May 21, 2013
stsanford Hi,
I have my test drive in less than 1.5 hrs.
I had committed mentally last week, as I have been seriously in love with the tech and looks of the MS.
Then, I mentioned my plan to my wife and brother-in-law... I got: "You're out of your F___ing mind!"
Here's the plan, maybe I am crazy... A little preface: I'm not a rich guy, I have a car from a time in my life when I didn't have as many obligations...
That being said:
I have a Porsche 911 C4 coupe that I very rarely drive. It's an 07 with 17,500 miles on it.
I have a Porsche Cayenne that I drive daily and revel in the wonderment that is 17 miles per gallon...
My plan was to sell the 911 and Cayenne and use the money from the 911 to down-pay the S.
Everyone thinks I'm insane. I picked up the 911 after having 3 nails removed from various tires and took my younger son for a ride. Now I'm debating getting rid of it.
So... Is the S really something that would be worth getting rid of 2 arguably fine vehicles for? I know that it would be a 1-way trip for me. What with private school and all, the chances of getting another 911 are slim and nil.
I had been reading the mechanical / technical issues thread, and it does give me some worry...
May 21, 2013
LazMan Yes, and without debate.
May 21, 2013
Laumb Just get the S already!�
May 21, 2013
DrStrangelove a model S is a lot more sensible than two impractical porsches. Im pretty sure the Model S has more luggage space than a Cayenne.�
May 21, 2013
scaesare You may not get much help in being talked down around here... I placed my $5K deposit before ever touching a Model S...
May 21, 2013
AMPd Yes, most definitely!
Since you are getting 17 mpg from your current car you'll definitely feel the fuel cost savings!�
May 21, 2013
efusco This is too easy. Sell the Porsches and get the S. You'll get the 911 performance and the Cayenne space and the joy of being gas free.�
May 21, 2013
Krugerrand Dude! I'm pushing you off the ledge. Seriously! :biggrin:�
May 21, 2013
brianstorms I'm in a somewhat similar situation. Own an Audi Q5 3.2T Quattro S-Line with every whistle and bell available. Like the OP I "revel in the wonderment" that is, in my case, 12 miles per 91 octane gallon. Fun times.
So I wanna trade it in for a Model S while it still has less than 30K miles on it, and never go to a gas station again.
BUT. Just found out yesterday that the power meter to my townhome in the tiny condo complex I live in is not in the underground garage like I thought, but on the other side of the complex far away from the garage. Virtually impossible to run conduit from my meter to my parking space. So I have to get the gas & electric company to come out, evaluate the electrical meter closet in the garage, determine if there's enough power going in and room for an additional meter, and if there is, get it permitted by the city, and if it's permitted by the city, spend thousands of dollars getting the work done. There goes the fuel savings, right down the drain.
This is the part where I still think that electric cars are like Model T's. We have a long, long way to go. The infrastructure is just not there. I am not a happy camper.�
May 21, 2013
Spells Are they saying you're out of your mind because you can't afford it?
It sounds like you've got two paid-off cars and money is very much an object.�
May 21, 2013
capt601 The S replaced a cayenne S we sold and don't miss it one bit. We also have a 911 cab. And I almost feel bad for it, we rarely drive it now. It used to be our weekend car but with enjoying driving the S so much, I'm not even sure in the past 6 months if it has even been driven on the weekend.�
May 21, 2013
Discoducky Get the lease if you aren't sure. But how could you not be sure after the test drive and reading this forum :biggrin:�
May 21, 2013
Joel �Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't.�
Please post photos of you and the fam in your new Model S in this thread and the "Owners delivery stories, photos and first impressions" thread. Also, let us know what your wife and brother-in-law think of your Model S after it arrives.�
May 21, 2013
Todd Burch Haha, +1. All it will take is a 1 mile test drive.�
May 21, 2013
maxjamie definitely get the MS and sell the P-cars. I also have 08 9114S and a Range Rover, and there is no question that the MS is much more fun, luxurious, practical, economical, and "newest and coolest" of all cars.
When I take my kids to school in the MS, we get alll the attention as having the most awesomecar, but not with the porsche or range rover.
