Oct 5, 2011
bonnie (Tesla should be sending emails out)
There will be a Model S beta at Menlo Park and Santana Row this coming weekend. People won't be able to sit in the cars, it'll be roped off, but at least you can get a closer look in the showroom.
White Model S at Menlo Park and red Model S at Santana Row from Fri afternoon thru Sunday.�
Oct 5, 2011
VolkerP After the event, Tesla is now applying Model S prototypes in homeopathic doses, starting with dilution to the extreme. Wait, no, the first step would be roped off Model S beta in darkened showroom. You just would "know" that it is there, somewhere in the dark...�
Oct 5, 2011
Tommy I like it; more posted photos on their way to my web browser!�
Oct 5, 2011
bonnie That step was done. We've now moved 'into the light'.
Seriously, I'm excited to be able to see it more closely. But as others at the event in line next to me can attest, I was just excited to see it fly by on the test track.�
Oct 5, 2011
TEG Attest :wink::biggrin:�
Oct 5, 2011
gg_got_a_tesla These guys do get around!
Oracle OpenWorld Retail Row
Oct 5, 2011
bonnie I think that one is just a shell, with windows darkened to the point that you can't see inside.�
Oct 5, 2011
PopSmith Based off the passenger front quarter panel and the mirrors, that one's the prototype, but it's still sweet looking! :biggrin:�
Oct 7, 2011
Kipernicus Thanks for the extra info Bonnie. I got the emails and was considering going to see them, but not getting to sit in the car kind of spoils it.�
Oct 7, 2011
smorgasbord Actually, the white one ended up at Santana Row. I was there to record the delivery from the street:
Oct 7, 2011
W.Petefish I think at least one will be coming to Houston soon. At least this is inferred from Tesla's e-mail about the Houston store opening.�
Oct 7, 2011
Soflauthor I hope one appears at the South Florida store in Dania Beach within a few months.
When the pre-Alpha was demo'd in Miami earlier this summer. It was also roped off. However, there weren't too many people around, and I asked if I could sit inside. The Tesla rep said "sure."
That, along with a lot of other aspects of the car, resulted in a check being written a few days later for a Model S sig series.�
Oct 7, 2011
augkuo More Model S Beta pictures - the car is on display at Santana Row in San Jose.
Oct 7, 2011
Mycroft Ropes and pylons, but it looks like they're letting people get in the car now. Yay!!!
One of the marketing guys should put a spare set of clubs (or two?) in the frunk. They're missing out on showing off cool features!�
Oct 7, 2011
AnOutsider Some pretty cool shots. I love that car in white. I'm sold.�
Oct 7, 2011
Todd Burch One of those captions said "the glass roof will have a screen to block out the sun."�
Oct 7, 2011
Doug_G As I recall, they said it would have a glass treatment that would reduce solar heat load to 20%�
Oct 7, 2011
strider Yeah, when I dropped off my Sig upgrade check earlier this week my salesperson said they weren't going to let anyone inside. But I talked ot him today and apparently Elon told them to let people sit in the cars so there you go. It's ballsy but now we may come take a look this wkend.�
Oct 7, 2011
Todd Burch Might have both.�
Oct 7, 2011
TEG I asked them about that at the factory tour and they said "yeah, we got a few requests for that already so will probably do something."�
Oct 7, 2011
gg_got_a_tesla Apparently, Elon gave the go-ahead to let people sit in the cars and get closer in general! (*strider* confirmed this).
Pictures of the white beta in Santana Row (courtesy *augkuo*):
Picasa Web Albums - Maui Trip - Tesla Model S...
Will be taking the wife and son to the Menlo Park facility to check out the other (black? red?) beta tomorrow at around 11:45. Hope to see some of you locals over there!�
Oct 7, 2011
TEG I think I heard Red for Menlo this weekend.
Perhaps the Black one isn't to be shown so much. So called "Engineering prototype", not quite as well put together.�
Oct 8, 2011
Mistero So are they letting people sit in them this weekend or is it roped off? I did enough looking at the outside during the October 1 event. I want to sit and fiddle with the insides.�
Oct 8, 2011
goyogi You can sit in it. At least the one in Menlo Park.�
Oct 8, 2011
goyogi Not sure where to post this but I took a snap shot of the underbelly of the one in Menlo Park. View is from the front. Quite a belly pan! Better than my Volt.
