Dec 3, 2015
aus The delivery guy said the driver profile is not key specific?
Why is that a big deal? I'm 6'4" and my wife is 5'6"
How am I suppose to get in the seat after opening the door?
I've got the app on iOS and don't see anything there.
My Honda minivan has profile specific keys!! I hope I'm missing something here.
Dec 3, 2015
HankLloydRight Because if both your and your wife get in the car with keys in your pocket, how does it know which one of you is driving?
Everything is "handsfree", so you don't even need to touch the key to unlock the doors or drive away.
Some people set up a "Exit" profile to select when exiting the car.�
Dec 3, 2015
Chris TX Just have your wife be kind enough to press the button for your profile? That's what my wife does for me and there's only a 7" height difference between us.�
Dec 3, 2015
green1 multiple easy ways to figure that out. First the easiest, if only one key in the car, use that one. (Solves 90+% of issues there with zero downside. ) If both keys, pop up the selection box like it pops up homelink when you get near your house.
Or better yet, there are different antennas on each side of the car for when you approach, make note of which key approached the driver's side.�
Dec 3, 2015
Rockster It's a trivial inconvenience to me. We created an Exit profile that slides the seat rearward.�
Dec 3, 2015
HankLloydRight That's the problem.. if the wife was the last one to drive the car, the husband can't fit in the seat to select from the touchscreen his profile.. unless he reaches in first to select it.. and in that case, he might as well just select his profile.
- - - Updated - - -
But the OP (and others) have a point. I'd suggest a "triple click" on the key fob invokes the profile set up for that fob. No popups, not exit profiles, no directional antennas. Or a "double click and hold" would work too.�
Dec 3, 2015
Tdriver Prior to actually entering the car, reach down and move the seat adjuster hard is that.�
Dec 3, 2015
Xminus6 I actually find this very frustrating as well. Even my Ford Flex has seat adjustments based on key fob. At the very least we should be able to change the driver profile from the app when the car is parked.�
Dec 3, 2015
Caligula Does your wife request that you put the toilet seat down when youre done?�
Dec 4, 2015
3s-a-charm I feel your pain, OP. Having come from BMW (for a long time) I am very used to driver specific keys. One challenge would be the "keyless entry" process of the Tesla is different than other cars where you touch the handle to unlock the car so it knows who's key is being used to open the door. Tesla just unlocks as you come close but still it would be a great feature to add via keyfob or otherwise and a triple-click solution or even double-click would be easy to add on with software updates.
The "reach down and move the seat adjuster hard is that" comment is flippant - we know this is a "1st world problem" but it is still an issue on a $100k+ car and something simple to fix IMO. It's not a big deal, but for those who are used to it - it would be like not having heated seats in the Tesla but they have had them in most luxury cars for the past 10-20 years so it would seem logical to have them on this car. Fortunately Tesla got it right on enough of the luxury features but the key-specific profile is a very handy feature for some of us... .�
Dec 4, 2015
sitter_k "Just reach down and turn the window crank how hard is that you're afraid of some hard work? Maybe you shouldn't be driving a Tesla and should get a corolla."�
Dec 4, 2015
mknox Somehow my Cadillac could do that when both my wife and I were in the cars with our keys. If I recall, I think it might have been based on who opened the drivers door and which fob was in proximity of the drivers door when opened. It had very accurate sensing of where the fob was. Several times, I set my keys on the sunroof as I got in, but the car knew the keys were outside and wouldn't start. As I say, a clever implementation having profiles linked to the fob, but driving solo most of the time not something I miss.�
Dec 4, 2015
Yitt The lack of fob-specific settings surprised me, too. The service advisor who delivered my car seemed a bit sheepish when I simply assumed this functionality existed.
So far I've addressed the issue by "forgetting" to show my wife how the car works, so she's afraid to drive it. Somehow I don't think this is going to work much longer...�
Dec 4, 2015
alwaysru My Accord knows which person approached the drivers door and moves the seat/changes radio/connects to my phone automatically as soon as I open it, even when she (and her purse and keys) are in the car. It can't be that hard to implement if Honda does in a car that cost ~25% of my P85. This is an example of something that could probably be implemented in one "Hackathon" day at Tesla if they did one.�
Dec 4, 2015
In2oil I agree so much.. Would be so easy to implement.�
Dec 4, 2015
Skotty Suggest it as an improvement to Tesla, but it's really not worth getting your fruit of the looms in a bunch over. The Volt doesn't even have power seats. I'm over 40, and I've still never had a car that had any kind of driver profiles at all.�
Dec 4, 2015
smsprague I wish the radio favorited where linked to the profile like my 7 year old Acura.�
Dec 4, 2015
Tripple_T I agree that this should be a standard feature...but I think we are missing the bigger picture here...
