Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 1, 2017

Extended Warranty Going Up July 3, Will You Buy Now? part 1

  • Jun 28, 2013
    Since we all know the Extended Warranty is going from $2500 to $4000 on July 3, will you buy it now or wait and see what happens in 4 years? I was going to wait but spending $4000 or maybe $5000 in 4 years, it seems $2500 today is the right move. Even if you don't plan on keeping the car that long, resale will be higher with an extended warranty for 8 years 100k miles which for $200 IS transferable.

    Any thoughts on WHY we shouldn't be buying now for $2500?
  • Jun 28, 2013
    well considering I drive 50k miles/year, I'd be shocked if something breaks within 2 years when the extended warranty would expire. So no, I won't be getting any extended warranty for any price.
  • Jun 28, 2013
    So you got how many miles today? 16k or so? Any issues so far with anything?
  • Jun 28, 2013
    Do you have a source that shows the increase? Can you terminate the extended warranty before it goes into affect?
  • Jun 28, 2013
    Is anyone else concerned that Tesla's extended warranty is about as expensive on a time covered basis as BMW's extended warranty?

    Yes, BMW's adds only 3 instead of 4 years, but it's almost $1k cheaper, and both cover up to 100K miles. Is Tesla realizing that EVs are not as cheap to maintain as promised?
  • Jun 28, 2013
    Confirmed on the Tesla Motors web site.

    I never buy extended warranties for anything, especially cars. But that was for ICE cars where there are lots of independent mechanics out there and I know what to expect.

    For my S, I think I'm going to cough up the $2500 plus tax over the weekend. Sigh. And I don't even have my car yet, still being built. I have a feeling the extended warranty will be even more in four years, and I plan on keeping this car for a long time. Still a $200 deductible, too.

    Not happy about it, but I've spent $2k on a single repair visit for more than one ICE car, haven't we all?

    So in that light does Tesla's $2500 price seem reasonable, even with a $600/yr annual maintenance visit?
  • Jun 28, 2013
    Sure, but on things that would've been covered by a warranty? I have no idea. This is one of the things that gives me pause....yet I'm nervous about not getting it, then regretting it in 4 years and finding that it costs even more then. ;-)
  • Jun 29, 2013
    At least on the Texas version of the extended warranty, the transfer cost is $100, not $200 (deductible is still $200, of course).
  • Jun 29, 2013
    I would have bought it months ago, but I'm co...warranty-blocked... in Washington. Sucks.
  • Jun 29, 2013
    Al Sherman
    Just bought it. It pays to check in at TMC every once in a while.:wink:
  • Jun 29, 2013
    The number of items that are excluded is quite long. The mileage limit seems low too. You get another 4 years after your regular warranty expires, but a limit of 50k miles; not an additional 50k miles, if I'm reading the doc correctly.
  • Jun 29, 2013
    We have had two repairs to our Signature Performance. Each was covered by warranty now. Each would have cost well over $2,000 a la carte. I had delayed signing up before; just just did now!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Actually, make that three. I forgot about the stress-cracked windshield!
  • Jun 29, 2013
    I don't think I will be buying it, I'm still running the numbers in my head. My only concerns are the touchscreen and the air suspension. I think the rest would be fairly inexpensive or at least I hope. I had to replace the touchscreen in my Lexus after 5 years due to the heat in Az causing the sensors on the screen to stop working and my warranty saved me there because it was $4k. As for the air suspension I know very little about how much it would cost to repair, but hell I could always just upgrade to a new car.....
  • Jun 29, 2013
  • Jun 29, 2013
    Whoa. No way. You mean if you put only 10-12K mi a year on your car (like I do), and then you get close to the 4-yr point, at which point say you're at 48k mi, and wanna get the extended warranty, the extended warranty would only cover the next 2k mi, not the next 50k mi? That can't be right.
  • Jun 29, 2013
    I read it as an additional 4 years or 50,000 which ever comes first, so a total of 8 years and up to 100,000 miles.
  • Jun 29, 2013
    That's how I'm interpreting the doc. I'd love for someone to prove me wrong. It's vague.
  • Jun 29, 2013
    Normally if you drive 40K miles, than your original warranty would expire in 4 years and the Extended would kick in for an additional 4 years to 90K, (40+50). If you drive 60K in 3 years than the Extended warranty would kick in early and start for 4 years, but do they limit you to 100k TOTAL, or go to 110K? Going to have to call them now....AGH!
  • Jun 29, 2013
    I just reread the doc and your interpretation is what I came up with. 4 years and 50k from when the regular warranty expires. But it can't be, because that would require Tesla to track how many miles were on each car when it was 4 years old. Tesla I suppose has this capability.

