Apr 3, 2013
ddruz Haven't seen a post on this in a long time. Wondering if I can cross this off the Punch List I moderate over at the Telsa forum.
Recent car recipients: Do you have an ambient light buzzing when the lights are turned down low?
Original car recipients: Has your ambient light buzzing problem been resolved?
Apr 3, 2013
mknox Mine don't buzz, but I have not yet found out how to dim them in the first place. Do they dim with the slider that dims the screens? If so, I do have my screens dimmed and no buzzing that I can hear.�
Apr 3, 2013
FlasherZ Mine still buzz, but it's only really perceptible between songs and when climate control is running at low or off, and even then you have to strain to hear it. As you move the brightness slider you can hear the buzzing change. For me it occurs when the brightness slider is below 70% or so.�
Apr 3, 2013
mknox So the screen brightness slider adjusts the ambients too? I didn't realize that. Mine seem fairly bright even when I have the screens dimmed down at night. I'll have to check and see if that's how mine work. Maybe Tesla fixed the problem by just having the ambients either on or off with no dimming???�
Apr 3, 2013
DrComputer That would be the simple fix but it doesn't seem like they've implemented that yet (I don't know why).�
Apr 3, 2013
brianman My Sig Perf still buzzes when the ambients are on and the screens are below some threshold %age of brightness. I turn the ambients on periodically, sigh that the issue isn't fixed, then turn them back off. Unavailable-because-it-costs-more-than-it's-worth features are like a mild headache that just won't go away.�
Apr 3, 2013
EarlyAdopter No buzzing here. Built second week of January.�
Apr 3, 2013
NigelM Still buzzing.�
Apr 3, 2013
vcor No buzzing for me. Built 3rd week of January.�
Apr 3, 2013
ddenboer When you say no buzzing here, please make sure it is dark, you are in night mode, and your screen brightness is way down (10% of less in my case).
Buzzing galore in that situation...�
Apr 4, 2013
mknox Checked mine last night in the garage. I didn't realize the ambients dimmed with the screen, but see that they, in fact, do. I have no buzzing at all at any screen dimming setting (at least that I could hear).�
Apr 4, 2013
pilotSteve Mine buzz loudly when night brightness is set below 20%. I have to leave Ambient off.
Asked at the service center if there was a fix yet, and the Service Manager said "no, not that he's heard of". Waiting.....�
Apr 4, 2013
ddruz I'm wondering if they possibly fixed the problem at some point such that cars above a certain VIN no longer have it and only earlier cars do.
Hopefully others will continue to post so we can see if this hypothesis holds up.�
Apr 4, 2013
FlasherZ I would be happy if the ambient lights were simply not dimmed and were either on or off. The brightness of them isn't something that needs to be adjusted, at least not in my car.�
Apr 4, 2013
mknox That's actually how I thought they worked until I tried them out last night. They did dim in concert with the dash setting on my old Cadillac...�
Apr 4, 2013
walla2 I'm on 4.3 and mine still buzz at below 80% (Sig Performance, Delivered in Dec 2012).�
Apr 4, 2013
brianman Agreed.�
Apr 5, 2013
joepruitt I'm a sig holder as well (Oct 2012) and still have the buzzing anywhere below 80% running the 4.3 firmware. My only solution is to turn it off. I've told support about it but they said they don't have a solution yet. Really nice feature that I wish I could use.
Apr 5, 2013
efusco Just confirmed, no fix yet, with my service tech while he was here.�
Apr 5, 2013
mknox I imagine it'll be a hardware fix. My car, delivered about a month ago, does not exhibit this behavior on either 4.2 or 4.3 firmware.�
Apr 5, 2013
EarlyAdopter Just ran down to double check. Confirmed - no buzzing under those conditions. I can slide up and down from 100% to 0% and back and forth in night mode and hear no buzzing.�
Apr 5, 2013
ddruz Thanks for the feedback everyone. It is looking like cars with VINs above a certain number were built with a fix while those below are still waiting resolution. Perhaps more people will chime in to confirm or refute the hypothesis further. If the hypothesis holds perhaps we can get an idea around what VIN the fix was implemented in new builds.�
Apr 6, 2013
DrComputer Did you make sure the ambient lights were on? Even though you turn the screen manually to night mode, the headlights must be on for the ambient lights to come on.�
Apr 6, 2013
bluetinc Hey Ddruz, thanks for all the work!
