Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 1, 2017

Phone App: Model S iPhone/Android mobile phone app part 1

  • Oct 3, 2011
    Officially released for iOS!
    Tesla Model S for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store

    Android beta:
    Tesla Model S Beta - Android Apps on Google Play
    Here are some pictures from the iPhone app they are testing. It sounds like they are looking to add Android support too but at this time they are only testing the iPhone app according to one of the Tesla employees at the event.

    Best feature is the ability to turn on your AC or heat remotely. Elon Musk did say during the event that the car would work by itself to keep the cabin temperature between freezing and scorching on it's own without using a lot of battery power. I left all the photos except the first two the small thumbnails since they're not as interesting.







  • Oct 3, 2011
    I guess that my BB will soon have outlived it's usefulness. I've had one since the very first day they came out, but this is yet another reason to change to iPhone.

    I was told that the cabin climate control can be set to keep operating after it is parked for a driver specified time.
  • Oct 3, 2011
    Yeah, I was told the same. They also have an android app in development, says the software engineers.
  • Oct 3, 2011
    Leaf owners will likely find this to be a familiar concept...
  • Oct 3, 2011
    I just hope they focus on security. The "cool" factor wears off pretty quick when someone uses it to track your car, release the door locks and steal everything inside (or similar). I don't have an iPhone and don't intend on going back to iOS (or Android), so I also hope there's:

    * Web interface - HTML5 will work on mobile browsers
    * Option to disable - Some might not want that open connection to their car (a-la Onstar)
  • Oct 3, 2011
    Can they lock the app to your particular phone? Of course if someone stole your phone that layer of security would be gone.
  • Oct 3, 2011
    Passcode-lock your phone for sure! I have my home alarm system remote control app on there as well (apart from enterprise apps with proprietary data) so, can't take the risk of not locking the mobile device itself. I know it tends to get burdensome to keep unlocking the phone with the passcode but, it's worth it.
  • Oct 3, 2011
    I'm more worried about the protocol being open to attack, not necessarily "social hacking"
  • Oct 3, 2011
    Yup. Discussed here before: Maintenance
  • Oct 3, 2011
    Thanks for that. There's talks of digital signatures and such, but id the app sends the command direct, then that means the signatures are in the source code and easily discovered. Even if it pings the commands off a server in the cloud somewhere, just having a mobile app gives hackers a jump start on how to get into the system (the apps can be decompiled and the calls it makes to the server studied)
  • Oct 3, 2011
    Maybe they should release a test app for a few Roadster 2.x owners. Won't be able to have the same level of functionality, but would probably help get the bugs out of the back-end before they have to ship on the higher volume Model S.
  • Oct 3, 2011
    At this point, they'd probably waste more time retrofitting than it would take to solidify it for the s. this is assuming they want it there for launch of course.
  • Oct 3, 2011
    Good idea....and they should call Scott.
  • Oct 3, 2011
    Model S iPhone App

    Here, from AOL:
  • Oct 3, 2011
    Well, it's about time! Now can it be adapted for us Roadster owners, too???
  • Oct 4, 2011
    True... I was just trying to find a way they could throw a bone to Roadster owners that supposedly have had the hardware for such an app. Maybe they'll add them later, but Roadster owners have been asking for a while.
  • Oct 4, 2011
    Ah, gotcha. If the hardware is there, I don't see why both apps can't be developed in tandem. Granted, they get more press and hype for unveiling it for an upcoming car than they would for the roadster, so maybe they're actually doing that and haven't mentioned it.
  • Oct 4, 2011
    I think security can be addressed from the app itself. They can lock access to a particular set of phone numbers to a set username.

    I also have a remote wipe service for my android phone, just in case.
  • Oct 4, 2011
    Ehhhh... Not really. As soon as you put the security protocols into something thats hackable you're asking for it. I could edit the app and recompile it so it bypasses any checks. Install that app on a phone and find out the id or address of a car and tap into it.