    The language in the contract is poorly written.
  • Jun 29, 2013
    Putting my law degree into action, section "C" is the only one that gives me pause. I know there are times when I may go 1,000 or 30 days beyond recommended service in my ICE car. This could theoretically void your extended warrant. It is important to remember that not only is Tesla is committing to certain obligations, the purchaser has to hold up his/her end of the agreement.

    "The Owner�s Manual includes specific recommendations regarding the use, operations, and maintenance
    of the Vehicle. To maintain the validity of this Vehicle ESA, You must follow correct operations
    procedures and have Your Vehicle serviced as recommended by Tesla.
    If requested, proof of required
    service, including receipts showing date and mileage of the Vehicle at the time of service, must be
    presented before any repairs under this Vehicle ESA commence. Service within 1,000 miles and/or 30
    days of Tesla�s recommended intervals shall be considered compliant with the terms of this Vehicle ESA."
  • Jun 29, 2013
    If you hit the 4 years before mileage then the extended starts at the 4 years. If you hit the mileage first then your extended starts at that time and goes to either 8 years or 100,000 which ever comes first. So as an example for myself who will probable put 10,000 miles a year, I will hit the first 4 years at 40k and my second 4 years starts. I'd I continue to drive the 10k per year I will go to the full 8 years and end up with 80k. I tend to keep my cars awhile, it remains to be seen how long I will have the Model S. it seems to me good insurance for 8 years at $2500. I was going to wait like most of us until my original warranty was going to expire, but will purchase it before the July 3rd deadline.
  • Jun 29, 2013
    Making that even more complicated...they have not yet changed any documents, but ownership has been telling owners like me that if we bought pre-paid service plans, we don't have to pay attention to mileage, and can just bring it in once a year. I fully expect my ESA to be valid if I do that!

    Even more confusing is that one sentence said we don't even have to bring it in every year, although I was unable to get them to reply with any clarification on that.

    Yeah, clarity is not their forte.
  • Jun 29, 2013
    I must very lucky as i have owned 6 ICE cars and have driven them all to over 100,000 and never had a repai over $100. But then i have alway done my own maintenance as well. But if i were to get a Model S i would likely spring as this is all new technology.
  • Jun 29, 2013
    SnirkyD, you beat me to the same question. Since I wrote it up already here it is...

    I am on the fence about getting this extended warranty. I was hoping I had more time. Any way, my concern is that Part C of the fine print says"

    "To maintain the validity of this Vehicle ESA, You must follow correct operations procedures and have Your Vehicle serviced as recommended by Tesla. If requested, proof of required service, including receipts showing date and mileage of the Vehicle at the time of service, must be presented before any repairs under this Vehicle ESA commence. Aervice within 1,600 kilometers and/or 30 days of Tesla�s recommended intervals shall be considered compliant with the terms of this Vehicle ESA. Upon customary and reasonable notice of the occurrence of a Failure, You shall protect the Vehicle from further damage, regardless of whether or not such Failure is covered under this Vehicle ESA. Any operation of the Vehicle that results in further damage shall be considered Your failure to protect the Vehicle and shall not be covered under this Vehicle ESA. "

    So I wasn't planning on getting the yearly service @ $600 a pop, because I can check my own wipers and tires etc, and figured every other year would be fine for major components. Tesla specifically said we didn't have to do an annual service at all, and they would still honor the initial 4 year warranty. Does this mean I am forced to do the annual service if I want to have the ESA? The text of the document seems to say so. It also says elswhere that nobody can change the text of the document, so even if they say it is ok now, will it still be honored?

