Apr 24, 2011
NigelM Seeing as we have the thread "Things not to do with a Roadster", I figured we should start this one of "Things to do with a Roadster". Here's my first contribution:
Take your 7-year-old daughter for a ride and have her tell you you're the coolest dad in the world.�
Apr 24, 2011
Dragon Listen to music with max loudness to tell everyone you are on the way. Because the engine won't.
Make sure you listen to "theme related" songs as this
DJ Digress - Electro Shock
and this
Klubbhoppers - Electronic Life
Apr 24, 2011
TEG Find yourself at a stoplight next to a Ferrari.�
Apr 25, 2011
zack I just did a little google study on Porsche and Ferrari 0-60 times and man, I'm amazed at how many models we can beat. Driving those manual shift cars takes a lot of skill... Not many drivers of either of those brands could beat a Tesla Roadster Sport in any year or model. I remember thinking my little '99 Z3 felt quick. Yeah right... 5.2s at best. Get along little doggies.�
Apr 25, 2011
NigelM Smile every time you pass a gas station.�
Apr 25, 2011
Jaff ..and wave! :biggrin::wink:
Apr 25, 2011
bolosky I for one will miss gas stations when they're gone. They have these incredibly handy window washers just sitting there for free!�
Apr 25, 2011
TEG Go to a car show and give people rides.
Find that perfect twisty mountain road on a perfect day.�
Apr 25, 2011
NigelM Cruise the beach/coast road with the top open and actually hear the ocean waves.�
Apr 25, 2011
Jaff I'm kind of bummed out...the gas station that I used to frequent (pre Roadster) now charges to use the air pump!...I think they're doing that just to get back at me...:biggrin:
Guess I'll get a home compressor...
Apr 25, 2011
NigelM Off topic: but this one works great Airpower America 7500 Volume Tire Pump :wink:�
Apr 25, 2011
Doug_G Go inside the store and ask them if they can turn it on for you. Quite often they can, and will.�
Apr 25, 2011
vfx In California it is the law. (They just don;t tell you).�
Apr 25, 2011
Jaff Not sure what you mean asking them to turn it on...it's one of those blasted coin operated gizmos...�
Apr 25, 2011
vfx They have a manual override switch in the building. One of them near me when you ask they pull out a radio remote control and point it at the machine to turn it on.�
Apr 25, 2011
Jaff Thanks V, I didn't know this!�
Apr 25, 2011
Doug_G Yeah I found this out one day when I didn't have change for the fool thing. Went inside and asked for change, and they just pushed a button and said "there you go!"�
Apr 25, 2011
Jaff Well I'm going to try this out Doug...I figger they owe me a bit after 4 years of putting V-Power in my Lexus...:wink:
Apr 26, 2011
NigelM I guess thread integrity goes out the window when someone mentions gas stations? :wink:�
Apr 26, 2011
Doug_G Right then... things to do with your Roadster... Keep your tires inflated!�
Apr 26, 2011
NigelM Things to do with your Roadster:
Park it yourself. Been to 2 places now where the Valet told me I could leave the car right in front of the door. a) he wanted to look at it and b) the restaurant/club has a policy of leaving the best cars right outside where everyone could see them. All those 2 buck Valet tips will go towards amortizing the Roadster purchase price.... :biggrin:�
Apr 26, 2011
Slackjaw I'm not sure I'll mind ours being parked with the nice cars! Might be statistically less likely to be stolen or scratched if it's parked with a pack of other exotics. In NYC many parking garages I walk past seem to charge double for "exotics" (as if they'll actually drive it more carefully or something? Not sure).
I think it might also be fun to see the look of disappointment on the guys face when you actually put it in "valet mode" which I guess limits it to 5 mph or something. I'm sure there are plenty of horror stories from people who drive anything but Honda Civics and trust them to valets. We once had to run out and grab our manual transmission CR-V from a valet who was lurching it around the car park in shuddering eight inch spasms.�
Apr 26, 2011
NigelM P.S. I didn't leave my key! :wink:�
Apr 27, 2011
zack I went on a first date last night with a horse owner. She has three, and she's not very familiar with fast cars. I asked her if she wanted a ride, she was instantly fascinated, and when I punched it she said "Do it again!"
After about 10 times racing away from stop signs and signals she turned to me and said (between giggles) "it makes my tummy tingle!"
We have another date on Saturday. Grrr.
