Jan 5, 2014
Discoducky With my dad hat on I would hope that he doesn't take the family in an X unless he makes a public statement about how it has been safety/crash tested. If he did take the X though it would be really cool indeed.�
Jan 9, 2014
VolkerP IIRC, the Oct Model S beta ride event was on factory property because you cannot have non-Tesla people ride in a beta car on public roads. You need safety tested production vehicles for test drives/rides. I think Elon has to comply even when driving with Talulah and the kids. He will not make that trip in a Model X in spring time.
Plus, will all seats taken, all the luggage has to fit into the small Model X frunk :frown: which is notorious to not open when operated by Elon![]()
Jan 9, 2014
Newscutter OH.... that's a good point I think most of us had not considered.
Little chance they'd get a Model X certified without the public knowing.
HOWEVER, manufacturers test prototype vehicles on public roads ALL THE TIME, so that doesn't preclude having a Model X-- driven by engineers-- on the trip as a support/follow vehicle. No law that says prototypes can't be shiny, gorgeous and production ready.�
Jan 9, 2014
100thMonkey I'm with you, if anyone can find a simple way around the certification issue, it's Elon. I'm betting that the white model X showing up here and there is the one he takes cross country. I'm betting it's in constant testing mode to make sure that all the little quirks are worked out so nothing embarrassing happens with so many Jalopniks sure to have their eyes on this trip.�
Jan 9, 2014
hobbes Would have been cool to drive the X prototype to the Detroit Auto Show, as the superchargers are complete up to there - but a little late now.�
Jan 9, 2014
Mayhemm I thought one of the goals of this trip was to demonstrate the people-hauling capability of their vehicles? If they take a second one for the luggage it's not a very effective demonstration.�
Jan 9, 2014
brianman I suspect there is language in the law for family of employees of the car-producing company. Might involve a waiver of some kind that Elon and/or his wife would have to sign.�
Jan 9, 2014
RobStark I am pretty sure Elon is divorced and dating his ex wife Talulah Riley.
Family of employees seems like a stretch to me but girlfriends of employees is really a stretch.�
Jan 9, 2014
araxara Actually there is quite a lot of space available in the trunk of the Model X with all the seats up:
Jan 10, 2014
Mayhemm Yes. I still remember the seven people getting out of the X and the subsequent unloading of luggage during the 2012 unveiling. Seems like there would be plenty of room for Elon + Kids + Stuff.�
Jan 10, 2014
VolkerP I stand corrected on trunk size. I did see the Model X revelation show but forgot about that.�
Jan 14, 2014
arremgee Gallup is showing up in the database. I was there around midnight last night and there was actually a glitch -- I ended up charging down the road at USA RV site, but by the time I left around 7 this morning, Tesla had already responded, updated the supercharger firmware and powered it up. So it should be good to go now.
BTW, I'm doing a large portion of Elon's cross-country trip right now. I just left Flagstone, AZ and I started in Chicago. I'm moving to Los Angeles. Flagstone was our 14th supercharger since we left five days ago. Just a little ways to go. You can follow our progress at musings on the strait and narrow..�
Jan 14, 2014
772 Thanks for the update and I will be following your blog as well.�
Jan 14, 2014
stevezzzz Geez, you missed out on both Blanding and Gallup SC's, by a matter of hours in each case. OTOH, you're managing even without them; good on you.
BTW, I'm sure you meant Flagstaff, not Flagstone. Are you two getting enough sleep? :biggrin:�
Jan 28, 2014
arremgee LOL, yes, Flagstaff.�
Mar 21, 2014
ecarfan Plus a huge "frunk"!�
Mar 21, 2014
ItsNotAboutTheMoney Spring Break will be in April.�
Mar 29, 2014
johnnyS Any news on Elon and family's road trip? We are planning a trip from L.A. to Moab the week after Easter. I keep thinking it would be fun to see the Musk family somewhere at a supercharger even thought I know the odds are very low.�
Mar 30, 2014
yme Apparently, it's happening now.
