Mar 1, 2013
Eeyago Now that it's March, our 40kWh machines should be starting production soon and rolling off the assembly line! Starting this thread for those who have reserved a 40 and would love to hear about delivery notices and communications from TM about it.
Mar 1, 2013
arondaniel Gonna be sometime in April: 40 kWh Delivery Timing
Nice to see the 40 get a bit of love on the forum though! :smile:�
Mar 2, 2013
tshock @Eeyago
I'm waiting for my 40 kWh as well. My reservation is P613 so I should be pretty early in the 40 build cycle. I'm in Annapols so we're in the same geographic region from a batching/transportation standpoint. For what it's worth, I'm not expecting my car before the 3rd week in May.�
Mar 3, 2013
NeedToDrive Thanks, I thought I understood from Tesla's blog (or perhaps another source) the 40 kWhs were going into production in March so I was planning for an early April Delivery. In fact, I had called the service line a few days ago as I was expecting to have received an email by now. They were of little help in explaining the situation. Now it seems more clear. According to this link, the battery starts production in March, cars will follow some where at the end of April.
+1 on the range. I think it is odd that the Toyota RAV4 electric has a 42kWh battery compared to a minimum of 40kWh for the MS (perhaps an adjustment for the larger drag?). If it had been possible to prorate size with cost, I would have gone a little bigger, say 50 kWh to account for life degradation of the battery. For me the increased cost for the 60 or 85 kWh size just doesn't make sense - though I would have paid the extra to get supercharging for the rare longer trip.
Now I guess I need to reset my expectations. I don't know why they had us sign the MVPA last year if the deliveries are still so far out. I'm disappointed that they did that. I've also been waiting sooo very long.
tshock, I hope you will let us all know when you get the delivery notice. Clearly you will be one of the first.�
Mar 3, 2013
hj-45 My wife was tired of my groaning about the delay, so she scheduled a test drive for me today. Enjoyed the drive and the Tesla employees were great. So if you are bummed out about the 40kwh situation, take another test drive. It should hold you over until May. This was my first exposure to a Model S since the get ampd tour.�
Mar 6, 2013
Chuck Lusin Wow, my first post on TMC!
I beleve that DaveR75 from the Tesla forms might have the lowest number that I have seen, R75 placed on 3/26/2009.
Hello, fellow 40's.�
Mar 7, 2013
Chas F Welcome Chuck! I think you'll enjoy this forum.�
Mar 8, 2013
Chuck Lusin Hi Chas, Thanks. Glad to see that I have a friend here already.�
Mar 20, 2013
Eeyago Just saw this response on the Tesla boards. Not sure how true it is. From Xerogas...
"I got a phone call from a Tesla rep today, and he told me that 40's are in production now (limited, small numbers), and they should start delivering in April. I'm guessing that they will make air suspension first. He wouldn't give me any hard dates, but a guesstimate of May would be the earliest for my 40kWH with standard suspension (res #10,XXX)"�
Mar 20, 2013
fluxemag I just know my delivery date will end up being in the last week and a half of June...when I will be in Hawaii. Although my wife said "If that happens you won't be so grumpy to go home!"�
Mar 20, 2013
Chuck Lusin Yes, I saw that also. I called at lunch and was told that the EPA rating for the 40 kWh was not done yet, they said to expect the car around May/June, which seems a bit later that I was estimating.�
Mar 22, 2013
hj-45 FWIW, just noticed a change in my Tesla account. Status has been changed to:
"Your order has been submitted to the factory."�
Mar 22, 2013
Eeyago Mine says the same thing. What did it say before, I don't recall?�
Mar 22, 2013
hj-45 Months and months of some generic "Tesla is building your Model S" or something close. Time to sell the Prius.�
Mar 22, 2013
Eeyago Wow, that's great! So anyone have an idea what that actually means in the timeline of things?�
Mar 22, 2013
Chuck Lusin When I checck last night the whole site was down, but after 30 min or so, it was back up. The status changed and also the red button "Services Sign Up" appeared. I also called yesterday, and still no EPA rating for the 40, which they need that first. IMO, I think that they are running later than they say but closer to the actual share holder report.�
Mar 22, 2013
nanimac Mine says the same thing. Hopefully, this means production is starting on the 40kwh. Am still anticipating a June delivery, but really hoping for sooner of course
Mar 22, 2013
elektrikS My assumption is that Tesla just updated the text to be more accurate. "The factory is building your Model S" or whatever it used to say implied that your car was actually being built. Now it just says the order was sent to the factory, but the factory isn't necessarily building it yet...�
Mar 22, 2013
Sparky I'd say it's some kind of status change for you 40's folks.
