Feb 13, 2016
Mike_F Just curious if any one has experience with powder coating wheel rims. The reason I ask is that I ordered one of the "high margin" configurations (P90DL all but tow and cold weather option) that is supposed to be first in line, however, I also included the black onyx wheels which appear to be gumming up the works (who knew) with some people saying do not expect anything until September?. I have the option of changing my order to 22 in silver wheels (with the corresponding $500 change fee) which supposedly will increase the probability of actually getting my MX at some point in the foreseeable future. However, in order to get the black wheels I want, I would have to powder coat the silver wheels and wondered if anyone has experience with durability and look. Yes I know patience is a virtue but this MX experience would make even a saint lose it (I am on my third MS starting with VIN 2xxx so I have experienced the TM shuffle and this comes as no surprise).�
Feb 13, 2016
7racer damn! they are saying September?
Powder coating is pretty durable...So probably just as durable and looks great.�
Feb 13, 2016
Aljohn Someone said, another said, then it was posted. Anyone have access to the Design Studio? What does TESLA say if you choose the Black Onyx Wheels?
Tesla post delays for 5 seat, 70D's, 90D's, etc. If there were a 9 month delay, I would think Tesla would contact all those who have the config. They know who we are, they let us know of the "name change".�
Feb 13, 2016
Warrenbonz The configurator says deliveries will begin mid 2016 when you select Black Onyx Rims.�
Feb 13, 2016
Aljohn Thanks Warrenbonz..... I may ask Tesla to change. It was not listed as such when I made the configuration. I just need to know how much it will cost to powder coat the silver. I don't what to dip them... too temporary.�
Feb 13, 2016
Mike_F What is the stated delivery for P90DL will all boxes checked (except tow and cold weather) with 22 in silver wheels? (Once confirmed it appears that one is locked out of the configurator) If it still says mid 2016, may just wait it out. Thanks�
Feb 13, 2016
lloyds I checked with my DS, and my car will be delayed til August or September because of the Blk Onyx wheels. I'm considering switching to the 20s and getting aftermarket wheels, but so far nobody makes them yet.�
Feb 13, 2016
MiddKid There is a special note for the wheels. The P90D says "Deliveries begin early 2016" but then above in the wheels there is a note under the Onyx that "Deliveries begin mid 2016." See attached.
Feb 13, 2016
Zroiron You can get them powder coated for around $1000. I plan to do that when I get my X. Won't waste time waiting on Tesla's.�
Feb 14, 2016
ModelXBoy Even with wheel changed from Black 22 to silver 22, there is still no VIN assigned. I am still waiting on a VIN right now after the black wheel change. Confirmed 1/4�
Feb 14, 2016
Mike_F That is what I am afraid of happening, I change my order, pay $500 and wind up with little or no reduction in delay. There is so little reliable information from anyone including TM that I do not want to go thru the hassle to save a couple of weeks. Let me know when you get your VIN (when did you actually change your configuration?). Thanks�
Feb 14, 2016
jiaotong I am a little surprised they don't roll these out with silver wheels and a Due Bill for the Onyx. Why wait to book the sale over rims? I will ask my DS if that is possible.�
Feb 14, 2016
Mike_F Way too logical...
Seriously there may be issues with unmounting/mounting, wear and tear etc....but would be interested to hear what your DS comes back with...mine was less than helpful�
Feb 15, 2016
ModelXBoy I really regret for choosing the black onix wheel at time of configuration. I really think if i choose the 22 inch silver, i should already receive a VIN and an estimated delivery time by now. Damn it!�
Feb 15, 2016
Mike_F Not your fault, at the time of configuration, the stated delivery window even with onyx wheels was early 2016. If TM had issues with the wheels, they should have stated as such but they didnt and now people like you and I that believed what we read have to deal with the uncertainty. Too bad TM is not customer service oriented in that they would attempt to reach out and try to come up with a solution beyond just providing non-sensical answers about timing.�
Feb 15, 2016
jiaotong I have had a VIN for some time. 12/-5-ish. Vin in high 300's a day have onyx configured. I'm not completely sold on the onyx wheels being a slow down, but maybe. I would be less skeptical if I were seeing a higher rate of deliveries�
Feb 15, 2016
Darryl They haven't issued any VINs for 3 1/2 - 4 weeks. This could be why you haven't received your VIN.
