Jun 18, 2015
kuttakamina Yep I'm a cheapo, I'll skip both xpel and opticoat.
I just cannot justify the price, and while I feel xpel offers great protection, it does have some downsides too.
So, my feeling is, if you want xpel - you have to go with a professional installer.
Opticoat and similar, I think you can do yourself. I've done a lot of DIY research, and will post my results here as I go through this 'experiment'.
My goal is to not recreate xpel - you can't, unless you get a condom on your car. That condom offers best protection, but we all know its not as much fun.
And only xpel or similar will protect from rock chips. Y'know, take a walk outside, look at older cars, and see how many rock chips they really have.
Its not THAT much of an issue (unless you have black paint or drive around trucks a lot). And fine, I'll use touch up paint if necessary.
But I think with some work and patience, you can recreate the equivalent of opticoat.
Short term - get a glass like coating on the car.
Long term - hand wash at home.
So here is the shopping list for your new Tesla and Tesla care. I've put in a lot of research into specific products, which are linked as below,
1. Liquid Glass LG-100. I plan on doing 4 coats of this on my brand new Tesla, and another 2 coats before winter sets in. Beyond that, every year I will do 1 coat every 3 or 6 months (depending upon how well it beads). Or I may switch to wax later. There are other similar alternatives to this product, but I went with this based on reviews.
2. Armor All wheel protectant. Search youtube for Brian Greenstone - he uses this on his Aston Martin. I used it on my Acura, with fantastic results. I think #1 + this = shiny wheels.
3. Clay Bar.
4. Leaf Blower.
Ongoing maint + first time wash -
1. Wash mitt.
2. 2 bucket wash kit (I already have 1 bucket).
3. California car duster.
4. Applicator Pads.
5. Low pressure pressure washer.
6. Compatible foam cannon.
7. Microfiber cloth.
So here is the deal.
When you get the car from the dealer, (or your existing car).
#1 - hand wash it well (that doesn't mean lots of strength, but get all the dirt off). Proper washing, is a technique. But here is the short version - do it fast so the water doesn't have a chance to dry up on surface (foam cannon + pressure washer are your friends), and use the 2 bucket wash method. Lots of youtube videos for self education.
#2 - Dry it with #7 water magnet.
#3 - Get rest of the water out with the leaf blower (#4).
#4. Then, move the car into the garage (optional but recommended).
#5. Clay the surface (takes time, watch some youtube videos, probably not necessary on a brand new car)
#6. Then apply #1 - very important, do so in straight motion, not swirls. Apply it to the whole car, and then buff it off. Apply using #4 in the list above, and buff it off with a very clean and soft old tshirt or microfiber cloth.
#7. Leave the car in the sun to bake (4 hours or so).
#8. Repeat steps #6 and #7 for 4 coats.
And wash regularly (I'm thinking every 2 weeks to 4 weeks depending upon season/how dirty etc.) using the pressure washer and foam cannon.
With the pressure washer and foam cannon, the whole wash process will be around 15-30 mins - so not a lot of work I feel.
Yeah initially its gonna take some time and effort. But its good exercise (I need it), and your Tesla needs it, and I'll be $2k richer at the end of all this.
Plus I'll have decent equipment to maintain the car long term.
So ... thats what I'm gonna do. I'll post pictures and updates of my 'experiment' as it goes along.. getting my car, most probably next week.
Jun 19, 2015
Ingineer Great information, I can't justify XPEL either.
I agree with most of your ideas, but an ICE powered 2-stroke Leaf blower cleaning your EV!?! You should go electric! (and save a bunch too!) Amazon.com : LawnMaster BL705 Electric Blower/Sweeper : Lawn And Garden Blower Vacs : Patio, Lawn Garden�
Jun 19, 2015
kuttakamina Very good point.�
Jun 19, 2015
AllenWong I used to care a lot about how my exotic cars were. I'd handwash them often like you plan on doing. I'd clear bra them and wrap them. And as I got older and approached my late 20s, I just stopped caring. I just leave it out and let the rain wash my car for me. That's the most "green" thing to do. Sure, there are a lot of bird poop on my car, and at least one rock chip. But I have better things to do with my time than to wash a car that ends up getting dirty again anyway. I guess I'm a "cheapo" when it comes to my time.�
Jun 19, 2015
ArtInCT Kudos to you for your determination and thinking this out.