Why is he allowing his wife to drive his MS? Simple solution, don't let her drive it...worst case buy a second one for her to drive...
Dec 4, 2015
green1 It often seems to be the case that features get prioritized based on what bugs Elon. I doubt he's sharing his MS with his wife on a daily basis, so driver profiles are probably really low priority for Tesla.�
Dec 4, 2015
David J Those with the childish responses have probably never owned a luxury car before - although I'm sure they will chime in with a made up list. In any case, it sounds like the easiest remedy is to program in the exit feature to both profiles. I'm 6'3" and my wife is 5'4", so it's always been a challenge getting in after her. I haven't taken delivery yet, but that's my plan. Thanks for the heads up.�
Dec 4, 2015
aus Like I used to do with my Acura 20 years ago??? Really??? WEAK SAUCE HERE... :sigh:
Absolutely. So what's your point?? :sigh: again.
Actually, I close the lid when I'm done.
It's actually her car most of the time, but she'd prefer I drive when we go out together.
It's PATHETIC how the Tesla Fanboi's drink the cool-Aid so hard that they prefer to overlook obvious FLAWS in a car that cost $70,000- $120,000+.
And are we really going to compare a Tesla to a Volt?? Really?? Just because the doors unlock automatically, doesn't mean I can't push the roof of the fob to tell the car who's driving next.
Here's a REAL simple fix. Add a profile button on the door or seat like all the premium manufacturers have on their LOW END cars.
Or like someone said above, add it to the app.
And I agree, the radio stations should be key specific too. Are there really only 6 presets?? Before all you Pandora junkies go off about "who listens to radio..." I listen to sports talk radio and like too jump from show to show, along with a few talk radio stations.
Dec 4, 2015
Xminus6 I'm not even sure why people are being defensive about Tesla on this point. It's a feature that's available on cars costing a fraction of the price of a Tesla and it's very convenient for couples that have extremely variant heights. My wife is 14" shorter than I am. When she drives the car and doesn't reset it to my profile I literally cannot sit in the car. It's such a simple thing to implement that I literally cannot conceive of the counter argument against it. Don't just argue for the sake of it people.�
Dec 5, 2015
Chris TX I think it would be a really cool feature. I had it on my previous two vehicles (Benz and Lincoln) but it's not really bothering me with the Tesla. As others have said, put it in as a feature request. It's going to probably be just below the middle of their priority list, though.�
Dec 5, 2015
kmtl If you are expecting Tesla to address your concern (perhaps with a simple software update?) it might be faster to just get a new wife. Or have your legs shortened since it's predominantly her car.�
Dec 5, 2015
Whitmarsh Of course this should be a feature - it's a no-brainer if there ever was one; as many people have said, far cheaper cars have had it for years. It even has 147 votes here: Interior Design | Question Categories | TeslaTap, nearly at the top of the list - please go and add your votes. As someone else said, there are a lot of silly responses in this thread.�
Dec 5, 2015
benf As was already mentioned, I think just adding the profiles to the app is the easiest solution. My wife is 14" shorter than me, and I'd be fine with that. The fanboys in this thread that can't take constructive criticism (about a product they weren't even involved in making!) is pretty astonishing though. And if I see one more person compare a Volt, Leaf, or Prius to a Model S on this forum about things like this I'm going to lose my sh**.�
Dec 5, 2015
CHG-ON I say buy another MS for your wife and you'll be all set!�
Dec 5, 2015
hybridbear This is the biggest con we've found in considering a Model S. Our Fusion Energi automatically adjusts the seats based on which key is sensed when grabbing the driver's door handle. It works perfectly. My wife is 5'9 & I'm 6'3, so the difference is just enough that it would be annoying, but I usually can still squeeze into the car when the seat is forward for her. In our Focus Electric we have to manually press the power seat buttons to move the seat back & forth, so it's something that we are used to doing on a regular basis. The Model S would be our only car however, so the switching between drivers would become even more common than it is now. It's not a deal-breaker, but it's a feature that one would expect to be standard on a car that costs so much money.