    Of course this is all speculation and theoreticals, but I'm trying to impress how easy it might be to do something nasty if ou hand over the keys to the castle. Less of a problem if things are done server-side of course.
  • Oct 4, 2011
    Autoblog has released a fairly good video of the car's UI, which ends with a brief demo of the mobile app.

  • Oct 4, 2011
    And RFID has its own problems... I know. I was meaning to implement the security on the server side.
  • Oct 4, 2011
    Yeah, I think going through a server, while having the downside of relying on a server, is the best solution. It's safer (MUCH safer IMO), but also probably more reliable.
  • Oct 5, 2011
    Scott was there making friends with people who can help with the Tattler. Let's hope something comes from it.
  • Oct 5, 2011
    I want it to show the images from the onboard cameras in the car.
  • Oct 5, 2011
    If Tesla could work with Scott on his solution for 1.5 (as well as 2.0 and 2.5) Roadsters and then support 2.0 and 2.5 Roadsters with the iPhone app, that'd be great.
  • Oct 5, 2011
    +1. Tesla people reading this - please note!
  • Oct 5, 2011
    Speaking of the iPhone, Steve Jobs - no doubt an inspiration to Elon Musk - RIP :-|
  • Oct 6, 2011
    I really enjoyed talking with the engineers. They are very sharp bunch. I got there at 4pm and left at 11pm, somewhat horse from all the questions I was asking. :smile:

    I would love to work with Tesla on the tattler/iphone app. It's clear that they are very focused on the S. One person commented that they would like to do more on the Roadster, but that there just isn't any time. I spoke briefly with JB about the tattler when I picked up my 2nd roadster on 7/15. I tried to make the case for the tattler as the solution for Roadster 1.5 and 2.x, allowing them to continue to focus on S while I work on the roadster. I gave JB a tattler and someone at Tesla has been evaluating it since mid August. At the Model S event, I talked to a powertrain engineer briefly about the tattler, he indicated that they [Tesla] have had text notification of charging for a while. This would make sense as it would be easy to send a simple AT+CGMS command to their UMTS modem and send a text message. It probably was one-way, but it provided simple (useful) charging/alarm status.

    As I am typing this, it seems to me that a hybrid of tattler and an iphone/android app for the model S could be a good solution. So the folks who have a model S and the iPhone would use the app interface to control their car and the folks who have a blackberry or other non-app phone would use a tattler style interface to control their Model S.
  • Oct 6, 2011
    Not sure if this was mentioned, but from the recent Engadget Article:

    Great news, and also reaffirms my belief that commands will be server-side.
  • Oct 6, 2011
    Or folks who just have a Roadster could buy the Model S app.

    You go Scott!
  • Oct 6, 2011
    That'd work. They could determine what it cost them to develop and then charge for the app. Of course Apple keeps 30% though. Not sure if they can distribute the app independently.
  • Oct 6, 2011
  • Oct 6, 2011
    Oh, the app's bound to be free - no cut to Apple - with some notes to the effect "You must have a Model S to make use of this app" :smile: We do this all the time with our enterprise mobile apps (the app's free but, you've got to have our server software installed!)
  • Oct 6, 2011
    I meant for Roadster owners (assuming they made it work with the Roadster). Could you download the free app then Tesla could charge you separately to get it to work?
  • Oct 6, 2011
    Yes, Tesla could do that. Presumably, they'll have to include the SIM info for the Roadster anyway in their server's database that caters to the iPhone app; they could charge the Roadster owner for that effort, thus no cut to Apple.
  • Oct 6, 2011
    Umm, did they just release Elon's real cell number on the internet?
  • Oct 6, 2011
    If so, Mr Salim shall be pleased

  • Oct 6, 2011
    That is probably just Tesla's main HQ reception desk...

    Contact Tesla | About Tesla | Tesla Motors
  • Feb 28, 2012
    I sure hope they actually do launch an Android version.