    I emailed this question to Tesla, but perhaps others here know? If I get a response, I'll post here.
  • Jun 29, 2013
    You know that any car manufacturer has to cover themselves, I believe what they are saying is do not bring your car in for warranty repairs unless you take care of it properly. I know this is a tough concept for some, but having been in the automotive field I have seen some completely ridiculous demands for warranty repairs by people that have not had any consideration for maintaining there vehicle. I do not think Tesla will be looking for any way to get out of doing a warranty repair, they are covering themselves from liability do to the above.
  • Jun 29, 2013
    I decided to give my $2500 a sporting chance at becoming $4000 in 4 years by buying 26 (more) shares of TSLA last week.
    If it's a very good TSLA 4 yrs, then I may get an extended warranty for free. I'm already at $2790!
  • Jun 29, 2013
    air suspension isn't covered under warranty. along with a boatload of other things. IMO not worth it.
  • Jun 29, 2013
    If I purchased the 4 year pre-paid service plan before they made annual service optional, can I get a refund on that (decline or cancel the pre-paid plan) and instead purchase the extended warranty? More and more I'm questioning what value I get for the former, but with new technology, I think the investment in $2500 that would presumably cover the electronics, brakes, and suspension would be worth it. Happy to pay for my own tire rotations and wiper replacements.

    Asked another way, I don't think it's too late to get a refund and/or credit for having purchased the pre-paid service plan before Elon's Easter announcement. I have yet to take my car in for any kind of servicing.
  • Jun 29, 2013
    What's the original warranty say? I bet it is similar, despite Tesla's clarification. I believe what they said applies to the ESA as well as the original warranty. Just a guess--looking forward to any clarification you receive and post here--but I'm not concerned.

    (I'm still debating whether we should get it...whether I want to try to convince my other half that we should get it...etc....)

    - - - Updated - - -

    The only things that concern me are (a) certain corrosion/paint defects issues, (b) squeaks/rattles/leaks/wind noise (yet aren't they repairing some of these under warranty anyway?), and the long "other parts" list--yet, again, aren't they repairing the sudden crack/shatter windshield issues under warranty? I mean, the "other parts" list is long, and, well, maybe they'll get more conservative over time (it sounds like they're way too liberal in applying the warranty to non-warranty things now). . . .

    - - - Updated - - -

    BTW the extended warranty comes to 5 cents a mile, if you drive 50,000 miles/4 years exactly after your first one runs out. Or that's $625/year. $52/month. $1.70/day. I'm not sure why I did this math; it doesn't help me determine if it seems like a good idea or not. ;-)
  • Jun 29, 2013
    My thoughts exactly. The items I'd most want the extended warranty for are excluded...make sure you read the fine print!
  • Jun 29, 2013
    Puyallup Bill
    Well, I guess it is good news/bad news for Washingtonians, as we don't have to make a decision. Extended warranty not offered, at least not on my dashboard.
  • Jun 29, 2013
    I believe in CA we can cancel at any time for a prorated refund.
  • Jun 29, 2013
    Wow, really? What is included?

    Edit/update: I just read through the agreement and didn't see anywhere mentioning that a failure of the air suspension is not included in the warranty. Where are people concluding that? There is a reference to suspenion *alignment* not being included, and shocks are also not included, but no reasonable person would conclude that this language would exclude a problem akin to a failure with the air suspension as a whole. An alignment is not the same thing as a failure or defect.