My car has the buzz, P001766.
Apr 6, 2013
ibcs I was told the fix required the main 17" screen to be replaced. I'm vin #513 and the Columbus service center has it on order to be replaced. I will report back after repair is scheduled and completed. p
No worries as Tesla is standing behind their Model S.
Apr 6, 2013
walla2 Wow. Screen replacements planned/required on the first several thousand VIN's? That sounds kind of expensive.�
Apr 6, 2013
ShortArc Still buzzing.
No way this will be a SW fix.
Screen or LED driver/power electronics replacement sounds much more plausible.�
Apr 6, 2013
William13 I don't care if there is a buzz. I changed the settings and eliminated it long ago. I doubt I or most owners will want to replace the screen to eliminate the buzz.
Every time you fix one thing, you can hurt other things.
Only fix if you are bothered.�
Apr 7, 2013
mknox Re-checked mine last night. I could see the ambients and dash lights go up and down in unison with the slider. Absolutely no buzzing or noise that I can hear with the dash in either day or night mode anywhere from 0 to 100%.�
Apr 8, 2013
EarlyAdopter Yes, of course. I watched the ambient lighting rev up and down in brightness as I moved the slider for dash illumination level. No buzzing at all.�
Apr 8, 2013
Rodolfo Paiz Just spent a little while testing this on my car (P6649, built in early March). Happy to report no buzzing whatsoever, regardless of display brightness.�
Apr 8, 2013
nrcooled I never had the buzzing on my car (built late Dec 2012)�
Apr 8, 2013
Doug_G I checked mine last night. Is it fixed?
Apr 8, 2013
mknox I believe you mentioned already having a screen replacement, no? It was speculated earlier in this thread that the culprit is the 17" display.�
Apr 8, 2013
Doug_G Yes, mine was replaced.�
Jun 21, 2013
apacheguy I just took mine in for annual service and I mentioned the ambient light buzzing as an ongoing issue. They told me that it would be addressed in a software update - nothing about replacing the 17" which is what I was expecting.�
Jun 21, 2013
brianman Which version are you on?�
Jun 21, 2013
apacheguy Currently the .44 release of 4.5. We'll see if the service techs upgrade it.�
Jun 21, 2013
Jrhodesmd Not fixed. Is a ballast issue in earlier cars. Sure hope it is fixed in software soon.�
Jun 21, 2013
Blurry_Eyed I have a P85+ loaner car right now (VIN # 11,264) and it doesn't appear to have the ambient light buzzing issue. The fan is on, so maybe it's covering up the sound (It's running 4.5 software version .44). I'll check it again tonight, but compared to my Sig (VIN 532), the buzzing seems much reduced, if not eliminated. My Sig still has it, but I told service about it when I took it in this week and they are seeing what they can do.�
Jun 21, 2013
brianman Take good care of her.
Jun 22, 2013
Blurry_Eyed Been very respectful of her and we have been out a few times to really stretch her legs!
Update on the lights - After further testing, in my opinion there isn't any buzzing related to the ambient lighting in the loaner car I'm driving. I tested out all the different levels of brightness last night, tried it with the lights in Day, Night and Auto as well as with the Ambient lights on and off. The buzzing level did not change at all. But I will say there was a low level of buzzing that was constant regardless of any changes I made above. It's not as prominent as the Ambient light buzzing I get in my Sig, but it's there. I also get a similar buzzing sound in my Sig with the ambient lights off, so maybe it's just something that is inherent with the way the car is setup.
Once I get my car back from service next week I'll do some testing on it to see if my perceived level of buzzing without the ambient lights was the same, more or less than the loaner car.
Also I have some observations on both the handling/ride (P85 vs. P85+) and the sound systems (std. sound vs. Studio sound package) that I'll post at some point in time in the relevant threads.�
Sep 6, 2013
RclKag My drivers door ambient light does not come on, the other 3 doors are on.
It comes on when I open the door, so it it hooked up.
