Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 1, 2017

Official word from Tesla (GeorgeB) on the vanity mirror light and rear reading lights part 1

  • Aug 1, 2012
    I started a new thread since there were part of multiple threads about people reconsidering their reservations due to these two issues

    They are both going to be added back to the car (for the early people who get their cars delivered without them). The rear reading lights will be no cost and it sounds like the vanity mirror will be free as well.
    Link to original post below
    Interior lighting - Changes on Specs web page

    Great news!
  • Aug 1, 2012
    Here's the whole post:

    Now hopefully they start delivering cars so people have real issues to discuss.
  • Aug 1, 2012
    FANTASTIC! That's the communication I would expect from a company looking to win customers.

    EDIT: Can we get an updated OP in the 'Interior Lights" thread showing that this has been resolved? I know it's near the last page but newcomers may read the first page and move on.
  • Aug 1, 2012
    Sounds good! So happy to have this kind of communication and the ability to upgrade things after the car is delivered.

    Hopefully George can clear up the power folding mirrors too?
  • Aug 1, 2012
    :) - nuff said!
  • Aug 1, 2012
    I am so relieved that we have an official answer.

    We (the TMC membership 'we') have consistently responded to bits of information by assuming the worst. A number of people on the forum have attempted to turn the tide, saying 'hey, give it a chance'. But instead, things evolve from rumor to fact and then people up in arms talking about cancelling reservations. So fear not. Your significant others are going to be able to apply makeup (though honestly, don't you want to be able to accelerate - applying makeup means you're all going to have to drive like little old men - is that really what you want?). You will be able to find your groceries in the backseat from that you didn't put in the frunk and that the overhead light doesn't illuminate.

    Yeah, those cars need to get delivered so people can focus on reporting back on the joy, the utter and complete JOY of driving electric. Especially a car where every time, every single frickin' time, when you press the accelerator, the hand of God swoops down and gives you an extra boost.
  • Aug 1, 2012
    Todd Burch
    George: Now *THAT'S* what I'm talking about! Good news that the vanity mirror light/reading lights are back, but I'm much more excited to see the lines of conversation open again. Keep it up and Tesla will set itself far apart from "the other guys"!
  • Aug 1, 2012
    Ok, so it's been a few minutes. Time to start a new rumor.

    I heard Bonnie is offering JOY drives in her Roadster when she visits Seattle.

    Edit: Hm. Tesla might want to pick up that term. "Amped isn't for test drives; it's for joy drives."
  • Aug 1, 2012
    Add me to this list ...

    As I converted to the Performance Model at the Miami event ... I want as much feedback from the factory as possible. It's one of those things that has set Tesla above the other auto makers.

    George: KEEP YOUR WEEKLY BLOG GOING!!!! Even if it's to say nothing at all has changed, we appreciate the "personal" attention.
  • Aug 1, 2012
    I fully intend to contact both the Portland and Seattle reservation holders. To meet over coffee. For RIDES. :)
  • Aug 1, 2012
    Huzzah! Nice communication, George! Well written! Faith in Tesla's engineering crew still strong!
    Just what we'd love to see back in the weekly blog posts, too!
  • Aug 1, 2012
    You mean exchange coffee for Roadster rides? Sign me up! First! :)
  • Aug 1, 2012
    Once again TM comes through with Flying colors. Now that's some customer service!
  • Aug 1, 2012
    All right, let this be a lesson. Next time just be patient and you'll get your answers.
  • Aug 1, 2012
    A fine line between passion and lunacy. Sometimes we blur the line.
  • Aug 1, 2012
    A master of understatement.
  • Aug 1, 2012
    joy rides??:biggrin:
    everyone should be smiling joyfully right?

