Jun 4, 2015
kitk Slacker Radio just updated their iOS application yesterday and now offerings a 320 Kbps streaming option within their application. For many years the highest bitrate they have offered (including to Tesla vehicles) has been 128 Kbps MP3. With their backend now offering this higher bitrate option it would be great if Tesla provided the option to toggle between all three bitrates (64, 128, and 320). Today in the media settings you can just switch between the lower two.
What is the best path for getting this kind of feedback over to Tesla these days?�
Jun 4, 2015
Majerus Send an email to [email�protected]�
Jun 9, 2015
Majerus If you have the credentials for the tesla slacker account, you can go to the site and set the streaming to 320kbps, as well as enable the espn cut in. After doing this I have noticed I cannot stream music if I am on Wifi, only from the cell connection. Also I cannot really tell if its any better I know at least the espn cut in is working, so I would believe the 320kbps is working as well but no real proof.�
Jun 9, 2015
smsprague How do you get the credentials for the Tesla slacker account.�
Jun 9, 2015
Majerus I sent an email to [email�protected] or ask your service center. Whats weird is my wifi slacker is now working, for the last 3 days it had not, I have no idea why its working now.�
Jun 9, 2015
smsprague Thanks sent them an email�
Jun 10, 2015
Cyclone I have Standard audio system and had been unhappy with the "quality" I was getting out of Slacker (my primary source) and standard radio. However, when I was on HD Radio, the quality was miles ahead of Slacker. I did have Slacker set to "best" in the car, but it was nothing compared to HD Radio. Today I used Slacker's website to enable 320 Kbps on my car's Slacker account and I have a significant improvement, particularly in bass response. If you can get the credentials to turn on 320 Kbps support (and have a strong enough 3G connection to support it), do it. The difference is very noticeable, even on my standard audio system.
To me, this ultimately means that Tesla's sound system hardware is capable, but the sound processing on lower quality sources is very poor. This could be why I previously complained that Tesla's audio system was lacking (particularly in bass), but was very clear. The sound processing was probably inhibiting bass if it didn't meet certain quality "depth" levels. In my 4Runner, I had significantly more bass (compared to Slacker pre-320 Kbps), but much less clarity and some distortion in the music.
Honestly, certain bass heavy songs were able to vibrate my mirrors at 7, must less needing to go to 11! And this is without an aftermarket sub!�
Jun 10, 2015
wayner A slightly different, but related question: Does anyone know what the maximum bitrate is for bluetooth audio with the Tesla? Specifically does anyone know what the maximum bitrate would be between an iPhone 6+ and my car? I have tried googling and haven't been able to find this info.�
Jun 10, 2015
Majerus So you think the change actually helped, I thought it was in my head honestly.�
Jun 10, 2015
Cyclone At least on my Standard Sound system, most definitely. One of the songs is a song I heard yesterday on the commute between work, so it provided a decent, unscientific comparison.�
Jun 10, 2015
Joules Verne
I cannot speak for the tesla player, however, I've been experimenting with slacker to see how the service (in general ) compares to Rhapsody.
Ive been using the LTE network on my iPhone with a premium slacker account, hardwired into my 5 series system via USB lightning cable.
128 sounded thin, lacking, and not something you wanted to listen to at high volume.
320 sounds much richer, fuller, has bass, and crankable
If Tesla allows for the full 320kbps bandwidth over 3G or the new LTE accounts, you guys are in for a major sound upgrade for the slacker streaming service.
Its on par with Rhapsody downloaded content.
Rhapsody seems to be the winner on catalogue size and licensing terms (For the content they offer, I could always play the song or entire album whenever I want). Slacker has seemingly random terms on a per artist basis, making for an uneven user experience.
Question: is the Tesla slacker service still between Radio Plus and Premium?
Can you not download and cache albums for times when your out of cellular range?
