Mar 14, 2016
Darryl I wish I had never purchased a Tesla Model X P90DL.
Purchasing a Tesla was suppose to be a great experience. Up until now I was ok with the three year delay as I was going to get one of the best car ever made.
My car arrived at the SC the first week of February and I was scheduled to pick it up a week later. One of the first production cars off the line.
I then got a call saying there was going to be a delay because a computer module had to be replaced. It was causing the lights to flicker. I felt a sickness in my stomach but realize there are occasionally problem with any car.
The repair took another ten days and I was rescheduled to pick up the car the following week. I was a little less happy with Tesla but since I was still getting my car in February and since there are others who have had horror stories I was ok with it. When I went to pick it up I found some minor problems but in all it was ok. All the paperwork was signed and I was waiting for them to charge it enough so we could get home. I was thinking to my self I am finally going to get my Tesla then my DS came out and told me I wasn't going to be able to take it as they found a cracked charging port. I was a lot less happy with Tesla.
Ten days later they rescheduled delivery. Our appointment was at 1PM and the car wasn't ready until 3:45PM as it needed a software download. My DS was busy with another customer and then we were told she was on the phone. We never even saw her the 3:00 hours we were there waiting for the car. Why they couldn't upgrade the software before we got there I am not sure. Finally I had my car and I had a feeling of relief as I had never thought this day would come. My opinion of Tesla was a lot less than two months earlier but It was still ok.
I drove it seven miles to the Detailer to get an XPEL coating. Even though I had reported the problem with seal leaking around driver's window it still wasn't fixed. On Saturday the Detailer starting to prep the car. Sunday morning the Detailer called saying the driver door wouldn't stay closed, the lock wouldn't engage. I called Tesla and because it was the weekend they said the SC would call me first thing Monday morning. Since no one had called by 10:30 I called them.p, again poor customer service. They sent someone out by noon. They called around 1pm saying there was a faulty locking mechanism and they would have to order the parts. This means another ten days without the car. My opinion of Tesla was dropping fast.
You don't expect these kind of problems when you buy a $155k car. You don't expect these kinds of problems when you buy a $30k new car.
I am not sure it is my service center which is the problem or Tesla. I have seen some videos where when a person picked up their New Tesla Model c the SC had a red carpet and all of the employees clapped. This was to make the customer feel Tesla appreciated their business and these SCs seem to understand the importance of customer service. I am sure some people have picked up their Tesla Model with no delays and no problems.
I have never felt appreciated at my SC. I have not even felt they cared one way or another that I purchased the car from Tesla. My service center is 65 miles away from my house and the next closest one is 100 miles away. I have had many expensive cars during my life, none was $155k, but several over $100k. I have never regretted those purchases. I don't even remember having to take any of these in for repair accept for normal maintenance and service recalls.
At this point I regret purchasing the Tesla as I am not sure it is going to be a reliable car. Where we had a buyer for our Jaguar XJ8 I decidedi today not to sell it as I can't afford to be without a car.
I decided enough was enough and called my SC and ask for the service manager. I found out the service manager position was vacant and the Manager in Tampa was covering for both centers. I called and he was not available. I was told he would call me back. Based on my experience with Tesla so far I was expecting him not to call back but an hour later he called. He was very nice and took all the information. He did say what had happened with all of these issues shouldnt be happening. He is suppose to call me back this afternoon with an update.
At this point I regret buying the Tesla. this may change over time but that is how I currently feel. This is coming from a person who owns a considerable amount of Tesla stock.�
Mar 14, 2016
CmdrThor Sounds like you should sell it?�
Mar 14, 2016
Oloron Sounds like a fairly miserable experience. No matter how good or bad anyone else's experience might be, it doesn't change that yours was bad.
Not that it matters since a bad experience is a bad experience, but these do look more like issues with your local service center than Tesla corporate. Responsibility for call-backs, fixing issues on your punch-list, noticing a cracked charge port during car prep, and having the software updated prior to pickup are all local issues. Hope they are able to make things right for you.�
Mar 14, 2016
nienco2 Regret seems a pretty mild emotion for what you've gone through. Outrage on the other hand would seem perfectly appropriate. TM is lucky to have such a patient customer IMO Not sure where the fault lies but certainly plenty to go around, it's certainly not the SC fault that the car had a cracked charge port but horrible communication re: delivery certainly is. Sadly this may be what you get when the SC personnel are not incentivized monetarily to make the customer happy.�
Mar 14, 2016
scottf200 I've had a few issue but my service center has been outstanding. I was going on two roadtrips (Fri and Sat/Sun) and they resolved a couple issues for me pretty quickly. Villa Park, IL�
Mar 14, 2016
DarrinR I'm sorry to hear about your experience. Definitely not good. I'm happy to report that my SC in Seattle has been fantastic as have the support team in Bellevue. My wife's MX has had some minor issues. TM have been fantastic. Prompt and excellent communication. I'm so thrilled with the car and the service that shortly after taking possession of my wife's MX I placed an order for one for myself!�
Mar 14, 2016
Electricfan Nobody here can tell you what to do. You surely know that selling it now you'd take a giant loss, but maybe that doesn't matter to you, depending on your finances. Purely from the standpoint of liking the car, though, I don't think you should give up yet. I have had run-ins with my service center, but nothing changes the fact I drive a Model S, the best car on the road bar none. I don't know what your feelings are about electric cars, but given you bought the X in the first place, my bet is you'll get over this nasty frustrating time and end up glad you bought the X. I got to sit in one here in Houston and I love love loved it.�
Mar 14, 2016
CarlK It's too late to back out of this. Broadcast your problem might even hurt your chance if you do want to sell the car. You only option is to elevate it to higher level at the HQ. Good luck to you.�
Mar 14, 2016
Zythryn I'm really sorry to hear of all the issues.
I hope Tesla can resolve all these issues and clean up the issues at the service center.
I have never had better treatment at mine, but I know that doesn't help with your issue. I just mention that to you as an investor so you don't think this is standard operating procedure for Tesla.�
Mar 14, 2016
ohmman Like the others, I'm sorry to hear about your issues.