In discussions with some professional detailers regarding washing, many that I talked to use a wet spray wax after rinsing off the car.
In fact the Tesla SC near me uses a commercial grade wax & dry product in their new car prep.
There are many brands of spray on wet and dry waxes.
The least expensive that I have used is Turtle Wax Wax & Dry. However there are many others and I have not tested them out.
You wash your car and rinse it. While the car is still wet you shake the bottle of Wax & Dry and spray it on the wet car.
You then dry the car with a clean micro-fibre cloth or soft cotton towel.
Afterwards, you can use a blower to dry out the channels and inter-panel grooves and wheels.
Can you elaborate on your choice of coating being the Liquid Glass?
Why that specific product and what other products did you consider or are you considering?
Lastly, I have a Bucket Buddy two bucket wagon. Really nice product. Amazon does carry it. Very well made and will not break the bank.
I use the plush micro-fibre towels designed for that purpose. They are machine washed after each use.
I tend to use Griots products for washing... and auto cleaning. They have a new product for coating cars that could be a possible alternative to Liquid Glass.�
Jun 19, 2015
kuttakamina Wax is not as strong/hardy as the liquid glass like coatings.
There are many products out there similar to liquid glass.
The ones I considered were Liquid glass, Rejex, Opticoat (non pro), Kamikaze Miyabi.
I saw these in person, cars that had been maintained with these over time, 10K mile, 20K miles, even cars that were 10-15 years old.
People who have diligently put liquid glass, 2 coats to start, and 1 coat every 6 months, their cars looked BRAND NEW after 10-15 years.
I've waxed my current car, its an Acura, probably doesn't have water paint I am guessing. But it looks new after 8 years.
I think with liquid glass, the Tesla will look just fine in 8-10 years.
I believe the other products are probably ok too. But Liquid Glass seems to have been around for 20ish years, and has a lot of people vouching for it.
Thanks for telling me about the Tesla commercial grade wax bit. I'll ask them not to wax mine.
The thing is, before you put any of these glass coatings on, you have to first remove the wax.
Removing the wax = more work.
- - - Updated - - -
See, thats the difference! I'm only 12 years old.�
Jun 19, 2015
ArtInCT I have Liquid Glass on my Cobra. Yes it has been around quite a long time. It works well but will not stop a rock or pebble ding or paint chip. I have a few of those up front on my Cobra.
As far as removal of wax.... two strong washes back to back with DAWN dish detergent will do the deed.�
Jun 19, 2015
kuttakamina Awesome!I'll try the dawn idea.
Yes the liquid glass will not protect from rock chips. Neither will opticoat.
So, would you say you are happy with liquid glass on your Cobra? How often do you apply it, do you wax over it? How many coats? Anything you can share
I think the title I should have choosen for this thread should have been, "alternative for opticoat".
XPEL/Suntek is the ONLY way to protect from rock chips - and even those don't protect 100%.
The only 100% way to protect from rock chips, IMO is to not drive the car
Jun 19, 2015
ArtInCT the cobra is used about 2k miles per year
i use Zaino gloss detailer on it prior and after use
The paint is midnight blue metallic so it is near black
i reapply glass once every two years now
to wash it I use a spritzer and micro fibre
tuff areas are just behind the side exhausts and tires where black dust accumulates
i will have my S front end film wrapped including the front fenders and doors when it arrives�
Jun 19, 2015
mmccord Do you not have kids? I think the most dangerous place my car goes is in the garage. :scared:�
Jun 19, 2015
MorrisonHiker Sounds like me. My current car is far from exotic...but I probably haven't washed it in 10 years and it doesn't look any worse than if it had only been a couple weeks since the last wash. I let Mother Nature take care of things for the most part. I probably will get XPEL once I get a Tesla though.�
Jun 19, 2015
No2DinosaurFuel I think the Xpel is the better option if you can afford it. Sure you like to wash your own car, but after a while it will become a chore. I rather drive mine than wash it. I am planning to get the Partial Xpel with the coat and wash like once a year or so at a car wash. I would love to get the full body Xpel and never have to worry about waxing or what not but it can get expensive.�
Jun 19, 2015
Zarwin I agree!