If you do setup a profile marked "exit", how would that work? Would that mean that at the end of each drive you would have to go to the profiles screen & select the exit profile? And then the next driver would have to go to that screen & select their profile?
For profiles where your seat is moved forward a bit, will the seat automatically slide back when you go to exit the car?�
Dec 5, 2015
gizmoboy Both my wife's Acura and my Infiniti have no problem figuring this out.
It's just laziness on Tesla's part (or differing priorities). Another example of that lack of luxury in the Tesla interior.
Auto-exiting profile is totally something at least they could add via software (even if they might not be able to do key-specific profiles), but given their priorities, I'm not holding my breath.
Infinitis (and many other luxury brands) have been doing it for many years, and even the wife's Acura half does it (steering wheel only, no seat movement).�
Dec 5, 2015
SW2Fiddler OK get ready to call my response Childish because of the low class of cars I bought before this. At least you didn't put me in a suicide cult like later posters!
I am grateful that my Model S has any profile memory. Turned out it has pretty much unlimited profiles, there's one for me, my daughter, for reading, for reclining and napping, valet, and more empties to spare. These hold Climate and Seat Heat settings which I wouldn't have thought of doing, guess I'm a "no-brain" or "less than none."
My wife's late-model, fully optioned, "Touring" Edition Forester won't even remember even ONE profile. When I drive hers, I get a cramped neck because if I move the seat "she'll take forever to get it back to normal" - we take two cars everywhere so it is not that often.
The Tesla spoils me and I'm the first to admit it too.
Dec 5, 2015
JenniferQ This a great idea and I've now created an exit profile as well. I do understand the OPs complaint. I wonder what the official reason for not having them key-aware is?�
Dec 5, 2015
Skotty This feature probably doesn't exist because Tesla doesn't have a long history of catering to classic rich people like Mercedes Benz, Rolls-Royce, or some other luxury brand might. Simply put, they didn't realize it would be an expectation. I'm sure they will add it eventually, perhaps sooner rather than later if they get a lot of polite requests.�
Dec 5, 2015
JenniferQ Actually, I don't think MBZ GL has them either? We just push the memory button on the door when we get in.�
Dec 5, 2015
wk057 I think the only solution is to just have your wife get her own car.
Dec 5, 2015
JenniferQ Agree! In 2 months of ownership, my hubby has only driven mine once. I am in it every chance I get!�
Dec 5, 2015
Vigile The Tesla apologists in these types of threads are concerning to me...
But in any event, I totally agree with OP here. This is a basic feature that my Corvette and my wife's Pathfinder have. Not only that, but I loved the feature of the Corvette to default to an "exit" position for the seat and steering wheel (seat goes back, wheel goes in) as soon as the car is turned off.
I have a feeling all of these requests should be able to be added after the fact. Surely each fob has a unique identifier.�
Dec 5, 2015
sorka Why not just manually adjust the seat, mirrors, and everything else very time you get in? How hard is that?
Lacking this feature was almost a deal breaker for me. I rolled the dice and figured they'd fix it eventually. Almost a year later and nothing. Some keep spewing the same lame excuse that of how is the car going to know which key to choose? First, none of our other cars that do this have ever had an issue with it. Our Infiniti knows which key is used to open the drivers side door. Even with auto present door handles, you still have to touch the handle and this is the point at which the Infiniti selects the profile. Even if Tesla had some limitation like there was only one antenna, it could still choose the selected default key if both were present or select the profile that provides the most room so that the taller driver isn't unable to get in and then they could select their profile own profile. Any time only one key is present, there's no conflict.
- - - Updated - - -
Nope, not a reason. You still have to touch handle to open the door even with auto presenting turned on and the car know when the handle has been touched even if handles have already presented. How is this any different than pressing the request button on the Infiniti?
- - - Updated - - -
We did the same but my wife refuses to remember to use so I always have to manually adjust the seat like I used to do on my college budget cars from the 80's.
I stopped reminding her to use the exit profile, because every time I did she'd remind me how much I spent it.