Mine still says "The Tesla Factory is building your Model S". Sooo, perhaps time to get excited?�
Mar 22, 2013
orangem My 40 kwh says "Your order has been submitted to the factory" too. Though mine is a red with std suspension. Don't know how should I read into this status change. My guess is just a website change with the option to buy the service plan.....�
Mar 22, 2013
hj-45 Although I am not gullible enough to believe this means we are in production, I do however believe the orders have entered the 1st stage of the manufacturing process. Most likely the 'factory' gets a group of orders then deciphers the data to ensure parts are available and to determine the most efficient way to batch those orders. Its a first step.�
Mar 23, 2013
ddruz Here is a data point which may shed some light on last night's change in wording. A coworker in my office reserved with P#17,xxx at the end of December and finalized a 40 kWh, grey, standard suspension near the end of January. His garage changed last night to "Your order has been submitted to the factory."
I reserved with P#2993 in Feb 2011 and [re]finalized a 60 kWh, silver, upping to air and tech on February 6. I've been told to expect a late April or early May delivery though no delivery button yet. My garage still says "The Tesla Factory is building your Model S."
My friend and I hypothesized that these now represent two different phases of the production process though of course we don't know for sure:
Phase 1. Your order has been submitted to the factory
Phase 2. The factory is building your Model S�
Mar 23, 2013
Mnlevin That status means nothing. And it kinda pisses me off as my page has shown that since the middle of Feb. Ordered Oct 2011, finalized Jan 2013, "the factory is building your Model S" since Feb 15. Still no emails, but spoke to the reps, they assured me the car would roll off the line sometime in early April, but I really am skeptical, only because I truly believe the reps do not have any real information until they are told to collect the payment the car is on the road.�
Mar 23, 2013
ddruz Mnlevin, what's your configuration? "Status" changed for a lot of people Thursday night. If your car really is going to roll off the line in April it's very possible your Model S is in the queue and that really is your considered Status. A lot of people's Status flipped from "building" to "submitted" Thursday night when Tesla updated the My Dashboard webpages. Why do you suppose some flipped and some didn't if the Status wasn't updated to have some more significant meaning at this point? It's very curious.�
Mar 25, 2013
DFibRL8R Went through a similar process trying to read the Tesla tea leaves as I was an early 60kWh car. You should be able to get a vin from a Tesla rep once the car is in production with production taking a week or so. I found that the estimates from Tesla during the last month of the process were accurate to conservative so if you were told by someone your car should roll off early April that should be good news. Also allow 5-10 days for cross country transit which is another painful wait plagued by lack of information (easier to track a package from Amazon!)�
Mar 25, 2013
fluxemag My guess is they changed from "The Tesla factory is building your Model S" to "Your order has been submitted to the Tesla factory" because they weren't actually building the car yet. I have a reservation above 14000 for a 40 with standard suspension and mine changed as well.�
Mar 25, 2013
mjtgroup I am expecting a very "special" Model S since the factory has been building it for the last 8 months! I put my 5 grand down in August of 2009 and was told that I had been placed in "sequence" order. It was not until over a year later that we were told: Oh by the way, if you choose the 40kWh, you will be sequenced to the end of the line. However, if your are willing to spend more money on a larger battery, we can move you up and you will get your vehicle sooner . . . Almost seems like a classic "bait and switch" especially since, if memory serves me, one of the prerequisites for Tesla getting the low interest federal loan was the availability of cars under $50,000 (with the $7,500 Federal tax credit). Still no 40's on the road . . . Hmmm.
Note: I am very disappointed to learn that the Tesla factory is no longer "building" my Model S but that the it has just received my order . . .�
Mar 25, 2013
Mnlevin I dont really know, but the status as of today 1/25/13 at 1pm eastern time still says Factory is Building. All I can be is hopefull. Will try emailing my DS but dont really think I will get anything back. checking emails and websites constantly but beginning to think it is futile and I should just go on with my life and lower my expectation.
- - - Updated - - -
I am right there with you. I did know that they were building the 85s first. I ordered a 60, but didnt know that by not ordering the AAS I would then be considered one of the lower valued orders. It was really dissappointing seeing customers order cars in Jan and have them in March while we continue to wait. Albeit, you will have a much longer wait than I but the bright side is that the kinks should mostly be worked out by the time we get our cars. They say I will be getting a car in April, but still no email confirmation or VIN.