    I'm kinda close :wink:
  • Aug 1, 2012
  • Aug 1, 2012
    Great to see a response from Tesla that shows awareness of issues, the process of resolving said issues, and where that may leave any given vehicle that was being built at the time a change was being made. :biggrin:

    As others have stated, keeping the blog entries coming at a semi-regular pace (once every week or two) would do much to dispel those feelings of being left in the dark. Even if the blog entry doesn't say much more than "Had a great lunch while talking to the engineers about the 'eject' button." :scared:

    For bonus points, a weekly "ping" email to those who are currently seeing words similar to "The Tesla Factory is building your Model S Signature Performance" on their My Tesla page would be awesometacular, and wouldn't need to have much more than some random picture of a robot/human working on a partially assembled vehicle to keep us distracted enough to stop nit-picking about issues that are likely already fully under control. :cool:
  • Aug 1, 2012
    Someone with a Roadster in Portland is renting it via a new carshare program called Getaround---$50 p/hr and if you pickup a flyer you can get $25 off. $25 in a Roadster for an hour sounds pretty good, but then again free Bonnie might be better.
  • Aug 1, 2012
    The Getaround car is owned by Getaround itself... the guy who manages the rentals locally is really easy to work with.
    Definitely worth the $50/hour, and $25 an hour would make it sweet.
    And you get to drive it.
  • Aug 1, 2012
    I mentioned this in the other thread, which means it's lost in the noise now.

    Given Tesla's iterations, I think they're in need of a way to communicate changes in progress or changes expected. For example, is anyone getting the car now made aware of the coming changes? If I'm sitting in a display model in a store, how do I know if it matches what I'd be getting? A sheet of paper or some such detailing what's changed with each "release" of the car would be useful. When a reviewer does a long term review and looks at the interior in detail, that same piece of paper can show them what's being addressed so they don't go off ranting about something being addressed.

    The most significant part for me is I want to know what I'm getting when I have to lock down.
  • Aug 1, 2012
    You're right on... it's tough as nails to know exactly what you're gonna get.
    Even recent reviews posted are using 2-year-old photos and stock images from Tesla Motors' web site. The showroom demo cars are much closer, but still not final.
    Jumping into a 1.0 of anything is risky, and even more so for 5- or 6-figures of cash.
    It's going to be a personal decision for each one of us, how much we're willing to go on faith that the car will delight us as we expect.

    I've got faith enough. I'd drive out of the showroom with VIN#50 if they'd sell it to me. Well, if it had the pano roof... :)
  • Aug 1, 2012
    I agree wholeheartedly to this, whether the communication is strictly via email to reservation holders past the configuration phase, or more broadly posted to the Tesla blog.

    However, since my delivery was quoted for October, perhaps I shouldn't be made aware of any minor nits that are in the process of being sorted out prior to that delivery date as they aren't a major change to whatever the spec was on the date the agreement was signed?

    Unfortunately I don't think they are tracking the date of each individual's agreement signing with the timing of tweaking various components of the vehicle being delivered to the end of the assembly line.

    Is that a bad thing? Probably not.

    How often do you ask the staff at a fine restaurant for up-to-the-minute updates on the status of your order, to ensure that ingredients / cooking style / presentation hasn't changed?

    If you answered "more frequently than once per ice age", perhaps Tesla needs to add a "keep me up to date on ever niggling little detail" option on your online profile.

    Otherwise, I'd say to not complain about the meal until it is delivered to your table!
  • Aug 1, 2012
    There's a lesson to learn out of this one.

    For future prototype photos -- I'm looking at you X and Bluestar -- they should add a very large, clear date-stamped watermark to the image. That way, when a reputable publication uses the image 2-3 years later the public will embarrass them in the comments and hopefully shame them into getting current with their photo usage.
  • Aug 1, 2012
    Ok, late answer, but blame that on the time difference ;-)

    A personal thank you to George for clearing that up.