This wont please Hillcountryfun | Forums | Tesla Motors�
Mar 30, 2014
rekoh details ?!?
Would love to meet him !!�
Mar 30, 2014
Blurry_Eyed Talulah Riley tweeted about 3 hours ago the great family roadtrip has begun!�
Mar 30, 2014
Mayhemm Awesome!
Will there be media coverage (a la the earlier Cross-country Supercharger Rally) or is it being kept on the DL?�
Mar 31, 2014
xhawk101 Twitter / elonmusk: Just stayed at the Rocket (yes!) ... multibillionaire staying here lol�
Mar 31, 2014
Newscutter Mt Rushmore today?
Elon Musk (elonmusk) on Twitter�
Mar 31, 2014
imherkimer So cool that Elon and family stayed at the Rocket Motel in Custer, SD! See the photo with the Classic 1950's Chevy out front!
Mar 31, 2014
hershey101 He should be on the east cost by Wednesday?�
Mar 31, 2014
DaveT How are they already in South Dakota? I wonder when they started the trip.�
Mar 31, 2014
Theshadows RocketMan
Mar 31, 2014
Theshadows I hope they are track able. Our kids (not to mention their parents) would love to meet Elon and his family at our closest supercharger.�
Mar 31, 2014
JakeP Hopefully Cranberry Twp SC will be open for him by the time he passes through!�
Mar 31, 2014
justaddsun Seriously, is there any chance of meeting him when he Supercharges in the DC area, just to shake his hand?�
Mar 31, 2014
Benz How many Supercharger stations must they already have charged at to reach South Dakota?
And how many miles will they already have travelled to reach South Dakota?�
Mar 31, 2014
Bgarret Could have caught him an hour ago, having breakfast at Our Place - in Custer South Dakota...looks like this is the real Route 66 cross country trip experience. I can only imagine if they released his itinerary the number of TMC fans (including me) hanging out at Superchargers coast to coast looking for a photo op, or just to say hi.�
Mar 31, 2014
andrewket Which is why they are keeping it on the DL. Let the guy enjoy time with his sons.�
Mar 31, 2014
delanman Let him enjoy the trip with his family. As much as I would like to meet him too, I'd give him space (and a bit of peace) this time.�
Mar 31, 2014
yobigd20 yea I was going to say it looks like he's doing his road trip right now per his twitter updates but you guys all beat me to it.�
Mar 31, 2014
mhpr262 Yup, he's on the way. There is an article up on insideevs.com:
Elon Musk Cross Country Tesla Model S Family Road Trip Now Underway
Jesus, 500 miles every day for six days. With five kids in the car.
I have driven more than 500 miles in a day maybe twice in my 22 years of driving. I would be so fed up after day two, even without kids. Maybe it is more fun in a Model S, I sure hope so for his sake.�
Mar 31, 2014
JohnQ Might be a cultural thing ... I think most everyone with a car in the US has done several significant road trips. Our limit is about 900 miles in a day. Longest I've done in one day in the S is 750 (twice).�
Mar 31, 2014
Lump :biggrin:
Like a boss: @elonmusk driving Model S down mountain in blizzard (with summer tires), rocket conf-call on loudspeaker and 5 kids in back...
Twitter / TalulahRiley: Like a boss: @elonmusk driving ...�
Mar 31, 2014
ItsNotAboutTheMoney I've never quite ridden in a car 500 miles in a day. My wife's back wouldn't take it. Most was 437 miles, St-Jean-Sur-Richelieu, QC to Niagara Falls, ON. Not a road trip, just driving to Niagara Falls, ON for a vacation. Although, that was in a Prius, not really known for comfy seats.�
Mar 31, 2014
MikeC It is.�
Mar 31, 2014
Tacket We did about 650 miles a day on our last road trip. It is most definitely easier/more pleasurable/less fatiguing in a Model S. +5 kids -- don't know about all that. But likely the numerous stops to charge can't hurt.�
Mar 31, 2014
huntjo Yeah I don't trust myself to meet him again. At the motor trend car of the year event I was a drunken fool. He deserves better fans than I, lol. I imagine the combination of him and his wife there together would reduce me to a stuttering idiot.�
Mar 31, 2014
ItsNotAboutTheMoney I'd struggle with having so much to say but feeling like I'd be wasting precious time.�
Mar 31, 2014
JakeP I thought about that also, and determined I could boil everything I would want to say down to these two words: "Thank you!"�
Mar 31, 2014
Kipernicus Hope the kids in the jump seats don't get carsick.
