Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 1, 2017

Picking the right color part 1

  • Jun 16, 2016
    Picking the right color is something difficult. Seeing the cars in person may be difficult as the dealership may not have existing inventory in all colors. Then configuring the car on teslas website does not give very detailed pictures. Then comes the topic of keeping the car clean.

    In our personal case: We are leaning towards the silver (my wife prefers that) or the white (my choice). Our main concern with the white is that it will get dirty very quickly and will require us to do washes more than once a month (car would be garaged).

    Any thoughts on this? Pictures of how the cars look over time? Time keeping cars clean? Coating recommended? Etc.

    Note that I want to keep this thread reusable and do not intend to make this necessarily a debate on white vs silver. Any feedback / pictures etc on any color would be appreciated. We are also open to other colors.

  • Jun 16, 2016
    If not wanting to wash it very often is your main requirement I'd go with silver.
  • Jun 16, 2016
    As strange as it sounds WHITE does not show dirt nearly as fast as dark color cars. I have owned white color cars for years and as you can see my Tesla is white.
  • Jun 16, 2016
    Looks nice. How often do you wash it?
  • Jun 16, 2016
    :) He just got it last week, how would he know. Better wait for feedback from people who have a longer time with their car.
  • Jun 16, 2016
    The "right color" is a personal opinion. For me and my wife, our first Tesla had to be something other than black, grey or white (not colors) or red (not our favorite) and at the time, that's all they offered. We ended up spending $thousands and chose a custom chocolate pearl, which is prettier than any other color they have ever offered, which is not just my opinion.

    Black, white, and silver account for the great majority of choices for cars. OK. Fine. Didn't do it for me.

    And ANY car can look like a trash heap if you don't clean it. If you don't like to spend 15 minutes a week, as I do with my dark colored cars, fine. Many people don't mind living in a trash heap and never clean out the inside, either. I can't stand that. My car always looked new. Home sm.jpg
  • Jun 16, 2016
    White is the most common colour for regular ICE vehicles. I wonder if that's the same with EV's

    I got obsidian metallic black. Although I started with metallic blue and changed my mind
  • Jun 16, 2016
    As strange as this sounds to someone who hasn't owned a white car, it's definitely true.
  • Jun 16, 2016
    I've never owned white either.

    I wish Tesla still offered that awesome and dark green. It would have been a no brainer for me
  • Jun 16, 2016
    I haven't seen one in person, but both the pictures I've seen and the testimonials from owners say that the new pearl white is gorgeous. If you like white, except maybe for some of the "traditional" downsides, you should definitely check it out. The new midnight sliver is pretty darn slick, too. Then, of course, there's the best color... :)
  • Jun 16, 2016
    Oh you must mean my Midnight Silver Metallic....thank you! :)
  • Jun 16, 2016
    Metallic black is my favorite.. But everyone says it is a pain, and i live in SoCal so not sure it's a great idea with the heat
  • Jun 16, 2016
    Haha I did not realize that
  • Jun 16, 2016
    It's not a pain and it's not hot. I live in Thousand Oaks, same climate and temps as you.
  • Jun 16, 2016
    Silver works even better at hiding dirt.
  • Jun 16, 2016
    There is no such thing as an unattractive Tesla, IMO . Even when dirty it looks good. ;)

    Right now it is way too hot in Texas so I'm thrilled that my Silvia doesn't appear dirty. A spritz of a waterless mixture and wipe of a microfiber towel will keep things nice for a bit.
  • Jun 16, 2016
    What about your wheels? My experience (YMMV) is that the white S makes the 19's look too small, while they seem to look fine with other colors. I don't know why white makes the body seem "thicker" to my eyes.

    If you're planning on the 19's, I'd recommend a darker color. White is my personal preference for cars otherwise.
  • Jun 16, 2016
    I prefer darker colors for the MS as white makes it look like a bigger car.

    Midnight silver and Deep blue are my picks. Although I always liked pearl white where the green/purple is very apparent.
  • Jun 16, 2016
    FWIW, I have had both. Not in MS's, unfortunately... But I find silver to be easier. It's a little more forgiving because of it's fine 'texture'. I now have the midnight grey, which kind of does the same thing, but to black instead.

    Black is my favorite color. But never again. Way too much work for an OCD like me!
  • Jun 16, 2016
    I read elseshere that pearl white was pretty much the same as solid white
  • Jun 16, 2016
    Would "wrapping" it help with that (regardless of colour)?
  • Jun 17, 2016
    Not too sound too much as a novice, but what do all you guys mean by wrapping the vehicle? It seems like a lot of you get the MS and MX wrapped. Why? I've been meaning to inquire
  • Jun 17, 2016
  • Jun 17, 2016
  • Jun 17, 2016
  • Jun 17, 2016
    I like silver..............
  • Jun 17, 2016
    I don't see how putting something like an XPEL wrap does anything to reduce washing. Protecting it for sure but washing, nope.
  • Jun 17, 2016
    Had a silver car before my current blue S. The silver definitely hid the dirt better than the blue. My wife has a black car, you can always see dirt on it.
  • Jun 17, 2016
    OP is asking about white vs. silver. Silver definitely hides dirt better (MUCH better). We have a silver car that rarely needs to be washed and always looks relatively clean. White isn't nearly as bad as black to maintain, but if you live in places where it rains often, you'll have to clean it more than you would a silver car.