    As the air suspension would be a major part of my decision calculus, can those who believe that it is excluded shed further light on the basis for that?
  • Jun 29, 2013
    Because Elon says at $2500 Tesla is offering it at a loss. If $2500 is a loss to Tesla, it's a loss to you. To bad maintenance is that expensive...
  • Jun 29, 2013
    Could be marketing to get those on the fence to pay now, could be really too cheap at $2500, could be anything! My thoughts are its like an insurance policy for the "what ifs" in 5-8 years.
  • Jun 29, 2013
    Think about what is included, just 1 expensive electrical component will pay for the $2500. I think is is worth doing on a vehicle like this that not only is brand new technology, but unproven for lack of history.
  • Jun 29, 2013
    Brilliant, I think you'll be able to get 2 or 3 extended warranties 4 years from now...
  • Jun 29, 2013

    This was posted on the other thread.....

    I asked whether the air suspension was covered by the extended warranty. Lenny at the Rockville Service Center asked headquarters, and got a reply (which he forwarded to me) that if you have the extended warranty and years 5-8 of the service plan, the air suspension is covered.
  • Jun 29, 2013
  • Jun 29, 2013
    I was putting this off till Tesla indicated a price increase. Although I skipped buying the service plans, I think the extended warranty is a good idea.

    Just bought the plan (feels okay too to boost Tesla's cash reserves at the end of Q2). Got to cover those inevitable repairs to the door handles at the 7-years-and-11-month mark ;)
  • Jun 30, 2013
    Doesn't make sense. Either service plan or extended warranty covers it, not both. What about those who pay each year for service, same as prepaying for service plan, just slightly higher cost.
  • Jun 30, 2013
    i bought yesterday due to concerns about door handles and air suspension and loud heat pump noises. Tesla has a monopoly on all parts and will continue to have this monopoly for the foreseable future. Costs will be high.
  • Jun 30, 2013
    I bought it yesterday, too, along with the first 4 year standard service (no ranger, I live ridiculously close to a service center). This seemed like a nice balance of cost/risk. After four years, I'll have the extended warranty kick in and I'll either buy another service plan or just pay a la cart for annual service.

    Wasn't really planning on giving TM another $4400 so quickly, still a bit grumpy about that. Still, I will enjoy the peace-of-mind that anything that could happen to this car is covered and pre-paid for four years, and just a $200 deductible after that. Stress level about being an early adopter is down to near zero, so I like the result.
  • Jun 30, 2013
    I'm not following your logic. Something could be covered under the extended warranty and not the service plan and vice versa. While everyone has a 4 year/50K warranty, if you pay for service but not the extended warranty, and in year 5 of at 50,001 miles your air suspension fails, the fact that you might have bought a service plan won't help you.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Thanks for posting this. I did search a few other threads but couldn't find this. Can you post a link to the other post or at least the title and post number?
  • Jun 30, 2013
    4th post down......
  • Jun 30, 2013
    I just called Tesla and the gentleman I spoke with asked his manager and said "It is NOT required to do the yearly $600 maintenance to keep the Extended Warranty valid!". If anyone else wants to call and make me a liar please do. I just figured I would end any confusion we all have about that.
  • Jun 30, 2013
    Wear and tear items, such as the shocks, are not covered by the extended warranty (years 5-8) but are covered by the service plan for years 5-8, if purchased. The control system, pump, etc of the air suspension system would be covered under the extended warranty plan for years 5-8. The service plan covers wear and tear items other than tires, while the extended warranty covers non-wear and tear items, such as failure of the suspension control system. At least that is what HQ told the Tesla service centers towards the end of April.
  • Jun 30, 2013
    Thanks for checking and posting what you found out (on this and the air suspension stuff). :)
  • Jun 30, 2013
    I ended up purchasing the extended warranty at my wife's request, hope it covers any issue that pops up......
  • Jun 30, 2013
    Purchasing extended warranty or service plan; Expensive

