May 2, 2016
eclipxe That's all.�
May 3, 2016
DJung That would be awesome! But may I ask how you got this information?�
May 3, 2016
richardw0000 Could you share the source of your information?�
May 3, 2016
Alex D Spotify in the US | Tesla Motors�
May 3, 2016
Joetnr1 Yes please�
May 6, 2016
islandbayy As long as I get to keep my slacker. If slacker goes away.... C'mon....
May 6, 2016
DJung Genuinely curious, is there a specific reason you prefer Slacker over Spotify? I always though Slacker was a bit lacking and erratic. You can't use the slider to fast forward or rewind, you can't go back to the previous song, and it would be playing jazz one minute and play heavy metal the next. I would ask it to play a certain artist and one or two songs later it switches to someone completely different, and sometimes in a totally different genre. The EU vehicles with Spotify have a much better UI, and I believe that Spotify has 320 kbps audio vs 128 kbps on Slacker. Not to bash on Slacker (I mean, it's free) but it is pretty wonky, especially in the music prediction aspect (unlike something like Pandora).�
May 8, 2016
Gizmotoy After nearly 3 years I gave up waiting for Spotify integration and switched to Apple Music to save some money (family plans). Figures they finally decide to go through with this.
Wonder if they'll gift us the subscriptions by replacing Slacker, or if they'll just enable the app they have in other markets to be used with our own credentials.�
May 8, 2016
Petra Still not Pandora... Heck, I'd be happy if Tesla could even give us an app to control Pandora on my phone over Bluetooth (ya know, like every Accord from like 2013 on can do).�
May 9, 2016
gregincal I'm pretty sure that's not the case. Tesla provides an in-car only Spotify account where they support Spotify just like they do with Slacker in the US.�
May 9, 2016
jeffro01 I have no complaints with Slacker so Spotify better be just as good. I have yet to find a song I can't listen to on Slacker but I read all the time about new music not being on Spotify for one reason or another...
May 9, 2016
Mike K I think people that compare Spotify to Slacker aren't understanding that Spotify is basically like having your entire music library with you at any time. Slacker's ability to call up any song on demand is fun but the moment that song is over it just starts playing related music which is often not related to the original song at all.
With Spotify I can call up a song and play that entire artist's collection, or a particular album or even my own playlists. Spotify is essentially access to everything on demand. Slacker is not, at least on the Tesla.�
May 9, 2016
RDoc What might be even better is if they just fixed their browser so all these services and much more besides were available. Chrome is free.�
May 9, 2016
jeffro01 Perhaps it isn't "fun" for you but I'm not looking for the artists entire collection. I want to listen to X song so I press the button and say "play X song" and it plays it after I tap it in the search box. I also don't have an issue with what it plays next either 99% of the time as it's usually more than in the ball park per the original song.
If Spotify doesn't offer that then I have no desire to have my service switched from Slacker.
May 9, 2016
gregincal You can definitely do that, but you can also listen to whole albums instead of individual songs, which you can't do today.�
May 9, 2016
wayner So you mean allow streaming services via the browser? I don't know that they would want to do that unless they could limit the bitrate. Some people might abuse this and stream very high bitrate content that would chew through tons of data.�
May 11, 2016
eclipxe Yeah this is all around a bad idea. The Spotify site (and others) are not optimized for in-car use.�
May 12, 2016
Joetnr1 There seems to be some confusion on what Spotify does. The answer is, everything. You can access just about every song/artist that you can imagine, create your own playlists, listen to other users playlists, and play full albums. Also in the app is Spotify Radio which does exactly the same thing as Slacker, except it doesn't stink.
C'mon, you don't notice that Slacker pools from like 50 songs when you select an artist??? It's terrible. Those that enjoy Slacker I assume just use it as background music. (which is TOTALLY fine) You're obviously not noticing that the same songs repeat every single day if you don't change the artist or album.
I've said it about 20 times on this board but the lack of Spotify is the one issue I have with my Model S. Bring it on.�
May 12, 2016
msnow Slacker also allows for higher bit rates, you just have to turn it in.�
May 12, 2016
CurrentRide I paid for the upgraded audio in my MX and am aggravated by the poor sound quality of Slacker compared to HD FM radio. Maybe it would be less noticeable with the standard audio, but it is horribly obvious with the high fidelity system, and I am not even an audiophile.