Their luggage must be in one of the chase vehicles, because even though the frunk is great it isn't 7-people's-luggage-for-a-week big.�
Mar 31, 2014
Mayhemm Roof-mounted cargo carrier?�
Mar 31, 2014
Theshadows We did it with 6 people2 adults, 2 18 year olds, a middle schooler and a kindergartner. A weeks worth of luggage. 3 Carry ons in the frunk. Two full size suitcases and a duffle bag next to the teenagers in the back seat and the wells packed with smaller items. The middle schooler is small and she still fits I. The jump sests.�
Apr 2, 2014
hershey101 Why no updates on the trip?�
Apr 2, 2014
Bgarret I would bet they are camped out near the Delaware supercharger and there will be some sort of fanfare/publicity and maybe some live appearances by Elon on CNBC and the like tomorrow. Should be fun.�
Apr 2, 2014
Norbert Or there is "A bit of a pickle"... (see @TalulahRiley) #LateForAprilFirst�
Apr 2, 2014
AlMc At first, I thought that too. However, this appears to be a non media family trip. I think the trip will end quietly with everyone but Elon flying home. Then Elon may make the interview rounds and have a blog about the trip. OR Elon flies home with the family, then it is off to the Pacific rim to talk to Panasonic and then to visit the China showroom. Possibly big announcement while in Japan (Giga) and China (reservation numbers).�
Apr 2, 2014
LakeForest Elon is in Cali... HBO (HBO) on Twitter
either the trip is over or he flew back for the event�
Apr 2, 2014
AlMc Good pick up LakeF!�
Apr 2, 2014
bonnie Maybe it really was a family trip.�
Apr 2, 2014
100thMonkey Perhaps after the completion of the world record cross country trip, combined with the Father/Daughter who were first to make the journey, Elon figures they can just have a fun family trip without the need to get any more media attention on the Super Charging network for now.�
Apr 2, 2014
Vger Yes, I think it was quite intentional that they didn't start tweeting until they were FAR away from the media capitals. But it is a bit odd to leave your last tweet hanging that you are stuck in a massive blizzard in Rapid City, SD. Once Pandora's Box is opened, respectfully inquiring minds are curious to know-- are you all OK? Did you get out of the snow?
I am all for Elon protecting his family time, especially since he and Talulah are reunited, and that must be still sensitive. Just hoping everything turned out OK!�
Apr 2, 2014
Cosmacelf Or maybe the most likely explanation is that the trip went as well as you would expect with five young kids on the road for several days
Personally, I thought he was very brave to the point of foolhardy to do that trip with so many young kids, but I'm not in his shoes, so who am i to comment?�
Apr 3, 2014
eepic Is Elon done his trip? The media says he attended the premiere of the new show "Silicon Valley" in California last night�
Apr 3, 2014
Curt Renz Elon last tweeted about the trip on March 31 (Monday) while near Mount Rushmore which is in Pennington County, South Dakota: Elon Musk (elonmusk) on Twitter
KEVN � Black Hills Fox
March 31 (Monday)
The Pennington Co. Sheriff's Office has issued a no travel advisory for Pennington County. That advisory is in effect until Tuesday or further notice. The Sheriff's Office says road conditions are extremely hazardous due to ice and snow.