It's such an obvious flaw that I'm convinced that there's a fundamental hardware limitation that prevents them from implementing this. Perhaps the computer that deals with the keyfob is separate and can't can't link with the one that deals with profile selection.�
Dec 5, 2015
gizmoboy Auto-exit profile when the door opens or the car is put in park would go a very long way towards satisfying me.�
Dec 5, 2015
Shaggy It's so common it is on my 2013 Ford Fusion... 3 saved settings, one for each of 2 keys & a spare, also available from 3 buttons on the driver door.�
Dec 5, 2015
benf I'm sorry, but you don't need to buy a Rolls-Royce to get seat position memory linked to a key fob. It's on $20k Fords. I also don't know what a "classic rich person" is, but the amount of money people make has nothing to do with them wanting basic functionality that has been in many cheaper automobiles for over 10 years.
I get it. Tesla is a young company. They're learning. They couldn't have thought of everything. And what they've done in such a short amount of time is really amazing. No one is taking away from that. But to say that giving us some way of accessing seat position memory or profiles without having to get in the car and use the touch screen is an unnecessary "classic rich person" request is silly.�
Dec 5, 2015
Skotty I wouldn't call it basic functionality. I've been buying > $30K cars for about a decade (2008 Jeep Wrangler Sahara, 2008 Jeep Liberty Sport, 2012 Ford Escape Hybrid, 2011 Ford Mustang GT, 2012 Chevy Volt), many well equipped, and I don't think a single one of them has even had driver profiles at all yet, yet alone ones that auto-detect you by key. Surely I would have hit on this feature by accident by now if it was basic functionality.
I refer to this as a "classic rich person" feature, which is admittedly a stereotype, because it seems so trivial and unimportant, yet people seem to be getting so upset about it. Since the day I was born until this very day, it's standard procedure to get in the car, then adjust the seat and mirrors (often manually), before driving off in a car someone else last drove. It's never been a big deal, nor should it be. Driver profiles would be a neat feature, and auto-detect by key would be pretty cool too, but I just don't see it being a big deal. If you can't get into the car, move the seat first. On a powered seat, it's a simple button; you push it until the seat is back far enough. I'm bowing out now, as I'm borderline snippy, and think the whole debate is ridiculous. My apologies, I'll take my leave.�
Dec 6, 2015
Xminus6 I'm frankly surprised your 2011 Mustang GT doesn't have it. I have a 2010 Flex that has this feature. My 2006 Infiniti FX also had the same feature. My main cars have had it for nearly ten years of ownership that I find it astounding that Tesla hasn't thought to implement it in their own cars. It's not like it would require a ton of engineering, they only produce 2 models of cars.�
Dec 6, 2015
smorgasbord I respectfully disagree.
Using the key fob is so last decade, and impractical for my family. We have 3 drivers and 4 vehicles. How would you set that up? 12 key rings - one for each driver/car combination? That's silly. Maybe a ring for each driver that has 4 fobs and house key? That's ungainly huge.
We have 4 rings: each has a key fob for a particular vehicle and a house key. When someone leaves the house, they grab the ring with the key fob for the car they're taking. Easy, simply, lightweight. It's also easy to tell which cars are in the garage and which are out by looking at the key dish by the door.
If you think about it, what's the easiest way for the car to identify the driver? Tesla's don't have interior camera's yet, so the cell phone gets my vote. Most people always have their cell phone with them when they leave the house, and no-one shares cell phones. If two previously paired phones enter the car at about the same time, the car can choose the first one it sees and/or prompt on the touchscreen for who is driving.�
Dec 6, 2015
Soolim When 2 persons with different S fobs are in the car, the fob that first gets recognized by S, sets the profile.�
Dec 6, 2015
muleferg Exit profile since the car arrived in March 2014.
Toilet seat resolved 10 years ago. When we built a new house 10 years ago I told my wife I wanted a urinal.
Dec 6, 2015
Dec 6, 2015
DFibRL8R Sounds like you might need to "forget" to lower the toilet seat a bit more often:wink:
I must admit I am impressed by Muleferg's solution to this modern day domestic challenge.�
Dec 6, 2015
jerry33 It would be nice to have, but until Tesla has multiple fob sensors so that it can determine the location of each fob, it will be more trouble than it's worth because it would adjust the seats to whichever fob it latched onto first, so there's a 50% chance of getting it wrong.�
Dec 6, 2015
wk057 I don't know why the multiple fob case automatically means that a feature like this shouldn't be implemented... especially when it would work perfectly when only one fob is present (pretty common).