Oct 8, 2011
Mycroft Kipernicus, you might want to call the store. I think they're going to be allowing people in the cars.�
Oct 8, 2011
Trnsl8r I just came back from Santana row. Yes, you do get to sit and get some demo time with the console. There is a line, but word to the wise... reservation holders get to cut in line. (I didn't find out about this until after 15 min or so, desperately trying to hold back my four-year old son from storming the car.)
The only disappointment for me was that my son couldn't try out the rear facing trunk seats.�
Oct 8, 2011
gg_got_a_tesla Checked out the Red Sig beta at Menlo Park a couple of hours ago. If you are not bored with the beta pics already, here are some more. Set 1 of 3:
Oct 8, 2011
gg_got_a_tesla Set 2 of 3:
Oct 8, 2011
gg_got_a_tesla Set 3 of 3:
Oct 8, 2011
gg_got_a_tesla This Red beta is headed for Seattle apparently, possibly for the Bellevue Square store opening in early November.
I don't know if it is overexposure or what, folks, but, when I saw this up close and at length today, I was like "meh". The touchscreen apart, the interior looked very spartan, dated and hardly luxurious :frown: Not at all the sense (that I'm experiencing something special) I got when checking out a BMW 5 or a Lexus GS at their dealerships.
Tesla really has a long way to go to make this a compelling luxury sedan for that price, the eco-cred apart. I personally am not convinced anymore!Looking forward to the full list of specs this winter and the next beta/RC (Release Candidate) iteration of the car in the spring.
Oct 8, 2011
Mycroft Yay! I was hoping it would be the red one. I want to see that paint job up close.
As for the interior, I hear what you're saying and it's very possible that Tesla won't be able to reach the luxury bar that you expect. However, I think the interior is the most "slapped together" part of the car and they have lots of time (and have had lots of time since these were originally designed for building) to upgrade the interior. I'm hoping they come up with a wood trim option. That vertical tree leaf design doesn't do much for me and the rest looks like cheap plastic.
Great pictures gg, thanks!�
Oct 8, 2011
Tommy Yes, "slapped together" is a good description of the fit & finish of the interior. I was unhappy about seeing the profile of the thin wood veneer visible with the doors open whereas other manufacturers recess the veneer or wrap the veneer around corners to give the illusion of thick wood when the doors are open. Also unhappy with the crease in the under dash at knee level, doesn't have a molded or substantial look. Lastly, the leather stitching underneath the steering column just ends, giving an unfinished look to this area.�
Oct 8, 2011
Mistero If anything will turn me away from this car, it will be the interior. It really seemed cheap and I hope what we're seeing is not the final product.�
Oct 8, 2011
Mycroft I wonder if they'll have the Beta up here in time for the "Plug-in Event" on Mercer Island next weekend. Probably not, but wouldn't that be cool! They could promote the Model S and the new Bellevue store at the same time!�
Oct 8, 2011
gg_got_a_tesla Just in case there are Tesla employees trolling this forum, I'm going to start a new thread with my complaints about the beta. Please chime in over there: Complaints / Pet Peeves with the Model S Beta :-|�
Oct 8, 2011
Soflauthor The drumbeat of negative comments about the Model S interior continues on a number of threads at this forum and at Teslamotors.com forums. Sure do hope Tesla is taking note and will make some significant modifications. It all begins with re-introduction of a center console (a la the pre-alpha S) and then extends to better integration of the display (interesting that the display seemed fully integrated in the pre-alpha) and more care with the dash and seats.�
Oct 8, 2011
Mycroft Somebody probably thought it would be a good idea to open up th floor area between the two front seats.
I agree that bringing the console back would be better. Better cup holders, place for shift buttons/stick, more asthetical placement of the 17" screen and lots of storage possibilities.�
Oct 8, 2011
goyogi I like the original prototype console much better as well. Though the exterior of the beta is better than the prototype so it's not a matter of liking what I saw first. Heck I even like the Alpha nose cone as long as it was more matte. Of note the prototype dash doesn't look like it has adjustable vents so it would need to be modified a bit.�
Oct 9, 2011
Norbert I think the large open space below the LCD screen (between the two dividers) is actually meant for things like maps (in so far as one still needs them), (parking-) tickets, garage openers, and other stuff. Not sure though. It took me a little getting used to the new dashboard, but now I like it to the point that I'm afraid if they change it again I might not like it anymore. I'd now choose it over the previous design if both were options. An advantage is it that allows the LCD screen to be mounted higher, and without obstructions in the lower corners. It also allows the speedometer display to be wider and to include the current song and the great Wh/mile graph.�
Oct 9, 2011
Trnsl8r One thing I noticed from trying out the backseat was that my head just barely touched the rear ceiling beam, and I'm not all that tall (say 6'1"). Not a concern really, maybe I was sitting funny.�
Oct 9, 2011
Mycroft Maybe you were sitting on your wallet. :biggrin:�
Oct 9, 2011
Trnsl8r :biggrin: Nice one!
