Oct 23, 2015
jimtelsa Went to the Black Tie event last night at the Burbank Studio, Service, and Supercharger Center.
Probably the only triple in the USA? To have all services under one roof.
Great location, right next to the worlds largest IKEA, which is under construction.
But what was said was interesting. Next year the Model S will be refreshed. Complete with a new Front end. The nose cone will be replaced with the Model X front end as well as a huge list of other changes. They said that we should see some great pricing on CPO vehicles come fall. I dont know who these people were, providing this information at this event, if corporate or non Tesla employees. And Im sure this is probably old news, and everybody already knew of this.
Back to the Burbank Studio. Congrats to all, you guys have one heck of a center. Great group of employees. This could be the Tesla model of Studios to come.
Providing your one stop Tesla shop.�
Oct 23, 2015
LargeHamCollider While not surprising this is definitely news, but I'll take it with a grain of salt for now...�
Oct 23, 2015
siucity There are other ones already, with I believe Dublin as the most recent before Burbank.�
Oct 23, 2015
DougH The Model X front end is ugly....so that's disappointing for me anyway.�
Oct 23, 2015
MorrisonHiker Interesting...and what many of us have been waiting/hoping for!
Just wondering...when does "fall" start in Burbank? Here it started a month ago on September 23rd. :wink:�
Oct 23, 2015
DougH I think they meant next fall?�
Oct 23, 2015
DrComputer Michael Ojaghian, the regional service manager, said that his is trying to make sure all of the new service plus centers that open in the LA area have SuperChargers. They are slated for one in the Westlake/Thousand Oaks area, Northern San Fernando Valley or Valencia area, and another in the orange county area.�
Oct 23, 2015
SW2Fiddler Tesla has been setting up a few of these. And they are gorgeous!�
Oct 23, 2015
esk8mw Ack, my order becomes firm tomorrow and this information has me seriously considering putting a hold on it! How much to trust this third hand info? Will we get an update at the Q3 conf call?�
Oct 23, 2015
nope. Paramus NJ is a triple. Paramus-Route 17 | Tesla Motors so is Nashville-Brentwood, and Chicago-Highland Park, just to name a few. theres probably more.
Oct 23, 2015
Owner I've never liked the Model S nose, took a while to get used to it.
I'm not surprised that they are making updates. They've been doing so somewhat regularly for the last few years.
Oct 23, 2015
ItsNotAboutTheMoney OK, who invited Trip Chowdhry?
It's not obvious who they were, then the information is simply worthless.�
Oct 23, 2015
HankLloydRight This. Sounds just like all the "new iPhone" speculation that happens (less now than 4 or 5 years ago) that always turns out to be wrong. Remember when Kevin Rose leaked that the new iPhone was going to have a removable battery? Yeah, that never happened.�
Oct 23, 2015
Max* While I would take this leak with a grain of salt, the Model S is due for a refresh at some point, it would simply manufacturing if they share more common parts, so it does seem likely that it will happen. Who knows when though?�
Oct 23, 2015
Gizmotoy Wasn't it Elon himself that stated just a few weeks ago there were no immediate plans for a Model S refresh? It came up right after the X reveal.�
Oct 23, 2015
Max* I remember that, but EM also stated no major changes to the Model S for 12 months, and then he released the 70kwh battery, phased out the 60kwh battery, added the 90kwh battery, added ludicrous, etc.�
Oct 23, 2015
mspohr Rocklin also has all three... plus solar panels.�
Oct 23, 2015
Cosmacelf This is a refresh planned for a year from now, which is consistent with Elon's comment that there are no immediate plans for a Model S refresh. A year from now is hardly immediate.�
Oct 23, 2015
marty2112 We should start a refresh announcement date poll....
I'm going with 2/16/2016. No reason other than it will be my younger boy's 10th birthday. Plus Model III is planned for intro in March.
Big items:
1. New nose
2. LED Headlights
3. Ventilated seats - update to the back seats - interior fit/finish
4. New filtration (whatever they call it on the X....DEFCON 5...)
And yes... here is my wildcard....
5. Panoramic roof goes away and we get the new X windshield.
All pure speculation of course, but keep in mind that I frequent the Mothership often when I'm down in San Jose....�
Oct 23, 2015
calisnow Oh Gawdddd, and here I was about to place an order or buy an inventory car. Ventilated seats are the one 'must have' I would pay a lot for here in So Cal - my back sweats all summer in cars.�
Oct 23, 2015
SmartElectric I have an inside source who works in a firm that has completed work on redesigned lights (head lights, etc) for a refresh of the Model S. This project has been ongoing for 6+ months. He confirmed it wasn't for the X, but the S.