The last VINs were somewhere between 975-1000. The key items that made people go to the top were:
P90D or P90DL
Premium Option
AutoPilot Option
without 22" Black Onyx Wheels
other options irrelevant
There are still people who ordered as above and still don't have VIN. Once these people get their VINs
the next group which would be a P90D or P90L without premium or autopilot option. Based on the sketchy information in the ModelXTracker it looks like there are probably 3k to 4k in this group. The group that follows will be a big group which is the Non-P group, 90D. It will be interesting whether they will order this group by option selection like they did with the P90D or go by their Reservation Number. At some point they have to stop moving new P90D orders to the top and process the orders for people have ordered non-P90D. It is really unfare to people who reserved years ago who ordered in December to get bumped. They may have already done this. We just need to wait and see if people who ordered P90D after mid-January get VINs.�
Feb 15, 2016
ModelXBoy Yup ordered all that you mentioned and made the mistake of getting the black wheel. Paid 500 to corrected to 22 silver. Don't have vin, don't have production, of course don't have delivery date. DS is hard to get in touch and tesla sales do not know anything either. Hard to be patient when there is so many uncertainties.�
Feb 15, 2016
pvogel You wouldn't have a delivery time yet. Near as I can tell the newest confirmation to be anticipating deliver is 12/15.�
Feb 15, 2016
Darryl I have found the DS is kept in the dark and has access to a limited amount of information. You get different information based on which DS you talk to. I think because they don't have information they start to make up information just to be helpful. For example the finance person had told me my car had entered production. When I called and ask my DS they said my car had not entered production and they would contact me six weeks before the car was complete. I called the finance person back and they again told me the exact date it entered production and the date it was scheduled to be complete. They told me they really weren't suppose to share this information. The info from the finance person ended up being very accurate. I think there are a few DS which will go the extra mile. My DS has never talked to me on the phone, just via email. All communications have been started by me. She has not originated any.
You probably know more information if you are deligent about reading this forum and other automotive websites. I recommend if you create posts to make them private so trolls and looky loos don't have access. After reading this forum I found out my SC has a bad reputation. If I had know this I would have went to the one in Palm Beach County as it is only an addition 25 minutes away and there are no tolls along the way. I will get service there once I get the car.
P90D, Titanium, Orlando SC, Production VIN 251, Delivery Soon�
Feb 15, 2016
ABCCBA ModelXBoy I don't think there was anything you could have done to get the car faster. You can see my configuration below. When I started seeing others post their VINs and I hadn't had one assigned, I started making calls. I spoke to several SC and TM direct. All assured me that the delay was NOT because of the black wheels. I did change from 7 to 6 seats and I again asked if I changed to any size wheel, would I be able to get the car sooner. My DS called Freemont and called me back later. He assured me that wheels were not the issue. So, I have kept the black wheels. It now appears that the wheels are not the issue and that something bigger is happening in Freemont. If this delay is to fix all of the horrendous production issues that Founders and Signatures have documented, I am glad my car has been delayed and hopefully I won't have to reject the car at delivery for misaligned body panels and other inexcusable issues.�
Feb 15, 2016
ModelXBoy Here is the reason why Tesla words can not be trusted. I also called Tesla like crazy and they did told me the Black Onix wheel will be delayed. Possibly to September. I have no idea what to believe but this is what i heard.