Hopefully Spotify has a higher bit rate.�
May 12, 2016
rfmurphy81 You can email ServiceHelpNA to obtain your Slacker credentials. There's a few settings via the Slacker website; one of them was using maximum audio quality.�
May 12, 2016
CurrentRide Thank you! I will give it a try.�
May 13, 2016
clx Has anyone experienced audio stuttering for Slacker? From time to time (quite often when listening to Slacker and using Auto Pilot), the music will have glitches/skips/quick pauses, it sounded like when playing music from a computer and the CPU suddently being used 100% and doesn't have resource to decode the music for a brief second.
Hopefully Spotify won't have the same issue...�
May 16, 2016
Todd Burch Yes, this has been around since 7.0 or so--it's purely a software bug, so it *is* fixable. Hopefully they'll actually fix it...�
May 16, 2016
anxman Very excited for built in Spotify. This is the feature I've been wanting most.�
May 16, 2016
Boatguy Slacker and TuneIn are both streamed, why would they need to limit the bitrate for Pandora or Spotify?�
May 16, 2016
Majerus Tested this a while back and changing the setting didnt seem to increase the quality in the car.
Slacker Radio (US) Streaming - 320 Kbps Bitrate Support�
May 16, 2016
Canuck Interesting. I thought I heard a difference after I changed the settings from my desktop but it was probably the placebo effect.
Also, I note the title of this thread is: "Spotify for the US coming end of Summer" then it has a link to this as the source:
Spotify in the US | Tesla Motors
Which reads:
"For those interested, It appears that Tesla is entering a band width test phase with Spotify for the US. They point to a late summer roll out to replace Slacker. This info comes from a very reliable source inside Spotify Product Development Team."
Assuming the OP at the Tesla Motors forum has correct information from the very reliable source (which is a big assumption to make) it is qualified with the word "appears".
I think the word "rumour" (or "rumor" for you US folks) or maybe "speculation" (since we both spell it the same way) should be added to the title of this thread.�
May 16, 2016
CurrentRide I just tested this after getting back from a business trip. The higher bit rate seems much better to me, with a depth and detail that was lacking previously.�
May 17, 2016
doctorwho I hope that this means that Tesla do some work on the Spotify app (but I'm not holding my breath). I use my own Spotify Premium account, the car app regularly loses my playlists. It's like it only has limited memory and can only buffer the playlists that fit on the screen - all the others (not visible but accessible by scrolling down) disappear. This requires a re-login. So does a playlist update, unlike my phone and Mac Spotify apps it doesn't happen automatically. I also can't add playlists from the car app.
What is cool though is that I can effectively use Spotify on my phone as a remote control, anyone in the car can select a tune and play it through the car. This will only work with a Spotify Premium account though, not the default Tesla account that is provided�
Jun 2, 2016
srthomas21 Slacker is terrible. Sure you can call up any song but the related songs it plays after are limited and if you create a Radio station it tends to play the same music over and over. Spotify will be a HUGE upgrade.
I just wish they'd fix the stinking iphone / android integration so I could easily just control the app from the screen. I listen to podcasts a lot and it sucks having to constantly go to the phone to skip ahead, change podcasts etc. Then when you get out of the car and come back in you have to press 3 buttons on the screen then open the phone app again to get it going again. My CTS would just pick right back up where it left off without having to do anything.
Love everything about the car except the terrible phone integration/media player.�
Aug 22, 2016
MileHighMotoring So summer ends in 2 weeks, by the most liberal interpretation. I'm crossing my fingers. Slacker (at least the app) is the pits IMO, and it's caused a lot of havoc on my car's electronics.�
Aug 22, 2016
msnow Love Slacker! It's awesome.�
Aug 22, 2016
CmdrThor Summer ends in one month. September 21 is the last day of summer in 2016.�
Aug 22, 2016
srthomas21 Please let this still happen. I reaffirm my opinion that Slacker is an inferior product in every way to Spotify.�
Aug 22, 2016
2virgule5 Considering the need to write a specific App its launch may coincide with a major Firmware revision aka 8.0...�
Aug 22, 2016
msnow Some of the posters from Europe that have it don't like it. I don't remember all the reasons but there are several posts on the topic.�
Aug 22, 2016
srthomas21 Don't they already have this done for Europe though? Unless they are changing the app it seems like they would already have it ready to go.�
Aug 22, 2016
MileHighMotoring Nothing pleases everyone, but lots of people don't like Slacker or the Tesla app for it..�
Aug 22, 2016
srthomas21 And I think I read an article on 8.0 that said they didn't think Spotify would be included.
