Oct 26, 2012
FTLRKT Do any of you other Model S owners use a Valentine One radar detector?
The coating on the windshield completely blocks K & KA band signals from reaching the Valentine One, even when I mount it directly behind the "open" area at the top of the windshield next to the mirror mount. Actually, it's a rather impressive coating Tesla has put on. However, it renders my Valentine One completely useless.
I'm actively looking for a solution to mount the Valentine One elsewhere and run the concealed remote display into the cabin. If anyone else is trying to do the same, please share your thoughts here.
Please note that I am not interested in other brands of radar detectors. I have tried them all, and none of them outperform my 14 year old Valentine One.
Oct 26, 2012
steve841 I am a V1 lover/user as well ....
Nothing to offer but support.�
Oct 26, 2012
bluetinc Unfortunately all I can offer is support as well, I've been watching the EZPass discussions closely and am a little worried that I'll have to modify something to get the V1 into the car...
Oct 26, 2012
v12 to 12v Count me in on the support group. I've been pondering this as well
- - - Updated - - -
Maybe we can reach out to V1. I wonder if it would work if the unit was behind the clear nose cone. I don't even know if that area is accessible yet.�
Oct 26, 2012
miemrich My BMW 750 has a window in the window coating at the lower middle section. That's where my V1 works perfect. Tesla should have the same.�
Oct 26, 2012
pete8314 I'll be a member of the support group too...I don't want to have to sell my V1 when the Model S arrives, hell, I'll need it more than ever!�
Oct 26, 2012
v12 to 12v I'll contact V1 now to see where to start. It looks like there is enough interest if there is this many replies in such short order.�
Oct 26, 2012
JakeP Also a V1 fan, have been wondering the same. Unfortunately Valentine has never offered any of the fancier hidden/alternative mount options that some of the other brands have introduced.�
Oct 26, 2012
v12 to 12v I just remembered that the front nose cone won't work because the rear signal would be blocked.�
Oct 26, 2012
pete8314 No, they're a bit 'old school' in that respect. I also use the Savvy to keep the thing quite when I'm below 35, it also makes for a really easy wiring job, but I'm not sure the Model S even has an OBD port, does it?�
Oct 26, 2012
JakeP I have seen the techs working with a computer plugged into what I assume was the OBD port, which they accessed near the cubby under the display.�
Oct 26, 2012
FTLRKT I actually don't mind buying another V1 and mounting it rear-facing, and mounting a separate one front-facing. That's fine with me. It's a knowable $500 cost that I can choose to buy or not.
I looked behind the nose cone. It's probably doable, but it is very close to the radiator and I would not want to impede that functionality. Wiring should not be an issue, should be very easy to route a phone cable to the fuse box or OBDII port for the Savvy.
I'm considering taking my V1 apart to see if the detector component could be removed, and placed into a custom-designed housing that fits flush with either one of the side mirrors, or another to-be-determined location. Maybe it has separate front and rear detectors that could be separately mounted. Not sure yet. Trying to avoid this level of complexity to resolve a fairly straightforward problem.
With regards to the "open" area of the windshield, it looks like it should actually be large enough to fit the front detector portion of the V1, but the rest of the V1 body gets in the way.�
Oct 26, 2012
contaygious Thanks for the heads up. I was going to get an escort smart radar to replace my old v1 but I guess I'll need the one installed in the bumper now.
V1 has too many false alerts for my taste and it seems escort is better nowadays.�
Oct 27, 2012
FTLRKT I only use the V1 on the highway and freeway. There it has really never faulted for me. In the city, it's basically useless for me as cops seem to mainly use laser and I haven't yet discovered an effective laser detector.�
Oct 27, 2012
JRod0802 I also have a V1. I got it a couple of years ago. It includes a laser detector. So it does: X, K, Ka, L.�
Oct 27, 2012
JakeP Yes but if they hit you with the laser, they pretty much got you. There is little laser splash to give you advanced warning.