    Given the time until the Euro S will be out, I am sure there will be quite a few more "optimizations" shall we say.
    Again, great news.
  • Aug 1, 2012
    All we need now is the other hand to make lifting up on that accelerator deliver the same quantity of regen that Roadster has, instead of the anemic regen the test drive cars have. At least for the 85 kWh cars, which shouldn't have issues with maximum C factor. Hey, make it a user customizable mode if you're scared it'll turn EV newbies off.

    Yeah, I'm a curmudgeon today, sorry.

    In a related item, I stopped by the local Tesla store on my way home this evening. VIN 48 was there. The interior on that car is a mixed bag. The ambiance lighting in the doors is very cool, and the arm rest is comfortable. Still needs a door pocket, of course. The center mirror with its thin chrome frame was elegant - really. However, the perforated plastic cover (for microphone/speaker?) in the headliner over that elegant mirror was really cheap looking and had undulating gaps. The bar in the pano roof didn't have the cover, and it was truly amazing how much better that is than what is in the test drive cars. I so much want the pano roof to be like this Beta car instead of the test drive RC cars. I still feel like the dashboard has too much cheap looking chrome trim for a "premium" vehicle. My end take was that given the right attention to fit and some material changes, the interior could be passable.
  • Aug 1, 2012
    You cannot both want Tesla to refine the car as fast as possible and OTOH know the result in 3 months advance. No way. I just want to point out that contradiction.

    Now for your sheet of paper, that sounds like release notes for Tesla Model S V1.0, iteration 31 - describing the differences to iteration 30. Problem is, you will not know how many iterations are made before your car is built and what gets changed in these. While most people would be happy if features are added at no additional cost, all the whining started when Tesla removed a feature they were not happy with to improve it. I don't know how that would read in that piece of paper? Please come up with a suggestion that would not upset customers and/or car journalists.
  • Aug 2, 2012
    Let's not forget that just about all car manufacturers make running changes even in the same model year (I remember when some mk5 jettas began losing the headlight washers out the blue).
  • Aug 2, 2012
    For sure. If I head to CA... I'd do the same.
  • Aug 2, 2012
    Well said Rich!

  • Aug 2, 2012
    Super Gizmo
    Originally Posted by GeorgeB
    Hi everyone,

    First of all, thanks to everyone throughout this thread who had faith in us that we were doing the right thing. Your support is always greatly appreciated.

    So, what�s going on� This thread started as the result of a change to our website specs page and a response from one of the Tesla Team about rear seat reading lights and the desire to increase visibility for tall customers. The following highlights exactly what we�ve been working on.

    The beta Lighted Vanity Visor that first showed up in Model S was not acceptable to us from an appearance, function or size standpoint. So we rejected it and immediately started working on another version. In the meantime, we started delivering cars. We did not want to be delivering cars without Lighted Vanity Visors when our webpage specs said otherwise�so we changed the specs page to be more accurate at that moment in time.

    The removal of 2nd Row Reading lights from the specs page is also an �accuracy of the moment� issue. We removed these from the specs page because we were working on another initiative that might impact what type of light we could use in the back seat for a reading light. Basically, we found a way to potentially add a few millimeters of additional headroom in the back seat. As part of that initiative, we didn�t know for sure if we would be able to use the same light fixture, or even the same type of reading light going forward�so we deleted it from the specs page to be more accurate at the time.

    Both of these issues are temporary issues, and for those of you who have been following us for a while, you know how we operate. When something doesn�t meet our expectations, we dive right in to fix it. We work hard to find the best solution possible, then we implement it. We try to keep all information as up to date as possible, but in today�s world, that sometimes causes problems from a communication standpoint. Nevertheless, we always feel as though it is better to be as accurate and up to date as possible, even if it makes things a little tougher for us from time to time.

    You will soon see another change to our specs page. You will see the addition of 2nd Row Reading Lights. We have been able to accomplish what we set out to do with the rear seat headroom, and will be able provide reading lights in the same place as originally planned. We focused first on the headroom adjustment because that is more complicated within the car itself, then we focused on the lights and placement. To avoid any further questions about what will happen next, let me be perfectly clear... there will be a few early cars delivered that do not have 2nd Row Reading Lights. However, we will be happy to install them in the future (at no charge of course). The wires are already in place so this is not a major event.

