post synopsis.
Jun 3, 2014
lorih Although the food was nice, for me, the yummiest part was the company. I hope I didn't talk anyone's ear off. I know I talked enough that this might have been possible, I saw no evidence of actually occurring.
thanks everyone for joining. (Final count was 18)
Special big thanks to DaveT for co-hosting!�
Jun 3, 2014
GasDoc ![]()
Thanks Lori for organizing!�
Jun 3, 2014
StapleGun Lori, It was a pleasure meeting you and everyone else. My ears are still attached so you'll have to try harder next time :smile:
Huge thanks to both Lori and Dave for a great event. I'm already looking forward to next year's meeting!�
Jun 3, 2014
doug It was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed meeting folks.�
Jun 3, 2014
DaveT Definitely was lots of fun. Thanks to all those that attended.�
Jun 3, 2014
lorih Challenge accepted!
Ear rattling conversation in hot tub at Tesla Connect. Who's in?�
Jun 4, 2014
EldestOyster Having lunch with you folks made the day that much more enjoyable. Fourteen hours on the road for a one-hour meeting is a kind of questionable adventure. This added about 3 hours to the fun and certainly upped the quality of the day. And, I might add, the food was delicious!�
Jun 4, 2014
mulder1231 Here's one more picture of the lunch. Awesome day! My favorite Elon quote was: "We want you to like your car better than you're house."
Jun 4, 2014
doug Who's the guy in the blue shirt on the right? He promised me lunch at Google.
Jun 6, 2014
RoyP I enjoyed lunch and meeting you folks.�
Jun 9, 2014
Student_Forever It was a pleasure to meet with the fellow shareholders! Thank you for the enlightening conversations!
Special thanks to Dave & Lori for organizing it!![]()
That's Paul, Dave's younger brother. And yes, he works at Google and is probably silently reading this conversation as well...
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