Oct 31, 2013
Jackl1956 Would you participate in a class action lawsuit against Pomerantz Grossman Hufford Dahlstrom & Gross LLP?�
Oct 31, 2013
Mario Kadastik I think you should make it a poll...�
Oct 31, 2013
yobigd20 hah, why? sue them because they are thinking about suing Tesla?�
Oct 31, 2013
Mario Kadastik Sue them for hurting TSLA shareholders profits with their lawsuite based on FUD and false information. Do them what they do to us.�
Oct 31, 2013
Jackl1956 There is a tenet in American which requires a citizen to defend his rights. I am not a litigious sort by nature. However, when someone with malice and forethought seeks to harm another, they ought to be checked.
By investigating TSLA for these fire events, there are guilty of what they are "falsely causing" TSLA of. Hypocrisy can only be stretched so far before it snaps back and hits you in the face.�
Oct 31, 2013
eidco I don't think I'd take it as far as suing them back, but I agree with outrage. This lawsuit of theirs is frivolous at best. When the MS was found to be the safest car on the road, are they saying it was misleading for Tesla to put out a press release? When two MSes caught fire and the drivers walked away, does this diminish the safety of the car? How many fires have started with other vehicles that have been touted as safe? I think they're driving the share price down merely by suggesting this lawsuit and I wouldn't be surprised if they're shorting the stock as well.
Oct 31, 2013
Safety Tip
Have your car serviced regularly by a professionally trained mechanic. Read all of NFPA's car fire safety tips and download our free safety tip sheet (PDF, 368 KB).
U.S. fire departments responded to an estimated average of 152,300 automobile fires per year in 2006-2010. These fires caused an average of 209 civilian deaths, 764 civilian injuries, and $536 million in direct property damage.
Facts and Figures
Automobile fires were involved in 10% of reported U.S. fires, 6% of U.S. fire deaths.
�On average, 17 automobile fires were reported per hour. These fires killed an average of four people every week.
Mechanical or electrical failures or malfunctions were factors in roughly two-thirds of the automobile fires.
Collisions and overturns were factors in only 4% of highway vehicle fires, but these incidents accounted for three of every five (60%) automobile fire deaths.
Only 2% of automobile fires began in fuel tanks or fuel lines, but these incidents caused 15% of the automobile fire deaths.
Source: NFPA's "Automobile Fires in the U.S.: 2006-2010 Estimates" report by Marty Ahrens, September 2012.�
Oct 31, 2013
lorih Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - Page 4
there seems to be two threads discussing this now...�
Oct 31, 2013
I'm sorry, page 4 out of almost 1,180 is NOW? Maybe I need to get new eye-glasses.�
Oct 31, 2013
bonnie I sent them a letter yesterday saying not only would I not join a class action lawsuit of this type, they do not represent shareholders' interest with a frivolous lawsuit designed to support short interest, and I would be interested in joining a class action against them were they to do such a thing.
And I would be.�
Oct 31, 2013
ggr As a guddam furriner, I think there are already too many lawsuits in the US. But I would make an exception in this case, I think. Here is the only meaningful paragraph in their announcement:
Unfortunately, they make unrelated statements and just hope that investors who lost money will assume that a battery catching fire means that the quote was incorrect or a lie. I sort-of wish they'd said something that was either factually incorrect or libelous, it would make a lawsuit against them much easier.
It would be interesting to see if a different class-action law firm would actually be prepared to go against these guys. Unfortunately I think they have a tacit agreement not to do that.�
Oct 31, 2013
Jackl1956 When John Broder test drove the Model S his published editorial lacked integrity. Elon Musk responded in a clear and deliberate voice. Elon assertively communicated the facts, questioning the veracity of the editorial.
Just as it was the right thing to challenge John Broder's test drive article. It is the right thing to confront the dishonesty of Pomerantz Grossman Hufford Dahlstrom & Gross LLP.