Exclusive on Tesla 8.0 update: new Autopilot features, biggest UI refresh since launch and much more�
Aug 22, 2016
srthomas21 My biggest gripe with Slacker is the variety of music it plays is very limited. It doesn't do a good job creating playlists based on your music tastes and then tends to repeat the songs on the station over and over.�
Aug 22, 2016
msnow True but they were saying the Tesla app that was written for it lacked basic functionality. I think they previously had rdio.�
Aug 22, 2016
supratachophobia It's the end of summer�
Aug 23, 2016
Cnasty Agreed. Its fantastic imo and integrated beautifully into the Tesla�
Aug 26, 2016
Atebit Slacker works great for me, discovered a lot of new music using it. You can adjust the frequency of new artists/songs, and how often your favorites play (or don't play) from the web site.
I've spent 2.5 years building the artists on my Slacker stations... Spotify had better be in addition to rather than instead of Slacker.�
Aug 27, 2016
Cal1 Not sure why someone hasn't pointed out that the current Slacker version we get in our cars is a modified cheap version, not a premium edition. It's better than the free edition but to be able to get better playlists, go backward and forwards you have to go to a premium edition (additional cost). Why do yo think the Spotify Tesla will be providing will be any better than the current Slacker version?�
Aug 27, 2016
Az_Rael Maybe they will just provide the app functionality and you could add your own Spotify account to it - that would be awesome. I suspect more folks already have Spotify premium accounts vs Slacker (I know I do). Wonder how it works for the overseas cars already using it.�
Aug 27, 2016
mikeash Spotify replaced Rdio in the overseas cars that have it, but that's because Rdio went out of business. I don't think anyone has yet gotten Spotify where the previous service is still around, so it remains to be seen whether it'll be an add-on or a replacement. Here's hoping it's an add-on. I don't really care for Slacker, but choice is good!
@Cal1, I imagine the built-in Spotify account will be similarly crippled, but I already have a paid Spotify account that I'd like to use in the car as well.�
Aug 28, 2016
wayner But I find that it really has a limited selection before repeating. For example, I have Bruce Springsteen set up as one of my favorites. It plays Bruce songs and other songs but it starts repeating songs after only a couple of hours of play. That makes no sense given the size of Bruce's discography, not to mention the other artists that it mixes in. My experience with Spotify for this is way better as you don't get as much repetition.
Slacker also has certain artists that it really, really likes for some reason. I tend to get a lot of Bad Company and Steely Dan when playing Artist favorites for other artists like Bruce, Rolling Stones, Neil Young, etc. It isn't that I don't like their songs but they seem way over-represented and the only explanation I can use is that their songs are cheaper for Slacker to play than other artists.�
Aug 30, 2016
Gizmotoy The sheer amount of repetition is surprising. It's not just over long drives, either. I have a 30 minute drive to work and left it set to a "Foo Fighters - Everlong" search for a week. Every day on the drive to and from work the first song played would be Everlong (this is fine, given the search), but at least 2 of the following songs would be repeats from the last time I was in the car. At the end of the week, I realized I wasn't hearing any new songs, just songs I'd heard earlier in the week. If I wanted the exact same playlist every morning I'd just listen to a Top 40 terrestrial station. The lack of diversity is extremely surprising.
Would be pretty excited to abandon it for Spotify.�
Aug 30, 2016
chillaban I guess when I had Sirius XM, I would literally listen to the same 3 stations every day with the same repetitive playlists. Slacker has been a great free approximation of that for me, and it saves me from dealing with the annoying sales staff every 6 months to prevent a humongous renewal bill.
I would be excited too for Spotify, but I guess I don't mind Slacker too much for now.�
Aug 30, 2016
ldgrmnmc Do you have the Plus version or the top tiered Premium membership for Slacker? thanks�
Aug 30, 2016
Marc_GA Isn't that the Fall Equinox? It's Sept 22 this year.