BTW, apparently good horses go for about the same as a Model S.�
Apr 27, 2011
Slackjaw I'm not going to say anything or even make a singe joke about that. But I want you to know how hard I am biting my tongue right now.�
Apr 27, 2011
zack She just called me to ask me what I meant by some silly text I sent her and I read your comment to her... she couldn't stop laughing.�
Apr 27, 2011
bonnie I want you to know how hard I am also biting my tongue right now. You're killing me.�
Apr 28, 2011
tdevince I don't think it limits speed to any significant degree (if at all), but it does power limit the car.�
Apr 28, 2011
zack I believe if memory serves, 40mph max in valet mode.�
Apr 28, 2011
Dragon Well, why don't try it? Hey, maybe it would be a great method to put the car in valet mode if you need to maximize range!�
Apr 28, 2011
NigelM Pull up to a stop light alongside a Boxster Spyder on a long straight 6-lane road with no other cars around.
Then he catches up at the next stop light and you do the same thing all over again.
(Happened to me tonight - sheer bliss!:biggrin
Apr 28, 2011
SByer I live near a community college, and surprisingly it's only happened once, but having a rice rocket (*) pull up next to you is also really fun. Reality is such a harsh mistress for the young punks.
(*) I hope nobody is offended at this tem, but it does such a great job at succinctly describing an archetype - that includes VWs, BTW - that's quite prevalent around here and I don't know of another term that appropriately substitutes.�
Apr 28, 2011
Jaff Love it SB...this is almost as good as "the rumbling block of inefficiency..." :biggrin::biggrin:
Apr 28, 2011
doug Urban Dictionary: rice
RICE == race inspired cosmetic enhancement
There tends to be a RICE section at your local Kragen.�
Apr 28, 2011
vfx Same for organ donor bikes.�
Apr 28, 2011
TEG Anyone who doesn't know what he is talking about just needs to watch some of the "Fast and Furious" movie series for plenty of examples...
Apr 29, 2011
Dragon Well TEG, this still are very nice cars. Here in Europe my Roadster will in majority compete with things like this one:
Apr 29, 2011
TEG Problem is sometimes they don't have the drive-train mods to justify the style. A Roadster will easily determine who is "all show and no go."�
Apr 29, 2011
strider Wait, you're talking about a car? Ah, you lost me there. I've never heard anyone describe a car as a rice "rocket". In my experience this term is reserved for Japanese sportbikes (motorcycles). Those bikes are quite fast and if someone is reasonably talented will smoke a Roadster from a stoplight. Rice'd-out cars on the other hand are nearly always slow as the owners spend more time on cosmetics than mechanicals.�
May 1, 2011
richkae I was following a Ferrari 430 for a few miles today and was hoping to get a chance to get next to it at a stop light.
I never did because it had to pull into a gas station to fill up... LOL!�
May 1, 2011
Doug_G It is typically used sarcastically to describe pimped-up cars that only look fast. Stephen Colbert would call it "fastiness".�
May 1, 2011
bonnie You're all correct.
From Uban Dictionary:
Derogatory term once used by domestic motorcycle enthusiasts to deride the new Japanese motorcycles that were coming to market.
Recently adopted by critics of a recent wave of self-modified Japanese import
automobiles, particularly those that are held to have been altered in poor taste.
May 1, 2011
Dragon Ahahahahahaha! The picture is great, the guy who build that is a genius!�
May 1, 2011
Doug_G Things to do:
Drive all around town on the first warm spring weekend with the top down.�
May 2, 2011
Jaff I second that...I've had my Roadster since December and can't wait to lose the top...shame the weather so far this spring has been so cold & wet!
May 2, 2011
Doug_G Wow, you're only a six hour drive to the west. We had a beautiful weekend here!�
May 2, 2011
Jaff Saturday was nice, but I ...ah...had to work...(93 wind damage claims from Thursday the 28th)...:crying::crying:...rained on Sunday...:cursing::cursing:
May 2, 2011
Doug_G Yeah, we had that wind storm too, what a mess. Power outages all over the place. Our office building had some minor damage.
Being to the East of you, we usually get your weather about 12 hours after you do. Sunday was gorgeous here. Sorry to rub it in...�
May 2, 2011
bonnie I especially appreciated the tinfoil covered wheels. Sporty!�
May 9, 2011
JRod0802 I actually doubt that the Ferrari would have won. Seriously doubt. An 11.7 1/4 mile is attainable when driven by a professional driver (which I doubt the guy was). The driver would have to rev the engine up to red-line at the stop light (which I doubt he would). Also don't forget that an 11.7 1/4 is @ ~120 mph. I highly doubt that anyone stopped at a stop light would end up going that fast. Given that when the Tesla verses cars with better 1/4 times than itself, the Tesla tends to pull ahead in the beginning, only to be passed prior to the 1/4 line (usually at very high speed). Even if the driver of the other car was professional, and was revving the engine, I doubt the race would continue up to the necessary speeds for the Ferrari to pull ahead.
