Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 1, 2017

Model X Launch Event: Plus One Requests / Plus One Offers part 1

  • Sep 22, 2015
    Paul Carter
    The thread "Model X Launch invites have gone out" has some +1 requests, (some with offers for pickups/etc..) to be the +1. Perhaps better if we move them into a separate thread. See the next post for the wiki list of the requests/offers.

    Hope to see you there!

  • Sep 22, 2015
    Thread Summary
    Requests Granted: 13

    Requests (wanting to be a +1)

    Offers Accepted: 1

    Offers (has invite looking for a +1)

  • Sep 22, 2015
    This is great! Thanks Paul for putting this together :smile:
  • Sep 22, 2015
    Yes. Thx Paul.

    I would love to be someone's "+1". I will go directly to event. I don't require anything special (transportation etc)
  • Sep 22, 2015

    I'm sure my former Tesla engineer/X reservation holder who is seeking an invite would be happy to pick someone up at the airport. I can also promise that you will be entertained with stories of behind-the-scenes action at Tesla and other EV/autonomous projects (as long as this doesn't violate any NDAs).

    Also, this person has attended numerous Tesla reveal events as a super stressed-out employee (often up all night the night before). This would be an opportunity for a former Tesla engineer to actually have fun at a reveal!
  • Sep 22, 2015
    As I've stated before, if I am chosen, everyone who votes for me gets "a chicken in every pot and a TESLA in every garage"....or something like that.

    PLEASE NOTE: the aforementioned statement in no way implies or promises any such fowl or vehicle to be received as compensation, in the event of my receiving an invitation to said event. I will, however be willing to "donate" $100 to anyone who invites me as their +1:wink:.
  • Sep 22, 2015
    I posted my +1 request on page 21 right above your post about this new thread. :smile:
  • Sep 22, 2015
    Paul Carter
    Sorry about that MarkoC. I missed you by seconds when creating the list. Added you to the initial list.
  • Sep 22, 2015
    No worries, thanks for doing this.
  • Sep 22, 2015
  • Sep 22, 2015
    Paul Carter
    Awesome. See you there!
  • Sep 22, 2015
    Good idea. Add me to the list. :redface:
  • Sep 22, 2015
    Paul Carter
    Done. :) Would you mind adding a wiki post, I'll do my best to keep it updated.
  • Sep 22, 2015
    I have also found someone to take me as their guest.
  • Sep 22, 2015
  • Sep 22, 2015
    Paul, the board continues to not like me granting you further rep, so here's a 'you rock' post instead. Paul Carter for TMC Model X MVP!
  • Sep 22, 2015
    That's awesome that you pulled all this together Paul. You can remove me from your list is shaping up to be pretty hectic next week, so I'll probably rely on the live-stream and the attendees providing their reports on the forum (as long as it stays online...I have a feeling it'll be pretty swamped next record perhaps?).
  • Sep 22, 2015
    Please add me to the wait list as well!

  • Sep 22, 2015
    Paul Carter
    Thanks, processed these updates and really sorry mulder1231 for missing you. Sorry if I missed anyone else, do let me know...
  • Sep 22, 2015
    Throwing my name into the pool as well in case someone can add me as their +1...
  • Sep 22, 2015
    Paul Carter
  • Sep 22, 2015
    There is a wiki on the second post.
  • Sep 22, 2015
    Paul Carter
    Awesome thank-you. I'll move list to it.
  • Sep 22, 2015
    Might as well add myself - no X reservation, but it would be cool - also willing to do airport pickup if requested
  • Sep 22, 2015
    Paul Carter
    Well done on adding it to the wiki! Thanks. And yes, please feel free to add yourselves.
  • Sep 22, 2015
    Besides picking up from the airport, i'm also willing to part with one of my two priceless model s scale models. These plastic models are only given to select Tesla employees...commonly during important meetings. It is 8" long, made out of plastic, and hollow on the inside. I was given a grey and a clear choose which you want. PM for details!
    IMG_0019.JPG IMG_0020.JPG IMG_0021.JPG IMG_0022.jpg
  • Sep 22, 2015
    Missed this post before I posted my designated driver offer. I have a loft in the Garden Alameda district if you also want a place to crash.
  • Sep 22, 2015
    The ante is rising. I feel my chances slimming considerably! Nice swag and offers, people.