Is this Normal ?�
Sep 7, 2013
ddruz Mine are all on. Sounds like there might be a glitch in your car.�
Sep 13, 2013
pilotSteve My screen was replaced due to blue tooth reception problems (told that the BT antenna is integral to the center screen/computer module hence they replaced it). Good news: that *DID* fix the BT reception problem...... Bad News: Ambient lighting still buzzes *EXACTLY* the same as before.
Anybody had luck getting Tesla to address this problem?�
Sep 13, 2013
Doug_G I don't seem to have the buzzing any more. One of the software updates appears to have corrected it.�
Sep 14, 2013
DrComputer I'm not quite sure why they don't just fix this problem is software. All they need to do is decouple the dimming of the screen and the dimming of the ambient lights. If you turn on the ambient light option they should just come on at full brightness and they won't buzz. Not sure why this hasn't been done. I've been told by the LA service guys that Tesla does not plan to fix the hardware in the older cars that buzz. If that is truly the case then they need to implement this simple software fix.�
Sep 14, 2013
joepruitt I had my display replaced as well due to Bluetooth issues and its still buzzing for me. I have to keep it turned off which is a shame since its a nice feature...�
Sep 15, 2013
pilotSteve +1 DrComputer � I would be fine with full bright on the ambient lighting. I suspect however that there is only a single dimming circuit used for both the LCD backlights and the ambient lighting. That will be a hardware change if its the case.�
Sep 15, 2013
FlasherZ Mine was not fixed with the latest releases. Latest 5.0, buzzing still there at 30%.�
Sep 15, 2013
apacheguy Wow, that doesn't sound like the Tesla motto. Plus, if you have a service plan I don't see any reason why that wouldn't be covered as a hardware upgrade.�
Sep 16, 2013
mknox I'm assuming this must either be a hardware version thing, or the buzzing frequency is outside of my hearing range. I have never hear any kind of buzzing from my ambient lights at any dimmer level setting.�
Sep 16, 2013
jerry33 Ditto.�
Sep 17, 2013
NigelM Still buzzing here.....:frown:�
Sep 24, 2013
digitaltim Hmm...it stopped for me...not exactly sure when.
I will check my brightness settings and relay back.�
Nov 16, 2013
NigelM I suspect that many folks like me just dealt with this issue by setting screen brightness to >90%. Now the FW change in v5.6/8 makes the brightness change automatically, very smart but that means the buzzing comes on when the screen brightness changes <90%.
Options are now: turn off the ambient lights completely or manually reset the screen brightness from day to night every morning/evening.
Aaaaaaargh! :cursing:�
Nov 16, 2013
apacheguy Yeah, I'll be asking about this at my next service visit. I have the service plan which covers "hardware upgrades" so I feel that ambient lights should be included given that a newer version reduces the buzzing.�
Nov 16, 2013
brianman I haven't heard the buzzing in a while, and I leave my Night @ 25%. I dunno if they fixed it or if I just went tone deaf to that buzzing.�
Nov 17, 2013
jerry33 LOL. I never heard the buzzing to start with. I still don't hear it. I normally set night at 5% except in when it's still light and auto has switched to night mode, then it's 50%.�
Nov 17, 2013
NigelM It's horrible; had it early this morning after the screen defaulted back to auto (I think...) when the car was sleeping. So now I'm probably going to turn off the ambient lighting completely and call service on Monday.
Nov 17, 2013
Zextraterrestrial I was told that 5.8 fixed mine. service updated my car and when they went to check on my light buzzing they said it wasn't doing it. I just checked it and it is not fixed. I have had my ambient light off since day 1 because it is way buzzy and my screen is always dimmed.
Nov 18, 2013
mknox Same here (or should I say "hear"). Does anyone know if there was a physical change made at some point during production, or is it just that my old man ears can no longer hear that frequency?�
Nov 18, 2013
Doug_G Mine used to buzz, but do not anymore.
It's funny because some people never reported a buzzing noise, some people said it went away with a software upgrade, and some people say it's still there. This makes me think there might be two causes.
One possible cause would be Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) to adjust the brightness as you adjust the console dimmer. Many people reported that the buzzing stopped if you dialed the dimmer to maximum brightness. That makes sense because PWM would be fully on. I think Tesla fixed this by NOT dimming the armrest lights; that could easily be done in software. They are indirect lights in the first place and there's no real reason to dim them.