Given that I really only use my V1 on long highway trips, I may not need it as much with Model S, as range concerns will dictate more reasonable (though not necessarily legal) cruising speeds.�
Oct 27, 2012
contaygious dadaleus has a nice passport install I believe. Passport gets updates for cameras and safe zones online and with gps which is helpful. For laser I'm thinking Blinder HP-905 Compact Laser Jammer Review�
Oct 27, 2012
pete8314 Yeah, the laser detection is really only good for telling you that you've just been caught. I've got a V1, and an Escort9500 in our other car, and neither of them offer any defense from laser, by the time they're going crazy, it's too late. I've never had a jammer before, but will consider it for the S, since there's a lot of use of laser around here.�
Oct 27, 2012
mcornwell Love both of my V1's. The windshield coating is all the more reason we need a Trapster app for the 17" display...�
Oct 27, 2012
mklcolvin Uh-oh, I'm a V1 user too. Didn't know about this issue, and I was looking forward to moving my V1 to my new baby... Didn't Valentine offer a concealed mode adapter awhile back?�
Oct 27, 2012
artsci I've been a Valentine One user for more than a decade. There is a concealed display which I have on my S2000.![]()
The V1 has saved me a number of times, but not from laser. And the V1 technology has not changed much over that time. As others have noted, the number of false alarms it generates is especially annoying. So I think when my S arrives I will leave the V1 in my Volt and go with a more up-to-date technology and perhaps even a laser jammer. I'm thinking PASSPORT 8500ci Plus and Blinder HP-905 Quad Laser Defense System plus Veil Stealth coating on the head and fog lamp covers. And no front license plate, as that's most often the target of laser guns.
The only thing that will stop me is the very high cost. All of this will run about $1,800. That's a lot of speeding tickets. On the other hand the PASSPORT 8500ci Plus maintains a database of speed and red light cameras which are increasingly present around here. Most of them are set to give the benefit of the doubt to the local governments that have installed them (they're really about generating revenue, not safety).�
Oct 27, 2012
Nikoli Is it possible to remove some of the coating from the windshield? I also have a V1.�
Oct 28, 2012
v12 to 12v I have not heard anything from V1 about my inquiry yet. I sent an e-mail off on Friday. Hopefully they will reply soon. I informed them that there is a thread here at TMC discussing implementing their product in the Model S. Maybe they will pop in.�
Oct 28, 2012
FTLRKT I just tried mounting it on top of my pano roof (obviously the pano roof then has to be open), and while it is quite ugly and not aerodynamic, it did work...
Obviously, not ideal. The V1 website is fairly adamant about placing V1 up high, not in the front bumper or lower on the ground where traffic gets in the way and where "it can't see over hills" as easily. I'll try to work on a mount that places enough of the front sensor directly behind the blacked-out "open" area on top of the windshield to make it functional.�
Oct 29, 2012
josh For all you V1 owners: you really have to try a modern generation detector! Have always liked the V1 and love the directional, but the single most fantastic thing about the new escorts and Bels (owned by the same company, pretty much the same product) is the GPS feature. You would think the shared database etc would be it, but the genius feature is this: it tracks your location by GPS, and keeps track of alerts. If you see the exact same location and exact frequency three times, it marks it as a false and never sounds for it again. Effectively, within your normal driving radius, within a month, you basically get no more false alerts, even in the city. It's spectacular.
Re: Laser. It's true, the alert that's in your detector is just ticket early warning. There are many jammers/shifters on the market, their effectiveness is very high, legality is mixed! However, if you have one, way better than a radar detector as it's not just a warning! This site has many reviews and a highly data driven approach to the products:
ECCTG Laser Jammer Fest 2011 - Featuring the Digital Ally Laser Ally - Radar Detector Laser Jammer Forum�
Oct 29, 2012
W8MM The GPS feature will work less well if the detector is positioned under/behind a metallic-coated windshield. The metallic coating blocks the GPS signals just as effectively as radar or cell phone signals that try to come through the windshield.�
Oct 29, 2012
JRod0802 It tells you if there's someone currently checking your speed via laser. This is not useless information. It lets you know the situation and that you definitely shouldn't speed up. A lot of times they'll get you as you come around a corner, right before you speed up.
- - - Updated - - -
I have the same one, only mine is colorized, like this:
It makes it much easier to figure out exactly what band of radar and/or laser just got you when it's too dark to read the display.
For more info:
COLOR Valentine One Displays
languy99's Photostream�
Oct 29, 2012
josh The GPS antenna on the stealth units is remote located so you can try to move it to a location that is not blocked, or even an exterior location.�
Oct 30, 2012
W8MM Right, I was speaking of the most common integrated units that don't cost over $1,000.�
Oct 30, 2012
Zextraterrestrial @ Josh -
about the 3 times false alert- what about the CHP that always uses radar at the same location? I don't speed past those spots because I know about them but it would be nice to know if there is radar or not and not just have it blocked since CHP is there almost every day.�
Oct 30, 2012
v12 to 12v I got a reply from Valentine One:
"We contacted Tesla yesterday to discuss the windshield. Tesla will research the issue and contact us.
