Aug 27, 2014
gg_got_a_tesla Hey All, it's just crushing for me to be posting this but, my beloved Model S suffered a terrible crash this morning.![]()
The lead-up to the accident is a bit sketchy in my mind - as I lost consciousness at the time of the crash - but, my 8-year-old son and I were heading to his school in Palo Alto on Hwy 101 in Redwood City when this happened.
We were taken to the Stanford ER and checked out just fine but for some soreness. My wife, who had to make her way back from San Francisco, was just thankful for how this car (and my son's five-point-harness booster seat) protected us.
There was apparently one other car involved - an Accord - that suffered some pretty bad damage but, thankfully, the driver checked out ok according to the paramedics on my ambulance ride. According to my son - who showed great composure through all this - we hit the freeway divider wall a couple of times before we hit the other car.
Minutes after the crash, Tesla called my cell and left a vmail inquiring about the alert that they received. Followed up with an email as well. They were really concerned for our well-being and I appreciated that.
Not sure if the car's salvageable (hardly looks like it), but, the interior looks as if it's straight out of a showroom (but for all the deployed airbags)! There was zero intrusion anywhere. My wife, who was in a state of shock for a while, was lucid enough to say that our next car has to be a Model S, come what may.
Because of the loss of consciousness, it could end up being that I may not get to drive for a while as the CA DMV has strict rules about it :| But, needless to say, I'll be spooling up an order for my next MS in due course!
Wanted to share this with all my comrades on here to espouse the virtues of this fantastic car once again.
RIP, VIN P03552; I enjoyed you for much less time than I waited for you...
Aug 27, 2014
AEdennis Glad that you and your son are both safe and best wishes on a speedy recovery.�
Aug 27, 2014
bonnie Oh gg, so glad you and your son are okay. Thinking of you all!�
Aug 27, 2014
Kapenagary So very sorry for your accident. Thankfully you are all OK. It's further proof that the S is the safest car in the world.�
Aug 27, 2014
bollar Ugh. Sorry to hear this.
Whacked on both sides, the front plus airbag deployment. Sadly, it's likely off to the salvage yard.�
Aug 27, 2014
spaghetti So very sorry about this. Am glad you and your son are okay.�
Aug 27, 2014
karmamule How frightening! Very happy you're all in (relatively) good health after it. Crossing fingers any physical after-effects are minimal!
Your poor Tesla certainly does look totaled. Best wishes getting back to normal life and replacing your tesla with another one. Thanks for sharing the remarkable safety and protection it provided you.�
Aug 27, 2014
Canuck I'm really glad you and your son are okay.
Looking at the damage to your car, it seems like I can see the outline of the battery pack at the bottom of some of the pictures. It also seems the pack kept the car structurally intact and prevented it from being further crushed. Maybe that's just my wishful thinking but the car does seem like it's built like a tank.�
Aug 27, 2014
Rockster So glad to hear that everyone involved is fine.�
Aug 27, 2014
ZBB Glad you, your son, and the other driver are ok. Hope you have a quick recovery. Cars can be replaced!�
Aug 27, 2014
ModelX So sorry to hear of your accident, but very happy to hear everyone involved is ok! I hope you all have a speedy recovery!�
Aug 27, 2014
Jeff N I'm very sorry to hear about the accident but very glad that everyone had only relatively minor injuries!�
Aug 27, 2014
NigelM The condition of the car is the least important thing; so relieved to hear that you and your son came out of that largely ok. Get well soon.�
Aug 27, 2014
swegman So sorry to hear this. The car can be replaced. What is important is that you and your son were not injured.�
Aug 27, 2014
Newscutter Happy you're all okay and looking forward to seeing when "gg_gets_another_Tesla".
Our cars are merely our bodyguards.�
Aug 27, 2014
AudubonB We're all very happy that you are here to tell us your sad story, and wish all the - what appear to be fairly minor - bumps and bruises disappear quickly (keep good track of his head, Mrs g-g!!!!). SO VERY SORRY about the Model S. Good luck over the next weeks -
Audie and Jenny and Aurora and Borealis�
Aug 27, 2014
Kipernicus Good one, newscutter.
Sorry to see those pics GG!
Moving on to more positive thoughts: what's the next one going to be? :wink:�
Aug 27, 2014
JakeP GG! So very, very sorry to hear this news, and that you had to learn of the wonderful safety features firsthand. Overjoyed that you and your son are OK, and that another Tesla is on the horizon.