    I'm currently on an iPhone, but it is definitely going to be the last Apple product I ever buy. My plan is to go Android by the time I take delivery of my Model S (reservation # ~3,900)
  • Feb 2, 2013
    DJ Frustration
    A rather fitting bump. Come on developers and Apple!?! Us iPhone users are salivating for the app.
  • Feb 2, 2013
    Not to bring us off topic here, but I just noticed the energy app in the MS beta (~3 min in the YouTube video). I actually think this app has some advantages over the one we have in our production models. For instance, the beta app provided a breakdown of where the energy was being used in the car. To the best of my knowledge this is not available in the 4.2 energy app. Any idea if they plan to reintroduce this in a future firmware?
  • Feb 2, 2013
    Yeah, it'd be nice to be able to see this, maybe in a separate tab from the main energy graph:

  • Feb 3, 2013
    That would give the people seeing mysterious reductions in milage an idea what's sucking all the power. So this was already in place and they removed it for 4.2?
  • Feb 3, 2013
    I don't believe that software version was ever released in production vehicles. My Model S came with 4.0 and there was nothing like that screen. Also, you can see in the "media" tab that the sound and source setting buttons on the upper right are not there. It does look like a very cool app and I hope they bring it (or something like it) back. It would be great to know more about what's going on with the individual power components. For exampl:, the DC -> DC charger that charges the 12v battery from the main battery. There is a lot of mystery behind the power systems.
  • Feb 3, 2013
    I wonder whether features like this aren't present because (a) they weren't ready for prime time, (b) Tesla thinks we don't need to know stuff like this even though we really do, or (c) some sort of paranoia about giving too much information to competitors?

    Simply knowing accurately how much energy was going to the pack heater, cabin heater, and drive train would really help in optimizing distance on those long trips in the cold. Heck, I'd just like to have a single overall number for "pack temperature". (Oh, and tire pressures while you're at it!)
  • Feb 3, 2013
    @Doug_G - It might also be some other subtle things. For example, that screen immediately reminded me of one of the Prius screens. In some ways that's a bad thing, in some good.
  • Feb 3, 2013
    At any rate, I do hope they introduce it a future firmware in some way, shape, or form. It is useful information to have, rather than a simple trace of wh/mi.

    I was getting low on range coming into Tejon SC and I noticed my energy use spiking. My first thought was the heater so I turned it off. After that didn't work, I turned off audio and reduced my speed. Then I finally realized that it was below 40 F outside and that the pack heater must have been activated. Rather than making this a guessing game, it would be nice if Tesla had at-a-glance power consumption of the various subsystems.

    Edit: @Doug_G I second the need for tire pressure and battery temp data. Perhaps under an "advanced" tab of the the controls or settings screen.
  • Feb 3, 2013
    iPhone app is out! Just downloaded it. Playing with it now.
    Seems to have the same features as the Android app.
  • Feb 3, 2013
    K Hall
    Thanks for the heads up. I am pleased to add this feature.
  • Feb 3, 2013
    Yes, it's pretty much identical to the Android app.

  • Feb 3, 2013
    Sweet! Just now also downloaded it on my iPhone 5
  • Feb 3, 2013
    Just found it and downloaded it!

    Home - shows current status, can sign in and out there.

    Controls - vent roof, lock, unlock, honk horn, flash lights

    Charge - switch from standard to max range, start and stop charging

    Climate - shows current interior temp, turn climate on and off

    Location - map view of the car location, direction to get to the car (goes to Maps app)

    Thumbs up so far!
  • Feb 3, 2013
    oh thank goodness!

    iphone app is great. really smooth, responsive. (iphone 5, latest public release software). all functions work well, including location (which failed miserably on the android/bluestacks config). so happy.

    (one note, my interior cabin temp seems to still be off. reads 72�F and i know it's much closer to like 60 at this moment. i wonder if this is pointing to a general sensor issue with the cabin, seeing as we (i and others) have had trouble getting the climate system to adequately maintain/sense actual temperatures... i may take a fluke temp meter out there one day soon and measure actual differences between what it says and what it is...)

    yay, iphone app. which incidentally scales very nicely on ipad using the 'x2' button. not jaggy or ugly in any way, just fills the screen. excellent!