We are quite surprised about the situation. Mrs. Valentine has the new model ordered and was expecting to take delivery soon.
There is nowhere in any of the Tesla information that indicates that the windshield would have a coating. Mrs. Valentine test drove the car in Chicago this summer. Mr. Valentine and she asked about the windshield and were told there was no coating that would prevent receiving signals.
Mr. Valentine made the call to Tesla and we are awaiting a response."�
Oct 30, 2012
efusco That is interesting! Mrs. Valentine...had no idea the company was named after people...much less living breathing Tesla driving people!�
Oct 30, 2012
Nikoli And they're headquartered right here in Cincinnati!�
Oct 30, 2012
v12 to 12v I love small, agile and responsive companies. All the more reason to support them.�
Oct 30, 2012
pete8314 They've never replied to any of my emails, but, still, if they're going to be as Model S owner, maybe there's a chance they'll develop an app for the Model S? Maybe...? We can dream. Would be great though, to have some kind of remote head unit that provides audio/visual feedback via the screen(s). It would help leapfrog Valentine into the 21st Century too, as there's no doubting that their technology is reliable and well engineered, but it's still very '80's' in terms of style and functionality.�
Oct 30, 2012
josh I think it's possible you could get a false negative due to this. The geographic spot is tight (so it would have to be exact) and they correlate with exact frequency, so it's a fairly unique pair. If a cop hides out where a "Your Speed Is" sign that your system has blocked, you'd still alert on the cop (on a presumably different frequency).
I haven't seen the behavior you describe locally here in the bay area (cop with radar in exact same spot), but you could get a false negative. However, I'd still trade removal of the dozens of daily false positives I get from a V1 in exchange for no alarm on a spot where I know there is always a cop with a radar gun...�
Oct 31, 2012
W8MM http://www.valentine1.com/gps/
Mar 4, 2013
antochat Did anyone ever get a response from Valentine on using it in the Model S?�
Jul 11, 2013
TSLA Pilot Any update on this?
We're driving around "naked" as we've not installed anything for protection yet. Optimal: an app that would simply takeover a small portion of the 17" screen's real estate for radar/traffic information display, as one might find with the Escort iPhone app . . . .�
Jul 12, 2013
HHHH Good to see you here Mike, I'm a frequenter of Teamspeed, Rennlist, Rennteam, 6speed, etc. Is there any update to the V1's being able to be installed in the Model S? The V1 was the first radar I got when I turned 16, and I've had it in every car since then.�
Aug 3, 2013
Splunge I have both a really old Uniden and a brand new Escort Radar detector. Both work perfectly in the MS, regardless of where I mount them. If radar can get through the windshield for these detectors to work, why can't the Valentine detect the radar as well? I certainly understand the coating blocking a laser signal, but the Valentine radar problem is hard to understand.�
Aug 3, 2013
darthvdr The advancements in cars are really making it tough for these companies.�
Aug 4, 2013
josh Funny, their page designed to convince me that GPS is bad is actually a pretty good argument for GPS.
This basically says: there is a chance that, by using GPS to block false alarms, you will miss a real one. (and, you may still get false b/c cheap door radar drifts frequency.
Which is exactly what I said. I'm the radar customer who wants: 90% reduction in false alarms at the cost of some fairly small risk of getting nailed. I don't speed all that much anyway, I usually do it in uncrowded areas, and at the rate of false alarms in pre-GPS radar detectors, I just don't want a radar detector. I don't think cops have enough time (or GPS radar enough penetration) for deliberate widespread exploitation of this weakness.
