Jun 24, 2014
scaesare It is weird, but I can confirm he's correct for us in the DC area... had the mothership beam the "fix" down to me some time back, and they did say it was something local t the carrier in our region.
I've used voice several times on v5.11 and still working fine... although I didn't have the issue of losing the functionality on subsequent reboots...�
Jun 24, 2014
Half Dollar Bill I tried the pano slider on the touch screen this morning and was able to adjust to 80% and 85% without issue. The roof did move incrementally for both selections.
edited 6/25
I apologize and recant. The slider moves to 80% and 85% but then resets to 75%. Must not have been paying attention originally.�
Jun 24, 2014
Gizmotoy Previous posters confirmed you can't open it more than 75% with the wheel. I always use 100%, so that part wasn't sarcasm. You can't open your windows with the key anymore either, so the only part that was tongue-in-cheek is that we'll eventually be unable to open the windows.�
Jun 24, 2014
Todd Burch Oh--my experience differs. I've opened it to 100% every time I've used it (perhaps ten times) since I got the latest 5.11 flavor (.56.).�
Jun 24, 2014
Theshadows I open ours to 100 with the wheel all the time. I also can not get it to stay at 80 no matter what I do. If I choose 80 on the touch screen it goes to 80, however as soon as I lift my finger off the screen it jumps back to 75 and the panoroof closes a little bit.�
Jun 25, 2014
scaesare I think this is new to 5.11 (and the changed behavior is not in the updated remote Android app):
When activating the HVAC system from my phone, the system no longer resets to "Auto". I typically have a custom HVAC setting in the car during hte summer (full-recirc & floor+dash vents). When I trigger it remotely, it now retains those settings.�
Jun 25, 2014
Kalud Oh wow, finally! That's actually a major change, it was annoying that it always resets to auto. This and the always reset Instant vs Average in the energy graph, hopefully this gets updated eventually.�
Jun 25, 2014
cinergi New indeed. What's actually happening is that your settings are restored when you open the car door. When remotely activating HVAC, it'll be in full auto in order to achieve the desired temperature until you open the door.�
Jun 25, 2014
apacheguy Makes sense. I want recirc enabled while I'm driving but certainly not when I'm precooling in a hot parking lot. This is a welcome improvement.�
Jun 26, 2014
scaesare Well that's even better. When I arrive at work in the mornings, I often only have the fan at 3 or 4... yet when I need to precool the car hours later in the heat of the afternoon, that would be insufficient to do much of a job. Maxing the fan (sadly not to eleven!) for that purpose is ideal..
Well done, Tesla dudes.�
Jun 27, 2014
Yeah, sometimes my car is sitting in the 100+ desert heat for several hours, so it's nice that it now does this. Does I override range mode as well? It'd be nice if it does, especially while plugged in.�
Jun 27, 2014
Cottonwood My car was upgraded during a service visit from 5.9 to 5.11 (1.59.56) and I got to look at the maintenance, thermal screen before and after. There was an interesting change in the battery target temperatures from 5.9 to 5.11
Passive Cooling Target stayed at 30?C. Active Cooling Target changed from 50? to 49? C. Active Heating Target changed from 5? to 9? C. It will be interesting to see what effects come from the that Active Heating Target temperature change...�
Jun 27, 2014
hans This would seem to indicate that Tesla is being more aggressive with their temperature management.�
Jun 27, 2014
Kalud Wow thanks for sharing this! I hope we eventually get some real-time info on battery temperature and heating/cooling including kW usage of these...�
Jun 27, 2014
Cottonwood Yes, wouldn't it be nice for mere mortals to see this screen:
Jun 27, 2014
Benjamin Brooks Seems like it's missing (or not reporting) 7 temperature sensors? (marked by '--') I'm guessing these are the only temperature sensors read when parked and not charging?
Would be interesting to see the min & max cell temp readings.
Jun 27, 2014
Cottonwood Another screen that would be nice for users to be able to see...
Jun 27, 2014
Benjamin Brooks Nice! What SOC % was your car at when you took this picture? ~3.78V average cell voltage seems like it should be less than 80%?
Jun 27, 2014
Cottonwood 124 of 257 or so rated miles.
Car reported 49.6% for SOE/USOE and 55.8% SOC shortly after that battery snapshot.