Mar 25, 2013
jomo25 People who desperately want cars, wait. People who would like to delay, getting earlier-than-expected delivery notices...
I think I should call Tesla and tell them I want to delay my delivery til August. Then, I'm sure I'll get a call telling me my car will be delivered next week - take it or leave it!
Joking, but maybe only half-joking. :frown:�
Mar 26, 2013
orangem Just noticed my status changed from submitted to building your model S....�
Mar 26, 2013
Man_Utd I noticed my status has changed too. Says, "The Tesla factory is building your Model S." My reserve number is P3595�
Mar 26, 2013
nanimac Mine changed too. Am very confused now with all the cryptic tesla talk
Mar 27, 2013
RodF Mine too. Is that a good sign or did they just change the verbage? Does anyone still have "your order has been submitted?"�
Mar 27, 2013
elektrikS Mine changed from "Submitted" to "Building" too.
1766 / 40kWh / Black / Tan / Obeche Gloss / Pano / Tech / Air�
Mar 27, 2013
hikerockies It changed from building to order submitted and back to building for me, but I doubt that change means anything. I had sent Tesla an email asking for delivery timeframe and got a call back saying 40 kWH go into production in June or July and deliveries will happen 1 month after that. I am now tempted to upgrade to 60 kWH just to get the car earlier, if Tesla would let me.�
Mar 27, 2013
arondaniel Ouch, hikerockies!!!
Say it ain't so... Or at least say this was your time horizon, not all 40kwh...�
Mar 28, 2013
Chas F I suspect Tesla is seeing quite a few upgrade request every time they delay the 40kWh production start. They finally got to me. Hmmmmm........�
Mar 28, 2013
orangem Yeah, I am totally on the fence for upgrading too. Wonder if they will let me upgrade to a 60 with 2012 pricing....
Sent from my GT-P7500R using Tapatalk HD�
Mar 28, 2013
NeedToDrive Yes they will. I did this two weeks ago. I checked Tuesday and was told car will be delivered in late April. I went back and forth on this as well.
Mar 28, 2013
ddruz Agreed that they will allow it. A friend of mine just did it yesterday.�
Mar 28, 2013
mpottinger They let me upgrade mine, and they held to pre-increase pricing.�
Mar 28, 2013
Rifleman I have always suspected that Tesla never really wanted to do the 40 kWh Model S, but felt that they had to have an offering at a lower price point to get people in the door. That strategy sort of worked for me, I ran the numbers, determined that I could afford the 40, so I put down a reservation. As it became more obvious that the winter highway standard charge range of the 40 is likely going to be closer to 100 miles than 160, I eventually concluded that the 40 would not do the job for me, as I drive 90 miles round trip one day a week, and a car with 100 miles range would not leave much room for error or battery degradation. Tesla lost my reservation when my repeated number crunching determined that I could not afford the 60, particularly with the higher than anticipated service costs.
If the 40 ends up having longer legs than I calculated, and it is still available when my Volt lease is up in 2015, it still may find a way into my garage. I have a gut feeling that the 40 is going to be a 2013 model year only car, and that after the first batch has been delivered, the 40 will be dropped from production. The fact that it will never be available in Europe is a good indicator of this.�
Mar 28, 2013
arondaniel I was told today that the factory will have finished building my car almost exactly two months from now. Oddly specific, but I'm very happy an end is in sight.
Hey Rifleman, on your 90 mile days is there any way to plug in at your destination?�
Mar 28, 2013
RodF I just tried to upgrade, they said the order had already been submitted to the factory.�
Mar 28, 2013
hikerockies My interpretation was this was a general statement for 40 kWH. Today another Tesla person said my specific 40 kWH car should be delivered in second half of June. I had already been thinking about 60 kWH just to get supercharger capability and was getting tired of constantly moving delivery time for 40, so I just upgraded to 60. I dropped tech package since I had come to the conclusion that it just wasn't worth ~$4000. That made the price increase more tolerable.�
Mar 29, 2013
Rifleman Sadly no. I have tried repeatedly to convince the company that owns the building I work in to install a charger in the lot, or at lease let me access a 120v outlet, but have been shot down every time. Even offering to pay for it out of my own pocket did not work. My my 90 mile day, I only spend 10 minutes at the second destination (just long enough to pick up my daughter from Grandma's house), and while I do have access to a 120v outlet at that location, 10 minutes of level 1 charging is not going to solve this problem�
Mar 29, 2013
eAdopter Today I heard good news regarding 40 kwh cars. I can't reveal the source but it's very reliable. 40kwh cars began coming off the line yesterday, 3/28. The cars are undergoing a careful review prior to TM sharing the news and notifying the customers. Battery pack weight of 40's and 60's is extremely close so crash testing won't be required prior to deliveries. If everything goes as planned, the first 40's could begin delivery in mid/late April. I understand some had anticipated this timing but now it's confirmed.