One lesson (probably too late for all of us) is that only people who live very close to service centers should plan to get early models. Imagine if you lived 2-3 hours away.�
Mar 14, 2016
SMSMD So sorry to hear about experience. I was following your threads since the beginning. I test drove a Model X recently and was shocked to see so many issues in a DEMO. I decided not to order now as I do not want to regret. i live 1200km away from Sc, 12hrs drive!!!�
Mar 14, 2016
CarlK That might be the reason why Tesla is giving priority to CA delivery at the moment.�
Mar 14, 2016
K-MTG Hope that is not the case, or else it will be bad for Tesla and for us�
Mar 14, 2016
TRS-80ModelI The journey of being an X owner, from a former model S owner. (And imminent X owner)
I really empathize with your concerns. Unfortunately, (and fortunately) Tesla is NOT Lexus or Mercedes or any other typical car manufacturer. Tesla is trying to be a catalyst for the redesign of the entire transportation industry and even part of the energy sector. When a business is trying to redo just ONE component of a business against established decades old sclerotic government backed entrenched competitors it is a huge challenge. Among other things, Tesla is trying to redo (and build from the ground up) the following:
1) The engineering and customer support process with continuous design improvement and software driven updates over the air
2) A new direct to customer distribution and customer service channel
3) entirely new energy/transmission/motor architecture in each vehicle
4) a new international charging network
Add to that the Model X as a new vehicle (where the company admittedly bit off quite a bit more than they could chew) has a number of unproven new features in the passenger automobile sector:
1) Giant windshield and newly designed sun-visors
2) Dual hinge articulating FWD which had to go back to the drawing board and switch actuators from hydraulic to electromechanical that have sensors that are more hypochondriacal than Larry David at a chicken pox party for anti-vax nut jobs in some wealthy California suburb
3) independent second row monopost seats that don't fold and have headrests that block the view :-( (A little editorial from me)
4) new touch activated self presenting door open close mechanisms
Then, try to accomplish this as the company is growing at 30% to 50% annually (and will try to ramp even more with the model III and power walls) Think about the growth rate from an employee and personnel perspective. New Cars, new approach, new processes AND LOADS AND LOADS AND LOADS of new people? Ugh!
This kind of growth and change is nearly impossible to manage in a software environment and they are trying to do this in a hardware/software/consumer mass market environment that is heavily regulated and scrutinized. I can't think of any company in the world that could handle circumstances like this without a fair number of hiccups.
Tesla employees monitor these forums, you may get help from an odd place. But your circumstances don't surprise me and you will have to be persistent in order to get your challenges resolved.
I had numerous frustrations with my model S (which I returned after a few months) and here I am back for more, I get my model X this week. Why am I doing this again, knowing I am essentially a beta tester? Why am I putting up with range anxiety once again? (Probably range anxiety worse than many since I expect to get about 390 WH/mile the way I drive.) Because I look at every other car on the road as a vile earth destroying antique. I want the $35,000 in gross profit to go back to the company to finance more giga factories, the release of the model III and more awareness of what needs to be done to mitigate our inevitable destruction of the planet.
But, being a 2016 delivery model X owner will be completely unlike owning a typical luxury car. We will need to return the vehicle to service for new sensors, better seals on the FWD doors and who knows what else. You get to have a great performing, incredibly safe, really fascinating piece of technology from a company that is trying to make the world a better place. But, you will be training new employees on the job and remain part of a major experiment for quite some time. It will not be without major headaches. But, goodness it is cool as all get out, if thats what you're prepared for.�
Mar 14, 2016
Darryl The Service Manager responsible for Tampa and Orlando contacted me as promised. He is having the parts expressed from Freemont and they should arrive Wednesday. In the meantime they are going to do a complete inspection of the entire car to make sure there aren't other issues. He also offered me compensation for all the problems and inconvenience I have experienced. He plans on getting a status daily and I will get a call from the SC in Orlando each day. He is hoping to have the car back to me by Thursday.�
Mar 14, 2016
Oloron I'm curious since I don't remember if you mentioned - did you get a loaner S while all this was going on?�
Mar 14, 2016
andrewket Btw, I had the same problem with the front doors. The mechanism is fine. The issue is the detailer kept the door open for over 30 minute which causes them to timeout. You need to manually lower the window and then push the door shut (it requires a bit of force). Then open/close a few times to recalibrate.
If for some reason the latch is closed, you can open it by using the back of a pen to push it open.�
Mar 14, 2016
Mark Z Consistency of second row seat movement and falcon wing door movement has been an issue for me.
It's when I am demonstrating and "selling Tesla" that the problems occur. As a single rider, I don't need to move the seats often or open the FWDs very much. The demos allow me to share a new problem for the Service Center!
The guests who view the Model X are the ones that keep me excited. They flip over the car and that gives me enough energy for one more repair visit.
Enjoy what works and be amused at the unusual gremlins. I am blessed that I kept Model S if necessary. Model S does have a layer of dust right now. Model X works well enough to thoroughly enjoy it most of the time.�
Mar 14, 2016
Merrill You did the correct thing by
You did the right thing by contacting the Service Manager, having been in the business things can go wrong and letting the person in charge know what you went thru will not only help you but others. If he does his job correctly he will attend to your problems and his employees so this does not happen again. Hopefully you will get the Model X you ordered and finally start to enjoy it.�
Mar 14, 2016
Marcos So I'm a huge Tesla fan and booster, and am psyched to be picking up my X tomorrow. I love being an early adopter, love to have the latest and greatest, and obviously that comes with compromises and potential pitfalls.
BUT, there is no excuse for the kind of poor customer communications we've seen since the X was announced. None! You can be innovative and creative and different and risk-taking and push the bleeding edge further than anyone else has in forever, and STILL engage in basic communication with customers. Those are not mutually exclusive concepts. That's Tesla's achilles heel! People like us will put up with a lot of crap to be on the bleeding edge, but there are just so many of us, and if Tesla really wants to grow the way it does and change the world the way it wants, then it's gonna have to learn to treat customers as if it values them.
Because if it can't even treat its relatively few $150K customers properly, how the heck is it going to treat 500,000 Model 3 customers properly? The last thing we need is for Tesla to become the Comcast of the automotive world, best known for piss-poor customer service.
So I feel for the OP. While most of us thankfully haven't been treated as shabbily as the OP, most of us have had to deal with poor communication and information from the company, and it just needs to be resolved. You don't change the world by treating your biggest fans and evangelists like dirt.�
Mar 14, 2016
ABCCBA Bravo Darryl for speaking up and speaking out. Nobody deserves to be treated with indifference. Nor should anyone have to accept substandard quality because some business plan calls for changing the world. If substandard quality was the norm, there would not be Consumer Protections in place such as Lemon Laws for vehicles. It sounds like you finally reach a person of reason and I hope they comb through your vehicle and resolve all issues. Financial compensation AND an additional 4 year/50,000 mile extended warranty sound like they are both in order.