Now, the 17-year-old me would have happily had lots of false alarms for a small increase in protection: I sped more, and I enjoyed the game. If you're the kind of guy who is watching you-tube videos titled "Guys of Lidar" who are running k-band false tests vs. BOTH instant on and constant K-band radar, from multiple camera angles, then it's probably not the product for you!�
Aug 5, 2013
pete8314 Agreed. I had a V1 for a year, and it just beeps ALL the time. Maybe in less built up areas it would be more useful, and I did love the arrows showing where the 'threat' was, but overall I was much happy to reduce the noise by 90% with my Passport, and perhaps increase the chance of getting a ticket by 10%.�
Aug 7, 2013
lloyds I agree as well. The V1 was great 90s technology and I loved mine with the arrows. It had saved me countless times, so I do thank my V1. But in the past 5 years, the false alarms are just so annoying that I've ended up storing it in my glove box. I will be going with a 9500ci this time around. Just searching for the right installer now.�
Dec 18, 2013
bradhs How old is your V1? Mine rarely has false alarms. Had it for over 10 years and have upgraded it a few times with the latest hardware/software.�
Dec 19, 2013
dratifk I have 2 V1's for my Volt and Odyssey. For the Model S I went with Bel-Stir. I also have Laser Intereceptor for the Odyssey and Model S�
Dec 23, 2013
Kenne74 The software upgrade on my V1 made a huge difference with the false alarms.�
Dec 24, 2013
dave I have an old V1 that I haven't put in the Tesla yet because I wasn't sure how to mount it. In my old car I had it hard wired to some power cables in the rear view mirror. How are you guys mounting and cabling yours? I really don't want to use it if there are cables everywhere.�
Dec 26, 2013
SBerg I started with mine on the cross bar behind the nose cone. Bad idea, it got wet. I have another one I just put on the floor of the frunk. Works fine, no risk of water and it picks up signals from behind the car. I guess the aluminum body let's radar through.�
Dec 26, 2013
dave The floor of the frunk? How do you power it? How do you see / hear the alerts?�
Oct 25, 2014
svp6 Any updates on this? I put my V1 in my BMW on the driver's visor (only use it for long trips).�
Oct 25, 2014
capt601 A year and half ago , mr valentine said he was buying a model s for his wife and would make sure it worked in the S, but he has been silent on this. Guessing he couldn't figure it out either. May try emailing them.�
Oct 25, 2014
bigdomer Tried v1 on new auto pilot winsdshield today with sheriff running radar right in front of me. No luck. front glass is so opaque to radar. Called tesla customer service to best understand the clear areas. Tried it all with live radar to no avail.�
Jan 5, 2015
svp6 My V1 goes on ebay.... Nothing through the windshield, all alarms through back and side windows.....�
Jan 10, 2015
rs4 Count me in.
I also a v1 user.
But are there any else we can use? Other brands?�
Jan 10, 2015
smsprague My Escort 9500ix works perfect - positioned just to the left of the rear view mirror�
Jan 10, 2015
mackgoo Sorry I can't add to the conversation. But I just have to comment. I live in OC Ca. To hear discussions about radar detectors is down right comical. Here everyone is driving 80-90, with the CHP driving right next to you. The speed limit is 65, if someone were to drive that speed their a road hazard.�
Jan 10, 2015
pete8314 Or the Escort 9500ci; that's what I switched to from my V1....pro's and cons to both, but overall I prefer the 9500ci, coupled with Waze on my phone.�
Jan 10, 2015
smsprague Agreed on 9500ci if you have the $2,500 to spare - Costco had 9500ix no risk�
Jan 10, 2015
pete8314 true, it's not a cheap solution, though I got mine from eBay for $1400, and installed it myself, I couldn't come to terms with paying an installed $2500 for the same thing, and back then, I knew as much about a Model S tear-down as most of the local custom installers.�
Jan 10, 2015
smsprague Cool I am to chicken to start splicing into wires�
Jan 10, 2015
pete8314 There's only one, and at least we know which one it is now, I had to do a lot of probing to find it. I used one of those Scotch wiretaps, so didn't need to chop into the wire. The larger challenge is getting all the wires through from the frunk, and then tidying them all up somewhere behind the dash.
Jan 10, 2015
rs4 I need something that is possible to hide, like V1 in the back mirror, because radar/laser are not allowed in Norway :-(
Or simulare something that laser could be hided and use my mobilephone to warn me when police aiming at me
Jan 10, 2015
pete8314 The 9500ci is a discreet solution, all you see inside the car is a small control pad and a display; on mine, the display is tucked up by the rear-view mirror, and the control bad to the left of the steering wheel, but it could easily be put somewhere else that's completely out of sight. The laser shifters are a bit more obvious, since they don't work if they're hidden behind anything. the actual radar head is behind the nosecone, so is out of sight. More details on this thread, where I and others cover the fitting options.�
Jan 13, 2015
skilly at that point it seems like a fully integrated K40 with laser block would be a better option�
Jan 13, 2015
CHG-ON I put my V1 on the bumper beam behind the nose cone and it seems to work quite well for forward facing assaults. I actually "shrink wrapped" it with my Food Saver to protect it from moisture and it is working so far. I also already had a remote display for visual alerts, but needed to buy the remote audio controller to have audible alerts. 50 bucks. The cheapest fix I could figure.
