Jun 25, 2015
O-G Any information on the beta release of version 7.0? When the full release will be? The beta was supposed to be late June but what will the additional features will be?�
Jun 25, 2015
Majerus Normally betas require nda's , so if someone released the info they would be in violation. My guess is we will all have to wait until the RC version of it is out before we hear anything. Hurry up Tesla !!
Jun 25, 2015
omarsultan June 2015?�
Jun 25, 2015
Majerus Elon said this during the share holders meeting.�
Jun 25, 2015
InternetDude He talked about auto pilot by end of June for folks that can't say anything anyway, I don't think he said anything about v7.�
Jun 25, 2015
Majerus I think most believe this will go hand in hand with 7.0�
Jun 26, 2015
TonyOrr In a previous announcement he said that auto-steering would come first (around June) and V7 was September/October time. I feel this is why he had to announce the beta at the shareholder meeting as technically the auto-steering is late and only just entering beta. They usually don't announce beta's so I thought this time around would be different and open to anyone given that Elon specifically said it was a Public beta. It is actually a closed beta and impossible to get on unless you have been invited (or know someone who can get you on!)�
Jun 26, 2015
travwill Any idea when we will get some automated parallel parking or perpendicular parking even? 7.0 for those? I mean, a Ford Fiesta can do some of that stuff already :-/�
Jun 30, 2015
saladman When does Firmware 7 come out?
Has anybody received it yet? Weren't a few of us supposed to have it by end of June?
Jun 30, 2015
spentan I don't think it was gonna be version 7.
The way I look at it, 6.3 which includes Autopilot Steering will be released to Early Access (Restricted Public Beta) testers by end of June. I think these ladies and gents are under NDA though, so even if they are testing, I doubt they'd chat about it.
Version 7 will probably debut on Model X which is slated for "release" in July. Really looking forward to it.�
Jun 30, 2015
TonyOrr Yeah, it appears most new cars can self parallel park. No idea if the Tesla will be able to perpendicular park too, I'd certainly hope so, my reversing skills are rubbish. I keep accidentally ignoring the ridiculous parking chimes (they give no assistance at all really imo, if they increased in pitch and frequency like my old Audi's did then I'd stand a fighting chance). I've had a lot of close calls and finally hit something last week. I need auto parking
Jul 1, 2015
hhh The new features including parallel parking where introduced in the beginning of October 2014. Almost 9 months ago.
"Changing lanes becomes as simple as a tap of the turn signal. When you arrive at your destination, Model S will both detect a parking spot and automatically park itself." on the Model S product page dated October 10, 2014.
Am I the only one who thinks Tesla should make big announcements of features they can actually deliver in a reasonable time frame? I mean proclaiming on the specs page that the car does automated parallel parking 9+ months before it actually does is just plain wrong.
Jul 1, 2015
kuttakamina I'm with you on that. They might as well advertise a flying car. One day it'll be real.�
Jul 1, 2015
jbcarioca Me too. I have made a few errors including a couple of scratches on my BMW that I made in my own garage. I took a quick look at my shame just before responding to this post. I really do not much care about complete automatic parking unless it is much better than the ones I have tried on BMW and Cadillac rental cars. I do care about front and rear cameras with color coding for distance based on really good sensors. I also do care about the auto-steering.
It would be nice if Elon could stop promising quick deliveries of new features and vehicles. realistically, were he realistic I doubt he'd have accomplished even a tiny fraction of what he has and we'd not have our beloved Teslas. Thus I have a high tolerance for very optimistic delivery times; I just add an undefined long time for the actual promise to be delivered. Eventually everything he promises does get delivered, doesn't it?�
Jul 1, 2015
Max* Musk does a great job at PR and hyping up the company. You gotta make big bold promises, don't worry that it'll take years to fulfill them. "No more range anxiety!" (p.s. it's beta, and works like ****). "Autopilot features are coming soon!" (soon is a relative term for 8-12 months). "Model X is almost here!" (lol)�
Jul 1, 2015
Majerus My thought is add the adequate hardware for what ever option, or even make the solution modular. Then surprise everyone when the software update comes out.�
Jul 1, 2015
FlasherZ Once you get comfortable with the rough idea of how Tesla operates, your expectations are set correctly and you'll be excited. The amount of change that my 2.5 year old car has experienced is phenomenal and beats the crap out of what any other automaker has done to date (my various other cars still have the same feature set, or less in the case of functionality disabled through a recall, as they had when I purchased them).