    You will not see the Lighted Vanity Visor back on the specs page for a little while longer because we are still working on getting the form factor and functionality exactly the way we want it. It will be lighted, it will have a mirror, and it can easily be retrofit into all cars. In fact, we will be encouraging everyone to get the retrofit.

    So just to be clear, all cars that get delivered are set up to have reading lights in 2nd row seats and Lighted Vanity Visors. Those that don�t have the latest and greatest when they receive their car can have these items retrofit at no additional cost.

    I hope this helps clear up all questions regarding this issue. Please understand, we are very, very serious about everything that goes into Model S. We are doing all we can to make every millimeter count while still listening to what our customers and future customers want. We are going to have lights in the right places, a shelf that was asked for by customers in the console area, and a lighted visor mirror that you can look into and smile. And when all is said and done, that is what we are really striving for�you smiling.


    What a wonderful great response from George B and TM. This is what sets Tesla apart from other automobile manufacturers. This is what sets Elon Musk apart from the CEOs of other companies. My wife and I are grateful that TM responded to our and other customers concerns so promptly. We were devastated that we would have to cancel after waiting all these years. Well, we are confirming our "Build your Tesla email" today and now we can hardly wait to get the car. Personally I don't see any shortcomings in the car now. There will always be some features which can be added later.

    For future reference, if there had been a better line of communication from TM regarding these features I and and others like me wouldn't have been venting our frustrations over these issues on this and the other forums. But hey, that is in the past as GeorgeB put it, we have a Tesla smile on our faces today!
  • Aug 2, 2012
    The first two posts in this thread already have the entire contents of George's post.

    I'm glad people are happy but I'm already weary of it being repasted 20x in every thread. Perhaps the mods can nuke the duplicates.
  • Dec 12, 2012
    Todd Burch
    For those of you who now have your cars, what's the status on the vanity mirror? Has Tesla upgraded these or are they the same old original mirrors that people complained about?
  • Dec 12, 2012
    Sig 692/Vin 00495 received my Model S on 11/2/2012..."same old original mirrors that people complained about..."

    Had my first visit to Menlo Park Service Center last week to get some of my punch list items addressed but Mirrors are still MIA!

    At least I have a "Model S" ensignia on my trunk now and a Cubby in the center console area!!!! Progress!
  • Dec 12, 2012
    I've still got the smaller mirrors, but I honestly don't mind them. Granted, I haven't had to block sun or put on makeup just yet.
  • Dec 12, 2012
    You're not being honest about one of these issues.
  • Dec 12, 2012
    My car rolled off the line exactly a week ago and we have the cubby but no lighted mirrors. Wife is currently liking the mirrors (doesn't really wear makeup) so we may not get the retrofit when offered - depends on what it looks like.
  • Dec 12, 2012
    Is it the blocking sun part? The visors are almost useless to block sun- much like the Roadster.
  • Dec 13, 2012
    Can you name another car company that responds in real time to customer concerns and communicates directly to the customers? Typically, a mid-production modification like this would only happen for liability reasons, not to satisfy customers.
  • Dec 13, 2012

    I'm pretty sure he was lying about not having to put makeup on recently.
  • Dec 13, 2012
    Having driven today with lots of visor use, I disagree. The visors on my Model S were nearly perfect for me -- I'm tall, though. My only complaint is that the outer side of the visor has a fairly large gap to the headliner.
  • Dec 13, 2012
    Well, makeup applied... And I had an opportunity to block the sun today. Worked fine. Due to the slope of the windshield, I'm not sure you need bigger visors. Now, if you tend to apply makeup before your graveyard shift, you may indeed need the lighted visors.
  • Dec 13, 2012
    Super Gizmo
    Patiently waiting for new visors with lighted vanity mirrors. The temps look cheap for a car of this class and do not block sunlight for people who are average or short in height.
  • Dec 13, 2012
    Jason S
    <- avg height. Visors work fine.

