Jul 13, 2016
Chopr147 This may have been done already but if you own a Model S: how old are you and male or female?
Edmunds is calling us S owners old![]()
In Bloomberg's report : What happens when you die waiting for a Tesla? This is their quote:
Owners of Tesla's pricer Model S sedans have tended to be overwhelmingly male and over the age of 45, according to data from Edmunds.com.
Of course this hits me square in the nogg'in. I am a 52 year old male and ordered an S, waiting on delivery.
Some of this IMHO is due to making more money in our early 50's. In my case financially, I have a good job (26 years on) my wife has a good job (I don't squander savings) the kids are older, no longer feel the need for an SUV which has 94k mi. ( over $2000 in repairs each year for the last 3 years)I have not had a car pymnt. in 4 years, and my wife always gets the new car every 3 years. Now it's my turn
The one wrench in all this is college tuition. Money has been saved but it's not nearly enough to cover costs. Those school loans will come to pass some day soon but we'll figure it out. I just hope I live to see the Model 3
Jul 13, 2016
tstafford 44 and male.�
Jul 13, 2016
walla2 37. Male. 4th Tesla.�
Jul 13, 2016
Gizmotoy While the age is to be expected given the cost, I find the overwhelmingly male aspect surprising. I see a pretty even split in this area, and the no pressure sales and easy maintenance aspects inherent in Tesla's business model are things sometimes employed by other automakers to appeal to females. The car has a pretty feminine look too.�
Jul 13, 2016
Chopr147 True, I was a little surprised at that aspect as well. Add to it all the Tesla rep.'s I have spoken to have all been under 30 years old. But, i'm not surprised at the age angle. It is a luxury car, albeit with plenty of storage space but I don't see it as a family car. Though I have seen on this forum plenty of younger families with the S so..............�
Jul 13, 2016
roblab I just kept hoping a good EV would come along before I cashed. I'm 72 and have lymphoma, so my Tesla is my gift to me and my wifey. We keep saying there will be another: I'm on #2 at present.
When I was younger, we had to push it to make it. Owned Toyotas, mostly, did my own repairs, worked my tail off, moved up a bit. Education helped. Both of us worked. Kids grew up.
My first EV was the RAV4EV. I had never spent so much on a car! But the being old thing is just the timing of the universe.
I'm just glad Tesla got here in time for me, and I wonder what will happen in the next 20 years for some of the rest of you!�
Jul 13, 2016
Chopr147 So much progress so fast! n My first Tesla is considered a retirement gift to myself 3 years earlyIn 20 years if i'm still around God willing, I may be on my 5th Tesla
You worked hard and now enjoy the fruits of you labor. Good luck
Jul 13, 2016
Julesp313 Owners of Tesla's pricer Model S sedans have tended to be overwhelmingly male and over the age of 45...
I am neither, though close to the latter...
Jul 13, 2016
Az_Rael I am female and under 40 (barely), so I won't fit the trend when I finally pull the trigger on a CPO S. I am an aerospace engineer though, so I am not a typical representative of my gender.
I wonder if it's the technology (and performance) aspect that makes the car appeal more to men than women. If you don't care about the technology, there are lots of options in the price range that are more luxurious, etc. And it might possibly be because it isn't an SUV. I know quite a few women who prefer taller vehicles so they can see better on the road. My mother just bought a Buick SUV for that very reason vs a sedan.
I wonder what the X demographics look like.�
Jul 13, 2016
AMPd 24, Male
I'm on my second model s, bought an S85 as a tester car to see how they do, exceeded my expectations so I upgraded to a P90
Im a Tesla customer for life�
Jul 13, 2016
blc1017 Not male and definitely an immigrant to technology rather than a native. This car makes technology fun. Right now driving an ICE loaner while the Tesla is being serviced, and hate every minute of it.
Kids grown: check. College costs paid off: check. Nest egg secure: check. Working long hours: check. Gift to myself for working those long hours....check.�
Jul 13, 2016
Bridor Overwhelming car payments: check. Six kids at home (two away): check. No college or retirement money: check.