Undoubtedly the next Tesla will be green...but will it be an X or an S???�
Aug 27, 2014
PeterW I hope that you are truly ok gg. Happy that your son is fine along with the other driver. Cars can be replaced.
To quote Newscutter; I too look forward to the day when "gg_gets_another_tesla"�
Aug 27, 2014
Canuck In case they never gave this to you when discharged from the hospital...�
Aug 27, 2014
tezco So sorry to hear about the accident. Glad to learn that everyone is OK.�
Aug 27, 2014
Electricfan Well, if you can't drive for a while, in 2020 Nissan is hoping to have a self-driving car out. Maybe that's in your future. Its definitely in mine, if it happens. But so sorry about your accident. Hope they figure out what happened and have a fix for you.�
Aug 27, 2014
Tempus Glad to hear you are both ok. So sorry about the car. Ive always liked following your stories, especially as ours were delivered about the same time in that first batch of 60s.
Sounds like a really scary accident.
Aug 27, 2014
omarsultan GG - so sorry to hear about the accident - very glad you hear you and your son are OK.�
Aug 27, 2014
taurusking Sorry to hear this...Good news is that you and your son are doing well. Will pray for you and your family.
Please keep us posted. I wish you good luck.�
Aug 27, 2014
pgiralt Really happy to see how well the car protected you and your son given the amount of damage. Not happy to see the state of the car though, but that just means you'll get a nice new 2015 Model S with all the new bells and whistles. Hope you feel better and get back on the road soon.�
Aug 27, 2014
mitrabbit Glad you are all ok. I thought the same as pgiralt. Back in the early days, no electric folding mirrors, sensors, etc. You get to pick what you want. How does your insurance cover your need for a car? Rent a MS for you?�
Aug 27, 2014
Grendal Let me join everyone else in saying that I'm glad you and your son are okay. I'm also glad that no one else was hurt in the accident. Good luck. Recover quickly.�
Aug 27, 2014
Larry Best wishes for a speedy recovery. As much as we are insane about our model S's it's only a car and can easily be replaced unlike you and your son.�
Aug 27, 2014
Electric700 Terrible accident but you and your family are very fortunate. It's these times that make us really be thankful for what we have. As others have said, cars can be replaced and yours did an excellent job of protecting you.
Get better and it will be nice to see updates on your new Tesla :smile:.�
Aug 27, 2014
Zextraterrestrial :crying: so sorry
do you know how fast were you going? I imagine the impacts were pretty good for the airbags to all go off.
Aug 27, 2014
galangg Not happy with the way your car looks now, but very glad it did its job and protected you.�
Aug 27, 2014
Bound466 Oh wow GG!! So glad you and your son are okay. And that the other driver in the Honda is okay too.
Those are sad pictures to have to see.. I think you got your MS60 within a couple days when I got mine, and boy did we all wait a long time on that reservation list (especially for those of us who had to wait for the 60's). So sad to see another MS go like this.
Are you thinking about upgrading to an 85 or performance? Seems a few in the club here have decided to upgrade.�
Aug 27, 2014
Ames I'm really sorry bro. GBU and wish you and your family a speedy recovery. That Tesla is a tank...�
Aug 27, 2014
Pate Best wishes and speedy recovery to all involved!
Did I understand correctly, you lost consciousness BEFORE you actually hit anything? If so, that is certainly somewhat scary, so hopefully the doctors can figure that out soon and you get back on the road with a clean bill of health! At least in time for your new Tesla.
Aug 27, 2014
apacheguy Losing consciousness during an accident is one of my greatest fears. Really sorry that happened to you, but glad to hear everyone is ok.�
Aug 27, 2014
bonnie gg - I was looking at your pics from Santana Row in 2012 just now - so so glad you and your son were in a Model S. Hugs to all of you!
What it's all about�
Aug 27, 2014
drkaye Glad you're both okay, gg. My son has epilepsy and had to go through all sorts of things to get a California driver's license. But for him and for others I know who have lost consciousness for a variety of reasons, it can be done. The primary criterion is that doctors believe it won't happen again, which of course suggests that a diagnosis would be helpful.�
Aug 27, 2014
SFOTurtle GG -- so sorry this happened but glad that your son and you are ok after the accident, and the Tesla did well to protect you. Hoping you have a speedy recovery and are back on the road in a new MS soon.�
Aug 28, 2014
Benz I am very sorry that you got involved in that accident. But very glad to hear that everyone involved is fine. Very sad to see the photo's of your Tesla Model S in this condition. Your Tesla Model S was built to protect the people insided it, and so it did. I hope for you and your family that things get normal very soon.