    Then again, I tend to put my seat up a bit so I can see over the dash. :biggrin:
  • Dec 13, 2012
    Fair point.. I am 6'3"
  • Dec 13, 2012
    Actually the Roadster visors are mostly good for blocking traffic lights, so I've removed the one on the driver's side. If the sun happens to be at "that angle" I just sit straighter in the seat...
  • Dec 13, 2012
    The visors work great for me, I'm 5'7" and set my seat a bit higher to make them work perfectly for me to block the bright morning sun on my commute to work.
  • Dec 14, 2012
    Super Gizmo
    They look cheap and are a disgrace to have in a fine luxury automobile like Model S. Visors in cars costing 20K or less look better. Those who are happy with these POS should keep them when the replacements come out.
  • Dec 14, 2012
    You guys are too funny! :biggrin:
  • Dec 14, 2012
    I suppose different people just have different priorities. I'll gladly take better visors, but I have more important things in life to get angry at. :D
  • Dec 15, 2012
    cupholders? ;)
  • Dec 15, 2012
    Just did my first drive in really direct sunlight, and now I get the complaints in real world terms. The visors are flimsy and too small. Oh well. I still LOVE this car.
  • Jan 6, 2013
    Any updates on the retro-fit(s)?
  • Jan 11, 2013
    I can't see how they could make them any bigger. There is an indentation in the headliner where they stow. Any bigger and they wouldn't stow in a flush manner like they do now.
  • May 6, 2013
    Any word on this promised retrofit?
  • May 6, 2013
    I'd just like my mirror glass. Both of mine looked like this upon delivery. My DS supposedly noted it, but I guess I'll have to follow up:

  • May 6, 2013
    I guess they didn't want you to scare yourself when you looked in the mirror?:eek:
  • May 6, 2013
    mknox least I have an excuse for my disheveled appearance! :wink:
  • May 6, 2013
    Plug Me In
    Maybe that's a "you shoulda got multi-coat red!"
  • May 8, 2013
    Does anyone know where I can see a photo of the original vs. the retrofit vs. the ones coming off the line these days? I'd like to compare mine.
  • May 8, 2013
    So I have been trying to keep a running list of things we've been promised/told are coming/be retrofitted and not cost us money. Here is what I have so far:

    - Visors with lighted vanity mirrors
    - Rear reading lights retrofit
    - Sunshades for panorama roof

    I'm also not including due bill items (parcel shelf, carbon fiber spoiler, etc.). is there anything I am missing?
  • May 8, 2013
    My boss's Model S that came yesterday had the rear reading lights, they are pretty sick.
  • May 9, 2013
    Are you working without a net?
  • May 9, 2013
    Fog lights for those who ordered their car while they were still on the specs but got their car delivered without them
  • May 9, 2013
    What about the front defroster vent retrofit: is that something everyone gets, or do you have to live in a 'cold' climate?
  • May 9, 2013
    There are 2 seperate items regarding the defroster vents. 1) a software update coming in 4.5 is going to improve the 'defroster' airflow settings and 2) the hardware vent improvement. You are referring to #2. It was probably free for those living in Canada or really cold climates as it's more of a safety issue there, and they probably needs some real 'beta' testers to confirm their cold weather package works. They got it for free I think. I don't know if they are still doing that. Any hardware change for that from here on out is probably only going to be via the cold weather package and not a free retrofit.

    I got my car on March 6th and there are rear lights. Did you get a car without those?

    Other items promised that we're still waiting on - access to music storage device & wifi. Hardware is already included for those AFAIK though, so no retrofit needed.