As far as owning the stock, you may want to view your experience through the eyes on the mass market. Ask yourself what the expectations of the target market is for the Model III. Will they be buying it as a early adapter? Will they be buying it as a share holder? Will they be buying it as a trail blazer? Will they be buying it for the tax credit? Or will they be buying it after comparitive analysis of features, safety, comfort, affordability and functionality?
What will happen to Tesla if the early Model S rollout issues and the early Model X rollout issues happen to the Model III? What happens if they experience what you and hundreds of other MX owners have experienced? My guess is disaster! Why, because the target market for the Model III is the heart of America: middle income, hard working people who have limited free time, limited finances, use their new vehicle for everyday family necessities and would fail if they had unreliable transportation. The Model III will be a commodity item in a highly competitive marketplace that any early missteps will quickly steer the masses to other choices.
I cancelled my MX because I will not compromise my vehicle desires. I bought a used MS because I want to give Tesla a try for the curiosity of being all electric. I will not be reserving a Model III because my past business experiences tell me that there is only a small chance the the Model III rollout will be any different, and I would rather wait after seeing the past rollout.
Only time will tell, as past performance does not predict future results. But, the past can't be erased or easily forgotten.
Mar 14, 2016
KOL2000 Sorry to hear this. One thing is consistent about Tesla - they ALWAYS make things right. Sounds like San Diego service center is the opposite of yours - those folks are like guardian angels and never rest until things are perfect with your car.�
Mar 14, 2016
Darryl The first time when I was suppose to take delivery they didn't offer me a loaner. The second time when I was suppose to take delivery they provided me with a Model S P85. Today they told me no loaners were available. So one out of the three times they had a loaner for me to use.�
Mar 14, 2016
ankitmishra The delay is of 2 years. Pre-delivery problems can occur with any car. The SC was keeping you in loop with the "computer module" problem. It is an example of good communication. This is why I think Tesla gives less information about certain things. You were "a little less happy" from Tesla due to this info. I think they should have just told you that they are prepping the car up and wont give any other info. Now, the cracked charging port should have been found out by Tesla before they called you take delivery. This is justified criticism. The software download also should have been done before they called you. Poor customer service by Tesla. About seal leaking, they might have not detected the issue by themselves and might not have the replacement seals. Now, the problem with your door was magnified because you had the car at the detailer. The auto doors are a new feature and they are going to face problems in the beginning just like any new technology. I find this criticism to be unjustified. I don't know what your expectations were when you ordered a new product with extraordinary new features. All new technologies face problems in the beginning. If you wanted a perfect car maybe you should have purchased a Model S since Tesla has perfected it over the years. The red carpet and clapping were a nice gesture but expecting them to do the same with every customer is extremely unjustified. They are a car company so criticise them for that and not for not clapping their hands. I found the title of your post and the fear of the car to be unreliable to be unjustified. Surely, it will have some problems in the beginning but Tesla will deal will all the problems. Once again, if your appreciation for bleeding edge technology is low and you have low tolerance for problems with new features you could have waited for Tesla to sort out problems with X or could have bought a Model S.
I consider your post to be unjustified criticism of Tesla.�
Mar 14, 2016
ankitmishra Wow!! You just mentioned the Lemon Law because the bleeding edge auto doors had a few problems in the beginning. That surely is an overreaction. People make money in market and lose money in market. Just like the perception and expectations from X will define the experience of an owner, their perception of X and 3 will govern their chance of earning money by investing in Tesla. You are right to have cancelled your X. It's better to wait rather than go into the purchase with false expectations and then being miserable. However, I disagree with your opinion about Model X and Model 3. Both of them are going to be a success IMHO.�
Mar 14, 2016
ankitmishra They can't give any info when they don't have any info to give. If they are having some problems with a product there won't be any info to give to the reservation holders. And Tesla's case is extremely unique. A significant number of people have invested their money, time and effort to ensure that it will fail. Tesla need to keep them in mind too while they are dealing with their customers. Any info they might give about the problems with the production of car might be misunderstood by some customers and might be misrepresented in media by some vested interests. You are mistaken in your fear of Tesla becoming the Comcast of car world. I will just ignore this comparison.�
Mar 14, 2016
CHG-ON I am so sorry to hear about your experience.
As an owner and a shareholder, it hurts in two ways: I love my car and hope that everybody can have a similar experience as me; and I cringe at what could happen to my investment if they don't get their act together fast.
I hope that this can be a consoler: I have had some problems with my MS. They have been minor, but rather annoying: air suspension, mirrors, doors, pano, others. The one thing that I can say for sure is that the service has been nothing short of spectacular. Even better than Apple. I have commented on it before. But it continues. And many others have had this experience.
You have bought a brand new technology. Oh boy, can it be frustrating! But when you finally have some time with her, you will fall in love.
Again, I am so sorry that you have to deal with this stuff.�
Mar 14, 2016
Drivin There is another guy who posted something very similar so it doesn't seem to be so unusual.
Although forums are made for people to comment on the issues they have and when they have none, they don't post. So who knows how many other Darryl's have had great experiences with their MXs?
Reminds me of:
"Hi, I'm Larry. This is my brother Darryl and this is my other brother Darryl".�
Mar 15, 2016
ankitmishra I haven't wished you yet. Congrats @Darryl. It's a temporary phase of problems. If I go by all the reviews of Tesla owners I have read till now, this will pass and you will enjoy your car.�
Mar 15, 2016
ModelX+911 I thought Tesla allow return if you are not happy about the car?�
Mar 15, 2016
CTH1 Darryl-
Thank you for your honest thoughts. This board is not worth much if someone can't be honest about their situation and express what they are feeling. I live in Naples and am a 110 miles from the closest SC. I am a little worried as well. My car is due next month. If I were in your situation I would be an unhappy camper as well. I am reading a book called "Losing the Signal". It is a history of RIM and the Blackberry. Their products were unsurpassed for reliabilty and performance. They became the most valuable company in Canada with market cap exceeding $70B
The company was the fastest growing company in the world for about a decade. What killed them was delivery of a new phone to compete with the iphone that was of poor quality. Verizon had to replace the first million phones they sold. They have never recovered. My hope for Tesla is that they can get the quality issues dealt with soon at the factory and customers won't see them. But it is even more imperative I think, that they jump all over the issue in the field as soon as they become aware of them.