    Making wife happy: Priceless :biggrin:
  • Jun 30, 2013
    Just emailed [email�protected] to see if WA State is SOL on the price increase. :(
  • Jun 30, 2013
    I emailed ownership on Friday to inquire about WA and got a phone call back in response on Saturday. According to the message they left - Yes, the extended warranty is available for purchase for WA residents now, but they don't have it loaded on the website yet. If you want to be sure to lock in on the old price you need to order it over the phone by Wednesday. 877-79-TESLA
  • Jun 30, 2013
    Simply service plan is for annual service. Ie.. Annual maintenance. Warranty work is warranty work. Either coved under original warranty or extended warranty, but not service plan as the service plan is only for annual service.
  • Jun 30, 2013
    REALLY? Wow, thank you very much for the post! That's exactly what I am going to do. I'll be glad to have to coverage but I really think they are messing up on the customer relations game with Washington customers if they are not going to honor the old price once they bother getting it posted to the website. If I didn't see your post I would have NO IDEA you could simply call them to buy it. I've been checking the MY TESLA page every week since March to see when/if I could buy the extended warranty and I would not be happy if I was later told that it was available before the price increase but simply not put on their website.
  • Jul 1, 2013
    Bad news. Got another call back today correcting the previous info. No WA plan to buy yet. They're still working out the legal details. I asked if they could consider still offering a grace period once they finally do. It's been passed up the management chain they said.
  • Jul 1, 2013
    It seems every time I resist the urge to buy something that Tesla gives us little info and a deadline on, I end up feeling like I dodged a bullet or something. Going to stick to that this time around.
  • Jul 1, 2013
  • Jul 1, 2013
    I wonder if you can buy it if your car hasn't been produced yet?
  • Jul 1, 2013
    Greg G
    OK -- I pulled out the credit card and bought the extended warranty. I'm hoping that was a good choice.
  • Jul 2, 2013
    One day left boys and girls......
  • Jul 2, 2013
    Still not sure if it's worth the cost.
  • Jul 2, 2013
    I just got mine

    - - - Updated - - -

    Can you still buy the service plan later? Is it still good for the 8 years? How long do I have?
  • Jul 2, 2013
    I'm tempted to put down a reservation on a Model X tomorrow and then pull it when they finally offer the ESA to WA and FL. If they offer owners in our challenging states the original price then the cancellation reason would be "to finally pay for my ESA on my Model S". If they don't it would be "because WA and FL owners were screwed on the ESA thing." If we don't have the offering by the time I get asked to finalize, then I may sell my place in line (effectively) on Ebay and include a comment about the S ESA there.

    It's a somewhat indirect way of making a point, but I do that sometimes. Will it make any difference to anyone but me? Perhaps not.
  • Jul 2, 2013
    WA owners... what's your plan? I also sent them a mail but I have yet t hear back fro them....
  • Jul 2, 2013
    Just pulled the trigger and bought the extended warrantee.

    I picked up my car last Saturday to have the 6,000 tire rotation done, plus, to take care of a few other issues, such as squeaks, two door handles that needed to be replaced, curb rash on one of the wheels (not a warrantee item but got fixed for $175), and some other small things.

    All an all, they had the car for three days. On the final report, I counted five items that were under warrantee. Just wondering what the bill would have been if these repairs were not under warrantee made me decide to get the extended.
  • Jul 2, 2013
    I got a response basically saying that I couldn't buy it and no guarantee on the price if/when it is offered. I'm not happy, but will continue to act in calm until proven that WA and other state owners are being screwed.
  • Jul 2, 2013
    I bought the 4+4 service, but I'm unconvinced the warranty extension is worth it. I'm going to hold out until the end of the exisiting warranty to see if the trend over the last year indicates its needed. I expect the first year or two will flush out any issues with the car. It's a $1500 gamble, but based on my experience (it is a large part of my job to deal with new technology issues) I think it's a good risk.
  • Jul 3, 2013
    TSLA Pilot
    Did the purchase last night, against my normal proclivities, but this is a new company (only 10 years old) and this is their first "from the ground up" car so it felt like a reasonable purchase, a form of insurance if you will.