- - - Updated - - -
I have created a new thread based on VIN and confirmation date. Please go check. There is someone who confirmed after me already gotten a VIN. Configuration is very similar with exception of the black wheel. I am almost certain the Black wheel is the reason why my car is delayed.�
Feb 15, 2016
Darryl There are at least four threats open related to Black Onyx wheels. Is the thought that having multiple threads on the same subject will resolve the problem. We have know for three weeks that those who order black onyx wheels cars don't progress into pre-production. In addition, a forum user spoke to someone at Freemont and reported several weeks ago there is a sourcing issue for these wheels and it will be at least this summer before the issue is resolved. It sounds like now it may be September. I can tell just creating more threats isn't going to make this problem go away. We all also should know by now the DS at your local SC are kept in the dark and no very little information. What would help the most is if everyone would update ModelXTracker.com with complete and accurate information. Then we would able to spot these types of issue faster.
- - - Updated - - -
How long to you think it will take the Orlando SC to fix my headlight problem?�
Feb 16, 2016
ABCCBA Well, I just got off the phone and was kind of discouraged. I was told my vehicle is being delayed another month. When I pushed back, they said, okay it is now delayed two more months. I started to say something, and they rudely stopped me and asked if I wanted it to be three more months out. Wow.�
Feb 16, 2016
CUBldr97 they must feel empowered after the big story of Musk outright canceling a customers car order for the X. threatening to push your order back, because you are asking questions as to the delay? That's rubbish! Elon and the rest of management needs to get their stuff together.
If this is how they treat you guys who spend $100k imagine the way they will treat the Model 3 customers!�
Feb 16, 2016
vandacca Sounds like we need a threat-analysis. ;-)
Yes, that was a joke. I assume that @MikeJr74 was also joking regarding the ever increasing delay.�
Feb 16, 2016
Wow, all i say is WOW! This is ridiculous! I wonder Tesla people are now tired of res holders keep calling asking for same thing over and over with no answer. But this kind of customer service is terrible for a 130K purchase!�
Feb 16, 2016
pvogel I strongly suspect he was joking�
Feb 16, 2016
MBTesLosAngeles You take delivery yet? today is big day, right?�
Feb 16, 2016
pvogel Sadly, I have not yet heard when my delivery happens�
Feb 16, 2016
MBTesLosAngeles Are you in production yet? I am in the same boat, similar VIN and havent heard anything.
Feb 16, 2016
pvogel Yes. My VIN was assigned 12/23 00024x. The car is 'in production' and my sales guy told me in mid Jan that it was 'done' so I strongly suspect it's waiting on manual fixes. I'm hoping those will happen soon! I'm so eager and trying hard to be patient after 40 months of waiting!�
Feb 16, 2016
Mike_F Just received a reply from my DS requesting the impact of changing 22in onyx wheels to 22in silver (configuration is P90DL fully loaded 6 seat)
"Changing to the silver 22�� inch rims would slate you for an early 2016 delivery, versus a mid- 2016 delivery"
What is the general opinion? I would have the silvers powder coated ($275 rim) the color code corresponding to the onyx. My guess is the "mid 2016" is more like September and early 2016 is April or May.
- - - Updated - - -
Well, I just confirmed the change. Let's see what happens.�
Feb 16, 2016
CarlK That should do it. Or one can get aftermarket rims. I'll wait when the ramp up is really going before making my decision.�
Feb 16, 2016
ModelXBoy Hi we are on the same page here. Both of us confirmed the Model X on 1/4. I too have P90DL with black wheel, switched to 22 silver with $500 for early delivery. What is your reservation number and date if you don't mind me asking. Thanks�
Feb 17, 2016
jiaotong No, not that I am aware. Again, I am not too worried about it as there are not a lot of other X's in pre-production. It just doesn't make sense to me to have something silly like rims hold up production, opposed to deliveries. If there were quite a few X's in production, I would be able to get onboard with the wheels being a problem, but since there are just generally low production numbers I think the delay is something that is common to the vehicle and not an option. Given the documented trouble with FWD (lawsuit with Hoerbiger) it seems like that is much more likely. General QA issues would hold production for all vehicles (as we have seen), not something small like an option. It is not likely Tesla would announce QA issues which would affect their share price, so letting a black rims conspiracy continue, or rather not kill it, is letting the Red Herring it is gain them as much time as possible.