I am 49, male and have owned a used 2014 Tesla Model S 85 for about four months. I have dreamed about owning this vehicle since they were first announced. I have filled six seats and taken a trip from Anaheim, California to Phoenix, Arizona. I am planning a trip to Washington State early in August and all seven seats will be filled. We will be travelling with two blue kayaks attached to the roof rack.
Car payments
Tesla: $1,200
2016 Honda Pilot Touring AWD: $900
2016 Mazda CX-3 Grand Touring AWD: $700
2016 Ford Fusion Energi SE: $385
2013 Nissan Leaf SV: $287
2013 Nissan Leaf SL: $0 (my only paid off vehicle)
Jul 13, 2016
jboy08 35 years old. Wife is 33 and our kids are under 5. Rarely see families within our age group with a Tesla, even here in Southern California...�
Jul 13, 2016
SR22pilot I wonder what the demographic is for just about every $100K car. Even Ferrari drivers tend to be over 45. The model 3 will bring in a younger demographic and a $20K car would bring in an even younger one. As for male vs. email I suspect the Model S is much more gender neutral than a Ferrari. I can see the X being excellent for a stay at home mom carting around a couple of small kids and their friends.�
Jul 13, 2016
calisnow mid 30's here - male. Women in my life thought the Tesla was a ridiculous waste of money - now they don't want to drive anything else, love autopilot, talk up the gas savings to other people etc.
This has forced me to order a second Model S and put two Model 3 reservations in. So much for saving money...�
Jul 13, 2016
Jurnimon 43 Male. Kids under 5. Got the S because of 100% electric. I would not even consider a car in this price range if it were not 100% Electric. Big plus that it is AWD.�
Jul 13, 2016
yo mama A (spry) 43 year old male. Not at all a tech guy. Mostly I just wanted to be cool again.
Jul 13, 2016
jerjozwik 33, male. the wife wanted the S but i paid for most of it and she works at home now!
Jul 13, 2016
Btrflyl8e 51 and female!�
Jul 13, 2016
Tex EV Male, 33. Bought our 85D for the family on my birthday, which was yesterday. Roadster is my commuter car.
Jul 13, 2016
Filter 36, male. 3 kids.
With the 60D, likely ordering an X soon, so will be a 2 Tesla house.
Giving my minivan (2014 toyota Sienna I own) to my parents. They will lend it to us for our occasional long road trips.
Anyway, wonder what the demographics are for the X.�
Jul 13, 2016
zedkyuu 35, male, married, no kids, 12 cats.
Not an owner yet, but I went for an S90D.�
Jul 13, 2016
CmdrThor I am 34, Wife 30, we have a 1.5 year old. We have a Model X though, not Model S, but at a recent Tesla gathering we went to we were definitely the youngest in the crowd by at least 5 years
Jul 13, 2016
CmdrThor There will be some of those, but I suspect even more working moms where both work in engineering/tech fields.�
Jul 13, 2016
BigAirHarper 28, male and wife is 28 too. I've wanted one for 3+ years and have lusted over them dearly. Her car is in worse shape than mine and in need of replacement so I said she could pick a new car first. She chose the model S, so I guess we both win even though it's her daily driver, maybe I can drive it to the store
Jul 13, 2016
Rifleman My wife and I are both 33, and we both drive classic s60's.�
Jul 13, 2016
MrLunch Tree-hugger, ex-programmer, guitar maker (100% electric, made in California, it's a trend) late 50's (kind of describes the guitars too) oil baron hater. There, that pretty much covers it.�
Jul 13, 2016
Phoenixhawk101 32 and male. I am a complete gadget nut, always gotta have the latest electronic toy.�
Jul 13, 2016
Skipdd Above the bar cited in the Edmunds study. Having a Tesla (Model S 85D), inspires in me the same awe I had when walking into the Bell Labs Holmdel building and/or when collaborating with a Bell Labs DMTS on something that had never been done before..�
Jul 13, 2016
JeffS 49 male. I bought mine to drill the first hole in my bucket list. Wrote my last tuition check Sept of 2015. Picked up my car 7wks later. Proud as hell of both of my grown sons. So I rewarded me for a job reasonably-well-done. (1/2 of their friends are done with college and starting out adult life...buying homes...getting engaged etc. The other 1/2 are walking in circles collecting Pokemon. Go figure.)�
Jul 13, 2016
ShockOnT Hah! I'm a mere 44, so shows what Edmunds knows...�
Jul 13, 2016
nexsuperne101 40- Male. Waiting for a Model 3, but just ordered a Model s�
Jul 13, 2016
goodbyebmw Male. I was 24 years old when I bought my Model S. I'm 25 now and hopefully sometime before my 27th birthday, I'll have the Model X in my driveway! I also have a Model 3 on reservation.