Best wishes from The Netherlands�
Aug 28, 2014
Teo I'm glad that you are OK. There seems to be a some confusion here. I thought you said you had an accident after you lost consciousness. Some of the people here understood it like you lost consciousness because of the impact of the accident.
If you have a medical condition which results in sudden loss of consciousness, wouldn't it be wiser to consider stop driving for your own safety and for others?�
Aug 28, 2014
lolachampcar You and your son are ok so I'm ok. The car can be replaced.�
Aug 28, 2014
mibaro2 Sorry to hear of your accident.
Glad to hear you and your son are okay.�
Aug 28, 2014
Electric700 The condition is called syncope. It can result from things like dehydration, stress, or heart problems. So may be this is a lesson for us all to be mindful of our health. More here:
Syncope (Sudden Loss of Consciousness) - New York Presbyterian Hospital
Aug 28, 2014
Cattledog Thanks for sharing about your accident - as you can see we are all concerned for you and relieved the damage is mostly confined to the car. Get well soon.�
Aug 28, 2014
benemac Sorry to hear about the accident gg, but at the same time, I am very glad that you and your son are ok.
Happy recovery and hope to see you here with your new Tesla, very, very soon. As everyone else said, cars are replaceable, human beings aren't! But the fact that the Model S protected you and your son is just another proof of this extraordinary vehicle and Elon's vision and commitment to build it!
Aug 28, 2014
EdA I'm glad everyone made it out of the accident alive. A car can be replaced and I know it will. Good health for you. And keep posting. You have been a great source of information for me and I know others will continue to need your knowledge going forward. Take care.�
Aug 28, 2014
Joel gg - wishing you and your son a speedy recovery!�
Aug 28, 2014
NJ Plugin I echo everyone's sentiment(s). I'm glad you, your son, and everyone involved is okay. That is all that truly matters.
When it's time to order the new S, keep us posted with your new configuration.�
Aug 28, 2014
ruby110 GG, I am so sorry to hear (and see the pictures) of your accident, but am glad you, your son, and the other driver are doing OK.
I remember meeting you and your family at Leguna Seca this summer and am glad everyone will be OK. :smile:�
Aug 28, 2014
GasDoc So glad everyone is OK but sorry about your Tesla.�
Aug 28, 2014
Nickjhowe GG, So sorry to hear about your accident. Good thing for you, and your son, that you were in a Model S.
As you know, I'm very local. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you as you navigate the medical system.�
Aug 28, 2014
gmontem GG - sorry to hear about this, and glad you and your son are OK. Wish we'd had a chance to chat at Laguna Seca. At least the wait for your next Model S will be shorter than the first one!�
Aug 28, 2014
gg_got_a_tesla Hi GG, glad to hear all of you are safe. The lack of consciousness worries me. What did your doctor say about that?
So now I suppose your next Model S will have that new grey color.
Aug 28, 2014
brianman Thank you all for the outpouring of support! Means a lot to me.
It all seems very unreal 24 hours later. My brave son's back at school today - everyone, including his pediatrician, recommended that as the best way for a return to normalcy - but, I'm still a bit sore here and there and will be resting up some more.
Yeah, not being able to drive for however long will be a bummer and will impose a heavy workload on my wife but, there may be no alternative. Glad that my workplace is only a mile away so, that's a good thing.
Depending on the outcome of the assessment by the insurance company (Liberty Mutual), my wife's adamant that we buy a new MS ASAP even if she has to drive it full time. She has been very emotional about how the car saved her family. She's not so sure about driving our son around in her four-seater Mini Clubman where his car seat is right behind the driver and there's obviously not as much protection as in the MS. She mentioned out of her own volition this morning that she wanted to send a thank-you email to Elon and the Tesla family for making this car happen.
If we have to get a new MS, it's going to have all of the following for sure: Green (or, maybe, Steel Gray), 85 kWh (yes, I've seen the light!), Tech + Parking Sensors, Air and Dual Chargers. Will go for the textile seats this time.
Once again, thank you all.�
Aug 28, 2014
HHHH This about says it all.
Glad you and yours (and the other vehicle's occupants) are ok. Here's hoping your next S arrives quickly.�
Aug 28, 2014
crmohler Very glad to read this ^. I'm happy that you're family is doing well and that everybody is safe and sound. I can't wait to read your posts when you get your new one hopefully. I know an accident can really shatter your confidence, but just remember what you learned from the accident, it will keep you even more defensive. Can't say enough about the S.�
Aug 28, 2014
dsm363 So glad that you both seem to be okay. The interior protection really does seem amazing.