Jun 11, 2015
sperrysburg Cyclone, thank you very much for this tip. I had thought that selecting "best" in the car was all that could be done.�
Jun 11, 2015
Law&Disorder Let me add one other interesting point to this discussion. As per here, I emailed Tesla for my Slacker login credentials and Tesla responded within the hour. I logged into my Slacker account and enabled 320 Kbps. To my ears (which I think are pretty good from years of listening to high-end audio equipment) I noticed a significant improvement in the audio quality, particularly in spacing and low end frequency.
I then connected my Model S to the 4G portable WiFi hotspot on my cellphone (Moto X 2nd Gen. w/Android 5.0). Another big improvement with more detail and percussion (also objectively louder). Slacker just happened to be playing Alabama Shakes "Don't Wanna Fight" which I also have in FLAC format on a USB and the Slacker track sounded at least comparable.
Definitely worth investigating further if you care about sound and have a very generous data plan.�
Jun 11, 2015
wayner @Law&Disorder - But can you get the 320kbps over 3G or do you need a Wifi or LTE connection. Did you test that as well?�
Jun 11, 2015
Cyclone I am using 3G and got a significant improvement when activating 320 Kbps as an option and ensuring I am set to "Best" in the car (which I was).�
Jun 11, 2015
LetsGoFast To my ears it improves the sound over 3G noticably.�
Jun 11, 2015
wayner Did you notice a difference in the time it took to load songs when you switched to 320kbps? If you were actually streaming 320 kbps songs over 3G then they should take 2.5X as long to download - so the bar will move much more slowly. Did you notice that at all?
I presume one could always do A-B comparisons at home by turning on Wifi, listening to songs, and then turning off Wifi to switch to 3G.�
Jun 11, 2015
Majerus It does seem to take longer to buffer.�
Jun 11, 2015
mknox I pay for a Premium Account and so just logged in with my own credentials. But I assumed the Tesla account used the same credentials across all cars. Are we saying that each car has it's own unique login and password from Tesla? There is a button on my screen to "Restore" the Tesla account, but the credentials are starred out.�
Jun 11, 2015
Cyclone Yes.
When I logged into my account, I saw my list of favorites stations and the individual tracks I favorited. I was also able to turn on Headline News for all stations and it took affect. I would hope that another car isn't using the same sets of favorites as me and is now getting the 2 minute headline news every now and then.�
Jun 11, 2015
brianman In 2012 the accounts were unique per car. I don't know if that's still the case.
That said, it seems like they must have some degree of different accounts to properly support the + and ignore feature.�
Jun 11, 2015
mknox Very interesting. I wonder if our account names have a piece of our VIN in it or something like that? And I wonder if all the passwords are the same or also unique to the car. If someone went to the web site and changed their password, the Restore button may no longer work in the car.�
Jun 11, 2015
Cyclone If I were the engineer writing this part of the process, this is how I would do it.
- Use a TeslaMotors.com email address for the account login (done)
- Generate a random password for the account (looks like it)
- Develop a lookup table between vehicle VIN and account credentials
- Set up a process so a "forgot my password" reset at Slacker could be scripted/automated by Tesla's systems and provide a new random password get also gets stored in the lookup system
- Have "Restore Account" in the vehicle trigger a Slacker reset password
Why all the "complexity"? Well, if someone changes the password, resetting the lookup links is all automated, that's whyAlso, if an account is ever "compromised", this process lets the password get reset right away.
Note, this is simply one way it could have been done and may not be the way Tesla did it. I have no inside knowledge.�
Jun 11, 2015
MileHighMotoring I thought this all mattered to me until I took this audio test:
How Well Can You Hear Audio Quality? : The Record : NPR
Turns out I picked the 128 as often as I picked the FLAC.�
Jun 11, 2015
Law&Disorder I can confirm a longer buffering time at 320 Kbps as well. I haven't been able to test whether there's any speed improvement in buffering by connecting to a 4G mobile hotspot over the Tesla in car 3G and it wouldn't be a fair comparison on my end because, aside from the fact that coverage and signal strength differs between 3G and 4G, my hotspot is on Verizon while the Tesla is on AT&T so it would be totally separate networks.