I'm a chemical engineer, or I've been told I'm just a glorified plumber.�
Jul 14, 2016
sloopee 26 male here. Cars are so expensive here in Hong Kong that a Model S is relatively affordable because of tax exemptions!�
Jul 14, 2016
EKoS 37, male, with two kids younger than my Tesla. The oldest loves to ask for "blast off" on the road - she thinks all fast cars go "whirr" rather than "vroom"
Jul 14, 2016
wdolson Well if you think about the types of people the Model S appeals to, it makes some sense. First off you have to be at least a bit affluent to buy one. I was only able to afford one because I don't have any child expenses as I never had any and even if I wanted to it's a little late to start in your 50s. (My parents were in the 40s when I came along and they really struggled with a kid that late in life, my father started social security when I was a Freshman in college.) Then the car initially appealed to early adopters of new tech and now it's beginning to move into the early mass market phase.
The types of people the car appeals to are
1) Car people (performance car people as well as just general car enthusiasts)
2) Eco conscious
3) Tech fans
I also found this interesting, though it's a little tangential to this conversation:
Gravity | What Your Electric Car Says About YouGravity
US new car buyers are also older:
Cars With the Oldest�Buyers
The average age is close to 52. So if Model S buyers are average age 45, that's lower than almost every other brand out there.�
Jul 14, 2016
Xenius 32 Male, will be almost 33 by the time my car arrives. Wife is 31, exactly one year younger (we share the same birthday). No kids, assuming she gets a new position this coming semester (she's a teacher) we'll be DINKS (dual incomes, no kids). So yeah, that's how we're managing the payments. That and she's agreed her Subaru is never getting replaced, we'll put all our miles on the S.�
Jul 14, 2016
Peter Greis 49 male, consulting company that I have had for 10 years pushed enough of a bonus to move to a P90D from a people mover (Mercedes Viano). Boys are 11 & 13; they were there for the test drive in Z�rich. Needless to say, they can't wait
Jul 14, 2016
MikingCO 37 and a half. Wife, no kids, no debt. We make tens of thousands of dollars a year.�
Jul 14, 2016
artsci My first question about these kinds of things is what's the source of the data? If Edmunds relies on state registration data that information is highly likely to underrepresent the number of women and overrepresent the age.�
Jul 14, 2016
icdevin Need some solidarity among us under-25s. 24 checking in here, too. I have a 75 coming next month. I got full options but in hindsight I should have cut options and gone for a P/90D.�
Jul 14, 2016
Mattzilla 31-year-old white dude.
Came from a low socioeconomic status where I only drove vehicles 3rd and 4th hand (usually 200k+ miles) that broke down all the time and nearly costed me my life on more than one occasion.
Struggled through college. Had to sometimes decide between buying groceries or my school books.
Finished grad school. Got a good job. Now I have a Tesla.�
Jul 14, 2016
AMPd *high five*
Only option I wish I had gotten was ludicrous mode
But luckily that can be added at a later time�
Jul 14, 2016
Skotty Early 40's male here, though @SR22pilot I also have email.
Like many, 40's and male for me. This I would expect makes perfect sense, because...
1) It often takes that long before you have most of your debts paid and enough income to reasonably justify a $70K+ expense.
2) It's actually not my car, my wife and I share it, but my name comes up first because <reasons>. I would guess that happens a lot. For me, it was just because I was a bigger Tesla nut than her.�
Jul 14, 2016
wdolson We're a bit older (and there is a gap in age my SO doesn't talk about), but we're otherwise similar (DINKS with a Subaru Impreza and a Tesla). The Impreza was the car we always took when running errands or anything else where both of us were going, but now it's always the Tesla and her car sits except for times when we each need a car.
