Oct 7, 2014
Bardlebee Just a fun poll. It would be interesting to see how many on this forum are waiting for the Model 3 that does not have a Model S/Roadster and also it would be interesting to see who would get a Model 3 because of the Model S.
For me, I don't think I am going to own anything but a Tesla for life. I can say this because I love my Model S, even though its the most expensive car I've ever owned by a factor of 3. I am a one car per person kind of guy, so I can definitely see myself purchasing the Model 3 because I would like to get rid of our ICE crutch of our second vehicle that my wife owns.
I would like to hear the reasons why people are going to get the Model 3, or even reasons why you're NOT going to get the Model 3. I may in fact wait to reserve however, or I may reserve and push back the order. I am always concerned about early fit and finish, regardless of the manufacturer.
So VOTE! And let us know why you will/wont get a Model 3!�
Oct 8, 2014
CHGolferJim Planning for a Model S in 2015:
- want the extra size for long distance travel with my wife now that we're empty nesters (also for golf buddy trips)
- don't want to wait until 2017
- some concern about the unknown look of 3, although I expect it will be done well
- but this might be turned all upside down if Aston Martin-looking 3 debuts tomorrow�
Oct 8, 2014
Btrflyl8e The use of the past tense is a little misleading for me. I plan to buy a Model 3 because I LOVE owning my Model S. The Model 3 will be for my bf. I will keep driving my S for a long, long time.�
Oct 8, 2014
Al Sherman I don't think I'm the target audience for the Model III but I would consider it if it: 1.Has AWD available 2. Has at least as much range as my MS 3. Is at least as comfortable as my MS.�
Oct 8, 2014
CmdrThor Need the option: I will get the Model 3 in addition to the Model X I will get because I love driving electric and so far Tesla makes the best electric.
I don't make my purchasing decisions based on supporting a company .. it's all about the quality and how well I think the vehicle will fit my needs over the period of time I plan on owning it. I may lease another LEAF in 2015 to go with the Model X until the Model 3 is ready.�
Oct 8, 2014
ItsNotAboutTheMoney I'm not planning to buy a new car until 2019, and the only thing above base (besides activating Supercharging) would be a winter package so I'd not be able to get an early version anyway. So, no rush on reservation.�
Oct 8, 2014
ElSupreme Won't be getting a Model 3 because I bought a Ford Focus Electric when my wife's car died prematurely. Maybe when the Model S is paid off.�
Oct 8, 2014
Jeff N Back in 2010 I was tired of waiting for a plugin car, LEAF didn't look practical for my needs (especially with very little initial charging infrastructure), and the Volt specifications seemed like the perfect interim stepping stone. By the time the model 3 comes out I will have 7-8 years and close to 200,000 miles on my Volt. Model 3 should be an ideal upgrade. Model S is little larger than I need and I'm willing to wait for a somewhat less expensive model. I plan to get the bigger battery pack that I assume will give me a range comparable to an S85. I'd also like to help Tesla succeed and want usable long-distance DC charging facilities.�
Oct 8, 2014
dhrivnak We can't make a Tesla work unless there are changes to the super charger map. There are not super charges planned for I81 or I59 which we need to travel to visit family. So we will likely get a Volt for the next car.�
Oct 8, 2014
santana338 I didn't vote because my situation isn't in the poll. I have a Model S because I have wanted a good electric car for 30 years. While I love the S it is more than I need to go back and forth 10 miles to work and to the airport once in a while. We tow a camper and take all of our road trips in our other car.
In a perfect world I would trade the S for an E and replace our aging Odyssey with an X. First I need to convince the wife that the SC network will let us go wherever we want and the X can tow. Then I'll have to figure out if we can actually afford it! :smile:�
Oct 8, 2014
jgallops Yes, I would order tomorrow if we can! I doubt it, but am ready to do so.
Otherwise, I will be looking forward to the CPO Model S's next year.�
Oct 8, 2014
v12 to 12v I can only vote for one reason to order one tomorrow? Hmm...�
Oct 8, 2014
Grendal I'm planning on getting a Model S next year as my signature explains. Waiting until 2017/2018 to get a Tesla is just a little too far off even though the Model III is the right car for me. Maybe I'll sell my S to get a loaded Model III in 2018/2019. That way I'm buying and supporting the company long term.�
Oct 8, 2014
wart IF Tesla were going to start delivering the Model 3 in 2015 then I would be ready to put a deposit down right now. The car I actually want is a Model 3 Performance. The Model S and Model X are both bigger than what I need and the price is a stretch for me. But I don't want to wait until 2017 or 2018 to own a Tesla. So I'm saving up to buy a Model S next year.