Interestingly, (55.8%-49.6%)/(100%-(55.8%-49.6%))*257 is 17 miles. Is that the below-zero, hidden-reserve in 5.11?�
Jun 27, 2014
MrPinrel I have noticed that, since they sent the latest 5.11 flavor, the car doesn't ask me to add a Wifi connection when sitting in my garage all the time. Has anybody else noticed this fix or is it just random behavior?�
Jun 27, 2014
Matias Does that also contain anti bricking reserve?�
Jun 28, 2014
Cottonwood I'm not sure where the anti-bricking reserve is in the battery accounting.�
Jun 29, 2014
dirkhh Once again this looks like a slooooow rollout. And once again "get it earlier with Wi-Fi" doesn't seem to be true.
But hey, maybe the firmware team is more focused on 6.0 which I am much more interested in than 5.11 (still don't understand why this wasn't just another 5.9 build)�
Jun 29, 2014
RedMatador +1
As of this morning I'm still on 5.9 (.109) with WiFi on everyday. Not that interested on 5.11 but definitely v6.0�
Jun 29, 2014
Todd Burch Today, in the (0.56) version of 5.11, I encountered the "missing blue route line on the touchscreen when navigating" bug. The Navigon display on the dashboard display was fine, but the Google map was missing the route line. I cancelled navigation, reselected my destination from the "Places" menu, and all was well.
So, on the negative side, that bug is still there in the latest. On the bright side, it's the only issue I've encountered in the latest version.�
Jun 30, 2014
Chipper I too, have noticed the route line missing on mine. Not a super big deal as long as the route shows on the the smaller display. The cool thing is, I am so much less bothered by this knowing that as long as Tesla is aware I can be assured a fix will be applied. All I have to do is wait for it. I won't even have to take the car anywhere to get it fixed.�
Jun 30, 2014
tomas If they could make that bug permanent, I would consider it a feature. I hate that blue line obscuring my traffic.�
Jun 30, 2014
Todd Burch IMHO the route on the touchscreen should slowly pulse between transparent and opaque. Best of both worlds.�
Jun 30, 2014
scaesare Or "translucent", the way a high-lighter works on paper.
Let the red dash lines show through the blue overlay as purple blocks...�
Jun 30, 2014
Todd Burch You're going to make me try to think about the color wheel while driving? No thanks!
Jul 3, 2014
golfski I am not sure what firmware I had before today, but my car is only 3 weeks old - according to the notes during my service visit today, it said they updated to the latest firmware. I am not sure if this is a new feature or just something I never noticed, but a "Sync Temps" button now appears when changing the temperatures on the touchscreen. Is this new? It looks like I am now on 1.59.56
Jul 3, 2014
NigelM That's always been there; activating it keeps the driver and passenger side temperatures synched.�
Jul 3, 2014
Todd Burch golfski, you likely didn't see it before because you perhaps had the backup camera displayed in the lower half. Currently overlays are not allowed on top of video, so those don't display if the camera's in the bottom half of the screen.�
Jul 4, 2014
kbeckley Used nav for the first time since 5.11 and found out very quickly that I missed not having the routing on the main screen. I realize now that I was using it exclusively and not really using the smaller left side nav screen. Put me down for a vote to bring that back or be able to be toggled on or off. It was also the first time that the nav has ever given me a bad routing. It thought a store was accessed from an highway.�
Jul 4, 2014
ecarfan (Post removed, I was in error)�
Jul 4, 2014
andrewket Nav routing is most certainly available on the center display.�
Jul 4, 2014
brianman It is my understanding that it is a bug not an intentional feature change. It is also my understanding that rebooting the 17" display might restore the fucntionality (until the next recurrence of the bug).
Please report it to [email�protected] if the condition persists (or even if it doesn't and you just feel like making sure they know).
Jul 4, 2014
ZBB Found a bug in 5.11...
I plugged in at a previously unused public charger for a bit. That charger is not shown on the map, nor as a charging location on the list. All other visited chargers do show up...�
Jul 4, 2014
Todd Burch No need to reboot that I've found. All I do is cancel navigation, then select the destination again and the route will show up.�
Jul 4, 2014
Chris TX 1. Fan speed no longer goes to 11 (was this changed in a previous release?)
2. There is NO WARNING when the rear hatch is open and you place it in Drive. This is especially a pain in the ass if you load your kids in the rear facing seats.