I also find I don't drive the porsche much at all, it seems so loud, harsh, rough and just doesn't seem enjoyable driving. On the other hand, I always look forward to driving the MS!!
The MS will not disappoint you�
May 21, 2013
neroden Yes. Take a nice long test drive and you'll be convinced.
I've complained a lot about the internal disorganization of Tesla Motors. But the car. Model S is the best car ever and there is no doubt about that. There is nothing quite like driving electric, and Model S is the current pinnacle of electric driving.
The 911 should cover about half the cost of the Model S if you get a good price for it, and the Cayenne will defray it even more. Now, if you don't believe you can raise the rest of the money to pay for the Model S, that's one thing (no point in buying a car only for the bank to seize it), but if you're pretty sure you can earn enough money for the rest of the Model S price, buy it. The savings in energy costs will be significant enough to defray some of the cost. (17 mpg vs. <400 kwh/mile -- look up your electric rates and your local gas prices.)
If you were the sort of person who took 1000 mile road trips regularly, I might give you different advice, since taking trips beyond the range of the car is still a bit of a pain. But you're not. You're on Long Island with cars with high gas usage, so I know you're not a big road tripper.
The Model S handles like a sports car, it has the ride quality of a touring car, it has more interior space than a station wagon and almost as much as an SUV, and it has the unique responsiveness which comes only with electric drive. Your only question should be what options to get. You'll love the car. So will your kids. So will your wife. Even your brother-in-law will, unless he's really really tall.�
May 21, 2013
Ardie TIA,
I'll toss a wrench in here and ask that you may want to reconsider your original desire.
The Cayenne and the Model S are for two different purposes.
If you use the Cayenne as an offroad vehicle, or if you use it as a cargo hauler, then the Model S may not work out so well.
Check out the all-wheel drive cargo-hauling Tesla Model X instead.
Of course, you have already taken a Model S test drive, and are probably afflicted with 'Model S Fever'.
I completely understand. There appears to be no cure.
-- Ardie�
May 21, 2013
ItsNotAboutTheMoney Writing as somebody who also isn't rich and isn't going to be buying a Tesla unless they succeed with Gen 3...
You want the car but are concerned about the money because you have responsibilities. So, crunch the numbers and work out how much it will cost you. Then, when you have the hard numbers you should be able to make a more comfortable decision either way.�
May 21, 2013
No not that, because they see it as impractical. I probably live well below what my means would permit, I am not a credit user if I can help it.
Thanks Spells for the input!
- - - Updated - - -
Nice one... Hadn't heard that before now. Good saying.
- - - Updated - - -
Welll, actually I'm using the Cayenne as my daily driver / work vehicle. I occasionally have to haul a decent amount of stuff, and even with the Cayenne, the seats have to fold down. When you fold down the seats in the MS it's probably as big, just configured differently. I am NOT going to miss the Cayenne. The 911... I took it to the test drive. I probably will sell it at some point, but it's hard to let go of it now even though (or maybe precisely because) I don't drive it all that much.
I'll post back to the thread with my test drive impressions...
- - - Updated - - -
I've just returned from the test drive. Great experience all-around. Didn't know that Tesla will take trades... Makes it more dangerous for me
The MS is smooth. It oozes. The 911 is a much more visceral experience. The 911 makes "that Porsche Sound" a sound that I have loved for many years. It's involving, requires attention to detail (it's a manual, I heel-and-toe, for example) but it's also work.
It's easy to get near-911 acceleration times out of the MS as it's just push down the pedal. Heck even stopping is just let off that same pedal.
I don't think it's going to be a replacement for the 911, unless I do a Performance model, but I don't think I'm yet ready for that type of commitment. Thinking I may cut back some options and take an MS as replacement for the truck (which I have always hated... I am NOT an SUV guy).
As I see it Tesla has a great product, great people working the front lines, committed fans, but also from what I'm reading, the ball is getting dropped a bit. Hopefully that will be brought up to the level of the other items. I'm impressed at the fit and finish, guess I was just a bit freaked out by all of the other threads about others with issues...