I voted for "I will get the Model 3 because the Model S is way to high to be sensible" because that answer most closely approximates what I would do IF the thread title (not the poll title) were true.�
Oct 9, 2014
Iz Have had my Model S 19 months now. It is a dream to drive and will be getting a Model 3.�
Oct 9, 2014
dalalsid Model 3 or lease return Model X, the more I think about it, the more the lease return Model X makes sense especially if it is price competitive with a new Model 3. I was probably going to get a production Model 3 but I doubt I'll get one before the end of 2018/2019 because I expect huge demand and long waits. I have two options - replace Leaf with Model 3 or SUV with used Model X. The latter will make me all electric.�
Oct 9, 2014
Genebe I'm waiting on the models 3 & X to put some nice clean S cars on the used market!�
Oct 9, 2014
airj1012 Unfortunately Elon said tonight's event will not be about Gen III - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lT86HB26Ck�
Oct 9, 2014
100thMonkey sometimes I wish folks would do a poll on how to word the options, LOL! it's none of the above for me. I'd consider ordering the 3 as our get around commuter, paired possibly with something like the X down the road, that would be a very nice combo. As soon as we can, we are getting away from having the second car be a short range EV like the Leaf. we want a solid 150-200 mile range in our secondary car to fully return us to the flexibility we had with two ICE's... and we are willing to "tough it out" with short range EV's for the secondary until a decent one is available, we really don't want to ever return to gas.�
Oct 9, 2014
ggr He said he wouldn't talk about Model 3. He has a quirky sense of humor... maybe he's just going to show it and not say a word.�
Oct 9, 2014
Vger Won't get the Model 3 sedan, because we are already about to be a "full house" Tesla family-- Roadster, Model S, Model X.
If/when there is a Gen III smaller AWD SUV, we might well sell the Model X and downsize that element of the trifecta. The Model X is bigger than we need, and the "D" will be faster than we need.�
Oct 10, 2014
livingunique I'll probably end up with a Model 3 since the S is simply out of my price range. If money was no object, I'd get the X, but sadly my bank account wouldn't be able to accommodate that.�
Oct 10, 2014
tga Personally, I would have answered "I will get the Model 3 because that's the car I really want" if that were an option...
I don't particularly like big cars (my wife's outback is the top end of what I consider reasonable). Big cars are harder to park, I don't have a bunch of kids, and I have a pickup for hauling stuff. Plus, size = weight, and weight is the enemy of handling, acceleration, braking, and general fun-to-drive factor. Yes, the MS counters that well, but if you shrunk the MS by 20%, it would be that much more awesome (IMHO).
Currently, I have a pickup for hauling stuff, Home Depot runs, towing boats, etc. My commuter car/fun-to-drive car is a Mini Cooper S. I also have a 911 track/weekend toy.
I'd replace the Mini with an AWD, performance Model 3 in a heartbeat (I was ready to put down a deposit last night on the remote chance it was offered). Instead, I'll probably replace it soon with a used/demo/loaner Model S, drive that for 3 years or so, and trade for a Model 3. If I don't like the 3, maybe I'll swap for a new S85D and keep it for 12 years.
Either way, I'm not buying a new Model S with the expectation of trading for a Model 3 in 3 years, as I don't particularly want to eat the $40k depreciation. I'm the kind of person who keeps cars until they fall apart, vs new every 2-3 years.�
Oct 13, 2014
MsElectric We'd have zero interest in a Model 3. Party due to the lower cost, other than for those who prefer a smaller car, the Model S should be better in just about every way. I'd rather buy a 2 year old Model S than a brand new Model 3.�
Oct 18, 2014
wallet.dat I see no reason why a performance version of the 3 couldn't put down better numbers than even the P85D, which is more of a luxury-performance sedan. Among others, BMW has already set the precedence of a smaller model outperforming a larger model (think M3 vs. top line 7-series), so it's not an unheard of hierarchy.�
Oct 18, 2014
Zythryn I plan to get the Model 3.
It will replace one of our Model S, not sure if both.
I prefer a smaller car. Being smaller, it should also be more efficient.�
Oct 18, 2014
abasile I would consider purchasing a Model 3 with AWD, but my first choice will be to acquire a used Model X because its larger size would be nicer for our family.