I am an old retired fart and for the last 20 yrs or so, I have bought a new high end car just before the one I have goes out of warranty. Right now I drive a BMW 7 Series Active Hybrid. I have owned multiple BMW's, Jag's, Mercedes, Lexus, and Infinitis. With the exception of the Mercedes, are were fine cars of great quality and performance that I enjoyed and that served me well.
That is my expectation for Tesla as well. I will be holding them to the same standard that you are, although I do hope I don't have problems and can be a cheerleader for the company. I also hope your issues are resolved very soon. I am going to mention you to my DS and tell him about your commitment to this group and your past help to other members, and suggest they really ought to do something for you. Good luck!�
Mar 15, 2016
nienco2 This is just rude. What possible motive do you have to say something so presumptuous?�
Mar 15, 2016
ABCCBA @nienco2 - just read his signature. That should tell you everything you need to know about his comments. Sad.�
Mar 15, 2016
retinaguy Wow that's awful. Any top tier dealership (Porsche, Ferrari, etc.) would have a flat bed to get your car to the dealership and back after repair. They should have rented a car for you.�
Mar 15, 2016
digicool In the last 2 years I have been wanting to own a Tesla, I have visited the local showrooms and service centers a few times. I can tell confidently that the experience is not always the best.
When I needed a new car in Dec 2014 I took a Model S out for a 24hr extended test drive. First, they gave me a 60KW car which needed a recharge on both ways to my a place 120 miles away from home. That pretty much upset my wife and Model S was not a choice anymore for us! The next day, the manager of the SC calls and was literally yelling on the phone because it was close to the return time and I was not back at the SC. Here I am a potential $100K car buyer with an active reservation for Model X and the manager treats me like I stole his car. The very next weekend, I took a BMW i3 for a 2 day extended test drive and the way they dealt with me was so professional and what you would expect when you are dealing with a premium product company.
I feel because Tesla only deals with products at the the high dollar mark, their customer service has become complacent of that. What feeds this behavior is also the perceived demand. But this behaviors is really what brings a brand down. End of the day it does not matter whether they sell a 10K car or 100K, if the customer does not feel the car is worth it the price will have to come down. By keeping the experience premium the company can continue to enjoy high price. My experience has shown that management is not paying close attention to how customers are being handled. They need to fix this or they will soon be selling only "affordable" cars.
Full disclosure: Ordered a Model X, waiting for a late Apr- early May delivery.�
Mar 15, 2016
ankitmishra My post was exactly as I intended it to be. I found some of criticisms to be unjustified. I said so. You found my post rude, you said so. I won't be calling you rude, it's okay.�
Mar 15, 2016
ankitmishra Your comment is cryptic. I hope you will explain it.�
Mar 15, 2016
SMSMD He is all over the place in TMC, & TM, I glance at his post and just let it pass. The only place you don't see him is in the TM private posts. He chants the same language like a poojari ( Priest) whenever THE OWNER writes an honest post in distress. Like MikeJr74 mentioned look at his signature, you will sing the FROZEN song...let it go..let it pathetic.
Mar 15, 2016
mikevbf 2-3 hours away is exactly my situation and is why I was able to delay my delivery. However, if I had had a California delivery, I am pretty sure Ohmman would have been correct about it being too late.�
Mar 15, 2016
ankitmishra Wow!! Your post is extremely personal and offensive. I am glad you have been ignoring me. Please don't make exceptions like this.�
Mar 15, 2016
nienco2 LOL, I don't have young kids so hadn't seen that movie and it made for a very pleasant musical interlude this morning�
Mar 15, 2016
santana338 And THAT's the level of service we have come to expect from our SCs. I hope they get you back to enjoying your new ride�
Mar 15, 2016
Blastphemy Pot calling the kettle black (albeit, hard to be sure considering the bizarre grammar!)
Is this our new Model X troll, here to replace Idleup?�
Mar 15, 2016
ankitmishra Please don't make insulting comments.�
Mar 15, 2016
Drivin I think that generally people expect that a $150k car that has been delayed by 2 years in order to get things right (or whatever the PR said about the delays at the time) has gone through rigorous testing and quality checks before being released. Toyota did this when they went up market with the LS400 to compete with Mercedes and stake out a claim in the luxury market.
Funny. Talk to CR about how "perfect" the MS is. Fast, yes. Safe, yes. Fit and finish, quality and "perfect", uhhhh...�
Mar 15, 2016
ankitmishra Tesla has said that delay in X launch was because they were dealing with the problems with electric propulsion technology. Most of their resources were taken up by the problems in Model S. The difference in our perspectives is due to this reason. I won't consider any analogy from any other car manufacturers as none of the cars made by them comes even close to the engineering marvel that Model X is.
CR review was about earlier Model S's. Just like early X are having problems, early S had too.�
Mar 15, 2016
Drivin I guess it depends on what people think they are getting for $150k.
Some people want an "engineering marvel"
Some people want a vehicle that doesn't have so many problems.
My friend had a Ferrari that was a beast of a car, but service was hugely expensive, even an oil change. He thought that was a small price and inconvenience for that "engineering marvel".
I think the X was a distraction and possibly a mistake for Tesla. If they want to promote EV and get to mass market, they needed to build that DNA and culture in the company, not the DNA of a niche "engineering marvel", with "ludicrous" and "plaid" modes that can throw money at the problems they have in servicing the cars.�
Mar 15, 2016
AlMc Darryl: As I mentioned on a similar thread on the TM site, I am sorry to hear about this situation. I hope this situation gets addressed and fixed asap.
I have always found my local SC to be very professional and their work is exemplary.
Please keep us 'in the loop' about how TM handles the situation. I suspect they will resolve it and you will be happy with the X even if this situation has lessened the delivery part of the overall experience.�
Mar 15, 2016
ankitmishra The problems with X are going to decrease as time passes. Just look at Model S. And any new product faces some problems in the initial batches. It's not limited to X only.