It does seem logical that buffering speed would be markedly improved over 4G though.�
Jun 11, 2015
Cyclone One thing to keep in mind is that Tesla does heavy sound processing on the input data, and we don't have the details on how it interprets the source material. Thus, you really need a comparison over Tesla's sound system to be able to compare between them. Normally, I would say Slacker 160 Kbps vs 320 Kbps would probably not be noticeable over road noise without a very good aftermarket system. But then, Tesla's sound processor really interferes with a "quality" output if the source material is missing certain details. At least, this is my best guess!
Jun 11, 2015
Khatsalano I have premium sound. Slacker on the standard quality is horrible. It's painful to listen to music that way so I ended up using Spotify Premium on extreme quality. I am pretty sure a 3G connection cannot do 320 kbps because on Spotify, whenever my iPhone is only on 3G (this happens when 4G drops out in spots), the music just goes intermittent.
- K�
Jun 11, 2015
Cyclone All I can say is my 3G standard sound car distinctly sounds different/better/fuller with 320 Kbps enabled vs. disabled.�
Jun 12, 2015
jepicken I picked the uncompressed sample in 4 of the 6 tests, but it was blind (deaf?) luck honestly. I couldn't hear a difference between any of them, except in one test where I thought I could detect the 128k sample. Even that one didn't sound worse than the other two, just slightly different. Also I could tell one sample was uncompressed because it was stuttering
Jun 12, 2015
wayner Do we know that both the iPhone and Tesla support speeds as high as 320kbps? If you look at this doc: https://developer.apple.com/hardwaredrivers/BluetoothDesignGuidelines.pdf, you will see in Table 2-2 on page 16 it lists a bit rate of 264,630 bps. Is that the maximum? That doc is 1.5 years old but there doesn't appear to be a newer version.
And 3G should be able to do 320kbps but this may depend on your carrier and city.�
Jun 12, 2015
Xenoilphobe I upgraded my Slacker online today to the 320Kbps rate. When I went to update the Media Apps in the car I found Slacker toggled down to the Good vs Best Audio quality. Once I fixed that and logged into my personal slacker account I noticed a huge difference. Once my wife gets home I have to update her car too... can't believe I never found this setting before!!!!!! I have been driving around since 2013 with my premium sound system in the "standard definition" mode verses "best" and have been punishing my ears with the XM like poor quality of "good" vs "best" slacker -- aaauuugggggkkkk�
Jun 12, 2015
Cyclone Well, without making the 320 Kbps change on your account, it would have been 128 Kbps = Good and 160 Kbps = Best. So definitely an improvement between the two, but now you are all that much further improved!�
Jun 12, 2015
Xenoilphobe I wonder if the system is actually streaming 320 Kbps to the car or is it limited to 160 Kbps (Tesla Best Mode in the App) any way I can test it?�
Jun 12, 2015
Cyclone I am using Tesla's account on my car, not my own login. Getting the userID and password from Tesla and enabling 320 Kbps on my car made a night and day difference. It definitely made a significant improvement even if it isn't using the full 320 Kbps. And prior to changing the setting on my account, I was on Best.�
Jun 12, 2015
wayner Record a sample from the car and then record a sample that you know is definitely using the 320kbps and then see if you can tell the difference. If you had access to an oscilloscope that might help as well. Maybe there is even some software that can analyze a music sample and can tell what bitrate is was recorded with.
- - - Updated - - -
Maybe the other way is to toggle the 320 on and off and time how long it takes to download songs which you can see with the buffering bar on the car's screens.�
Jun 12, 2015
Xenoilphobe My auditory oscilloscope is telling me there is a huge quality improvement and that is what really counts right?�
Jun 13, 2015
ra-san Maybe if you folded a Kleenex and counted the number of folds until it no longer sounded sharper...
Jun 13, 2015
AmpedRealtor I switched mine to 320 kbps and I can't tell any difference.�
Jun 13, 2015
Jason Here is one more vote for 'can tell difference'
The background - wife's car sounded better than mine, little better bass, little crisper highs. Just figured it was in my head or maybe all the extra stuff she carries in the car affected the acoustics.