    By saying 'they are pretty sick' I am wondering if the rear lights in my car are the same as what you are seeing. I mean lights are lights...I wouldn't call them 'sick' ... I should take a pic and post to see if mine are the same as what you have seen.
  • May 9, 2013
    Oh, speaking of that. The car not coming with a cargo net in the frunk is annoying. I know we've not been promised that item, but still it seems cheap not to have it come standard on every Model S.

    I asked my local service center about it, and you can request the retrofit but they seem to be in very short supply.

    I have the rear reading lights, but I could swear that it was stated somewhere that the initial iteration of the lights were not up to snuff and that they were going to be replaced.
  • May 9, 2013
    Mine came with rear lights last week of November.
  • May 9, 2013
    Tesla is delivering all cars without the defroster vent retrofit. The Canadian service team replaces them automatically as part of the PDI.

    - - - Updated - - -

    My car (delivered in December) had those from the get-go.

    Funny story - a passenger asked if those things on the ceiling were cameras? I told him to stick his finger in it. (I was almost surprised when he complied.) "Oh!"
  • May 9, 2013
    I just received my defroster retrofit today. Ironically, I have not had a fogging issue, except in the little window on the driver's door. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1368163604.474905.jpg
  • May 9, 2013
    What's that blue light at the base of where the windshield meets the windshield wipers. Will that help to defrost faster? Is that Martian or would that be red so that must be from Venus? :wink:
  • May 10, 2013
    Reflection. Skylight? Window? Doorway?
  • May 10, 2013
    A reflection, for sure. Quite a twist on the color of the fluorescent light above...
  • May 10, 2013
    Window next to the upper cabinets.
  • May 11, 2013
    Has anyone seen these at all? I certainly don't have them. And my sun visors are, well, they're OK in the front, but it's physicallly impossible to rotate them to the side window (I'm short, the driver's seat is far forward).

    I'm not sure what was supposed to be changed on these. On mine here are two "button lights", one on each side, just like the button lights in the front. Can anyone point me to more information?

    - - - Updated - - -

    That would be the retrofit, same one I got. It has eliminated fogging problems, which I did have before. (I can't be sure about frosting problems until next winter, of course.) I was told that it is "free for people who ask for it", as well as being pre-installed in Canadian cars. I suppose they don't want to overwork their service centers giving it to people in Arizona who don't need it. It does have a bit of a reflection on the windshield so some people might not want it.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Oh, and regarding the sunvisors, I'm kind of curious what they're going to replace them with, because the current ones are wrapped with the headliner material I'm allergic to. (Accordingly, I leave them in the same position most of the time and move them using a tissue...)
  • May 11, 2013
    So are all owners (including future) entitled to a retrofit?
  • Oct 29, 2013
    As many of us have been patiently awaiting the replacement visors with lighted led mirrors for around a year now, I pinged Jerome G to get an update.
    I had emailed ownership about a month ago, but got a very noncommital response. Here is Jerome's response...
    "Unfortunately, the lighted sunvisors are not currently under development. We continue to develop features for the Model S (e.g., parking sensors were released in August, power folding mirrors a few weeks ago), but lighted sunvisors are not on the development roadmap at the moment. We tried several possibilities, but none was satisfactory. If your Model S still has the �plastic� mirrors, please contact Nick in Norristown (where I believe your car is typically serviced) to have the sunvisors replaced with ones with actual mirrors."

    I then replied asking if Tesla was backing away from George B.s commitment. Here is his response to my followup question....
    "I am sorry about this, but the lighted mirrors are not in the current development plans. I understand your disappointment. Please be certain that we are working super hard to bring as many improvements as possible to the Model S. There have been several firmware updates, including the most recent one with wi-fi and there are many more on the way, including a most advanced navigation system. All of these firmware updates are provided to all existing customers. When it comes to hardware changes, we have many projects to juggle with (at the same time we are working full speed on Model S). I wish we could work on all projects at once, but we simply do not have the resources to do so.

    Thank you for your understanding!"