Oh, speaking of those with issues. When we pulled in from the test drive, my 911's front trunk (we have those too) was popped... Wasn't a glitch though. I sat on the key and probably activated the trunk release when I got in the MS <G>
Thanks again for everyone's input. Will update as things progress...�
May 21, 2013
scaesare I'm not rich either. But my commute isn't cheap.
But I'll recoup 400-450/ month in fuel costs... or about $32K over the life if a 6yr loan.
I'f I subtract $450/month from my payment, what i'm left over with isn't too far above the payments I'm about to get rid of for a 2006 Toyota Sequoia I bought used. And with the 8y yr battery warrantee, I expect I'll keep it at least until yr, 8, which means I save another ~$11K in fuel after that.
Yes, It is going to cost me a bit more monthly right now... but the TCO numbers aren't nearly as bad as the initial sticker price suggests if you drive a significant amount.�
May 21, 2013
dsm363 Congrats. You may find the P85+ is a decent replacement for the 911 (not exact) so it still might be able to replace both cars.�
May 21, 2013
deonb Keep in mind that people are very vocal on issues here.
Unfortunately we don't quite have a Yelp or Amazon style positive/negative review system here, so you can't quite get a good vs. bad review system to guide you to the true quality of the product.
I'm sure I'm joining hundreds or thousands of other users on here that have never had any issues with the car (ok, I had a flat once - hardly Tesla's fault - and even the lack of a spare didn't hurt me at all. Simply used the Tesla repair kit to fix and was on my way in 10 mins).
But what I have learned from the negative reviews is that Tesla stands behind their product.
However, I can imagine that people get upset when they have to leave the car with Tesla for a few days. I get MSWS (Model-S-Withdrawal-Syndrome) from just dropping my car of to get washed for 2 hours every few weeks! Sadly there is no cure for MSWS yet... but there is apparently some hope on the horizon... something to do with an 'X' ?�
May 21, 2013
yobigd20 I bought the P85 without even test driving a model S and I don't regret it one bit. BEST. CAR. EVER. NOW GO GET YOUR MODEL S!�
May 21, 2013
rolosrevenge Did no one ever.�
May 21, 2013
Joel TIA - what are your thoughts after the test drive?�
May 21, 2013
Krugerrand Is in the hospital having reconstructive face surgery, with an emphasis of taking that Joker-type grin off his face.�
May 21, 2013
rogbmw I am an enthusiast like you as well. I have owned a P car in the past. But, I don't think I will go back to an ICE car. My car before the S was a BMW 1M Coupe. Fast, Quick, and fun to drive. But....I sold it for our S and have never looked back.
But here are some hard facts I computed last night based on our 3 months of ownership with the S:
Over the first 2926 miles, the Model S has cost me 3.3 cents per mile for energy(using my KWH hour rate here in FL - total energy used was 938KWH).
Compare this to my 2011 BMW 1M Coupe - same mileage cost me 15.6 cents per mile (based on average Mpg figures and costs paid for gasoline).
So...I enjoy driving the Model S more, my energy consumption rate is roughly 20% of what it used to be, and I have the "Tesla Grin". What else could one want.�
May 21, 2013
PopSmith @stsanford, it sounds like you had an enjoyable experience with the Model S test drive, good to hear. :smile:
Depending on how much the installation costs, and how much you drive, you could break-even within the first year. Just to play with some numbers (please gently correct me if I'm off on some of them!):
Gas costs and usage:
- Premium gas ranges from $4.29-$4.89 in your area according to SanDiegoGasPrices/GasBuddy.
- Average of the four reported prices: $4.51.
- 12K miles per year / 12MPG = 1000 gallons.
- 1000 gallons * $4.51/gallon = $4,510 in fuel costs.
Electricity costs and usage:
- $0.30 per kWh (Based off this PDF)
- Model S consumes 330Wh/mile according to Tesla.
- 12K miles * 330 watt hours per mile = 3,960 kilowatt hours per year.
- 3,960 kWh * $0.30 = $1,188 per year.
$4,510 - $1,188 = $3,322 per year (assuming electricity/gas prices remain stable).�
May 21, 2013
holstein13 This forum is probably not the best place to get objective advice. After all, almost everyone here is biased towards the car. Especially after having lived with it now.