- - - Updated - - -
I almost forgot: Air suspension 40's will be first, followed by standard suspensions, and red 40's are not in the queue yet.�
Mar 29, 2013
Man_Utd I hope your source is right. It would be welcomed news for us 40's.�
Mar 30, 2013
hj-45 This is consistent with my communication with Tesla. I had been discussing switching my color to red, and was told the window for making any changes was about to close. Decided to leave everything alone and just get my car. Finally makings 40's may also have something to do with the Tues announcement.... that all three models are in production, meaning the company is now making the mid volume, mid priced car as promised in Elon's 2006 secret plan blog.�
Mar 30, 2013
arondaniel I switched to Red in December after the 2nd (3rd?) delay was announced. I've been waiting 18 months, I can wait another 2...
Only problem is, if they're rolling off the line now, why no EPA numbers?�
Mar 31, 2013
mcornwell Sounds like battery weight will be identical to the 60's
Mar 31, 2013
Apr 1, 2013
WarpedOne Not identical, its just that the weight will be very similar, difference being on the order of 10 to minus 31 kg.�
Apr 1, 2013
ItsNotAboutTheMoney I think he'd read the press release. 40kWh is canceled, with existing orders fulfilled with 60kWh packs.�
Apr 1, 2013
Eeyago Yes! Got my delivery button!! Come to papa my precious 40.
- - - Updated - - -
Oh, and happy April Fools Day! :biggrin:�
Apr 1, 2013
jomo25 Dunno, how much does the limiting software weigh :wink:�
Apr 1, 2013
chicagotsla Spoke with Tesla this AM, 40's aka future 60's , rolling out end of May. I hope sooner.�
Apr 1, 2013
SUN-day Driver Speaking of weight, I am wondering exactly how the limiting will work. If they simply limit the battery to 2/3 of its capacity, that doesn't take into account the extra weight that the 60 kWh pack has over the 40, and the range will be less than it would have been with a lighter 40 kWh pack. The weight difference between the packs may not be much, but any reduction in range is concerning. I hope their algorithm to do the limiting considers the increased weight of the car so we get the same range we would have with the lighter pack.�
Apr 1, 2013
shokunin While we don't exactly how they will implement the limiting, I'm hoping they will err on side of more than less. Meaning, a full charge could be a full range charge that we would have had to do on 40kw, but without the ill effects. The pack may charge to 50+ kw (a standard charge on the 60kw) and the software simply stops the car once 40kw has been used.
Even with the weight, the fact that the car most likely won't have any range degradation is a huge plus. Sort of like wear-leveling on an SSD for you techies.�
Apr 1, 2013
dsm363 Couldn't they make a range charge a full standard charge (90% of the 60 kWh) and also leave more padding at the bottom? It wouldn't give you any more range after you ran to 'zero' but the car could sit idle for much longer before there were major issues with the pack.�
Apr 4, 2013
Chuck Lusin It will be cool, to see some real action (delivery's) in this thread soon.�
Apr 10, 2013
Eeyago Has anyone heard any new updates about the 40's yet? I'm getting way too anxious here!�
Apr 10, 2013
hj-45 Unfortunately..... nothing new.�
Apr 10, 2013
Chuck Lusin Bummer, Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait, Nothing, Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait, Nothing,
Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait, Nothing, Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait, Nothing. Rats, maybe in a few days, note to self, check back on Monday!�
Apr 11, 2013
chicagotsla Spoke with them again yesterday to make a slight change (21"s) and he confirmed end of May.�
Apr 11, 2013
SUN-day Driver Is that end of may to start production or to start deliveries or for delivery based on YOUR res. #?�
Apr 11, 2013
chicagotsla End of May was my delivery date based on my Res, which is in the 10,400's (July 2012) = Almost 1 yr!! :smile:�
Apr 11, 2013
Chuck Lusin I have seen other threads where Tesla mentions that you will be contacted one month before your car is finished to talk about financing.