As for some people saying they still get buzzing, it's entirely possible that there are two potential sources for the noise. Perhaps there's a DC-to-DC converter somewhere that likes to buzz when they're on. That is something that could vary from car to car. If this were the case it would also be possible to fix it with a hardware modification, but if they did I sincerely doubt they'd put out a TSB for it.�
Nov 18, 2013
mknox Interesting. I'm going to have to check that out this evening. To be honest, I thought they were looking a little brighter than I recalled them being.
I wish Tesla would leave the footwell lighting on as part of the "ambient" package. They're not very bright to begin with and I think it adds something. My last car left dim footwell lighting on at night and it would brighten up when the doors were opened.�
Nov 18, 2013
NigelM I spoke to service today and our local manager understood it completely. He's raising it anew with engineering.
Maintaining screen brightness to avoid the buzzing is no longer an option due to the defaulting auto function; the only option seems to be to turn off the ambient lighting whenever it's dark...... :-(�
Nov 18, 2013
mknox Nope. They still brighten and dim with the slider setting on the 17". And still no buzzing sound from mine.�
Nov 18, 2013
Doug_G Hmm... Okay, i guess the only answer is "mileage may vary". Same as the balloon sound.�
Nov 18, 2013
DrComputer Yes, they still buzz. After every firmware upgrade I've tested to see if they've fix it and so far they have not. The simple fix will still be to decouple the dimming of the screen and dimming the ambient lights. Seems simple, but I'm sure it's a Z item on their list of things to fix. So like others, I've had them turned off since day one. Sad.�
Nov 18, 2013
mknox If they do decouple, I hope they provide a separate option for dimming the ambients. When I was testing it out this evening, I really didn't like them on full. Mine don't buzz and I think it must be something hardware-specific. It seems Tesla is replacing whole drive units at the drop of a hat for unusual noise... you'd think some defective interior lamps would be a no- brainer. Has anyone actually reported this to Service and had them replaced or received some sort of explanation?�
Nov 19, 2013
NigelM Please ask your local service center to open a ticket with engineering. The more input they get, the more chance that we get a tiny bit of hope on this one (esp as it only seems to concern earlier cars).�
Nov 19, 2013
DrComputer I have asked the LA service center on multiple occasions and have been told that Tesla is NOT planning on a hardware fix for existing cars. That doesn't make me happy. Maybe we need to escalate this up to Jerome with an e-mail. He has been responsive about other issues in the past.�
Nov 19, 2013
NigelM Same here with FL service; despite that I asked our Tampa manager to open it up again with engineering and he promised to do so. It's more annoying now because of the setting which defaults screen brightness to "auto" after the car sleeps; there's no solution except to turn off the ambient lights and never use them.�
Nov 19, 2013
NigelM Here's something new: I started the v5.8 update in my garage tonight, the ambient lights were on with the usual annoying buzzing; when the update started the buzzing stopped although screen brightness didn't change.
We'll see what happens at the end of the update but I suspect that the buzzing will still be there, no other update has fixed it.
Edit: post-update, the buzzing is still there. :-(�
Nov 20, 2013
brianman I have to correct myself here. I had forgotten that I turned off the Ambient light long ago (although it comes on when you open the doors). With my 25% display setting, I still get the buzz. Sorry for the confusion.
On the plus side, I guess my hearing hasn't degraded w/r/t to this frequency.
- - - Updated - - -
I have a theory on what caused this experience. When the doors are opened, the ambients (probably at full brightness) display without the buzzing. Only when the doors are closed and you're in "doors not recently open" mode does the buzzing happen for me. While the update is underway, your ambient lights were probably in the "doors recently opened" mode of full brightness and hence no buzzing.