They are a premium car maker. Even the Model 3 will a premium mass market car. Please don't confuse them with Honda or Toyota. People pay a premium for Tesla cars because of Ludicrous mode etc. And they will be doing that for FWD etc too in case of X. These high margin products allow Tesla to reinvest in R&D so that even its mass market car will be exceptional. We are going witness the helplessness of GM/Bolt very soon IMHO due to this very reason.�
Mar 15, 2016
madodel A shame you couldn't get that level of service from your Service Advisor. Hopefully TM takes this to heart and educates their staff to all give the level of support a $80K+ vehicle purchase deserves. That said, as I have said elsewhere the limited contact I have had with my service advisor and technician in Springfield, NJ has been excellent, but I seem to be the rare bird with an almost flawless Sig X experience. I hope also that the production X's and those poor souls still awaiting Sigs get quality and service like I have experienced to date. WIth the Model ? on the horizon, literally the world is watching Tesla so they have to stop screwing up.�
Mar 15, 2016
Drivin Premium pricing doesn't necessarily mean a premium car. Most buyers of the MS come from significantly cheaper cars and only 13% said they would have bought a more expensive car if they didn't buy a Tesla.
I am not confusing them with a Honda or Toyota, since Toyota is well known for their reliability so there is no confusion that Tesla has a high bar to compete on that basis and a lot of catching up to do. And as for price, a Camry Hybrid starts at $27k and a Model 3 after rebates around $27k.
You are missing the point. They have raised a boat load of money, invested that in R&D, and yet they haven't been able to produce a niche car without significant support issues. How exactly do they then pivot from there in 20 months or so to create a mass market product that competes with the high level of reliability of a "lowly" Toyota and make money along the way (vs. spending a lot to service the issues they have with the car)?
I think the MX is a big diversion from that goal - there are only so many fronts that a company can compete on and more importantly, the type of company they build, the culture, the DNA is hard to switch to a very different front (e.g. niche player, tech marvel, high service to resolve problems -> mass market, lower margin, service-lite vehicles).�
Mar 15, 2016
ankitmishra Definitions doesn't matter. What matters is which company is able to make people pay a premium for its cars. It doesn't matter where the buyers of Model S came from. There money is as real as everyone else's. Model S is continuously improving it's reliability which is great achievement for such an extraordinary car from a young company.
Camry Hybrid, Bolt, Leaf etc won't matter. That's the point here. Model 3 is a affordable car from a premium car maker while Bolt/Camry is a costly car from a affordable car maker. Desirability and brand image of Tesla is going to cause a lot of pain to these companies very soon.�
Mar 15, 2016
Darryl Right before Tesla started the big push to deliver several thousand cars by the end if March I read an article saying that Tesla was going to be delivering cars just to people in California so the cars would be close to the factory if any issues needed to be resolve. I thought the reporter had to be wrong as I was getting my car and it was being delivered to Florida.
Within a few days I started to notice everyone who was reporting they were getting VINs were people who were taking delivery in CA and who ordered 90D's with at the premium and autopilot options. It looks like within the first three days of March they gave out about 1000 VINs in a row to people taking delivery in CA. They then on about the 4th of March went back to giving VINs to cars going throughout the country .
Personally I think giving out VINs to cars going to CA so they would be close to Fremont is a valid point. Based on my experience, I have found the SCs don't stock parts. So every time there is an issue with a part they have to wait 3-4 days just for the replacement part to arrive.This isn't the case in CA, the time is cut to 1-2 days. So it isn't the fact that cars going to CA are close to the plant it is more they are close to the parts depot at the plant.
I think another key factor was the end of the quarter was approaching and it takes less time to deliver a car to people in CA than anywhere else. The transportation time is greatly reduced. If they were going to make their quarterly goals regarding number of cars delivered it was best to deliver as many as they could to people who were taking delivery in CA and better than that the factory.�
Mar 15, 2016
ABCCBA @Darryl I read a few weeks ago that California lawmakers were trying to reduce the tax credit for EVs after March 15th. Maybe, Tesla saw this had a good possibility of becoming law and tried to support the existing buyers in California.�
Mar 15, 2016
Darryl I had added Ankit to my IGNORE LIST but it looks like when they upgraded the software this may have been lost. If you follow ANKIT you will find he responds to almost every post, no matter the subject and he portrays himself as an expert on everything but he has no experience and has never owned a Tesla, has never even put down a reservation on a Tesla and owns no Tesla stock. I doubt if he has even ridden in a Tesla.
Most of us on this forum have gone through the pain of waiting 2-3 years for a special car, with one delay after another. Have supported Tesla even though the unfair way Tesla treats it customers like the unfair way they handled the orders with allowing people who just placed an order to go ahead of people who reserved years ago.
ANKIT can't relate to this as he has NO SKIN IN THE GAME. I have said this before.
When I posted the problems I was having, I wasn't asking for sympathy, I was hopefully conveying what I was experiencing so other's may learn from my experience. My experience is no value to ANKIT so I don't understand why he even responds. Knowing ANKIT from his 231 useless posts I found his response insulting.
I guess he has nothing better to do in his life but bug us. Everyone has their own opinion but he is just so ignoring and I think he likes it when people criticize him. He is just a sad sad person.�
Mar 15, 2016
Drivin Well, ok. If you honestly believe that, then welcome to my ignore list.
Definitions "doesn't" matter.
Words doesn't matter.
Left is right, right is left.
We have always been at war with Europa.
See ya!�
Mar 15, 2016
Darryl @MikeJr74 i think you are right. I believe they are reducing it and the average Tesla owner will not qualify because they make too much money.
I like your new car, the blue looks great. When am I going to get a ride?
By the way, the Tampa Tesla manager promised me the supervisor from Orlando would call me each day to give me a status. As promised he called me today and gave me an update, the part for my car is expected in the morning at which point they will install it and will take the car back to my Detailer.If they can get the car to the detailer by Wednesday I should be able to pick the car up by Saturday.�
Mar 15, 2016
Darryl To add someone to your IGNORE LIST you click on your avatar or go into your settings. There will be an option for PEOPLE I IGNORE. By adding someone to your list you never see anything they post. There are people on the forum who only post negative posts. There are people known to post just to rile people up. You all know who these people are. By adding them to your ignore list you never have to hear/see their crap. It helps me keep my blood prasure down.�
Mar 15, 2016
ABCCBA @Darryl that is wonderful news and hope it is the last you see of the Orlando SC. I know where not to take my car.
Maybe we can go to the Cape and make a few high speed runs in each of our vehicles. Think you could arrange that? lol. I'll PM you when I have the car in state.�
Mar 15, 2016
AlMc Excellent!�
Mar 15, 2016
mkjayakumar Ankit lives in India where there are no EVs. I doubt he has even seen a Tesla yet. He comes out as a day dreamer.
Interestingly I met a lot of young people in India who follow Musk very closely and adore him.�
Mar 16, 2016
MBTesLosAngeles I certainly regret reserving one 3 years ago, I also regret the upsell of a performance model - both done in an effort to get my car early and support the company since we have been so happy with our P Model S.