Here: George stated that the �Customer deliveries will begin at the end of April or the first half of May...not "later this summer."� Don�t you think that we should be getting those emails or VIN�s by now?�
Apr 11, 2013
eAdopter I spoke with two people, yesterday and today. Both were certain all 40 cars will be complete before the end of May. Of course, many cars will need to be shipped and that could push delivery dates into June. They also stated that reservation numbers, etc. are no longer involved with production dates. It's all based on colors and options as TM batches them together based on what's available. Having heard all this before (December, January, March) I'm cautiously optimistic. Fingers crossed!�
Apr 11, 2013
Chuck Lusin Boy I hear you, same here. I have been thinking of calling, was it the EOL (end-of-line) date that I should ask about?
- - - Updated - - -
I just called Tesla and talked to �Andy� and got an EOL for both of my cars of the week of 5/20/2013. Asked about when I should think about financing and Andy suggested that a wait until the end of this month. I asked how many days could shave off the delivery date if I picked up at the Costa Mesa service center, and he said that the new policy was that if you were 50 miles from the service center you had to get it there, I said �I should be grandfathered for home delivery�; he said maybe in my case. My wife�s birthday is 5/16 and she will like that news! The EOL is the end-of-line date for the car, but he also said it might still be June by the time I can really get the car.�
Apr 11, 2013
SUN-day Driver What??? One of the cool things about buying a Model S is that they deliver it to you ("wherever makes you smile", wasn't it?). I have been telling people they're gonna bring it to me. So now that they've made us 40 kWh customers wait longer than everyone else and we've missed out on the lowest finance rates from early in the year, they tell us they're also not going to deliver it because they're not doing it anymore? That really sucks. They'd better grandfather me (reserved Dec. '11, finalized Oct. '12) for a home delivery or I'll be very unhappy.�
Apr 11, 2013
Jenni I was darn near the last finalized 40 and I got a call yesterday to confirm I didn't want to upgrade to a 60. He said he would send my order to the factory today. I asked when to expect the car and he said it should be done in June, delivered in July, and he thought out loud "like 12 weeks from now".�
Apr 11, 2013
arondaniel Only sucks if the home delivery is being done by a specialist who walks you through all the features as opposed to a trucker on a tight schedule who smudges your headliner.
Apr 11, 2013
eAdopter Chuck, I wish you lived closer. We could commiserate together while downing a few beers. And then we could take a taxi home BECAUSE WE DON'T HAVE CARS YET!!! When will this end? I've read some other posts and it looks like the misinformation cycle is starting all over again. Each month they just keep pushing it out: January, March, April, May, June, July, 12 weeks. Really?! I won't cancel, but they're sure making it difficult to remain a loyal customer.�
Apr 12, 2013
Sacrament055 I wonder if the delay is due to the new 40Kwh firmware for the 60. If that's the source of the delay the easy answer for us to get things faster might be the model the satellite and cable companies use. Deliver it with full functionality and push out an "update" in 30 days that restricts it to what we paid for (unless we decide we want to pay the difference to keep it)
Seems like the win/win to me. We get the cars faster and they get us off their back and they get to tempt us with the greater range for a month (maybe they make a few more upgrade sales that way)
Just a thought.�
Apr 12, 2013
eAdopter Good idea Sacrament055. Either way, we're getting closer to delivery dates and I'm optimistic.
I speculate that TM is "mixing" 40's into the production line with more expensive cars, as well as batching similar cars/features together to reduce costs. The profit margin on a 40 must be very thin (if profits exist at all) and TM wouldn't want to produce a long, sequential set of 40's which would appear to be several days or weeks of very low profitability. I think they need to keep the cash flow steady while the company continues to grow.
mine: 40, green, textile, pano, 19's, air, parcel�
Apr 12, 2013
Chuck Lusin Thanks, who is not down for a few beers! Just for fun, from Riverside, CA to Bellevue, WA is 1200 miles, 20 hours at 60 MPH, recharge (no supercharging) NEMA 14-50, for a total of 12 times and 37.5 hours to charge. So it looks like it might take a few days to get there.If you are ever in the area, you can always bum a charge here. Several other are posting May EOL dates here: I bet TM will be happy when the last 40 is out the (production) door. One other thing I was thinking about, was to never spend the extra 10K in a few years, why would you dump 10K on a say 30K car. But after 8 years if we need to change or upgrade the pack, we'll have to see how that would work. Something to think about in a few years.