That data set would show someone older who buys a car for their college age kid and registers it in their name at least for a while. The insurance is usually cheaper that way. My parents owned my first three cars and they gave me the third one when I graduated from college and moved to Seattle. The first two were hand me downs, but I paid about 2/3 of the money for the 3rd car.
But millennials also aren't getting drivers licenses like previous generations did. Your first drivers license was a right of passage for my generation and the Boomers, but many millennials are ambivalent about the whole idea. So younger people are not driving as much as those 40 and older and aren't as interested in cars (though Tesla is an exception).�
Jul 14, 2016
matrix4123 34, single male. No kids. Any like-minded female Tesla owners want to cruise around???
Jul 14, 2016
Chopr147 IDK the source but going by this thread in TMC it's wrong. I am a little surprised at the amount of owners in their 20's here but, good for them!In my late teens and early 20's I could usually be found underneath my car working on it AGAIN! The one that needed the most work was a Ford Maverick with 3 on the column. Had to keep getting underneath to unlock the linkage , 2 minute job but it happened often
I would guess going by this thread alone the average age would be upper 30's.�
Jul 14, 2016
Ashkenaz Male, 48,... yawn. When I was in my twenties I was serving my country defending democracy, certainly not riding around smoking dope in a Tesla!of course, had I the means, and the car available, I certainly would be (the driving part). I think it's awesome these young guys are driving these. I hope my kids have their act together at that age and do the same!
Jul 14, 2016
AMPd You're missing out!
Jul 14, 2016
TVision I'm 39 and the wife is 37. Two toddlers. Safety was a big thing for us. We also drive over 35k miles a year. Tesla just made sense, we went solar, NJ has nice tax incentives. Supercharger down the block. It was a no brainer after we had a test drive at our house. Love at first sight. Debating on the X 60D or go crazy on optioning out a Model 3 when the time comes.�
Jul 14, 2016
DiamondDave Another 49 M here, at least this week.(yes, Sunday is the day...)
I had been coveting a Tesla since 2013. Finally got off my ass and got a better job last year. Refinanced the mortgage and bam!, CPO Tesla was within reach! (New 70 was similarly priced, but I went for performance and lotsa options.)
One son is in college and one starts in the fall, scholarship help and tuition loans deferred (though I still pay a little) helped there. They say they'll pay the loans off, we'll see. Older son will be an engineer, so maybe... Two daughters still at home are not cheap...
Livin' the dream for two months now and lovin' every minute behind the wheel!�
Jul 14, 2016
Kensiko 35 male 1 kid another one coming�
Jul 14, 2016
Nish 33, male, married with two kids under 5�
Jul 14, 2016
Laur 35, female.
Jul 14, 2016
icdevin They say people want better lives for their kids than they had. We're just making sure they know we have it good!
Jul 14, 2016
JMG Ditto!�
Jul 15, 2016
Wknapp0924 35 male here. Wife actually started me on Tesla and we made a game out of spotting them in SoCal. I rented one for a weekend and was obsessed. Best purchase ever!! Just supercharged to Vegas yesterday. Oh and we are DINKS and she is military so no housing payment.�
Jul 15, 2016
Xenius Lucky! Next to the housing payment our Tesla will be the next largest debt/payment. I could make it smaller, but at 1.49% APR, there is no reason to pay more than I need to. I may actually go smaller on the down payment just to keep the rest invested, haven't quite decided yet.�
Jul 15, 2016
Btrflyl8e Clear evidence of the smoking part...�
Jul 15, 2016
ishop4more me too!�
Jul 15, 2016
Max* Early 30s, Male, 2 kids under 5.
I also see very few people my age with Tesla's.
Got a Tesla for a lot of reasons, my wife convinced me (she loves driving it, she said her next car will be electric, and we have a reservation for a Model 3 for her), safety, fun, and I'm a techie.�
Jul 15, 2016
Majerus 26, male had the car for a while now.�
Jul 15, 2016
NikeWings And its a trifecta, another female here and celebrating 51 next week!
I am a tech i-banker and raise capital for brilliant companies that have the vision & courage to literally change our world.......like Tesla!�
Jul 15, 2016
DiamondDave July birthdays rock!