NEVER again will I give Tesla my interest free money for them to hold multiple years while I hold onto a lie that they will deliver my car in accordance to when I ordered the car, that I THOUGHT would secure me a place in line.
Giving deposit = spot in line? Nope, not at Tesla.
Loyal customer = valued customer? Nope, not at Tesla.
Customer waiting aimlessly = communicate with customer? Nope, not at Tesla.
Customer continues to wait = For an awesome car that is green, safe, fast and fun. Yep, that's Tesla.
And despite probably wanting to add a Model 3 to our garage, I'll be a monkeys uncle if I give them an early deposit again!�
Mar 16, 2016
djbakasan Agreed on the communication around production ramp up, delivery timetable, etc. haven't been great (though very noticeably better in the last couple weeks).
Don't agree on this sentiment though. Order of deposits correlated into access to the design studio and the ability to place an actual order.
For the X it was clearly stated that there was an order of operations they were following regarding different trim levels / options shipping first. If one opted into a configuration that was described as "late 2016" (or whatever a specific combo stated), I don't understand the frustration that other configurations hit the production line first. Maybe they could have set expectations better or made it more clearly visible on the page, but I know when I got access to the studio, it seemed readily clear to me. I personally hemmed and hawed for awhile, but ultimately configured a P90D vs a 90D for a variety of factors, but an earlier launch window was a consideration. I don't feel like I was "upsold" the upgrade either. Hell, until I plunked down a confirmed order, I hadn't ever spoken w/ anyone at Tesla to actually be sold on anything one way or another.�
Mar 16, 2016
ankitmishra 1. Yes
2. Yes. Please go and read the Model 3 forum where people are accusing Tesla of favouring rich people because they allowed owners preference over non-owners.
3. They communicated with customers in their quarterly earnings. They told them they are having delays. It takes few months to make some progress.
4. Yes.
They have already communicated that the loaded versions will be given priority.�
Mar 16, 2016
pvogel Ankit, I think you are misunderstanding the point here, which is understandable as you are not an owner or reservation holder.
There was an expectation set, when Model X reservations opened, that reservations would be served in the order they were made, Founders First, Sigs second, production next. By that standard, with production reservation #1651 I should have been the 2951st X off the line (approximately, assuming 100 founders, 1200 sigs) if someone had production reservation #100 and ordered a 70D, he should have been the 1400th X off the line.
As it happens, I probably significantly jumped the line initially by having a P90D order, but because it was an early car off the line it undoubtedly had "issues" -- I choose not to look too deeply into that particular sausage factory so I don't know what might have been wrong with the car or what they may have done (all the way up to and including scrapping and rebuilding the car) to make those issues go away -- what I care about is the condition of the car when I take delivery! So as a result of that early off the line and remediation, I've hung out in a large degree of limbo, with no idea when I might get the car other than a vague promise from my DS last week assuring me it would be "this month" followed by the much anticipated call yesterday to schedule the actual delivery for 27.5 hours from now
But I placed that P90D order knowing I *want* the car sooner and I am paying a good 20+k more than I really wanted to pay (though I can afford it) to have the privilege of that early delivery -- that expectation came only from spending a lot of time on these forums, it was most definitely *not* the expectation set by Tesla when I placed my reservation.
Further, I "loaned" tesla my reservation money for far longer than I would have liked, and given how quickly they went from you've had a reservation for over 3 years, go ahead and configure to "you've had a reservation for 2 days, go ahead and configure" that 5k would have been much better spent on 200 shares of TSLA at $27/share and virtually no cost in delivery time. The opportunity cost of that $5K amounts to over $44K at todays stock price for TSLA and at peak amounts to almost $60K, with proper riding of peak/valley sell/buy waves based on the cyclical nature of TSLA it would have potentially hit $100K or more, enough to by the car!
THAT is what people are understandably and justifiably upset about. I'm *very* glad I didn't make a signature reservation (I really, really wanted a signature reserved color, but considered the timeline to be a risk and didn't want 40K tied up indefinitely).
Further, when I pre-order a product, I have an expectation, set by the market here in the US at least, that the company will keep me informed as to the progress, in some cases, that keep informed goes into *great* detail on updated timelines, etc. Part of me knows that, Tesla being a public company, cannot be quite that open with information, but even with SEC regulation *there is vast room for improvement* in the communication between the company and their reservation holders, particularly as production began in earnest. It seems to me perfectly reasonable to keep me updated as the the progress of my specific car, every step of the way. Including when it came off the line, when it went into QA, the fact that issues were found in QA and are being corrected, next update in 1 week, that sort of thing!
I'm as much (or more) of a Tesla Fanboy as anyone on this forum (with the possible exception of you Ankit) but I am also able to say that my expectations of Tesla, based on my initial 5K reservation and then my $147k purchase, were NOT met in the process leading up to tomorrow's delivery, and what it would take for Tesla to meet those expectations in the future. In short, I am constructively dissatisfied with my experience thus far!
I suspect and hope, based on *recent* reports from people taking delivery and my eternally optimistic spirit, that all of that dissatisfaction will be wiped away by delivery of an amazing car in 27.25 hours! I temper that optimism with an understanding that there *may* be lingering issues but that TSLA has an overall strong and largely (but not entirely) unblemished reputation for amazing service and that if there are lingering issues they will be resolved and I am literally surrounded by Tesla service centers within a short drive of work and home. Things would be *very* different if I lived outside of the SF bay area and had a long drive to a service center.
So, as a member of the forums here, I think I'm walking into things with my eyes wide open (but perhaps somewhat shaded by rose-colored glasses of optimism and fanboyism), but the vast majority of the Tesla buying public now, and even more so in the Model 3 future, does NOT spend ridiculous amounts of time on the TeslaMotorsClub or Tesla company forums and so is *far* less well informed and is far less able to set realistic expectations for their experience going forward after reserving a model 3 with, what to them will be, a significant outlay of cash!�
Mar 16, 2016
ohmman pvogel, the realistic optimist.