I'd say that you honestly have all the information you need in order to make a great decision. Whatever you decide, I'm confident it will be the best for your situation.�
May 21, 2013
JakeP Go right over the ledge, don't ever look back. My 2000 Porsche Boxster never came out of winter storage this year, as it has been permanently displaced by my S85. The Porsche is now for sale if anybody wants it! I can barely drive my 2007 BMW 328xi on long trips (which would require a Supercharger) anymore, the engine now sounds to my ears like it has gravel in the pistons, and it is technologically stunted. It will be sold as soon as soon as the Superchargers land near me. Trust us, this is a decision you will *not* regret.�
May 21, 2013
TMS_Red Stsanford, I own a 1995 Porsche 911 Cabriolet (993) with 33K miles on it. I have owned it since '95 and thought that I will never sell it. It is my weekend car. I picked up my Model S last Thursday (May 16). I am seriously thinking of getting rid of the Porsche. I don't see the need for it anymore.�
May 21, 2013
Merrill Same here, have owned Jaguars since 1970, never thought I would own anything else for the weekend car. Once I drove the model s I fell in love and sold my 1997 XK8 Coupe which had 38000 miles. I still own a 99 ML430 Mercedes and hate when I have to drive it. Feels noisy and klunky and so inferior to the Tesla. Still cannot wait to drive the Tesla and find I make excuses just to go for a ride.�
May 21, 2013
Trnsl8r This. Jump in. The water's fine.
- - - Updated - - -
Consider the source(s) though. Maybe you should post this question in a Porsche owners' forum and see what they say... :biggrin:�
May 21, 2013
akula I have a 2008 Audi R8 that has been driven exactly 3 times since I've gotten my P85 in March. The Audi now sits and I am seriously considering selling it. The best comparison I can make is this: the R8 is like the sleekest, coolest and shinyest flip phone you could have bought a few years ago. The Model S is the car equivalent of a modern day smart-phone. (think Motorola v60 vs iPhone 5) Once you have it, all the other cars will seem like flip phones from the last decade... and it won't matter how they are dressed up�
May 21, 2013
100thMonkey they will think you are crazy until you take them for a ride... 5K miles on the S and I have zero regrets. like you, not a millionaire, had to sell to move up. my wife was skeptical at first, then a few weeks after taking delivery, her typical response to inquiring friends became: "this car is like driving the future and the future is f-ing awesome!" one time she called me up on the phone while she was driving just to say "I love this car, I LOVE THIS CAR!"
owning one of these things changes the way you think about the world and what is possible!
I think of it as a gift from a billionaire who could have just as easily hung up his coat and gone yachting for the rest of his life after pay pal, instead, he put it all on the line to do something very cool for the world!
May 21, 2013
LagunaDallas Similar situation here to many who have responded. My P85 replaced a 2012 M-B CLS550 that I LOVED, but I don't even slightly regret giving it up. I also had a 2009 Carrera S Cabriolet that sat neglected once the Tesla arrived. I sold it to my local dealer for a very strong price and have zero regrets. I kept a 2009 SL63 because it's more comfortable around town than the 911 was and serves as a long-distance (TX to CA) road trip car, but the P85 gets the most attention. It's absolutely phenomenal.�
May 21, 2013
Todd Burch I'm going to be as impartial as I can here.
I have two major regrets about buying this car.
1) I should've sprung for the P85 instead of the S85. Not that the S85 isn't quick. I just decided after a few months of driving that the extra whoop of the P would've been worth it for me, in hindsight.
2) The software isn't done yet. Oh wait. Updates will come to me. Guess I don't have to worry about this one.
Don't get worried about the technical issues thread. It's a concentration of issues from a relatively small subset of users. I have a fairly early production car. I had a defective inverter replaced early on and a cracked windshield, both early production issues which have now been resolved. Other than that, the car's been rock solid. Tesla has stood behind the car for me 100%.�
May 21, 2013
Andrew Has your wife actually driven the car yet? That's probably the easiest way to win her over (as others have pointed out).
I've noticed recently that the Model S is equally admired/lusted-after by both men and women. Everyone I know, man or woman (gay or straight!), thinks it's simply incredible. Other cars seem to appeal to either men or women, but rarely ever both.