Curious as to why you're thinking textile for your next MS? I've got textile seats in my MS and I really like them, but I was thinking of going to leather for the MX I have on order (yes, I know, I have plenty of time to think about it) as I was thinking there may be better resale value with leather, and I liked the light interior on the loaners I had (but I worry about tan interior with my 3 kids, as my previous car ended up with sharpie and icee on the tan interior). Would love to hear why you're thinking of going the other direction.
By the way, I currently have an MS60 (old grey) and even though it's been great for me, I may upgrade to the 85 as I believe the MX may be less efficient than my MS60.
Aug 28, 2014
ecarfan Just saw this. Glad you and your family are all ok.�
guest gg so glad that you and your son are okay, I was just driving the 101 through Redwood City this morning and was thinking about you. Your spec for your next Model S sounds greatI would have seriously considered the textile seats if they had come in grey.
My interpretation of your accident description is that your LOC preceded the accident. There are of course many reasons that could explain that, most are benign. I hope your physician can figure it out soon.�
Aug 28, 2014
dsm363 If=hopefully soon
Awesome config although if any 60 drivers see you they'll know you switched sides
I hope insurance works out for you to get another one. Driving such a safe and fun car is a luxury but a nice one.�
Aug 28, 2014
bluetinc Echoing everyone's sentiments, but I'm very glad you and your son are ok after the crash, that's all that's important. I hope you heal up quickly!
Aug 28, 2014
tslas Sorry to hear about your accident vishy... and glad to hear that you and your son are OK. Good Luck!!�
Aug 28, 2014
taurusking I have not even purchased Model S but so far three of the forum members have called me suggesting ideas and I have people inviting me to meet and lots of people sharing their ideas in this forum.. This is awesome group of people I have ever met.
It is a fact that we are one of the most active forum ever
Vishy I am sharing this news with my wife who was a naysayer to start with but was surprised that no one was hurt after looking at the pictures of your car....
Awesome car and Awesome forum members�
Aug 28, 2014
jkliu47 I dreaded reading that headline.
So glad to hear you and your son is OK!
Hope you are back in a new MS soon. In the end - one realizes all things are material - one can always get a replacement car.
We are so lucky to have a vehicle that does such a good job protecting us.�
Aug 28, 2014
rcc I just saw this. I'm glad you and your son are ok! Hope you're back on the road soon and keep us posted on the new Tesla
Aug 28, 2014
RiverBrick Sorry about this event. Glad everyone is OK. Hope you can salvage whatever has monetary or sentimental value from the car.�
Aug 28, 2014
JakeP I will forgive you if you get the Steel Grey.In all seriousness, if they can somehow salvage the car, but you need to replace all four know who to call!
Aug 28, 2014
JPP gg...glad you're OK. Syncope while driving is really scary. Cars can be replaced--people not so much.
A friend in the SF Bay Area went through this a few years ago after a similar but less major episode (related to new anti-hypertensive medications).
You will first need to get medical clearance -you need to be worked up (and not just the CT head you probably had in the ER) and see if you have anything serious/permanent that might prevent you from driving in CA. Check of medications, chronic conditions, etc. Then you will need to bring documentation to the DMV and fill out specific forms that your MD signs. The forms get reviewed (...takes time) and then the DMV decides if you will be allowed to be re-licensed. You will then need to take a new and very thorough road test, which includes a non-standard test where the examiner makes you drive through a neighborhood, and then asks you to return the same way, to see if you are paying attention ( when you schedule your exam and pick your DMV office, be sure to spend some quality time driving around the neighborhood around the DMV office to get a bit of familiarity (...and pay attention)). And also the DMV examiner will do a safety check on your vehicle, so be sure all lights, wipers and horn work as well as turn signals and brake lights.
It's a major PITA, but it can be done.
As GasDoc said, if we can help, shout out....�
Aug 28, 2014
GLDYLX I'm happy that all involved are okay, and hope that the underlying cause of the event is easily treatable/preventable for future Model S joyrides...
Happy Thursday!�
Aug 28, 2014
Peter_M Very scary but glad everyone's OK. Take care, gg - we're all with you!�
Aug 28, 2014
Todd Burch GG,
So very, very sorry to read this. When I saw the title and that you were the original poster, my heart sank.
Although we've never met in person, I feel quite a kinship to you--we both have the same alma mater, both got our cars at almost the same time, have both been active on this forum for many years, and now have both gone through the experience of losing our awesome cars....and within 2 months of each other, no less.