Put in the account info for both - my 'maximum audio quality' was set to off and her's was set to on.�
Jun 13, 2015
pmoa The 320kbps does sound a "little" better�
Jun 13, 2015
Xenoilphobe I also noticed that buffering takes longer than it used too...�
Jun 13, 2015
kitk Wow I started this thread and just came back to 5 pages of replies and this wonderful news. Just toggled this on the website and can confirm the same results. The car is now requesting the 320 Kbps audio and it sounds much better. Woohoo.
Everyone should keep in mind that this will increase the chance of the stream rebuffering during playback. This is a reason to want the an LTE upgrade, but not a reason to complain about the 320 Kbps streams. The last thing we want is for Tesla to go and disable this.�
Jun 13, 2015
ddruz This sounds great. But can someone please post the exact steps to be followed to enable a Model S to stream 320 kbs Slacker? Instructions like get credentials from Tesla, go to Slacker's site and set streaming to 320 are great if you know what you are doing. But for those of us who are somewhat challenged in working with Slacker's website a bit more help would be appreciated. I was just on Slacker's site and would not know where to begin. Thanks.�
Jun 13, 2015
Xenoilphobe Thank you for contacting Tesla Motors Technical Support. For Slacker Radio, your account credentials can be accessed/changed from inside the vehicle on the touchscreen. Press �Controls� in the bottom left corner, then �Settings� at the top, then �Apps� on the left side, then �Media�. You should be able to modify the Slacker credentials there if you�ve created your own Slacker account.
Hopefully this helps, but feel free to let us know if you have any other questions or if that did not properly address the question.
Jun 14, 2015
Majerus Email servicehelpna at teslamotors.com , ask them for the slacker credentials. Login to the slacker website, click on the account name in the upper right hand corner and select account settings. From there select general settings, and enabled the maximum audio quality by clicking on the on off button.
- - - Updated - - -
This happened when asking just for the credentials?�
Jun 15, 2015
wayner I have done all of the above steps and I am not convinced that the car is receiving 320kbps. I think the sound is a bit better but to me it doesn't seem like the buffering takes any longer and I would think that it should take 2.5X as long now.
I have an LTE wifi hotspot that measures how much data you use. I will try using this rather than the 3G radio to see how much data I use in a typical drive to work while using Slacker to see if that gives some idea.�
Jun 15, 2015
travwill Yeah, I think they seem to be steering away from giving out the Tesla credentials now it seems or it depends on who gets your request and their knowledge, training, or day they've had ;-) I could see Tesla saying if you want to change credentials for any reasons, increased bandwidth, etc that you should use your own Slacker account.
Slacker Premium cost $10 a month in reality, not horrible. It lets you manage favs, stations, and while they all let you change to 320, only Premium upgraded Slacker really seems to send 320 to you when available.�
Jun 15, 2015
Majerus Well that's interesting, maybe more clearly state you want to modify the settings such as explicit content, steaming quality, espn cut in etc which cannot be done in the car.�
Jun 15, 2015
InternetDude I made the switch yesterday. Songs take at least double the time to download and it sounds a little better, hard to say exactly how much better as I'm not an audiophile. I only asked Tesla for the password, I gave them the Slacker email address when I asked them, maybe that helped.�
Jun 15, 2015
ddruz Thanks for the more specific instructions guys. Much appreciated.�
Jun 15, 2015
RMG007 How does changing the setting to 320 on the car web browser affect the setting in the Tesla app for Slacker? You can log onto your Slacker account from any computer and make the 320 change, but that needs to be done on each device. Setting your preference to 320 does not affect all of your devices. So, if you change the Slacker setting to 320 on your Tesla web browser, it seems that will set your download speed for the browser only (which does not have audio capability). Thoughts...�
Jun 15, 2015
Majerus It appears that the setting does infact change the quality for the tesla player. I cannot speak to your other devices. Try it and see what you find out.�
Jun 15, 2015
wayner I ran a test tonight. I used my LTE hotspot instead of 3G for my car. The hotspot shows how much data you have used in pretty much real time.