KEVN: http://www.blackhillsfox.com/201403314643/no-travel-advised-in-pennington-county.html
Rapid City Journal: http://rapidcityjournal.com/news/local/spring-storm-slams-into-western-south-dakota/article_9f495bae-e54c-5c63-926c-822ef200cb9b.html
Considering that Elon was in California last evening (Wednesday), I suspect that the trip was either suspended or aborted, at least for Elon: http://blogs.wsj.com/digits/2014/04/02/tech-meets-hollywood-at-premiere-of-hbos-silicon-valley/�
Apr 3, 2014
TEG At HBO Premiere, Elon Musk Is Pissed | Re/code�
Apr 3, 2014
anticitizen13.7 I actually don't think the cross-country trip was supposed to take place now.
Before attempting such a trip, a "test run" would be advisable in order to determine seating and luggage arrangement and/or problems.
With a full 5+2 onboard, my guess is that Elon would have quickly discovered the issues of insufficient luggage space, and the need for more interior storage and cup holders. The upside of this is that Elon learns firsthand exactly what Model X needs to function as a minivan replacement.�
Apr 3, 2014
SteveG3 perhaps, Elon has progressed from outsmarting the auto industry to outsmarting TMC.
Maybe, they all flew out to the east coast over a week ago, got in a Model S and drove West. The only reports I know of from him and Talulah are from March 30 and 31st. Only the ones on the 31st name a place... Mt. Rushmore each time (the Betty Boop restaurant does not name a place, but it's sandwiched between Rushmore tweets). if he and the whole gang had to get themselves and their luggage on a plane at some point, why not start off that way, and dramatically increase the likelihood of uninterrupted family time.
update: just to clarify some dots... they "just stayed" at the hotel near Mt. Rushmore Monday morning, 3/31. that's 1372 miles to San Francisco via google maps... using SuperCharger route would be longer, but Monday-Wednesday from Rushmore to Northern CA would be within the 500 or 600 mile/day pace previously indicated. By dramatically increasing the likelihood of uninterrupted family time, I mean a "backwards" trip only detected after the fact throws media/fans off the track of successfully camping out at their next SuperCharger.�
Apr 3, 2014
Curt Renz That's a most interesting conjecture, Steve. However, check out Talulah's tweet on March 30 at 5:48 pm CDT. The photo appears from somewhere out west. One of the replies is from Andrew Hall on March 30 at 11:45 pm CDT, who claims to have seen them on the road and left a note for them at the Supercharger in Cheyenne. Twitter / TalulahRiley: The Great American (Electric) ...�
Apr 3, 2014
SteveG3 Curt, indeed, if Andrew Hall did in fact see them, looking at the map it would seem to be a data point saying it was more likely the Musk family and Mr. Hall were traveling West Coast to East. Guess we could tweet Hall and ask him which direction he was traveling when Elon was "following him"![]()
regarding Talulah's photo of the road... I have not logged any miles in that part of the country, and with that lack of experience the photo just looked like a rather generic shot that could be just as easily heading to Rushmore from any direction.�
Apr 3, 2014
Curt Renz If the photo were taken shortly before the tweet time of 5:48 pm CDT, the Sun appears to have been too high for somewhere east of Mount Rushmore. In the afternoon the Sun would have been towards the west. Since the clouds are front lit, the car appears to be travelling east. If the photo were taken near midday, then the Sun would have been toward the south and the clouds would indicate northward travel.
EDIT: I now see that Andrew Hall tweeted Elon on March 28 at 11:46 CDT to note they were together at a Supercharger station. There was no indication of location, but he says he has Wyoming license plates. Andrew Hall (afhallmd) on Twitter�
Apr 3, 2014
AlMc You should have gone into forensics Curt!�
Apr 3, 2014
Curt Renz Columbo is my inspiration. If he were still alive, we'd know what happened to the Malaysian plane.�
Apr 3, 2014
SteveG3 Hey Curt. I don't know... still suspect he did a "backwards" trip from East Coast to West. My ability to read the sun on the clouds as you described is none... so I have no opinion on that at all. Whatever the direction of the trip, I hope it was completed with everyone on board for the whole ride.