Apr 12, 2013
eAdopter +1 Chuck. While I hated to wait so long, we gained some useful advantages such as options for a 60 upgrade, and another chance to add SC later. We can also use these options to increase resale value.
I don't know how I was pushed to the back of the line (mid June) after waiting almost 2 years (P4408), but am glad to see some are being told their 40 will be produced and/or delivered in early May. I'll call TM again next week to see if anything has changed. Best of luck to all 40 owners who will get their cars soon! I'm looking forward to reading reviews regarding how they perform.�
Apr 12, 2013
Chuck Lusin How is you get pushed back (again), did you change your config? Being P4408, you should be done a week before me. Both my wife's car and mine are EOL 5/20/2013. Both are air, pano, leather, but she is white and I'm blue, so the batching (by color) means nothing here.�
Apr 12, 2013
nanimac I've been tempted to call Tesla and ask for my EOL date. But after reading through the various posts and different dates that people are getting, i've decided to not follow up and just be surprised when the delivery button finally pops up
Apr 12, 2013
Sacrament055 My delivery specialist mentioned the delivery button is supposed to show up around 30 days before delivery so we should start seeing delivery buttons show up within the next 10 days or so�
Apr 12, 2013
jomo25 I've found the 30 days prior estimate is not accurate. The delivery button usually shows up about 20 days prior. Not far off, but a difference. YMMV.�
Apr 12, 2013
Chuck Lusin Living on the edge! I have to track UPS and FedEx several times a day, until I get my box! Go 40kWh Blue!�
Apr 12, 2013
eAdopter Chuck, I don't think the numbers matter anymore. My guess is that the color (green) is a primary driver. Also, delivery location could make a difference. If I was managing TM, I'd place a lot of weight on loading full trucks and getting the cars delivered. That translates to cash flow which is important. I've learned to be patient, enjoy the blogs, and wait my turn. Tonight, a Murphy's Stout or two may help.�
Apr 13, 2013
mjtgroup Frankly, my irritation level is on the rise . . . once again! After having 2 recent emails from Elon Musk and a 45 minute phone conversation with George Blankenship, I was told by a rep yesterday that "they are getting ready" to send the "40kWh" orders to the factory. Really!!! He even ask me if I had heard about them using the 60kWh batteries with the limiting software. Really!!! Then he asked if I was going to stay with the 40kWh range. Really!!! This still feels like Tesla is trying to "bait and switch" us to extract more money. I've have heard that red cars are being delivered now. Cars with standard suspension are being delivered now but customers who ordered the 40kWh have nothing. Nada. Talk about the new emphasis on customer service . . .
If this post seems a bit direct it might be due to the fact that I put my money down for a Model S in August of 2009! Really!!!�
Apr 13, 2013
jomo25 45 minute phone call with GeorgeB? Curious what was talked about for so long. Getting 45 min with the VP of Sales is pretty high bar of service in my book.�
Apr 13, 2013
Doug Martoccia I've done my fair share of software upgrades on complex systems. It's very apparent that Tesla only recently made the decision to develop the range limiting software patch. Tesla software engineers must determine the requirements for the software, design it, code it, test it and regression test it.
This software may only be about 500-1000 source lines of code, but even this still may require 30-60 days from start to finish to complete, depending on how it's implemented. As a customer, it's in your best interest that Tesla doesn't rush it - we don't want software bugs discovered post-delivery.�
Apr 13, 2013
dsm363 I understand why you are frustrated but agree that it may simply be related to recent decision to do this all in software. George may simply have asked about the 60kWh version in order to get you the car quicker since you have waited so long. 45 min on the phone with a VP of any big company is impressive and should give you some indication of how much they care about customer service. Your patience will be rewarded with a great car I hope.�
Apr 13, 2013
nanimac I can imagine how frustrated you must be. I put my res in Nov 2012 and hate seeing so many people who are willing/able to spend more receive their cars so much more quickly than us. If I had to wait over 3 years, I'd be just as upset as you! Hopefully Tesla at least gives you the first 40kwh off the line!
If this post seems a bit direct it might be due to the fact that I put my money down for a Model S in August of 2009! Really!!![/QUOTE]�
Apr 13, 2013
boilerbots Ship the car now and update the firmware later like Tesla is doing on all the other outstanding bugs and features.
I still remember standing in line to purchase the original iPhone. It took another year before the software was good enough to be considered usable, plus Apple dropped the price $100 and I got store credit for the difference. Early adoption sure is risky business!�
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