(So I guess this is my way of saying: JUMP! Also, get the tech package.)�
May 21, 2013
Todd Burch This is funny coming from "ItsNotAboutTheMoney". :biggrin:�
May 21, 2013
Kauai I jumped off the ledge last year, and 10k miles later, I am still loving so many things about this car: instant acceleration, style, electronics, room for family, fact that I no longer think about my next Ferrari, Maserati, Jaguar, Porsche, etc.
Only word of caution: your wife will want one too...�
May 21, 2013
mitch672 I put in a Model S reservation in July of 2012, just so I could go on a test drive at the "Get Amped" tour when it was in New Jersey (a 4-5 hour drive each way for me), after test driving it, I had to have it. I've owned 4 different Prius's since 2001, my most recent was a 2012 "Plug in Prius" I only took delivery of in April of 2012. Needless to say, the PiP is in the garage, waiting to find a buyer, I should have skipped the PiP to tell the truth.... You won't regret buying a Model S.�
May 21, 2013
stsanford Just spit my coffee out with that one... Too funny.�
May 21, 2013
brianman Take them both to a test drive. Whoever drives has to buy lunch. Watch them argue about it before the test drive. Then watch the "loser" (the one not buying lunch) even more upset after the test drive. I think they won't give you any more guff about buying the Car of the Year afterwards.�
May 22, 2013
stsanford It's funny, yesterday after the test drive I was not as excited as I thought I would be... Then it built like a locomotive.
Grey 60, debating triple black or Grey over black with moonroof
Definite Tech Package, Air Suspension, Rear-facing Seats..
That red is a lovely color too...
May 22, 2013
TMS_Red Stsanford, I was not that impressed by the test drive either. For that matter, I have never been impressed by any test drive. Most likely, because I don't drive the car like I would normally drive the car. I have been most impressed with the MS since I picked up my own car. Anyway, what is your verdict?�
May 22, 2013
dsm363 Consider the 85kWh version if that is a financial possibility. With winter in NY, you'll take a 10-15% hit on range but if you are staying within the city, the 60 kWh should be fine.�
May 22, 2013
Joel I agree. If I buy a second Model S (for the wife), I'd go 85kWh and I'd leave out the air suspension.
It's sounds as if you're diving in. Have you decided yet?�
May 22, 2013
nrcooled It sounds like the OP has made up his mind but I wanted to chime in too. I had a S2000 and a WRX prior to the Model S and I am a die hard car guy. I knew I would miss shifting my own gears, the roar of the engine, the smell of raw power...then my S85 showed up. Living with it for 5 months now I will say without a doubt I don't miss any of if.
I loved manual transmissions becuase automatics are just that bad. Not have a traditional transmision in the MS just makes the experience that much sweeter. The lack of engine/exhaust noise is beautiful to my ears now. I realized that I like the sound of the exhaust because it helped me time my shifts...since I don't have to row gears at all I don't need it. Finally, the "smell of cars" I don't want anymore. It's like quiting smoking, while you're a smoker you don't notice how bad you stink until you quit and you're around somebody who still smokes.
Edit: I agree about the wife issue too as mentioned above. My wife has serious car envy now and she wants one. We are going to look at the X once it is avaiable for test drives.�
May 22, 2013
^^^ This. (I'm totally stealing this analogy, thanks.)
May 22, 2013
stsanford Debating whether or not the paint protectant is a good value at $950 :wink: That's my verdict!
- - - Updated - - -
Yeah, I'm all in... Just debating options at this point.
Interesting about the air suspension... You don't think it makes that much of a difference?�
May 22, 2013
Mycroft My vote is for after-market paint protection. Tesla doesn't cover enough of the hood IMO.
If you buy the P85 or P85+, (if you're a Porsche convert, then why wouldn't you?), then the air suspension is included, so it doesn't matter.�
May 22, 2013
stsanford Hey actually anyone on Long Island with an MS? I'm thinking the 60 is what I'm going to do as I don't drive THAT much in any given day, and for trips, we can take my wife's Cayenne. (yep.... she has one too)
I'm thinking 190mi range on it with the standard charge should be sufficient for a day. There is talk of swapping batteries / refurbishing wear items in 5 + years, maybe I can upgrade then? Range anexiety is a bit of an issue now, but I'm awful new at this. I don't think cars on Long Island go any slower than 75, so that would affect range, but it's as flat as a table (at least on the South Shore where I am), wondering what I'll see. My sales guy told me when he came into work, he was driving an MS and the commute was 35 mi, but he only used 8 mi of range. Sounds good to me!