Yes, Elon makes big promises... and they're usually subject to the "what year?" provision when he mentions a date... but that's more than anyone else is doing.�
Jul 1, 2015
RDoc What year?�
Jul 1, 2015
Silenus136 "Soon." Or should I say, "Tesla soon." In all seriousness, I do wonder if the Space X rocket loss will increase Elon's "conservativeness" in letting features like autopilot, which include some inherent risk of unanticipated advererse incidents, out into the world. Seems a reasonable reaction to increase testing, further delaying autopilot launch.�
Jul 1, 2015
mikeg561 When I picked up my car last week, my DS said he *thinks* 7.0 will be out "in a couple of weeks."
No idea if a DS would really know that kind of info or not....�
Jul 1, 2015
TexasEV He would not. "A couple of weeks" means "I don't know any more than you do".�
Jul 1, 2015
TexasEV As Bonnie would say, "You must be new here."
Tesla time operates differently than the rest of the world. Don't expect anything to happen until it happens, then you won't be disappointed.�
Jul 1, 2015
sorka I don't see how the current sensor package can accommodate parallel parking. Unless the curb is unusually high, the sonar doesn't trigger at all when I parallel park.
As far as promises go, there are 691 other promises I'd like to see fulfilled first.�
Jul 1, 2015
omarsultan I would tend to agree with @spentan's thinking--we should see a continuation of the 6.x release train this summer. I think we will see 7.x released at the same time as the MX as presumably the new vehicle with have features, HW etc that will require a UI refresh and changes under the hood.
As an owner of a classic MS (i.e. prior to parking sensors), I am happy to see continual updates to my car, but I also recognize that at some point, major updates (7.x, 8.x, etc) are no longer going to be applicable to my car because the HW will have changed so much, but I do expect Tesla will continue "dot updates (6.3, 6.4, etc) with bug fixes and feature enhancements/refinements (USB shuffle, etc). We are pretty close to that point now as 90% of what is coming out in updates pertains to HW I do not have (autopilot, dual motors, etc).�
Jul 1, 2015
Max* If the car dimensions are known and you pull up next to the car in front of you, you have parking sensors in the front and rear bumpers, it should be able to parallel park without hitting the curb at the same distance from the curb as the car in front of you, no?�
Jul 1, 2015
sorka What if there are no cars in front or back? How could it determine how close the car in front is to the curb? What if the car in front is 3 feet out? I parked in front of a Toyota truck the other night that was sticking out about 3 feet. Good for me because it provided a side swipe shield for me but even if the sensors could determine how wide and close to the curb that car was, I wouldn't want to have it park far away from the curb just because someone else did.�
Jul 1, 2015
Max* If there is no car in front or back, why would you need the car to self park? You just stop and leave.
The other option is for the software to use the rear camera to gauge distance from the curb (yes, the strawman argument is a curved curb)
I don't have an answer as to how they're going to do it, but I believe that given the current suite of hardware (between the parking sensors, the front radar, the rear view camera), it should be possible to do in most cases.�
Jul 1, 2015
beeeerock I agree. Certainly, the front sensors seem to recognize bumper blocks and curbs when you park forwards, but as you get closer to the curb, those obstacles appear to fall out of the field of view. The front spoiler is lower than typical and doesn't look like it will clear a typical 6" curb... so I'm extra careful. At times I've wondered if the early recognition of a lower obstacle (curb) is still in mind when it falls out of view, because I've been told to STOP! a few times when the screen shows the next obstacle distance well outside the danger zone. Maybe the logic then looks at distance traveled and recognizes when you should be hitting the obstacle no longer seen. But that won't help for parallel parking unless they do some serious trigonometry!
- - - Updated - - -
Apparently in October! The Model X has Falcon Wings (doors)...
Jul 1, 2015
Max* To be fair, Tesla advertised it as "Self-Parking" not "Parallel Parking". I still think it's doable for parallel parking, but you might be right.�
Jul 1, 2015
sorka Totally not true:
Model S | Tesla Motors
"Model S helps you find a parking spot and automatically parks in it. In the city, it will notify you when it finds a parallel parking spot, then control steering, acceleration and deceleration to back smoothly into it. When approaching a Supercharger station, Model S automatically parks in an open stall. Model S will even park itself in your garage at home."