Also, if a used Tesla vehicle with AWD already has a bit of cosmetic damage, so much the better! (We park outdoors under pine and cedar trees that constantly leave little droplets of sap on our LEAF; thankfully, the LEAF is a cheap enough car that I don't really care so much.)�
Oct 18, 2014
stopcrazypp It only applies to the 7-series because there is no "M7" (closest thing is the alpina B7). However, the M3 vs M5 still keeps the hierarchy, even though BMW can easily make an M3 that outperforms the M5.
Same thing with the C63 vs the E63.
More on topic: I'm planning on a Model 3 because even if a Model S fits my budget (a used one might, a new one definitely not), it's too big to work with city parking (there's plenty of spaces it won't fit into).�
Oct 18, 2014
art my garage is heated and wired and ready to go. hopping the model 3 has 110" to 112" wheelbase and interior room the same as mb e class, or bmw 5 series. c class and lexus is are to small and tesla model s to big. i wont put money down on anything until i can sit in it or know the dimensions. hoping for the best, i sure would like to have a tesla in my garage.�
Oct 18, 2014
FreeOfPge Voted I will get the Model 3 because the Model S is way to high to be sensible, since there's no 'I'll get the Model 3 because it's the car I want' option.�
Oct 20, 2014
Jaff I might get one, so I could put my Roadster away for the winter...to do this though, I would prefer to have a better idea as to when the new roadster is coming out ...both of my (adult) children are interested in a Model III...of course, they'll have to buy their own, but I hope I could get them a preferential spot on the waiting list...�
Oct 22, 2014
Red Sage I don't have the official dimensions, of course... But considering that it has an electric drivetrain, and will be competing against the BMW 3-Series, this is what I would guess to be the size:COMPARISON OF DIMENSIONS
?So, compared to the Model S, the Model ? would roughly work out as: Overall length should be easy to shorten, though you'd likely lose the ability to have a rear facing third row. Cabin size can be maximized, by using a longer wheelbase, with shorter overhangs. Height would probably be about the same, though it would be a little wider than its contemporaries. A wide stance would give an aggressive look while allowing for stability and traction. Weight would go down overall by roughly 1,000 lbs.
Model ?
BMW 3-Series
Model S
183.0 182.5 196.0 Wheelbase
114.0 110.6 116.5 Height
56.5 56.3 56.5 Width
74.5 71.3 77.3 Track (front)
63.5 60.3 65.4 Track (rear)
64.0 60.3 66.9 Curb Weight
3,700 3,595 4,647 �
Oct 24, 2014
internauts It is likely that my partner and I will buy the III as a second car. It is possible that by 2017 there will be such advances that we might sell the P85 and use the III for road trips too. More likely that the III will be for daily in-city and we'll keep the P85 for road trips. I have enjoyed my BMW 3-series so the III seems likely to be our choice for a second EV.�
Oct 24, 2014
Incredulocious I also voted "I will get the Model 3 because the Model S is way to high to be sensible" in lieu of the option:
"I will get the Model 3 because that's the vehicle I really want".
Model S/X are too big for me (on the outside anyway) and I don't want to pay that much for something that isn't closer to my ideal: beautiful, fun, high performance, AWD hatchback with upwards of 300 miles range in a reasonable size. Reasonable size: plenty of leg and headroom in front and back seats for 6'4" like me, plus room for multiple bikes, and other similar outdoor gear. (Vehicles like the LEAF and RAV4 EV easily accomplish the reasonable size requirements but lack in other regards. Hey, but they have plenty of cupholders.)
Oct 28, 2014
Skotty I love polls but I didn't participate as no option is quite appropriate for me. I've never owned a Tesla, but a Tesla will almost certainly be my next car. However, I can't say yet whether it will be an S, X, or 3. It still depends on so many different factors. I'll probably be looking to buy 2 years from now.�
Oct 28, 2014
jaanton Not a good poll.
I expect to get the Model 3 because it seems like it should be the right car for my needs. I could be disappointed. I plan to keep my Roadster. Model S is just too much car for my needs. Model X would just be further on the too big side.