Jul 15, 2016
ModelX Female turning 47 this week; but I'm an X owner.�
Jul 21, 2016
EVConvert Male, 27. This is the first car I've ever owned. I've been saving up for it for a while!
Have a 3 on reservation too.�
Jul 21, 2016
csshih 24 and male.. came from a BMW f650gs moto and a Chevy Spark EV
Jul 31, 2016
Ciaopec How old would I be if I didn't know how old I was? I'm a 20+ something-over-40 but the Tesla makes me break into an old Sinatra tune every time I drive:
"You make me feel so young
You make me feel there are songs to be sung
Bells to be rung and a wonderful fling to be flung
And even when I'm old and gray
I'm gonna feel the way I do today
'Cause you make me feel so young"
Jul 31, 2016
fallen888 38, male. Just got my VIN today!
Can't say I'm surprised on either accounts. Older people likely to have reached the point in their lives where they can afford a Tesla. And you know how us boys love our tech toys and gadgets.�
Jul 31, 2016
leighb 43 year old female. I've had my car for 3 weeks and I absolutely love it!�
Jul 31, 2016
TaoJones I'm 106 and male. At least that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
Stereo, meet type.�
Jul 31, 2016
adastra 26 and male. Came from a Japanese ecobox�
Jul 31, 2016
Carlh76 58 and Male, Two younger boys and a supportive wife. Model S Vin assigned projected delivery late August-September. Teslanxiety is well underway.......
Jul 31, 2016
Austin Powers 37 male turning 38 in a few days. Two kids under 5. Wife is a stay at home mom. I work in tech in upper mgmt. Making rental properties work for the payment
FWIW, came to this country 15 years ago with $2000 in my pocket. Who knew driving an American car would be the ultimate American dream
Jul 31, 2016
javawolfpack 33 male... I'm regretting not buying Tesla stock earlier as have been a fan of the company since it launched, also would have been able to afford a Tesla before now if I had. It's a bit of a stretch for me, as sadly even with a PhD in CS, CS faculty are woefully underpaid compared to industry. But still started slowly lining up consulting work so maybe that'll change in the future. As I told a student during summer orientation this summer, choose a job you are excited to wake up to do and it won't feel like work
@Az_Rael we need to change the demographics of the STEM fields and the social norms that tend to shape who chooses to go into STEM fields. It's on my list of things I'm working to change, including actively trying to engage local K12 as the change needs to happen before they get to higher ed.�
Aug 1, 2016
Chopr147 If I had some more disposable income after buying my S I would purchase stock. 2 kids in college , a third soon. I'm lucky to be getting the S
Aug 1, 2016
javawolfpack I bought my shares when the stock price dropped earlier this year, but sold them recently in prep for paying for my S; however, seemingly could have held of since my vehicle is still not in production.�
Aug 1, 2016
Chopr147 I ordered 3 days before you. I have been "in production" for a week now. If it makes ya feel better , you will get yours before me most likely due to shorter transit time
Aug 1, 2016
Jbailey 57. Always wanted a Tesla but too cheap and I didn't want payments. Then I saw a model s with a license plate holder that said "just charge it". Figuring this was a sign from God, I financed one�
Aug 1, 2016
DiamondDave This made me lol. Did the bugle play in your mind?�
Aug 1, 2016
Jbailey Only when I forget to take my medication�
Aug 1, 2016
metakube 39 and male here, so not too far off the stereotype. I work in tech and am fairly eco-conscious and design-aware, so I hit those, too. We keep our cars a long time, so my S85D replaced an '04 Z4, and the model 3 on order will probably replace an '01 RSX.�
Aug 1, 2016
jcaspar 49 (at the time of purchase 3 years ago) and male. Tech guy, lover of muscle cars and only American cars (OK maybe Ferrari and Lamborghini too). The Tesla was a perfect fit!�
Aug 2, 2016
DiamondDave That's brilliant! I'm doing this too...
I'm 49!
when I bought my Tesla�
Aug 2, 2016
Mr So Chill 33, Male, Single... No children so my money goes to things that I want! Lol.�
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