I bought the MS with the understanding that it would have this future in the near future. I suck at parallel parking.�
Jul 1, 2015
Max* I stand corrected.�
Jul 1, 2015
mikeash This is TOTAL speculation, but maybe it can use the rear camera? The fisheye makes it almost useless for normal self-driving tasks, but it's great for seeing curbs while parking. I don't know if the image processing stuff is yet to the point where it can autonomously detect curbs like that, but it doesn't seem completely out of the question.
Another possibility would be that the parking sensors can pick up curbs using more subtle data than what they display. We get a pretty simple yes/no on an obstacle, plus range, but the raw data is probably more nuanced. Maybe curb location can be reliably extracted from that raw data even if it doesn't get reliably turned into "you're about to hit something" on the dashboard.�
Jul 1, 2015
MarcG I can totally do without self-parking, just please release auto-steer already!!�
Jul 1, 2015
manis I can do without self-parking, but I would like self-unparking
I hate using my front door, but I will use it every day just for the pleasure of seeing my car pull out of my garage and pick me up in front of my house. If they add a greeting then I'd lose it every morning.
Car: Good morning Peter, how did you sleep?
Me: I slept really well you sexy electric beast
Me: You're at 90% capacity so it looks like you also slept well
Next week can't arrive soon enough and self-unparking is something I really look forward to. I can see by my made up conversation, this car may be the death of my sanity...
Jul 1, 2015
whiskeyrunner �
Jul 2, 2015
TonyOrr Lol, love the greeting idea. I've always though Tesla should have some sort of interactive voice. What do you believe is happening next week?�
Jul 2, 2015
TonyOrr So, have Tesla pushed out the auto-steering (6.3?) beta to Early Access yet?
...and yes, I know anyone in the programme is under strict NDA etc. I'm not asking who is testing it, whether its good or not, what it includes, I simply want to ask (given that it was publicly announced that the 'public' beta trials would start at towards the end of June) whether Tesla are on track and have managed to get the beta out the door? If so, it gives the rest of us hope that a general release is getting closer.
Jul 2, 2015
FlasherZ I suspect that even the availability of early releases is also included in non-disclosure.�
Jul 2, 2015
ohcomeon Maybe :tongue:�
Jul 2, 2015
TexasEV As is disclosing that you are a beta tester and have signed the non-disclosure. So how would someone say Tesla is "on track"? That would disclose they were a beta tester.�
Jul 2, 2015
RMG007 and maybe not :tongue:�
Jul 2, 2015
tezzla You could say: My friend's gardener's wife's brother said he has it installed already! or just say a DS said so (so it must be true).�
Jul 2, 2015
manis I'm not a beta tester and I'm not saying I'm not because I signed an NDA. I was supposed to get my P85D this week, but it was delayed until next week, which is a bummer.�
Jul 2, 2015
beeeerock Interesting! My work stall has a 6" bumper block on the pavement, about three feet from the building wall. As I approach the stall, it looks like the bumper block is seen and a distance is shown on my screen. As I get closer, the distance counts down, but then disappears completely, replaced by the wall (I assume). This happens around 18" if I recall correctly.
What's interesting is, as I creep the next bit forward toward the bumper block, I'll get a STOP! message perhaps a foot or just less from the block. Still plenty of space to the wall. It's as if the system still knows that bumper block is there and counts down with an alternate measuring method... odometer or distance to wall... who knows. My impression is that just because the obstacle is below the view of the sensors, it hasn't necessarily been forgotten.
It would be nice to fully understand what's going on... and know whether this is the case and can be trusted... or not!�
Jul 2, 2015
Max* Same here.�
Jul 2, 2015
R�B Can we get a picture of what you're talking about?�
Jul 2, 2015
Max* Of a bumper block? Google image search
Unless you want to see my particular one... mine might not be 6", maybe 4-5", because I can barely clear the nose over it without having the mudflaps (or whatever those 2 things sticking out in front of the wheels are) touching it.�
Jul 2, 2015
sorka I'm pretty sure beta testers would need to sign an NDA that also bars them from even posting in any of the forums at all about anything related to Tesla.�
Jul 2, 2015
R�B I think I misread your post. I thought you were describing a new UI on the touchscreen related to v7.0�
Jul 2, 2015
TonyOrr @Tezzla - Exactly!�
Jul 6, 2015
gizmoboy UI Refresh
I took a test drive last week, and the sales rep told me that they were about to do a refresh on the UI to make it look more "updated".