And the car does has multiple fob antennas. It also has enough antennas to determine the key position. If it didn't, if you locked your car while inside with the fob then locking would be useless because the car would just sense the fob and open the door when someone touched it.�
Dec 6, 2015
jerry33 If that's the case, then why can the car be started when the fob is outside the car?�
Dec 6, 2015
RAW84 Yea I think this just falls into the category of those features Tesla neglected to implement because it wasn't on their mind. I feel like there's been more egregious features left out going back to its launch and many eventually did get implemented.
It's a perfectly reasonable request, with no real technical reason it can't be implemented (that I can think of), so I'd say keep letting Tesla know you want this feature. Unlike other cars, there's a fairly good chance you could get this in an OTA update. I'd take solace in that fact.�
Dec 6, 2015
gizmoboy You misunderstand... you don't need to "use" the key fob to get this feature. Simply being in possession of it is sufficient to identify you to many modern (and not so modern) cars.
And the fact of it being a fab is also not necessary. What is necessary is 1) an identification scheme (fob, RFIS chip, NFC smartphone) and 2) software to make some default selection when detected.
And your use-case (3 drivers each of whom drives any of 4 cars) is so fringe that it would never be taken into account by any manufacturer. For you, you'd simply not set any profile and just adjust the car as needed each time one of your drivers used it. (Though I'd be stunned if any driver in the house is allowed to use the Tesla!).�
Dec 6, 2015
wk057 Good question.�
Dec 6, 2015
SW2Fiddler I understand this, especially after the clarification.
Car = seats adjustable as needed
Convenience feature = powered seats that move with a button push
Advanced convenience = car memorizes positions and has a button to recall one (or more if it's really techy) profile
Classic Rich Person Feature = the car pushes the button FOR you
Name callers, my Ignore List thanks you for providing its breakfast today.�
Dec 6, 2015
green1 Because the sensors aren't in ideal locations, that said, I'm pretty sure it has a sensor on each side of the car, I know there's one in the end panel of the dashboard on the driver's side, and I know there are other sensors too. Whatever fob is first read on that driver's dash sensor should set the profile, if it gets it wrong even 5% of the time it's still an infinite improvement over today to go from zero to 95%�
Dec 6, 2015
Whitmarsh Or when you lift your backside off the seat?�
Dec 6, 2015
Ugliest1 And this is how my previous ICE, a 2007 Infiniti, worked. And it was highly annoying, because my wife would usually get to the passenger side first. That would set the driver seat to her setting, meaning I had to readjust before I got in (not being able to contort myself small enough). So... It's wait for her setting change to complete, re-unlock the car with my fob to start my setting, wait for my setting to complete, and finally get in. Highly annoying and I actually really like Tesla's solution.
Yes, this would be great. I'd also settle for an auto-exit move the seat back thing.�
Dec 6, 2015
benf So the car locks/unlocks itself, presents/hides its door handles, turns itself on/off, automatically brakes and prevents accidents, and now practically DRIVES ITSELF, but pushing a memory seat button is a "classic rich person feature." Got it. LOL
Either you accept that the Tesla is not a "classic rich person" car, and it is in fact a "techy silicon valley startup car" or you accept that based on its price tag, the ENTIRE CAR is a "classic rich person" car. Regardless, either of those two groups/stereotypes should, by default, have seat memory easily accessible as you enter the car, either with a button on the door, a link to the fob, or an option in the app.
And again, for people saying "well my Volt, Prius, Civic, Accord, etc." didn't have it, we get it, a lot of cheaper cars don't have it. SOME $20-30k cars have it. MOST $50k cars have it. ALMOST ALL $70k+ cars have it...except the Tesla. And hey, it is what it is. But if we don't bring stuff like this up, they will never improve the car. You should be welcoming this constructive criticism so your car can be improved.�
Dec 6, 2015
InsaneDriver If the car can nearly drive itself, you would think it could recognize which FOB is getting into the driver's seat. Tesla has been all about technology, maybe just missed this one as they have worked to develop other technologies and capabilities. Maybe it's 'on the list'; probably standard for the Model 3.�
Dec 6, 2015
Cebe So, does anyone know if the car is programmed to recognize the fob, or if the fob is programmed to work on a car? If fob's are dumb, and have no ID of their own, you couldn't do the "preset based on this fob".