One warning: I attached the accessory junction box, which connects the V1 to the remote displays (audio and visual) to the outside of the frunk "box?" on the driver's side and it failed after one rain storm. I didn't see any evidence of moisture, so it may have been happenstance, but I ended up taking my other one (I have so many spare parts for everything...) and placing up under the dash cowl to the direct rear of the funk, outside the cabin, where it can't get wet just in case. No rain since, so I don't know if I solved the problem.
It is not an ideal installation, but it works for forward radar (and laser? Don't know). I would like to go for the whole Escort solution, but it is just not in the cards right now. So I do feel vulnerable.
I have been a V1 user since the day they were released and it has never failed me and has saved me thousands in tickets and insurance. I hope they come up with a viable solution. I called and spoke to them and they said they had nothing on the horizon and no immediate fixes at all. Bummer. I expect the relatively low volume of the MS makes it hard for them to justify the big dev costs to create a new solution.�
May 1, 2015
Nevek Any update on the V1 behind the nose cone? Does it do the job for you? Any laser alerts come through? Are you using Valentine's add-on Bluetooth module to send the display to an iPhone or Android device?
I'd like to put my V1 to use. Any insight is appreciated.�
May 2, 2015
Barry I've had a V1 for 15 years. I got a 9500ci for my MS. There's a world of difference in the falsing rate between the two. I plan to sell my V1 when I sell my second car.�
Jul 24, 2015
DrDavid install details
I'd love to use my V1, so I'm interested in the details of your install. I presume you powered the V1 from the fuse box, but I'm not clear where you mounted the accessory junction box "outside the frunk box." Also how did you run the cable to the remote display inside the cabin?�
Jul 26, 2015
CHG-ON I have had many verifiable forward radar alerts from a surprisingly long range, so I am happy with that. I have had a few jammer alerts, but no laser alerts that I know of. Though I don't think we are using much laser in my area. It has never been a big alert for me. I really do miss the rear and side alerts. But in practice, it has caused me no problems as of yet. It STILL has not rained out here, so I can't comment on my cheapo waterproofing solution. All in all, it seems to be working very well, given the environmental limitations.
I still want the Escort solution. But no moolah to pay the monster price.�
Jul 27, 2015
DrDavid How'd you get through the firewall?
This seems to be the 64K question: How'd you get through the firewall into the cabin? Did you have to drill? Did you find an existing opening you could squeak through?�
Jul 27, 2015
Fezzik If you have pano roof there is a drain tube. If no pano roof there is a plug you can use. You will have to drill a bigger hole for wires if you have pano roof�
Jul 28, 2015
DrDavid Many thanks
Just the info I needed! many thanks!�
Aug 7, 2015
AlbertOnMars This is an interesting thread -- I have a V1 mounted immediately to the right of the rear view mirror and it works fine with radar and laser. Seems to work just same as it did in my previous car. I also have a TXTag sticker on the windshield and that also seems to work fine. My car is a late 2014 with Autopilot. I am looking for a way to run power to the V1 while keeping it mounted where it is so I can continue to get rear and side alerts as well. Wish I could us Savvy with this car, but I understand the Model S ODB-II port doesn't provide standard data (like speed), so it's only useful for power.�
Aug 30, 2015
Nevek I did a similar V1 setup but attached the Valentine Bluetooth module to the accessory junction box near the fuse box power connection. I'm using my iPhone for visual alerts and although the Valentine iPhone app does not provide audio alerts, there is another app called "StealthAssist for V1 by Tyler Fox"
StealthAssist for V1 on the App Store on iTunes
It also links to the V1 Bluetooth module but adds speed sensitive alert suppression (like SAVVY) by using the iPhone GPS, gives a single audio alert on the iPhone if the software switch is enabled, and has color coding for the radar bands. It lets you monitor the remote V1 without running wire into the cabin.
This alternate V1 app had a paid upgrade after a trial period but is now free for full functionality, probably since it has not been updated in a year. I contacted the developer who tells me the app will get an update after IOS 9 is released in about 5 weeks and that it is now an open source program. The link is here:
smileyborg/StealthAssist · GitHub
The V1 behind the nose one has all the limitations CHG-ON noted but unless you have a windshield that allows radar through early enough to be useful (I don't, April 2015 85D), it is some help if you want to put your old V1 to use while being able to return your S to stock condition easily.�
Sep 4, 2015
HankLloydRight Couple of quick comments. I'm also a huge V1 fan for at least a decade if not longer... it didn't work in my July '13 P85+, even behind the "dotted" area on the windshield.