Have there been any leaks or announcements about what this refresh is going to look like, or do you think he was just assuming that 7.0 will include a spruce-up because major releases always do?�
Jul 6, 2015
anxman He's referring to 7.0. While nobody outside of Tesla knows the exact date, I would expect that we see it slowly rolling out over the next few weeks.�
Jul 6, 2015
Andyw2100 To answer your question about leaks versus people just assuming there will be a refresh, the consensus seems to be that the display shown during the D event was what 7.0 will look like. You can see it in the video of the D event, and in threads here.�
Jul 7, 2015
travwill Woo hoo! Can't wait! Hope it goes well beyond the steering display and the entire UI on the main display unit is refreshed quite a bit too with a lot of our ideas for improvements. It'll be cool seeing how fast the new version downloads across the community to new cars and in what order if any (although will be painful to wait towards end).
Jul 7, 2015
Andyw2100 No.
Ask a few thousand people who had been on the waiting list for center consoles in finishes other than piano black if you need any elaboration on that.�
Jul 7, 2015
AnOutsider Sigs are still waiting for value-add as well, though I guess it wasn't Elon specifically that promised that. Visors?�
Jul 7, 2015
rlang59 Don't forget the internal music storage or the car as a Wifi access point, and other things I'm sure someone else will remember.
(PS before someone comes to the defense of not delivering on these things, I don't care how useful or not those things would be they were promised at one point and never delivered on.)�
Jul 7, 2015
AnOutsider Haha, that's right. I actually could use both. I hate loading up my USB stick. I'd rather just sync from my PC anytime I add new music. Would also be nice if we didn't have to power up a Sprint hotspot any time the iPad needed an internet connection. The last 3 Audis we've owned had hotspot functionality. Is it that hard? (though to be fair, I wouldn't be surprised if it were part of some deal with AT&T not to provide it)�
Jul 7, 2015
sowbug I'd be satisfied with a USB port concealed in the trunk or somewhere else inconspicuous. It looks dorky to have a USB stick permanently inserted in the console just to have one's go-to tunes always available.
(Sorry for OT message in thread about 7.0 beta launch date)�
Jul 7, 2015
mikeash Continuing the apologies for OTness, will try to resist keeping it going.... Have you considered looking for a smaller flash drive? There are some that barely stick out of the port, for example: Kingston DataTraveler Micro - USB flash drive - 8 GB - DTMCK/8GB - USB Thumb Drives - CDW.com�
Jul 7, 2015
MarcG Returning to the on-topic discussion, check out this post from a different thread:
The post is not detailed at all, so I'm not sure too much should be read into it.
Also, the poster only has 3 posts to his/her name over the span of nearly a year, so take it with a grain of salt, but I thought I'd share it here as well.
EDIT: never mind... here's an update that was posted there at exactly the same time as mine here:
Jul 7, 2015
AziwA not that this solves the problem but, maybe this could help you. It's very small and discrete
SanDisk Cruzer Fit 16GB USB 2.0 Low-Profile Flash Drive- SDCZ33-016G-B35: Amazon.ca: Computers Tablets�
Jul 7, 2015
TexasEV That's what I use also and you wouldn't even notice it unless you know to look for it.�
Jul 7, 2015
sowbug That's the same one I use. The problem is that I do know to look for it. :| Tesla's designers minimized the number of physical UI affordances in the car's interior, and I love that aesthetic. So it's a shame that they allowed a design element where standard use of a standard feature requires a clunky deviation from the overall interior design's ideal.
It's not a big deal to me, but I wish I could keep my car's interior completely stock and clean without giving up an important feature.�
Jul 7, 2015
AziwA I do agree with you. Don't have my tesla yet (on order) but think it's a shame there is no alternative. My 2004 Mercedes even has a Harddisk built in for movies and accepts SD cards that are practically invisible....�
Jul 7, 2015
beeeerock Exactly... my '09 did as well. Simple in the scheme of things, and not a deal-breaker for cost either IMHO. It wouldn't take too many gigs of storage to accommodate most people's music collection - even in FLAC. An SD slot would be nice too... hide it in the glove box. For that matter, put the USB ports in the glove box...�
Jul 9, 2015
GregTexas My friend's gardener's wife's brother said it is not installed!