I was surprised this was missing, but didn't really get to benefit from previous cars having it, so I personally don't care. If the fobs have IDs, this isn't hard to do, non-withstanding all the "what if there are multiple fobs in the same car" - the same could be argued about "what if there are multiple phones in the car", and that seems to be taken care of with a simple priority list.�
Dec 6, 2015
tezzla I'm pretty sure Elon's McLaren F1 didn't have the FOB profiles either. :biggrin:�
Dec 6, 2015
sorka Unfortunately her retaliatory arsenal is more stocked than mine so I'd lose that battle in other ways :crying:�
Dec 6, 2015
Vigile I think its fair to say that this is a feature that could and should be included in the car based on the discussion in the thread.
On a constructive note: does anyone know if this suggestion has been officially submitted to Tesla's engineers and product designers?
I would bet a lot of money that each key fob already had a unique identifier on it. And implementing an "auto exit" profile of some kind doesn't even require that.�
Dec 6, 2015
aus I'd like to hear how I'm suppose to get in the car to select my profile when I can't get in under my wife's profile?
Again, if there was a button to select profile on the door or at the seat, like other premium cars, I could just push that and this thread wouldn't exist. I don't mind doing that at all, though it's still very 10 years ago.
Dec 6, 2015
Spidy Well, there is always this method which worked just fine for our family and even if it's so last century still simply gets the job done. It's also nice if it's a company car that several people use.
Dec 6, 2015
brkaus What it really needs to do -
1). Set the drivers seat to the profile that opened the drivers door.
2). Self the radio presets to my wife's profile if she is nearby/in have car regardless of driver.�
Dec 6, 2015
WMAC Would Octoblu help? Control your Tesla with Octoblu! | Citrix Blogs�
Dec 6, 2015
JenniferQ LOL!
- - - Updated - - -
Totally agree, but so First World/1% problems. My sister didn't even know what the round circles are on the bumpers. I seriously thought all cars had parking sensors by now! And she has a "just a few years ago" Jeep. But, a Jeep. Sigh.�
Dec 7, 2015
mknox That's the most troubling to me. You could be standing near the car, or even in a restaurant by a window near your car and someone could get in and drive off. Somehow my last car would not start even if I left my keys sitting on the roof of the car. It "knew" the key fob was outside somehow.�
Dec 7, 2015
hybridbear The issues above would be solved by implementing a system that works like what brkaus says:
This is already what other manufacturers, like Ford, do. On our Fusion Energi, the car doesn't begin searching for a key fob until someone touches a door handle. Once someone grabs either rear door handle or the front passenger door handle, the car searches for a fob to decide if it should unlock, if any fob is found the car will unlock. When someone grabs the driver's door handle, an extra step happens, the car determines which fob is closest to the antenna on the driver's side of the car & adjusts the seat position based on what is programmed for the fob that it finds. If the nearest fob has no memory seat position programmed, the seat will not move.
In the case of the Model S, I'd think that Tesla could implement something similar. Door handles auto present & the car auto unlocks when any fob is in the vicinity, but once someone grabs the driver's door handle, do a quick search to determine which fob is closest to the driver's door & adjust the seat to the profile associated with that fob. This should solve all of the multiple fobs nearby issues, since it would go based on which is closest to the antenna.�
Dec 7, 2015
Shaggy My PHEV Fusion was $40+k TYVM. ;-)
hybridbear and I have the same vehicle. You do have to get the keyless entry package to get as he describes. I think any of the Ford Keyless entry options come this way so a 2011 Mustang may not, IF he didn't get the high enough trim package. Ford is big on packages so you cannot a la cart things.�
Dec 7, 2015
aus I'm just happy to see I'm not the only one who feels a car at this price point should have this feature.
Is there some formal request process to ask Tesla to consider adding this feature to the app, or if possible the keys?
Thanks for the feedback from everyone.�
Dec 7, 2015
Ugliest1 Well, the good thing is, it may just show up one morning in your already-bought car!
From what I've read on TMC, there are various options for submitting your opinions to Tesla, from a very brief "bug report" from within the car, to emailing [email�protected] (or... did someone say they don't use that any more and have a continent-specific email ID like NA_something@). Either way, there are plenty of questions as to who actually receives these and whether any action is taken from any of the attempts.�
Dec 7, 2015
gizmoboy Selecting a profile is not exposed in the API. If it was, there could be multiple after-market solutions to this issue, including just throwing it in the Tesla smartphone app.