Remember that Tesla is about making great cars which happen to be electric. It needs to be a great car first, electric second. If Model 3 isn't a great car, it will not succeed.�
Oct 31, 2014
EMdoc12 I just recently bought a Volt because paying off my student loans is top priority right now. Having said that I will absolutely make a deposit on a Model 3 the day Tesla starts taking them.�
Jan 30, 2015
Doug_G I'll get the Model 3, because my Model S will be getting old by the time it appears. Also I'd actually prefer a slightly smaller car.�
Feb 3, 2015
igotzzoom Assuming the price of entry isn't too high to get on the initial list, I would. I wouldn't put more than $5,000 down as a deposit. If it was any more than that, I'd probably wait it out.�
Feb 3, 2015
davewill I won't commit until I see what I'm getting and for what price. I stared really hard at the S40, but couldn't make myself spend that much on a car, no matter how wonderful...then they pulled it and the Model S became impossible. Then Toyota threw $16k in incentives at the Rav4 EV, and I had my LEAF replacement. My "Tesla Jr." has been great, 120+ miles of real world range, very comfortable, and more torque than is really prudent on that platform. I may keep it a long time, but I really wish it had DC charging. I noticed that Tony Williams has announced a second round of orders for his CHAdeMO kit, and I may consider it, although I'm still leery about adding such a thing to a leased car with an unproven track record. I'd hate to end up eating an expensive repair because Toyota assumes the add-on caused the problem.
Anyway, to bring it back to the Model 3, if the price to me really is mid-30K, it has respectable range, and supercharging, I'll be all over that bad boy when my Rav lease is up. If it's over 40K, I will need some convincing that it will be a solid, long-term performer. The LEAF and the Rav have been the most expensive cars I've ever bought, and I'm not sure I really want to go higher. The LEAF turned out to be a lease-only vehicle (battery degradation too severe) and went back to Nissan. The Rav will probably be worth a significant amount more than it's residual when the lease ends, but I'm not sure if I want to keep it personally. If the Model 3 looks like a BEV that I can put 200K miles on, that would be a big, big plus...I'm tired of leasing. I hope Tesla keeps an eye towards making repair costs reasonable so that middle class people can afford to own it. I also plan to watch the Model S resale market to see if an S60 can come down to a level I could consider, but I expect that even the crappiest ones will stay over 50K for a long time.�
Feb 4, 2015
CHGolferJim Yes, if they announce tomorrow for 4Q2016 delivery and it looks somewhat like the new baby Jag......not too likely though.�
Feb 4, 2015
ohaq I will get the model 3 when my other car Hyundai Elantra 2007 stops working (100,000 miles on it) or in 2020 which ever comes first, by then Model 3 would be AWD lot of cool features and little issues and bug fixed. So it would be nice to have the latest and greatest.�
Feb 4, 2015
aaeverett I am in on a model 3 as soon as i can, already planning on the ask forgiveness approach at home...�
Feb 4, 2015
wallet.dat I'm down to get a Model 3 as long as it's AWD and the performance variant. It's a tossup between that and a Ford Focus RS or VW Golf R400.�
Feb 4, 2015
jimmyz80 If there's a coupe version of the Model 3 with BMW-M3-like driving dynamics, both the Roadster and our Prius C will go, and I'll be on the list for two.
Feb 4, 2015
jbcarioca I almost certainly will end out getting a 3. I love the S and have driven a P85 for a few hundred miles, so that is a modestly well informed opinion. Were the S smaller I'd buy it now for a Florida car. Candidly I don't mind the price but I really do not like large cars. Despite that I'm seriously considering a S85D now. Too bad there is not a full blown 3 available now, sort of Evoque style (well equipped, I mean, not appearance or body type).�
Feb 4, 2015
rolosrevenge I'll throw down the fully refundable deposit as soon as they start taking them. Then I'll see how I like the car as more details get released. I may still shoot for a used S instead.�
Feb 4, 2015
BerTX I won't be getting a Model 3 because I'm planning for the Model X to be my last car. We always keep cars for a long time anyway, and the MX should last longer than most!
That said, if something happened and we needed another vehicle, the Model 3 would be it, assuming, you know, lots of things...�
Feb 4, 2015
TEG I am looking forward to getting a Model 3 and would put a deposit down when possible.
On the other hand, Tesla is taking so long, that there is a chance some vehicle from another manufacturer could come out first that is attractive enough to get me to 'jump ship'.
A better looking, 180 mile range LEAF gen 2 could possibly get me to go there if it seems like Model 3 is still too far away.
(I currently drive a 1st gen LEAF and find the size perfect, and the amount of features / comfort / practicality seem just right to this price sensitive shopper.)