3. Visited charging sites are no longer being placed on the map.
Other than that, I'm really looking forward to 6.0. Some of the new features coming are pretty damn cool.�
Jul 4, 2014
kendallpb Ah, thanks for explaining. I came here after noticing this for a while, kept meaning to drop by and see if it'd been reported. I didn't realize it was doing what you described, though. Well, just resetting when I get in is most of what I want...though I'd prefer it actually use the setting remotely. (Cooling the car in an exhaust-heavy area, yuck; I really, really hate the smell of exhaust, or other odd smells one can get through outside air depending on what's nearby.) But still, what they did is great; now I can stop checking/fixing the settings (or, worse, forgetting till I'm stuck in traffic and wondering what the heck the smell is!).
Thanks, Tesla.
Jul 5, 2014
brianman car_version=1.59.56
New to me:
1. bar turns red at 17 rated miles
2. slacker no longer has the "small round thumb"
3. USB has a larger "round thumb" than before
At least 4 rated miles buffer below "0".�
Jul 6, 2014
dirkhh Tsktsktsk... how did you figure that out, I wonder...
I've driven mine about half a mile (likely less) "below 0" and almost died. Going four more miles I'd need a new driver seat afterwards...�
Jul 6, 2014
AlMc As much as I like to test the limits of things sometimes, the '0' range limit is one I hopefully will never test.�
Jul 7, 2014
brianman Not everything goes according to plan. Life goes on.
On a related note... Montana is pretty this time of year.�
Jul 8, 2014
Kraken good to hear since I'm pretty much going straight from TMC Connect to Glacier NP... unfortunately not driving the Tesla, because I'd have to miss TMC Connect to make the drive. The wife really wants to make a roadtrip in the Tesla too... 1 year in, and the furthest she's gone is to work. I went to Vegas w/o her.�
Jul 10, 2014
ntam 1.59.56 would now display Chinese and Japanese fonts. I have songs with Chinese titles and singers names on my iPhone that would not display when the song is being play before. I went to the service center today and got a loaner and found out that the Chinese characters are displayed properly on the displays of the loaner. So I asked them about it and they said that they can upgrade me to the latest firmware and when I picked up my car in the afternoon, I confirmed that the Chinese fonts are also working on my car now. My firmware is now 5.11 build 1.59.56.�
Jul 11, 2014
ken830 Already mentioned 8 pages back: http://www.teslamotorsclub.com/showthread.php/31560-Firmware-5-11?p=679023&viewfull=1#post679023
Still doesn't work completely for me. The seek bar doesn't show up. Does it for you? Also doesn't show up properly in album/artist/genre views -- only when browsing by folder. Is this the same for you too?�
Jul 12, 2014
Doug_G 5.11 was loaded at the service center this week. Today I had trouble waking the car up. It was in the garage just sitting there. I get in and it displays a message about the systems powering up. Five sweltering minutes I'm still waiting for the car to boot up. Finally it started working and the A/C came on. Weird.
Later I was going to go back to the car, and decided to cool it down. Took five minutes for the remote app to connect.
Is sleep mode going narcolepsy in 5.11?�
Jul 12, 2014
gg_got_a_tesla Not a good sign, Doug_G. Probably best to get Tesla to look at it while you are here in Monterey next weekend.
Have had no issues with 5.11 except for the occasional missing blue/orange navigation path on Google Maps.�
Jul 12, 2014
AlMc Doug, There was a thread over on TM forum where many people indicated the phone app was not working for them for several hours today.
Jul 12, 2014
jerry33 Now we just have to figure out if that is a bug or a feature (to allow you to see the traffic info)�
Jul 12, 2014
Bugeater My S had similar very slow wake-up a few weeks ago. Took like 5 minutes. Trying to reboot didn't make a difference. I'm still on 5.9.�
Jul 16, 2014
dirkhh I had the slow reboot a couple of months back. Called the SC and they reset some settings remotely.�
Jul 16, 2014
Doug_G I was sitting in the car, not using the phone app.
After getting the car up and running I rebooted it. So far haven't had a recurrence. Interestingly, it's sleeping more often than it used to.