Take that for what you will. I don't think the refresh is imminent, and have no other information on timeframe.�
Oct 23, 2015
omarsultan I guess its going to define on how you define "refresh". I believe its all hands on deck for the Model 3 (I believe JB just said this last week), so I don't see any major changes. Incremental cosmetic stuff like a new nosecone, different headlights, sure, but, to be honest, that's acting like an ICE manufacturer, which would be a bit disappointing.�
Oct 23, 2015
Lump LOL, Trips ankel bracelet doesn't allow him to leave the Bay Area, he would have raised his price target to $1000...this refresh is going to be huge.�
Oct 23, 2015
DougH This is my prediction as well, fun cosmetic stuff soon but nothing major until next year.
To bad there is no video of this opening.�
Oct 23, 2015
CHG-ON They would be better served to do just a cosmetic update to the S and put all their efforts into making the Model 3 the most compelling car in that segment. Then they can play around with the S.�
Oct 23, 2015
Raffy.Roma Don't agree. Much better than that which the Model S has now.�
Oct 23, 2015
Raffy.Roma Panoramic roof is ok for the MS IMO.�
Oct 23, 2015
eclipxe Did you get the sense that they meant early next year or late next year? When you say Fall - do you mean Fall 2015?
I was planning on ordering Dec 1st, but if changes are imminent I don't mind waiting...�
Oct 23, 2015
jimtelsa later this year, interesting how the title of my thread changed too...the individual stated that a drop in CPO prices would be seen in December�
Oct 23, 2015
Screwbal As someone who has an open order for an S right now I like the current look. If I didn't I wouldn't have ordered the car. Tesla refreshing stuff wouldn't be as drastic as some companies but if so I'd rather get the last ones of the current generation verses the first ones of the new gen.�
Oct 23, 2015
Troy Was this somebody talking to the crowd, holding a microphone or a few people standing in the corner and chatting about things?�
Oct 23, 2015
eclipxe Thank you! Any more details you can share? Did you get a sense they'd drop CPO prices in December and then announce changes or announce changes and drop CPO prices around the same time?
- - - Updated - - -
Insight into other changes that were mentioned?�
Oct 24, 2015
MsElectric I like everything in the list but not the panoramic windshield. The Model X can't easily have an opening sunroof due to the FWD and the panoramic windshield is a nice compromise. I use the sunroof all the time when the weather is nice and not having a functional sunroof would be a big deal for me. I'm not interested in a Model X partly due to the lack of a functional sunroof.�
Oct 24, 2015
sitter_k My biggest fear is how much it costs to replace a model x windshield�
Oct 24, 2015
Zybane Great, right when I'm about to order I read this thread. LED headlights and Ventilated would be sweet. I could take or leave the new nose depending on styling and the HEPA filter would be cool but not a big deal.
My biggest concern is that the refreshed models will have higher resale value and the prior to refresh models will drop in value/more numerous.
Who's waiting or not? :scared:�
Oct 24, 2015
Drucifer There were also not other plans for Model S for about a year after P85D and autopilot was revealed in fall 2014.
7 month later we got 70D and 60 went away.�
Oct 24, 2015
gg_got_a_tesla Yeah, it just makes sense to bring consistency between the S and the X from a design, supply chain and production point of view.
The LED headlights and Ventilated seats are a given. Nose cone redesign is on the cards to have a common theme going. Timing may be tricky as they need to get the X ramped up first.
Right, Elon's mention of "no changes to the S for a year" from Oct 2014 - there was even a followup email on that - was an outright fib, in hindsight.�
Oct 24, 2015
ecarfan And that has always been the case with all car manufacturers.�
Oct 24, 2015
Owner I haven't seen the X in person, but the idea of the panoramic windshield to me just seems overkill.
I want a sunroof that I can open. Love the fresh air when your not on the freeway.
The only place to me that a panoramic windshield makes sense to me is in Yosemite when your looking way up. But unless you drive a lot with a ton of people in the car, nah.