Will also look at what comes of the 200 mile range Chevy Bolt.
On the other, other hand, Tesla may keep me waiting due to these 'killer' features:
#1: Supercharging network. (Best charging solution)
#2: Performance/sporting capability. (Tesla has shown they do this right)
#3: Body styling. (They are leading here as well)�
Feb 4, 2015
bluenation hey hows the reliability issues so far on the elantra? thats pretty encouraging
yea me too, except i would have trouble justifying a non-tesla ev because of the superchargers. and i'd never get a PHEV, altho if i have to, i'd get the volt.
until then, i'll enjoy my cheap ICE.�
Feb 4, 2015
ohaq So far haven't had to take it for any thing other than routine maintenance. I have been doing the oil changes my self around 3k,4k and when ever I drive it, I say to myself it was a great buy, being this is my first car after graduation.�
Feb 4, 2015
mackgoo Won't get one till the wifes Prius dies.�
Feb 4, 2015
SamT Driving a 15 year old low mileage car car now, it probably will last for a few years, then I'll be ready for a model 3. If my car dies earlier, will look for a used model s.�
Feb 4, 2015
detlefo Plan is to keep the Model S and to replace the 2011 LEAF with a Model 3.�
Feb 4, 2015
lgagliardi I need the model 3 right now! I drive a signature S but my wife's car has over 250,000 miles. Trying to stretch it out to 2017 or possibly 2018 is going to be real tough! She never complains!�
Feb 5, 2015
bestellen I will get the Model 3 because I loved owning the Model S�
Feb 6, 2015
Pilot_51 I can't vote because I'm undecided. I love my S and could certainly keep it for many years, but I missed out on autopilot which is the other great automobile innovation after going electric, and there are times I just don't feel like driving (heavy traffic, icy roads, tired, unfamiliar/confusing routes, etc.). I want to see the final product and what I could get on a trade-in before I make any decision.
Something else I want to do is help the rest of my family go electric. Currently, mom and sister drive '97 Odyssey which had its engine replaced a year ago, brother drives '02 Explorer, and dad drives '13 C-Max Energi. The Model 3 is very promising since it would be reasonably affordable with plenty of range and a great safety rating. The Odyssey especially concerns me considering its age and how outdated the safety standards must be by now.�
Feb 7, 2015
jerry33 I'd like a Model III to replace the 2004 Prius that Denise drives.�
Feb 9, 2015
MarkR I love my Model S, but will want the newer technology of the Model 3 when it arrives. In truth, the MS is bigger than I need or want. The Model 3 should be 'just right' if it is 20% smaller than my current car. I plan to have the Model 3 tricked out with every piece of tech available and will get the 400mile battery with a dual motor option (0-60mph in 2.4 seconds).�
Feb 16, 2015
tdelta1000 I would need to see the design of the "3" prior to order.�
Feb 17, 2015
jvonbokel I'm with these guys. I love my S, but it's slightly larger than I need. I'm also already going to be tempted to upgrade as autopilot features roll out, but I'm hopeful I can hold out for the Model 3 and see what functionality/options it offers. With the decreased base cost, I may wind up loading up a little more on options with the 3.
Then again, if Lyft/Uber can launch in St Louis, I might just reverse course completely and get an X for the additional passenger capacity.
Feb 22, 2015
akashra I'm surprised how many people like large cars, and the Model S is certainly large. Even cars like the Holden Commodorre and Subaru Liberty I find too large for my liking - they feel like they occupy the entire lane with no margin for error, and don't feel as nimble around corners. I like the feel of smaller cars, and hope the Model 3 checks this box.�
Feb 22, 2015
andrewket I'd order one to replace our volt.�
Mar 4, 2015
NN99 I couldn't place my order quick enough. The moment that it's available to order and I have a computer or phone with me. It's a done deal.�
Mar 10, 2015
cablue We'll order the 3 asap to replace one of the Ss. I like the MS, but my husband is waiting for the smaller car and will get rid of his MS then. He loves it, but would prefer smaller. We'll be with Tesla for a long time!�
Mar 11, 2015
Airx Hi Guys,
Will be looking to get an M3 when its available. I currently drive a 2010 Prius and cant wait to get rid of the car.�
Mar 11, 2015
Breezy Plan to place my refundable deposit as soon as possible to reserve my place in line. But I'll see what's available at the time I'm ready to order before I commit. 2017/18 seems like an interesting time for new plug-ins.�
Mar 11, 2015
jgs I chose the second option as the closest to the answer I really wanted. (There really should have been a "I will get the Model 3 -- other reason" option.) Like many others here, the S that is currently "in transit" to me from the factory is bigger than the car I actually wanted -- it's replacing an A6 that is also the biggest car I had ever owned to date, and that I had fully expected to downsize from. Instead I'm going the other way, because of all the good reasons to own an S. But if Tesla gave me a smaller option with the same mojo, I'd be on that like white on rice.