On my 39 minute ride home tonight I used 42MB of data. It appeared that Slacker songs were taking about 1MB per minute. You could see this as when a 4 minute song downloaded the data counter went up by 4 MB. A bitrate of 128kbps equates to 0.96MB/minute. Conclusion- the streaming was at 128kbps.
And yes, I did change my quality setting on the Tesla and on the Slacker web UI. I had logged into Slacker from my work PC and set it to Maximum quality but perhaps that also has to be done on each client. I logged into Slacker from my iPad and it was NOT set to max quality. Perhaps we need an upgrade to the Tesla app to properly support the higher quality.�
Jun 16, 2015
wayner This morning I used my hotspot again and once again the data usage was consistent with a 128kbps Slacker bitrate.�
Jun 16, 2015
Majerus Ill do a packet capture tonight see if it shows anything.�
Jun 16, 2015
RMG007 Disappointing, but logically makes sense�
Jun 17, 2015
Muzzman1 @Majerus
Did you have a chance to do that packet capture? I'm dying to know if the quality increase is just the placebo affect. Thanks!�
Jun 18, 2015
Majerus Yep I did last night, What I found was interesting but have sent an email to slacker to confirm. Once I get an update from them ill post the info.�
Jun 18, 2015
PatD I just sent an email to servicehelpna at teslamotors.com. Simply said, "Is it possible to get the credentials for my Slacker account? Thank you." They responded with the credentials in three minutes.
Try that with ANY other auto maker! Love this car/company!�
Jun 18, 2015
Cyclone Hopefully, even if you packet trace shows we are not getting 320 Kbps in our cars, we are getting an improvement. I would hate to think it's a placebo effect when I hear the same two days in a row with the same settings in the car and I can clearly hear and see a difference.�
Jun 18, 2015
PatD Something else to keep in mind - may not be an issue for everyone, but, I sometimes listen to some older jazz. When I go from that to something new, it's night and day. Keep this in mind that all recordings aren't going to be up to "our" snuff.�
Jun 18, 2015
mknox I do have the Premium Sound package and have bumped my settings up on my Slacker Premium account, but to be honest, am not really hearing any difference. I also have the app setting in the car set to highest quality. Could just be me. I'm hardly what you'd call an "audiophile".�
Jun 18, 2015
Majerus Alright so here is the info I have, if anyone can think of a better way to test or has more skill looking at packet captures then I give it a go and post your results.
I started with the car connected to wifi, and the maximum audio setting configured on the slacker site. I rebooted the MCU between every change to verify that it would pickup any settings. One thing I noticed while testing is when "medium" was selected on the car, the maximum audio quality switch was set to off on the site. Below are the results..
Model S Stream , when Set to best in car and Web is set to "Maximum Audio Quality"
GET /transcodings/v1308afd6138/wmg/2011/06/batch_20110613_01/20110628_0611_24/898199002055/mp3_128/898199002062_00011_LL.mp3?e=1434586181&rnd=PUDojgvEsZ&cl=tesla&h=a0e3faaab8f2e915c1c0b6ab41b37332 HTTP/1.1
Model S Stream , Best Only Setting:
GET /transcodings/v146cbbfb295/umg/2014/06/batch_20140618_03/audio/1000003858676/mp3_128/UMG_audtrk_00601501410826_01_008_17.mp3?e=1434587327&rnd=Vhvu4JjVVx&cl=tesla&h=d00171f5a39e4f04537442305b7dcaed HTTP/1.1
Model S Stream, Medium only Setting:
GET /transcodings/v13d7f4289c2/wmg/2011/06/batch_20110627_01/20110712_0625_24/075679969880/aac_40/075678826771_00005_LL.aac?e=1434587280&rnd=iDSGCDxcBi&cl=tesla&h=30ec9c73918de23c085eaf874fc43598 HTTP/1.1
PC Web Stream , Maximum Audio Quality:
/transcodings/v145cf1493ad/wmg/2014/04/batch_20140421_02/20140421141456855/016861758004/resources/mp3_320/016861353308_00001_LL.mp3?e=1434588474&rnd=1nz1YiCyPN&cl=webplayer&os=1&h=c3bd24d8d37676a338aad6f184b4d5ac HTTP/1.1
With these test it seems to indicate that changing the settings has no affect on the car. My question to slacker was to ask if only new songs supported 320kbps which I still do not have an answer to.�
Jun 18, 2015
FlasherZ Good luck. My last question to Slacker (EDIT: gah, typed Slackware... freudian?) took a month to answer with some nonsense that didn't even address the question.�
Jun 18, 2015
wayner @Majerus - Am I reading those graphs right that the maximum bitrate when streaming to the car is 80kbps? Does that make sense? Or am I reading it wrong?