    I also personally like silver a little bit better because I think it shows the lines of the car slightly better. White is so bright that some of the lines get lost, especially from the side.
  • Jun 17, 2016
    I live in Southern California. I do spend a considerable amount of time on my week ends at the beach (not sure it plays a factor)

    Side note: just learned CA tax rebate is gone and considering the white to partly make up for it
  • Jun 17, 2016
    I just picked up my Obsidian Black yesterday. When I was at delivery center I saw about 20-30 cars in all colors. I would recommend going there to see colors in person. You will have a better comparison.
  • Jun 17, 2016
    i went with blue i always wanted a blue car with black interior and always had to settle .. my only wish is i could have gotten the darker blue
  • Jun 17, 2016
    You wrap the car up in a plastic bag when it sits outside.. It helps protect the paint.. It's very time consuming though :( J/k
  • Jun 22, 2016
    They are both white but the Pearl has a glistening look to it. The regular white it a very stark white in the sun.
  • Jun 22, 2016
    Clint Eastwood
    I just got my refresh 90D in flat white. Adding dark grey metallic tsportlines and some 35 photosync tinting really finishes the look and is amazing.
  • Jun 22, 2016
    Congrats!! Picture please.
  • Jun 22, 2016
    I think I will opt for the color changing version. Pine Pollen Gold Metallic in spring, Dusty Road Tan in summer, Vibrant Leaf Orange in fall, and Encrusted Salt White in winter.

    Thank you kindly.
  • Jun 22, 2016
    Which one is the darker blue? I thought there was just a single blue color
  • Jun 22, 2016
    Biased, as my avatar pic shows... several people have commented that the silver on a refresh looks great, and I would have to agree. Living in MN, my main issue is dirt, particularly in winter, and my husband wanted a subtle color - silver nicely addresses both of those. I've had it four weeks now - not washed it yet, and you can't tell.
  • Jun 22, 2016
    Clint Eastwood
    image.jpeg I haven't yet taken posed photos, and I'm out of town, but I have this quick garage shot to get it started. It replaced my dark blue 2013 s85
  • Jun 22, 2016
    Nice. Would white hold up as well without washing? Also borderline on this. Never had a white car, but have had plenty of silver.
  • Jun 22, 2016
    I don't know about silver, but I would guess that since black and white are no extra cost colors for the Model S, it increases their popularity: save the $1000-$1500 and spend it on something more useful than a fancy color.

    White is a bit cooler in summer and fairly high visibility, except in snow. For not showing dirt, I would think that Titanium metallic would be good and it is rather attractive when seen on an actual car. I never got the attraction of black.

    I don't understand why Tesla doesn't have more colors and fewer versions of grey and black.
  • Jun 22, 2016
    They offer what people buy. They had green and brown and nobody bought them in that color.
  • Jun 23, 2016
    Do they? I can see why brown didn't sell, but in the case of green, it was so dark it was yet another shade of black, so I don't think that one counts. At least with blue they went from blue-black to something that actually looks blue now. But why not some lighter shades?

    Hmm, black, shiny black, dark grey-black, light grey-black, green-black, blue-black. Plus white, red, silver. Now also a rather nice, if still a bit dark, blue. I don't get it. Maybe it's a luxury car thing: colors too d�class�.
  • Jun 23, 2016
    Have you told Tesla you wish they offered a specific color?
  • Jun 23, 2016
    Tell whom? Elon? I don't think they have the slightest care about what I think, why should they? I'm just puzzled as to why they have so few colors and so many drab, boring, shades. Will they lighten things up for the somewhat downscale Model 3? Or will the choice again be red or dark blue?

    Colors aside, I'd much rather they just fix the heater with a "heater-off" button; that mistake is really annoying. I can live with a base price white car. Color is a little thing. I just find Tesla's palette odd.
  • Jun 23, 2016
    The reason is simply because there's a cost associated with carrying inventory of each model and the more colorful varieties simply don't sell as well as the blacks, whites, and silvers.
  • Jun 23, 2016
    Posted these in a couple of other threads, but this is after coating with Crystal Serum (work and photos courtesy of EM Detailing in Minneapolis):

    Crystal1.jpg Crystal2.jpg Crystal3.jpg Crystal5.jpg
  • Jun 23, 2016
    Thanks for posting the pictures. How much was the crystal serum coating? Thanks
  • Jun 23, 2016
    I will let Elon know. We play golf together on Sundays. He always listens to my advice. J/k
  • Jun 23, 2016
    crystal serum coating? Never heard of it before. I just watched a youtube application though. It seems like a gimmick but what do I know? I guess it is supposed to protect the finish like a wax?
  • Jun 23, 2016

    Please feel free to post pictures (or include profiles etc). I saw some really nice pictures of the blue in a couple of other threads, looks very sweat.