Given that I don't even have my S yet, it's too soon to talk about replacing it with a 3 even if it does turn out to have a better form factor. But it's not at all too soon to talk about replacing my wife's ICE car. There is zero, no, nada, nil chance of her ever being willing to have a car as big as the S as her daily driver, so a smaller car is a requirement there (ideal form factor: VW Golf). So is range -- for our second-car needs, the range offered by the current crop of non-Tesla BEVs is just a little short of what's needed (basically, 80 miles of realistic snow belt winter driving range). A Model 3 (to the extent one can tell about a car that we haven't even seen a concept for, much less a production vehicle) sounds like it would be a great fit for her, and that's probably how we'd introduce it to our garage, to make us into a two-Tesla family. We're committed to getting a BEV or at least PHEV whenever we do replace the ICE, to the extent that her spot in the garage is already wired for charging (long story short, last year the local utility had an EV charging program that allowed me to install a J1772 EVSE in her spot for very little incremental cost over just putting the NEMA 14-50 on my side). So now we're just waiting for a compelling product and nursing the ICE along in the mean time.�
Mar 12, 2015
Mr X Deposit will be placed instantly.�
Mar 12, 2015
ReddyLeaf I will only get one if supercharging is available and it's less than a used Model S at the time. Given Tesla's price and schedule creep, I highly doubt it will be available until the Model S used prices are below a new Model 3.�
Mar 12, 2015
jgs Predicting the future is dicy of course, but it's hard for me to imagine shipping a Model 3 that can't be enabled for Supercharging. Tesla has sunk a whole lot of capital into building out the Supercharging network. Why on earth would they not want to leverage that advantage? It would be crazy, and whatever they are, they aren't crazy.
Now, making Supercharging a separate line item that you have to pay another $2000 (or whatever) for, as you do with the S60, I think would be perfectly rational and OK. I probably wouldn't buy it (see my earlier post, for me the Model 3 would be a second car for local use, so why pay for something I wouldn't use? And after all if I turned out to be wrong and wanted it later I could always pay to enable it later). You probably would buy it. Making it an option would let Tesla price the base Model 3 as low as possible.
Of course, the psychology of pricing and feature-bundling is an art, so who knows if they'll actually make it an option. Maybe they'll decide to include it standard for whatever reason. But I would be shocked if it weren't available one way or the other.�
Mar 13, 2015
Bluejuice Why do you guys need to see design first? You know what the Model S looks like and you know what the Model X looks like. The Model 3 won't be radically different from either of those. Tesla will get my deposit the day they start taking deposits for Model 3.�
Mar 14, 2015
EVNow I doubt when the 3 is announced we can actually "order" it. I'm sure it will be booking - and I fully intend to book. But that doesn't mean much since I had a booking for S (which I've transferred to X - which I'll transfer to 3).�
May 8, 2015
GregHudson I had my first test drive of a MS P85 last night (8 May 2015), which felt a bit too big to me. I think the Model 3 would be just right.
After drive, hopped back into my Merc C class, and it felt decidedly SMALL ! (BTW, I've owned 2 x C Class, 1 x B class, and 5 x BMW 3 Series) and have no brand loyalty now Tesla has come along.
The MS had the quality 'solid' feel of a Merc, with the sportiness of a BMW M3, but was certainly not perfect. Things I noticed...
MS was missing a SPEED LIMITER (not the same as cruise control, but works on the same stalk.
The MS stalks on the left of the steering column are REVERSED compared to the Mercs they are taken from.
Getting out of the passenger seat: There was no grab handle above the door. (Surprised this was missing).
The speed sign recognition was hopeless. It missed at least 3 x 'normal' 60 kph signs, and 4 x 'LED' 100 Kph signs on the freeway.
BTW, the test drive was in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Hopefully some of these foibles will be cured by the time the Model 3 is released.
Cheers, Greg.