I for one, would contribute to a fund to explore the legal options regarding this matter.�
Oct 31, 2013
electrictorque Count me in also.�
Oct 31, 2013
TSLAopt Me too�
Oct 31, 2013
100thMonkey suing for damages?! Nice, I'm all for it!!�
Oct 31, 2013
ViperDoc Lawsuit
I'd offer my name in support!�
Nov 1, 2013
sundaymorning I would contribute. We need to make a statement!�
Nov 1, 2013
eidco I don't think it matters whether investors fall for this faulty logic. The firm will have to fool a judge enough to keep him/her from throwing out such a meritless case. Tesla lawyers should find it fairly easy to point out the fallacy of the claim.�
Nov 8, 2013
yobigd20 Well it looks like they are done investigating and went ahead and filed a class action lawsuit against Tesla....http://finance.yahoo.com/news/pomerantz-law-firm-filed-class-235356327.html�
Nov 8, 2013
MikeC Shysters. Is there a way an investor can show opposition to this?�
Nov 8, 2013
dmckinstry I assume this is a hard copy letter. I won't have access to a printer for the next week, but I'd certainly be willing to send an email similar to your letter to them.�
Nov 8, 2013
dmckinstry Likewise.�
Nov 8, 2013
rolosrevenge Count me in, I'll sue them for all their worth.�
Nov 9, 2013
dmckinstry Just an afterthought on their lawsuit. As already noted, it is frivolous and unless they're actually stupid or drastically misinformed, how can they possibly expect to win. Are they just hoping to get Tesla to make a deal to avoid the hassle of a lawsuit?
That shouldn't benefit them either. Elon (IMHO) is too principled to give in to that sort of blackmail, and I would hope that a vote from all shareholders would be in agreement with him.�
Nov 9, 2013
Sunnyday Yes, that's their MO. They know that the court system is set up to give everyone their day in court, yet the way the court works it can take months or years for someone to finally get their day in court, and it takes millions of dollars for the defendant to get there. So it would cost Tesla millions of dollars in lawyer fees just to get to the point where they can finally get a judge to seriously consider the facts and rule if the case has merit or not. Yes, Tesla would win the case eventually, but at the cost of millions of dollars in legal fees and even worse, at the cost of management and PR distraction that is obviously better spent focused on driving the business forward for the benefit of customers and shareholders. Companies are often forced to pay ransom to these class action parasites simply to make them go away. It turns my stomach.
I'd love to be part of a class action suit AGAINST this law firm. As I stated in another thread on this topic, I have nothing against lawyers. There are a lot of great ethical lawyers out there, but these Pomerantz leeches are not among them. They are abusing the legal system and harming Tesla in the process. There have got to be several hundred lawyers who are also Tesla owners and shareholders who could contribute their expertise pro bono to turn these turkeys (and any turncoat shareholders who join them) into poster children.�
Nov 9, 2013
v12 to 12v Add me to the list.�
Nov 9, 2013
yobigd20 lol this is going to backfire hardcore. Pomerantz picked the wrong set of people to tick off. That would be awesome is a bunch of tesla owners who were lawyers fought back and won a settlement against them!�
Nov 9, 2013
birdsaresmarter Yes that's why I say they are like patent trolls to me. I think generally they want to just cash in on a settlement, probably never really expecting to go to trial. I've thought about simply letting TM corporate know that people are standing by ready to support them in whatever way makes most sense. However, I am sure based on this forum they know that.�
Nov 9, 2013
EV 1982 They clearly had this teed up and were just waiting for the stock to correct. In my view, these guys are almost as bad as terrorists (if it were legal, would they kill innocents to make a buck? I'm not sure they wouldn't). They have no soul. Some Model S owners who are attorneys need to get together and spearhead a countersuit. My checkbook is ready.�
Nov 9, 2013
neroden This lawsuit [the one initiated by Pomerantz et al] is, as others have said, frivolous and a complete joke, not to mention offensive.
What worries me is that I already know from other incidents that Tesla's legal department is not very good at their job. If Tesla had the right lawyers, I would expect that they could wipe this lawsuit out in their spare time, but I don't think Tesla has those lawyers. Someone needs to find Tesla some *good* lawyers -- lawyers who are conscientious and do their legal and factual research, rather than the more typical lazy lawyers who slap half-assed, deficient responses together, which is what Tesla seems to have on retainer.
Who knows, we might have some suitable lawyers on this forum.�
Nov 9, 2013
Jackl1956 I am looking into setting up a crowd-funding website. The purpose being to raise funds, to determine if there is a legal premise or statute to sue Pomerantz. The monies would be used for initial legal consultations.
Nov 9, 2013
10pele Is there someone in this large group with experience in this area who could provide the first top level assessment of go/no-go on this idea? If the idea is way outside
of reality is would be good to know.�
Nov 9, 2013
sp4rk Just what I was thinking.