Problem solved once I pay for the car then. :tongue:�
Oct 10, 2011
neroden To take a contrary view, I am very fond of the unobstructed space between the front seats. I don't want a giant bulky immovable console extending to the floor; it's a leftover from the ICE driveshaft.
Some sort of flip-up armrest/tray, or a removable storage box, or both, would be OK. Do something distinctive and flexible with that space.�
Oct 10, 2011
nhurst I, too, prefer the unobstructed space between the front seats. For those wanting something else, and there are numerous logical possibilities, it seems to me that aftermarket vendors should be able to come up with great solutions very quickly.�
Oct 10, 2011
WhiteKnight My one fear about having a center console, instead of the current setup, is that for someone who is tall like me (6' 4" tall) the center console can be too confining and rub against your knees. Please, Tesla, don't make it like some vehicles where the center console is up above your hips (almost at armrest height) the whole way across. If you add a center console then please have it follow the 17" screen straight down to a point that is below the height of the seat.�
Oct 10, 2011
Kipernicus I ended up going this weekend, and brought my friends who were visiting from S. Carolina. They were quite impressed, and liked seeing the row of Roadsters charging in the back too. It was super crowded however and we didn't wait around to sit inside (didn't know about res holders skipping in line, but I don't think I would have done that anyways). Tesla did generate some good buzz, and I think the Model S fits right into the high-end atmosphere of Santana Row.�
Oct 10, 2011
vfx I too am for nothing on the floor between the front seats. Anything for that area could be an upcharge accessory with different versions. Cupholders, storage bins, phone holder/chargers, drink cooler/ heater Maybe a simple velcro bottom like the door sills but with a 12V plug.�
Oct 11, 2011
neroden Clever idea. That would certainly create a range of accessory options!�
Oct 11, 2011
smorgasbord Here's the video of how they got the White Beta into the showroom at Santana Row:
It includes some shots of the speedo (532 miles, probably most of them from the previous weekend's test rides), charge port, and showing the headlights and taillights on at night.�
Oct 12, 2011
dsm363 Nice video. Thanks.�
Oct 12, 2011
Tempus i think there was a bit in there with the side mirror folded in when they came through the glass doors. At least, i think i saw one of the guys snap it back out afterwards....�
Oct 12, 2011
AnOutsider You did:
Cool, lower LEDs as well:
Oct 12, 2011
smorgasbord And a 110v plug for North American markets. Some ICE vehicles already have this and it's ironic that the cars with the biggest batteries don't.
My Honda Ridgeline pickup has a handy center console thingie with a ton of storage - something like that (but less plastic) would be great for the Model S.�
Oct 12, 2011
NigelM Nice video of the car, way too much intergluteal cleft from the crew.�
Oct 12, 2011
TEG LOL. Nothing a little putty can't fix.
Tire turning noises on that slick floor also sounded a bit too much like a related sound.�
Oct 12, 2011
AnOutsider haha, the one guy shamefully pulled his up and looked back at the camera like "did you see that?"�
Oct 13, 2011
Iz Very nice video. Thanks for posting it. Great shot of the charging port.�
Oct 13, 2011
smorgasbord Yeah, I don't know if it's on the cutting room floor, but at the time someone was making a joke about how now was a good time to stop holding 'em in.
I think the red one is coming to Santana Row this upcoming weekend. If I recall, that one has a more deluxe interior.�
Oct 16, 2011
Trnsl8r One thing us geeks on this forum doesn't realize is that the Model S, and EVs in general, is not mainstream knowledge just yet. So one gratifying thing with stopping by Santana Row yesterday was to listen to, and observe, people's reactions when the staff tells them exactly what they're looking at. "Where's the motor?" (They filled the frunk with bags now for illustration. Good move.) "It's completely electric?" "The battery is where now?"