And what does the instantaneous bitrate really tell you? Don't we have to know the size of the file being downloaded and how long it takes to download that song to know if the streaming is at 320kbps or 128kbps or another bitrate? These files are not streaming in real-time, they are streaming at a faster rate and are buffering.�
Jun 18, 2015
Majerus I thought something along the same lines as it is a buffered stream. The bold in the get request appears to be "mp3_128" in the car max, and in web browser "mp3_320" I assume those get requests indicate the bit rate for the music it is requesting.�
Jun 18, 2015
Majerus Charles B (Slacker)
Jun 18, 15:26
The 320 Kbps is available for the web or mobile and is dependent on the connection you have. You have to change the audio setting in the Player settings on the website and/or mobile.�
Jun 18, 2015
Xenoilphobe That is a Slackass answer! I think I will cancel the paid service and go back to the freebee service�
Jun 19, 2015
wayner Isn't the Tesla a Mobile client?
adjective: mobile
- 1. able to move or be moved freely or easily.
Jun 19, 2015
MileHighMotoring Weird that nobody has come up with an app yet to listen to a song and tell you the bitrate. There's literally an app for everything else.�
Jun 19, 2015
Sacrament055 Out of curiosity did you try changing the setting to 320 kbps from within the cars browser or somewhere else? If this setting is configured on a per device basis then that would be your best shot at the car using that setting.�
Jun 19, 2015
Majerus I changed it from my computer , ill try it an see what happens.�
Jun 19, 2015
Majerus I tried to change the setting from the cars browser tonight and am having the same results.(doesnt seem to matter) I put some of the caps on drive if anyone want to take a look ? is the Model S and it appears slacker streams are
Jul 2, 2015
rogbmw I just completed this upgrade, and can really tell a difference! The Eagles "Lyin Eyes" was playing, and the difference was night and day.
To recap, here is what I did:
1. Contacted Tesla to get the account information. Email them at ServiceHelpNA (at) teslamotors.com
(1) I politely asked the following, and gave them my VIN: "Is it possible to get the credentials for my Slacker account? Thank you."
they emailed me my account number and the password
2. Logged onto the Slacker website as directed in this thread and did the following with the information provided by Tesla
(1) Go to the Slacker Website: http://www.slacker.com/
(2) Log in by clicking "log in" in the upper right, then select "log in" a second time when the drop down menu pops up
(3) Enter User Name and Password, then click "log in"
(2) Click on the account name in the upper right hand corner and select "account settings" in the drop down box.
(3) From there select "general settings",
(4) Enabled the maximum audio quality by clicking on the on off button.