The Tesla would have won.�
May 9, 2011
zack Race you to the speed limit!�
May 9, 2011
strider Be careful w/ all the "professional driver" stuff. Most of these cars are coming w/ launch control which can allow anyone to come w/in .1-.2 seconds in the 1/4 mile of a professional.
Of course these systems require the driver to go through a dance of sorts of pushing buttons in the correct sequence to enable whereas the Roadster will just go whenever you'd like (much more fun in the real world). So if it's a long stoplight and the other driver has time to push all the buttons you're toast. But if it's a quick one you'll likely win.�
May 10, 2011
zack We always win. We get to drive the Tesla.�
May 13, 2011
NigelM So, I'm talking with this senior lady about the Roadster this sunny morning (she's also checking her iPhone to see if her first great-grandchild has been born because her granddaughter went into labor this morning). She's comparing the stats I am telling her to those of her Beamer. I can't resist and offer her a drive up the coast road....She's was delighted, climbed in and out the car with no problem and took photos to show her grandkids.
It was very cool to impress someone so senior like that - hope I'm still that fit and interested in a few years time.�
May 13, 2011
vfx There are seniors in Florida?�
May 13, 2011
NigelM My second "thing to do" all in one day:
Pick up your 7 year old from school and see delight on her face as she shows off your car to the other kids!�
May 13, 2011
bonnie Park in front of your new office building and hear fellow employees giving directions over the phone: "It's where the white Tesla is parked."�
May 13, 2011
Doug_G Today my downstairs-office neighbor asked me to keep parking it in front of her window. She says gets a real kick out of watching people come up and drool over it.�
May 14, 2011
dhrivnak Take the Roadster to a Clean Air Run and watch's people's jaw drop when you explain how this ultra cool car is 0 emissions and ultra green!�
May 15, 2011
Jaff It works when they're in high school too! :wink::biggrin:
May 15, 2011
dhrivnak Fun things to do with your Roadster
Take the Roadster to the local drag strip and turn MANY heads when you win most of your heats. All without the accompaning noise the competition makes.:smile:
Now if I can only figure out how to post a picture of the Tesla in front of a nitrous charged ICE pickup.
May 16, 2011
JRod0802 Ok. You win. I guess I was just assuming that people don't know how to drive their cars. Note that I've never actually seen anyone ever actually do an un-planned street race from a stop light, so I figured that if someone did, they'd keep in mind some amount of safety and probably not go more than 80 mph or so. Then again, I live in Massachusetts; the land of potholes and curvy roads surrounded by trees. I suppose there might be more random stop light races elsewhere in the world.�
May 16, 2011
vfx I'd challenge you on that William. For every guy that can drive his Ferrari I would say there is another who can only afford his Ferrari.
A line from a movie (which I can't find) where a guy standing next to a supercar says, "the only person who can afford this car is too old to drive it." or something like that.�
May 16, 2011
Jaff Agree V...probably even a 1:2 ratio or higher...much higher than that for 911 drivers.
William, it sounds like you hang with a crowd of regular street racer types...probably prevalent in your part of SoCal...not so prevalent elsewhere.
May 16, 2011
vfx And those are the ones I avoid. I kinda know what i'm up against with a given stock car. Why give them the pleasure of saying this his suped-up (whatever) beat a stock Tesla? Especially since no customer on earth has anything but a stock Roadster.
May 20, 2011
doug I, for one, would like to see video evidence of William's hoonage. :smile:�
May 20, 2011
bonnie Waiting for the chest bumping to start. I need popcorn.�
May 20, 2011
Slackjaw How hard would it be to record the video stream from the rear-view camera? We could have a special youtube channel devoted to being 'pwned' by a Tesla.�
May 20, 2011
vfx William we have driven our Roadsters to Irwindale's 1/8th Mi drag strip, did about 6 runs and drove home. I'm a bit further than you. They also have 30A 220V for RVs there but we never successfully charged at any of them.
Truer words were never spoken.�
Jul 3, 2011
dhrivnak I will be showing off the Roadster in our 4th of July parade with special Plug-In vinyl signs for the doors to let people know there is an alternative to gasoline.