    Sounds pretty noncommital as well. Very disappointing. He did offer for me to take my car to the SC and get the plastic mirrors replaced with glass ones.
  • Oct 29, 2013
    Every time I see a posting of a Jerome email, and when I think about the one or two I've gotten from him, and then I think about his talk at TESLIVE . . . I find it harder and harder to believe the emails are coming from the same person who spoke at TESLIVE.
  • Oct 29, 2013
    Yeah, I'm really starting to feel like Elon is starting to take us in North America a bit for granted and now switching all priorities to the European market.
  • Oct 29, 2013
    Johann Koeber
    Elon stated several times during his visit to Europe that the German market is important for Tesla. What should he be saying during his visit here? Nothing else to be expected. German car manufacturers are very mature competition in upscale cars. If Tesla "can make it there, they'll make it anywhere". Germans love their car companies (BMW, Audi, Mercedes). Lexus is having a hard time here. Sales are miniscule (129 units in Sept. 2013,
    source: KBA Monatliche Neuzulassungen)

    Tesla model S is expensive here, but worth it. We have plenty of solar power. At times we need to pay someone to take it off our necks. So why not put it in a car battery (as Elon suggested in a recent TV interview).

    In Germany we do not yet have any superchargers. Only way to sell Model S in Germany will be the way Tesla is going: introduce a network of SCs, make sure build quality stays up, optimize the car for Autobahn speeds. Then and only then Tesla has a chance of making their stake in the German market.

    My background: Ordered my second Model S yesterday, previous car a Lexus.
  • Oct 29, 2013
    Johann, welcome to the club. Certainly didn't mean to offend our European friends! I would just rather see Tesla push forward for you guys without walking away from commitments made to us a year ago.
  • Oct 29, 2013
    At least the southern part of North America is getting Superchargers. Still waiting here in Canada!
  • Oct 29, 2013
    To be fair, they probably feel like they've "got this" and now need to handle a bigger challenge. I agree though, it sucks.
  • Oct 29, 2013
    I'm confused. What exactly is Tesla walking away from? At last look they've been ahead of all predictions at every turn.
  • Oct 29, 2013
    Well, not quite with the summer SuperCharger rollout, if you remember the press releases and Elon appearances in May 2013. But TMC's spent plenty of time debating that so let's not restart it here...
  • Oct 29, 2013
    You're injecting to much hope into the reply by saying Jerome is non-commital on the vanity mirrors. I read it as saying "We're not going to be making them. Thanks for being understanding."

    To be honest, I don't care about the vanity mirrors but I do think that Tesla is going through growing pains and they need to be careful about living up to their previous promises.
  • Oct 29, 2013
    No kidding...

    At least we have SCH chargers while we wait.
  • Oct 29, 2013

    There was a very clear promise from GB directly that we would be getting lit vanity mirrors.

  • Oct 29, 2013
    Grab a flashlight.
  • Oct 29, 2013
    Canada has power?
  • Oct 29, 2013
    The most recent response I read from Tesla VP (I think it was yesterday) was that the lighted vanity mirrors were canceled and no plans on bringing them to production. This negates GB's response from a few months back.
  • Oct 30, 2013
    Well, it used to be 25 cycle, but we converted to 60 cycle in the 1950's :wink:
  • Oct 30, 2013
    So if Tesla is walking away from lighted vanity mirrors, does that mean that originally when they planned to do this, did they pre-wire the visors? If we were so inclined, could we find a power source in the visor for our own light or other electronic gizmo in the visor? Perhaps stick a lcd in the visor for a front parking camera?
  • Oct 30, 2013
    There is apparently a 12v dongle up in the compartment with the microphones (headliner above rear-view mirror). Some are tapping in here for things like dash cams. My initial thought is that it was there for the visor lights. Given the stance on lighted visors, I wouldn't be surprised if the wire is no longer being installed on later cars.
  • Oct 30, 2013
    I thought I had read somewhere on here that it wasn't installed anymore.
  • Oct 30, 2013
    Well it's def there for me right there in the middle. VIN 05837