I try to keep in mind there is quite a bit at stake for Tesla to deliver as many as they can as soon as they can. They want that too.�
Feb 17, 2016
MBTesLosAngeles Great points, very true. One thing that has started to assuage my concerns about the rims is that there were a number of them on test drive cars that the press was able to access such as Tesla's Model X is finally here, and I got to drive it | The Verge
Hopefully you are correct, certainly logical. However, I think there still may be a supply issue for some people configuring now, given that some people in the design studio said picking black rims delays until summer. And I still think it's strange why certain people are in production and others aren't. I actually think I've been more 6 seat configs delivered than 7.
At this point, only time will tell, Tesla certainly isn't divulging any information.
Feb 17, 2016
goneskiian This has been discussed ad naseum already, these are NOT the 22" wheels that are coming on the production cars. These are custom one off 21" wheels that were on Elon's personal car and only on for the day of the reveal and press drives.
Feb 17, 2016
MBTesLosAngeles So you are telling me every single shot that's been taken of the model X with black rims is Elons? There was a white one with black rims too. Perhaps you are correct, but seems like they have "dummy" cars with the black rims - which to me mean they can make them / they exist.. Tesla Model X Sightings and Spy Shots Gallery
Feb 17, 2016
goneskiian Sorry. No. The spy shots of "mules" with black wheels are of the base 20" wheels that look to be a matte black. Best guesses were that those were just painted black to hide the fact that they were a new wheel design. I don't recall ANY spy photos of a black 22" wheel on ANY X. If you find one please let me know.
I was only referring to the media and reveal day photos of the black "Turbine" wheel on the black X with white 7 seat interior. That was Elon's car which I got to inspect personally at the reveal event.
Honestly, if I end up getting an X I'd love to get my hands on a set of those matte black 20's!
Edit: Ooops. Sorry. I just went through the link you provided (Teslarati) and there are some black Turbine wheel photos and videos. Apparently my memory isn't what it used to be! I must be getting old! ;-)
It's hard to tell if those are 21's or 22's though. They certainly do look a bit larger than the ones on Elon's X the day of the reveal.�
Feb 17, 2016
vandacca I remember seeing black 22" rims somewhere, but they were dipped after delivery.�
Feb 17, 2016
Pantoot For what little it is worth, my DS just sent me a note which in part says:
So...there is that.�
Feb 17, 2016
Depends on your configuration, if you ordered P90DL or P90D it most certainly would affect your delivery as it changes the delivery date from "early 2016" silver 22in to "mid 2106" onyx 22in. If on the other hand your ordered a 70, for example, then your DS is accurate as the delivery date (with or without onyx wheels) is well passed "mid 2016".�
Feb 17, 2016
goneskiian They were dark gray.
There is a set of 20's that were plastidipped black though.
- - - Updated - - -
That's great news!�
Feb 20, 2016
dwebb66 I decided to do same additional analysis of the 'Are black/onyx wheels delaying VIN assignment'.
NOTE: I am only looking at entries that have a wheel type chosen and are not Undecided.
If we ASSUME that the data in ModelXTracker is accurate then 18% (76 of 428) of Production X's have VINs. 15% (7 of 48) of the X's with black/onyx.
This does not indicate that there is any delay specifically caused by the tire choice.
NOTE: The data points out that only 50 to 60% of the Founders and Signatures have VINs, I believe that these numbers are very low and should be closer to 90 to 100%.