    Now where is that streaming link...
  • Sep 22, 2015
    That is so cool!
  • Sep 22, 2015
    Some kind of SWAG war? I wonder what I would be willing to part with?

  • Sep 23, 2015
    Thanks for the thread!
  • Sep 23, 2015
    hahaha! Definitely not a war! Just trying to get myself in to what looks to be a really fun event. A night where I can talk Model x without getting the half empty responses that my wife and "in person" friends now give me.

    Nice t-shirt!
  • Sep 23, 2015
    Would love to go!

    I would provide transportation from the airport, to the event and back to San Francisco if you needed! I am in the 100's of regular production reservations.
  • Sep 23, 2015
    For the love of TMC, I do hope moderators like doug and TEG get to go!
  • Sep 23, 2015
    I would be ecstatic to be a +1 at the event! :) I may purchase one once I get my bachelors in EE and have a full time job.
  • Sep 23, 2015
    Previous message: I'd love to be a +1 at this event. Thanks!

    Update: Got an invite!
  • Sep 23, 2015
    Model X unveiling

    Is there anyone interested in being my guest for the unveiling of the Model X on September 29th, please email me at, my reservation # 864.
  • Sep 23, 2015
    I'm taking myself off the list. Coolcarx is a real nice guy and contacted me a with a ticket. Looking forward to the event!
  • Sep 23, 2015
    OK bit of a tricky one. I am a sig reservation holder from Switzerland. I am a trader living in Zug. I got an invite and RSVP'd for 2 people. My wife and I will be in Seattle until the 27th (Sunday). Now my wife does not want to extend the stay so in theory I have a spot to give away.

    Detour: I have discovered a market niche for a trading platform in the EU Commodity Options Space. While in SF it would be great to meet with someone in the venture capital space. If that is you and you want to join me at the Tesla event, we got a deal. And if you want my Sig reservation you might also be in luck ;-)

    If you have a place in SF and I could stay a couple of nights around the event even better.
    I am happy to call you upfront to discuss. Private message me.
  • Sep 23, 2015
    Looking forward to it!

    Looking forward to it!
  • Sep 23, 2015
    I emailed you and would be glad to provide local transportation to the event. Thanks
  • Sep 23, 2015
    Adding myself to the list. Would love to go. Not much to offer other than dinner and big THANK YOU hug. ;-)

    Production reservation #3984 if it matters much.

  • Sep 23, 2015
    I'm flying into SFO around 1pm on the 29th and renting a car. If anyone else is flying in and looking for transport, let me know.
  • Sep 23, 2015
    I work in Emeryville and would love to attend the event... reservation number 13144 (so WAY at the back of the line :) I'm will to provide transportation if needed or just meet up somewhere.
  • Sep 23, 2015
    Thanks for that comment !
  • Sep 23, 2015
    Mark Z
  • Sep 24, 2015
    I decided to try to come to the event next Tuesday, I have reserved a flight ... but I'm not 100% sure I can make it (I'm coming from Europe). With the registration I did choose the +1 option, so there is a lot available. But there is a pretty good chance that I have to cancel my plans ... so I'm not sure what is happening with my guest slot, if someone is joining me and I won't make it, he still can enter ... so maybe something for a local person?
  • Sep 24, 2015
    If you need a ride, I'd be happy to provide you with one as your +1 guest!:biggrin:
  • Sep 24, 2015
    Nevermind. Just got my own invite! Production reservation #3984. ;-)

    Edit: Removed myself from list of "want to go".

    Now to check on flights. Maybe I'll see you on the way there Saxena! ;-)
  • Sep 24, 2015
    Invitation received, email confirmation received in a few minutes. This is so exciting... look forward to seeing everyone at the event. Thanks again to Paul Carter for putting together this thread!!
  • Sep 24, 2015
    Likewise. Invited just now. Exciting stuff.
  • Sep 24, 2015
    Just got mine too... whoot! See everyone there :)
  • Sep 24, 2015
    I don't know how little old me, a Production guy at 9000+ got an invite -- But Darn it just happened. Flights done, hotel done and a couple of notes out for +1 driver to/from hotel.