    And now they have even more of my money, but since the car was almost free due to my TSLA investment, I guess it's not so bad after all:)
  • Jul 3, 2013
    Just pulled the trigger. Already went for the 4+4 with Ranger, might as well top it off with more burnt plastic. :redface:
  • Jul 3, 2013
    Just made the purchase myself. On one hand I'm not sure I need it, on the other it's a pretty small investment to protect a 100k vehicle.
  • Jul 3, 2013
    Just did it too. I have a 60 kWh - but still a decent chunk of $. Gotta keep the vehicle ~ 10 years with very little spent on service and repairs to feel better. :eek:
  • Jul 3, 2013
    Plug Me In
    Just bought it. I'm in now for a total $7300 on my low service cost vehicle but I do have peace of mind I guess. Otherwise I'd have nightmares about my center screen and door handles all catching fire on 11 March 2017 - day after my original warranty expires.
  • Jul 3, 2013
    Just did, already had 4+4. I was planning on buying it when original wty about to expire, but the price difference was enough to push me to pay now. I would rather hedge the risk on new technology, and take care of my MS!
  • Jul 3, 2013
    I think I am going to skip it. At least for now
  • Jul 3, 2013
    IMO I think ya'll are crazy. I mean those who paid 4+4 & extended warranty just prepaid an additional $7300/$8300 for a car that "needs little to no service". There's a voice in my head that keeps telling me "ya'll just got suckered."
  • Jul 3, 2013
    Yeah, how is $6,300 "low cost" for 8 years of service & warranty, BTW, the math on that comes out to
    Years 1-4 pre-paid maint $1,900 (ranger service not needed)
    Years 5-8 pre-paid maint $1,900 (ranger service not needed)
    Years 5-8 extended warranty $2,500 (or $4,000 later)

    $6,300 now, or $7,800 just before year 4 is up.

    8 years is 2,920 days, do the math: $2.16/day now, $2.67 later. So much for "lower cost ownership"
    I have the 4 year pre-paid service, I'm sticking with that for now. Not looking to make another $4,400 contribution right now.
    I'm making money in TSLA stock, if there are lots of issues/problems developing in years 3-4, I'll get the warranty for the $4,000 but I'm betting it won't be needed.
  • Jul 3, 2013
    Was waffling but I pulled out the credit card...
  • Jul 3, 2013
    I was considering it if you got some form of a credit on a trade in. It was confirmed the answer was no.
    i have rarely kept my primary driver for more than 2-3 years. So I see a newer Model S in my future down the road!
  • Jul 3, 2013
    I also had the 4+4. I bought the ESA in late afternoon and was surprised the price hadn't changed already. A lot of reading comments and thinking it over. I was going to wait and see, but after reading posts and going back 'n forth on it, I bought it.

    It didn't hurt that the rebate check from energy efficiency updates we did came in a couple of days ago. ;-) Although apparently the ESA is my birthday present--the car was my Xmas present--so I probably won't get another present for the rest of my life, but that's okay. ;-) We own too much...stuff...anyway.