Feb 20, 2016
av8rbud Scholarly approach on wheels, well presented. I think our orders are close. Me P90D, all goodies and Onyx 22" Our residences close also; you SE end of 73 (LR) me NW end of 73 (NB). Me confirmed 12/19/15. Waiting for VIN like you.�
Feb 20, 2016
Mike_F "av8rbud": From what I can tell from the data, only 15% of production with black onyx wheels have a VIN assigned. How many of those have actually been delivered, my guess ZERO and will not be until at least September. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but reality has a habit of being like that. Check with ModelXboy, he had the same issue with the black onyx wheels, fully loaded no VIN, he changed to 22in silver now has a VIN and his confirmation date is 3 weeks after yours...�
Feb 20, 2016
av8rbud Thanks Mike_F, as the cliche goes. 'It is what it is". ModelXboy's story is the first real verification that the Onyx wheels made the difference. I'm just going to wait it out although I thought the idea of powder coating seems it might be a good way to go. I certainly wouldn't balk at the $500 hit if I thought it would would make 3 to 4 months difference. Our biggest fear is that there is a hidden 'back door' way to gain earlier delivery, that would be so unfair to us who are just waiting our turn. I don't think there is any chicanery, maybe just not as organized as we would all hope.�
Feb 20, 2016
Mike_F No chicanery, just lack of internal communication and consistency�
Feb 20, 2016
dwebb66 There have only been four Production X's delivery according to the tracker. Here is a modified chart showing #s.
The numbers are so low, no conclusion can be drawn from them.
Feb 20, 2016
Darryl I have downloaded the entire file and performed a lot of analysis. First a lot of the records are not complete and are inaccurate. People have not been carefull when entering the info. I think bogus information has been added probably by trolls. But you are right based on the information and the forum there is no other conclusion than there will be no deliveries of cars with onyx wheels until after September. Several forum users have spoken directly with factory and have been provided this information. DSs are kept in the dark.�
Feb 22, 2016
th14 Another data point for everyone. I confirmed my order on 1/18. 7 seat P90D with everything except ludicrous. Have been following this discussion on the Onyx wheels and wondering if it would hold up my order.
Was assigned a delivery specialist on 2/4. Asked him if he knew anything about the Onyx wheel delay. He checked with the factory but said there was nothing to indicate a delay. He was also good enough to say that even if there was a problem, he was unlikely to be told. He did confirm that he has not seen a single vehicle delivered with the Onyx wheels and that I could take that for whatever its worth.
I was 50/50 on the Onyx wheels anyway so I just decided to switch them out last week for the silver 22" wheels. Made the change on Friday. Yesterday, MyTesla site updated to say my Tesla has entered the factory production queue. No VIN number assigned yet.
I went back to DS just to see if my vehicle was already scheduled for production with the Onyx Wheels. He said unlikely as he made the change immediately when we spoke on Friday.
Again, I have no idea if its just a coincidence. But figured I've gotten a lot of good information off this board and while speculation was not going to add anything to the discussion, this is an actual data point.
My RN is 4468�
Feb 29, 2016
dwebb66 I just received a VIN and I have the black onyx wheels! See my footer for my full configuration!�
Feb 29, 2016
av8rbud Congrats David, gives me hope now. Me- P90D(L) Titanium, 6 place Ultra White, Carbon Fiber, Black Head Liner, Autopilot, PUP, HF, SZ, 72 Amp, 22" Onyx Wheels, NO Tow. Confirmed 1/18�
Feb 29, 2016
Mike_F Within the last 30 minutes, I just received VIN 1410. I confirmed 1/19 with 22in Black Onyx wheels and changed to 22in Silver wheels on 2/19. I listed the configuration below.
Model X P90D
Obsidian Black Metallic Paint
22" Silver Turbine Wheels
Ultra White Seats Carbon Fiber D�cor
Six Seat Interior
Ludicrous Speed Upgrade
High Amperage Charger Upgrade
Autopilot Convenience Features
Premium Upgrades Package
Ultra High Fidelity Sound�
Feb 29, 2016
av8rbud About noon got VIN 1309 Confirmed 1/18 stuck with Onxy so we'll see I guess.
P90D(L) Titanium, 6 place Ultra White, Carbon Fiber, Black Head Liner, Autopilot, PUP, HF, SZ, 72 Amp, 22" Onyx Wheels, NO Tow. Confirmed 1/18�
Feb 29, 2016
dwebb66 Congrats but at you.�
Feb 29, 2016
BJJ Brown Belt Me Too!