Unfortunately, since it isn't, there aren't.�
Dec 7, 2015
benf My comment about $20k Fords was not directed at you.A standard Ford Fusion in the "SE" trim/package/whatever that comes with Keyless entry and seat memory starts at $23,xxx. I understand you can spend $40k+ on a Fusion, but the point was that there ARE Fords in the $20k price range with this feature.
Dec 7, 2015
Vigile If we can find an email to direct our suggestion to, I'd gladly submit a request for it and see if we can get enough users to do the same to push them to look into a change!�
Dec 7, 2015
asudan My wife has her own damn toilet! HA!�
Dec 8, 2015
mknox Would be nice... but I doubt it. I believe there are hardware limitations (number and location of sensors). I would be happy to be proven wrong, of course. :smile:�
Dec 8, 2015
green1 One sensor anywhere in the vehicle is enough to implement the 90+% of the time where only one key fob is present, and if the behaviour when both fobs is present stayed the same as right now I would still consider it to be an enormous improvement with no drawback.�
Dec 9, 2015
mknox For me, the biggest concern is the car not knowing if the fob is inside or outside the car. I'm not sure how that could be fixed with the current hardware.�
Dec 9, 2015
DjiM I absolutely miss this feature too. I have had the feature before on a 5-series BMW and even on a VW Passat.
Granted, on both cars I needed to actually press a button on the key to unlock them. Unlocking activated the profile switch.
For me, it would be a great help to allow me to link a specific profile to each of the keys. Even if it only activates when I use the key to open the car (roof click or roof hold or whatever), I would be pretty happy. Currently, there are two manipulations of the key that interact with the charging port (roof hold to open, rear double click to unlock); one of these actions could easily do both jobs. The other one could be replaced by a specific driver profile activation.
And while we're at it, also link the creep mode to the driver profile. My wife is used to creep (drives a prius). I absolutely loathe creep. And switching between the modes is quite deep into the menus.�
Dec 9, 2015
green1 That is a valid issue, and one I agree likely requires new hardware, however it's also completely separate from the issue we were discussing.
- - - Updated - - -
There are MANY things that should be added to the current driver profile. Creep mode being the most dangerous omission so far (nothing worse than the car's actual movement being other than you expect!) but I really can't figure out how they decided what things to/not to include, seems like they rolled a die at random.�
Dec 9, 2015
wk057 Creep can't be changed while the vehicle isn't in park, but driver profiles can. So creep I kind of understand, although I don't see why they couldn't change this.�
Dec 9, 2015
green1 Is there any good reason for either of those though? I can't think of why I'd want to change profiles while driving, nor can I think of a good reason you shouldn't be able to change the creep setting while doing so.�
Dec 9, 2015
smorgasbord Actually, it's you that are misunderstanding. I was simply making the suggestion to use the phone to id the driver, but you didn't get that and so re-suggested it.
And your suggestion that we do completely manual seat/wheel/mirror adjustment every time is ludicrous, in a bad way.�
Dec 9, 2015
gizmoboy I may have misunderstood you when you said this (emphasis added for clarity). It certainly sounded to me like you were suggesting that one had to use the key fob to get the feature:
My point was that if you need more profiles than a system can provide, then use none; it's exactly the same state you're in right now with Tesla, but it still allows people with more mainstream needs to be satisfied with a 1- or 2-person profile solution.
I respectfully suggest that the implication that the use case of four different drivers each needing custom profiles as something any auto manufacturer should spend engineering resources on is actually the ludicrous statement.�
Dec 9, 2015
Canuck Easy fix. Get another car for her and her key will be specific. :wink:�
Dec 9, 2015
smorgasbord Well, you're still misunderstanding. I didn't say or suggest that.
And whether we're talking 4 or 3 or even just 2 drivers, requiring drivers to use a specific key fob not optimal. With two people, two cars you have:
A) 2 key rings, each with 2 fobs and house key
B) 4 key rings, each with 1 fob and house key
The former makes the ring bigger than it needs to be. The latter is kind of silly. Linking settings to the phone is the best option today, IMO.�
Dec 9, 2015
Andyw2100 I'm coming back to this thread after several days away from it, so will comment on a few things at once...
OK, that's just hilarious!
One point I wanted to make for everyone advocating for the Exit profile as a solution: while it's a decent work-around, think about how much money and time Tesla may wind up spending in warranty replacement costs for parts that wear out sooner than they otherwise would. Any couple using an Exit profile every time either one of them gets out of the car is requiring a lot more movement from the seats and steering wheel. I expect it would actually be cheaper, in the long-run, for Tesla to just give us what we want.