If by chance others want a copy of this sign they are $35 plus shipping. The are vinyl and seem to stick well. The printer said they are static-cling.�
Jul 3, 2011
NigelM The car on the decal looks like a Prius....�
Jul 3, 2011
Doug_G I'd like something along those lines... but the "local" slant on jobs and ingenuity might not play as well here.�
Jul 3, 2011
vfx It's Plug In America's logo. Older than that Prius shape.�
Jul 4, 2011
dhrivnak Yes that is the logo from Plug-In America and a large driving force in more than 2600 charging stations as of May 2011. No need to reinvent the wheel so to speak. I feel all electric vehicle owners need to pull together to educate the general public. Even if Tesla more than doubles Model S sales above estimates for 2012 AND the Volt and Leaf sell over 50,000 cars each that is only a scant 1% of new car sales and less than .1% of the cars on the road. We need far more electrics on the the road than that to reach critical mass.
Many people noticed the signs at the parade today and were visibly impressed.�
Jul 21, 2011
NigelM Get followed home by a stranger who pulls up behind you in your driveway...turns out his son is a huge Tesla fan and he politely asked if he could take a picture and quized me on the usual "It's really only battery power?" etc. I gave him some promotional stuff and a keyfob for his kid. He was delighted.
Wasn't sure at first whether it was creepy or cool to be followed home, but it turned out OK in the end.�
Jul 21, 2011
S-2000 Roadster I guess I'll never know, because I don't ever go home when I'm being followed, or at least I certainly don't pull into my driveway.�
Jul 21, 2011
NigelM Sounds like you have been followed quite often? :wink: Of course I wasn't expecting it and didn't realize I was being followed until he pulled up behind me in my driveway.�
Jul 21, 2011
S-2000 Roadster Yeah, I kinda figured that you didn't knowingly lead someone to your castle.
As for me, I can only be absolutely certain that I was followed once, but that was creepy enough that I certainly try to keep an eye out for suspicious behavior. I drove past my house and then did a U-turn. When the car following me seemed lost, it was pretty obvious that they didn't even know the neighborhood. Since then I had a false alarm, and again drove past my house, but that one turned out to be a neighbor that I never met before. These days, you can check Google maps to see if the car shows up in front of the house they're pulling into, and that's a pretty sure sign that they really are legitimately in the neighborhood. Of course, the irony of using Google satellite images to find out whether someone behind you is up to mischief or just going home is not lost on me.
To bring this little sidetrack back on topic... Things to do with a Roadster: Be friendly to all the folks who will undoubtedly have tons of questions, but stay alert and aware of your surroundings because driving around a $150,000 vehicle invites a little bit of the bad elements as well as the curious and eager to learn types.�
Jul 22, 2011
Slackjaw Somehow I missed this post when it first went up - but thanks, very enlightening and a good read. As yet I have not found myself next to a fast car at a stop light. Most of the roads around here are single lane only!�
Jul 22, 2011
Slackjaw My wife was followed by someone in an Aston Martin Vantage recently and she was going to a friend's house for lunch. Not sure how far this guy followed her but when she arrived at her friends' place, the AM followed her into his driveway - then it turned out they Aston driver and the friend knew each other... "Oh, hey Bob!", "Oh hey, Mickey! Always wanted to take a look at a Tesla!" ... Ah, Tesla Time. :biggrin:�
Jul 22, 2011
vfx Good point. Less creeps drive high end cars. At least that kind of creep.�
Oct 6, 2011
NigelM Take your Roadster to the Sustainable Communities Workshop.
There was a Volt, a Leaf and my Roadster. Guess who got all the attention? (Sorry TEG :wink.
Rides were being given, but for some reason everyone wanted to ride with me! I let the other guys hog the chargepoint as they needed it to keep topping up.:tongue:
I even took the Mayor for a ride (that's her on the left - with a PV guy from the company that installed my system):
Gave an interview to a local newspaper, another to a magazine and the local ABC7 affiliate filmed me driving around. Waiting to see if I made the nes.
Lots of fun!�
Oct 6, 2011
Mycroft Very cool Nigel! Did you tell them about your next car? :smile:�
Oct 6, 2011
NigelM You bet....huge interest!�
Oct 6, 2011
TEG And Goldilocks said "Ooo... This one burns gas... And this one is too slow... Ah! This one is just right! "�
Oct 7, 2011
AnOutsider Haha, well played sir�
Oct 7, 2011
W.Petefish Same thing happened at E & H week at SMU. Although they wanted me to show up the following day as not to piss of the Volt guy. I blew past their display anyway.
+1 for Nigel.�
Jan 31, 2012
Brian H I particularly like the chrome turtle on the front dam ...�
Jan 31, 2012
Brian H Rather gives a whole new meaning/interpretation/basis to the "Tesla Grin", doesn't it?
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