    ... well, another anxious (read: annoyingly impatient) new tesla owner milestone crossed. check. ?.
  • Feb 3, 2013
  • Feb 4, 2013
    So happy it's finally here! I was hoping to have it while I was in Vegas (so I can keep an eye on valet). Oh well. Sitting at the Barstow Supercharger right now and just installed/played with the app!
  • Feb 4, 2013
    Jason S
    Interior temp for mine shows 72F as well. I suspect that's a default temp and will need to mess with the climate system (ie: turn it on) to get the real temp.

    It *could* be 72F, but I really doubt it.
  • Feb 4, 2013
    It probably is the temp. I've been using the beta since November and it varies each time but seems to be a little warmer inside the car than you think it would be (must be well insulated).
  • Feb 4, 2013
    When I installed my app (while sitting at Barstow SC tonight) mine said 75F. Which should be very close to the right temp considering I had the AC set to 74 the entire way from Vegas to Barstow. Maybe a little warmer from body heat inside the car while charging.
  • Feb 4, 2013
    Steven Scheck
    The iPhone App is finally out! Now what?

    I have to admit that I have been checking every day for the iPhone app to come out and was thrilled when it was in the App store. Now that I have it and have played with it, I must admit that it's definitely more cool than practical. Showing people the app is definitely fun but I can't imagine using it that often unless it's a hot day and I want to run the AC before I get to my car. So my question for you is what features would you add to the app to make it even more practical. To start us off, here are a few of my own:
    1. Let us insert an address from our phone so that when we get in the car, the navigation is ready.
    2. Sync list of contact favorites.
    3. Open all windows and sunroof.
    4. Set time for AC so I can say turn to 73 degrees at 6am.
    5. See rear view camera remotely (totally not needed but would be cool).
    6. Send website from phone to car browser.

    Look forward to your suggestions.
  • Feb 4, 2013
    Why does it say it was released Dec 10, 2012?
  • Feb 4, 2013
    That is the date Apple approved it for release.

    Since then, it has been waiting for Tesla to release it. Tesla pushed the button to release it last night (or scheduled it for auto-release then).

    P.S. Now, that is evidence.
  • Feb 4, 2013
    Well considering we're using something that may be 2 months old, maybe they've gotten that far by now heh
  • Feb 4, 2013
    Iphone app available!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Feb 4, 2013
    Woo-hoo! I'm outa here...
  • Feb 4, 2013
  • Feb 4, 2013
    Yeah, sorry about that, but I was so depressed every time I checked this thread and the app wasn't released yet that I stopped checking it. So I missed the news and needed Raven's new thread as a wake-up call...:wink:

    Now it's been merged, and life is good again.
  • Feb 4, 2013
    My interior temp is current 45�F, which is about right. So, it's not stuck at 72�.

    btw, to find the App, search for "Tesla model s"
  • Feb 4, 2013
    I will admit that getting in to a warm car this morning after starting the climate control prior to departure was really nice. The app seems to be very smooth and works very well. I also would like to see more functionality eventually (the big one being timed charging) but for right now it fits the bill.
  • Feb 4, 2013
    The first post in this thread also has links to both iPhone and Android versions now too.
  • Feb 4, 2013
    Hey Steven. Interesting list, but I have to disagree with your questioning its practicality. Living in climates that are colder than Florida, remote cabin heating is HUGE!
  • Feb 4, 2013
    You bet -- I've been having to go outside ~6:30am each morning to get the trickle-charge + heating started. Yes, I don't have a garage. The pre-heat feature of the app is a huge improvement in my quality of life.
  • Feb 4, 2013
    Gotcha, thanks!
  • Feb 4, 2013
    I got the iPhone version, and oddly it shows the standard 21" wheels instead of the Performance wheels like the android app does (and my car shows and actually has). My car actually came with standard wheels showing and I had it changed to perf wheels, so I wonder if that's a disconnect (i.e. maybe it's pulling data from Tesla servers and not the car -- but then, why would Android be correct and not iOS?).
  • Feb 4, 2013
    iPhone App Now Available

    I just downloaded the iPhone app and it works great!
    I searched for Tesla, selected Tesla Car and scrolled around until I found Tesla Model S.
    It's kind of hidden but it's there.
  • Feb 4, 2013
    iPhone app released!