There have been some ideas floated about first presenting the handles, based on any fob being present, and then selecting the profile, based on fob proximity to the driver's side, or based on a touch of the driver's door handle that could work. But even if for some reason those ideas could not work, couples could easily be "trained." Once we knew what the car's behavior was going to be with two fobs present, if it was important to us that the driver's fob be recognized, we could just make sure that the driver approach the car first. It's not that complicated. And it may not be a perfect solution, but it's a lot better than what we have now. As for the argument made by some who prefer things not move around too much, because of incorrectly identified fobs, etc., the "adjust profile based on fob" should be an option that can be turned off by owners who don't want to use it. So for those people, nothing will change.
There's no formal request process, but the more people that write to Tesla, the better.
The address to write to is: [email�protected]
When you write, I'd suggest asking that your request be passed on to the appropriate department.�
Dec 10, 2015
jerry33 All the answering letters I've received have indicated that it would be passed on to the appropriate department. My hope is that the appropriate department isn't /dev/null.�
Dec 10, 2015
aus Thanks Andyw.
Email sent to Tesla.
Canuk just keeps wasting bandwidth.
Dec 10, 2015
Andyw2100 Happy to help!
He was just making a joke. It may not have been on par with some of his better jokes, but luckily I think bandwidth isn't in too short supply, so I think we'll be OK!
Dec 11, 2015
DjiM I guess they don't want to link some of the parameters (like creep) to the driver profile because switching them while driving is considered to be too dangerous.
I think that's nonsense: I can assure you that accidental activation my wife's profile while driving will cause me to be squished to death by the seat movement (she's 5ft 4" and I am 6ft 5")![]()
Anyway, this really should be linked one way or another to the key.�
Dec 11, 2015
aus Response from Tesla:
Thank you for reaching out to tech support. At this time, there isn�t a way to do this from the app, but I will submit your suggestion to our feature request team.
Dec 13, 2015
Canuck I'm over 6' and my wife is 5'3". We also had this feature in our Ford Winstar Minivan back in 2003. So there goes your theory on that one.
It's just that if my wife drives our Tesla (which isn't very often -- and that's likely the same for most here since most spouses have their own vehicles -- hence my joke that she gets her own vehicle) my wife simply presses my profile when she gets out. I live in a house with my wife and three daughters and I always put the toilet seat down. It's strange how you get so upset about something that is so easily solved with common courtesy.�
Dec 15, 2015
aus For the mods, why is it this response kept, but all the others cut out? Doesn't seem like you're trying to diffuse the situation then.
As for the "joke," I totally missed it since the emoji looks more like a :/ to me than a wink, if that's what you meant.
Maybe the emoji's need an update.
Dec 15, 2015
Andyw2100 I had a post caught in the purge that has been showing as the last post in snippiness all day and all I did in that post was try to help a new member by answering his direct question, explaining in detail how to unsubscribe from a thread!
The mods have a lot of work to do. I really don't think you have a lot to complain about in this case. Some posts were moved, some weren't. The mods probably did not spend hours struggling with their decisions on this, as it just isn't that important.�
Dec 16, 2015
BozieBeMe2 ++1
For my two cents,
I agree that upon hitting the 'Park' button AND opening the driver's door, the car should apply your 'Exit" profile mode (with all settings as previously set, the same as clicking the previously set up 'EXIT' profile setting).
This way, when ever a FOB that enters the car, AND the seat switch notes that a driver is in the seat, and the car is placed in Drive, that specific fob's / Driver's Profile settings, will apply.
All this does is automate your current Profile setups, based on a certain fob I.D. driver occupancy and Park versus, Drive selection.
Sure would cut down on having to access the screen to do basic functions such as entry and exit.
If, And , Or logic�
Dec 28, 2015
Shaggy No offense taken. Heck, Ford's dropped the price ~$6k already (/cry). You are correct the keyless entry and 10 way power seats are all that you need and they are options on several models now. I imagine that you can also get them on Focus, CMax, and maybe even Fiesta soon. They seems to push features down the chain after a couple of years.
The Ford system is nice in the the 1-2-3 buttons work even with the car 'off', so I can start charging, get back in hit #3 for nap and then #1 for driving without waking up the car.�
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