Well said.�
Mar 16, 2016
omarsultan Folks got access to the Design Studio based on their reservation number, which seems fair. I don't think its reasonable to expect cars to be delivered in order reservation number as different folks have different needs, budgets, etc. Even with the S, Tesla used to have shorter wait times for the P than for the regular models--I am not sure I can fault Tesla for using quicker delivery as a lure for the P upsell--they are running a business. Finally, in terms of scaling production, I don't think it would be smart to try and ramp up on all the variations all at the same time--that would make for a bigger QA headache than the current ramp.�
Mar 16, 2016
digicool Agree with omarsultan for my case atleast, I did not configure my X until after I test drove at the Seattle Meet the Model X event even though the design studio opened for me well over 6 weeks before the event. I could have chose to wait few more months to configure and commit to the order which means Tesla cant hold the line for me. So in that sense it seems logical that some later reservation holders are taking earlier production slots.
What I believe is wrong is that some Sig reservation holders are yet to receive their cars while production cars are already delivered.�
Mar 16, 2016
MBTesLosAngeles Yes! @pvogel,
just to clarify @ankitmishra - I have a fully loaded P90D which was reserved in 2013 and confirmed 12/4/15 (was actually asked to pay in December). VIN in low 300s And my delivery date window is after many people with non Performance and with VINs 500+. (And I am in CA). THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE. No logic can tell me why this is the case... and if there were an issue with my car, my DS should have COMMUNICATED and I would have been perfectly reasonable and understanding because this is cutting edge technology.
So it's a snowpile of issues for me. And trust me, I too am a fan boy and have been for some time. Elon is still by boy, but Tesla has really cut some new wounds and thrown salt in. I am sure I will enjoy the car once I get it, but I hope others don't make my mistakes and I hope Tesla realizes that they cannot do this to their customers, or they will have fewer of them.�
Mar 16, 2016
ankitmishra Elon said in the reveal video that reservations would be done in the same way as Model S. Now, I have read that in the Model S deliveries too the loaded ones were given priority. If there was some other communication made except this its possible I may not know of it.
Who told us that those cars had problem? Scrapping and rebuilding? Sure, they might have problems with seats, doors etc but I would like to know the origin of this theory. I have read this theory in TM forums and have responded to the people proposing it. i found it surprising that people believe that a company like Tesla could allow such a grave mistake that a batch of its car had to be scrapped. Let me share my theory with you - Tesla wasn't prepared with X. They were bounded by the timelines they gave, hence they made token deliveries in December. After that, they went to the thinking room to sort out the problems with X. When the new deadline (March delivery numbers) arrived, they started deliveries again. No cars were scrapped. Now, they cant share with people in January that their car will arrive in late March. Very few people are forgiving and would have criticised Tesla as much as they could if they told them that. Its better to let them speculate and only open the communication channel to tell the delivery date for there car.
People gave their $5000 or $40000 to reserve the car. If they wanted to buy shares, they should done that. They told people at the reveal that deliveries will begin in 2014. So, the delay is of 2 years. Now, people don't appreciate the difficulty Tesla faced. They are the pioneers in electric propulsion. Elon has stated more than one time that most of their time and resources went to tackle the problems with Model S. So, its not like they were careless here. They tried there best. It couldn't have been done in any other way.
Its the right of people if they want to be upset about this.
Once again, people are comparing the things that mediocre companies do with the things Tesla does. Tesla is still working on X and simultaneously delivering them too. Its not a time to make announcements and give updates. They would like to move ahead gradually without attracting any extra attention to X. It will still take many months from here when they are have reached the level of quality that they want. Most of the events related to Model X are filled with pain as of now and they don't want to share them with the reservation holders. You guys will only hear from them when they are ready to deliver your car.
Yet again, we are assuming Tesla doesn't know this. They have learnt from the Model X experience. Maybe that's why they are giving owners a preference over non owners in case of Model 3. And they have already announced that loaded versions will be given preference.
Thanks for being civil in discussion.�
Mar 16, 2016
ankitmishra May I know if you ordered a 5 seater? Or have you ordered a non premium package? Onyx wheels? What is your delivery date? Please share your configuration if you can.�
Mar 16, 2016
digicool Huh.. what did you try to say here? Pain what? There was no pain at the event..
That sounds like a fact.. were you part of Tesla learning team? How do you know what they took back?
They call this poor planning and bad execution. Customers will wait for 2 years but not without frustration and disappointment. Granted that the customer has a choice to pull the reservation out and move on (which some people did), that is not what is expected of cult companies/products like Tesla.
Everyone understands and appreciates how complex are these cars and that is why people are willing to pay the high price. Such high price also demands high grade of service (prompt communication being part of that) which is lacking at the moment from Tesla.�
Mar 16, 2016
pvogel @ankitmishra, actually, initial delivery expectations were set at late 2013.
Yes, they said that about Model S, and, in hindsight and with full knowledge of the past year's worth of content in the forums here I understand that things are slotted in higher value first, etc. but that wasn't the way the general public who vaguely followed Tesla understood the ordering.
You are being far too tolerant of Tesla's decision process -- yes, much of this was driven by shareholder concerns (and as a shareholder with significant stake, that matters to me) but as one CEO I respect used to put it to me, we're not going to do something stupid just because wall street expects it since it will reduce long term value. That's what I think Tesla did here -- they made some stupid short-term decisions -- certainly not fatal or of significant impact so far, but I do think they have done brand damage.
I think what we ALL want (particularly shareholders) is for Tesla to get their $#!+ together before model 3, which as a mass-market product will be a much more significant hit to their brand if they get it wrong.�
Mar 16, 2016
ABCCBA @ankitmishra - my question to you is: Why do you think that Tesla Motors sits on a pedestal above all other 'mediocre' automobile manufactures?
I would argue, if Tesla Motors was truly a revolutionary company on the 'bleeding edge' of automotive technology, and better than their peers, they would have had the knowledge and passion to ensure that their products were equal to or better than the other choices that free market consumers have, not just have more technological functionality.�
Mar 16, 2016
nienco2 love that phrase
Mar 16, 2016
At the same time let's not forget Tesla has only been making cars in the last decade and is still only 1%~2% the size and revenue of those established auto makers. It has very limited resources to do everything everyone wants it to do.�
Mar 17, 2016
SMSMD Thanks for making me aware of the IGNORE LIST.. one added , I totally agree with you, except for the private posts in the TM Ankit is every where, he responds to your post on TMC as well as TM, same rhetoric.I am sonow I have the ignore list.
Mar 17, 2016
aija SigX 649 My detailer had the same issue. Tesla SC sent a tech over to the shop as they couldn't get the door to close. The tech said he needed to replace a faulty latch. When I picked the car up the front window wasn't closing properly, so I called the SC and they walked me through a relatively quick and easy recalibration procedure. Roll window down and continue holding button for 3 seconds after window is all the way down, then repeat for up (apparently same on Model S) - all good now.