Except how do we trust the operator of that fund? How do we know if it's not the Plaintiff themselves?�
Nov 9, 2013
tslafan123 Count me in, please�
Nov 9, 2013
Jackl1956 I would question the value of free legal advice. Secondly, would this place the attorney in an untenable situation? My last thought would be that the number of individuals that were willing to contribute monies to an initial consultation would pique the interest of law firms.�
Nov 9, 2013
TSLAopt Count me in for $100�
Nov 9, 2013
mkjayakumar ^^^ Same here�
Nov 9, 2013
voidptr This firm (and several just like them) have these teed up for just about every publicly traded company, waiting for anything they think they can get in front of a judge as a lapse in the company's fiduciary duties, usually coupled with a short-term stock price drop. Their entire business plan is to file hundreds of these a year and hope they strike it big on a couple of them.�
Nov 9, 2013
JRP3 Has a law firm ever been successfully counter sued for damaging a stock? Certainly these people are working against the interest of stockholders in this case.�
Nov 9, 2013
Jackl1956 I wonder how many stockholders would join our cause?�
Nov 9, 2013
knightstud count me in�
Nov 9, 2013
Jackl1956 Background: Overview of securities fraud actions under Section 10(b) and Rule 10b-5[edit]
The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (commonly known as the "Exchange Act" or the "1934 Act") gives shareholders the right to bring a private action in federal court to recover damages the shareholder sustained as a result of securities fraud. The majority of securities fraud claims are brought pursuant to Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act (codified at 15 U.S.C. � 78j), as well as SECRule 10b-5, which the SEC promulgated under the authority granted to it by Congress under the Exchange Act. (This article refers to federal securities fraud actions as "Rule 10b-5 actions" or "Rule 10b-5 cases" as convenient shorthand.)
The Supreme Court has held that there are six elements that a plaintiff must allege and prove in order to prevail in a Rule 10b-5 action:
1. The defendant made a "material misrepresentation or omission";
2. the defendant acted with "scienter", or a "wrongful state of mind" (typically understood to mean that the defendant intended to make the material misrepresentation or omission, or acted with recklessness in making the misrepresentation or omission);
3. the material misrepresentation or omission was made "in connection with the purchase or sale of a security";
4. the plaintiff who was allegedly victimized by the fraud relied upon the material misrepresentation or omission (if the security is traded on a public stock exchange, such as the New York Stock Exchange or NASDAQ, the law will typically presume that shareholders rely on the integrity of the market, and therefore that the price of the stock reflected material misrepresentation and that shareholders relied upon the integrity of the market);
5. the plaintiff suffered an economic loss as a result of the alleged fraud; and
6. the plaintiff can allege and prove "loss causation", which means that the allegedly fraudulent misrepresentation or omission caused the plaintiff's economic loss. See Dura Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. Broudo, 544 U.S. 336 (2005).
Each of these elements has been heavily litigated in thousands of cases over the past 70 years, and the courts have applied these six elements in a multitude of different factual situations.
Nov 11, 2013
tlo Count me in.�
Nov 11, 2013
dmckinstry I'd be willing to send $100 also. We just need someone we all trust to controll the funds.
Bonnie? You, or any suggestions?�
Nov 11, 2013
PhilBa Tesla Lawsuit
Ambulance Chaser Files Lawsuit after 3rd fire.
I suppose it was inevitable. It would shock me if they got 0.1% of the customer base to sign up. Unfortunately, they don't need many to get certified as a class. I predict dismal failure of this lawsuit.
I could pen a diatribe about what is wrong with this country but think it's just not worth it.�
Nov 11, 2013
Botbldr45 ...................aren't they the firm that sued MickeyD's for having hot coffee that burns you if you are stupid enough to pour it on yourself?�
Nov 11, 2013
yobigd20 covered in this thread http://www.teslamotorsclub.com/showthread.php/23302-A-Class-Action-Lawsuit-AGAINST-quot-Pomerantz-Grossman-Hufford-Dahlstrom-amp-Gross-LLP-quot�
Nov 11, 2013
NigelM Discussion on this already in the Short-Term-TSLA-Price-Movements thread, also in the Ugh-Another-Model-S-fire-2013-11-06 thread.
Focused response thread here - A-Class-Action-Lawsuit-AGAINST-Pomerantz-Grossman-Hufford-Dahlstrom-&-Gross-LLP�
Nov 11, 2013
Jackl1956 I made a cursory check of some the crowd-funding sites. In my opinion they leave something to be desired in terms of fiduciary responsibility. That said it would have to be someone with a great deal of trust. Maybe someone who would be willing to be the lead plaintiff.