On previous firmware it seemed to periodically forget to sleep overnight before (can tell by vampire drain). Also I have to wait for the car to boot up more often now. But at least it hasn't kept me waiting forever since that one event.�
Jul 17, 2014
Doug_G Now this is odd... last night, for the first time ever, my Model S failed to charge overnight (set for 1 am) while plugged in. Quite certain it was plugged because I unplugged it this morning before getting in. Manually started charging when I got home and it's working normally.�
Jul 17, 2014
tomas Maybe you were not blinking green. Easy to go just a little light on UMC.�
Jul 17, 2014
Kalud Could be the lower two small pins that need a little cleanup (contact cleaner) on either the charge port or UMC/HPWC. Give it a try. If proximity or pilot is not detected it would do that.�
Jul 17, 2014
Doug_G I look at the LEDs when I plug in to make sure it mates properly, due to previous problems. My UMC and charge port were replaced a couple of months ago so I doubt the contacts are dirty. This is why I thought maybe firmware issue. But if no one else has encountered any problems then maybe it's just a glitch.
Oh well... I'll keep an eye on it.�
Jul 17, 2014
Klaus I had this happen once before and the car took several reboot attempts in the morning to wake up. I talked with customer support later that day, and they looked at logs and told me it was a rare occurrence of it not waking up properly, including at night for the scheduled charge. Only time so far. And just like yours, car was properly plugged in and ready to charge in the evening. It was after the first firmware update that let the vampire sleep, I don't remember the version number, and I'm to lazy to look it up now ...�
Jul 18, 2014
andrewket My car skipped it's normal 1am time and started charging at 3. No explanation. It's only done this once, a few months ago�
Jul 19, 2014
Chris TX Center stack locked up midflight, doors unlocked while it wasn't in park, sunroof opened halfway. Glad it wasn't raining!�
Jul 30, 2014
Doug_G Here's a weird glitch I've been getting ever since 5.11 (1.59.56) was installed:
It keeps asking me to set up a WiFi network. You'll notice from the top of the screen, that it is already connected to WiFi!�
Jul 30, 2014
Peter_M I get the same message every day, and I'm still on 5.9 (and also connected on WiFi when I see it). I was hoping 5.11 would fix this...�
Aug 3, 2014
NigelM I had that way back; it occurs when you have minimal reception, it's the car's way of telling you to buy a repeater/bridge for your wifi network.�
Aug 4, 2014
Sacrament055 Actually I'm on 5.9 and get that as well and I have a strong Wifi connection (full bars) I think it's a defect�
Aug 4, 2014
andrewket Interestingly, I just started getting this message every morning. The one thing that changed is that I took the access point closest to the garage temporarily offline. My MS is now connecting to an AP further away, and the indicated signal strength went from 4-5 bars to one. So possible theories are: 1/ Even though the MS is indicating a weak signal, it isn't actually getting an IP address and therefore is not connected (layer 2 vs layer 3) and the lack of a connection forces the prompt/window. 2/ It could be programmed to prompt the user if the signal strength is weak and while scanning it sees stronger potential "better" candidate networks.
Edit: Just saw @sacrament055's note that he is prompted with a strong wifi connection, so that is a datapoint against my theory.
It could be a timing problem. The car wakes up, isn't yet connected to Wifi, prompts the user, and then subsequently the Wifi completes the connection. You would end up with the screen shot above - the user prompt with strong WiFi indicated.�
Aug 4, 2014
^^ This^^^ I too have a strong (full bar) wifi connection in my garage and wake up every morning to the message. Does not bother me.�
Aug 4, 2014
PhilBa I'm on 5.9 and had it for a while. It turned out that it was seeing my neighbor's wifi as well as mine. It's super weak but present. So I told it to connect to that and never saw the message again. it never actually connects, though. And yes, the neighbor doesn't use security on his wifi, I've told him and he doesn't seem to care. Not much chance of getting hacked, though.�
Aug 4, 2014
Peter_M I have a theory about why I was seeing this error. I have 3 APs in the house, and I had set them all up with the same SSID, to allow devices to "roam" between APs as you walk around the house. With "inter-access point handover" enabled on the device (and the same SSID on all APs), it will switch to the AP with the strongest signal as you move, rather than waiting for the connection to drop completely before switching. The car was connecting to one AP as I drove in, but apparently not the one that's strongest in the garage, and it appears the car doesn't support inter-AP handover, so it would just hang on to the weak connection, and then it would fail sometimes in the garage when I got back in.
So I changed the APs to all have different SSIDs, and set the car to only connect to the one that's strong in the garage. So far so good, but it has only been a day.