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Aah, interesting. Yes, not so crazy about the halfway solution, on my 911 I have a chip 5 mm above where the clear bra ends... grr
I'm not ready to commit to this EV thing 100%, so I'm staring with a baby-step. Hoping to do a 60 and if all is good, move up to an 85+ in a few years.�
May 22, 2013
Mycroft If you include SuperCharger access, the S85 is only $8k more than the S60. No brainer upgrade IMHO.
Wait until next week's SuperCharger announcement before making your decision. If you like what you see, you can sell the 911 and buy the car, (P85+), that does everything!�
May 22, 2013
dsm363 If you are looking at getting 190 miles on a standard charge then you'll need the 85 kWh. I'd look at the P85 anyway if you are coming from a 911. Good luck.�
May 22, 2013
Clint Eastwood I feel like I could started this thread! I am currently driving a base Porsche Panamera 2011. I have two kids, and this was my compromise to have a great driving experience daily, but still have the ability to drive my kids when the wife is out with the SUV. I can't justify having a third "toy" car. S I had my test drive yesterday. I love many things about the model s, but have my few reservations. I like the styling, the acceleration, the touchscreen tech, the minimalist interior, the plug in good for environment no gasoline use, cool/unique factor, panoramic roof. I don't like the handling and interior finish quality and seat comfort and lack of ventilated seats compared to my Panamera. So my dilemma is I have to part with a car I love at this moment. I wish I could've bought the tesla back before the Panamera, and there would've been no question.
So I decided to go drive again tomorrow. This is mainly because I wasn't allowed to drive for a few miles on Highway, which I was told was because of some incident on highway test drive in past. This is my main commute. I want to see how it feels at 80mph changing lanes and road noise versus my Panamera and get a feel for the seat comfort again.
After that, I may take the plunge tomorrow. I just will have a hard time deciding between the matte obeche wood versus glossy to go with tan leather and blue exterior...�
May 22, 2013
Joel I believe if you are not getting the P85 (Mycroft is correct the active air is standard with the P85), it is not completely necessary. It really depends on your driving habits/preferences. When the Model S is traveling at speeds of 55 mph or greater for 10 seconds, the Model S drops from the "normal" suspension to "low." Again, if you value the performance aspect, go with the active air suspension. Then again, if you geniunely value performance, you will be ordering the Performance 85. It sounds like you are going with the 60kWh, but I'd recommend the 85kWh; it will make a difference in the winters and for road trips. I'd venture to guess there is a TMC member who lives in Long Island that can provide better insight as to Long Island/New York-Specific use.
- - - Updated - - -
Two Things:
1) Next week's super Charging Announcement will (most likely) introduce Super Chargers in Florida.
2) Trying to be objective and if you have not seen it yet: Consumer Reports all but said buy a Model S over a Panamera (14 minute mark). Talking Cars with Consumer Reports: #5 Tesla Model S - YouTube
How about taking a road trip this spring? One of the most frequently asked questions we hear is, �When are we getting a Supercharger in our area?� We�re glad you�re asking. We will be adding Supercharger coverage in many areas over the next three to four months, installing our first Superchargers in the Pacific Northwest, Texas, Illinois, and Florida with additional coverage in the Northeast and California. We�re also expanding existing locations like Harris Ranch, where we�re adding five more Superchargers in the next month. Supercharging is the perfect way to visit out of town friends and family, and remember, it�s always free!
Inside Tesla 03.21.13 | Blog | Tesla Motors�
May 22, 2013
derekt75 It's not.
Model S Exterior: Paint Armor - Page 33
Go aftermarket.�
May 22, 2013
Holden The 911 and Cayenne are SO 20th Century... (Yeah, I know the Cayenne didn't debut until 2002 - no matter.)
