Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 1, 2017

Vin # 10,000 part 1

  • Apr 17, 2013
    I see about 10 of us on these forums received the button earlier this week....for an estimated delivery in first two weeks of May. Seems to roughly coincide with the completion of the 10,000th S car. With 500 cars a week built, I figure there is a 1 in 50 chance one of us 10 will get VIN # 10,000. I hope one of you gets it, but count me out...I never win things.
  • Apr 17, 2013
    Yeah, I'm #9108 with delivery on the 27th. So, figure #10,000 rolls off 9 factory days later; May 9?
  • Apr 17, 2013
    Like all things TESLA, the numbers don't follow a reliable order. My number is 9038 and I will get my car probably after you. They said would be produced this week, but even if so, they need to ship it across the country and a few more days to get it in my hands. will be interesting to see if someone posts it one this website
  • Apr 18, 2013
    Jeff Andrews
    I'm right in that delivery window (5/4-5/18).
    How long after the delivery button should I get my VIN?
  • Apr 18, 2013
    Good luck reading some other recent deliveries, it seems like the app will connect roughly 10 days after receiving the delivery button (which you can see the VIN number on) and the early deliveries in the provided window are 10 days after that. Many have called in to get their VIN before the app connects, but I'm not gonna bug them. But please report back if you do get a VIN....and good luck! Looks like we will start to get app connects / more info on VINs mid next week.
  • Apr 18, 2013
    Jeff Andrews
    Thanks. This is way too exciting. (Added sig below.)
  • Apr 18, 2013
    Maybe I'm past 10000? You can see from my finalized date. We will see. I'm 2 days after you Jeff. Will they sequence 60's together or switch to 85's around this time in the production. Greg
  • Apr 18, 2013
    I wanna be 10,000!!!
  • Apr 19, 2013
    IT'S OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    or the sparta techno remix:

  • Apr 20, 2013
    Doug Martoccia
    I'm still in the running for 10k. No VIN as of today and my delivery window is bang on. The highest VIN posted so far is 9538 for a May 1-15 window.

    Only about 5% of people post their VIN on TMC - it'll be a long shot if we will ever know who got it. Maybe Elon will deliver #10000 personally - it's an awesome milestone.
  • Apr 20, 2013
    No doubt an amazing milestone considering how fast Tesla got there (relatively speaking.) I don't have my VIN yet either. It's possible..
  • Apr 20, 2013
    This is so delivery window is May 8-22 so...could I really stand a chance? I couldn't imagine owning this car being any more thrilling, but if I was VIN 10,000 it would just be AWESOME. One more thing now to keep me up at night!
  • Apr 20, 2013
    9999 or 10001 would pretty cool too
  • Apr 20, 2013
    I hope Tesla makes a small media splash with photos of the VIN 10000 owner (maybe with a giant key fob being handed over?!) :)
  • Apr 20, 2013
    Oh man, I'd better go on a diet, just in case!
  • Apr 20, 2013
    But 10,002 would just suck ;)
  • Apr 20, 2013
    I'll get 10,002 for sure now!
  • Apr 20, 2013
    So after 10,000 are you still considered an 'early adopter' ? Where IS the cutoff???
  • Apr 21, 2013
    My thinking is if you are "not badged"
  • Apr 21, 2013
    Doug Martoccia
    It's not the VIN number that matters - it's the intent. With very few exceptions, all Tesla Model S owners will be early adopters. Any individual buying an electric car at this nascent state would be considered an early adopter by any marketing firm. In a world population of 7 billion, EV owners currently number fewer than 1-in-50000.
  • Apr 21, 2013
    Early Adopters are people who put down deposits probably before 2012. I put mind in Oct 2011, and because of that we got free Supercharging. I was charged $2000, but given an Early Adopter Credit of $2000 on my MVPA. So there is clearly some date where people were not considered EA. Glad I got mine, between the EA credit and old pricing I saved $4500!
  • Apr 21, 2013
    One could argue that anyone who did not purchase a Roadster 1.0 is not an early adopter :) It's all relative. But in the grand scheme of things, we're all pretty early.
  • Apr 22, 2013
    Sure wishing my app would have connected today....An Earth Day Birthday would have been fitting.
  • Apr 22, 2013
    Sitting in a roadster was hard w/ size 10 work boots! Where do my dogs chickens and wife fit?
    Maybe the next one, since I loooove my s.
    Wife is lucky I found her first
  • Apr 22, 2013
    Doug Martoccia
    So....anyone make the call to Tesla to check on your VIN? I'm waiting until Weds if my app doesn't connect first. 10k may come out this week!
  • Apr 22, 2013
    I broke down and called at lunch time today Doug. Last Monday their delivery checklist email said someone would be calling me soon. In my world, a week isn't soon. I left a message and did not hear back from them yet. Seems like a lot of complaints the last few days about phone calls not getting returned, so I'll be patient....great to see them overwhelmed with success!!
  • Apr 22, 2013
    I am enjoying 2001, the #2 Canadian VIN :smile:.
  • Apr 23, 2013
    nice :tongue: ....2001 a space odyssey!
  • Apr 23, 2013
    Maybe we could just do one conference call and be done with it, lol.
  • Apr 24, 2013
    sounds like the 10,000 will be out from the factory in the first 2 weeks of May. Will it be the begining of the Europe signature series?
  • Apr 24, 2013
  • Apr 24, 2013
    400 per week or 500... means less than two weeks.
  • Apr 24, 2013
    Doug Martoccia
    I tried calling a few times today - nobody was even picking up. They must be very busy, so I just left a brief message.
  • Apr 24, 2013
    I got lucky...tried the number on my way to pick up my son and someone answered. He gave me my VIN and said he would tell my DS to call me. 1 hour later, a DS called me. Knowing that, if I were you, I would call periodically to see if someone answers & hang up of they don't. Good luck Doug.
  • Apr 24, 2013
    Called Monday, nothing. Called today and got it! #961x with delivery window of 5/8-5/22. Followed-up by e-mail tonight asking for driver's license info, etc. So excited! I call fairly frequently and, while I've always gotten e-mails (with delivery button and VIN), I would recommend calling if your obsessed with getting info ASAP (like most of us are!).
  • Apr 24, 2013
    Darn, with a window of 4/26-5/10 I don't think I'll be getting 10,000 :)
  • Apr 24, 2013