Oct 24, 2015
jimtelsa The information was from a credible source. No microphone announcing to the crowd. Just a heads up to a friend of mine thats wants a Model S
who was at the event with me. He expressed interest and was told, if he could, to hold off till December. That prices will be better on CPO cars. I had made my choice already, and Im not going to wait, I pick up my Tesla today......I'm going to have a Tesla...�
Oct 24, 2015
J1mbo Didn't Elon say no platform changes? I wouldn't put revised battery options into that category.
Don't think this is a big secret. When discussing the retrofit of next gen seats into my classic P85 to replace the awful "sports" seats, it was suggested that I might want wait for the facelift next year due to the cost.�
Oct 24, 2015
Krugerrand Or, it was one of those times when Tesla was *early* with a timeline. :wink:�
Oct 24, 2015
travwill Interesting for sure, but it'll still be the current platform so at most I'd expect cosmetic changes and some modular items. I'm thinking what makes sense is:
- new LED lights
- new front in, tweaked rear maybe
- maybe, new seats with cooling (but don't expect to use actual A/C unless they reroute some vents)
- probably same electronics hardware until next major redesign
- some new wheel options again
- console likely standard, more like the X one (with phone adapters, etc.)
- and addition of any improved sensors if basically fit into same spots and mirror, etc.
- likely a new batter capacity if can change chemistry again, but size to use is same
Mainly looking forward to upgrading here in future either to the next generation of MS, or the X once any issues work themselves out (you know it'll have some), and when batter capacity is more like 150Kwh...�
Oct 24, 2015
shokunin These all make sense to me..
I considered these minor mid-product lifecycle refreshes. We're reaching the typical 1/2 way point in most automobile's lifecycle. I can see minor updates and a facelift/nose job happening next year but nothing major until the gigafactory is up and running.
I'm only disappointed that we've only had a 6% increase from 85 to 90 pack in 3 years. I was planning on upgrading next year if the P90DL can actually hit it's 10 second 1/4 mile claim, but it looks unlikely. I might as well just wait till a new refreshed design of the Model S with 110KW pack is unveiled in the 2018-2020 timeframe (total wild guess).�
Oct 24, 2015
omarsultan I did the test ride thing in the X - the windshield is pretty cool, but if I had to choose between the two, I'd stick with the pano for the same reason.�
Oct 24, 2015
HankLloydRight See, that's what I used to think... but as the build out of more Supercharger stations continues to progress (especially with Model X and Model 3 adding lots of demand)-- the SC stations will be even closer together providing lots more options for trip routing. So will an 110+kWh power pack really be necessary? Sure, you'll be able to skip a SC or two on longer trips, but then ones you do stop at will take longer to charge a bigger battery (assuming the same charging rates as today). So I think an 85kWh pack has quite a bit of remaining potential as SC density increases.�
Oct 24, 2015
andrewket The HIghland Park location only has 4 stalls and really needs more.�
Oct 24, 2015
3s-a-charm That would cause me to upgrade, honestly. It's probably the only thing about the Model X I wish I had in the Model S. What a great driving experience - as a taller person (6'-1") I always find myself hunching over to see traffic signals and the view. Pano windscreen would be top of my list.�
Oct 24, 2015
S'toon How about door storage? :biggrin:�
Oct 24, 2015
gg_got_a_tesla Is the curvature of the MS windshield and roofline the same as that of the MX though? If it's not, it's unlikely that Tesla can pull off the change. And, don't know the impact on crashworthiness and testing. Too much to bite off here.
Yeah, completely agree about having to hunch over. I'm 6' 1" as well and find the driver's position a bit claustrophobic too, particularly with the newer seats that don't go as low as they used to in the early cars.�
Oct 24, 2015
omarsultan The S has a cross-member at the top of the A-pillars, which I will assume is structural since it defines one side of the box that is the roof. To move that would require re-design of the frame sides, since the attachment points would have to move, crash analysis of the new design, and redesign of the stamping dies for the roof and the sides--don't seem them doing that as those are the same resources that would be working on the body and frame of the Model 3.�
Oct 24, 2015
Canuck Maybe, but maybe not. I tend to believe the rumour but that's only becauase I plan to upgrade right after this change.
Only time will tell. Then again, it's like predicting rain. Eventually the prediction is right.�
Oct 25, 2015
WestCoastP85D Tesla just issued a statement that no new S refresh is planned. Most folks working on the III. I would caution in planning purchased based on end-point sales rep comments. These guys/gals are likely speculating with less data than the folks on this forum have.