- - - Updated - - -
Actually, Elon has been quoted as saying it will NOT look like either the S or the X.
May 8, 2015
palmer_md The stalks were the same, but recently (September-ish?) changed based on (I believe) customer feedback.
It was probably looking at the right side of the road for the signs and all it saw was the back of the signs. haha.�
May 8, 2015
GregHudson You can get rid of the sap easily using an ice cube & your fingernail.
May 8, 2015
tinm While there are lots of cool new features available in recently-released Tesla Model S cars, the sum of which makes it a constant temptation to upgrade my 2013-era Model S, the thing that is holding me back from selling my old S and getting a new one is not the X or the Model 3, but increased range. When there's 350+mi range, I'll upgrade. I want range. Nothing else tops range, even the most futuristic amazing sizzling Model 3, even if it released tomorrow. If it doesn't top the range I get now, meh.�
May 8, 2015
GregHudson Ah Ha, so there is a logical reason...
Very funny/clever, but not the case this time. The 60 kph zone was 5 lanes wide, and had 60 kph signs on both the left and the right.
The 100 kph signs on the freeway were only on the left, AND they were LED's, not reflective, so that is probably the reason it didn't detect them - however, if this is the case, it is a problem that should be fixed. I've driven a Merc GLK on an Autobahn in Germany with overhead LED speed signs, and it had no problem reading them.
The Tesla employee said he would report the issue, but also said the current speed is also detected from Google Maps. This may or may not be accurate for Australia?
Regards, Greg.�
May 8, 2015
favo Model S is using EyeQ3 SoC from Mobileye for Autopilot features such as Traffic Sign Recognition. Mobileye has said that it currently recognizes 250 signs in 50 countries. By the end of the year, it is supposed to be 1000 signs in 100 countries. (Also, traffic lights will be added at some point this year.) See this video for more info.�
May 9, 2015
Twiglett Like many others I will be stalking the site as soon as any hint is given that reservations are possible.
Getting a reservation doesn't mean you are compelled to order - but Tesla would have to really mess it up for it not to be worth ordering.
Given their history for taking care of owners its not a big deal.
Would love to get an S, but its just too much car.�
May 11, 2015
jvonbokel Thanks for sharing that video. Very interesting stuff. I'm going to have to watch the rest of it as well. For anybody looking for insight into the path to further "auto-pilot" functionality, take a listen to what Professor Amnon Shashua has to say.�
May 11, 2015
igotzzoom As long as it doesn't look like the i3.�
May 12, 2015
Candleflame igotzzoom. I remember that I was quite exited when my dad told me about the BMW ActivE as it seemed like a nice car with a relativly big (32kwh) battery pack. So a bit less than half the range of the the Model S60 as the car was less efficient. I figured it was only a matter of time until they crammed a larger battery in the car, made it more efficient and worked on BMW Fast chargers (my idea back then of a tesla supercharger i guess)
Should have seen my face when the car ended up looking like this and had a 30% smaller battery...
May 12, 2015
Twiglett Thats the definition of a weird mobile right there !�
May 12, 2015
jgs I realize I'm in the minority around here, but I don't object to the way the i3 looks. It's no Model S, mind you. I do think it looks better in person than it does in photos. Oh well, to each his own.�
May 12, 2015
Candleflame I see an i3 every once in a while on commute to work. I think it looks even worse in real life. Particularly the blue plastic frame around the "grill" looks rediculous.�
May 12, 2015
igotzzoom No offense to i3 drivers on this forum, but I witnessed an i3 being driven in a colossally douchey manner this morning on the 405 freeway. I thought to myself, "So much for the i3 changing the BMW driver stereotype."�
May 12, 2015
Johann Koeber Sure I would order asap.
want to keep my Tesla collection complete
Really will be a hard time deciding what car to get rid of then. 3 cars for a 2-person household is more than enough.�
May 12, 2015
Candleflame I'm willing to sarcrifice myself Johann and will take your roadster. xD�
May 12, 2015
Twiglett The i3 & i8 both look like two designers had a fight and both designs got put into the final car. Each designer got to pick the color for their part of the car.
The rear of the i8 looks like it swallowed a Porsche whole. If you haven't seen it look again, you can't un-see it
May 13, 2015
jvonbokel I agree. I'm more than happy with my Model S, but I find the i3 looks fairly normal in person. And I think it looks much better in a darker color, where it doesn't contrast so much with the black hood and other accents.
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