    Tesla showrooms I have been to have only one car. Vehicles for test drives are usually not that clean. The one I test drove was the blue and I actually did not like it that much. Pictures are helpful.

    Feel free to include color of seats, headliners, coating/wrapping recommended (if any), how well the color maintain over time etc..

  • Jun 23, 2016
    My "Woo-hoo my new Tesla arrived OMG I'm so excited do you want to hear me tell you all about my new Tesla no well I'm gonna tell you
    anyway now here's the thing you gotta love..." pics:
    How many of us "Entered Production" on March 11th?
    Hopefully more sweet than sweat ;)
  • Jun 23, 2016
    Color is subjective, obviously, my first time I went with a blue, it looks classy and very subtle
    Second one is red, I wanted flashy
  • Jun 24, 2016
    $1,300 - it's a ceramic coating that helps dirt slide off and makes washing easier. I've had the car a month, drive it to a horse barn multiple times a week, and have been rained on countless times this month. Not washed it and you can't tell it's not been washed. But to each their own on what's worth doing, right?
  • Jun 26, 2016
    I can speak very clearly about the answer to your question. I have owned a pearl white Model S, and now I own a silver Model S. So I've lived with both, and I'm clean car freak. The actual reason we went with Silver Metallic on our second Tesla was specifically because the pearl white was a bit hard to keep clean. Something that no one has addressed here in their replies is the fact that because the Tesla has electric motors, it is quite literally a dust magnet. Think of how your old tv would attract dust. Any particles out there that are negatively charged will actually attach themselves to your car. Wash your car, go out for the day, come back and your Tesla has a layer of dust that is has 'magnetically' attracted to itself.The white car really showed this dust. All Teslas will do this, but we found the silver metallic to be good at hiding it. Sorry for the long explanation, but the answer to your question, from first hand experience is :Silver is a lot easier to keep clean than white.....on a Tesla.
    Now if only Tesla would offer Carbon Ceramic Brakes like on our 911 Turbo. NO BRAKE DUST EVER! I'd pay anything for carbon ceramic brakes from Tesla. I hope the next roadster has them. They're lighter too, so why not?
  • Jun 26, 2016
    Forgot to add that our Teslas have CQuartz paint protection.
  • Jun 26, 2016
    I find this very hard to swallow. First of all, I doubt most road dust is particularly polar. Second of all, this would only be true if the entire vehicle had a net electric charge, which there's absolutely no reason it would. A much more likely source of static buildup would be simple friction with the air, but that would apply equally to any vehicle with the same exterior traveling at the same speed. Can you cite anything to support this claim?
  • Jun 26, 2016
    I'm not a scientist. However I've owned many cars in my life, the last two of which have been Teslas. They attract dust like no other car I've owned (which have been mostly black cars). It's that simple. Please other Tesla owners who are clean car freaks, you don't notice your Tesla attracts more dust than your other cars? Mine do. Scientific proof or not. Mine do. The silver one is easy to keep looking clean than the white one.
  • Jun 27, 2016
    White holds up well without washing -- you'd have to get pretty close to notice the dirt unless it's splattered with mud. I've had several white cars and the only time I've ever felt like I needed to wash the car was when I had come back from skiing and all the dirt clung to the car.

    I like the look of the facelifted cars in all colors. The white and silver look particularly sleek and futuristic. The Red and Deep Blue are vibrant.
  • Jun 27, 2016
    While I'm not a clean car freak � it would be absurd since I live on a dirt road in snow country � my own anecdotal report is that I seem to get less dust on my Tesla than my previous two cars. My rear window tends to be dirtier, lots of water/dirt spots from rain sprinkles, but that's because it doesn't have a wiper like previous cars did.
  • Aug 9, 2016
  • Aug 9, 2016
  • Aug 9, 2016
    We're in love with midnight silver metallic. We've had white and black cars too - definitely not doing black again because of what it attracts. White was better, but we'd probably either do silver or stick with dark gray because something in the middle hides things well, at least up here in the Northwest. Had a professional hand wash and wax about a month after delivery (mainly to get the wax on there for some least against birds and insects) and it stays super clean with a little Meguiar's QD every now and then.