Aug 30, 2016
supratachophobia 23 days, they are on notice.�
Aug 31, 2016
RDoc Is that corrected for Elon Time Dilation?�
Aug 31, 2016
supratachophobia Are you kidding? That's a thing of the past! He started at 9pm sharp at the Gigafactory opening speech. Tesla-Time is broken, hooray!�
Aug 31, 2016
Whistle2Whine OMG, if they should just give us Spotify before my car gets here, that'd be the perfect little delivery-time present for me (Well, and a Jacket or Polo)
Sep 4, 2016
SG57 I can confirm the presence of a "spotify" boolean value in the existing rest API under version 2 at the end point "/log". Looks like Spotify is in fact on her way.�
Sep 4, 2016
supratachophobia Wow, great detective work.�
Sep 4, 2016
Cnasty I hope they don't take away Slacker due to this.�
Sep 4, 2016
Ingineer I recently saw an EAP release of 8.0 (US) and they have redone the media player, and I can confirm there is no longer a Slacker. It has been replaced with Spotify.�
Sep 4, 2016
Cnasty Ugggh
Spotify is average at best unless you pay and I don't pay for music.
So unless tesla is paying premiums for all owners, color me unimpressed.�
Sep 4, 2016
eye.surgeon They will be paying. They currently pay for slacker�
Sep 4, 2016
eye.surgeon Can you give us any more details on how the revised media player looks/works? Any improvements in iphone integration?�
Sep 4, 2016
chillaban Based off leaks and the Spotify help for Tesla owners, you do get a free Premium account but it can only be used in the car.�
Sep 4, 2016
Ingineer It looks good, but it's nothing earth shattering. Sorry, out of respect for the owner, I didn't want to get them in trouble by taking pictures.�
Sep 4, 2016
Cnasty Then I am happy again
Sep 4, 2016
Atebit I have the Tesla "standard" Plus subscription right now. I've been waiting for it to expire to upgrade, but so far Tesla hasn't shut off the Slacker gravy train.
I would certainly be willing to try Spotify. I thought Pandora was da bomb before Tesla introduced me to Slacker. I just want the option to choose. If Tesla is going to whack my Slacker account, I'd like the option to transfer it to a "personal" account first to preserve my stations.�
Sep 5, 2016
Model S M.D. Few more details via Electrek just to add to the above:
Tesla to soon release Spotify app integration in its vehicles in the US�
Sep 6, 2016
JMG Haha, I have the exact same radio station and I completely agree. It always starts with Everlong and goes through the same rotation.�
Sep 9, 2016
ldgrmnmc I pay for Slacker Radio Plus ($5/month----not premium), and I have found it to be superior to Pandora which suffers from intense repetition. If Spotify is coming, I hope we can keep Slacker also.�
Sep 9, 2016
RDoc I pay for Spotify both to get the better quality and no ads, and to support the artists. IMHO, if you listen to the music you should pay the piper.�
Sep 13, 2016
drewfaulk Did you happen to notice if it got any more station presets? I know this is a controversial subject, with many arguing it's unnecessary, but I personally have more than 6 stations I like to listen to on XM....�
Sep 13, 2016
wayner For internet radio don't you have Favorites rather than presets? I have well over a dozen favorites for Slacker, many of them artists based like "Bruce Springsteen" and others are the pre-canned Genre channels on Slacker like "Traditional Blues". I don't know that there really is a finite limit for these.�
Sep 13, 2016
ldgrmnmc Are there any rumors about us losing TuneIn in version 8.0?�
Sep 13, 2016
drewfaulk Sorry. I'm referring to the number of FM/XM presets. I also have dozens of "favorites" on Internet radio.�
Sep 13, 2016
Gizmotoy Not that I've heard. Slacker, yes, but nothing about TuneIn.�
guest You still use FM/XM??? I let my XM sub lapse after I bought my Tesla as I consider Slacker to be way superior to XM, unless you want specific content that is only on XM.�
guest I do, and I've found it useful on trips where there is poor LTE coverage. Slacker would not work for long stretches between DC and Atlanta and between Atlanta and Orlando for lack of signal. I also like having the audio from the major TV news stations (CNN, Fox, etc.), comedy channels, morning shows.... I love slacker and use it quite a bit, but when it starts to repeat tracks too much or cut out from poor cell coverage, I'll jump over to XM. Seems to me that one is not superior to another empirically, but that the two compliment each other well.�
guest Fair enough - my backup for no signal is downloading some music to my phone via the Spotify app.�
guest TuneIn will get you CNN, Fox, local and national radio stations and thousands more. You'll lose Howard Stern though but it's not worth paying that price just for that.�
guest This is GREAT NEWS because I already have a Spotify Premium account and would love to access my music in the car seamlessly. Not only that, but Spotify actually has a database of music comparable to iTunes. Almost anything you could ask for is there, unlike Slacker.�
guest I think you are missing the significance of the cell phone data bit for wanting XM. Sure Tunein is awesome, but living here in the desert, I can drive hours with zero signal. I actually drive through two cell phone "holes" every day during my commute making all streaming services annoying when they cut out. The drive through the Nevada desert or out to Phoenix all involve long hauls of no cell data.�
guest The only potential problem I see is that Tesla's implementation of Spotify will likely NOT have local storage for music, so access to your library would be dependent on a cellular or wifi signal. However, Spotify on my phone downloads music locally to my phone. I suppose if there is no signal, I could switch to my phone via Bluetooth as backup.�
guest You're right, I missed that issue in the post.�
guest Interesting, I've done DC -> Charlotte, Charlotte -> Atlanta, Charlotte -> Orlando a couple times without 3G outages. However, I keep a USB stick in my car with my local library for the few times I do hit an outage (rarely happens). I also have Slacker and Pandora on my phone for Bluetooth streaming if VZW has service while AT&T does not.�
guest Slacker on my iPhone also prefetches about 5 songs ahead, so some small holes don't cause a blip (unless I wanted to skip all 5 songs). Glad to hear Spotify could do more (if you use your own account).�
guest I can only speak to my experience, of course, but it happens frequently enough to warrant a backup. I don't even have strong coverage in parts of my neighborhood (metro Atlanta), and have had issues connecting to internet radio occasionally until I pull out of the neighborhood onto a cross street.�
guest I don't doubt you run into dead zones (I have a few I sometimes run into as well). When you do, are they seconds - up to 5 min long, or are they more than 5 minutes long? The few I run into are small enough that 20-30 seconds later I have service again, so many times I don't notice them if the whole song already was downloaded (vs. partial downloads that do NOT restart).�
guest The one in my neighborhood won't work at all between the top of my street and the front of the neighborhood, but definitely less than 5 minutes. The outages we experienced driving from DC to Atlanta lasted over 5 minutes for sure. Likely longer, but we gave up on internet radio and turned on XM, so I can't say how long it persisted. Between Atlanta and Orlando, there were multiple instances of it cutting out for a few minutes at a time (probably none over 5 mins, but the frequency made it impossible to listen to), and eventually we gave up on it and switched to satellite.�
guest Yes! I have been asking about this. I asked one of the tech guys at the 800 number and he was pretty curt and matter of fact about it not happening. I even mentioned that fact that when I rent a car, that Pandora is built in. When going to the apps screen in the S, it sure is a lonely looking screen!�
guest On the US support site of Spotify they have a section for Tesla.
Tesla - Spotify
I'm curious about the journey specific music recommendations. Would be cool if they detected where you were going and started to play music from that area as you got closer.![]()
I'm also curious about what they mean about "Connect to other devices".�
guest Here's my short review (so far) on 8.0:
Slacker and TuneIn still there. No Spotify in US spec.�
guest *can't bring himself to dislike an Ingineer post.�
guest Me too. When we drove Route 66, we made a playlist of songs that mention it. Would be neat to have something like that generated automatically. If I set course for Sausalito, would I get some Otis Redding (Sittin' On) The Dock of the Bay?
Boo. Dislike the content, not the post.
I'd be super excited if they just turned Spotify on without providing credentials. I can pay for my own Spotify account, I don't care, I just want it. Keep buying Slacker for everyone and make Spotify a paid option if that's what it takes.�
guest I wouldn't freak out yet. I work in a similar industry and it's EXTREMELY hard to get music and other content services out to beta testers before an official contract date. It might even be infeasible for a lot of employees.
I would not be surprised if external beta testers are getting Slacker and the long term plan is to unveil Spotify soon after 8.0 then flip the switch for everyone....�
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