7 yo: "I'm getting something out of the garage"
Jun 19, 2015
kuttakamina SCARY!! :scared:�
Jun 19, 2015
Anthony7 I'm getting opticoat next week, full car incl glass and rims. This is after my photosync tint. I was quoted a clear bra for the front but I'm just going to skip it. All these up front costs is killing me. $600 for a console, $1000 for wall charger, tint, etc.. I just can't do without the tint when it's now in the 100's everyday and the opticoat. 3 days now and my car is dirty from dust esp the rims�
Jun 19, 2015
sorka You can still buy opticoat 2.0:
Optimum Paint Coating
10 cc for $60. When I bought it, it was 20 cc for $80 but 10 cc is still enough to do your MS twice over. It's easy to apply if you watch the vidoes and get the dual pro applicator:
Amazon.com: Optimum Opti Dual Pro Applicator: Automotive
Takes about an hour to do the entire car. Even if you screw it up and cause a few high spots, you can clear coat polish, like 3m rubbing compound or Maquires #1 to rub out the high spots and re-apply. My entire car beads like it's allergic to water when I wash it.
I've had the same product on my Lexus for 2 years and it still beads the same as the day after I applied it.�
Jun 19, 2015
TexasEV That was unintentionally the funniest thing I've read on TMC today (said the Tesla owner who is approaching 60 and hand washes his car every week or two).�
Jun 19, 2015
Bonlaw @texasEV
HaHa! I thought the same thing. I am 65 year old female and I too still often hand wash my car.�
Jun 20, 2015
Luclyluciano Guys and Gals....do yourself a favour. Skip the Liquid Glass, Turtle Wax. Meguires, Zaino stuff. Take a look at Wolfgang Paint Sealant 3.0.....do your DD, (I've done mine)....then buy it...SOOOO easy to apply and buff off. Beads beautifully, paint pops, colour is so nice and deep & rich. Most importantly, is the easy to apply, the highest quality and fantastic durability.
I hope leaving your car in the rain with no protection expecting mother nature to wash it for you is a joke.�
Jun 20, 2015
paintpolisher Clearly the product you linked is Optimum's GlossCoat, not 2.0. They are different products. 2.0 was (its discontinued) still considered a "permanent" coating. GlossCoat is rated 2 years.
The easiest way to wash your car is to use ONR (Optimum's No Rinse) plenty of youtube video's on that.
- - - Updated - - -
As far as not getting xpel ultimate or Suntek. I have seen more then a few Tesla's with as little as 5k miles that have what I consider excessive chips and road rash on the front. Just think what those Tesla's will look like in 20k, 30k and even 50k miles. If you are doing highway miles, I would not go with out it. Around town you should be ok without it.�
Jun 20, 2015
kuttakamina paintpolisher - what is the #1 cause of rockchips on the freeway? Is it trucks kicking up rocks? Is it garbage/transport trucks flying half their luggage over the road? Don't think normal cars in usual urban areas would cause this issue, or am I wrong?
BTW, don't disagree with you one bit. The only way to protect against rock chips is xpel/suntek.
And the other alternatives are a LOT of work - the detailers definitely earn their keep.