... and nice find on that other tweet from Andrew Hall. best I can tell Hall's having seen them on the 28th in an unknown location, and joking a couple days later about leaving a note in Cheyenne for the Musks doesn't reveal anything about the direction Elon took for the trip.�
Apr 3, 2014
Curt Renz I did tweet Andrew Hall and asked him to verify the direction of travel, and his certainty that the Musks were in the other car. Waiting to hear from him. In any event, Elon will eventually let us know.�
Apr 3, 2014
Curt Renz Indeed!�
Apr 3, 2014
rolosrevenge Insufficient luggage for a multibillionaire? He can just buy everything he needs as he travels and throw it away when he's done.�
Apr 4, 2014
Theshadows Plausible, but not for the billionaire we are talking about.
His passion for the environment would likely make him cringe at the very thought of that. After all, he's recycling what is probably the most difficult thing in the world to recycle... Rockets.�
Apr 4, 2014
SteveG3 I see we've gotten a response to Curt's tweet:
Andrew Hall ?@afhallmd 1h
@CurtRenz Positive. I was parked next to Elon at the Blanding, UT supercharger and saw their convoy drive into Moab later
looking at the map, this pretty well says West Coast to East Coast. I hope Elon was with his family to complete the trip, but I think Columbo, err, Curt's suggestion that the trip was cut short for Elon, if not the whole group, has a considerable probability of turning out to be so... unless Elon & Talulah tweeted everything a day or so after the fact. it's just hard to see Elon getting from Rushmore to NY and then flying to back to CA all apparently from 3/31 to the evening of 4/2. not impossible, but pushing things quite a bit considering the time to fly from NY to LA.�
Apr 4, 2014
Curt Renz I was surprised Elon still planned to go through with the trip after others had already done so. Additional publicity value had been reduced to nil. After the Pennington County Sheriff advised no road travel for at least two days, and considering commitments that Elon undoubtedly had, the trip seems to have understandably been cut short.�
Apr 4, 2014
ggr Maybe he really did just want to do a road trip with his family... I've been known to do the same thing.�
Apr 4, 2014
Mayhemm Yeah, the only way they could have gotten any decent amount publicity is if they took an X. Still, Elon talked about this trip often, I hope it wasn't a bust. The man could use a few days off (though, a roadtrip with 5 kids is not my idea of relaxing).�
Apr 4, 2014
bonnie But it was a roadtrip with HIS kids, not just any kids. Good for him. Family time doesn't have to be relaxing to be fun.�
Apr 4, 2014
mhpr262 I doubt it was really about the publicity. It is a big thing - and a big selling point - that one can drive the car across a huge continent with only minimal bother, and for free too. Elon probably simply isn't the type who can make all these claims, justified as they are, without actually doing it himself, even if it is just once.�
Apr 6, 2014
Jackl1956 Elon must have decided to not make this a "media event". Not what I expected, but then he thinks at a different level than I do.�
Apr 6, 2014
bonnie He doesn't usually use his kids as media props. He's had two of them demo the kid seats in the Model S. But I just didn't see him putting his five young kids in the middle of a media storm. He would have lost points with me had he done so. That's not what a dad does.�
Apr 6, 2014
andrewket Agree. Using his kids to demo the rear seats I think was mostly about making a statement: "I trust the safety of these seats to put my own kids back there." Otherwise any kids would have sufficed.�
Apr 6, 2014
GDH Sounds awful!�
Apr 13, 2014
TomServo I'm guessing he won't be traveling through the St Louis area on his cross country trek. Hopefully our SC's will be operational by the end of the year as promised.�
Apr 13, 2014
Curt Renz The Supercharger station in Normal, Illinois was designed to get you to Chicago and connect you with the rest of the current network. As you imply more are planned by the end of the year for near St. Louis, southern Illinois and central Missouri: Supercharger | Tesla Motors�
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