3. In the car I changed the settings for the internet radio by:
(1) open "Controls" on lower left corner of the screen
(2) open "Settings"
(3) open "Apps"
(4) open "Media Player"
(5) in "Audio Quality"
(6) slide selection to "Best"
thanks to all for the information in this thread!�
Jul 2, 2015
wayner Colour me skeptical - did you see Majerus' Wireshark captures? I also changed all of the settings and used a Wifi hotspot to monitor data usage and it was 1MB/minute which equates to a 128kbps bitrate.�
Jul 2, 2015
rogbmw I don't know - maybe it was that I just changed my setting in the Apps to Best, but it did sound better at least to my ears.�
Jul 2, 2015
MileHighMotoring If you hadn't done this previously, that would made a difference. But it seems the Slacker website settings aren't having any effect.�
Jul 2, 2015
Kalud I did @rogbmw trick. I'm using a subscription premium account. I now need to check the bitrate (data consumption while on Wifi via router logging...)�
Jul 2, 2015
RMG007 Changing the settings in the app to best audio quality will have an effect. Changing the settings on any other device to 320 kbps will have an effect on that device only -- it is not global and will not improve the sound on any other device, including your MS. Changing the setting to 320 kbps on the Tesla web browser will not effect playback on the Slacker app in your MS.�
Jul 2, 2015
auger Interesting. When I enabled 320 and news update on the Slacker settings on the Tesla browser, it does enable the 2-minute news update on the app, though.�
Jul 3, 2015
Majerus Yes that seems to work , as well as the ESPN cut in. However based on the data it does not affect quality.�
Jul 7, 2015
smilepak Just picked up the 70D. Got the login information from them and logged in online. It said Slacker Radio Plus. I guess they stop giving premium acct?�
Jul 7, 2015
Majerus Its an odd account , its between premium and plus.
Slacker Internet Radio on the Tesla Model S - TESLARATI.com�
Jul 7, 2015
CHG-ON Just changed my settings. Many thanks to the OP for this post. I would have never known. I do find that it takes MUCH longer to buffer unless I have full signal strength. Living in the mountains, that's pretty rare. I do notice much better sound than before. Sounds closer to my WAV files. I might try going down to 256 because I find that the the buffering causes pauses as it tries to catch up. I'll give it some time though. I hate downgrading, but the buffer delays can get on my nerves pretty quickly. Good ole 3G! I might try tethering to my phone, though I worry about ripping through my data plan at lightning speed.�
Jul 8, 2015
Foodnut I emailed Tesla last night, got email back this morning with Slacker login info!
Slacker Radio sounds MUCH better to me! Thanks to guys on the forum to pointing this out.
I have pretty strong 3G in my area, and have no issue with buffering.
Jul 8, 2015
MileHighMotoring The placebo effect works again!Having read all the posts I tried this and my wife and I noticed absolutely no difference. Which makes sense because they aren't changing the audio quality.
Jul 8, 2015
Cyclone Part of me is wondering if maybe one thing that's adding to the confusion is a bug I've read on the forums that happened on earlier releases... after an update, a parameter says its on one setting, but it is behavior as if the other. In these cases, you've had to toggle back and forth. I distinctly heard a difference on my car from one day to the next. However, this was shortly after I got my car back from the service center and shortly after I got the car altogether, so it could be the service center applied update pushed my car to "Low/Standard" even though the selector said "Best". When I tried the change, I toggled back and forth on my vehicle and distinctly heard a difference.
To summarize, I wonder if, in my specific case, the vehicle was NOT using Best and thus, there was a quality change when I did my stuff, but there would have been even if I didn't try turning on 320 kbps support.
Sadly, I haven't had any other updates yet to "hear" if anything changes.�
Jul 8, 2015
smilepak How can you tell is u are on320k? I login via pc and set it. Set best in Tesla. That's it?�
Jul 8, 2015
Majerus 320 is not possible at the current time in the Model S�
Jul 11, 2015
smilepak Hmm so what is this whole thread about? Using the Tesla account on PC?�
Jul 11, 2015
Max* Pretty much. People thought they're hearing better quality audio, someone ran a packet test, and showed that it's a placebo effect.�
Jul 11, 2015
Majerus I would summarize this thread as a question about 320 Kbps support in model s, which was then uncovered as not supported though data collection and analysis.�
Jul 11, 2015
smilepak Oh bummer.�
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