Its just hard to spend another 2-5K after spending so much on the car, and the console, accesories, plug installation etc. etc.�
Jun 20, 2015
davidc18 Having the same thoughts. Our Black 70D is approaching 1000 miles. Its my daily commuter so most of the miles are highway miles. Is there anyone here in the weston area that has gone the xpel route. I would love to see the results before making a decision.�
Jun 20, 2015
chriSharek Fun thread and ideas, Kutta. Looking forward to your experiment. cs�
Jun 20, 2015
Tamar I was quoted $650 for the starting (minimal) wrap, and $1500 for full hood and other susceptible areas. For $5K I wouldn't do it, but $1500 seems like a no-brainer for the peace of mind. My husband will be doing close to 60 miles of freeway driving 5 days a week.
- - - Updated - - -
Oh, by the way, that's not Xpel, but the comparable 3M product (this being MN, it's the hometown stuff we're considering).�
Jun 20, 2015
towelie I've done all the research I can and have come up with the following system:
1) 2 bucket car wash (grit guards in both buckets) with CG Citrus Gloss and 2 microfiber wash mitts.
2) Dry car with Homelite leaf blower (35 bucks at Home Depot). Wipe off whatever's left with waffle microfiber drying cloth.
3) Clay car with Nanoskin fine grade foam pad using Porter Cable 7424XP (Nanoskin GLI16 used as lubricant).
4) Polish with Glare Professional Polish, using Lake Country White/Orange/Black pads (my car is 2 weeks old, hoping white pad will be enough) and PC 7424XP. First coat to remove swirls, second coat for shine. Maybe a third coat if I'm not satisfied with the first 2.
5)Now here's where I'm confused....is Glare Polish itself good enough to last a few months? Or should I use Wolfgang Deep Gloss Sealant as a LSP?�
Jun 20, 2015
Fluke I would not assume that all paint protection films are equal. 3M makes some great products, but from the research I've done their paint protection films don't seem to stack up against the competition very well. I've used Suntek, Xpel and Nanofusion on past cars with good results.�
Jun 20, 2015
peteyswift I've had Xpel and now the newest 3M iteration, Pro Series, installed this week. I see no discernible difference in real life between the two so far. As far as research, there are plenty of videos on YouTube comparing this product favorably over Suntek and Xpel.�
Jun 20, 2015
kuttakamina Do you get that on every car you get? Or would you say such a film is a sensible purchase on a car worth xx$ and above?
I'm seeing this film thing as sunk cost, no recovery at the time of sale. Am I wrong?�
Jun 20, 2015
peteyswift I've had it on everything from a GTI to a minivan and two Teslas. Probably overkill on the minivan but I only did the front bumper on that one, lol. I have always thought it would be annoying to get rock chips on the paint. But, I completely agree that if you go into it accepting the PPF as a sunk cost you will not be disappointed at time of a private sale later on. Having said that, it would be a perk going to the next owner that may clinch that sale.
In the present, the PPF is really for your peace of mind and, actually, may save some money down the road ie avoiding repainting due to scrapes/chips.�
Jun 20, 2015
Fluke Great! Sounds like 3M have improved their offering. Restating my original post more generically: not all paint protection film is the same and neither are the shops that put it on. Research both the film offered and the shop's reputation, and don't just go in to the closest window tinting shop and accept whatever paint film they happen to offer as a sideline.�
Jun 21, 2015
Brit4864 Hi. I had a Suntek PPF bra done on my P85D and I'm close to Weston.�
Jun 21, 2015
jerry33 And the installer is more important than the film unless you're talking extreme cases (really poor film compared to really good film).�
Jun 21, 2015
davidc18 PM sent�
Jun 22, 2015
Brit4864 No PM from you�
Jun 22, 2015
Let's not high jack this thread. The topic is cheap alternatives.
@ towelie;
a polish prepares the paint. Wolfgang Deep Gloss Paint Sealant is the actual sealant. Wolfgang has a product call Paint Enhancer which gently prepares the paint, removes some minor scratches and contaminants as well as previous waxes and leaves a beautiful finish. The Paint Enhancer is great to use before the Sealant.
Both products are a dream to use. So easy to apply and remove. Results are phenomenal. Bottle of Sealant is $50. Finish lasts 6-12 months. Two coats really makes the paint POP! Water beads off like crazy making washing the car a breeze.