What is the role of the lead plaintiff in a securities fraud class action?
A lead plaintiff is a shareholder or group of shareholders appointed by the court to represent the interests of a class or classes of similarly situated shareholders. The lead plaintiff in a securities class action usually, but not always, has the largest financial interest in the relief sought by the class. Lead plaintiff designation can be granted to individuals, groups of individuals, or entities, such as institutional investors and investment fund fiduciaries. The lead plaintiff selects and retains counsel to represent the class.�
Nov 11, 2013
PeterK No way - they are too classless for that (ironic given they specialize in class-action suits). In fact, the McDonald's coffee case was legitimate - the elderly woman was hospitalized with third degree burns, and upon discovery it turned out that McDonald's had received many complaints about coffee being too hot and burning but had ignored them. McDonald's and their media handlers spun this as a joke, but she was seriously injured - the burn photos turn one's stomach. She didn't sue, just asked McDonald's for payment for medical expenses, and after they blew her off the family decided to sue. There is a documentary on the case and several others, called appropriately Hot Coffee: HOT COFFEE, a documentary feature film
From the site:
Seinfeld mocked it. Letterman ranked it in his top ten list. And more than fifteen years later, its infamy continues. Everyone knows the McDonald�s coffee case. It has been routinely cited as an example of how citizens have taken advantage of America�s legal system, but is that a fair rendition of the facts? Hot Coffee reveals what really happened to Stella Liebeck, the Albuquerque woman who spilled coffee on herself and sued McDonald�s, while exploring how and why the case garnered so much media attention, who funded the effort and to what end. After seeing this film, you will decide who really profited from spilling hot coffee.
�Eye-opening indictment of the way big business spins the media.� �Variety
�Stunning debut � Sends audiences out of the theater thinking in a brand new way.� �Washington Post
�Entertaining, informative � vividly illuminating.� �Hollywood Reporter�
Nov 11, 2013
i think this forum needs to consult a lawyer before going further. 2 things: 1. proving damages is gonna difficult. TSLA stock going down because the suit? or fire? or ER? a percentage? 50%? 20% 1%? 2. Standing: as individual share holders, you may not have standing to counter sue the lawyers who are suing TSLA the company.�
Nov 11, 2013
Nov 11, 2013
JRP3 Exactly. At the time I too was outraged as most people over this "frivolous" lawsuit, but unlike most people I took the time to actually look into it. No drink should cause third degree burns. Well, maybe a flaming shot, but you're just asking for it at that point.�
Nov 11, 2013
Lessmog Reading about the McDonalds coffee case some years ago pretty much turned me off that brand of burgers (if you pardon the bad taste pun) for the foreseeable. Not funny. Uncool. Letterman can ... think of my reaction on his own.
As to this particular firetruck chaser, I kind of despair over the American judicial system. Not the first time either.�
Nov 11, 2013
RoverS i am contemplating suing myself for driving a Tesla. however the lawsuit comes out, i'll be #winning.�
Nov 11, 2013
NigelM Worth noting that the forum itself (TMC) would have no standing in a potential suit, so if anything were to come of the idea behind this thread it would have to be organized by a group of individuals. Just want to make sure nobody would think they should be waiting on Mods to take this further.�
Nov 11, 2013
MarkR Their lawsuit is apt to be dead on arrival and any suit from us would likely suffer a similar fate. Any talk of suits has the potential to hurt the stock price so it's a dumb idea.�
Nov 12, 2013
Alfafoxtrot1 Shareholder Suit Against Tesla
Like many of you, I own a model S and stock and this baseless suit really pisses me off. Although I'm a lawyer I know very little about Class Actions or derrivative actions. However, I think our first step should involve putting a stake in their dreams of making this a viable class action. Hopefully a fellow member can tell us how to opt out of the suit and make life a little tougher for the attorneys and plaintiff who filed this garbage. As for suit against the firm, I'm pretty skeptical about that working out.�
Nov 12, 2013
yobigd20 is this a different shareholder class action suit that was just filed by another company against Tesla? Brower Piven? That's unrelated to Pomerantz, right?