Tesla Model S Refresh Not Happening
- - - Updated - - -
The sales people at Tesla are NOT in the loop on plans. None expected the 70d, the P85D, or Luda... I would listen to the just issued public statements.
Oct 25, 2015
eclipxe Unless I'm missing something, Tesla didn't make any new statement about there not being a refresh. That is a blog post from 3 weeks ago. Is there something new?
Also that post is talking about a redesign. A redesign and a small refresh are two different things. Tweaks to the nose cone, headlights and ventilated seats wouldn't require the retooling that article mentioned and wouldn't be a full design update. I think those changes are likely coming soon.�
Oct 25, 2015
WestCoastP85D The statements were made in October (current month). In my mind, that is as current as you can get.
Sure, you may get incremental improvements (vent seats), but look at a substantial refresh from a pure business point of view. Does the Model S have any real competition right now? You can only really refresh the car one time before a redesign... should it blow that card (and take the immediate expense) now? Or, would it make more sense to do so when the competitive landscape changes at the end 2016 or into 2017?
New Rapide. New Porsche. New Audi's are coming. If they refresh now, they will not answer these changes when the next-gem competitors arrive. Frankly, the S is not the problem for TSLA. Getting the III out on time is. Getting the X up to full-ramp is. These two dynamics will make or break the company.
Of course. the business coversation is all my humble opinion (and I am not as smart as the TSLA leaders....) However, the public statements on no refresh are fact. Could they be misleading us? Perhaps..... they have done that before.
Oct 25, 2015
HankLloydRight I agree -- other than a few minor changes (like the headlights), there is no major "refresh" planned. It just doesn't make sense with the limited resources and other mission critical priorities TM has right now. I think this "Model S refresh" hype is just wishful thinking and speculation from everyone EXCEPT Tesla Motors.
I even doubt they'll do a new nose-cone or ventilated seats within the next year or two. I don't think we'll see a major MS refresh until after the Model 3 is launched.�
Oct 25, 2015
I don't think people are talking about any sort of major redesign. I'm talking about minor tweaks - headlights, ventilated seats, maybe a nose cone update. I think this is the scope the OP and most folks are talking about. I don't think anyone expects any sort of major redesign.
I think we are losing the nuance between redesign and refresh (or we each have our own definition). My idea of refresh is someone else's idea of minor tweaks.�
Oct 25, 2015
HankLloydRight I'm going by the OP:
Those aren't the incremental changes that TM just injects into the production line. If what the OP says is true, that would be worthy of a press conference and unveiling party Elon Musk style. And I think that *is* what a lot of people are speculating to happen "soon." (within a year or less).�
Oct 25, 2015
Interesting. I'm not saying you're wrong but I interpreted it differently. A new front end (if it's just nose cone and maybe bumper) and headlights (along with some other features tweaks like vented seats) would be a minor refresh for me with what I would say are incremental changes.
Those changes don't require any sheetmetal or frame changes.
When I hear retooling and redesign, I see that as major changes to looks with body lines changing and recognizable differences to the general public.
A new nose cone and headlights are a big deal to us that care and follow TM closely, but I promise you the general public would have no idea and I couldn't imagine a press conference to announce a bumper and headlight change. (Assuming same housing).�
Oct 25, 2015
HankLloydRight Then it's not a "refresh" in the automotive industry sense. They're just incremental changes over time. A "refresh" happens when there are a significant number of changes happening at one point in time. So as I said, there might be several changes down the road, but not one combined set of significant changes which I would call a "refresh" where a new buyer could say "I'm going to not buy now and wait for the 'refresh'".�
Oct 25, 2015
gg_got_a_tesla This maybe a topic for a thread by itself, but, I wonder if a fresh-looking, in-tune-with-the-times 2017/2018 Model 3 could make a designed-in-2010/2011 Model S look really long-in-the-tooth?�
Oct 25, 2015
You're right. I think I just interpreted differently.�
Oct 25, 2015
Canuck I agree. That and he said this:
"Not happening, according to Khobi Brooklyn, Tesla's communications manager. "We don't have plans for retooling Model S at the moment," Brooklyn told me in an email."
Does anyone expect him to say that plans for retooling are in the works? Of course they are. Retooling plans are always in the works. Whether they come about, or if they are to come about, how close they are to implementation, is another issue. But his words are chosen very carefully so as not to dissuade people from ordering, or having them cancel orders to wait for changes, but to still allow for changes to happen relatively soon. So the article written based solely on the above statement really holds about as much weight as the OP's rumour.�
Oct 25, 2015
gg_got_a_tesla @Canuck, agree with your points.