Having expressed how much I love the Wolfgang product line, I will admit, I am scheduled to have my New P85D C-Quartzed on July 1st.
the detailer is telling me the finish is much more glossier than a freshly Waxed or Opticoated car. This has me intrigued.�
Jun 22, 2015
pedriscoll On my wife's 2 year old Avalon Hybrid, a beautiful car by the way, we had Ziebart apply their Clearshield film bra and their paint protection product. Looks great after 2 years and significantly less expensive. I have an appointment for application on my new Model S for Friday, provided it arrives tomorrow as promised.�
Jun 22, 2015
sorka Gloss coat is the replacement. Opti-coat 2.0 had no warranty at all if you applied it yourself.
Opticoat pro is warrantied for 5 years, but not 2.0.
Gloss-coat can be purchased in the 20 cc syringe for $10 more than the old 2.0 was:
Optimum Gloss Coat 20 cc
Hey, the OP asked for cheap. If he wanted not cheap, he'd pay an applicator for Pro and get the 5 year warranty.�
Jun 22, 2015
kuttakamina OP doesn't mind education, but I think I'm gonna stick with my original list. Pretty sure my car will look smashing!
Jun 23, 2015
davidc18 tried again. remembered to hit send this time�
Jun 23, 2015
dcohen Is there anyone close to Weston that is reasonable on doing a coating.�
Jun 23, 2015
yobigd20 i paint corrected mine and did full XPEL on the front (you can't even tell its wrapped at all), and then did two coats of 22PLE over the entire vehicle. 65k miles later when I went into the service center the guy was astonished and said I have the best looking car that he's seen come through there. basically flawless like it's still brand new. that speaks a lot for the coatings...and 22ple shines like crazy. highly recommend....�
Jun 29, 2015
Max* On our recent road trip, came back with a few small rock chips in the paint on the hood. A small part of me regrets not getting the front done with xpel... my wife was rubbing it in too with "I told you so"
(Yes I know I can get it paint corrected and wrapped still, but now that it's had it's first scratch, it's no longer "new", so whatever...)�
Jun 29, 2015
kuttakamina Wow how long was the road trip?�
Jun 29, 2015
Max* VA->NY->VA. So 500 miles total? Probably just bad luck.�
Jun 29, 2015
kuttakamina Crap! Sounds like the paint is made of poultice.�
Jun 29, 2015
Max* Yeah, I thought maybe it's just dirt/scuffs, and some of them were, but 2 of them made it through the clear-coat and through the blue paint (I can feel it with my fingers, not even my fingernails). They're VERY small, but I can see and feel them.
The car is now no longer new, I no longer need to park at the far end of the parking lot!
Jun 29, 2015
kuttakamina Thats one way to look at it
Anytime I see a Tesla these days, I stop and check it closely if they have xpel or rock chips. Honestly, I don't see a lot of really damaged cars.
Some, but not atypical of any car.�
Jun 29, 2015
Hometheatremaven Xpel is expensive until you consider the alternative. Please check out this thread: The first thing you should do after you buy your new Tesla�
Jun 29, 2015
kuttakamina Hometheatremaven - saw your thread. I think xpel paid off for you.
However, the probability of getting a dent, that XPel can protect, is slim to none.
When you get a dent, you get a dent. You don't get a 0.2" slight dent.
And most dents, xpel will not protect against.
Now rock chips, yes that I will agree with. Nothing will protect against rock chips except xpel, except perhaps not driving the car
Jun 29, 2015
Hometheatremaven It seems you have your blinders on, but consider runaway shopping carts, tight parking spaces etc. There are lots of ways to get slight dents.
Xpel might not protect against more serious dents, but it sure as heck can protect against a very expensive paint job.�
Jun 29, 2015
Max* ![]()
I'm sure xpel would've protected this�
Jun 29, 2015
kuttakamina So what's your verdict? Xpel is necessary?�
Jun 29, 2015
Max* I'm too cheap to get the full xpel, but I regret not spending the $800-$1200 for just the front.