This may not be the cause for everyone, but it supports the theory that the message comes up when the car is associated with the AP on WiFi but either not getting an IP address or experiencing high packet loss due to a weak signal.�
Aug 4, 2014
orangesolar I've lost 5 percent range with my upgrade from 5.9 to 5.11�
Aug 4, 2014
cinergi Try deleting and re-adding your WiFi connection. It's a very common issue and from what I understand, re-adding it will fix it.�
Aug 4, 2014
Peter_M Deleting and re-adding didn't fix it for me (on 5.9).�
Aug 4, 2014
pgiralt I have this problem every day and it also seems to have started with 1.59.56 for me. Pretty sure it wasn't happening with previous 5.11 versions.�
Aug 4, 2014
ken830 Same issue as everyone else on the WiFi notification every morning. I have more evidence to dis-spell some of the guesses so far.
- My WiFi signal strength is very good in the garage
- I had multiple AP with the same SSID before, and now, I have them uniquely named. No difference.
- I have deleted and re-connected my SSID. No difference.
- I know it is connected to my network because I see it on the Tomato FW router.
- The timing hypothesis probably isn't true -- I watch it connect to my network when I pull into the garage, I see it on my network all night (router and Visible Tesla), and I watch it disconnect from my network as I drive away in the morning.
And this was never an issue before 5.9.�
Aug 4, 2014
Doug_G Tesla service said to remove your WiFi connection from the list, and then reconnect it. That worked for me.
What he said.�
Aug 5, 2014
mg012 I've only had my S for a few months so I'm unfamiliar with the update process. Why hasn't my S received 5.11? Can you request it?
Aug 5, 2014
steve841 It's a watched pot .... that never boils.
You can go to an SC and have them update for you to the latest (probably 5.12). Otherwise, you will get it eventually unless your car has no real connection. (as in no wifi/cell coverage)�
Aug 5, 2014
mknox Mine was updated by the SC last week during a service visit. It fixed the bug where it would remember the charging amps by location, but still show max amps on the charging screen. It now shows the "remembered" charging amps on the screen as it did prior to the last update.�
Aug 5, 2014
jerry33 Normally, they push out the updates slowly so that if anyone has problems with them, they can issue a fix before it goes out to everyone. Although you can sometimes get it installed at the Service Centre, it's generally a happier experience if you just wait until they push it wirelessly.�
Aug 5, 2014
NigelM 5.11 was a service release with no new features. If you have no issues it's not worth updating - Along with many other folks I'm still happily on 5.9.
5.12 was to fix bugs on 5.11 but based on some accounts seems buggier than the earlier version.
As Jerry says above, best to wait till it gets pushed to you. You'll get an on-screen notification and just follow the instructions; btw the car needs to be left for a while during the actual install. Tip: install it at home in the evening when you're unlikely to need the car. It's highly improbable you'll have issues but that's just the safest way to avoid hassle.�
Aug 5, 2014
Lloyd And I thought you were beta testing 6.0!�
Aug 5, 2014
tomas As I recall 5.9 changed range calcs (once again!) resulting in increased rated range at any tick for most owners.
A few months ago, I was showing 225 miles rated @ 90% and 251 @ 100%. I believe that was on 5.9.
This week, after a while on 5.11, I did my first 90% charge in a while: 237 rated! Haven't done 100% yet, but that extrapolates to 263, which would bring me back around 265, which is where this all started.
I'll probably never know if that was a) real degradation that's been buried in formula, b) reduction, then increase, due to software algorithm, c) out of balance battery, restored by improved BMS in software, or d) something else!�
Aug 5, 2014
NigelM In the end it doesn't really matter anyway I guess; your hardware didn't change, but the UI did.�
Aug 6, 2014
tomas Agree BUT... Software is what tells me the hardware status - which is information I use to determine how far to go, how to drive, etc. etc. frankly I only experience hardware capacity if I make bad decisions and run out. So, you could make a case that perception is reality.�
Aug 7, 2014
mg012 I would like the option of having "Estimated Range" shown on the driver display instead of Rated Range which might be quite different than how I'm driving.�
Aug 20, 2014
Doug_G I've had a couple of incidents of Bluetooth going offline. Rebooting the center screen recovers it. Never used to see this... 5.11 glitch?�
Aug 20, 2014
mknox I believe the 5.11 notes say that it is supposed to improve Bluetooth connectivity, but I too have had two instances where I had to re-boot. In both cases, I got a center screen message saying something like "Bluetooth Malfunction, Contact Tesla for Service".�
Aug 20, 2014
Gear I've had the same problem a few times.�
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