Reserved 5/29/15, Reservation# 17,8XX, Configure Invitation 1/4/16, Configured 1/11/16, DS Assigned 1/14/16, Confirmed 1/18/16, VIN Assigned 2/29/16, MX Production VIN# 0013XX
Model X P90D | All-Wheel Drive | Obsidian Black Metallic Paint | 22" Onyx Black Wheels | Ultra White Seats | Carbon Fiber D�cor | Black Headliner | Six Seat Interior | Active Spoiler | Tesla Red Brake Calipers | Supercharger Enabled | High Amperage Charger Upgrade | Autopilot Convenience Features | Premium Upgrades Package | Smart Air Suspension | Ultra High Fidelity Sound | Subzero Weather Package | Towing Package�
Mar 1, 2016
Aljohn This is baffling. People with P90D's fully load that reserved in 2014 still don't have VINs. Congrats BJJ, but with similar config (yes Premium,etc P90D) that was reserved in 2015 -- reservation 91xx, and no VIN. This is really getting "hap-hazzard".�
Mar 1, 2016
BJJ Brown Belt Thanks Aljohn. You about 8,700 spots in FRONT of me, yet no VIN. Do you think you may have fell through the cracks somewhere? What has your DS said? I am taking delivery in Fremont - Maybe that helped...I hope you get your VIN soon.�
Mar 9, 2016
hockeythug Linking to this from the random sighting thread.�
Mar 9, 2016
ModelXBoy How can Tesla do this to me? i just switched from Black to silver 22" due to the delay. I guess i will have to buy those wheels back separately : (�
Mar 9, 2016
satheesh.net Does anyone have a picture of a Pearl-White (or Solid White) with the Black Onyx wheels? Or the Black Onyx wheels in general? I haven't found any pictures that are of good quality. I have to lock my order within four days. So I'm torn between the 22" Black Onyx or the 22" Silver.
Mar 9, 2016
dwebb66 I think you mentioned that we had similar configurations, about two weeks after you switched and got your VIN I got my VIN (I never switched my order).�
Mar 9, 2016
jiaotong I would blame the OP and possibly yourself before Tesla. There was just no business sense in a $5k item holding up a $140k order; factor in the delivery data needed for public reporting and it would make sense for TSLA to powder coat the rims locally. (maybe the reason for the color name change?)�
Mar 9, 2016
ohmman It's not a good picture, but the one linked above from the Random Model X Sightings thread has it. Here:
Mar 9, 2016
satheesh.net Yes, I saw that picture. To me it looks like that Black Onyx wheels are a little too dark. I personally wish they where more greyish/carbon colored. The Black Onyx wheels look awesome, don't get me wrong. I'm just not sure if it goes well with the Pearl-White...
Any opinions regarding this?�
Mar 9, 2016
ModelXBoy well decision is made and made to the best of my knowledge at the time of switch. It's ok. I will get the car and look at the silver first. If I like it I keep it, if not I will purchase the black wheel separately to complete my dream look. : )�
Mar 9, 2016
MikeC Hey, it's not so easy to take a pic while exiting the freeway :wink:
Here is a zoomed in pic that shows the white X a little better:
Mar 9, 2016
ModelXBoy Wow thanks for sharing the closeup shot. I now think the black onix wheel on pearl white paint (my dream setup) is little top heavy IMO. Feels like the car is in the air without legs. hmm... Maybe silver does not look so bad after all. Will see...:tongue:�
Mar 9, 2016
MBTesLosAngeles Amazing. They are so stunning. Thanks for sharing. Cannot wait to see them in the flesh.�
Mar 9, 2016
goneskiian Wow! That looks great! Thanks for the close up and original photos MikeC!
Actually, the Titanium with the black wheels looks pretty good too.�
Mar 11, 2016
satheesh.net Here's a clip where the Black Onyx wheels are a shown.
Mar 11, 2016
MBTesLosAngeles He did them after market. He's a sig holder.
Mar 14, 2016
shadaz Saw a dozen model X's waiting for their new owners.. vin's in the 1300's.. but more importantly on this particular topic... here is what the black onyx look like..