    It looks like a world-wind trip from Atlanta, but worth it. I can sleep some other time. LOL

    Looking for a +1 guest to pick up at SJ Airport hotel and return after the event. First come First +1 guest.
  • Sep 24, 2015
    Same here! Flight booked, Nashville to SanFran, back the next morn. Woot!
  • Sep 24, 2015
    I am going alone, flying in that day. I can bring someone if still needed.
  • Sep 24, 2015
    If you haven't RSVP'd yet they just closed it so I hope everyone finalized their plans and +1s. Also if anyone still has an open spot I was hoping to drive up but it seems like it just closed out this morning.
  • Sep 24, 2015
    Taking myself off the list, thanks to a generous offer to attend. Thanks CoolcarX
  • Sep 24, 2015
    I'd be interested in attending the event as your +1, if it's still available?
  • Sep 24, 2015
    Paul Carter
    Hi... I just updated the list, please try fivesmithsaz, he's up next if you can. :)
  • Sep 24, 2015
    Received the invite this morning and got the confirm! Please delete my request so the next person has a chance to be a guest.
  • Sep 24, 2015
    Paul Carter
    Done. :)
  • Sep 24, 2015
    I will PM the next people down the list as requested by PM, until I find someone to take as my guest.
  • Sep 24, 2015
    I'm still debating coming from Boston.... My wife can handle the logistics of the kids while I'm gone. Is anyone located nearby the event and willing to pick me up at Oakland airport at 2:40 PM Tuesday and then put me up in a guest room for the night? I'd also appreciate a ride back to the airport Wednesday for a 5:30 AM flight. This all might be too much to ask for a +1....
  • Sep 24, 2015
    Paul Carter
    Welcome to TMC Pheadrus. I've updated the wiki with your offer for you. If you don't get a taker, I can help you with the pickup at least.
  • Sep 24, 2015
    Would like to be added to the list of plus one requests. Happy to provide transportation services as needed while you're in town.
  • Sep 24, 2015
    I received an invite as well so please remove me from the looking for +1 list.
  • Sep 24, 2015
    I'm not able to edit the wiki, but I have am flying in solo so have a 1+ to offer. Flying into SF airport at 5pm Tuesday, was going to rent a car or uber or taxi to event. If someone wants to 1+ with me with airport transportation to event, even better!

    Model X Production model #6535 X
  • Sep 24, 2015
    Paul Carter
    Thanks. Updated the wiki.
  • Sep 24, 2015
    Looking for a second +1 for my wife. Please PM if you have one
    thanks-I can't figure out the wiki edit.
  • Sep 24, 2015
    I was able to contact Tesla and acquire a second +1 (guess that makes it a +2?) spot for a friend of mine that is a P85D owner and considering the X. YRMV though.
  • Sep 24, 2015
    Another forum member generously offered me his +1 spot. I'm no longer in need of an invitation.
  • Sep 24, 2015
    I'd love an opportunity to be someone's +1... Even if I'm late to this party... :) Just ordered my Model S90D so I'm officially in the club, FWIW... Oh and I'm local to the Bay Area.

  • Sep 24, 2015
    I'm trying to respond to individual requests but my forum status allows just one message per hour - can somebody adjust the wiki - I have a guest (took first request) for the event now. Wish I could bring everybody :-(
  • Sep 24, 2015
    Paul Carter
    Will do.
  • Sep 24, 2015
    Missed you by 30 minutes! I'm still looking for someone who has a +1 left. Willing to pick up and drop off at any Bay Area airport in my black Model S.
  • Sep 24, 2015
    Not sure if my PMs are reaching people due to my junior status, but I'm available to offer transportation and $$$ (if necessary) to be someone's +1 guess.
  • Sep 24, 2015

    Sent you a PM.
    Oliver Barrett
  • Sep 24, 2015
    does anyone know what's the max capacity at this event? I've already confirmed with my guest and curious what the turnout is going to be.
  • Sep 24, 2015
    I would LOVE to go to this event.

    I've driven over 26,000 miles on my "Million Dollar Tesla Trip" (More than the circumference of the Earth) the last 4 months and will be in the Bay area during the event. I've been promoting Tesla all summer long and making Tesla testimonial videos (see below) with those I meet at the SuperChargers.... and would love to feature YOU on one of the videos too if you would like.