First and most importantly, I am glad to hear that you and your son are ok. Although my sons were not in my car at the time of my accident, I remember hugging both of them and my wife very tightly after I got home. We are lucky to have been driving a tank. Keep forward-most in your mind that things could have been much, much worse.
I can also relate to the feeling you likely have right now that yesterday feels like a dream. You might be kept up at night, reliving those moments, wishing if and wondering how things could have been different. But in the end, you and your son came through unscathed, and that is by far the most important thing of all.
Although it sounds like you have a few medical hoops to jump through, take heart that you WILL be in a Model S again.
I have recently gone through the process with the insurance company and all of that--so if you need advice or have any questions about any of this, just PM me.
One more thing: less than 2 months ago, I was sitting in a wrecked Model S, off in the trees by the side of the road. Although there was initial heartbreak, it will soon pass when it really sinks in that, as cool as it is, your car was really just a heap of metal and plastic that can and will be replaced.
Take a look at my signature. i'm confident that before to long, yours will have something similar. Once you handle the medical concerns, you can look at this as an opportunity to upgrade/modernize. You already have your wife's support, after all.
Again, very sorry to hear of your accident, very happy to hear everyone is ok, and I'm looking forward to the stories about your new 85 once it arrives.
Aug 28, 2014
JohnEC gg_wants_another_tesla,
Pretty much everything's been said already. Just wanted to add my $.02. Glad all involved are ok and hope you're back on the road soon.
Aug 28, 2014
Brunton OUCH!
As everyone else has already said, I'm glad you and your son are okay.
The Tesla really did its job - it took the brunt of the damage for you, thank goodness.�
Aug 28, 2014
Pettifogger A lapse of consciousness does not, of itself, mandate a report by the doctor to the local health department, and thus to the DMV. The trigger for a mandatory report by a doctor is: "the physician and surgeon [sic] has diagnosed [the patient] as having a case of a disorder characterized by lapses of consciousness."§ionNum=103900.
Regardless of whether a report is mandated, of course, you should consider the advice of your doctor concerning driving.�
Aug 28, 2014
mknox Just read this and let me chime in with my sincerest condolences and best wishes for a speedy recovery...�
Aug 28, 2014
MassModel3 So sorry to hear... But so very glad all are safe!�
Aug 28, 2014
dmfick Glad you are OK. As for the car, that'll buff right out. Add some opti-coat and next time you'll be impervious.�
Aug 28, 2014
Francis Lau I am glad you and your son are fine. Please take care.�
Aug 29, 2014
ghost640 Just adding to this community's wishes for a speedy recovery - your Tesla did what it had to do to protect you and your family. Best wishes - and think up a good new Username!
Also, I'm quite happy with textile seats, they are quite comfy and seem like they will wear well . Good luck!�
Aug 29, 2014
rogbmw gg - glad that you and your son are doing well. Here's wishing a speedy recovery my friend!�
Aug 29, 2014
dsm363 gg_got_a_new_tesla
Has a nice ring to it.
I don't live close but if there is anything I so as well let me know.�
Aug 29, 2014
aviators99 So glad everyone is okay.
I'm curious as to what caused the loss of consciousness? Was it the impact with the airbag?�
Aug 29, 2014
digitaltim Glad everyone is ok...belated but heartfelt...�
Sep 10, 2014
pxx865 Just read your story and am super glad you guys are okay. "Health is Wealth"�
Sep 11, 2014
Brett You and your wife are very smart people for recognizing that it's the safest car you can drive. I'm glad you're all OK, you'll be stronger from the experience, and you'll appreciate your new one even more. Viva GG!�
Sep 13, 2014
David-El Just saw this and wanted to say I'm glad that you are your son are ok. Like many others, I look forward to seeing what you do with your next Tesla.�
Sep 14, 2014
Nichen GG you are one of my favourite persons on this forum and I am not kidding in any way. You truly seem like a great person and therefore I am extra pleased to hear that you are all ok!!�
Sep 14, 2014
nolngrgrsngslde get_well_soon_gg.�
Sep 15, 2014
Kraken I've been off the forums for a bit (short notice deployment), but I'm very saddened to hear this, but glad to hear that you are all ok! I can't wait to see GGs new Tesla.�
Sep 16, 2014
Apoclyps Glad all made it out with minor issues. Please get checked out to determine what happened. the car can be replaced later.�
Oct 13, 2014
bonnie Just checking in, gg ... any updates? We miss you!�
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