The only reason I'd hesitate to dump the 911 would be if it had a stick.�
May 22, 2013
dsm363 Congrats! So what configuration did you decide on?�
May 22, 2013
It is and I didn't :biggrin:
- - - Updated - - -
Did the 60 with Tech, Air Suspension, Panameric Roof, Rear Jump Seats in Grey with Black.
Hoping the leap into the unknown is as awesome as everyone here thinks it is. Hoping we're all patting each other on the back in 3-5 years...
Time will tell, but you have to live in the moment!�
May 22, 2013
SFOTurtle Congrats! I have a 60 in grey (with grey interior), and it is by far the greatest car I've ever owned. I absolutely LOVE this car, and I've never said that about any car -- ever.�
May 22, 2013
Joel Congrats! You'll love it.�
May 22, 2013
LagunaDallas Right before I sold my 911 a few months ago, I had a 2013 Panamera S Hybrid as a loaner car. I'd take my P85 over that car, without question, even at the same price. I'm more confident in the handling of the Model S than I was with that Panamera. It felt heavy and bloated in comparison. I 100% agree with concern over the lack of some interior creature comforts once you get used to having them, but there had to be some compromise. I'll look forward to cooled seats, parking sensors, blind spot detection, etc. on the Model S' replacement in a few years. I don't miss my 911, either...and it was a 997.2 'S' with a manual transmission.�
May 22, 2013
Clint Eastwood I really only will miss the ventilated seats, the nicer interior and the way it corners in comparison. Realize though that I am not looking at the performance as its more than I want to spend. My wife will only be on board with the move if I lower my actual monthly payment gas and tax credit aside. I will do that by 100 with. My 85 configuration and 6 year term.
Im heading to the tesla shop tomorrow, I'll either pull the trigger or not tomorrow!�
May 22, 2013
stsanford Best of luck Clint... I am so excited, and as a fellow Porschephile, it's comforting knowing so many have made the switch... Guess Tesla is like a Mac. If you've been PC (ICE) switching seems scary... Looks like the water is fine though <g>�
May 22, 2013
TMS_Red Stsanford, Congratulations on your decision. I know you have already reserved your Tesla. However, this is an excellent post by someone who owns 2 Teslas - one P85 and the other a 60. He talks about the pros and cons of the various options. What Options I would Buy now that I have 2 teslas�
May 22, 2013
DavidM I've got you beat. To swing my Model S purchase, I had to sell 3 Cars!
2003 Lexus SC430 w/ 27,000 miles (showroom condition - ouch!)
2006 Lexus IS250
2007 Toyota RAV4
But they all only got me half way there. Two years of saving and a fortunate outcome with TSLA stock, yada, yada, - Model S.
That was 5 months ago. No regrets whatsoever. Love the Model S, but I also love the Tesla owner community. Lots of really cool and diverse professionals.
Finally, what a joy to do business with a company like Tesla Motors. A company that strives to do the "Right thing" if at all possible. My ownership experience has been outstanding!
It's because Tesla has raised the bar for customer relations, that I actually have less patience when other companies have their way with me. Tesla customer for life!�
May 22, 2013
stevezzzz Congratulations on pulling the trigger, OP. You won't regret it.
Just today, I was thinking to myself, "Self, this is the car you've always wanted and couldn't buy until now." I honestly can't think of another car I'd rather own right now.�
May 22, 2013
brianman I can. An original Perf+ Sig. Too bad such a thing doesn't exist in the U.S. Hm, maybe I can buy one in Japan and get CHAdeMO to boot...�
May 22, 2013
Trnsl8r Sure you want to sit on the right-hand side and drive? ;-)�
May 22, 2013
brianman Hm, good point. Rats.�
May 22, 2013
SCW-Greg There we go... like one junkie to another, jonesin for a fix... we all walked him right off that ledge didn't we?! LOL
May 22, 2013
Trnsl8r I don't take blame. He wanted someone to push him over. I mean, there must be a reason why he didn't seek advice from a bunch of Porsche fans...�
May 22, 2013
stsanford Thanks, I was browsing the forums and just read that... seriously debating taking off the Air suspension, but having just read the warranty, I don't see where it's excluded...