Nov 12, 2013
Robert.Boston FWIW, my wife (the lawyer in the family) thinks that legal action against Pomerantz will go nowhere. The whole point of the legal system is to give people their day in court. If such pre-emotive counter suits could be made preemptive lay, there would be no patent trolls. There are patent trolls, ergo we have no chance.�
Nov 12, 2013
JRP3 Pile on effect, Levi & Korsinsky join the FUD party: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/tesla-motors-inc-shareholder-alert-212712144.html�
Nov 12, 2013
yobigd20 Seriously? 3 different class actions now? I hope they burn through their funds just to get rejected and tossed.�
Nov 12, 2013
Dan5 I would join the lawsuit against them too.
To claim that it is a defect without any proof is wrong, and some would consider it slander or defamation
We have to have a lawyer on here to get the ball rolling.�
Nov 12, 2013
MikeC How about some type of formal petition for investors to go on record saying we do not want to be included in frivolous class action suits that run counter to our interests?
Maybe the media could pick it up or TM could use it in their defense somehow.�
Nov 12, 2013
lorih I like the idea of starting a petition of investors stating we would not participate in class action against Tesla, and believe these lawsuits from different firms are both frivolous AND damaging to the image of Tesla Motors, and the value of TSLA investors.
anyone else interested and willing to craft language? We could start separate thread for petition so people would know it represents our stance AGAINST all the forementioned class action suits.
BTW, if we do a petition, I propose wording allows "small investors" to also sign, as the current class action is looking for losses greater than 200k, AND potentially (if it is deemed appropriate), that Tesla supporters (I.e. owners and enthusiasts that may not currently hold stock) also be allowed to sign and show their support.�
Nov 12, 2013
Jackl1956 I have made one inquiry, and the responding law firm declined to represent us in this pursuit. I am not qualified to judge the legal merits of a lawsuit in this matter. My gut instinct, told me that the firms and individuals initiating these law suits were distorting the facts and publishing the filings in an effort to drive the stock price down. I believe that it is a moral imperative that we respond in kind.
If a countersuit is not plausible, I will commit my support to whatever effort is effective and reasonable.
It aggravates the hell out of me, that shorts can summon lies and deceit with the full support of our legal system. If it is a petition, please let me know how I may contribute. Does it sound as though I am spoiling for a fight, damn straight.�
Nov 15, 2013
fjm9898 New Lawsuit - Morgan Morgan Announces That a Class Action Lawsuit Has Been Filed Against Tesla Motors -- TSLA - Yahoo Finance�
Nov 15, 2013
drinkerofkoolaid Anyone on here a lawyer? Do we, as shareholders have standing to sue these law-firms?
Maybe we should start a Kickstarter to support the legal effort?
Did all 4 law firms use identical claims?
Morgan Morgan Announces That a Class Action Lawsuit Has Been Filed Against Tesla Motors -- TSLA - Yahoo Finance�
Nov 17, 2013
Robert.Boston My wife the lawyer says, no, we don't have standing.�
Nov 17, 2013
lorih Yes, but would there be some use in just proceeding with a petition? Just to show support, perhaps even in the media?�
Nov 18, 2013
Jackl1956 +1.�
Nov 18, 2013
dmckinstry I'm not a lawyer, but even I know it's terribly difficult to prove intent in these kind of lawsuits. I suspect the best that could be done is prove unsubstantiated statements or claims.
Maybe we just need a Tesla anti-defamation league.�
Dec 6, 2013
TSLAopt everyone should sign this petition to help fight back against these frivolous lawsuits
Petition Rejection of Tesla Class Action Shareholder Suit�
Dec 6, 2013
John Bilello Help Fight The Class Action Lawsuits Against Tesla
Sign this online petition to send a message to the Judge that "The Class" they speak of rejects their claims.
Petition Rejection of Tesla Class Action Shareholder Suit
Note: The way class actions work is that the legal fees are free for the Plaintiffs if and only if the Judge certifies the class. If he/she does not certify the class than the Plaintiff must go it alone, which in most cases they do not. So the goal here is to get 2000 signatures and then send those signatures to the Judge or defense counsel.
You should only sign the petition if you owned TSLA from May 10, 2013 through November 6th, 2013 and you reject the lawsuit. If asked, you could sign an affidavit later at the attorneys request that your online petition signature and comments are true and correct. This will prevent anyone from signing.
Folks, this should work well. In lawsuits there are 2 areas of hope:
1) Motion to dismiss
2) Class Certification
With enough signatures one of these 2 battles could be won for Tesla.