Just a beautiful collection of aha-moments to get one through the next 12 months.
Oct 16, 2011
gg_got_a_tesla Yeah, felt the same last weekend at the Menlo store where some well-heeled (and definitely not geekish) folks were posing the same kind of questions to come to grips with something that they had never seen in their 30/40+ years of motoringI wonder what we - today's geeks - will be bemused by 20/30 years from now ;-)
Oct 16, 2011
AnOutsider Where's the wheels? It tele-whats? Instant? No way.�
Oct 16, 2011
gg_got_a_tesla Don't wanna become "GGFly" so, I'll stick to my Tesla Model Z then, thank you very much!
Oct 16, 2011
Mycroft Who else thinks Elon, with his magic capacitors, will finally bring us our flying electric car?�
Oct 16, 2011
gg_got_a_tesla What, you don't want your 21" turbine wheels?!
Well, Aptera is not far from getting a 'car' off the ground so, yeah, very much possible!�
Oct 16, 2011
Mycroft No, the turbine wheels would still be there, but like Chitty Chitty, they would flip up and become true air turbine propellers. :biggrin:�
Oct 16, 2011
drbradfo One I just noticed watching the video again, was the front fog lights are directional. When the wheels are turned to the left, a second light comes on, then when the wheels are to the right, it turns off an another one comes on the right side.�
Oct 16, 2011
mt2 I think I saw what you were looking at, but it didn't appear to be the fog lights. Instead, it appeared to me that there is an additional light above the fog lights that goes on when the wheel is turned past a certain degree. If it wasn't a trick of the camera, that would be really cool. I was hoping for directional headlights, but a solution like this would be an excellent way to accomplish the same end without the complexity of actually rotating the headlights.�
Oct 16, 2011
Cobos I believe msot E-series Merc's does this, though I think they use one of the foglights to accomplish this. After all even the Skoda Superb has this as an option now. I'm guessing the logic is from Mercedes?
Oct 17, 2011
Kevin Harney My BMW also does this. It has turning lamps which come on at slow speeds to facilitate turning and also has headlights that turn with the car at higher speeds . Overall the lighting in my BMW is FANTASTIC !!! Better than any other car I have owned to date. I am sure that is what Tesla is accomplishing here as well.�
Oct 17, 2011
Albern Yes you are right but since Mercedes has unfortunately been refreshing their line up with LEDs to replace the fog lights at the bottom that function obviously no longer exists. I have yet to observe if the main headlight cluster does something in absence of the incandescent fog lights.�
Oct 17, 2011
AnOutsider We recently traded the S5 for an A6 and it has this. It does work with the LED lights though. What they do is similar: turn on a side light when you're turning.�
Oct 17, 2011
Kevin Harney I think Albern is referring to Fog lights not turning lights when saying an incandescent must be used.�
Oct 17, 2011
doug So any word where the cars are now?�
Oct 17, 2011
tdelta1000 Man!!! the Model S looks real good... even better at low speed. What's the next stop?�
Oct 18, 2011
zdre Don't all cars with fog lights have this by now? My VW Golf TDI also has this (Skoda is a VW brand). It's helpful when pulling in/out of the driveway, but it does not work when the road curves, only at actual turns.�
Oct 18, 2011
Kevin Harney The turning lamps and the moving headlights are two different animals. My car has both. Turning as the road curves is really quite amazing !! Works VERY well.�
Oct 20, 2011
vfx ?
See the Model S Beta on display.
The Beta version is a 90% production intent prototype of the Model S.
Tesla Los Angeles
October 22nd | 10am to 6pm
October 23rd | 12pm to 5pm�
Oct 21, 2011
Trnsl8r Looks like the red one is gracing the grand opening of a store in Houston, TX, with its presence - according to TM's Facebook page.�
Oct 21, 2011
jed-99aggie Signature Beta (RED) in Houston Galleria store
Saw it last evening. The store soft-opening appears to have been a success. Glad to see Tesla establishing a Texas presence.�
Oct 21, 2011
TEG Flickr: ReliantEnergy's Photostream
By the way, do those beta prototypes have airbags? Did anyone see SRS logos on the steering or passenger dashboard?�
Oct 21, 2011
TEG KUHF Conversations: Tesla Motor's George Blankenship
Tesla Motor's George Blankenship - a set on Flickr�
Oct 21, 2011
gg_got_a_tesla Still no Muir Red on here: IMG_0116 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!�
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