Mar 14, 2016
dwebb66 That midnight silver is my external configuration and a similar VIN, but I'm picking up at the factory!�
Mar 15, 2016
nh-srt8 These pictures look to me to be significantly darker than the wheel depicted in the Design Studio where they appear to be grayer in color vs. pure black in the actual pictures. Is it possible they changed wheel color / supplier? I ordered these on my 90D and this may explain why my initial order has gone from September to April delivery.�
Mar 15, 2016
dwebb66 A month or two ago Tesla sent an email clearifing the color of the wheels to black.
I would have preferred a more grey wheel, but I still like it vs the standard silver with the midnight silver body.�
Mar 15, 2016
SolarRoof FYI, I will likely sell my 22" BO wheels when my X arrives in the next few weeks. I am in Phoenix, AZ.�
Mar 15, 2016
SolarRoof BTW, not to be a "first-post-for-sale" guy... I am just planning on changing the wheels, so thought I'd give a heads up. Like a lot of people recently, I went from zero news and expectations of a May-June delivery to a VIN last Thursday and a "you're car is built and will be delivered in two weeks" email the next day. I will be more active on many threads on this forum going forward.�
Mar 15, 2016
satheesh.net More Black Onyx wheels sightings.
Mar 15, 2016
It's possible that Tesla in the beginning called the wheels gray. In any case they looked exactly like gray wheels for Model S, and still does in the configurator. Then the name anthracite, followed by Onyx Black. I'm disappointed not to get the gray wheels I ordered, which likely would be better to the Midnight Silver than the pure black I will receive. Still a sharp look.�
Mar 15, 2016
dwebb66 Did you not get this email in January?
Mar 15, 2016
NorCalSJ I had my silver rims powder coated on my Model S and they turned out perfect. They have been on just over one year and look as good as day one. The total cost including R&R of the tires was $1000. Hope this helps, good luck...�
Mar 15, 2016
nh-srt8 I didn't get the email because I hadn't confirmed my order until March, only had a reservation, and this is the first that I've seen it posted. Either way the email stipulates that the color hasn't changed but to me they look significantly blacker than on the configuration depiction. I also ordered Midnight Silver but I personally think they will still go well with my choice of paint but would blend better if they were grayer.�
Mar 17, 2016
Darryl If there is anyone in the central Florida area who is interested in getting their wheels powder coated send me a private message. The person is a great detailer but can also coordinate the powerder coating of the wheels. He will put the car up on his lift, remove the four wheels, take care of having the tires unmounted, take the wheels next door to the company which does the powder coating. Once dry he will have the wheels remounted and put them back on the car. I saw some of the work he has done and it is superb.�
Mar 18, 2016
omarsultan Saw a white MX with Onyx wheels being delivered while I was a Rocklin today. The wheels are shinier than I expected. Not sure if I am a fan or not.�
Mar 18, 2016
satheesh.net Personally I think that is great news. I'm worried they are too black (hence the name I guess), but looking at pictures and seeing them "live" are probably two different things?�
Mar 18, 2016
omarsultan IMO, there are no wrong choices, its whatever works for you--for example, I think the wheels would look great with the metallic blue.�
Mar 19, 2016
rdalcanto I think the BO wheels look great on black, the blue, and midnight T. Not sure yet about the MC red. Not a fan personally on white and silver cars. Our MC Red is coming with silver. For fun, I might get snow tires on black rims, but I don't know yet.�
Mar 21, 2016
Mike_F Did anyone who switched from BO wheels to silver and pay $500 change fee have that fee refunded at delivery?�
Mar 21, 2016
ohmman Lots of black onyx wheels on Model X at the San Rafael SC today.�
Mar 21, 2016
Mike_F saw the BO wheels when I was there last week, look very different than on the configurator, different supplier?�
Mar 22, 2016
marty2112 ![]()
Traveling south on the 5 today.
Mar 22, 2016
K-MTG Cool, they are probably coming down here to SoCal. They aren't covering them as much as they use to anymore�
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