After signing the petition, please forward it to other TSLA stockholders.�
Dec 6, 2013
John Bilello If you own TSLA stock, please sign this online petition to fight the class action lawsuits against Tesla.
Petition Rejection of Tesla Class Action Shareholder Suit
This should send the necessary message to the Judge that there can be no class certification because THE CLASS rejects the lawsuit.�
Dec 8, 2013
lorih I just signed and forwarded to a few friends who are also shareholders. Thanks for getting this started.
what happens later? How does petition get to the proper folks?�
Dec 8, 2013
Jackl1956 Just signed.�
Dec 8, 2013
electrictorque I just signed.�
Dec 8, 2013
kenliles Done�
Dec 8, 2013
Edgewood Dome Signed.�
Dec 8, 2013
herbvdh Signed. I am sick of there trash.�
Dec 8, 2013
lgagliardi Signed.�
Dec 9, 2013
DJ Frustration Has anyone given thought to petitioning these slime-ball law firms to become the lead plaintiff in the class action? While there maybe a number of firms sending press releases about a possible class action claim, only one firm gets the chance to represent the lead plaintiff on behalf of the class. All these firms are doing is casting a line in the water to see if they catch any fish.
The biggest way to ensure that this lawsuit goes nowhere is to petition to be the lead plaintiff and then direct the litigation in a wrong direction. Any thoughts?�
Dec 9, 2013
MikeC Haha, that occurred to me, too. I guess it's too bad I didn't lose 200k! I'm not sure if the 200k can be paper losses or if it needs to be realized losses.�
Dec 9, 2013
mitch672 Yes, apply to be the lead plaintiff, then when questioned, "yes your honor, I have no problem with TSLA or Tesla Motors, what I do have a problem with is these frivolous lawsuits wasting the courts and your honors time. Please dismiss the case, and ban this law firm from refilling"�
Dec 9, 2013
Student_Forever I just signed the petition as well.
Dec 9, 2013
yobigd20 I thought the lead plantiff was Robert Rahimi. http://www.law360.com/articles/488064/tesla-fires-burned-6-5b-in-stock-value-investor-says
And the $200k thing is silly. So you lose $200k between two arbitrary chosen dates. What if he's made back $400k since the end date? Losing money when buying and selling stock (which is what it looked like he did several times weekly, more like a "day trader") is just the name of the game. If every Joe Schmoe went out and sued manufacturers just because their daily trades didn't go as planned....utterly absurd.�
Dec 9, 2013
TylerCA Very typical. Unless they can prove that a loss was defined by fraud, they it will likely be thrown out.�
Dec 9, 2013
Grendal Signed.�
Dec 13, 2013
EnergyMax The lead plantiff is Robert Rahimi and the case is Rahimi v. Tesla Motors, Inc. et al. Dr. Rahimi is a poker player. A true gambler. He's listed as "6 Bob Rahimi $ 97,375". A true gambler claiming losses in a court case is somewhat funny.�
Dec 13, 2013
yobigd20 So he likes to take bets. Well this is one bet that he's sure to lose. Idiot. Not a very smart poker player either I presume.�
Jan 21, 2014
AudubonB Pomerantz Grossman -
You know, there used to be a show entitled "Where Are They Now?"
...just sayin'
Jan 21, 2014
sub Clowns. I have another idea, he could have held his shares and not lost a cent.�
Jan 24, 2014
palmer_md yep, its going to be a hard case to win when the share price is going to be well over the price he paid for the shares just a few months ago.
This paper reads like a joke.
Jan 24, 2014
bonnie I hope he shows up at the shareholder meeting.�
Jan 24, 2014
kenliles Singing... Clowns to left, Jokers to the right, Here I am, stuck in he middle with you�
Feb 25, 2014
bonnie So I'm guessing that with the recent stock price, Pomerantz doesn't have much of a case.�
Feb 26, 2014
Robert.Boston Curiously, this run up doesn't provide cover. They might argue it actually exacerbates the loss. The class will be composed of people who bought high and sold low. Pomerantz will probably assert that this low price was induced by management somehow, and the loss realized by people who sold during the unnaturally low period was a direct result of deliberate manipulation of the stock price. When they stopped manipulating, see what happened? The price returned to its pre-damage level.
When you have a story you believe, all facts can be fit into that story if you try hard enough. That's why dreams can be so weird.�
Feb 26, 2014
brianman "Stock Price Change"�
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