    When I got my VIN today, I realized they really are whacked out. The VIN I got is a few hundred LOWER than some cars that are being delivered now. Either they aren't produced in order, or my car has been sitting in a parking lot for a few weeks (doubt that).

    Don't count yourself out yet!!
  • Apr 25, 2013
    Probably some hefty batching going on at the moment, happened with 60kWh and red as well iirc.
  • Apr 25, 2013
    J in MN
    No, it was waiting for a $3 USB cable... ;)
  • Apr 25, 2013
    Jeff Andrews
    Got a call from Tesla this morning. Received my paperwork to sign, and my VIN is 9808!! So close. We set an initial delivery date of 5/16 at the Denver service center. Hopefully it comes earlier.
  • Apr 25, 2013
    Called today, they called back a hour or so later. No vin, but production date of May 6! They told me my delivery paperwork will be coming next week. Vin in 1-1.5 weeks.
  • Apr 25, 2013
    Vin# 948X, a bit off :)
  • Apr 25, 2013
    Didn't I read somewhere that finish date was a week after the build date. They told me today that cars coming into Toronto from the factory take 3-7 days. Because of no more home delivery they are coming through faster i was told.
  • Apr 25, 2013
    VIN just appeared in mobile app! #9555
  • Apr 25, 2013
    Looks like the VINs are flowing for our notification date group. Still no 10k though. Deliveries coming soon. DS wrote me this morning and said my car is in final testing. Congrats on the VINs and App connects all!!!
  • Apr 25, 2013
    Thanks! Your VIN just showed up yesterday and they said your car is in final testing? That is super exciting!
  • Apr 26, 2013
    arthur campbell
    The wait is over for #10000...looks like ROCKET MAKER is the lucky guy.
  • Apr 26, 2013
    Where did you see this?
  • Apr 26, 2013
    arthur campbell
    It is listed on the Default Calendar...on this site. could be I have missinterped?
  • Apr 26, 2013
    It is user "RocketMaker10000"'s Birthday today.

    He joined in 2010, so I doubt he had the foresight of getting VIN 10,000.
  • Apr 26, 2013
    That's pretty funny. So, I may still have a shot at VIN 10,000.
  • Apr 26, 2013
    Doug Martoccia
    I'm out of the running. Called the DS yesterday and she gave me my VIN. Didn't show up in the app until a few hours later. VIN#9391

    I also got an e-mail last night that my car had completed production, to quote: " Currently, your car is in End of Line Inspections. This means that your car is BUILT and is being checked to make sure it is ready to leave the factory. We look forward to reach out to you within the next 2 weeks or so to schedule your Model S delivery!

  • Apr 27, 2013
    Another data point...see my signature...
  • Apr 27, 2013
    With 10000 looming so large, it seems likely that Tesla will break 12000 before June 30. Is that just December production not shipped in 2012, or are they really that far ahead of the 20k/yr pace?