Khobi is a she btw:
Khobi Brooklyn | LinkedIn�
Oct 25, 2015
Ben W I wouldn't expect next year's refresh to be a "complete" overhaul. Model 3 has to take a higher priority.
Here's what I would expect:
- New nosecone (or lack thereof), adapted from Model X
- More comprehensive Autopilot sensors; specifically long-range rear-facing / omnidirectional radar
- "Biohazard" AC mode, adapted from X
- LED headlights
- Ventilated seats
- Improved front console and storage (pockets, etc)
I doubt they'll try to adapt the Model X windshield; too many people like the sunroof option. Besides, I've already had my Model S windshield replaced twice (once due to a factory defect, once due to a pebble) and I can't imagine the costs if the windshield had been twice as large.
I also doubt they'll boost the battery capacity again so soon. When it eventually does happen, the real value (to me) of a 110kWh pack wouldn't be so much the increased max range, as the reduced time to supercharge to 50% during a roadtrip. Being able to supercharge at 135kW (~420mi/h) from 0% to 50% (170 miles of rated range, for a 110kWh pack) in 24 minutes, would make supercharging stops that much more convenient. For my current Sig P85 (A-pack), charging from empty to 170 miles of range takes about 45 minutes.�
Oct 25, 2015
Canuck Thanks for the correction. That sure shows my male bias. Sorry.�
Oct 25, 2015
MsElectric + 1 on everything. The biggest benefit of a 110KWh battery pack is that you delay when the tapering happens so you can stop for half an hour and add more range faster. Plus there are still plenty of areas not covered with Superchargers and it will remain the same for the foreseeable future.
Definitely agree on having an actual sunroof. We use ours all the time and would not want to give up having a sunroof we can open.�
Oct 25, 2015
Larry Chanin Hi Jim,
No, we have a Sales, Service, Supercharger Station and Certified Pre-owned Center in West Palm Beach, Florida.
Oct 25, 2015
WestCoastP85D Just back from Santana Row store (got a couple of cool TSLA jackets...and a t-shirt.)
"No Model S refresh planned for the bumper for 2016." said the just-as-credible (not) Tesla sales lady.�
Oct 25, 2015
So you have a Quadruple Center......Even better....�
Oct 25, 2015
Lyon Oh man, if they put the new nose cone, lights and ventilated seats on Model S I'll replace mine in a heartbeat.
The fake grill on the front of the Model S has always been a vestigial element. Totally unnecessary to have a giant air-hole in the front but people need to because they're used to it. It's like any other fake bit on the car for looks I can do without.�
Oct 25, 2015
donv They could do sensors, ventilated seats, and LED lights by just changing the design studio. No need to make a big deal about it. For that matter, I would expect they'll just roll updated sensors out at some point without even changing the design studio-- they'll just start appearing on cars, as did the original autopilot sensors.
Remember when they added parking sensors? They just showed up in the design studio one day.�
Oct 25, 2015
MsElectric I hope whenever they refresh the Model S, that they include 360 degree view. Especially for such a wide/large car this would be so useful in tight parking situations with curbs everywhere.�
Oct 25, 2015
ecarfan I think that over the next few years Tesla will continue to tweak the existing S design with things like LED headlights, ventilated seats, additional AP sensors, incremental increases in battery pack capacity, etc., (and we won't know until these things suddenly show up in the Design Studio) but will not do a body redesign until 2018. Until then, the focus has to be on the Model 3 sedan and CUV. The long term success of the company depends on it.�
Oct 26, 2015
tomy +1 would place my order almost immediately � only waiting for the seats and the LED head lights.�
Dec 30, 2015
eclipxe CPO prices took a hit in December, just as Jimtesla said....�
Dec 30, 2015
HankLloydRight Prices decline as a function of time?
Yes, that's a true statement.�
Dec 30, 2015
eclipxe December brings a slew of sub-$55k CPO's : teslamotors�
Dec 30, 2015
tomp I'd agree. I bet modifying the S to include a panoramic roof is a pretty major design change...
Dec 30, 2015
SmartElectric If you have paid Hank for a membership to his CPO site you'd already know that prices are not lower due to anything other than age.
Age of the cars is the single biggest factor in price offered on CPO.