I ended up trolling ebay for a while and found a used Belltronics STir+ unit (a twin to the Escort 9500ci but better) for $900, including three laser shifters. I had a pro shop install it for about $1000 (I was originally quoted $700). So all in, it was about $1900 -- a lot less than buying new.
Before that, I also tried installing the V1 in the nosecone with remote display and remote audio, and no drilling of the firewall is needed. (It ended up not working well at all -- couldn't get any radar or laser alerts at well known speed traps unless I was right on top of the LEO). So I pulled it all out and put the Belltronics in instead. Anyway, you can run the wires up either side of the front (under the large plastic trim pieces) and go under the weather stripping at the "A" pillar into the cabin. Very easy.�
Sep 4, 2015
pete8314 That's where I ran all my cables; drilling through the firewall didn't appeal to me! Although, with my recent amp & sub install, I poked a hole through the factory grommet (near the battery, where most of the cables exit the frunk into the cabin), and that was easy enough too. 'easy' is a relative statement, of course, allow a few hours!�
Sep 11, 2015
Nevek Thanks for the note; I ended up running the wires into the cabin as you outlined, since I have a remote Valentine display and it would be good to have an always-on alert even if I don't have my phone app on. I'll probably add the Valentine remote audio module as well.
Where did you put them? I'm thinking the cubby below the screen.
For forward alerts only, I've found the V1 to work well behind the nosecone, on top of the metal crossbar as far forward as I could put it. I don't know about laser yet, but for Ka and K band, the range seems about as good as I remember it when conventionally mounted. I get some rear and side alerts that are likely just reflections, given where it is mounted.
Yeah, it hard to beat the full integrated setup you installed. I had the Escort version with laser shifters in my SL55 and it saved my derri�re several times. The latest quote I got for a similar install in the Tesla was $4k, about $2K for the hardware and about another $2k for a first rate installation with a mirror display. This was by the same shop that did my SL, and I know they do great work (and charge accordingly). I may do that at some point but I'm going to see how the V1 and the WAZE display work to keep me ticket free.
Anyway, thanks for the tip on where to route the wires. Happy driving!�
Sep 11, 2015
HankLloydRight Yeah, I velcro'd the two units together and then velcro'd that unit inside the cubby. It was a nice clean install, but I got almost no alerts.
I did install the V1 inside a clear small Pelican case to make it waterproof in the nosecone -- I don't think that affected radar reception. It's possible though it did get overheated inside the plastic case, I don't know for sure. I just felt for what a V1 costs, and what it could do, to only get forward radar alerts, and no lidar alerts, it just wasn't worth it. Besides, that left my other ICE car without any radar detection. So I put the V1 back into the M5 when I got the Bell unit installed.�
Sep 28, 2015
SBerg I have my V1 in the frunk and it reads radar okay. Won't get laser because that is a visual signal. I ran the wires in under the door trim to the dash. On-off switch is double stick taped to the top edge of the cubby and I mounted the light and sound unit on a little wood block attached to the top of the steering column - very easy to see.�
Sep 29, 2015
FlatSix911 I have had a V1 for years and want to mount it near the rearview mirror.
Does anyone have a recommendation for a 12V power source? I am looking at the small dome lights?�
Sep 29, 2015
bollar This thread from a couple of days ago will probably help: Radar Detectors: Your Experience (Simple Implementation)�
Sep 29, 2015
Nevek There is an unused 12v source under the grill between the two lights. I'll try to find the thread that outlines it and post an update.
Have you tested the V1 with a 12v cord to the aux power source to make sure the signals get through your windshield? Some people have reported an open area beside the mirror in recent builds, but for most of us, the metallic coating on the front windshield means either mounting the V1 behind the nosecone (with several functional limitations) or buying an Escort or equivalent remote mount system.
My recollection was correct but the source is always on, not what you want for a radar detector, sorry. Here is the link if you are curious:
Newer VIN constant 12v power options (dashcam)?)�
Sep 29, 2015
CHG-ON The new windscreens don't have any part that is not metallically coated, so range is greatly reduced or even eliminated. I mounted mine in the nosecone. PM me if interested so that I don't bore the forum.�
Sep 29, 2015
HankLloydRight Not in all cars. Mine doesn't have it. It was there in early cars, then disappeared for about a year or two, and then came back. So YMMV.
I tried several different placements for my beloved V1 but could never find a good spot (including the nosecone), so I finally gave up and went with a Belltronics STIR+ professionally installed.�
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