    Anyone else giddy about this?!
  • Apr 27, 2013
    Just received notice for Vin# 9499
  • Apr 27, 2013
    Someone took a bite out of your 2nd digit. Gratz on getting your VIN!
  • Apr 27, 2013
    VIN 9854 just now!:biggrin:
  • Apr 27, 2013
    I'm still waiting. I have a delivery date, but no VIN. I'll take 9999 or 10000, thanks.
  • Apr 27, 2013
    Just mins ago (8:12pm) I got the delivery questionnaire. Official delivery 15-29 May! Vin next week. We'll see...
  • Apr 27, 2013
    It seems pretty consistent that the VIN shows up in the app 10 days after you complete the delivery questionnaire. I completed 4/15 and sure enough the app came alive with VIN late the night of 4/25. It will be interesting to see if that holds true for step closer!
  • Apr 28, 2013
    Ven Rala
    Just got my delivery date estimate of 5/22-6/5. I'm putting my hat in the ring for 10K. So if it is 2 weeks from delivery email to VIN and Fremont is producing ~200 cars a week. Yeah, I've got a chance.
  • Apr 28, 2013
    Just assigned vin ending in 9984 at 12:35am today.
  • Apr 28, 2013
    Doug Martoccia
    Time has come at last to announce my retirement from the Tesla Delivery Sequencing tracking project in about a week. As I expected, once I received my VIN, I figured it was time to hang up my spreadsheet. My predecessor and I gathered quite a bit of data here.

    Some highlights:
    - Washington State may actually have more Model Ss per capita than California (see "States" tab)
    - Of 850 or so deliveries noted, nobody has reported receiving a Model S in IA or MS. (see "States" tab)
    - Since Jan 2013, Red and Blue have been the most popular colors reported (see "Config" tab)
    - Since Jan 2013, about 1/3 of Model Ss had the 60kWhr battery option (see "Config" tab)
    - Since mid-Feb, Tesla is building about 60 cars/day (see "Firm" tab)
    - The end of quarter "surge" is very apparent! (See "Firm" tab)

    If you would like to fill in a hole in the spreadsheet, either PM me or post your info on one of the delivery links.

    Updated Delivery Spreadsheet
  • Apr 28, 2013

    +1. Yes I am.

    - - - Updated - - -

    lol. The post from Doug below yours says that no one has reported an MS in IA.
  • Apr 29, 2013
    Crap! I'm out #9904.
  • Apr 29, 2013
    Well, the good news is that you have a VIN now. Sorry you are out though. It was fun while it lasted, right?
  • Apr 29, 2013
    Looking at Bteflyl8e and's finalize dates, I'm guessing VIN 10,000 will go to someone that finalized around March 26-27. Guess they'll be well over 10,000 (and possibly getting close to 11,000 by the time I get mine...

    On a side note, I finalized on April 5, so I'm guessing I'll get a delivery window of early June (depending on their batch sequencing...).
  • Apr 29, 2013
    Vin 9805.
  • Apr 29, 2013
    It was fun!
    Now the car is becoming real. The last 14 months have been surreal.
    i have a date with the car on may 23 in Toronto. If it comes earlier they'll call and bump me up.
  • Apr 29, 2013
    I'm out, too! Just got my VIN... 9922. Reserved Nov '11. Finalized on 3/1/13. I had visions of Elon personally calling me to congratulate me on my lucky VIN number and telling me that I didn't have to worry about paying for it! :)
  • Apr 29, 2013
    I would trade the VIN # 10,000 if I could just get the car now :)
  • Apr 29, 2013
    Lol, I had that exact same dream...

    - - - Updated - - -

    Man, so close!
  • Apr 29, 2013
    There are so many "40" buyers getting cars in May that one of them could get VIN 10,000.
  • Apr 30, 2013
    A friend, who after asking me a lot of questions about the car ordered a arrest me red P85 in march, just got his VIN # : 9952

    Delivery window: May 16-30

    That was close !! Would have been proud if VIN #10000 was a fellow Canadian ... :tongue:
  • Apr 30, 2013
    That certainly was close. I have a feeling the next reported VIN on this thread will be +10K.
  • May 1, 2013
    In the 40 thread, someone already got a VIN higher than 10000, so the threshold has been crossed.
  • May 1, 2013
    That VIN if anyone is interested.
    40 kWh Delivery Timing - Page 11
  • May 1, 2013
    I'm out of the VIN 10,000 sweepstakes. I'm picking up my multi-red P85 at the factory on May 9 with VIN 10023.
  • May 1, 2013
    But you are winning the closest to 10k contest! Congrats Don...
  • May 1, 2013
    I am out - over 10,000 by the meaning of life.
  • May 1, 2013
    So cool to see VIN numbers over 10,000. Can't wait for this to be announced to the public!
  • May 1, 2013
    +1. Amazing. Ten months and five days ago the first S rolled off the line.
  • May 1, 2013
    Very cool... Now this thread will soon fade into obscurity.
  • May 1, 2013
    More specifically 10000 + Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything

    I wonder if someone on the forums will get 10000 or if it will go to some Tesla store as a show car or more likely I suppose some lucky Tesla owner who does not obsessively read about their upcoming car on these forums :) I agree though that it is amazing how fast Tesla hit 10,000 cars and well before a single car was sold in Europe. Good for them and good for us.
  • May 1, 2013
    Why's that? Sure we now know 10000 has been assigned. But I thought the point was to find out who has it.
  • May 1, 2013
    Mark Simons
    I'm out... 10079
  • May 1, 2013

    I got it without the clarification....made me laugh Six!! I think 10,000 represents the 10 million years for Deep Thought to come up with the question. So you have a very cool VIN indeed!!