- - - Updated - - -
Ha ha, told my salesman at Porsche that I was no longer interested in the Panamera... Interested in a Tesla. His response was: "Oh dear Lord, good luck with that..."
Don't think I'd get much of a push to go over, then again, true car people love cars, no matter the brand. It's a great way to bond with your fellow man...�
May 22, 2013
Trnsl8r Indeed. Congrats to you, I think you'll be very pleased.�
May 23, 2013
Clint Eastwood I just put my deposit down. 85 blue, tan leather, obeche matte with sound studio, panoramic roof, tech package. Should be here late June! I will miss my ventilated seats, and at speed it doesn't hug the road like my Panamera, but those trade offs are minute compared to everything it does have!�
May 23, 2013
SCW-Greg Wow Clint! If true, we talking really fast turn time for you. Now a new kind of wait begins.
Exciting times.�
May 23, 2013
jeff_adams You should buy the 85plus if you want it to corner on rails. Please read those threads and maybe you will upgrade.
For instance, here:
P85+ in the real world�
May 23, 2013
Clint Eastwood Just can't justify the cost to the mrs.
Funny, on my way home my fuel low light came on and I had to laugh. Then after my workout this pm, I decided to stop at the local gas station so I wouldn't have to stop early am on the way to work. All 8 pumps were filled and I had to wait and maneuver into a pump area. I really hate the gas station. Loosing fill ups is worth the road hugging difference. Not to mention the cool tech and acceleration and environmental benefit for the future.�
May 23, 2013
dbfish Clint - About those ventilated seats.... With the Model S, you get a smartphone app that lets you turn on A/C remotely and pre-cool the entire car before you even open the door. So you get a nice cold steering wheel and cold seat, every day, no matter how hot outside!�
May 23, 2013
Clint Eastwood I know. It's a great feature. But there's no stopping that south Florida back sweat in the summer. Maybe I need to finally add tint to a vehicle. Just worried about the ability to see out at night.�
May 23, 2013
AMPd Congrats OP!�
May 24, 2013
jeff_adams Here, let me help you.
{Conversation with the wife}
Woman, we got to think of the kids. The P85+ handles even BETTER than the Panamera. You know how the idiots drive around here, we have to be defensive drivers. Besides, the plus will have higher resale value.�
May 24, 2013
brianman "If you're going to ride the bull (P85), you'll want to have a good grip (P85+)."�
May 24, 2013
dsm363 Congrats! Is this serving as the replacement for the Panamera and the 911 or just the Panamera?�
May 24, 2013
Mycroft stsanford said that he's keeping the 911. He didn't have a Panamera - he had been shopping for one. The S60 replaced his Cayenne.
I think he'll be upgrading to the P85+ in no time at all.
May 24, 2013
notailpipe2112 It's simple. You have to do it. Once you go to an electric car...actually the nicest electric car on the planet at'll never go back. The world will figure this out eventually too, and Gen3 is going to blow it wide open. For now, it sounds like you have the money to make it happen with an S, so do it. I've had mine for a few months now, and it is one of the few in Toronto. It turns heads everywhere we go, but most importantly for me the product itself is literally the finest thing I own. Many here have commented that driving it feels like the future, and that is 100% true.�
May 24, 2013
aaronw Model S Fun to Drive and Practical
I think you will be very pleased with the Model S. Not only is it fun to drive but it is a very practical car. The amount of room is amazing, especially when the frunk is added to the mix. It is also one of the safest, if not the safest, cars on the road. I'm not rich either (just been very smart managing my money) and got a P85 in March as my mid-life crisis car.�
May 24, 2013
stsanford This one is replacing my Cayenne. I was considering the Panamera...
May 24, 2013
irishstoutaz You will not have issues with tint at night... it does cut some glare which is a positive but you really can see fine. Living in AZ, tint is a must!
May 25, 2013
Clint Eastwood Yes, tint it is. I think I would want all side windows and rear the same level of tint for symmetry. You have a tint number suggestion? I like the look on outside of dark as possible without too much inside visual compromise and good cabin heat control.�
May 25, 2013
Nikoli I wouldn't trade my S for any other car on the planet, at any pricepoint.�
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