Those are deep, the pic didn't do it justice.
Now that it's scratched, eh, whatever. But if I got it oriGinally, I probably wouldn't be as disappointed.�
Jun 29, 2015
kuttakamina Ok I guess I'll get the tip covered then. Blah!
The rear end is still going to be polished by me.�
Jun 29, 2015
Max* I didn't mean to convince you to do it, I'm just starting my... observation. I have no regret about the 70D or the features I chose, but I was sure the paint was fine, until it wasn't...�
Jun 29, 2015
kuttakamina I think NOTHING protects from rock chips like Xpel or similar.
Still, the opticoat etc. that people get, I think that is replacable with some hardwork.�
Jun 29, 2015
Cyclone In the end, I decided to get my 2013 with 32k miles fully filmed. If it was new, I would do just the front end + side mirrors and maybe the rear bumper, then OptiCoat or cQuartz the entire thing. But with my vehicles age, the paint correction isn't worth it for partial protection. I get wrapped next week.�
Jun 30, 2015
docrice Something else to consider with paint protection film - I've been told that if your car gets keyed, the film will likely take all the damage. Replace the film and you're back to a fresh start. I haven't witnessed that sort of damage yet, but seems plausible.�
Jun 30, 2015
Cyclone http://www.teslamotorsclub.com/showthread.php/42287-New-Tesla-Keyed-and-Vandalized�
Jun 30, 2015
kuttakamina Cyclone I'm confused. Why is an older car worth wrapping fully, while a new one is worth wrapping partially?�
Jun 30, 2015
Cyclone Because the amount of paint correction my older one needs prior to coating without the benefits of the wrap. I'm only $700 more on the finalized pricing to get my car fully wrapped and coated rather than partially wrapped, corrected, and fully coated. For just a $700 difference, I might as well get all the protection. On a new car, the paint correction would be much less and I would be looking at a $2.5k difference between partial and full wrap.�
Jun 30, 2015
kuttakamina That's pretty awesome logic cyclone.�
Jun 30, 2015
Cyclone Yeah. The detailer said 99% of my imperfections would disappear with a wrap since they are light. However, if I get a paint correction for the coating, the volume of the swirls, spiderwebs, etc. was going to take roughly 14 hours to address, plus 6-7 hours for applying cQuartz Finest. So my price for the pc + coating vs. coating is $1,900 vs. $400. Made more sense to go ahead and get the full wrap in my case.�
Jun 30, 2015
EternalChampion I did optimum gloss coat on my P85D. Never done anything like it before. I was interested in Modesta but installers not conveniently located to where I live. I'm very happy. Was in a restaurant the other day with heavy rain coming down...my car was close to the door and I was able to watch the rain sheet off it compared to the other cars around mine. I did all the prep work myself including orbital polishing prior to application. Probably cost me around $200 dollars and some elbow grease. Great product.�
Jul 1, 2015
kuttakamina Eternal did you do it yourself?�
Jul 4, 2015
kuttakamina Okay, so I just got done with the first iteration of wash/liquid glass.
Here is blootiful after 4 hours of hardwork at the beauty parlor.
Note that I have not treated the glass yet, only the paint. And that I have not given it the infrared treatment yet.
So the results are about 25% there so far. It's gonna take 4 more sittings before winters before blootiful is protected for the winter.
Also re: rockchips, in normal urban driving, with 6 car distance set on TACC, I don't see how I could get rock chips. 200 miles in zero blemishes (touch wood). Lets hope I can keep that record.
Anyway, here are some pictures of 4 hours of hardwork.
Jul 4, 2015
pmoa Nice lookin kutta. I two bucket washed and clay barred tonight in the garage. Now to polish and then the 22ple application in the morning. Going on 5 hours of work�
Jul 4, 2015
kuttakamina Its all worth it. I supercharged tonight. Went for a pee, on the way back saw my blootiful from a distance. It looks simply amazing.