    Tesla Owner Stories from the SuperChargers

    Happy to pick up anyone at the airport in my Tesla or whatever helps you!

    Thanks for your consideration!! Steve
  • Sep 24, 2015
    Bet TSLA
    I'd love the opportunity to go to the Model X event as a +1. I'm local to the Bay Area and will be happy to provide transportation in my P85 if needed. Its one year anniversary is Sunday and I should hit 20,000 miles right by then. Also during the recent National Drive Electric Week I had the 60th person drive my car -- lots of grins!
  • Sep 25, 2015
    I hate large groups, so intentionally waited to the last minute to ask, to give others who swim in large groups like they belong there a better chance, however I've thought about it and I'm willing to be a last minute +1. I can pickup and drop off, in my worn out cheap frumpy ICE (not red carpet material). I might end up enjoying the physical meeting. I usually just watch the videos.
  • Sep 26, 2015
    I am a Model X reservation holder and I produce a series of travel/review videos on YouTube. I wanted to document the entire Model X launch experience for people at home. So, bringing me is like bringing everyone who wanted to be there!!!

    I was looking at flights and stuff when the RSVPs filled up leaving me in a lurch. I'd be flying in from Toronto Canada. So, please send a message early if I can be your party guest. I will need to firm up my flight details.
  • Sep 26, 2015
    Sorry to not offer up my +1. I offered it to my buddy whom I'll be crashing with while down there and he took me up on it. ;-)
  • Sep 27, 2015
    I'm no longer able to attend - so I'm not able to do a +1... Congrats to everyone else attending! Hopefully, it goes on YouTube the next day...
  • Sep 27, 2015
    A little last minute, but I'm going to the launch event and need a ride to get there. I'm also willing to give my +1 to anyone that wants it. No strings attached.

    That said, I wouldn't mind getting picked up in San Fransisco tomorrow, Monday at around 20.30 and drive me either to a hotel nearby or a hotel in Fremont near the venue. I would like to join up on any dinners or happenings before and/or after the launch event as well.

    So if anyone wants to help out a traveller from Norway, please PM me. Hope to see as many of you as I can while I'm there.
  • Sep 27, 2015
    Sent PM.
  • Sep 27, 2015
    I'm also looking for somebody to bring me as their +1.

    I moved from Germany to the Bay Area for work eight months ago and would be more than happy to talk with you about Tesla, Silicon Valley, the US and Germany on our way to the event :)

    Although I don't own a Tesla (yet :)), I'm a big fan of the brand and would be exited to be part of this historic event :)

    I could also pick you up from/drive to the airport and offer a place to stay.
  • Sep 28, 2015
    I'm still in search of a +1 invite, in case anyone has a spot available? I am happy to offer you a ride to the event. Please let me know. Thank you.
  • Sep 28, 2015
    My buddy who was going to the event with me just had to cancel so my +1 is now available. I may need a ride from my hotel by the Oakland airport and I will definitely need a ride back to my hotel afterwards. Let me know.
  • Sep 28, 2015
    My +1 is now taken.
  • Sep 28, 2015
    I am a Sig reservation holder and missed the Sep 21st invite (tesla actually send me two invites that day) once I realized it was there in my inbox and I clicked on it, event is showing full.

    I'd like someone to make me their +1 - but our MS P85+ is in the body shop this week, so I'll be slumming it in a rented Prius, unless someone in MS in San Francisco wants to take me along. I'm near Dolores Park.

    SMS/iMessage me at 775-240-5339 if you can hook me up for tomorrow night. Don't bother PMing me here unless that's your only option, id hate to miss that, too. Many thanks.
  • Sep 28, 2015
    My +1 is now taken.
  • Sep 29, 2015
    Has your planned +1 guest fallen through?:mad: Not shown up?:confused: Unable to attend?:eek: Afraid to attend tonight's event SOLO!!??:scared: Well, look NO FUTHER!! I am prepared to offer you the perfect solution: ME!!! :biggrin: I'm an actual live, friendly fellow Tesla fan who will happily accompany you to tonight's Model X launch. I am local and can provide transportation, if necessary. Just let me know via PM, and I will reply immediately. To all who are going, have a blast!
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