Jul 9, 2015
TonyOrr Lol . Can't say I'm shocked. Will be interested to know when your friends gardeners wife's brother gets it.�
Jul 9, 2015
Ingineer Continuing the OT-ness, you can easily "remote" one or both of your USB ports to the glovebox or anywhere else. There are two mini-USB connectors located behind the center kick panel on the passenger side, you can simply unplug one of these and plug a USB A Female to Mini USB Male adapter in there and leave the stick hidden behind the kick panel. (just snaps off) Or add an extension and route it into the glovebox. There's also 12v there, so I added an adapter that charges my cellphone at high speed to the now disused USB port on the console.�
Jul 15, 2015
O-G Still no mention of the software upgrade? It was supposed to be released in June. Here we are, the middle of July and not a peep?�
Jul 15, 2015
MarcG Elon said it *may* be released in late-June to beta customers, if all goes well. Beta customers, which are part of the "early access" program, are under NDA and cannot share any information publicly (which includes this forum), so we unfortunately don't know if they got lane keeping and/or self-parking features yet.�
Jul 15, 2015
Ingineer I got the bump to, but nothing seems to have changed.�
Jul 15, 2015
FlasherZ What Early Access Program? Is there such a thing?�
Jul 15, 2015
TonyOrr Yes. By invitation only unfortunately (and many of us have repeatedly tried to get on it without success) :frown:�
Jul 15, 2015
O-G I would have thought that TM would want to make two separate announcements out of the software upgrade and the reveal of the MX and/or opening the design studio. The time is getting so compressed now, it almost seems like they will occur together. I would expect they would want both announcements out before the quarterly earnings report on July 29.�
Jul 15, 2015
TexasEV So as not to confuse people, remember TMC is this forum. Tesla Motors is TM.�
Jul 17, 2015
AnOutsider From today's call:
Jul 17, 2015
travwill I'll say, perception as a new buyer that bought with all the cool features advertised on site, paid for autopilot of course, etc. This feels completely late at this time. The truth is, we, general public don't have it - you can test all you want for another year, but it is late. Yes, late. Won't defend the company on this one.
Deliver on previous promises before announcing all these new cool things - sheesh.�
Jul 17, 2015
NigelM This from Transport Evolved:
It's obviously not final yet and if it's still being tested by Elon I'd take it that it's not been released to the Beta user group yet either. Assuming that Tesla does do a release to the beta group first then I'm guessing that the general release could be anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months out. Good news is that it's deinfitely coming, bad news is that at least some patience is still required.�
Jul 17, 2015
N4HHE Got notification of a pending update today. Currently 6.2 (2.4.239) since 6/5/2015.
There are things that need fixing. Navigation more often than not fails to draw blue lines on map for current route. Took friends (also Tesla admirers) to lunch yesterday and set destination for a UPS store. Codec got stuck in infinite loop trying to announce routing instructions. One big long Max Headroom hiccup. Got to use the example to point out to my friends how the turn signal click was synthesized through the sound system because there was no turn signal audio feedback when the stuttering navigation voice was stuck. Meanwhile I was trying button combinations to find the right pair to reset the center console, which finally cleared the codec infinite loop.�
Jul 17, 2015
Ingineer Point bump to Notihing new I can see, but they did flash a lot of systems, including the Mobileye.�
Jul 17, 2015
Majerus How do you know that?�
Jul 18, 2015
SeminoleFSU I finally got a map update. First time ever seeing the "congratulations! Your navigation system is now usimg the latest maps" message in 1.5yrs of ownership�
Sep 11, 2015
badboy1980 I ordered my Tesla a couple of months ago, it's due for delivery in late November. I just hope that 7.0 is released by then. When I have spoken to Tesla, the employees have told me that it (7.0) should be out by then. However, they don't know themselves when it's released until it is finally released!! Lol.�
Sep 11, 2015
NoMoGas Driving across the country this weekend, sure would have been nice to have. Maybe it will be finally ready by the time we go back?�
Sep 11, 2015
Majerus Good luck!�
Sep 11, 2015
aaelghat Hi - I haven't seen this previously posted, and I assume this isn't against the rules... but here is a link to a picture of the 7.0 firmware
Tesla Firmware Update 7.0�
Sep 12, 2015
Andyw2100 Thanks for trying to help.
That picture and lots of others has been posted in this thread:
Firmware 7.0 Beta Discussion�
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