I love to see my work shine like that, even though at the end of it all, I was so damned tired. But would do it again in a heartbeat.
I have to leave mine out in the sun tomorrow for the coating to bake before I put a second coating on. I've asked the birds not to poo on it.
I wonder if I should have gone 22ple though, seems easier to apply.
Jul 4, 2015
pmoa Of course it is! I'll let you know how the 22ple goes. I think the key is how thin you can lay it on. We'll see�
Jul 4, 2015
Canuck I put 22ple XV Pro Glass Coating on mine when I got it in March of 2014, and another coat about 8 months later, and I've been really pleased with the shine, beading and easy of washing. It's super easy to apply too.
If anyone is looking for some, you can find it here (no affiliation to me) with 25% off until July 6 (using coupon code July415):
22ple | Free Shipping Available - Detailed Image
I've bought from them in the past since I am in Canada and they make it easy to use paypal and ship to my box in the States. Given the sale, I just ordered the new 22ple XV3 (cheaper version) to put on my Leaf. Plus, I just bought the VS1 Final Coat spray to give it a try on my Tesla after I put another coat of the Pro on. They say it last 2 years, but I doubt I'll ever find out since I figure more is always better!�
Jul 4, 2015
kuttakamina Canuck, there are so many items to purchase there. What is a "tesla kit" one should buy? (basic min # of times one needs)�
Jul 4, 2015
Canuck When I first bought, I bought a kit that came with the "rim and metal coating" but I didn't like it as much as the Pro, which worked better on the chrome and rims than the dedicated product. The "Pro 2" is a new product I've never tried but it gets poor reviews (apparently it doesn't harden on the applicator which is cause for concern). My recommendation for best value and product is the 50 ml bottle of VX Pro and three applicators (they harden and have to be thrown out after one use). I see the 50 ml bottle is out of stock but you can still buy it on sale and it says:
We're sorry, the following item in your cart is currently out of stock:
- 22ple VX Pro Glass Coating - 50 ml. Estimated Ship Date: 7/24/15. Your entire order will not ship until this item is in stock.
Then add three of these:
22ple Glass Coat Applicator (Double Sided) | Free Shipping Available - Detailed Image
I also read on a detailing forum that the VS1 Spray bottle (to apply after the Pro) has got really good reviews, so you may want to buy it too. 22ple Pro loses out in reviews on initial shine (but its shine outlasts other products over time). This new spray apparently adds more shine and beading.
22ple VS1 Final Coat - 250 ml | Free Shipping Available - Detailed Image
If you want it fast, and everything you need for one coat, including the small bottle of Pro (20ml), one applicator and 250ml spray, this is a good kit, especially at 25% off:
22ple Pro Paint Protection Kit | Free Shipping Available - Detailed Image
Good luck! Here's what got me onto this product:
This product is a game changer! - 22ple VX1 Pro Coating - Auto Geek Online Auto Detailing Forum
Don't forget to start off with doing an IPA (Isopropyl Alcohol) wipe down. Use a mixture of 50% Isopropyl Alcohol with 50% distilled water in a spray bottle. After you wash and dry your car, first spray each section to be treated then wipe off with a clean microfiber cloth, making sure it is completely dry before you apply the Pro coating:
WAX-IT - Do It Yourself - 22ple VX1 PRO Application - YouTube�
Jul 9, 2015
kuttakamina Thanks Canuck! I wonder if I can do 22ple after all the stuff I've put on the car or not .. guess I need to research.
In the meanwhile, blootiful paid her second visit to the beauty parlor. After a 4 hour sitting, and a ridiculous amount of hardwork by me, she has come out shiny as below.
10 days, 400 miles into ownership, no rock chips, no swirls, no weird scratch marks. It rained on her last night, but I think she took it quite well. The water beaded up very nicely, and when I got home, the front was already dry (wind), and I just wiped her ass with an old soft cotton tshirt.
So far the experiment seems succesful. If she looks like this next summer, I will declare victory
Note that so far I have done zero treatment to glass and wheels. Just the paint portion.