  • Oct 31, 2013
    Your vin of 5k is still pretty early in. I think it is there on mine which is 9805 so it got pulled somewhere after that. I'm not sure when it was pulled and since I have no plans to use it there really isn't any difference to me.
  • Oct 31, 2013
    My VIN is just over 10k (delayed because of mc red, 3rd row, and then perf plus) and I have the plug.
  • Oct 31, 2013
    I would like to pop mine open and have a look. From your photo, it appears that there are clips on the rear edge that unsnap and then it hinges down from the front (close to the windshield). Is this correct? I don't want to break anything!
  • Oct 31, 2013
    Oddly enough my wife decided to brush her hair and tie it up as we were leaving the office yesterday. We were leaving late and it was dark already. Despite my turning on all the dome lights she couldn't see what she was doing. I couldn't see much myself. Not the end of the world but LOL.
  • Oct 31, 2013
    Yep. I had no idea it was hinged. I just yanked down on it lol but yeah that's all you have to do - yank down on the end closer to you. I snaps right back in place.
  • Oct 31, 2013
  • Oct 31, 2013
    I'm not particularly bothered by the lack of lighting in the vanity mirror, but I am disappointed that we wont get a replacement sun visor that actually stands a chance of blocking out the sun!

    Most passengers just laugh when their attention is drawn to the flimsy shades.
  • Oct 31, 2013
    You are shady enough, no?! :tongue:
  • Oct 31, 2013
    Maybe it's my driving position, but I find them not too bad. If I put it straight down, it blocks the sun for me, and I wouldn't really want it any lower or I couldn't see the road. I think it's because of the slope of the roof and the fact that they're hinged further up. If I open them all the way down towards the glass, they actually don't cover anything. I found this out trying to use them to hold my sunscreen in place over the summer. The trick seems to be to lower them straight down, and don't push them forward towards the glass like you would in most cars.
  • Oct 31, 2013
    Anybody tried putting screen in daytime mode and cranking the brightness?
  • Oct 31, 2013
    Well, since it looks like Tesla is walking away from George B's commitment for replacement visors with led lighting, maybe there's now another add-on accessory opportunity here for Teslaaccessories.
  • Feb 14, 2014
    Noticed that the Tesla China website lists 'Front visor mirror with LED lighting' in the Specs page under Convenience Features.

    The US website just states: 'Front sun visors' without mentioning any lights.

    I wonder if this is a feature that is just showing up in export cars? Can anyone else confirm this?
  • Feb 15, 2014
    +1 Someone please come up with something for the Ladies. I hear it constantly!
  • Feb 16, 2014
    As someone who just ordered a Model S, this is we have a new set of features coming our way?
  • Feb 16, 2014
    That would be my guess. Would seem like an easy free or paid retrofit assuming the proper wiring was there all along.
  • Feb 16, 2014
    Next time I am in, I will inquire -- these are still on my due bill
  • Jun 20, 2014
    Any recent update from Tesla? I sure wish we had these
  • Jun 20, 2014
    Ha. Good luck. This is not a priority for Tesla.
  • Jun 20, 2014
    Indeed. Cars built since last July/August or so don't even have the wiring harness necessary to support them. Maybe when Tesla does the more substantial refresh in a year or two that Elon mentioned awhile back.
  • Jun 20, 2014
    Ha indeed. I would be happy with longer shades, as these are just too short to be of any value.
  • Jun 20, 2014
    Totally. I don't even care about lighted mirrors. Problem for me is that they are so narrow/short and they don't block anything so are completely useless.
  • Jun 20, 2014
    They work fine for me. The key is to put them straight down, not pushed back against the glass like I've done in other cars.
  • Jun 20, 2014
    Work fine in FL. It might be related to geography, the sun being lower in the sky for you guys up north. OTOH, I'd still like to receive my pano roof shade.....
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