Interesting that you were able to resolve the closed/timed-out door latch on your own - good to know! How (and why) do you need to manually roll the window down to get the door to close?�
Mar 17, 2016
ModelXBoy Definitely no regret of getting the X. Model X is the only car i have been waiting for almost 2 years for. The only thing i don't like is the whole delivery process is the communication issue with the DS. I am in the dark pretty much most of the time and I think if communication is getting better, the overall experience will increase tremendously.�
Mar 17, 2016
brucet999 That door latch failure seems to be a not uncommon problem. Same thing happened last month to another TMC member when he was showing off his X to a group of Model S owners in Orange County. Several minutes with Customer Support and a lot of angst before it was able to be latched.�
Mar 17, 2016
Gizmotoy I hope things get better for you. These two paragraphs stuck out to me.
I've seen those videos and pictures as well. Red carpets and bows and so forth. Hats, jackets, or mugs as thanks. That kind of thing. I picked my Model S up at the factory hoping for only a picture of my car with the red Tesla wall in the background. I got a delivery under a white backyard pop-up tent instead of the delivery center, a 30 second walk-through, and a 'see ya later.' No goodies. I couldn't even get the car out of the tent it was parked so close to the poles and I was unfamiliar with the car and afraid to scratch it. Having a delivery cancelled after signing is worse, but there are others who have had terrible deliveries.
Regarding the SC, I hope that gets better. I've had good luck with mine, and they've been helpful and friendly. Awhile back they staffed up heavily with people from traditional dealerships (which makes sense), but that seemed to coincide with a general decline in service. I haven't been in recently to judge for myself (my annual is next week), but I hope it's better than your experience.
Best of luck getting this taken care of.�
Mar 17, 2016
Darryl My SC delivered the car back to where they picked it up today. It was suppose to be yesterday but they told me they didn't have anyone to follow them to bring them back to the SC. Every time I have been at the SC there has been a lot of people just standing around. It is not like they are real busy. In three months they have only delivered maybe three production X's. To have a customer wait an extra day because they didn't have anyone to give them a ride back to the SC is not good customer service. They could have taken a cab. It is only seven miles. I am just glad I have "her" back or at least in the hands of my detailer.
Mar 17, 2016
Have you looked into your state's lemon laws?�
Mar 18, 2016
Aljohn @ Daryll ....There seems to be a common sequence with the drivers door issue -- It is reported in this thread -- Driver door won't open or close completely. All the problems seem to occur at the detail shop where the door is open for extended time. The fix is also listed since the door looses its calibration being open more than 30 mins. The procedure to for the driver to calibrate the door is in the thread... several report that it works and only takes a few mins.
Since your X was returned to the detail shop, the door issue may recur if they leave the door open for an extended time again. Just to make you aware, if not already.�
Mar 18, 2016
SMSMD @Daryll ..1+ that, infact during Meet the Model X event one of the Tesla service person said the exact same thing and one of the Models had the all the doors disabled and kept open for inspection by the invitees to the Event. Also the Key fob would discharge if kept close by in the detail shop , just a FYI , you have been through this so much you may know all this.�
Mar 18, 2016
Sunlight Reading the MX stuff like this thread and the 'How Tesla has alienated loyal customers'. makes the whole
resignation/firing of Ricardo Reyes as the Tesla communications fellow explicable!�
Mar 18, 2016
ModelXBoy The only thing i regret of buying a Model X is the wait time. Other than that, it is a must purchase gadget on wheel!�
Mar 18, 2016
dwebb66 I keep telling people that this is the physically latest gadget that I could afford.�
Mar 19, 2016
Mclark Wow! Sounds like a very very horrible experience thus far. My only experience so far has been positive. In fact, I recently received notice that my X may be ahead of schedule. I was hoping that production would be a little slower after reading all the issues with the latest cars off the production line. Fingers crossed.�
Mar 19, 2016
Mclark Of the owners who took delivery recently, are there still issues with the falcon wing doors closing properly? I met a Model X owner recently and he was gracious enough to show me some of the ins and outs of his car. When he got to the rear doors, it took about 4 tries before the door would close properly. That worried me a bit, which is what prompted me to seek more answers on here.�
Mar 19, 2016
SMSMD During my Test drive ...There were rain drops on the roof of the Red Model X. Once the FWD opened up water dripped on the second row seats, these are perforated seats, I was concerned, so was the Tesla Rep. I sat in the second row and moved over to the adjacent seat, I opened the FWD from inside to see what happens, my thigh got wet, it was dripping from previously accumulated rain drops., I thought it was acceptable, have to be conscious when it rains or snows, I don�t know how it will affect the perforated seats as these get heated and ventilated. The FWD on passenger side only half opened, had to mind my head.
IMO: Second rows seats movement and FWD have their own mind. if these issues are persistent in the Test Drive vehicles, which apparently were fixed, I really don�t know what to comment.�
Mar 19, 2016
omarsultan Reportedly, one of the running changes was new door seals. We picked up our MX last week during a torrential downpour and there was no issues with water coming in via the FWDs.�
Mar 19, 2016
Mclark Thanks for the insight. It has been raining a lot recently so it is worrisome. When the Model X owner demonstrated the Falcon door for me, the door kept stopping about 3qtrs way down, and twice seem to overlap the rear fender as it failed to close. He had not seen this happen often as he rarely has passengers. He took delivery in February. My original delivery date was a few months out, but I received notice that production may be completed as early as the first week of April. Keeping my fingers crossed on this. I've been such a satisfied Model S owner, I'm hoping this will be the same.�
Mar 19, 2016
Mclark Omarsultan, any issues with panel fitment on your MX?�
Mar 19, 2016
omarsultan No, fit and finish are very good.�
Mar 19, 2016
Marcos None, and they have gotten a huge workout. First of all, it's the soccer carpool-mobile, so in and out several times a day, with a car packed with kids. First time I took it to the kids' school, about 20 kids swarmed it and opened and closed ALL the doors in the car (including trunk and frunk) dozens of times. I literally let them crawl all over the car for 30 minutes, pressing any button they wanted except "drive". The sensors got a stress test as well, and everything performed brilliantly.
I found the car flawless, but I'm also not as detail-focused as other people. So unless it was a glaring problem, I'd probably miss it. Now we're getting rain tonight and tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to testing out the seals to see if any water gets into the car when the doors are open. (Soccer practice isn't cancelled because of rain.)�
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