Jul 9, 2015
Father Bill What are you planning to do for these?�
Jul 9, 2015
kuttakamina For glass, I am going to use Aquapel, and for wheels Armorall wheel protectant.
Model S defrosting is nearly not as good as an ICE. Understandable since it doesn't have heat to waste. Aquapel has the added advantage that you almost never need to use wipers with Aquapel on.
Also one of the reasons I got pano roof was because glass is easier to take care of than paint. This is a big car, by the time I am done waxing, polishing the whole thing, I am ready for a bacon cheeseburger.
I like pano roof anyway, but this was another reason.�
Jul 10, 2015
Cyclone I am thinking of putting Aquapel on my windshield. I have found that when it rains, the water is smearing/sticking to the windshield. During the day it looks like a normal water smear for untreated windshields, but at night, it makes it very difficult as street lights are glaring against the smear and making the windshield appear opaque and very difficult to drive. I wonder if I do have something on my windshield that needs to be cleaned off. Guess I have some Google searching to do.�
Jul 10, 2015
kuttakamina Looking forward to what you find out
Jul 10, 2015
kuttakamina Blootiful enjoying a little bit of sun today!
Jul 10, 2015
mspisars @kuttakamina, that's one good looking car!�
Jul 10, 2015
kuttakamina :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: .. yes .. yes she is. I took her to the service center this morning, and even they (who see Teslas all day long) couldn't believe how pretty she looked!
Aug 1, 2015
kuttakamina 1 month update. The car has around 1K miles now. I'd say so far my experiment has been a success.
You can find the full list of the products and process I'm using here XPel, Opticoat etc. alternative for cheapos
This morning, I washed the car with the process I outlined (pressure washer + foam cannon + 2 bucket).
I then dried it, cleaned the wheels, and put armorall on the wheels.
I then put aquapel on the glass surfaces (except pano roof, not because I don't want to but I need a small step stool to do it, which I didn't have - next time I guess!).
I then did liquid glass all over, coat #3 so far. I need 2 more coats to get it ready for winter.
So far I have zero scratches, zero swirl marks, zero chips, zero imperfections. I'm happy I saved my $ on expensive detailing so far. And yes it's been a lot of work, but the day I put into my car, I skip gym, so its all right! Although, the car takes a lot more time (I spent around 6 hours today total), and I think I get better exercise at the gym. But whose counting!
Here are the results.
As a side story, as I pulled out of garage, on to the main road, there was a lady driving a lexus SUV, and a family walking. Everyone literally stopped to stare at my car. LOL.
As a reward to myself for all this hardwork, I got myself a lemonade from starbucks, and I got 2 thumbs up in 2 miles. I guess it's either the car, or me that's hot.�
Aug 1, 2015
Cyclone Yellow labs are hot. Second only to black labs like mine.
Aug 1, 2015
kuttakamina A black lab is about the only other thing I want from life now (besides Tesla, which is checkboxed off now). I had one as a kid
Aug 1, 2015
Cyclone We had to fire up the ICE to take him to the park this week.
Aug 1, 2015
kuttakamina LOL he/she looks happyWOOF!
Aug 2, 2015
Max* Pshhh. 1k miles?
I'm at 1.5 months and almost 4,700 miles now.�
Aug 2, 2015
Cyclone I did 600 miles in one week in the loaner I have right now.�
Aug 2, 2015
Max* Impressive, They still haven't fixed all the issues in your car?
Though I'm going to call Tesla tomorrow and schedule another visit... Among a few minor issues I found out that the center sliding armrests are held by two torx screws, and it's a PITA to get the front one back in place, lol�
Aug 2, 2015
Cyclone Nope. And it will go back again in 6 to 8 weeks (Hopefully the 4th service visit is a charm!). My car gets returned tomorrow with a loaner battery while mine goes on a cross country road trip. The drive unit they put into my car though will remain. Hoping for no more clunking and milling noise!�
Aug 3, 2015
O man... that's rough.�
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