    Maybe I was a sucker, @yobigd20. Let's talk in 4 years, and again in 8. Hopefully I wasn't...on the other paw, it is like insurance...I actually hope not to have massive problems with the car, after all (who does?).... ;-) Gak.
  • Jul 4, 2013
    I think it was worth it. My guess is having one of the first few thousand cars means you are more likely to have an issue than if Tesla had been making the Model S for 5 years now. Could be wrong but at the old price it was one big repair from breaking even so worth it for me at least. Everyone is different though.
  • Jul 4, 2013
    Annual service is not required in order to obtain warranty service under the ESA. George Blankenship has confirmed this via email to several members here and over at forums. So the true cost of the ESA is $2,500 and you can have the vehicle serviced as little or as much as you wish.
  • Jul 4, 2013
    Thanks for clarifying.
    I got the ESA yesterday, still have about 2 more weeks to decide on one of the Pre-paid Service Plans.
  • Jul 4, 2013
    Thanks for the heads up, I bought it last night. For customer service reasons, you would think they could at least send out an e-mail to let current owners know they were going to hike the price.
  • Jul 4, 2013
    Yea, I bought mine at the last minute yesterday as well. I was not expecting it and only heard about it through an email from the local Tesla enthusiasts group. Caught me at a bad time cash flow wise as I had less than an hour to make it happen. So far, Tesla is batting about 20% with me on service and communication. They have disappointed me at every interaction, with two exceptions. I never buy extended warranties, but I bought this one. I think this is cheap insurance for a brand new car company and brand new untested technology. I expect to keep the car for the duration (I had my last one for 13 years) and although I am very pleased with my Tesla to date you don't really know until you have 100K miles behind you and can look back and say, this was a reliable (or not) car.
  • Jul 4, 2013
    I bought as vin 520 my car has had numerous problems and I plan to keep it until either I or it no longer drives. A car is not like a TV, it has moving parts that can and eventually will fail. Tesla is the only supplier and controls costs. Repairs on my car:
    Second charger
    Door handle
    12 volt battery (inexpensive)
    Fuse (cheap)
    Steering wheel clunk (just tighten)
    Loud AC
    Pano creak
    Concern about windshield crack
    Early car by new manufacturer anxiety
  • Jul 4, 2013
    AmpedRealtor, you are correct that you do not have to buy the service plan to get the warranty (ESA) plan. However, some items are excluded by the ESA (e.g., the shocks of the air suspension system), which are covered (per a communication from Tesla HQ sent to the Rockville Service Center and me) by the service plan. Specifically, that communication stated that shocks (considered to be a wear item) are not covered by the ESA but would be covered under the service plan.
  • Jul 4, 2013
    Daniel Scherer
    I'm pissed off about this as it should have been communicated directly to each Tesla owner. I shouldn't have to search a forum or have to log into the Tesla website to find out after the fact. I did not know this increase was coming or I would have bought it. I'm on a tight budget with this car and didn't need this unexpected extra expense.
  • Jul 4, 2013
    Yeah, I'm kind of pissed about this too. I had no idea they were going to raise the price on the extended warranty.
    I hadn't bought it yet as my Tesla service guys advised me to wait since I had until the warranty expired.

    I like my car, but I must admit I've been a little disappointed with the service. It seems that everything Tesla should be communicating I get from this website instead of from them. One of my friends just randomly went in last week and was given new floor mats. Am I getting floor mats?

    I shouldn't have to check a tesla club website to know what's going on with my car
  • Jul 5, 2013
    When you go in for service they will give you the new floor mats. It's a service item. There should definitely have been an e-mail sent out to everyone about the price increase.
  • Jul 5, 2013
    The early "just tightening" fixes they tried for the steering wheel clunk doesn't work. It will come back. The problem is actually pretty simple - two different metal types are grinding on each other (a nut a bolt or whatever the thing is bolted too, I can't remember). Tightening it won't work as eventually the two metal types will loosen up again or something. Lead tech told me it was a design error - having 2 different metal types grinding on each other will cause this popping and would eventually lead to corrosion. The new "real fix" is using a shim or washer in between the two different metal types. I haven't gone back yet to get this shim/washer.

    - - - Updated - - -

    btw, more details in this thread about the clicking - some good pics in there too
  • Jul 6, 2013
    We need to get used to it, though; from the response I got, it sounds like they will not necessarily be pre-announcing price increases. I think we were spoiled with the end-of-year increase in the base Model S price and presumed we'd always get a heads up--at least, I expected it based on that.
  • Oct 9, 2013
    Is the warranty transferrable?
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