    In case it's not already been reported elsewhere, the iPhone app has been released. I just downloaded it on the App Store and look forward to testing it out...
  • Feb 4, 2013
    I searched TESLA in the APP Store and it wasn't there.
  • Feb 4, 2013
    There are multiple iPhone threads so we will merge them.
  • Feb 4, 2013
    Search for "Tesla Model S" and it comes up.

  • Feb 4, 2013
    I have the iPhone app up and running now. I like the usability and features. I agree the ability to send an address to the nav would be a nice future feature, but right now I'm more than happy with what is has. The honk and lights blink is perfect for when the car is somewhere is a lot and I can't recall where. The preheat is working (tested it) as promised and I like that I can go from standard to range charge via the app as well.

    I can't wait to mess with people with the various features when the car is parked and they are looking at it like it fell from space!

    One bug, I show the 21" wheels, and I have the 19" wheels. Talk about sev 3!
  • Feb 4, 2013
    if you search from an iPad you have to select the iPhone apps tab, it doesn't show up as an iPad app.
  • Feb 4, 2013
    It was too easy to blame Apple.. A very popular sport these days.
  • Feb 4, 2013
    This app is the most amazing thing. I'm absolutely thrilled with it! Like so much of the Model S, this is the way of the future and I'll never be able to buy/own a car without connectivity like ths again. BTW, the app handles a two Model S family beautifully. I'm able to see and interact with both cars on my app and switch back and forth seamlessly. Right now, I'm watching my husband's progress on his way into work and heating my car in the garage before driving the younglings to school. Really, really thrilled!! Thank you Tesla!!!
  • Feb 4, 2013
    The app rocks! I was used to the On-Star app and I liked all of the functionality of that app. I believe this app meets nearly all of the same functionality. I guess it could all me to pre-program a destination in nav, or set an appointment with the service center, but that's it. It is FAR more responsive. Love it!
  • Feb 4, 2013
    The android app shows my car correctly, but iPhone shows it wrong.
  • Feb 4, 2013
    Nice app! At the moment I'm 1200 miles away from my Tesla and when I loaded the app this morning I checked in with my baby. How cool is that? Verified its still plugged in and charged, cabin temp 50 degrees located in my garage. Anything ELSE would have been a surprise indeed!!

    Response times reasonable, about 2-3 seconds. I warmed up the cab inhabit, did Range charge for 5 minutes just 'cause I could, then returned all to normal.

    This is a huge leap forward for owners and prospective customers. Well done Tesla!
  • Feb 4, 2013
    I'm LOVING the App, but the one major feature missing is scheduling charge start time. Other than that...App-gasm ;)
  • Feb 4, 2013
  • Feb 6, 2013
    Nah, it's Microsoft's fault. I have no idea why, but someone will find a way to blame them or maybe IBM.
  • Feb 6, 2013
    Mod note: please move discussion of iPhone app official relase here
    Phone app: iPhone app official release
  • Aug 11, 2014
    Tinkering with idea of changing phones/plans to an upgrade that matches my upgrade to a Tesla from my other cars.

    Can anyone give me an idea of reasonable/typical data usage rate/month that the Tesla App consumes? I have zero basis for comparison.
  • Aug 11, 2014
    I only use the Tesla app for very brief periods (seconds) and a few times a week. The amount of data used is inconsequential. Don't worry about it.

    If you left the app open for hours the it might be significant. But there is no reason to do that.
  • Aug 11, 2014
    I wouldn't be concerned. The App has very low data usage compared to most other apps. Even if you leave it open continuously, it times-out after a few minutes and data-flow ceases.
  • Aug 12, 2014
    Thanks folks! I figured as much but didn't want to assume.

    My wife often points out that she doesn't have a smartphone-- to which I reply, yes but you have a GENIUS car! Seems like it is time we upgraded our phones. :redface:
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