    The Last Starfighter or Ender's Game? - Page 2

    - - - Updated - - -

    Sort of...the primary point was to get TESLA to give me VIN# 10,000 for starting a thread about it. The secondary point was to hopefully get someone active on these forums assigned that VIN. And the tertiary point is to find out who if the primary and secondary points failed to develop ;-)

    We should know soon though!! You would think they would have make some press about it.
  • May 2, 2013
    I am out. VIN 10066 !!!!! so happy my red is coming Performance plus and everything available on it. I will miss parking sensors...
  • May 2, 2013
    Oooh, you got a VIN? That's a great sign that the perf+ cars are really going to be built this coming week. Did you see it from the app or DS?
  • May 2, 2013
    Performance + are coming!!! My DS sent me an email with my VIN and a happy face. No connection with the app yet.
  • May 2, 2013
    Maybe TM will make a big deal out of the 10,000th car sold as opposed to VIN #10000 since they have a ton of show cars and now a loaner fleet.
  • May 2, 2013
    I don't think they will. If they choose to broadcast when the 10,000th car is sold, it immediately will draw a line in the sand about how many sales/deliveries have occurred in the quarter.
  • May 2, 2013
    Hopefully VIN 10000 isn't just some loaner. Or perhaps it will be the first official loaner.
  • May 2, 2013
    Didn't the VIN # sequence restart with after Sig and Canada-Sig cars?
    If so, then VIN 10,000 would not be the 10,000th car built or sold.
    Including Sigs, didn't we pass 10,000 Model S's on the road a while ago?
  • May 2, 2013
    I'm out too. Issued 1004x.
  • May 6, 2013
    No, the VINs did not reset. The first production car was around VIN 1350 or so.
  • May 6, 2013
    You're saying they built 1,350 test mules / prototypes / examples prior to the start of mass production? Damn, that seems like quite a lot.
  • May 6, 2013
    This is not correct. My VIN is 00693. The test mules were all pre-production. The first production cars were Founders editions, followed by the Sigs, then regular production.
  • May 6, 2013
    Signature series/get amped cars
  • May 6, 2013
    Exactly, and the regular production cars started with VINs around 1350 (actually it looks like it was around 1250) just like I said. The VINs did not reset after the Sigs.
  • May 6, 2013
    Ah, sorry. Thought you meant the car itself going into initial production, not general production vs founders/signature.
  • May 6, 2013
    Got my VIN today. xxxx10403
  • May 7, 2013
    10001. Pick it up Saturday in Costa Mesa...
  • May 7, 2013
    that's crazy close!!!
  • May 7, 2013
    That's really cool.... ;-)
  • May 7, 2013
    Still a really cool VIN.
  • May 7, 2013
    Now we need a thread for VIN 31415
  • May 8, 2013
    Maybe they'll have pie at the celebration party?
  • May 8, 2013
    Very cool VIN. I just left that service center. Had an tire pressure warning light looked at and they relocated the wireless antenna. All good now, in Barstow supercharging. Tons of cars at Costa Mesa...they are busy!!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Costa mesa
  • May 8, 2013
    I was told today that vin 10000 is still at the factory. Perhaps it's being held for a special purpose.
  • May 8, 2013
    There is a picture of body #10000 in the shareholders letter.

  • May 8, 2013
    Yeah team Tesla! You guys rock! Can't tell you how many lives you're changing, and what impact you're having on the industry. Your'e quality work is appreciated more than you know.

    Please take care of my baby, soon to be body in white in the next week or so! ;)
  • May 8, 2013
    Congratulations Tesla!! Inspiring in so many ways!!
  • May 9, 2013
    Yeah ! congratulation to all the Tesla team ! We have the Tesla grin everyday thanks to your efforts, this is so cool!

    And now, En route for the 20,000!
  • May 9, 2013
    Anyone notice Ironman in the photo? :)

    Maybe # 10,000 won't be built...but used as a showcase piece for the factory/office
  • May 9, 2013
    He is hiding the VIN number :confused:
  • May 9, 2013
    Just a head. Right at the top edge of the hood, close to the driver's side.
  • May 9, 2013
    @cheerose, thanks for pointing that out. Ironman gets around apparently, this was his test drive!
  • May 9, 2013
    Jeff Andrews
    Interesting to see a red car on the cluster, brings a nice bit of color to the area.
  • May 14, 2013
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