  • Aug 9, 2016
    color is irrelevant if your worrrying about heat, considering we all have the tesla app that allows you to turn on ac before getting in vehicle. It's the best...i rarely deal with hot car and i live in so cal
  • Aug 10, 2016
    Obviously blue is the best:

  • Aug 10, 2016
    I originally ordered the blue but about 6 weeks before delivery I changed it to the REAL best.. Obsidian Black Metallic.

    Signature Red would be cool too. Maybe for my next Tesla.
  • Aug 10, 2016
    Looks really nice
  • Aug 10, 2016
  • Aug 11, 2016
    Nice! Love the look with the blacked out rims!
  • Aug 11, 2016
    It is true about white cars. I am not a big fan of washing cars, but I sure like them to be clean. I now have a red multi-coat model s and it is truly awesome when it is clean and still great when it is dirty. The pearl white is awesome as well.
  • Aug 11, 2016
    I've not owned a white Tesla, but the one white car I did own didn't look dirty - until I cleaned it. I found that if I cleaned it, I would need a pair of sunglasses under bright sunshine as I found dirt streaks on many occasions (it drove me nuts). The joke was it didn't show so clearly until the water evaporated.
  • Aug 11, 2016
    My $.02, is go with a lighter color. This car has the worst paint I've ever had on any vehicle. it scratches and swirls if you look at it wrong. This shows very easily on darker colors. I have a blue loaner right now and it is COVERED in swirls and microscratches... I had my black car clear bra wrapped all over except the trunk because it was showing way too much wear even just months old
  • Aug 11, 2016
    I have had several black and several white cars. You think white shows dust? If you think white shows dust DO NOT ever buy a black car. Nothing shows dust like black.
  • Aug 16, 2016
    I'm currently driving a loaner White Model S P90DL, while my Obsidian Metallic Black Model X is at the SC.

    The white Tesla is definitely the ugliest colour I've ever seen in a Tesla. It's embarrassing to be seen in it. :oops:

    Any colour is better than white! But on the plus side, it doesn't look dirty at all. It's just plain and ugly.
  • Aug 16, 2016
    IDK about that Id vote the brown as the ugliest color I dread getting a BROWN loaner lol
  • Aug 16, 2016
    Yikes, you just dissed thousands of Tesla owners. I personally think both the regular and MC whites are beautiful.
  • Aug 16, 2016
    Shhhhhh, its Titanium. Now doesn't that sound better?
  • Aug 16, 2016
    I think I'd prefer a brown Tesla over this hideous white any day.

    Then again, I don't think I've ever seen a brown Tesla in person, ever. Is that the titanium? Or is it actually called brown!?
  • Aug 16, 2016
    Oh. So the brown is the titanium? I've seen one of those. White is definitely uglier!

  • Aug 16, 2016
    White is a boring "colour" and a cop out.
    Maybe it's just the MS that I got? It's friggin' ugly.
  • Aug 16, 2016
    They actually used to have brown. I see it around sometimes but it's rare.
  • Aug 16, 2016
    I miss the green. Had they not discontinued it, my Model X would have been green.

    I originally confirmed metallic blue, but actually paid the $500 to change it to obsidian metallic black. I'm very happy with it.

    The best description my DS explained to me between the black and the obsidian metallic black was when the regular black gets dirty it looks dusty and dirty. When my metallic black gets dirty, it looks like a clean regular black.
  • Aug 16, 2016
    titanium is barely tolerable but brown... o_O sorry its just not for me no offense but I've had a brown loaner and I brought it back within a few hours on the same day as the parts hadn't arrived for my repair luckily!! Id rather have to go back and forth to the service center another day then keep that brown loaner...:rolleyes: Only thing worse would have been the arrow wheels or the combo arrow wheels on a brown loaner thats one ugly Tesla combo:eek: again no offense to any brown or arrow wheel owners just my opinion... id never own one with either
  • Aug 16, 2016
    OK OK OK SSD420, I promise not to try discuss any further, but when you live in the tundra, I imagine white is boring. :D

  • Aug 16, 2016
    I've never seen one before, wow, it sure is............brown! lol
  • Aug 16, 2016
    so just placed order for titanium x originally was going for pearl white, but after seeing 2 white in my town in one day, driving a red car now, wife having a blue mercedes, and my car before being white, and hate black, seemed like no other choice, i think it is the least ordered color
  • Aug 16, 2016
    Nothing boring about that car, awesome!!
  • Aug 16, 2016
    Textbook process of elimination right there........congratulations on the new wheels!! What is the ETA these days?
  • Aug 16, 2016
    The car itself is just Wow wow wow. I'm not denying that.

    I'm just in denial because I'm "stuck" with an MS while my MX is being serviced.

  • Aug 17, 2016
    asking for mid nivember because of the lease turn in hoping auto pilot hardware is being installed by then should be produced first week of October but cars are available earlier
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