The good news (and I swear I mentioned this to Tesla eons ago) is that this implies it should be possible to address this issue purely with software.�
Nov 20, 2013
Duckjybe I just got my car back from Toronto service and I had complained quietly about the ambient light buzz. They have resolved the problem but it seems like a rather involved fix including replacement of the door panels. Here is the work order:
Very nice to be able to finally use these lights for a bit of ambience.�
Nov 20, 2013
walla2 S1045 still buzzes on 5.8 below 85%. The whole door panel change that is quite a fix to get rid of the buzzing. Clearly, this is really a hardware problem as repeated efforts to fix it with software have failed, and they eliminated the offending hardware at some point to "fix" it in future cars.�
Nov 20, 2013
woof Just for more data, my ambient lighting still buzzes with 5.8. I just turn it off.�
Nov 21, 2013
Jrhodesmd Like Duckjybe, I too had been quietly (well not so quiet, just privately between Tesla and I) complaining about the buzzing. Yesterday they finally replaced the door lights, both front and rear, at the service center and I am now for the first time in 1 year buzz free.
Story I heard from SC - Tesla knows about the problem. However, the fix they initially had was to completely replace all 4 door panels in their entirety. This was way too expensive of a fix, so they had decided not to fix it. My Tesla guys here in Austin are great, advocated for me and I also wrote an email or two. They came up with a much less expensive fix of just replacing the lights, which works great. I had been saying all along they should just try a software fix of leaving the ambients at 100%, but I guess that wouldn't work, maybe all go through the same controller (I'm not an engineer....)�
Nov 21, 2013
NigelM I wrote to Jerome a couple of days back, still waiting on an answer to the buzzing issue. Also now I know there's a fix I can talk to our service manager and push harder for it.
It did occur to me the other day that if I ever sell the car I'm going to have the issue of telling a prospective buyer about the buzzing - No I'm not even contemplating selling right now, but leaving the ambients turned off isn't a long-term solution. Tesla needs to fix this.�
Dec 5, 2013
pilotSteve I heard today from the Portland service center that there IS an approved fix for the buzzing. It involves a new "LIGHTING PAD" for each door. They have two on order for me. Maybe this will be final resolution of this problem. (fingers crossed).�
Dec 5, 2013
brianman Does this require taking the (interior panelling of the) door apart?�
Dec 5, 2013
pilotSteve Unknown at this time. My service contact said this was brand new info from the factory, in fact he received it just today and wanted to let me know he has parts on order.�
Dec 7, 2013
NigelM I heard from Tesla that a FW update is coming which should fix the buzzing; as I've heard that before (cynical me) I spoke to our local sevice manager and told him about this thread and possible hardware fix...he's ordering parts so we'll see what happens.�
Jan 6, 2014
NigelM I know this was old but I was testing this out over the weekend (after a request from Tesla to check on the buzzing) and the buzzing stays the same regardless of whether the doors are open or closed. Also noted that all four doors buzz although the footwell ambient lighting does not.
FW updates have not fixed the buzz as Tampa service was hoping and replacement lights were ordered pre-Christmas; fronts are in stock but they are waiting on the rear door lights before my car will go in to have all replaced in one job.�
Feb 3, 2014
Zextraterrestrial I just had new ambient lights put in my car and they do not buzz on any dimmer setting :biggrin:
useable now! + my new windshield doesn't have distortion(replaced due to stress fracture). once again the car is better that when it was new�
Feb 4, 2014
NigelM Ditto on the ambient lights. They got replaced yesterday with "new LED strips"; I have no idea if the old ones were LED...
Took a while to get the parts but I'm really happy with our Service Center (as always!).�
Feb 4, 2014
ibcs My ambient lights were replaced last week and the Signature buzz is now a thing of the past. All know issues have now been resolved completely. Tesla is the only car company I know of that keeps working on an issue until it is resolved. Had many cars with a rattle in dash and it was only fixed when we sold it!
Great work Tesla.�
Feb 4, 2014
brianman NigelM & ibcs -- Did they take apart your doors or was it a less invasive "operation" to switch the lights out?�
Feb 5, 2014
NigelM Service report states that they removed and reinstalled the door panels.�
Feb 5, 2014
ddenboer Damn, I'll have to remind my SC again next time my car is in. It was in this week for a new battery (car died on Monday and needed battery to fix). Every other time I have been in I remind them about ambient lights, but this time I did not!�
Feb 6, 2014
NigelM It took a few weeks to get the parts and I'd heard that from other owners also. Talk to your service manager in advance and make sure he's got the lights on order.�
Feb 6, 2014
ibcs I do not know. Tesla picked up car and returned it fixed.�
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