In Canada, some of the best prices went to cars available during the "great P85D trade in rush" in early/mid-2015 which were 2012 and early 2013 model owners who wanted dual motor and auto pilot. The lowest priced cars were the oldest.
Since then, the prices have not dropped, and I've been watching.�
Mar 17, 2016
zambono Could the fall that was alluded to here be the CPO purge which happened a couple months ago, which would lend credence to the Model S refresh soon. Another event which I think makes it very possible a newer Model S is coming are the new standard wheels. I would imagine they were supposed to be released with the refresh but they ran out of the basic 19's and had to start using the newer design earlier than anticipated. Just a thought, not to mention the new battery size 100D that is all over the internet.�
Mar 18, 2016
eclipxe Yep�
Mar 19, 2016
DougH Would a 100 put range over 300?�
Mar 19, 2016
brkaus If it was accomplished without adding weight it should put it over 300.�
Mar 25, 2016
TheD Hi all, first post here. I placed my order in December for an 85D and later upgraded to a 90D. My current delivery window is April to Early May. I've been pushing the delivery back since placing my order due to a reliable source telling me I should wait. I then came across this thread and I've been keeping an eye on it since.
Today I noticed something in the CPO inventory that just adds to the writing already on the wall. Los Angeles is flooded with 2016 90D models with less than 100 miles. It seems almost every city has low-mile models as well. My suspicion is that these are current showroom models they are trying to sell. Why would they all of a sudden be trying to sell off all the showroom models a week before the Model 3 reveal?
I can't wait to see the refreshed Model S!�
Mar 25, 2016
zambono If you look on the ev-cpo site you will see that they have added many inventory listings but no CPO since December, and like you have said most are 90's.�
Mar 25, 2016
Charles847 I agree, not loving the Model X snip nose�
Mar 25, 2016
HankLloydRight Welcome to TMC, TheD!
I admit that I am biased because I firmly believe there is no "Model S Refresh" anytime soon (i.e. this year). There might be incremental changes, like the new 19" Slipstream wheels or the integrated console, but overall, no, no refresh is "imminent". People have been saying this for more than a year now, and yet nothing.
The CPO inventory you are now seeing listed are not CPOs, but "Inventory" (new) cars. Due to their low (50) mileage, they are most likely cars pre-built (not to a customer spec) in order to have an inventory of cars people can buy without a production delay. They are not "showroom" cars. If Tesla has a temporary overcapacity situation, it doesn't make sense for them the stop or slow down the production line, so cars will continue to be pumped out and sold "off the lot" like any other car dealer. These cars are being distributed to all the Tesla Sales centers across the country.
Tesla is still a "small" (relative) company. They are focusing on ramping up the Model X. Finalizing the Model 3 and getting that into production. Building out the Gigafactory. Thinking about whatever the Model Y will be (Roadster V2 or a pickup truck??). I think the Model S "Refresh" exists, but it's way way down on their list of priorities. I don't think we'll see what can be called a "Refresh" until slightly before the Model 3 is launched, and that would be to minimize any cannibalization between the two models.
But this won't stop lots of people preaching the Model S Refresh is "just around the corner".�
Mar 25, 2016
marty2112 Simple. End of quarter.�
Mar 25, 2016
marty2112 Is our bet still on? You can get back to me just before tax day...
Mar 25, 2016
Three months from now everyone will be in agreement that the "nose job" was successful.�
Mar 25, 2016
HankLloydRight What was our bet? I can't remember.
They say memory is the second thing to go.
Mar 25, 2016
marty2112 I think is was $10 to the charity of your choice. I made a snide comment about my charity being able to help James Harden play defense (NBA)....�
Mar 25, 2016
brkaus I did test configure on the website the other day. It offered me an inventory car, available within 7-14 days, that had similar configuration to the one I had built.�
Mar 25, 2016
2virgule5 getting interesting... +1 for a refresh that extends (way) beyond slipstream wheels and center console.�
Mar 27, 2016
studiojon One reason for the new flood of Inventory 90 cars is simple: they no longer make the 85. Therefore they can't show 85's in the showroom. Hence a bunch of new 90's for showrooms. All showroom cars have always been available as inventory, hence the greater inventory. I believe that's whats behind this anomaly. I also think you will see the center console being retrofitted to any showroom cars that didn't have it already.......�
Mar 28, 2016
Camera-Cruiser That makes way to much sense to even be considered... In the realm of Internet rumors.
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